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ZERO IF/WHEN + PRESENT TENSE + PRESENT TENSE For facts that are always true or facts
Simple Simple that happen as a result of something
CONDITIONAL Continuous Continuous else.
Perfect Perfect
If you heat the water at 100°, it boils.

FIRST IF + PRESENT TENSE + FUTURE TENSE Things that will probably happen in the
Simple Will future in a real situation. We are talking
CONDITIONAL Continuous Going to in the present.
Perfect Perfect
If you fall, I won’t be able to catch you!

FUTURE TIME FUTURE TENSE + EXPRESSION + PRESENT TENSE We use in case when we do something
as soon as in order to be ready for future
CLAUSES when situations/problems.
I'll take an umbrella if it rains. = I won't
take an umbrella if doesn't rain.
in case I'll take an umbrella in case it rains. =
before I'll take an umbrella anyway because it
might rain.

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