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Andee Farrand

Standard 4c Reflection

When teaching children that speak other languages than English it is important to

consider that in the child’s home their parents most likely only speak a language other

than English. Many children will only speak English while in the school and classroom,

when they are around their family they will speak a forgein language. Some children

come from families where the parents are learning English from their child. This can be

difficult for the child that is trying to understand the English language and then return

home and try to repeat everything they learned throughout the day to their parents. Also

when children have extended breaks from school like summer break when the child

returns to school they may have forgotten some of the English language because they

have not been using it while they were at home with their family.

I would not have the same approach to teaching a child that speaks a forgein

language compared to a child that speaks English. Children that come from a forgein

language speaking home are going to require more time and more repetition of some

words compared to a child that already speaks English. These children may also come

across as shy and not want to engage with the other children in the class because they

will have trouble communicating with one another. As a teacher I would provide this
child with all of the resources I could to make their transition into speaking English go


Strategies I would use with a child that’s first language is not English is to try and

translate the materials before giving them to the child. For example I would have flash

cards with a picture and the word under the picture in English and Spanish so the child

could make the connection in their mind. I would also utilize Google Translate to help

the child communicate with me. This would make it easier to understand what the child

is trying to communicate to me. I would also give the child our weekly lessons a week

before we do them as a class so the child has time to understand and translate the

material to make the connection stronger in the classroom. Also if the child needed

extra support I would look into getting the child an aid that can help them throughout the

school day.

I would meet the child’s parents/guardians in person to get a better

understanding of what kind of support the child has outside of the classroom. By

connecting with the child’s parents face to face this will strengthen our relationship and

better the environment for the child’s education. I would also ask the parents if they

would feel more comfortable if I sent the monthly newsletters and information to their

house translated in their first language so they are able to read and be aware of what

their child is doing inside the classroom and are aware of all the important date or other

information they should know about. Meeting the child’s parents/guardians will also
better help me connect with what resources the child and family may be in need of to

help the child’s education be successful.

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