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1. Mention what are the main language or platform used for web-design?

The main language used for web-designing are

HTML: Base template

CSS: Styling
JavaScript: Functionality
PHP: Server side scripts

2. Explain how can you set an image as a background on web pages?

To set an image as a background on web page, point the body background to the name of
your image you want to set as a background as shown below.


<body background= “picture.gif”>

You can also fix the background image, so while using the scroll bar in the browser, it does
not move. To do this add the BGPROPERTIES tag as shown below
<body background = “picture.gif”bgproperties=”fixed”>

3. Mention what do you mean by Responsive design on a web page?

Responsive design is an approach to building sites to provide an optimal viewing and
interaction experience. It focuses on easy navigation of site with a minimum of scrolling,
panning and resizing across all devices.

Bootstrap is the most popular CSS, HTML and JS framework used for developing responsive
web design

4. Explain what is the difference between “visibility:hidden” and

They are both style properties

visibility:hidden: This property hides the element, but it still takes up space in the layout
display:none: It eliminates the element completely from the document. It does not take up
any space, even though the HTML for it is still in the source code.

5. In CSS when you will use CSS float?

In CSS, you would use CSS float when you want to make an element of your page be pushed
to the right or left and make other elements wrap around it.
6. Why should a graphic containing several words should be saved in GIF
instead of JPG?
It is preferable to store the image in GIF format if image consists of certain words because
JPG has file compression features which may render the fonts unreadable.

7. Explain how can you integrate CSS file to your webpage?

To integrate CSS file with any number of HTML files, you have to integrate the file after the
<head> tag using “Link” property.

<head><Link REL=STYLESHEET HREF= “filename.css”Type=“text/css”></head>

8. Explain what is Grid system?

A grid system is a structure comprising a series of horizontal and vertical lines which
intersect and used to arrange content. It is a way of providing a system that designers can
work with the structure and present content. For web design beginners, it is always suggested
that they use the pre-made framework for web design as they are relatively easy to use.

9. What is website designing?

Website Designing may be defined as front end architecture of websites using multiple skills
and disciplines i.e. Graphics, User Interface(UI), User Experience(UX), web layouts. Along
with backend script, the broad term becomes ‘Web Development’ but Web Designing only
includes the front end portion of the websites. Though the front-end is also a highly popular
professional term too.

10.What is HTML?

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is standard markup language used for creating
websites and web application. Everything you see on modern web browsers or internet are
part of HTML only. Text, content, images , videos and almost everything is put inside
HTML tags for users to view them on internet.

11.What does CSS stand for?

Cascading Style Sheets are the presentation or visual style of the web pages i.e. font, color,
size (markup languages). They are used in combination with HTML web pages to align them
in a proper way.
12. What does DOCTYPE mean?

DOCTYPE is declaration of instruction about the HTML document version for modern
browser to render them accordingly. DOCTYPE is not an HTML tag and is also not case

13. What is a CSS file? For what purpose it is used?

These are the main style-sheet which are used for arranging HTML elements. There are three
ways of adding CSS style sheets to the web layout.
Internal Stylesheet: These are within the page but separate from HTML tags done with
Separate style tag.
External Stylesheet: In these separate CSS files are called from different source completely
done with import URL CSS property
In line Style Sheet: These are directly put on the tags and hence they have the highest priority
over the other two.

14.What is an external style sheet? How can we link it?

These stylesheets are imported from URL and most often are on the same server only but can
also be called from different server.

15. How do you insert a comment in a CSS file.?

These are just specific instruction given to make those changes and aid in the future for any
more adjustments easily rather than searching for the whole file as it may be too large.

16. What are HTML comment?

HTML Comment tag are the basic instructions given with in any html layout and these are
not displayed in browser and are just for informative purpose only.

17. What is the difference between HTML5 and HTML?

HTML5 is the latest version of HTML only but with lot of features added to from the basic
version of HTML. New tags, added functionality, animation, transition, Gradient, webfonts,
SVG, figure tag, regular expressions, editing content within elements are some of the most
popular features of HTML 5 version.

18. How many types of elements are defined in HTML5?

In HTML there are basically two types of elements i.e. block elements and in-line elements.
Block elements takes the whole line space like <div> tag while inline space take only the
space with their respective content only like <span> tag.

19 . What are HTML Attributes? Explain HTML Global Attributes!

In HTML attributes provide more information about the various elements being used with in
the web structure. For e.g. href attribute of a tag, src attribute of img tag etc
Global Attributes are those few limited HTML attributes which can used with all HTML tags
for better informative. For e.g, class, id, dir etc. Here is complete list of HTML Global

20 . Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?

With HTML Style attribute one can add inline styles to the web layout. If there are CSS
written within the HTML tag then it is generally shows inline style is written.

21. What are basic technologies that go along with web designing

HTML CSS & JS are the basic technologies around which the whole fundamental of web
designing is built. So it is necessary to get acquainted with their basic rulings, script, layout,
tags closing and more. It is also recommended to get working within script-based
programming like PHP as you go advance skills for your future.

22. How do fonts work with HTML? Explain the term Web Safe fonts!
Fonts are different calligraphy presentation of writing characters. Earlier Font tag was
specifically used for making desired effects but with HTML5 font tag is depreciated now!
Now in CSS3 they are directly used as CSS font attribute with specific value only.
Web Safe Fonts are those fonts which are available on the majority of the system all around
the world. So users can have a similar calligraphic result for their fonts over the global
internet with which fonts they were started with.

23. Explain the use of grids in web layout!

With modernization, grids have become an important part of web layout that offers semantic
layout popular with popular web layouts that are used on multiple websites these day.

24. What are HTML Themes and templates?

To build HTML websites there are pre-built themes and templates that are used for that
specific purpose only. HTML news template, HTML admin theme etc
25. How you will differentiate between HTML tags vs. elements vs.
HTML elements are semantic parts of a document having start tag and end tag. While tags
are specific name character used for that purpose only i.e. p tag for a paragraph. Attributes
are defined as specific values for a given element like alt attribute for image tag.

26. Explain the concept of Responsive Web Designing!

With huge increase in modern smartphones the concept of responsive web designing(RWD)
is being used across all form of web designing. In RWD different CSS is used across
multiple change of screen size for better viewing purpose altogether. Also read Responsive
Web Design interview questions and answers for more information.

27. What are different types of Web Design? Differentiate between Static
and Dynamic Web Design?

Web Design can be broadly classified into two major types i.e, Static and Dynamic.
‘Static Web Design’ are the one’s which uses only the HTML CSS and JS portion for
presenting web layouts with no data fetching from database at all.
‘Dynamic Web Design’ are the one in which values and data are fetched regularly from

28 . How to check for web design issues that appear in websites?

A. Most of the browsers provide inspect element properties for each page to check with their
web designing issues that often arise while building raw HTML structures. There are also
many sites which aid in testing for specific issues like responsive tests etc.

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