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Script by

Brianna Rau




Today is a big day for detective Sawyer Brooks. He has been assigned to a murder case that
recently happened in town, and after a week of collecting evidence and asking people around
town for information about the case, he has finally deduced a culprit: a woman named Nancy
Newbold. Sawyer is on his way to her house to arrest her. As he drives, a voiceover plays of him
narrating his current situation.

Detective Brooks (Voiceover)

“Well, today is the day. I’m finally putting an end to a weeklong
case that’s shaken up this town.”

As the voiceover continues, several flashback shots of the detective collecting evidence is shown.

Detective Brooks (Voiceover)

“There was a murder that occurred here around a week ago, and
I’ve been put in charge to get to the bottom of it. For a week I’ve
been collecting and analyzing evidence, as well as asking all
around town to see if anyone knows anything about it. All my
evidence points to one person: Nancy Newbold, on 314 Aaron
Street. It all makes sense. So I’m now on my way to put an end to
this madness and call it a closed case.”

The flashback and narration end. Brooks is driving on his way to Nancy’s house. Once he
arrives, he parks the car, walks up to her front door, and knocks aggressively on the door. After
a few seconds, Nancy opens the door.

Nancy Newbold (confused)

“...Hi, can I help yo-”

Detective Brooks (cutting her off)

“Detective Sawyer Brooks with the Littleton Police Office. Come
with me, you’re under arrest.”

Nancy (shocked, confused)

“Under arrest?!? What? What did I do??”

Detective Brooks (sternly)

“You know what you did.”

Brooks grabs Nancy’s wrists and holds them behind her back while walking her out to the car.
She gets in the back of the car, Brooks gets in the driver’s seat, and they head off.


Detective Brooks and another detective, Ben Jones, are sitting at a table across from Nancy.
They are interrogating her about the murder.

Detective Brooks
“So, Ms. Newbold… tell me, where were you the night of
September 23rd?”

Nancy (after a pause)

“...Well…. I was home.”

“Did you happen to go anywhere? Perhaps anywhere around the
Littleton Vista?”

“No, I didn’t go anywhere that day. I stayed home all day, as I
always do on Saturdays. I was cleaning the house.”

Detective Jones (holding out a lipstick tube)

“Well, last week we discovered this laying on the ground outside
the Vista. We ran some DNA tests on the tube, and our results
suggest that this belongs to you. And, frankly, it looks quite similar
to what you’re wearing right now.”

Nancy looks at the lipstick tube that the Detective is holding out.

“Milani? Well, it could perhaps be mine, but you see, I’ve not used
Minali lipstick for months! I use a different brand now.”

Detective Brooks (in disbelief)

“And how can we know that you’re not lying to us?”

Nancy (innocently)
“Detective, I swear I’m telling the truth. Heck, you could use a lie
detector if you want, I won’t mind.”

Detective Brooks and Detective Jones look at each other. Doesn’t sound like that bad of an idea.
Jones retrieves a lie detector and hooks Nancy up. Brooks now asks the questions while Jones
watches the machine.

“So you’re telling me that this is not your lipstick.”

“No, I never said that. It very well could be mine that I owned
many months ago, but I don’t know how you would have found it.
I don’t use that brand of lipstick anymore.”

“And you’re saying that you were not near the Vista on Saturday

“Correct. I didn’t go anywhere that day. Please Detective, I swear I
am innocent.”

Brooks looks over at Jones. Nothing strange is showing up on the machine. Is Nancy really
telling the truth? Brooks looks back to Nancy.

Brooks (assertive, concerned)

“Nancy Newbold, did you commit the murder of William Smalls
on September 23rd?”

Nancy (truthfully)
“No… I did not.”

The machine stays steady. Nancy is telling the truth.

Nancy (scared)
“Please, Detectives. Please believe me…”

The detectives look at each other. It seems this case is far from over.


The two detectives are talking among each other, trying to figure out where they went wrong.

Brooks (beyond confused)

“It just doesn’t make any sense! All of the evidence points to her!”

Jones (concerned and confused)

“Did you contact all of the surrounding stations?”


“And you asked everyone in town about it?”

“Yes...well, most…”

Jones (alerted)
“Most? What do you mean most?”

“Well, there was one gentleman that I couldn’t get in contact with.
I believe he’s out of town.”

Jones (thinking)
“Well did you try to call him? Do you remember his name or

“I did call him several times, but he never answered his phone. If I
remember correctly, he lives somewhere on Elm Street.”

Jones goes onto the computer to try and find this man in their records. Brooks looks over his
shoulder. He starts to dig through his pockets and pulls out his notepad. He flips through the
pages, then throws it down on the desk next to Jones.

“Jason Rodriguez is the name. There’s his information.”

Jones looks at the notepad. He types the information into the computer, searches for a few
seconds, then finds something.

“Here he is.”

“Check his criminal record.”

Jones (concerned)
“In Berkeley County, a few cases of shoplifting, robbery… identity

Brooks (growing concerned)

“Identity theft?..... Is there anything to do with this information?”

Jones (after a few seconds of thought)

“.....I have an idea.”

Jones stands up abruptly. He has a plan. Brooks follows behind him.


Jones and Brooks have returned to the county jail to ask Nancy more questions.

Jones (seriously)
“Do you have any knowledge of a man named Jason Rodriguez?”

Nancy gasps. She knows exactly who he is.

Nancy (choked up)

“...Y-yes, I know Jason. He’s my ex-boyfriend of three years.”

Jones and Brooks look at each other in shock. This is huge information!

“What caused you guys to separate ways, if you don’t mind me

Nancy (reflecting on past)
“Jason.. is a greedy and toxic man. He caused me a lot of
emotional damage, he verbally hurt me… he would often steal my
money… and once he stole some of my jewelry to try and sell it
for money…”

The two detectives are taking in all this important information. Suddenly, Brooks jerks up. The
shot changes to several flashbacks that represent Brooks’ inner thoughts, showing Jason
rummaging through Nancy’s things and taking some of her belongings before leaving her, then
using her belongings during a murder scene….

Brooks (to himself, in revelation)

“That’s it!”

Jones and Nancy look at Brooks. Brooks is freaking out among himself. He thinks he has figured
it all out.

“What’s it?”

Brooks (thoughts rushing)

“...Jason- Jason did it! It was a set up! Jones, start calling the
neighboring stations! I’m gonna search up his plate number.”

Brooks stands up and rushes out of the room, leaving Jones and Nancy there. They both look
confused, but hopeful that Brooks might have cracked the case.


The shot shows a car with a specific license plate driving rapidly down the road. It’s Jason. He
was more than heading “out of town”--he was escaping. The shot shows murder evidence in the
back of his car--gloves, a hammer, a bag, things like that. After a few seconds, he sees police
lights appear all around him. He tries to speed up and escape them, but there’s no possibility.
The police have tracked him down. He knows what he’s done, and there’s no escaping now. He
pulls over, the police get out behind him, take him out of his car, and handcuff him. He’s off to


Nancy is being released from jail. Jason was found guilty and was thrown into jail. As Nancy is
being released, Detective Brooks is there to give her a formal apology.

Brooks (apologetic)
“Ms. Newbold, I am extremely sorry.”

“I forgive you. At least I was able to help you figure out the truth.”

“Oh definitely. It’s good we were able to find the real criminal.
Thankfully you don’t have to live your life wrongfully accused

Nancy (laughing lightly)

“Yeah, that’s a good thing.”

“Oh, and I’m really sorry for what you’ve been through. If you
ever need anything, don’t be afraid to give one of us at the station a

He hands Nancy a business card with his and a few other detectives’ phone numbers on it.

Nancy (smiling)
“Thanks, detective. I appreciate it greatly.”

Nancy walks out of the room. Brooks watches her as she leaves. After a few seconds, Brooks
heads out as well. The case is thankfully settled at last.



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