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March 2019

Published by Mobberley Parish Council and

delivered free to every home in Mobberley by
a highly valued team of volunteers.

Clerk to the Parish Council and Editor:

Mrs Sarah Sherwood
42 Birches Lane, Lostock Green, Northwich CW9 7SN
Tel: 01565 872333

Page 1
The appearance of these adverts does not constitute a recommendation.

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Mobile: 07971 784844 Telephone/Fax: 01565 873085

Cheshire Pet Supplies

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Unit 5 Oakfield Trading Estate Oakfield Road, Altrincham, WA15 8EJ
0161 928 3588

Page 2
Mobberley Parish Council

On behalf of Mobberley Parish Council, Councillor Janet

Cookson would like to wish all the residents of Mobberley a
belated happy and peaceful New Year. The next two meetings of
Mobberley Parish Council will be held at 7.30pm at the Rajar
Building on Monday 4th March 1st April.
Please feel free to attend this meeting; however, if you wish to
ask any questions on the evening, please submit them in writing
to the Clerk at least three clear working days before the date of the meeting.

Mobberley Village Community Award

Thank you to the residents who have already sent in their nomination for the
Mobberley Village Community Award.

All nominations received are discussed by the Parish Council and the winner of the
award will be presented at the Open Meeting which this year will be held on
23rd April.

If you feel there is someone you would like to nominate, please send your
nomination to the Clerk (details on the front page) by 10th April 2019.


Mobberley Parish Council Planning Committee holds regular planning meetings at

which each planning application received by the Council is considered. Members of
the public are always welcome to attend these meetings and, like the monthly Parish
meetings, there is a 15-minute agenda item near the beginning of the meeting for
attendees to raise any issues they feel appropriate. The next Planning meeting will
be held 11th March at the Rajar Building at 7pm.

The Parish Council are statutory consultees for any planning application in the
village—they forward a response to Cheshire East Council, who review the
responses and planning regulations and make the final decision.

If you wish to receive a copy of each planning meeting agenda, please contact the
Clerk who will ensure you receive a copy when the agenda is sent out.

Front Cover by Julie Drury—Mobberley Railway Station in the snow taken by

Steve Hunt.

Page 3
Mobberley Resident to take part in the London Marathon

Mobberley resident, Andy Burgess (the person who carved the

beautiful soldier at the Victory Hall) is running his first ever marathon
in April and what better marathon to start with but the London

As well as being extremely excited about the prospects of taking part

in such a prestigious, yet daunting run, he is training hard in the local
area in preparation for the event. Prior to the London Marathon,
Andy will be taking part in the Wilmslow Half Marathon in March.

The charity Andy is representing is Genetic Disorders UK and anyone who wishes
to make a donation to help Andy raise money for his chosen charity can donate
using his donations page

Mobberley Community Orchard

Working parties take place on the Community Orchard every

These take place every second Saturday of the month from
8.30pm and residents who would like to help out should wear sen-
sible footwear and gloves.

If you need information on which tools to bring (if any), please

contact Nick Eadie on 872306 for advice.
Charity Quiz

The Railway Inn will be holding two charity quizzes on Friday

8th March and 5th April at 8.30pm. The cost is £2 per
person and a prize will be awarded each round.

The charity this year is The Joshua Tree which is a charity

operating across the North West and North Wales dedicated
to working closely with the families affected by childhood cancers.

Waters Wilmslow Half Marathon

Don’t forget the Wilmslow half marathon will take place this year on Sunday
24th March.

As well as being able to watch hundreds of contestants all raising money for charity,
spectators along Town Lane will be able to listen to The Caravanettes who are a
Macclesfield based ladies choir.

Let’s hope the weather is better than it was last March and that a lot of fun is had
and a lot of funds raised for all the various charities.

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Mobberley Women’s Institute
Mobberley Women's Institute meets at Mobberley Methodist Church
Upcoming meetings:
Thursday 21st March at 2pm-speaker Barbara Moth
"Caldwell's Nurseries"
Thursday 25thApril at 2pm-speaker June Corner
“Naughty but Nice”.
Ladies always welcome as our guests. Secretary-Clare Slack (873680).

Mobberley Senior Citizens

Forthcoming Trips
7th May. Trip to Barton Grange Garden Centre. Cost
£13. All monies to be paid one week prior to the trip. To
book phone Mrs Curbishley 01565 872243.

Pick up points
Bird in Hand 9.25am
Bus stop Town Lane 9.30am

11th June. Trip to Llandudno, including lunch and

afternoon tea. Free to Mobberley senior citizens,
limited seats priority to Mobberley seniors, spare
seats if available Wil be sold on a first come first
served basis. To book phone Mrs curbishley

Pick up points
Bird in hand 9.25am
Bus stop Town Lane 9.30am

Mobberley Senior Citizens bingo every Monday evening at the

Victory Hall. Eyes down at 8pm.

Mobberley Scouts
Barbara Horry is collecting all year round for table top sales, so please keep
donating anything apart from:
Curtains, bedding and books.
Thank you for your fantastic support.
Contact Barbara for more details:

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Snow comes to Mobberley
Thank you to all the residents who sent in some wonderful frosty pictures when the
snow landed in Mobberley at the end of January.

Below is a selection of some of the photographs:

Left: Frosty the Snowman on the

Ilfords Playing field—sent in by
the Tymms family.

Right: Town Lane—sent in by

Megan Cookson

Left: The Community Meadow—

sent in by Megan Cookson

Right: St Wilfrids—sent in by
Alan Temple

Left: A robin trying to find break-

fast—taken by Alan Temple.

Do keep sending in the wonderful

pictures of Mobberley. They are very
much appreciated.

Page 6
The Rose Queen Festival committee would like to congratulate
Lucy Norbury who has been selected as this year’s Rose Queen.
Her Ladies in Waiting are Chloe Barker and Tawni Davies. It was
a very difficult decision for the judges as all the candidates made
confidently presented statements to the judges. It was a pleasure
to hear how committed the girls are to the Festival and Mobberley
We hope Lucy, Chloe and Tawni have a fabulous day.

Mobberley Association of Church Fellowships

Next Meetings

Members meet at the Rajar Building.

On Wednesday the 13th February members had a wonderful meeting , listening to

stories of members from their past. Stories that were very diverse in the telling but to
which so many of us could relate to. The star of our show has to go to Pat Williams
who read to us a story that she had written when she was 11 years old. It was a
detailed account of her experience as an evacuee at the beginning of World War 2.

Wednesday 13th March 2pm for 2.30pm. We will be welcoming the last of our
speakers, Mr Earnest Rae. I have a feeling that this could be one of our best
speakers ever, so I hope as many people as possible will make the effort to come.

While we were enjoying our well earned cup of tea and a biscuit we had a chat about
how the club was going to go forward. It was decided to change the name to “The
Friendship Club”.

The reason for this is because 2 years ago The Association of Church Fellowship
was finalised. It is sad that so many of the traditional groups are finding it difficult to
replace members, but it is such a different world we now live in. By changing the
name of the group we hope to attract people from other walks of life. Everyone will
be welcome to come in for a cup of tea and a biscuit, possibly a piece of cake, and of
course the obligatory raffle ticket.

The meetings will still take place on the second Wednesday of each month at 2pm,
except for January and August. We do hope to have some events. These will be
notified in the Mobberley Church magazine and the village newsletter.

We all look forward to seeing as many people as possible.

Pam Smith 01625 860354


Page 7

Guides have been especially busy this past term. We started

the year off by asking the girls to consider how they may
make a difference if they were “Chief Guide” for a day. There
were some truly inspiring ideas around the theme, which was
inspired as part of our World Thinking Day, the annual Girl Guide celebration of the
friends and sisters that we have in the association all around the world. We enjoyed a
trip to the cinema one Saturday morning to watch Mary Poppins Returns at the
Trafford Centre and we enjoyed celebrating International Hug Day by looking at
random acts of kindness. The girls also enjoyed marking the start of Chinese New
Year and the Year of the Pig by decorating paper fans and making dragons for good
At Brownies we have been exploring the local history and have learnt all about the
Mobberley Crepe Mill that was situated on Mill Lane, which closed at the end of the
1880s. We have also identified other buildings around the area that were previously
of importance such as Silk Fields which was the original Post Office, The Old School
House on Hall Lane and the Old Smithy Garage. The girls found it fascinating to learn
how our village has changed through the years. We were also thrilled this term to
receive a certificate of acknowledgment from the Ministry of Housing, Communities
and Local government and the Air Chief Marshall, Chief of the Royal Air Force for our
contributions last year to the Remembrance of those who served in the First World
War in the year of centenary of the Armistice.
The Rainbows this term have been enjoying making connections with each other and
are exploring the theme of friendship and what makes a good friend. We have been
creating gifts to give to each other including Pom-Pom key rings and friendship
bracelets and we celebrated Valentine’s day by thinking about the qualities that we
admire in each other. We are looking forward to celebrating World Thinking Day when
we return from half term and hope to attend a jamboree camp fire with Guiding friends
from around the wider Knutsford area. We will also be looking forward to pancake
If you have a daughter aged between 5 and 14 and would like more information on
joining the Girl Guides please call Helen Kynnersley (Rainbows and Brownies) on
07813 927103 (voice calls only) or Nathalie Goulbourn (Guides) on 07952 282730.

The Mobberley Trust is a local charity that exists to help you. It can make grants to
Mobberley residents and to organisations that benefit the people of Mobberley.

Naturally, confidentiality is utmost when considering and making grants, which is why
the Trust often finds it difficult promoting what it does.

The Trust normally makes one-off payments for essential items or work that people or
groups can’t afford. You can contact the Trust by emailing its Secretary, the Revd. Ian
Blay, at, or, if you prefer a more direct approach, you can
speak in confidence with Dr Tim Mallon, or Mike McDonald (873145), all of whom are
Trustees. Don't worry if you lose these contact details because each month there’ll be
a Mobberley Trust advert in this newsletter.

Page 8
Rural Watch
Rural Watch is the system for the sharing of information across Cheshire’s rural
communities to tackle criminality and other issues affecting them.
The main aims of Rural Watch are:
 To provide Rural Watch signs to deter criminals and anti-social behaviour
 To encourage telephone and email contact between the community and
Cheshire Police about crimes and suspicious activity
 To encourage rural communities to take crime prevention and deterrent action.
Participating in a Rural Watch scheme can increase feelings of safety and security in
rural areas, enhance the prevention and detection of crime, and help Cheshire
Police to bring offenders to justice and recover stolen property.
As a Rural watch member you will receive:
Regular alerts, Crime Prevention advice, Information on outstanding rural related
Please be advised that we may not be able to report on all crimes that come in, but
we will do our best to keep you as up to date as possible.
Interested in signing up to Rural watch?
Please email
Thank you to the residents of Mobberley who have contacted the clerk regarding
receiving their newsletter by e-mail. If you would like to be included on this mailing
list please contact The newsletter is
guaranteed to be with you before the start of the month.

The newsletters past and present are available on the Parish Council website.

Mobile library
The mobile library will be visiting Edenfield Close between 2pm
and 3pm, and Bernisdale Road between 3.15pm and 4pm, on
the following dates:
1st & 22nd March and 12th April.
Mobberley Victory Hall
Organising an event? Then why not book the Victory Hall, which offers:
 two function rooms available to hire, separately or together
 an ideal venue for weddings, birthday parties, craft fairs, etc., for up to 150
 a specially designed sprung floor for dancing
 an extendable stage ,suitable for plays and pantomimes
 a large kitchen area and access to managed bar
 very reasonable hire charges.
For booking enquires please visit

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Sunday 19th May 2019 at 12.30pm

At Orchard Lea, Lady Lane, Mobberley

£20 including a glass of wine


Tickets from Philippa (872305) or Penny (650207)

(Book early to avoid disappointment!)

Page 11
St. Wilfrid CofE, Church Lane, Mobberley
Rector: Rev’d Canon Ian Blay 873218/
Sunday services

Holy Communion 8.30am

Morning Worship (and Sunday Club) 10am
Choral Evensong 6.30pm

Everyone has heard of the great Mardi Gras

celebration but what some don’t realise is that
Mardi Gras (literally ‘Fat Tuesday’) is simply a
more exuberant celebration of our very own
Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day, the day
before Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday,
which is the first day of Lent, falls on the 6th
April and we shall be marking this with a
sung service of Holy Communion at 7.30pm
which will incorporate the imposition of ashes as a sign of our penitence and our
commitment to keeping a holy Lent.

Each weekday during Lent there will be a said service of Morning Prayer in church at
9am and each Wednesday there will be a service of Compline at 7pm at which we
will hear excerpts from ‘The Celtic Way’ by Ian Bradley.

The 24th March is the day of the Wilmslow Half Marathon and arrangements have
been made with the race organisers to allow people to drive down Church Lane after
our 10.00am service. Those wishing to do so can only turn left towards Wilmslow and
should be in possession of a windscreen pass available from church.

The following Sunday, March 31st, is the 4th Sunday of Lent which by tradition is kept
as Mothering Sunday. We shall be holding an All-Age service at 10am at which all the
ladies will receive a gift of flowers.

Our Messy Church meets on Saturday 30th March at 10.00am at the Rajar. Messy
Church is for all the family with arts and crafts, stories and songs. Do come and give it
a try.

In the afternoon of the 30th our organist David Williams will be performing a recital of
‘Music from the Movies’ at St. Wilfrid’s at 2.00pm. These is aimed largely at younger
people and Includes pieces from Frozen, Moana, Despicable Me 2, Peter Pan and the
Jungle Book. This is an afternoon of fun for all the family, admittance is free and
refreshments will be on sale.

You can find out more about all these services and events, and much more, on our

Page 12
Lent - a time for spiritual Renewal

I am impressed by how many people are investing in themselves, through different

means. A Number of years ago, I set a goal to lose 16.2 Kgs, it was really hard at
first as I put myself on a strict diet (the first two weeks included Easter) it was a real
challenge, but as the weight started to disappear, I found, that I had new energy, I felt
good about myself, and it focused me on other areas in my life. These seasons of
sacrifice that we all aspire to, have that goal, not just sacrifice, but for a greater goal,
and often the results are far better than we anticipated.

In the church, once a year, Christians are invited to observe a 40 day time of sacrifice
which we call the season of lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday (6th March) and is
a 40 day period of self sacrifice, but not to punish yourself, but rather to focus
yourself and to emerge in a stronger healthier place. This is not just about giving up
something like chocolate, but rather taking up good habits, like prayer and generosity
to those around you.

Have you ever observed lent, or Ash Wednesday. Why not join us on the 6th of
March at either 10 am or 7pm for our Ash Wednesday services, and see learn how
this can be a real time of growth for you.

If lent does not sound very exciting, there are many others ways to be a part of the
church, includes :-

The alpha course

On Tuesdays from 7pm to 9 pm for adults be-

ginning 5th February.

On Mondays 6.30pm to 8pm for teenagers

beginning 4th February

For more information give me a call, or just

come along and see.
Or join us for our regular Sunday worship services:
9.15am - a fun but fulfilling family service.
10.45am - a more traditional service.
Shell Group for children aged 7 to 11. We meet fortnightly during term-time from
6:00pm – 7:15pm in the schoolroom.

I hope and pray that spring is just around the corner, and that it is filled with warmth
both in friendships and temperature.
Rev Scott
Email address -
Mobile - 07510033199
Find us on Facebook to keep up to date on all the great things we are planning.

Page 13
The appearance of these adverts does not constitute a recommendation.


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Second opinions on dental treatment plans in Knutsford

Page 14
The appearance of these adverts does not constitute a recommendation.

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Page 15
Mobberley Parish Councillors
Chairman Sally Kendall
Janet Cookson
889127 Transport, Airport
Planning, Police Liaison, Youth Council Viv Pike
Vice-chairman TDC, Rajar Building, Community Meadow
Colin Booth
Planning, Highways, Manchester Airport Ian Norbury
Consultative Committee
Village Matters
Heidi Gilks Justyn Lambert
07770 588683
Planning Chairlady
Amenities, TDC, Village Matters, Hedges
David Swan Sean Thomson
Footpaths, Community Meadow Cheshire Resilience Plan, TDC, Village
John Unterhalter Matters
David Elves
Neighbourhood Plan

Clerk to the Council Cheshire East Councillor

Sarah Sherwood Councillor Jamie Macrae
872333 873263 or 07872 807367
Useful numbers
Ark Veterinary Mobberley – 872035
Cheshire East Council – 0300 123 55 00 Mobberley Newsletter
Cheshire East Councillor – J Macrae 873263
Citizens Advice – 03444 111 444 Please let us know what you
Well Pharmacy, Mobberley – 872080 think of the newsletter, either
D&G Little Bus – 01270 252572
Fire Dept. (non-urgent) – 633369 by contacting the Clerk or by
Knutsford Police – 0845 458 0000 visiting the Parish website,
Knutsford Children’s Centre – 01625 374904 where you will also find other
Emergency Dentist – 874009
Methodist Minister Rev Scott Manning – 228948 interesting information about
1st Mobberley Rainbow and Brownies – 07813927103 Mobberley:
Mobberley Association of Church Fellowships – 872801
Mobberley Bridge Club – 872793 Your views are important.
Mobberley Burleyman 07900 922380
Mobberley Cattery – 872467 Copy for April 2019
Mobberley Cricket Club – 873252
Mobberley Parish Council – 872333 edition to be with the Parish
Mobberley Pre-School – 07771 426292 Clerk by 14 March 2019
Mobberley Primary School – 01625 383055
Mobberley Trust – 873145 Please feel free to contact the
Mobberley Victory Hall – 07415 175216 Clerk/editor with any pictures
Mobberley Women’s Institute – 873680
MOPS After School Club – 07759 563603 or news you would like to see
PCSO Emma Darroch—07989 438404 included in the
Rajar Building – 872333 Mobberley Newsletter.
St. Wilfrid’s – 873218
Yoga/Pilates at the Rajar – 07912 384009

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