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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2000, 14(4), 451–456

q 2000 National Strength & Conditioning Association

Electromyographic and Kinetic Analysis of

Complex Training Variables
Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and Recreational Sports, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
53201; 2Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Northern Michigan University, Marquette,
Michigan 49855; 3Georgetown Healthcare System, Georgetown, Texas 78628.

ABSTRACT recommendations for complex training have appeared

The use of complex training as a method of combining in the literature (4, 17, 18). Verkhoshansky (17) intro-
weight and plyometric exercises during the same training duced the term complex training, which describes a
session is growing in popularity, despite limited scientific ‘‘complex of exercises united according to the principle
support for its efficacy. The purpose of this study was to that basic exercises for the development of reactive
examine the effect of a set of high-load bench press exercises ability is fulfilled in a background of heightened ex-
(BP) on a subsequent set of medicine ball power drop exer-
citability of the central nervous system, brought about
cises (MBPD) via mean ground reaction force, maximum
ground reaction force, and mean electromyography (EMGint). by preliminary fulfillment of exercise requiring great
Ten male (19 6 1.4 years) NCAA Division 1 basketball play- power.’’ Verkhoshansky (17, 18) recommended pairing
ers with experience in weight and plyometric training per- exercises such as the squat followed by depth jumps.
formed plyometric exercises under 2 randomly determined Chu (4) defines complex training as a workout sys-
conditions. One condition included a BP followed immedi- tem that combines strength work and speed work for
ately by a MBPD. The other condition included only the an optimal training effect, for example, coupling
MBPD. Mean ground reaction force, maximum ground re-
action force, and EMGint were recorded during the MBPD for weight and plyometric training exercises on a set-for-
both conditions. Results indicated that no significant differ- set basis. The set of high-load weight-training exercise
ences exist for mean ground reaction force, maximum is purported to create possible neurogenic, myogenic,
ground reaction force, and EMGint for the pectoralis major or psychomotor changes. A set of plyometric exercises
and triceps muscles between the MBPD and the BP plus that have similar movement patterns (biomechanically
MBPD conditions. These results indicate there is no height- comparable) and immediately follow the weight-train-
ened excitability of the central nervous system. However,
there also appears to be no disadvantage of performing ing exercise is believed to optimize the training effect
high-load weight training and plyometric exercises in com- through increased excitation of the motor neurons and
plex pairs. Therefore, complex training may be a useful train- enhanced involvement of the nervous system (4).
ing strategy because of the organizational advantages of per- Research on complex training is limited to the
forming weight and plyometric exercises in the same train- work of Verkhoshansky and Tetyan (19), who assessed
ing session. the effectiveness of 16 weeks of training with complex
pairs of exercises such as squats followed by jump
Key Words: complex training, integrated electromy- squats. The complex group was compared with 2 other
ography, ground reaction force, high-load weight groups. One group performed plyometrics before
training, plyometric exercise weight-training exercises; the second group performed
weight training before plyometric exercises. No nu-
Reference Data: Ebben, W. P., R. L. Jensen, and D. O. merical data or methods of performance analysis are
Blackard. Electromyographic and kinetic analysis of
complex training variables. J. Strength Cond. Res. 14(4): described, but the authors concluded the complex
451–456. 2000. training group was outperformed by the other 2
groups in absolute muscle strength, explosive muscle
strength, and starting muscle strength. Unfortunately,
there is a paucity of research examining complex train-
Introduction ing. Complex training could be further understood

C omplex training is one method of combining

weight and plyometric exercises, and anecdotal
through additional training studies or biomechanical

452 Ebben, Jensen, and Blackard

No researcher has investigated motor unit activity

or ground reaction forces during plyometric exercise
when performed after high-load weight training. Pre-
vious researchers have demonstrated that weight and/
or plyometric training increases integrated electro-
myography (EMG) values (9, 10). Hakkinen et al. (9)
report increases of maximum force accompanied by
significant increases in maximal EMG of the trained
muscle. EMG is altered by strength and plyometric
training and is the most direct assessment of neural
adaptation to training (15).
Researchers have evaluated pectoralis major and
triceps EMG activity during isometric and dynamic
exercise (11, 13, 21). Newton et al. (13) examined EMG
activity of weight training and ballistic movements. Figure 1. The bench was mounted to a 2-cm-thick alumi-
num platform (75 3 100 cm) bolted directly to a force
Tracey et al. (15) examined EMG activity of weight
training and stretch-shortening cycle activities. Results
of both studies indicated exercises performed explo-
sively have higher EMG activity throughout the range
Research Design
of motion.
Weight training facilitates concentric performance This study examined EMGint values, mean ground re-
to a greater extent, whereas plyometric training em- action force, and maximum ground reaction force dur-
phasizes the eccentric component and rate of force de- ing 2 conditions: (a) MBPD (a set of 5) and (b) BP
velopment (21). The relatively slow movement of the followed immediately by MBPD (a set of 5) (BP plus
eccentric phase of high-load weight training does not MBPD). Data were collected during the plyometric
result in rapid, eccentric force development (21). Since MBPD of each condition. Exercise order was randomly
eccentric strength is greater than concentric strength, determined. Five minutes of rest was allowed between
the constant load environment of weight training em- exercises for recovery of phosphagen systems. This
phasizes the weaker concentric phase of the movement rest duration was based on a pilot test that found no
(21). Thus, weight and plyometric training enhance difference in EMG values between subjects who were
allowed 5 minutes of rest after MBPD and subjects
different capacities of the neuromuscular system (21).
who performed no MBPD. This pilot study demon-
Evidence does not exist regarding the best combina-
strated that the MBPD did not influence EMGint during
tion of the 2 forms of training or how one form of
the plyometric condition. As a result, any changes pre-
training exercise may affect the other if performed in
sent in the complex condition would be attributable to
sequence. The purpose of this study was to examine
the effect of the high-load training (BP) as purported
the effect of a set of high-load bench press exercises
by previous researchers and sport scientists (4, 17–19).
(BP) on a subsequent set of medicine ball power drop
Warm-up activity and exercise-specific warm-up activ-
exercises (MBPD) as assessed by mean ground reaction ity were performed before the exercises. A BP 1 repe-
force, maximum ground reaction force, mean integrat- tition maximum (1RM) was determined using results
ed EMG (EMGint). of test performance repetitions, load, and a conversion
Methods The MBPD was performed with the subject lying
supine on a nonpadded bench with approximately 908
hip and knee flexion, resulting in the feet not contact-
Ten men (19.9 6 1.4 years) volunteered to serve as ing any surface. The bench was mounted to a 2-cm-
subjects for the study. All subjects were NCAA Divi- thick aluminum platform (75 3 100 cm) bolted directly
sion 1 basketball players and had weight-training and to a force plate (OR6-7-2000, AMTI, Watertown, MA)
upper- and lower-body plyometric training experience. (Figure 1). All ground reaction forces were limited to
This experience included training with the BP and the surface area of the bench. The MBPD (D-Ball, Mil-
MBPD. Subjects completed a Physical Activity Readi- lipitis, CA) was performed according to the methods
ness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) and signed an informed described by Chu (4).
consent form before participation in the study. Ap- According to Ebben et al. (6), medicine ball train-
proval for the use of human subjects was obtained ing loads with a vertical drop component need to con-
from Marquette University before initiation of the sider both ball mass and drop height to determine the
study. Subjects had performed no strength or plyome- impact force; thus, desired impact forces were
tric training in the 48 hours before data collection. achieved by using medicine balls of various mass and
Analysis of Complex Training Variables 453

Figure 2. The subject caught the medicine ball with both Figure 3. The certified strength and conditioning special-
hands and absorbed the force of the descending medicine ist caught the medicine ball on each repetition to prevent it
ball by horizontally flexing the shoulders, flexing the el- from falling on the subject and to ensure the subject re-
bows, and hyperextending the wrists. ceived the medicine ball above the chest and from the
proper height for each repetition.
height. Approximately 30% of BP 1RM was used for
the impact force of the MBPD. This value maximizes it from falling on the subject and to ensure the subject
muscular power output for ballistic movements (6, 21). received the medicine ball above the chest and from
The medicine ball impact force was estimated by a re- the proper drop height for each repetition (Figure 3).
gression equation in which vertical impact force 5 [(ht This allowed the subject to perform the exercise with
[cm] * 5.58) 1 (mass [kg] * 59.65)] 2 468.30 (6). For maximum effort and without concern about throwing
example, for subject 1, a 7.3-kg medicine ball was accuracy.
dropped from 23 cm to provide an impact force of 392 The BP was performed with the subject lying su-
N. The subject caught the medicine ball with both pine on a bench (Figure 4). A barbell in the uprights
hands and absorbed the force of the descending med- of the bench was loaded to a mass that would cause
icine ball by horizontally flexing the shoulders, flexing fatigue in fewer than 6 repetitions as determined from
the elbows, and hyperextending the wrists (Figure 2). previous testing. This training intensity and number
The subject then propelled the medicine ball back in of repetitions fall within the range recommended for
the direction from which it had been dropped. The complex training (7). All subject performances ranged
force plate was zeroed for the mass of the bench and from 3–5RM. A CSCS assisted the subject with re-
the subject to ensure that only forces from catching moving the barbell from the uprights as the subject
and propelling the medicine ball were measured. held the bar above his chest. The subject lowered the
Certified strength and conditioning specialists bar to his nipple line by horizontally flexing the shoul-
(CSCSs) assisted with supervising technique and ders and flexing the elbows. Once the barbell contact-
helped the subject by dropping the medicine ball so ed the subject’s chest, the subject horizontally extended
that it would fall above the subject’s chest. The CSCS the shoulders and extended the elbows to return the
caught the medicine ball on each repetition to prevent barbell to its starting position.
454 Ebben, Jensen, and Blackard

shoulder stretching. Activity-specific warm-up includ-

ed 1 set of 5 repetitions at 50% RM and 1 set of 3
repetitions at 80% RM of the BP and 10 repetitions of
the MBPD at submaximal loads. Following the warm-
up and stretching exercises, the subjects were allowed
at least 5 minutes of rest, during which time their skin
was prepared for surface electrode placement.
Skin preparation for surface electrodes included
shaving any hair, removing dead skin from the surface
with a roughing pad, and cleansing the surface with
alcohol. Three surface electrodes were used for each
muscle. For the pectoralis major, one electrode was
placed one-third of the distance from the body of the
sternum (middle of chest) to the greater tubercle of the
humerus (upper arm); the second electrode was placed
1 cm distal to and in the same longitudinal axis as the
first electrode; the ground electrode was placed on the
medial epicondyle of the humerus. For the triceps, the
first electrode was placed one-third of the distance
from the olecranon of the ulna (elbow) to the infragle-
noid tubercle of the scapula (armpit); the second elec-
trode was placed 1 cm distal to, and in the same lon-
gitudinal axis, as the first electrode; the ground elec-
trode was placed on the styloid process of the radius.
Following placement of the surface electrodes and con-
nection of the electrodes to the computer, the subject
participated in the 2 exercises.
Each subject randomly determined the order of ex-
ercise by mentally picking a number and telling it to
the researchers. If the number was odd, the subject
Figure 4. The set of high-load bench press exercises was participated in the MBPD followed by the BP plus
performed with the subject lying supine on a bench. MBPD. If the number was even, the subject participat-
ed in the BP plus MBPD followed by the MBPD. The
EMG data were recorded at 200 Hz by surface elec- EMGint and ground reaction forces were recorded dur-
trodes placed on the pectoralis major muscle and the ing the MBPD portion of each activity. On completion
long head of the triceps muscle. The surface electrodes of the exercise tests and removal of the surface elec-
were connected to an amplifier and streamed contin- trodes, subjects participated in cool-down and stretch-
uously through an analog to digital converter (Bio Pac ing exercises. Cool-down and stretching exercises con-
Systems, Inc., Goleta, CA) to an IBM-compatible note- sisted of 3 minutes of low-intensity aerobic activity.
book computer and diskette. Vertical ground reaction Mean vertical ground reaction force, maximum vertical
forces were determined via the force plate, which was ground reaction force, and EMGint for the pectoralis
connected to an amplifier (SCA-3, AMTI, Watertown, major and triceps data were analyzed using a 1-factor
MA) and streamed continuously through an analog to analysis of variance with repeated measures. A 0.05
digital converter (Bio Pac Systems, Inc., Goleta, CA) to level of significance was used for all statistical com-
an IBM-compatible notebook computer and diskette. parisons.
All data were filtered with a 10-Hz high-pass filter
(Winter, 1990) and saved with the use of computer Results
software (AcqKnowledge 3.2, Bio Pac Systems, Inc.,
Goleta, CA). Saved EMG data were full-wave rectified Data for the subject’s age, height, mass, estimated 1RM
and integrated. Comparisons were then made of the BP and actual BP, repetitions, and impact force are pre-
EMGint for the 2 conditions. sented in Table 1. No significant differences (p . 0.05)
were found between the MBPD condition and the BP
Research Procedures plus MBPD condition for any of the variables (Table
Warm-up and stretching exercises for the subject con- 2). This study demonstrates that no significant differ-
sisted of at least 3 minutes of aerobic activity, 10 clock- ences exist for EMGint of pectoralis major and triceps
wise and counterclockwise small arm circles, 10 clock- or for maximum and mean vertical ground reaction
wise and counterclockwise large arm circles, and force between MBPD and BP plus MBPD. Figure 5 il-
Analysis of Complex Training Variables 455

Table 1. Descriptive data of subjects.*

Subject Estimated Fatiguing Fatiguing Impact

No. Age (y) Height (m) Mass (kg) 1RM BP (kg) BP (kg) repetitions force (N)

1 18 2.01 98.0 133.2 122.7 4 392.0

2 19 2.11 121.5 136.4 125.0 3 405.4
3 21 1.96 96.1 115.5 104.5 5 338.5
4 22 2.03 104.3 128.2 118.2 5 378.6
5 18 1.75 70.7 78.6 72.7 4 231.6
6 19 2.11 106.1 123.2 115.9 3 360.8
7 21 1.85 112.5 123.2 115.9 4 360.8
8 21 1.83 77.6 86.4 79.5 3 253.9
9 20 2.01 98.9 125.5 113.6 5 369.7
10 20 1.88 97.5 130.9 120.5 5 383.1
Mean 6 SD 19.9 6 1.4 1.95 6 0.12 98.3 6 5.0 118.1 6 19.7 108.9 6 18.2 4.1 6 0.9 347.9 6 58.8

* 1RM 5 1 repetition maximum; BP 5 set of high-load bench press exercises.

Table 2. Comparisons between the BP plus MBPD and

the MBPD groups.*

Interactions BP plus MBPD MBPD

Mean ground reaction

force (N) 139.0 (614.8) 146.1 (625.1)
Maximum ground reac-
tion force (N) 900.5 (6380.1) 755.6 (6232.9)
EMG pectoralis major 2.28 (61.39) 2.25 (61.26)
EMG triceps 2.92 (60.82) 2.69 (60.82)

* Not significant at p 5 0.05. BP 5 set of high-load bench

press exercises; MBPD 5 set of medicine ball power drop
exercises; EMG 5 electromyography.

lustrates typical data of EMG and ground reaction


Numerous anecdotal observations exist in the strength
and conditioning literature, suggesting the advantage
of complex training and the mechanisms responsible
for its efficacy. The present study questions the pur-
ported ergogenic role of heightened excitability of the
central nervous system due to high-load training be-
fore plyometric exercises performed in complex pairs,
as evidenced by no differences in mean and peak
ground reaction forces and EMGint of pectoralis major
and triceps. Results of the present study also counter
suggestions that an advantage is accrued via complex Figure 5. Typical data of electromyography (EMG) and
ground reaction forces.
training that results in neurogenic changes as deter-
mined by EMG (4). Furthermore, complex training
does not enhance the ground reaction forces produced there appears to be no disadvantage of performing
during MBPD. high-load weight training and plyometric exercises in
Because this study found no significant differences complex pairs. Research indicates that dynamic ath-
in mean and peak ground reaction forces or EMGint, letic performance requires training strategies that train
456 Ebben, Jensen, and Blackard

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