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Mary Kate Kuchinski

Ap Language Composition

Tatum 4th

5 May 2020

Thomas Paine’s ​Rights of Man​ holds true to the America of Today

America is a place known by most, loved by many, and infiltrated by some. In the 1700s

when the United States celebrated its first birthday, which marked their freedom from England,

July 4th was recognized as a beloved moment in history. Even in the present day, it is still

celebrated annually, proudly by repping the colors red, white, and blue. Over the years many

characteristics of what it means to be American have been altered; it is hoped that these changes

are for the benefit of all citizens. Thomas Paine, a famous American author, wrote a synopsis of

what it truly means to be a part of America, and several statements hold true to this day.

In Paine’s excerpt from ​Rights of Man​ it is shared that American serves as home to

people from all over the globe; this fact is still true in today’s world. In modern day 2020, family

lineages stem from every continent: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, South America,

and other countries of North America. While being a hub and a home to people from all over,

cultural diversity is on the rise. In accordance with this increase of cultural diversity is the use of

various different languages. If one were to visit a public place, such as a supermarket, and pull

out any given person there is an extremely high chance that either them, or their parents grew up

learning a second language in their household. These results are due to the unification of many

different cultures from around the world, which all have created a community in one country: the

United States.
Another element Paine introduces as a possible reasoning for diversity is differing

religions of citizens. While back in Thomas Paine’s time the major difference was the

contrasting sects and denominations of Christianity, today the diversity has continued to increase

by having a nation that consists of multiple different religions to the table. When taking a drive,

or possibly visiting public places, it is now common to expect to see someone wearing a

headdress, having a rosary hang from their rearview mirror, or spotting a Buddha statue in a nail

salon. These all represent the diversity among citizens, but also represent our communion under

the waving flag. America has shown that it is possible to unite people of different beliefs and

heritages in a peaceful manner.

The government of today continues to have a voice that remains in the people, just as it

did back then. The right of free speech is practiced daily. From the time ​Rights of Man ​was

written additional laws have been enforced in order to specify the meanings, along with others

being revoked, as they are now viewed as taking away freedom, rather than granting it. All of

these changes that have been made, and most likely will continue to be made are all in attempts

to better the nation.

The argument of increased taxes and a wider range between social classes is prevalent,

but no country has all their ducks in a row. In recent years, however, with a new Commander and

Chief, there has been a decrease in unemployment with hopes to bridge a once growing social

gap, along with a decrease in taxes. By attempting to achieve this new goal it alters the

seemingly unfair and biased protocol of the prior economy of the U.S.

The “American Dream” exemplifies the image of a clock that has several different

sections that are always moving and changing as time goes by. What makes the clock work
properly, though, is that all the differing axles work with one another to achieve their purpose.

The same holds true with all different parts and people of America. Some agree with changes

being made, and others do not. All in all, the nation holds true to the core values in which the

original United States believed: justice for all.

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