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3/30/2020 Playing | Introduction to HTML

History of HTML

History of HTML
HTML is introduced by Tim Berners-Lee in the year of 1990.  Actually, HTML is a product of SGML
(Standard Generalized Markup Language). This language is mainly being used to prepare an
electronic document. In the beginning, HTML is basically used to create a large number of
HyperText documents for the web. At that time, Tim Berners-Lee runs the first version of HTML is
a true web browser which he developed and run on a NeXt Workstation. That browser is
developed in Objective C. After the first release of the HTML, there are several versions of HTML
has been released till today for the betterment and fulfill the new requirement of the web

Why should one learn HTML

HTML is a language which is used to create web page on the internet.  HTML is much powerful in
the internet or web world to display any kind of content as a web page. There are several reasons
why we need to learn HTML such as –

For better communications through the web

To easily create any web page using HTML

To learn how we can design and decorate the web page for the web world.

Version History of HTML

HTML starts its journey in the year of 1990. After that, there are several new versions has been
released till today. The below tables show the Version History of HTML.

Version Features

1993 HTML introduced for the first time along with 22 tags

1995 Some new features tag etc introduced.

HTML This version contains several tag and attributes for the styling things like
3.2 links and text.

HTML 1998 In this version, Styling become separate from HTML as many styling tags 1/2
3/30/2020 Playing | Introduction to HTML

4.0 History of HTML

and attributes were depreciated. HTML 4.0 provides tags for stylesheets,
scripts, frames, embedded objects etc.

It uses all the basic tags of HTML 4.0. Also, it introduced some new tags
like <article>, <audio>, <canvas>, <datalist>, <footer>, <header>,
2014 <video>, <time> etc. Also, there are some new input tags for the Form
element like search, url, email, datetime, date, month, week, range, color

The below tables show the HTML version wise available content types in the HTML.


Type of Content Purpose or Objective for Use
1.0 4.0 5.0

Used to create page heading and sub heading

Heading Yes Yes Yes
in a page

Paragraph Yes Yes Yes Used to create a paragraph content

Address Yes Yes Yes Used to display some contact information

Achor or
Yes Yes Yes Used to link other document to open

List Yes Yes Yes Used to displays data in a list format

Image Yes Yes Yes Is used to embedded an image in the page

Used to display data into row and columns

Table No Yes Yes

Add CSS files to changes the design or look of

Style No Yes Yes
the page

Script No Yes Yes Add custom JavaScript files

Audio No No Yes Used to add audio file with a single tag

Video No No Yes Used to add video file with a single tag

Used to display or create a drawing pad in the

Canvas No No Yes
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