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Copyright for Polish Edition © 2018 Edipresse Polska SA

Copyright for text © 2018 Blanka Lipińska

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- Massimo, do you know what this means?

I turned my head towards the window, looking at the cloudless sky,
and then I looked at my interlocutor.
"I will take over this company, whether it pleases the Manente family or not."
I got up and Mario and Domenico hurriedly got out of their chairs
and they positioned themselves behind me. It was a nice meeting, but definitely too
long. I shook hands with the men present
and headed for the door.
- Understand, it will be good for everyone.
I raised my index finger.
- You will thank me for that.
I took off my jacket and unbuttoned another button in my black shirt.
I sat in the back seat of the car, enjoying the silence
and the cold of the air conditioning.
"Home," I growled under my breath and began to browse
messages on the phone.
Most of them concerned interests, but I found SMS among them
from Anna: "I'm wet, I need punishment." My penis moved
in my pants, and I sighed it up and squeezed it tightly.
Oh yes, my girlfriend sensed my mood well. She knew it
the meeting will not be nice and will not bring me peace. She also knew what
relaxes me "Be ready for twenty," I wrote back briefly
and sat back comfortably, watching the world outside the car window disappear.
I closed my eyes.
Again she. My cock got hard as steel in a second. God,
I'll go crazy if I can't find her. Five years have passed since the accident; five long
years from - as the doctor said: a miracle - death and resurrection,
during which I dream about a woman I didn't see in real life

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life. I met her in my visions when I was in a coma. Smell her

hair, skin tenderness - I could almost feel her touching me. Behind everyone
together, when I made love to Anna or any other woman, I loved
with her. I called her Lady. She was my curse, insanity
and supposedly a godsend.
The car stopped. I picked up my jacket and got out. On
Domenico, Mario and the guys with whom they were waiting were waiting at the airport apron
I took. Maybe I exaggerated, but sometimes a show of strength is needed to
I greeted the pilot and sat in a soft chair and the flight attendant
she handed me a whiskey with one ice cube. I glanced at her; she knew what
I Like. I looked empty, and she was blushing and smiling
flirtatiously. Why not? I thought and rose energetically
right away.
I grabbed the surprised woman by the hand and pulled her towards
private part of the jet.
- Get started! I shouted to the pilot and closed the door, disappearing behind
them with the girl.
When we were in the room, I grabbed her by the neck
and I turned firmly against the wall. I watched her
in the eyes, she was terrified. I brought my lips close to hers and grabbed the lower one
lip and she moaned. Her hands dangled freely along her body and her eyesight
stuck in my eyes. I grabbed her hair to make it even harder
she tilted her head back, closed her eyelids and let out a moan again. Was
pretty, so girly, all my staff must have been like that, I liked
everything nice.
"Kneel," I growled, pulling her down.
She carried out the order without hesitation. I murmured, praising her for
the right kind of submission, and I ran my thumb over my mouth, which
obediently. I never had anything to do with her anyway
the girl knew well what to do. I leaned her head against the wall
and I started to undo the fly. The flight attendant swallowed loudly and hers
big eyes were on me all the time.
"Close," I said calmly, thumbing my thumb over her

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the eyelids. - You won't open it until I let you.

My cock leaped out of my pants, hard and almost painful
inflated. He leaned on the lips of the girl, politely and broadly
parted her lips. You don't know what awaits you, I thought and put him in until
the very end, holding her head so that she could not
movement. I felt choking, I rushed deeper. Oh yes i liked
when they opened their eyes in horror, as if they really thought that
I'm going to strangle them. I slowly backed away and patted her cheek,
almost affectionately, gently. I watched it calm down and lick
thick saliva from the lips, pulled out of the throat.
- I'll cut your mouth. The woman shuddered slightly. - I can?
I had zero emotions, no smile. Girl by
for a moment she looked at me with gigantic eyes, and after a few seconds
she nodded affirmatively.
"Thank you," I whispered, sliding my hands over her cheeks.
I leaned the girl against the wall and slipped into her tongue again
down the throat. She pressed her lips around me. Oh yes! My hips started hard
push it in. I felt that she could not breathe, after a while she began
fight, so I caught her tighter. Well! Her nails dug in
into my legs, she first tried to push me away and then mutilated me,
scratching. I liked it, I liked it when they fought, when they were helpless against
my strength. I closed my eyes and saw my lady, she knelt above all
me, her almost black eyes pierced me through and through. She liked
when I took her like that. I gripped my hair even more tightly in hers
lust beamed. I couldn't stand it any longer, two more strengths
thrust and froze, and sperm spilled out of me, choking
girl even more. I opened my eyes and looked at her
smudged makeup. I backed down a bit to make room for her.
"Swallow," I growled, pulling her hair again.
Tears ran down her cheeks, but she obediently made mine
recommendation. I took the cock out of her mouth and she dropped to her heels, sliding down after
- Lick him. - The girl froze. - To clean.
I put both hands on the wall in front of me and looked at her angrily.

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She rose again and took my manhood in a small hand. She began
to lick away the remaining sperm. I smiled slightly, seeing her trying.
When I thought she was done, I stepped away from her, zipping up the fly.
- Thank you. I gave her my arm and she shook her legs slightly
stood next to me. - There is a bathroom. - I pointed with my hand
even though she knew the plane like her own pocket. She nodded
and went towards the door.
I returned to my companions and sat back in the chair.
I took a sip of the perfect drink, which has already lost a bit
temperature. Mario put down the newspaper and looked at me.
"In your father's day they would shoot us all."
I sighed, rolling my eyes, and tapped the glass irritably
on the counter.
- In my father's time, we would trade alcohol illegally
and drugs, and they didn't run the largest companies in Europe. - I leaned back
on the armchair and I stared at my consigliere. - I'm head
Toriccelli family and this is not a coincidence, just a thoughtful decision
my father. Almost from childhood, I was prepared to
the family entered a new era when I take power - I sighed
and I relaxed a little when the flight attendant almost imperceptibly
flashed by us. - Mario, I know you liked to shoot. - Older
the man who was my adviser smiled slightly.
- We'll shoot soon. - I looked at him seriously. -
Domenico - now I turned to my brother who looked at me. - Let them
your people will start looking for this fucking Alfred. - I looked back at
Maria. - Do you want shooters? Well, this one probably won't pass you by.
I took another sip.
The sun was setting over Sicily when we finally landed on
Catania airport. I put on my jacket and headed for the exit
from the terminal. I pulled out my dark glasses and felt a hot blow
air. I glanced at Etna - today she was visible in all its glory.
Tourists have fun, I thought and entered the air-conditioned
- People from Aruba want to meet in the case we were talking about

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earlier - began Domenico, walking beside me. - We have to deal with it too
clubs in Palermo.
I listened to it carefully, arranging in my head a list of things that I needed
get it done today. Suddenly, even though my eyes were open, it grew
dark. And then I saw her. I blinked several times;
I used to see my lady only when I wanted to.
I opened my eyes wide and disappeared. Is my condition worse
and the hallucinations intensified? I have to go to this moron to make me
research. But later, now it's time to do the rest
a cocaine container that killed me. Although "killed" it was not in this situation
the most accurate term. We were already at the car when we were at her again
I saw. I don't give a fuck. I got into the parked car
car and almost pulled Domenic inside, who opened it
the second pair of back doors.
"It's her," I whispered in a lump in my throat, pointing to my back
the girl who was walking on the sidewalk, moving away from us. - It's her
My head was ringing, I couldn't believe it. Maybe I only like it
hallucinating? I was losing my mind. The cars started.
"Slow down," said the young man as we approached her. Oh fuck!
He moaned as we caught up with her.
My heart froze for a second. The girl was looking right at me
seeing nothing through the almost black glass. Her eyes, nose, lips, all her -
she was exactly as I thought of her.
I took hold of the door handle, but my brother stopped me. Powerful Bald
the man was calling my lady and she went towards him.
- Not now, Massimo.
I sat paralyzed. She was here, she lived, she existed. I could have had her
touch her, take her and be with her forever.
- What the hell are you doing ?! I screamed.
- He's with people, we don't know who that is.
The car sped up, and I still couldn't take my eyes off of it
disappearing silhouette of my lady.
- I'm sending people behind her. Before we get home, you'll be
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he knew who he was. Massimo! He raised his voice when I didn't respond. -
You've been waiting so many years, you'll wait a few more hours.
I looked at him with such fury and hatred as if I had him
kill a moment. Reasonable remnants of my thoughts agreed with him, but all right
the rest, which was definitely more, did not want to listen to him.
"You have an hour," I snapped, staring thoughtlessly at the seat
in front of you. "You've got sixty minutes to tell me who it is."
We parked in the driveway, and when we got out of the car,
Domenic's people came to us, handing him an envelope. He gave it to me and I
without a word, I went towards the library. I wanted to be alone to be able to
believe that it's all true.
I sat behind the desk and ripped the upper part off with trembling hands
envelopes, spilling the contents onto the counter.
- I fuck you! - I grabbed my head when the pictures - no more paintings
painted by artists, but the photographs showed my lady's face. She had
a name, past and future she didn't even expect.
I heard a knock on the door. - Not now! I shouted without taking a break
sight from photos and notes. "Laura Biel," I whispered, touching her
face on chalk paper.
After half an hour of analyzing what I got, I sat in the armchair
and I started staring at the wall.
- I can? Domenico asked, poking his head through the door. Because
I did not react, came in and sat down opposite.
- And what now?
"We'll bring her here," I said dispassionately, shifting my eyes to
the young. He sat nodding.
- But how are you going to do this? - He looked at me like an idiot,
which annoyed me a bit. "You will go to the hotel and tell her when."
you died, you had visions, and in them ... ”He looked at the note that lay
in front of me.
And in them you, Laura Biel, and now you will be mine, I said
in my mind.
"I will kidnap her," I decided without hesitation. - Send people to
this apartment ... - I hung up looking for her boyfriend's name

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in notes - Martin. Let them find out who he is.

- Maybe it's better to ask Karl? It's there, ”suggested Domenico.
- Well, let Karl's people kick as much as possible. I must find
way to make her come here as soon as possible.
- You don't have to look for a way. - I looked towards the door from where
a woman's voice came. Domenico turned away too.
- I am here. - Smiling Anna was walking towards us. Its long
legs in sky-high stilettos reached the sky.
Fuck, I cursed my mind. I completely forgot about her.
- I will leave you. Domenico got up with a stupid smile
and went towards the exit. "I'll take care of what we talked about, and tomorrow."
we will do it to the end - he added.
The blonde came to me. She gently parted my knees with her leg.
She smelled insanely as usual, a combination of sex and power. rolled up
a skimpy black silk cocktail dress and sat on me
astride, pressing my tongue into my mouth without warning.
"Hit me," she asked, biting my lip and rubbing her pussy
about the trousers of suit pants. - Strong!
She licked and bit my ear while I looked at the photos scattered on
desk. I pulled off my previously loosened tie and stood up, sliding it off
Anna to the floor. I turned her and blindfolded her. She smiled,
licking his lower lip. She fingered the table. She spread her legs wide apart
and lay down on the oak countertop, firmly sticking out her bottom. She was without
panties. I approached her from behind and punched her hard.
She screamed loudly and opened her mouth wide. View of scattered photos on
the table and the fact that the lady was on the island made my cock hard
like a rock.
"Oh, yes," I growled, rubbing her moist slits and not letting go
sight from Laura's photos. I lifted her by the neck and picked them all up
papers that she covered with her body, and then I put her on
countertop, raising her hands high above the head. I arranged the photographs so that
they were looking at me. Possess a woman from photos - I did not want anything in this
moment more.
I was ready at any time. I took off my pants quickly.

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I put two fingers into Anna and she moaned, fidgeting under me. Was
narrow, wet and extremely hot. I began to roll my hand on hers
the clitoris, and she clutched the desk where she lay even harder.
I grabbed her with the left hand by the neck and struck her with the right hand
inexplicable relief. Once again I looked at the picture and hit
even harder. My girlfriend screamed and I beat her as if it had
make her turn into Laura. Her buttock was almost purple.
I leaned in and started licking him, he was hot and throbbing. I pushed her away
buttocks and I started to run my tongue through her sweet hole, and before
my eyes were my lady.
"Yes," she moaned softly.
I have to have Laura, I have to have her all, I thought as I stood up
and poking Anna at you. She arched her back and fell back after a moment
sweat-wet wood. I fucked her hard while still looking at Laura. Already
soon. In a moment these black eyes will look at me when
he will kneel before me.
- You bitch! I bit my teeth, feeling Anna's body stiffen.
I pressed hard and insistently on her, not paying attention to
that she was flooded with orgasm. I didn't care. Laura's eyes made
that I couldn't get enough and couldn't stand it any longer.
I had to feel more, stronger. I pulled my cock out of Anna and sure
I stuck it in her narrow asshole. A wild man came out of her throat
a cry of pain and pleasure, I felt it all tighten around me. My
cock exploded, and all I could see was my lady.

8 hours earlier

The sound of the alarm clock literally broke into my brain.

- Get up, honey, it's nine o'clock. We have to be in in an hour
airport to start a Sicilian vacation in the afternoon. Get together! -
Martin was standing in the bedroom doorway with a wide smile.
I opened my eyes reluctantly. It's the middle of the night, what a
a barbaric idea to fly at this hour, I thought. Since a few
weeks ago I quit my job, the day completely lost proportions. I went
sleep too late, wake up too late, and the worst thing was that nothing

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I had to and I could do everything. I've been stuck in the hotel industry for too long
and when I finally got to the coveted sales director job,
I quit it all because I lost my heart to work. I never thought that
at twenty-nine, I'll say I'm burned out, but yes
it just was.
Work in the hotel gave me satisfaction and fulfillment, allowed mine
high ego to grow. Whenever I negotiated large contracts,
I felt a thrill of excitement, and when I negotiated with the elders
and more skilled in the art of manipulating people, I was crazy with happiness,
especially when I was winning. Every victory in financial battles
it gave me a sense of superiority and satisfied my vain side
character. Someone may say it's stupid, but for a girl
from a small town that did not graduate, proof
everything around it, as it means, was a priority.
- Laura, do you want cocoa or milk tea?
- Martin, please! It's the middle of the night! - I rolled over
and I covered my head with a pillow.
The bright August sun was falling into the bedroom. Martin didn't like it
darkness, so even in the bedroom windows there was no blackout
blinds. He claimed that the darkness caused him the depressive states he was about
easier than for Starbucks coffee. The windows were from the east
sides and, as for anger, the sun disturbed my sleep every morning.
- I made cocoa and tea with milk. - Satisfied with myself Martin
he stood in the bedroom door with a glass of cold drink and a mug
hot. "It's about a hundred degrees outside, so I think you'll choose."
cold, ”he said and handed me the glass, lifting the quilt.
Pissed off, I leaned out of my pit. I knew I was anyway
it won't pass. Martin stood smiling; he already had it that morning it was bursting with him
energy. He was a powerful man with a bald head - that's about mine
the city was called "neck". Apart from physicality, however, nothing connected him
with such guys. He was the best man I met in my life,
he ran his own business and every time he made a bigger one
money, he transferred a considerable amount to the children's hospice, saying: "God
he gave me, so I will share. "

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He had blue eyes, good and warm, a big, broken nose once -
well, he was not always smart and polite, full of lips that I loved
in him the most, and the delightful smile he could in a second
disarm me when I went crazy.
His huge forearms were decorated with tattoos, basically tattooed
he had the whole body except his legs. He was powerful, weighing over a hundred
kilos a man with whom I always felt safe.
I looked grotesque with him - me and my one hundred and sixty-five
centimeters tall, fifty kilograms weight. All my life
my mother told me to play sports, so I trained what I could do and that for
second I had straw enthusiasm, I practiced everything: from
Karate sport gait. Thanks to that my figure
unlike my man, she was very fit, mine
stomach was hard and flat, legs muscled, buttocks tight
and outliers - a symbol of the million squats they did.
"I'm getting up," I said, drinking delicious, cold
I set down my glass and headed for the bathroom. When I stopped
in front of the mirror, I realized how much I needed a vacation. My
almost black eyes were sad and resigned, no activity however
caused apathy. Auburn hair ran down my thin face
and they fell on their shoulders. In my case their length was considerable
successful, because they usually did not exceed fifteen centimeters.
Under normal circumstances I would consider myself a really good chick
but unfortunately not now. I was overwhelmed with my own conduct
reluctance to work, no idea what to do next. My professional life
has always influenced my sense of value. No business card in the wallet
and business phone I had the impression that I do not exist.
I brushed my teeth, pinned my hair with hairpins, and pulled eyelashes with mascara
and I decided that that's all I can afford today. Anyway it was enough
because some time ago, because of laziness, I did makeup
permanent eyebrows, eyes and lips that left me as much as possible
time to sleep, limiting morning visits to the bathroom to a minimum.
I went to the wardrobe for clothes prepared yesterday. Independently

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from the mood and matters that I could not influence, I had to be dressed
always as perfect as possible. In the right outfit
I immediately felt better and it seemed to be visible.
My mother kept telling me that a woman, even when she was in pain, should be
beautiful, and since my face couldn't be as attractive as usual,
it was necessary to divert her attention. I chose short shorts for the trip
in light denim, a white loose T-shirt and even though it was outside
thirty degrees already at nine o'clock in the morning, a light cotton jacket
in gray melange. I always froze on the plane and even if
I will almost cook before I feel at least in the air
comfortable, as long as someone who is afraid of flying can feel there
comfortably. I slipped my legs into my gray and white platform sneakers
from Isabel Marant and I was ready.
I went to the living room with kitchen. The interior was modern
cold and raw. The walls were lined with black glass, the bar was lit by leds,
and instead of the table - as in normal homes - there was only a table top with two
leather stools. A huge gray corner standing in the middle
suggested that the owner is not the smallest. The bedroom was separated from
large aquarium lounge. It was vain to look for a woman's hand in this interior.
Perfectly suited the eternal single, which was the master and ruler of this house.
Martin, as always, sat with his nose in the computer. It didn't
no matter what he did: whether he was working, hiring someone or just ordinary
watched a movie on television, his computer as his best friend
he was always an inseparable part of his being. It led me to
crazy, but unfortunately it was so from the beginning, so I didn't give myself the right
to change it. Even I found myself in his life over a year ago
thanks to this device, so it would be hypocritical if I suddenly ordered him
to give it up.
It was February and I, strangely enough, had not been in a relationship for over half a year.
It bored me, or maybe I was more lonely
So I decided to set up a profile on the dating site he gave
I was very happy and definitely raised my already high self-esteem.
During one of sleepless nights, rummaging among the profiles of hundreds of men,
I came across Martin, who was looking for another woman to do it once

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filled his world. It surprised and so the little girl tamed
tattooed monster. Our relationship was non-standard because we both
we had very strong and explosive characters, both too
we had intellect and extensive knowledge in our fields
competition. It attracted each other, intrigued and impressed us.
The only thing missing in this relationship was an animal train
attraction and passion that never broke out between us. Like this
euphemistically once described Martin: "he is already in his life
naruchał. " However, I was a boiling volcano of sexual energy,
whose release I found in almost everyday masturbation. But
I felt good with him, I felt safe and calm, and that was for
me more valuable than sex. At least, I thought so.
- Honey, I'm ready, I just have to somehow close my suitcase
and we can go.
Martin laughed, got up from the computer, packed it into
bags and headed towards my luggage.
"I can handle it somehow, baby," he said, hugging
a suitcase in which I could easily fit myself. - Everyone
total replay: excess baggage, thirty pairs of shoes and senseless carrying
half of the wardrobe, while you use maybe ten percent of what
you took.
I winced and braided my arms.
- But I have a choice! I reminded me, putting on my glasses.
At the airport, as always, I felt unhealthy excitement, or rather fear,
because I hated to fly because of my claustrophobia. Otherwise
I inherited my mother's wickedness so I could smell it everywhere
death is waiting for me, and a flying can with engines never
aroused my trust.
Friends were already waiting for us in the bright hall of the departure terminal
Martin who chose the direction of our vacation. Karolina and Michał were there
a couple for many years, they thought about marriage, but thinking ended. He was
storyteller type of storyteller, short-cut, tanned, quite
handsome guy with blue eyes and light blond hair.
He was only interested in female breasts, which he didn't hide.

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She was a tall, long-legged brunette with delicate hair

girlish features. At first glance, nothing special, but when
more attention was given to her, she turned out to be very interesting.
She effectively ignored Michał's male aspirations. I was wondering how
does. I would not be able to deal with a guy whose head is my possessiveness
at the sight of women it rotates like a submarine periscope in search
the enemy. I took two calming pills so I wouldn't fall on board
in panic and not to shame yourself.
We had stopovers in Rome. An hour stop there and now
direct, thank God only one hour flight to Sicily. I was last time
in Italy, when I was sixteen, and from then on
best opinion about the people who lived there. Italians were loud
persistent and did not speak English. For me, however, English was
as a native language. After so many years spent in chain hotels
sometimes I even thought in English.
When we finally landed at Catania airport, the sun was already here
occurred. Car rental guy far too long
served customers, we got stuck in the queue for an hour. overstrung
hungry Martin was bothering me, so I decided
look around the area where there was little to see. I went out
from an air-conditioned building and I felt the overwhelming heat. In the distance
smoking Etna was visible. This sight surprised me, though
I knew this volcano was active. Going upside-down, no
I noticed that the sidewalk was ending and had grown up before I knew it
in front of me a huge Italian, which I almost tripped over. I stood
five inches from the man's back, and he didn't even flinch,
as if he didn't notice at all that I almost landed on his back.
Men in the dark hurried out of the airport building
suits, and he looked like he was escorting them. I didn't wait until
they will pass, I just turned on my heel and started back
rental company, praying that the car is ready. When
I reached the building, three black SUVs flashed past me,
the middle seemed to slow down, passing me but through the black windows it was impossible
look inside.

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- Laura! - I heard Martin scream, who was holding the keys in his hand
to the car. - Where are you going?

Hilton Giardini Naxos welcomed us with a huge head-shaped vase,

in which stood huge white and pink lilies. Their smell was rising
in an impressive hall richly decorated with gold.
- Well, honey. I turned to Martin with a smile. -
Such a little Louis XVI. I wonder if there will be a lion bathtub in the room
We all burst out laughing, because I think all four of us had
identical feelings. The hotel was not as luxurious as it should have belonged
to the Hilton network. He had many shortcomings that my trained eye
the specialist immediately caught.
- It is important that there be a comfortable bed, vodka and weather - added Michał. -
The rest is not important.
- Well, I forgot that this is another pathological trip, I feel
injured that I am not an alcoholic like you - I said with
artificially sour face. - I'm hungry, I ate the last time
in Warsaw. Can we hurry up and go into town for dinner? Already
I can taste pizza and wine in my mouth.
- Said a non-alcoholic addicted to wine and champagne -
Martin threw gingerly, putting his arm around me.
Overcome similarly strong hunger exceptionally fast
we unpacked the suitcases and after fifteen minutes we shortened our plans
corridor between our rooms.
Unfortunately, with so little time, I was not able to properly
getting ready to leave, but I was combing when I went to the room
in your mind the contents of the suitcase. My thoughts were the least
crashed after the trip. It fell on a black long dress with a metal one
a cross on the back, black flip-flops, a leather bag with fringes
in the same color, a gold watch and huge gold ear rings.
In a hurry, I traced my eyes with a black pencil, put some ink on
eyelashes, improving what is still left of them after the journey, and slightly
I powdered a face. As I went out, I grabbed the lip gloss with gold

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flecks and movement "by heart without a mirror" I traced my lips.

Karolina and Michał looked at me in the corridor with astonishment.
They were exactly in the same costumes they traveled in.
- Laura, tell me how you can have changed,
paint and you look as if you were preparing to go out all day?
- Carolina muttered on the way to the elevator.
"Well ..." I shrugged. - You have the talent to drink vodka,
and I can prepare my thoughts all day to real fifteen
minutes be ready.
"Okay, stop fucking and let's go drink," he thundered
firm Martin.
The four of us went through the hotel lobby to leave.
Giardini Naxos at night was beautiful and picturesque. Narrow streets pulsated
life and music, there were both young people and mothers with children. Sicily only
at night it began to live because during the day the heat was unbearable.
We arrived at the port and the most populated at this time
cities. Dozens of restaurants and bars stretched along the promenade
and cafes.
"I will starve soon, I will fall over and not get up," she said
- And the lack of blood alcohol will kill me. Look at this place
it will be perfect for us. - Michał pointed his finger at the beach restaurant.
Tortuga was an elegant restaurant with white armchairs, sofas in it
same color and glass tables. Candles were burning everywhere, and the roof
there were huge, bright sheets of a nautical canvas that waving in the wind,
they gave the impression that the whole pub was floating in the air. boxes,
in which tables were set, they separated thick wooden bales,
to which the provisional structure was attached,
canvas roof. A light, fresh and magical place. Despite enough
high prices bustling. Martin nodded at the waiter and it was over
at the moment thanks to a few euros we sat comfortably on the sofas, flipping through the menu.
Me and my dress did not blend in with the surroundings. I had the impression
that everyone is looking only at me because I was shining among all this white
like a black light bulb.

Page 20

- I feel watched, but who could know that we will eat

in a jug of milk - I whispered to Martin with a stupid, apologetic
He looked around exploringly, leaned towards me and whispered:
"You have stalking mania, baby, besides you look."
delightfully so let them stare.
I looked again, nobody seemed to pay attention to me, but
I felt like someone was still watching me. I pushed me away
I found another mental illness inherited from my mother
in the card my favorite grilled octopus, I added pink
prosecco and I was ready to order. The waiter even though he was
Sicilian, he was also Italian, which meant that we could not get out
expect a speed demon and wait a moment here before deciding
come to us to collect your order.
"I need to go to the toilet," I informed, looking from side to side.
In the corner next to the beautiful wooden bar there were small doors,
so I went towards them. I went through them, but unfortunately I followed them
there was only a sink. I turned to turn back and then with impetus
I hit the figure in front of me. I moaned when my head
collided with a hard male torso. Contorted, massaging her forehead,
I looked up. A tall, handsome Italian stood before me. Did i go
I haven't seen it anywhere? His icy gaze pierced me
Departure. I couldn't move when he almost looked at me like that
completely black eyes. There was something about him that scared me like that
in a second I got into the ground.
"I think you're lost," he said in beautiful, fluent English
with a British accent. - If you tell me what you are looking for, I will help you.
He smiled at me with white, even teeth, and put his hand to me
between the shoulder blades, touching my bare skin, and escorted me to
the door through which I came here. When I felt his touch, through mine
my body shuddered, which didn't make it easy for me to walk. I was so
stunned that despite my best efforts, I couldn't speak
not a word in english. I only smiled, or rather grimaced
and I started towards Martin because of these emotions completely
Page 21

I forgot why I got up from the sofa. When I got to the table
company poured alcohol into itself - the first round
they drank and ordered another one. I sank onto the sofa and grabbed it
a glass of prosecco and I emptied it with one sip. In the meantime, no
pulling him away from my mouth, I gave the waiter a clear sign that I needed it
Martin looked at me with amusement.
- Menel! And apparently I have a problem with alcohol.
"Somehow I really wanted to drink," I answered lightly
blacked out with the drink drunk too quickly.
- I think some spells are going on in the toilet, if you visit there like this
it worked, my patol.
At these words I looked nervously looking for an Italian who
made my knees shake like when they were the first time
I drove a motorcycle after receiving a category A driving license. Easy
it would be to find him among the white, because he was dressed like me, completely not
matching the surroundings. Black, loose linen pants, black shirt,
from under which a wooden rosary protruded, and loafers without shoelaces
in the same color. Although I only saw him for a moment,
I remembered this view exactly.
- Laura! - Michał's voice interrupted my search. - Don't tax these
all people's eyes, just drink.
I didn't even notice that another glass appeared on the table
sparkling drink. I decided to slowly sip the pink liquid, though
I felt like pouring it in myself like the previous glass, because it trembled
my legs still didn't stop. We were served food that we crave for
we threw. The octopus was perfect; the addition was only sweet
tomatoes. Martin was eating a giant squid, expertly
cut and scattered on a plate in the company of garlic and coriander.
- Damn it! Martin shouted, leaping up from the white couch. -
Do you know what time it is? It's already twelve o'clock, so Laura! "One hundred years, one hundred
... years. " - The other two also jumped up and started happily,
sing a birthday song to me loud and very Polish-style.
The restaurant guests looked at them curiously, then joined

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of the choir, singing in Italian. There was loud applause in the restaurant, and I
I wanted to sink underground. It was one of the most
songs I hate. There is probably no one who can
liked, probably because no one knows what to do when it lasts -
sing, clap, smile at everyone? Any solution is wrong
and every time a man looks like a complete idiot. With artificial
I got up from the couch with an alcoholic smile and waved to
everyone, bending over half way and thanking for wishes.
- You had to do this to me, huh? I snapped at Martin. -
Reminding me that I'm old is nothing nice. Besides, did they have to
are all these people involved?
- Well, dear, right in the eye, circle. As compensation
and starting our today's fete I ordered your favorite drink. -
When he finished speaking, a waiter appeared, holding a bucket
with champagne Moët & Chandon Rosé and four glasses.
- I love! I shouted, jumping up on the couch and clapping
hands like a little girl.
My joy did not escape the waiter, who smiled to
me, leaving a cooler on the table with a half-spilled bottle.
- Then cheers! - Carolina said, raising her glass.
- For you, to find what you are looking for, have what you want and be
where you want it to be. One hundred years!
We tapped the glasses and swung them to the bottom. After finishing
the bottles really had to go to the toilet - this time I decided
find her with the help of the service. The waiter showed me the direction
I was supposed to follow. After twelve o'clock the restaurant was changing
in a nightclub, colorful lighting has completely changed the character of it
place. White, elegant and almost sterile interior
it exploded with colors. Suddenly white took on a completely different sense, lack
color meant that the light could give the rooms any color.
I made my way through the crowd toward the toilet when it was overwhelming again
it feels strange to be watched. I stood and explored
I looked at the surroundings. On a platform, based on one beam
from the boxes, a man dressed in black stood and chilled me again

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look. Calmly and without emotion, he gazed at my ankles

to the top of the head. He looked like a typical Italian, though he was the least
a typical man I've seen in my life. Black hair fell
unruly on his forehead, his face adorned a few days, manicured
his facial hair was full and clearly defined - as if created for
to give them pleasure to a woman. His eyes were cold and penetrating,
like a wild animal getting ready to attack. Only seeing him
from afar, I realized he was quite tall. Definitely
he outranked the women who stood nearby, so he must have been about a hundred
ninety centimeters. I don't know how long we looked at
each other; it felt like time had stopped. He pulled me out of my stupor
the man who poked my shoulder as he passed by. Because from
of this stare stiffened like a board, I only spun on
one leg and I fell to the ground.
- Are you OK? Asked Black, who grew up next to me like a ghost. -
If it wasn't for seeing that you didn't hit him this time,
I would think that bumping into strangers is your way of drawing
He grabbed my elbow and lifted me up. He was surprisingly strong
he did it as easily as if I weighed nothing. This time I gathered
within, and the boiling alcohol gave me courage.
- And you always do behind the wall or crane? I grunted, trying to
give him the coldest look I've ever managed
He pulled away from me and continued to look at me
me all, as if he couldn't believe I'm real.
- You look at me all evening, right? I asked annoyed.
I have persecution, but the feeling never disappoints me.
The man smiled as if mocking him.
"I'm looking at the club," he said. - I control the service, check it
guest satisfaction, I am looking for women who need a wall or a lift.
His answer amused me and confused me at the same time.
- So thank you for being a crane and have a nice evening. -
I gave him a provocative look and headed for the toilet. When

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he stayed behind, breathed a sigh of relief. At least I didn't go out this time
a complete moron and I was able to speak.
"See you later, Laura," I heard behind me.
When I turned around, there was only an amused crowd behind me, Black
How did he know my name? Did he hear our conversations? It couldn't be that way
close, I would see him, I would sense him. Karolina took my hand.
- Come on, because in life you will not reach this toilet, and we will get stuck here
When we returned to the table, there was another bottle on the glass counter
- Well, honey, I can see that today we have a rich birthday -
I said with a laugh.
"I thought you ordered it," said Martin, surprised. - I
I already paid and wanted to go further.
I looked around the club. I knew the bottle wasn't here
by accident and he is still looking.
- It's probably a gift from the restaurant. After such a choral Sto
years probably could not do otherwise - laughed Carolina. - Since now
here it is, let's have a drink.
Until the end of the bottle I fidgeted restlessly on the couch,
wondering who the man in black was, why so
he looked at me and how he knew my name.
We spent the rest of the evening on a pilgrimage from club to club. Down
we returned when it was dawn.
A terrible headache woke me up. Well ... Moët. I love
champagne, but a hangover after it literally bursts the skull. Who's normal
gets him drunk? With the rest of my strength, I dragged myself out of bed and arrived in the bathroom.
In the vanity case I found painkillers, swallowed three
and I came back under the covers. When I woke up after a few hours, Martina
he was not there, the headache passed, and sounds came from behind the open window
fun in the pool. I have a vacation, so I have to get up and sunbathe.
Mobilized with this thought, I took a quick shower, hopped into my costume
and after half an hour I was ready for sunbathing.

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Michał and Karolina sipped a bottle of cold wine, lounging over

swimming pool.
"Medicine," said Michał, handing me a plastic glass. -
Sorry, it's plastic, but you know the rules.
The wine was delicious, cold and wet, so I emptied it
- Have you seen Martin? I woke up and he was gone.
- I work in the hotel lobby, the internet room was too weak -
Carolina explained.
Well - computer best friend, work - favorite lover,
I thought as I lay on the sun lounger. I spent the rest of the day alone
in the company of embracing brides. Every now and then Michał
he interrupted this love prelude by saying, "But boobs!"
- Maybe we'll have lunch? - He asked. - I'll go get Martin, what vacation is it,
while he is still sitting and staring at the monitor.
He got up from the sunbed, threw on his shirt, and headed for the entrance
- Sometimes I have enough of him. - I turned to Karolina and she
she looked at me with big eyes. - I'll never be the most important.
More important than work than colleagues than pleasure. I have the impression
that he is with me because there is nothing better to do and he is so comfortable. This
a bit like owning a dog - when you want, you pet him when you have
feel like, you are playing with him, but when you do not feel like his company, after
you just chase him away, because he is for you and not you.
Martin talks more often with colleagues on Facebook than with me at home,
let alone the bed.
Karolina rolled over and leaned on her elbow.
- You know, Laura, it is so in relationships that with time lust
- But not after a year and a half ... well, after a year and a half. Am I hunchbacked?
Is something wrong with me? Is it bad that I just want to fuck?
Karolina burst out laughing from the deck chair and pulled my hand.
- I think we need a drink, because you won't change anything
You are worrying. Look where we are! It's divine and you're thin

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and beautiful. Remember - if not this, it's different. Come.

I threw on a light floral tunic, I shook myself from the headscarf
turban, I covered my eyes with seductive Ralph Lauren glasses
and I followed Karolina to the lobby bar. My companion went to
peace leave a bag and get an idea of the lunch situation because
we didn't find our partners in the lobby. I went to the bar
and nodded at the bartender. I asked for two glasses
cold prosecco. Oh yes, I definitely needed it.
- Just enough? - I heard a man's voice behind me. - I thought
does your palate belong to the mint?
I turned and stood still. He stood before me again. today
I couldn't say about him that he was black. He was wearing linen
canvas pants in off-white and a light unbuttoned shirt, which
it matched his tanned skin perfectly. He slipped his glasses off his nose and another
he stared at me once. He turned to the bartender after
Italian, which since its appearance at the bar completely me
he ignored, standing at attention and waiting for my order
persecutor. I was hidden behind dark glasses that day
extremely brave, extremely angry and extremely hung over.
- Why do I get the impression you are following me? - I asked,
folding his arms over his chest. He raised his right hand and slowly slid it back to me
glasses so as to see my eyes. I felt as if someone had taken me
a shield that was my protection.
"It's not an impression," he said, looking deep into my eyes. - No
this is also the case. Happy twenties
ninth birthday, Laura. May the coming year be the best
in your life - he whispered and gently kissed my cheek.
I was so confused that I couldn't get any out of my throat
words. How did he know how old I was? And how the hell did he find me on
other end of town? The bartender's voice snapped me out of the flood of thoughts;
I turned to him. He was putting a bottle of pink in front of me
moeta and a small colorful cupcake on which it was clogged
lighted candle.
- Bloody hell! - I turned to Black, who literally

Page 27
melted in the air.
- Nice, - said Karolina, approaching the bar. - Was to be
a glass of prosecco and ended up with a bottle of champagne.
I shrugged my shoulders and nervously scanned the hall
in search of Black, but he sank underground. I took it out of my wallet
credit card and gave it to the bartender. He refused to use broken English
accepting payment claiming that the invoice is already paid. Carolina
she gave him a radiant smile, grabbed a cooler with a bottle and started off
towards the pool. I blew out a candle that was still burning on
cake, and I followed her. I was pissed off, confused
and intrigued. There were various scenarios in my head describing
who was the mysterious man. The first thing he told me
brain, there was a theory that he was a pervert-persecutor. Not really though
she agreed with the picture of the delightful Italian, who rather escapes from
female fans, not following them. Planting on shoes and designer clothes, which they charge for
he was wearing it every time, he was not poor. And he mentioned something
about checking guest satisfaction in a restaurant. So another natural
the theory was that he was the manager at the place we were in. But what did he do?
in the hotel? I shook my head as if to shake off the excess
thinks, and I reached for my glass. What do I care?
I thought, taking a sip. It must have been an absolute coincidence, and me
I got sick of something.
When we emptied the bottle, our gentlemen appeared. They were
in champagne moods.
- What, lunch? Martin asked with satisfaction.
The drunk champagne from today and yesterday was buzzing in my head.
I got angry at his carelessness and burned out:
- Martin, fuck! It's my birthday and you disappear for the day, no
you care what I do or how I feel, and now you appear and as if
you never ask for lunch I've had enough! It's enough that it's always like you
you want you to always say what it should be like and never to be
most important, in no situation. And lunch was a few hours ago, now it
it's more time for dinner!
I grabbed my tunic and bag and almost hurried to the door

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the hotel lobby. I ran through the hall and found myself on the street. I felt,
as if in my eyes a stream of tears wells up, which will soon flow out. I put
glasses and I moved on.
The streets of Giardini looked picturesque. Along the sidewalk they grew
trees covered with flowers, buildings were beautiful and neat. Unfortunately,
in this state of mind I could not enjoy the beauty of the place where
I found myself. I felt alone. At some point I realized
tears are flowing down my cheeks and I almost run sobbing -
as if I wanted to run away from something.
The sun was getting orange and I was still walking. When it passed
first anger, I felt my legs ache. My flip flops on
stilettos, although beautiful, were not suitable for a marathon. In the street
I saw a small, typical Italian cafe, which turned out to be perfect
a place to rest, because one of the items on the menu was sparkling
wine. I sat outside, looking at the calm surface of the sea. An old lady
she brought me a glass of the drink and said something to me
hair stroking my hand. God, not even understanding a word,
I knew he was talking about how hopeless guys can be and how
our tears are unworthy. I sat there and stared at the sea until it did
getting dark. I could not get up from the chair after so much drunk
alcohol, but in the meantime I ate an excellent pizza with four cheeses,
which turned out to be a better recipe for sorrows than sparkling wine and tiramisu
the older lady was better than the best champagne.
I felt ready to come back and face what I had left behind
running away. I walked calmly towards the hotel. Streets with which
I walked, they were almost deserted because they were far away from
the main pedestrian street along the sea. At one point they passed
me two SUVs. I thought that before, when I waited before
rental at the airport, I saw similar cars.
The night was hot, I was drunk, my birthday was over and generally
everything was not right. I turned when the pavement turned up
he finished, and realized that I didn't know where I was. Damn me
and my orientation. I looked around and all I saw was blinding
lights of oncoming cars.

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When I opened my eyes it was night. I looked at the room and realized
I have no idea where I am. I was lying in a huge bed
illuminated only by the light of lanterns. My head hurt and I felt like it
vomit. What the hell happened where I am? I tried
stand up, but I was completely without strength, as if I weighed a ton, even my head
she didn't want to get up from the pillow. I closed my eyes and again
I fell asleep.
When I woke up again, it was still dark. I don't know how much I slept
maybe it was another night There was no clock anywhere, I had no purse or
phone. This time I was able to get out of bed and sit on the edge.
I waited for a moment for my head to stop spinning. I noticed
bedside lamp. When her light flooded the room, I realized
I think the place where I am is probably quite old
and completely unknown to me.
The window frames were huge and richly decorated, opposite the heavy,
a wooden bed stood a giant stone fireplace - similar
I've only seen in movies. There were old beams on the ceiling, which were perfect
blended in with the window frames. The room was warm
elegant and very Italian. I started towards the window and after a while went out
balcony with a breathtaking view of the garden
in breasts.
- It's great that you're awake.
I froze at these words, and my heart went down my throat. I turned around
and I saw a young Italian. That he was, indisputably
his accent testified when he spoke English. Also his appearance
definitely confirmed me in this belief. He wasn't very tall
- like the seventy percent of Italians I've seen. He had long
dark hair falling on his shoulders, delicate features
and giant lips. You could say he was a beautiful boy.
Perfectly and impeccably dressed in an elegant suit, he still looked like
teenager. Although he was evidently exercising, and quite a few, because shoulders

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disproportionately expanded his figure.

- Where and why am I here ?! I said furiously, walking toward
- Please refresh yourself. I'll be back for you soon, then everything
you'll find out, "he said and disappeared, closing the door behind him.
It looked as if he had fled from me while I was
terrified of the situation.
I tried to open the door, but it was either latch or guy
he had the key and used it. I cursed under my breath. I felt helpless.
Next to the fireplace was another door. I turned on the light and mine
a phenomenal bathroom appeared. There was a huge bathtub in the middle
in one corner there was a dressing table, next to it a large sink
with a mirror, at the other end I saw a shower under which
a football team would fit easily. He didn't have a shower tray nor
walls, only the glass and the floor of fine mosaic. The bathroom was size
of the whole Martin apartment where we lived together. Martin ...
probably worried. Or maybe not, maybe glad that finally nobody
he bothers him with his presence. I was angry again with this
together with fear caused by the situation in which it happened
I found.
I stood in front of the mirror. I looked extremely good, I was
tanned and probably very sleepy, because the bruises that I had recently under
eyes disappeared. I was still wearing a black tunic and costume
bathing suit I wore on my birthday when I ran out
from the hotel. How can I get along without my belongings? I undressed
and took a shower, picked up a thick white bathrobe from the hanger and decided
that I am refreshed.
When I visited the room in which I woke up, looking for
directions where I could be, the bedroom door opened.
Once again a young Italian stood in them, who with a sweeping gesture
showed me the way. We went along a long decorated corridor
vases with flowers. The house was in darkness, illuminating it
only lanterns whose light came in through numerous windows. Kluczyliśmy
through the maze of corridors, until a man came to one door and opened it

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them. When I crossed the threshold, he locked me in without entering

me. The room was probably a library, the walls were covered with shelves
with books and paintings in heavy wooden frames. In central
another delightful fireplace was burning around it
dark green soft sofas with many pillows were set up
in shades of gold. There was a table at one of the armchairs on which I saw
cooler with champagne. I shuddered at the sight of him; after my last
crazy alcohol wasn't what I needed.
- Sit down please. You did not respond well to the hypnotic, no
I knew you had heart trouble - I heard a man's voice
and I saw a figure standing on the balcony with his back to me.
I didn't even move.
- Laura, sit in the armchair. Once again, I will not ask you, just sit you down
My head was buzzing, I could hear my heart beating and it seemed
I am going to pass out. It was getting dark before my eyes.
- Damn you, why aren't you listening to me?
The figure from the balcony moved towards me and before I sank on
the floor, she grabbed my arms. I blinked, wanting to catch
sharpness. I felt him seat me and put an ice cube in my mouth.
- Possij. You slept almost two days, the doctor gave you an IV to get you
she is not dehydrated, but you may be thirsty and you have the right not to feel
I knew this voice and, above all, this characteristic accent.
I opened my eyes and then came across that cold, animal look.
The man I saw in the restaurant and hotel was kneeling before me
and ... oh god, at the airport. He was dressed the same as the day he was
I landed in Sicily and fell on the back of a great bodyguard. He had
wearing a black suit and a black shirt unbuttoned under his neck. He was elegant
and very haughty. I spat an ice cube straight into his furiously
- What the hell am I doing here? Who are you and what right am I here
He wiped the water residue of the ice off his face and picked it up
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from the thick carpet a cold transparent cube and threw it at the burning
- Answer me, fuck! - I screamed furiously to the borders,
forgetting how terrible I felt just a moment ago. When
I tried to get up from the armchair, grabbed my shoulders hard and threw me on
- I told you to sit, I do not recognize disobedience and not
I'm going to tolerate him, ”he growled, hanging over me
about armrests.
Enraged, I raised my hand and aimed the man spirited
cheek. His eyes burned with wild fury, and I collapsed in fear
in the seat. He slowly stood up, straightened up and pulled in loudly
air. I was so scared of what I did that
I decided not to check where his strength limits lie.
He started toward the fireplace, stood facing him and leaned on both
hands against the wall above the hearth. Seconds passed and he was silent.
If it wasn't for the fact that I felt imprisoned by him, I probably would
now remorse, and my apology would not end, but
in the current situation it was difficult for me to feel anything other than anger.
- Laura, you are so disobedient, it is strange that you are not Italian.
He turned and his eyes were still burning. I decided not to speak,
in the hope that I will find out what I am doing here and how long it will last.
Suddenly the door opened and the same young Italian entered the room,
who brought me.
"Don Massimo ..." he said.
Black gave him a warning look and the man
suddenly it seemed frozen. He came up to him and stood so that they almost touched
cheeks. He definitely had to bend down, because between him and the young
There were a dozen or so or several dozen centimeters of difference Italian.
The conversation was in Italian, she was calm, and the man who
he imprisoned me here, stood and listened to me. He answered with one sentence and young
The Italian disappeared, closing the door behind him. Black walked around the room
and then went out onto the balcony. He leaned on the railing with both hands
and whispered something again.

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Don ... I thought they were talking to Marlon in the Godfather

Brando, playing the head of a mafia family. Suddenly it all began
put together: security, cars with black windows, this house,
not objecting. It seemed to me that something nostra was an invention
Francis Ford Coppola, and in the meantime I found myself inside
Sicilian history.
- Massimo ...? I said softly. - Is this how I deal with you?
ask, should I speak don?
The man turned and walked confidently toward me.
The flood of thoughts in my head made me breathless. Fear
flooded my body.
- Do you think you understand everything now? He asked, sitting down
- I think I know your name now.
He smiled slightly and as if relaxed.
- I realize you expect an explanation. But I do not know how
you will react to what I want to tell you, so you better have a drink.
He stood up and poured two glasses of champagne. He took one, he gave me
and from another he took a sip and sat back on the couch.
- A few years ago I had, let's call it an accident, I was shot
several times. This is part of the risk resulting from belonging to a family,
in which I was born. When I lay dying, I saw ... -
Here he stopped and got up. He came to the fireplace and set the glass
and sighed loudly. - What I will tell you will be so amazing that
the day i saw you at the airport i didn't think it was true.
Look up at the picture that hangs above the fireplace.
My eyes went to the place he pointed. I froze. Portrait
he depicted a woman, specifically my face. I grabbed a glass
and swung him down. I shuddered at the taste of alcohol, but it worked
soothing, so I reached for a bottle to top it up. Massimo
he continued.
- When my heart stopped, I saw ... you. After many
weeks in the hospital I regained consciousness and then full
efficiency. Whenever I was able to convey a picture that all the time

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I was in front of my eyes, I called the artist to paint a woman whom he was painting
then I saw. He painted you.
It was obvious that I was in the picture. But how is that possible?
- I was looking for you all over the world, although searching is probably too much
word. Somewhere within me there was certainty that one day you would stand above all
me. And so it happened. I saw you at the airport, leaving
from the terminal. I was ready to catch you and never let go again, but that would be
too risky. From that moment my people were already watching you.
Tortuga, the restaurant you came to belongs to me, but it's not me, but
fate put you there. Once you were inside I couldn't
base the opportunity to talk to you and then once again a fate
made you appear behind the door you shouldn't have been behind.
I cannot say that providence did not favor me. A hotel where
you lived, it belongs to me partly ...
At this point, I understood where the champagne on our table came from,
why the constant feeling of being observed. I wanted to interrupt him
and throw him a million questions, but I decided to wait what would happen next.
"You must belong to me too, Laura."
I couldn't stand it.
- I do not belong to anyone, I am not an object. You can't do that after
just have me. Kidnap and count on me being yours, I growled
through the teeth.
- I know, that's why I'll give you a chance to love me and stay with me
not from coercion, but because you want to.

I snorted a hysterical laugh. I rose calmly and slowly

from the armchair. Massimo did not object when I approached the fireplace, turning
a glass of champagne in your fingers. I tilted it, drank it to the end
and turned to my kidnapper.
- You're making fun of me. I narrowed my eyes glared at him
hateful look. - I have a guy who will look for me,
I have family, friends, I have my life. And I don't need you from you
chances for love! - The tone of my voice was definitely raised. -
So please kindly let me out and let me come home.

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Massimo stood up and crossed the room. He opened the cabinet

and took out two large envelopes. He returned and stood beside him. He came to me
close enough that I could smell it, an overpowering combination of power,
money and toilet water with a very heavy spicy note. From this one
the mixture was dizzy. He handed me the first envelope
and he said:
- Before you open it, I will explain to you what is inside ...
I didn't wait for him to start, I turned away from him and with one move
I tore off the top of the envelope and photos spilled onto the ground.
"Oh God ..." I sobbed quietly and sank to the floor, hiding my face
in hands.
My heart clenched and tears began to flow down my cheeks. In the pictures
there was Martin fucking a woman. Photographs were evidently taken
out of hiding and unfortunately they definitely portrayed my guy.
"Laura ..." Massimo knelt beside me. "I'll explain what in a moment."
you see, so listen to me. When I tell you to do something and you do
you will do otherwise, it will always end up worse for you than it should.
Understand this and stop fighting me because in the current situation you are on
losing position.
I raised my hazy eyes and looked at him with such
hate that he moved away from me. I was angry, desperate
ripped to shreds and I didn't care.
- You know what? Fuck off! I threw the envelope at him and lunged
to door.
Massimo still kneeling, grabbed my leg and pulled my own
page. I fell over and hit my back on the ground. Black is fine
he didn't do it, he dragged me down the rug until I was under him.
He released his right ankle he pulled quickly and grabbed it
my hands at the wrists. I threw myself in all directions, trying
- Fuck me! I screamed, struggling.
At one point, when he pulled me, calling to order,
a gun fell from behind his belt and hit the floor. At this view
I froze, but Massimo didn't seem to care at all, no

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taking my eyes off me. He gripped mine more and more

wrists. Finally I stopped fighting him, I lay defenseless
and weeping, and he penetrated me with his cold eyes. He looked down
on my half-naked body; the robe that covered them pulled up quite enough
high up. He hissed and bit his lower lip at the sight. He came
my mouth until I stopped breathing - it seemed to absorb mine
smell, and in a moment will find out how I taste. He swiped his lips after
my cheek and whispered:
- I won't do anything without your consent and willingness. Even if I like it
it seemed like I had it, I would wait until you want me, you want me to
you will come Which doesn't mean that I don't feel like going into you very much
stop your scream deeply and with your tongue.
At these words, spoken so quietly and calmly, I felt
- Don't fidget and listen for a moment, I will have a hard night tonight,
the last days have not been easy, and you do not make my task easier. No
I'm used to having to tolerate disobedience, I can't
be gentle but I don't want to hurt you. So or in a moment
I'll tie you to a chair and gag you, or let you go, and you
you will politely follow my instructions.
His body was sticking to mine, I could feel every muscle of it
an extremely harmoniously built man. Left knee that
held between my legs, pushed up when not
I reacted to his words. I groaned softly, suppressing the scream as it hit
between my thighs, irritating the sensitive place, and my back involuntarily
I arched, turning my head away from him. My body was behaving
so only in situations of excitement, and this despite tangible aggression
she definitely was.
"Don't provoke me, Laura," he hissed through his teeth.
"All right, I'll be calm and now get up from me."
Massimo gracefully rose from the carpet and put the weapon down on the table. He took
me on my arm and seated me in an armchair.
- It will definitely be easier. So when it comes to photos ...
- he started. - On your birthday, I witnessed the situation at the pool

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between you and your man. When you ran out, I knew it was
the day I bring you to my life. After yours
the man didn't even flinch when you left the hotel, I knew he didn't
he is worth you and he will not despair long after you. When you disappeared
your friends went to eat, as if nothing had happened. Then my people took
your things from the room and left a letter in which you wrote to Martin that
you leave him, return to Poland, move out and disappear with him
life. There is no way that he would not read it when he returned to yours
apartment after a meal. In the evening, when they passed by the reception
dressed up and in champagne moods, a service man asked them,
recommending visiting one of the better clubs on the island. Toro also belongs
to me and thanks to that I could control the situation. When you look
photos, you'll see the whole story on them that you just heard. What
it was happening at the club ... well, they drank, had fun until Martin got interested
one of the dancers - you have already seen the rest. Pictures probably speak for themselves
each other.
I sat and looked at him in disbelief. Within a few minutes
hours my whole life turned upside down.
- I want to go back to Poland, please let me be home again.
Massimo got up from the couch and stood facing the smoldering fire that
it dimmed slightly, creating a warm twilight in the room. He leaned on one hand
against the wall and said something in Italian. He caught a deep breath and turned away
in my direction and he replied:
"Unfortunately, it won't be for the next three hundred and sixty-five days."
possible. I want you to devote the next year to me. I will try to do
everything for you to love me, and if next year on your birthday nothing is wrong
will change, i will let you go. This is not an offer, only information, I don't give it
you choice, just telling how it will be. I won't touch you, I won't do anything
what you don't want, I won't force you to do anything, I won't rape you if
you are afraid of it ... Because if you really are an angel to me, I want to show
as much respect as your own life is worth to me. Everything
in the residence will be at your disposal, you will get protection, but not for
control, but only for your safety. You will choose
people who will protect you in my absence. You will have

Page 38
access to all properties, I'm not going to imprison you, that's why
you only want to play in clubs or go out, I can't see
the problem ...
I interrupted him.
"You're not serious right now, are you?" How am I here?
sit still? What will my parents think? You don't know my mother, she
she will cry when they tell her that I have been kidnapped, sacrifice the rest of my life,
to find me. Do you know what you want to do to her? I prefer you to me
he shot now than I was to blame if something happened to her because of me.
If you just let me out of this room, I'll run away and never me again
you will see. I'm not going to be the property - yours or anyone's
Massimo approached me as if he knew it again
something not very nice will happen. He reached out and handed me the second envelope.
Holding it in my hands, I wondered if I should open it or not
will be the same as a moment ago. I watched my face with research
Black. He stared at the fire as if waiting for my reaction to what was hidden
I tore open the envelope and, with trembling hands, pulled out another photo.
What the hell? I thought. The photographs depicted my family:
mother with dad and brother. In ordinary situations, taken next to the house, on
lunch with friends through the bedroom window when they were sleeping.
- What is this ?! I asked, confused and pissed off
- It's my policy guaranteeing you won't run away. You won't risk it
safety and life of your family. I know where they live and how they live
and where they work, what time they go to sleep and what they eat for breakfast. No
I'm going to watch you because I know I can't do it when
I'm not here, I will not imprison you, tie you or lock you up. The only thing i can do
to do is give you an ultimatum: you will give me a year - and your family will be there
safe and protected.
I sat in front of him and thought about whether I could
kill him. On the table between us lay a gun, and I wanted to do
everything to protect your family. I grabbed the gun and aimed it

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in Black. He was still sitting still, but his were on fire

- Laura, you're driving me crazy and crazy at the same time.
Put the weapon away, because in a moment the situation will cease to be funny and I will have to
hurt you.
When he finished speaking, I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger. Thread
did not happen. Massimo lunged at me, took my weapon and tugged at me
shoulder, pulled me from the chair, throwing me on the couch, from which he jumped up.
He twisted me on my stomach and tied me to one of the pillows
hands. When he finished, he seated me, or rather threw me on a soft seat.
- You have to unlock it first !!! Do you prefer to talk like that?
Are you comfortable Do you want to kill me thinking it's so simple? You think,
that nobody has ever tried it before?
When he finished screaming, he ran his hands through his hair, sighed
and he looked at me furiously and coldly.
- Domenico! He screamed.
A young Italian appeared in the doorway, as if he were behind the wall all the time,
waiting for the call.
- Take Laura to her room and don't lock the door -
spoke English with his British accent so that I would
she understood. Then he turned to me:
"I won't imprison you, but will you risk escaping?"
He lifted me by the rope that Domenico took from him completely
unaffected by the whole situation. Black tucked his pistol into his belt in his pants
and left the room, casting a warning look at me in the doorway.
The young Italian gave a wide gesture to show me the way and walked down the corridor,
leading me behind the "leash" Massimo prepared for me. After passing
tangled corridors we got to the room in which I woke up a couple
an hour ago. Domenico untied his hands, nodded and closed the door,
leaving. I waited a few seconds and grabbed the door handle - the door didn't
they were locked. I wasn't sure if I wanted to cross
threshold. I sat on the bed and a stream of thoughts rushed through my head. If he
was he serious A whole year without family, friends, without Warsaw? On
I thought I was in tears. Would he be able to do something so cruel

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my loved ones? I wasn't sure of his words, but I didn't want to

check if he was bluffing. The wave of tears that flooded my eyes was like
catharsis. I don't know how much I cried, but eventually I fell asleep from fatigue.
I woke up curled up, still wearing a white down coat
dressing-gown. It was still dark outside, again I didn't know if this one lasted
terrible night, or maybe it's another.
There were hushed male voices from the garden - I went out onto the balcony, but
I didn't see anyone. The sounds were too quiet for the talkers to be able to
be near. I thought something was happening on the other side
possessions. I gripped the door handle uncertainly, the door was still off
closed. I stepped outside the room and thought for a long moment
whether to take a step forward or whether I can step back. won
curiosity and I walked through the dark corridor towards me
votes. It was a hot August night, light curtains fluttered in the windows
on the sea-scented wind. The house in the dark was calm.
I wonder how it looked during the day. Without Domenic, getting lost in the tangles
corridors and doors were rather obvious, after a short while I did not have
no idea where i am. The only thing I suggested was following
ahead, there were more and more distinct sounds of male conversations.
Passing through the slightly ajar door, I reached the huge hall
with giant windows that overlooked the driveway. I went to the glass
glass and leaned my hands on the huge frame, partly behind her
In the dark I saw Massim and several people standing next to him. In front of
they were kneeling by a man who was shouting something in Italian. His face
she betrayed terror and panic when he looked at Black. Massimo stood
calmly with his hands in the pockets of loose dark pants. pierced
man with an icy stare and waited for the end of the sobbing sobriety
human. When he fell silent, Black said in a calm voice to
one or two sentences, then pulled a pistol from his belt
and shot him in the head. The man's body fell to stone
At this sight, a moan escaped from my chest and I suppressed it with my hands,
putting them to your mouth. However, it was loud enough that Czarny turned away

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gaze from the man in front of him and looked at me. His
the look was cold and dispassionate, as if she hadn't done anything on it
impressions of the act he has just done. He grabbed the silencer and handed over the weapon
the man next to him; then I sank to the floor.
I tried desperately to catch my breath, but to no avail.
I only heard my heart beating slowly and pulsating in my head
blood, it started getting dark in front of my eyes, and my stomach was clearly
signaled that soon the carpet will be drunk earlier
champagne. With shaking hands, I nervously tried to untie the belt
a bathrobe that seemed to tighten ever more, blocking me
inhale. I saw the death of a man in my head like a fierce one
film scrolled the image of the falling shot. A repetitive scene
it caused the oxygen to drain completely out of my body. I gave
this and stopped fighting. I registered the rest of my consciousness as
the strap on my robe is loosening, two fingers on my neck are trying
feel a weak pulse. One hand slipped through the back and neck until it caught
me behind my head, and the other under my half-bent legs. I felt that myself
I move - I wanted to open my eyes, but I couldn't
lift eyelids. There were sounds around, clearly to me
only one arrived:
- Laura, breathe.
That accent, I thought. I knew my arms were around me
Massima, the arms of a man who took someone's life a moment ago.
Black entered the room and kicked the door shut. When i felt
as he puts me on the bed, I still struggled with the breath that despite
he was becoming more and more regular, still not deep enough to
give me as much oxygen as I needed.
Massimo opened his mouth with one hand and slipped it under his tongue with the other
- Relax, baby, it's a heart medicine. The doctor who followed you
took care, left them in case of such a situation.
After a while, my breathing became more regular, into the body
more oxygen was reaching, and the heart from a mad gallop slowed down to
calm walk. I fell in bed and fell asleep.

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When I opened my eyes it was already light in the room. I lay in white
bedding, I was wearing a shirt and panties - from what I remembered
I fell asleep in a bathrobe. Did Black dress me up? To do it,
he would have to undress me first, which meant he saw me naked.
This thought did not seem very pleasant, even though Massimo was
captivatingly handsome man.
The last night's events flew before my eyes.
I took a deep breath, and covered my face with a duvet.
All the information, three hundred and sixty-five days he gave me,
my family, Martin's infidelity and death of this man - that was too
a lot for one night.
"I didn't change you," I heard a voice muffled through the quilt.
I slowly slid her off my face to look at Black. He sat
in a big armchair next to the bed. He was definitely wearing it this time
less formal attire - gray tracksuit pants and a white T-shirt on
broad straps, which showed his broad shoulders and beautifully
carved hands. He was barefoot and his hair was tousled; if not for the fact
that he looked fresh and appetizing, I would think he was just out of bed.
"Maria did it," he continued. - I wasn't even there at the time
In a room. I promised you that nothing would happen without your consent, though not
I will hide that I was curious and wanted to look. Especially since
you were unconscious, so vulnerable and finally I was sure that
I won't get in the face again. Saying it, he raised it with amusement
eyebrows, and I saw him smiling for the first time. He was carefree
and satisfied. He seemed completely unaware of the dramatic ones
the events of last night.
I rose and leaned against the headboard of the wooden bed. Massimo,
still with a youthful mischievous smile, he improved slightly in the chair,
he threw his right leg to his left knee and waited for the first words of mine
"You killed a man," I whispered, and tears came to my eyes. -
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You shot him and did it as normal as I buy another pair

Black's eyes changed into icy and animal again, smile
disappeared from his face. He was replaced by a mask of seriousness and uncompromisingness,
which I already knew.
- He cheated on his family and the family is me, so he cheated on me. - He leaned forward
little. "I told you, but you thought it was a joke." I do not recognize
opposition and disobedience, Laura, and nothing is more important to me
than loyalty. You are not ready yet for all this, and for such a view as
you will probably never be able to prepare yesterday.
Here he broke off and rose from his chair. He came to me and sat on the shore
bed. He gently brushed my hair with his fingers as if checking
I am real. At one point, he put his hand under my head
and grabbed his hair tight against the skin. He threw his left leg through
my body and sat astride me, immobilizing me. His
breathing quickened, eyes burning with lust and animal savagery.
I was stiff with fear, which was definitely painted on my face.
Massimo saw this fear and was clearly turning it on.
After the events of last night, I knew that this man did not
jokes that if I want my family to be safe and peaceful, I have to
accept the conditions he set for me.
Black gripped my hair more and more, sniffing
on my face. He breathed hard in his lungs, absorbing the smell of mine
skin. I wanted to close my eyes to disregard him and pretend that
it does not move me, but hypnotized by his wild gaze does not
I could take my eyes off him. It could not be hidden that he was beautiful
a man very much my type. Black eyes, dark hair, wonderful,
huge, beautifully defined lips, a few days of stubble that now
gently tickled my cheeks. And this body! Long, slender
my legs are wrapped around me, my arms are very muscular and my chest is wide
which was visible through a tight-fitting shirt with straps.
- The fact that I will not do anything without your consent is not tantamount to
that I could stop myself, "he whispered, looking into my eyes.
His hand in my hair pulled me hard, pushing me deeper

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in the pillow. I made a low moan. Massimo is loud at this sound

he inhaled. He gently slid his right leg in between
my thighs and strongly clung to me with his manhood. I felt on mine
hip, how much he wanted me. I felt only
"I want you, Laura, I want you all ..." He sniffed
my face. - When you are so fragile and vulnerable, you turn me on
most. I want to fuck you like no one has ever done it before, I want to
to give you pain and relief. I want to be the last for you
lover ...
He spoke all these words, his hips rubbing rhythmically
for my body. I understood that the game in which I was to participate, exactly
has begun. I had nothing to lose, another three hundred and sixty
I could spend five days fighting with this man in advance
it was doomed to failure or to learn the rules of the game that I had
he prepared, and take part in it. I raised my hands slowly behind my head
and put them on the pillow, showing him submission and vulnerability. Black,
Seeing this, he released my hair and entwined his fingers with my hands,
pressing them to the pillow.
"That's definitely better, baby," he whispered. - I'm glad that
you understand.
Massimo pressed his hip faster and harder
an impressive cock that I could feel on my stomach.
- You want me? I asked, slightly raising my head so that my lower one
I ran my lip over his chin.
He groaned and before I knew it, his tongue was already bursting my lips,
he pushed him madly and deeply, eagerly searching for mine. loosened
grip on my hands so that I could free my right hand. Busy
with kisses he didn't notice how I escaped his embrace. I raised right
my knee and pushed him away from me while aiming at him
sulky cheek with a released hand.
- Is this the respect you guaranteed me ?! I screamed. -
Just yesterday, from what I remember, you were supposed to wait for my express
permission instead of suggesting misreading characters.

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Black froze and when he turned his head towards me,

his eyes were calm and expressionless.
- If you hit me again ...
- What? You will kill me? I grunted before he finished.
Massimo sat at the foot of the bed and looked at me for a moment, after
what he laughed with pure and sincere laughter. He looked young
the boy he probably was - I had no idea how old he was but in this one
he seemed younger than me at the moment.
- How are you not Italian? - He asked. - This is not Slavic
- And how many Slavs do you know?
"This one is enough for me," he said, amused
and jumped off the bed. He turned to me and, with a smile, announced:
- It will be a nice year, but I have to dodge faster because I lose at
vigilance, baby.
He started for the door, but before he crossed the threshold he stopped and looked at
"Your belongings were brought and Domenico sorted them out."
in wardrobes. There are not many of them, though for someone who has gone on
five-day vacation, you still have surprisingly many clothes and even more
shoes. We need to take care of your wardrobe, that's why in the afternoon when
I'll be back, we'll go buy some clothes, underwear and whatever you want
need. This room is yours unless you find another one in your home
you'll like it better, then we'll change it. All servants know who you are
if you need something, just call Domenic.
Cars and drivers are at your disposal, although I would prefer you to after
the island did not travel alone. You will get protection that will try not to
conspicuous. I'll give you the phone and the computer in the evening, but the conditions
we will have to discuss the use of these devices.
I looked at him with wide eyes and wondered what
I feel. I couldn't quite focus, smelling Massima's saliva
your lips. A strained erection pulsed in his pants,
absorbing my attention. Undeniably and indisputably my torturer
I was very interested in it. I just couldn't answer the question

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do I want to subconsciously take revenge on Martin for his betrayal or maybe

I just want to prove to Black how hard I am.
Massimo continued.
- The residence has a private beach, water scooters and motorboats, but on
you must not use them yet. There is a swimming pool in the garden, Domenico
I will show you everything, will be your personal assistant and translator,
if necessary, some people at home do not know English.
I chose him because, just like you, he loves fashion, and besides you are
a similar age.
- How old are you? I interrupted him. He released the door handle and leaned on the door frame
door. Mafia godfathers should probably be old?
Massimo narrowed his eyes and kept looking into my eyes,
he replied:
- I'm not capo di tutti capi, they are actually older, I am
capofamiglia, or don. But this is too long a story, so if so much
you're interested, I'll explain it later.
He turned and walked down the long corridor until he disappeared, entering
in one of the dozens of doors. I lay there for a while, analyzing
your location. However, thinking about this situation tired me, so
I decided to make some time for myself. I had it for the first time
opportunity to see the property in daylight. My room was sure
from eighty meters and it had everything a woman could do
wish. For example, a great wardrobe alive like sex in a great
town , only that it was almost empty. Things that I took with me
to Sicily, they filled maybe a hundredth of a huge room. Shelfs
on the shoes shone empty, provoking shopping, and dozens of drawers
they only hid satin jewelry liners.
In addition to the wardrobe, I also had a giant bathroom,
which I used at night while taking a shower. I was too then
stunned to pay attention to its impressive equipment. huge
the open cabin had the function of a steam sauna and transverse nozzles to
massage, looking like towel holders with holes. In the dresser
with a mirror I was delighted to discover all my cosmetics
favorite brands: Dior, YSL, Guerlain, Chanel and a whole bunch of others. On

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basin tops stood perfume bottles, among which I found my beloved

because of me, Lancôme Midnight Rose. For the first time
I wondered how he knew, but he knew everything, so
such a prosaic thing as a perfume that he could see in mine
luggage was no secret. I took a shower, long and hot, washed
hair that already needed it badly, and I went to the wardrobe to
choose something comfortable to wear. It was thirty degrees outside
so I reached for a long raspberry light dress without back, for that
platform sandals. I was going to dry my hair but before it happened
I have already dried up. I fastened them in a careless bun and started off
through the corridor.
The house looked a bit like a dynasty villa , only Italian
version. It was huge and impressive. Strolling over the next ones
indoors, I discovered more portraits of a woman from Massim's vision.
They were extremely beautiful and showed me in various shots and poses.
I still couldn't understand how it was possible that it was possible for me
He remembered.
I went down to the garden without meeting a single person along the way. What
for service? I thought, walking around neat and precise
designed alleys. I discovered a descent to the beach. In fact, she was
there a marina where a beautiful white motorboat was moored and a few
jet skis. I took off my shoes and boarded the boat. When
surprised, I discovered that the keys are next to the ignition, I was happy
and an evil plan ran through my head that predicted a fracture
Black bans. As soon as I touched the key ring, I heard behind me
"I'd rather you refrain from this trip today."
I turned around scared and saw the young Italian.
- Domenico! I just wanted to see if they matched, I said
with an idiotic smile.
"I can assure you that they fit, and if you want to swim, then."
after breakfast we will organize it.
Food! I don't remember the last time I ate. I do not know how much
I spent my days sleeping properly; I didn't know what we had

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day and even what time. My stomach spoke at the thought of eating
to me with a "roar from the deep". Oh, I was really hungry but by
all the emotions that have accompanied me lately, completely about it
I forgot.
Domenico, with a gesture I knew, pointed off the boat and shook his hand
and brought to the bridge.
- I allowed myself to prepare breakfast in the garden, today it is not
very hot, so it will be more pleasant, "he said to me.
Well, I thought, thirty degrees is almost chill, so
why not.
A young Italian led me through the alleys to the huge terrace at the back
residence. I think my room has a balcony to this part of the garden, because of the view
he seemed surprisingly familiar to me. On the stone floor stood
a makeshift gazebo, reminiscent of boxes in a restaurant,
in which we ate the first night. It had thick wooden supports, to
which were attached huge sheets of white canvas to protect against
the sun. A large table of identical was placed under the wavy roof
wood like supports and several comfortable armchairs with white cushions.
Breakfast was truly royal, so my hunger suddenly swelled.
Cheese platters, olives, wonderful meats, pancakes, fruit, eggs - it was there
everything i loved. I sat at the table and Domenico was gone. Kind of
I got used to lonely meals, but this view and this quantity
food until they asked for a companion. After a while, the young Italian returned and laid down
newspapers in front of me.
- I thought you'd like to look through the press. - He turned around
and again disappeared inside the villa.
I looked with amazement at Rzeczpospolita, Electoral and Polish
version of "Vogue" and several gossip titles. I felt better immediately
I could find out what was going on in Poland. Putting more on the plate
I was wondering if for the next year
this is how I will get to know the news from my country.
After the meal, I had no strength for anything, I was sick.
Apparently, eating such an amount after a few days of fasting was not
the best idea. In the distance, at the edge of the garden, I saw a couch

Page 49
with white cushions and a canopy spread over it. It will be
a perfect place to wait for indigestion, I judged and went to this
page, taking the rest of the unheated press under his arm.
I took off my shoes and entered the fluffy center of the wooden square,
throwing next to the newspaper. I made myself comfortable. The view was stunning:
small boats on the sea rippled in its slow rhythm, somewhere
in the distance a motorboat pulled a large parachute attached to it
in steam, the azure water was begging to jump into it and protruding
from the depths, monumental rocks were a promise of wonderful views
diving enthusiasts. A pleasant, cool wind blew from the sea,
and the sugar growing in my body made it deeper and deeper
I fell into a soft ground.
- Are you going to sleep the next day? - A quiet whisper woke me up
with a British accent.
I opened my eyes, Massimo sat on the edge of the couch looking at
me gently.
"I missed you," he said, taking my hand to his mouth and gently
kissing. "I've never told anyone in my life because I never did."
I felt. I've been thinking all day that you're finally here, and I had to
come back.
Partly still stunned by the nap, I lazily stretched,
flexing in a light dress that showed my shape. Black stood up
and stood by. His eyes burned with wild and animal lust again.
- Can you not do that? He asked, warning me
look. - If you provoke someone, be aware of your actions
can be effective.
Seeing his eyes, I jumped to my feet and stood in front of him.
I couldn't even reach his chin without shoes.
- I just stretch myself, it's a natural reflex after waking up,
but since that bothers you, of course I won't do it anymore in yours
presence, 'I said offended.
"I think you know exactly what you are doing, baby," said Massimo,
lifting my chin with my thumb. - But since you are up, we can go.
You need to buy some things before leaving.

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- leaving? I'm going somewhere? I asked, folding my arms

on breasts.
- Yes, and I do. I have several things to do on the continent,
and you will accompany me. In the end I only have three hundred left
fifty-nine days.
Massimo was clearly amused, his carefree mood quickly gave me
he contributed. We stood face to face like two
teenagers flirting on the school playground. They flowed between us
tension, fear, desire. It seemed to me that we both feel these
same emotions, with the only difference that we were probably afraid completely
different things.
Black kept his hands in the pockets of loose dark pants, his
half-open shirt of the same color showed small
hair on the chest. He looked appetizing and sensual when the wind
he was blowing his neat hair. I shook my head again
throwing out inappropriate thoughts in my opinion.
"I'd like to talk," I said calmly.
- I know, but not now. It is time for dinner, you must
withstand. Come.
He grabbed my wrist and picked up my shoes from the grass and started off
towards the house. We went through a long corridor and found ourselves on
driveway. I stood on the stone surface as if I had grown up
into the ground. The horror I had seen the previous night returned.
Massimo felt my wrist soft and flabby. He took me
on his arm and put him in a black SUV parked a few meters away.
I blinked nervously, trying to focus and trying
break free from the nightmare, which all the time like a stuttering movie
I was thinking about it.
- If every time you try to leave the house,
you are going to lose consciousness, have you chuck and change the whole driveway -
he stated calmly, keeping his fingers on my wrist and looking at
watch. - Your heart will pop out soon, so try to calm down, otherwise
I will have to give you medicine again, and we both know you sleep a couple after them

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He grabbed me and sat me on my lap. He hugged my head to

his chest, entangled his fingers in his hair and began to rhythmically, slightly nodding.
- When I was little, my mother did that. In most cases
it helped, "he said in a gentle tone, stroking my head.
He was full of contradictions. A tender barbarian - this is a perfect term for
it suited him. Dangerous, non-opposing, imperious,
and at the same time caring and gentle. A combination of all these features
it frightened me, fascinated and intrigued me at the same time.
He said something in Italian to the driver and pressed a button on the panel
next to it, which caused the glass in front of us to close, ensuring
privacy. The car started, and Black kept on stroking mine
hair. After a while I was completely calm and my heart was beating
rhythmically and steadily.
"Thank you," I whispered, sliding off his lap and sitting down next to him.
He taxed me with his eyes, making sure I was all right.
To avoid his penetrating gaze, I looked out the window
and I realized we were going uphill all the time. I looked above
and I saw a beautiful view spread over ours
heads. A city on the rocks, I thought I had seen them before.
- Where exactly are we? - I asked.
- The villa is on the slopes of Taormina, and we are going to the city. I think,
you'll like it, ”he said without taking his eyes from the glass.

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Giardini Naxos, to which we came with Martin, lay several

kilometers from Taormina, it was visible from virtually anywhere
in town. The city on the rock was one of our common points
sightseeing. And what if Martin, Michał and Karolina act in accordance
with the plan? If we come across them? I fidgeted restlessly at
seat, which did not escape Black's attention. As if reading in mine
he said
- They left the island yesterday.
How did he know I was thinking about it? I looked at him questioningly, but
he didn't even notice me.
When we arrived, the sun was slowly setting and the streets
Taormina turned out thousands of tourists and residents. The city was teeming with life
narrow, picturesque streets tempted with hundreds of cafes and restaurants.
Signs of expensive stores were smiling at me. Exclusive brands
in such a place, practically at the end of the world? Such boutiques are in vain
was to look in the center of Warsaw. The car stopped, driver
got out and opened the door, Black gave me his hand and helped to leave enough
a tall SUV for me. After a while I realized that
we are accompanied by another car from which two got out
big men dressed in black. Massimo grabbed my hand
and led me to one of the main streets. His people followed us
at a distance that wasn't meant to get too much attention. It looked pretty
grotesquely - if they didn't want to be conspicuous, they should wear it
shorts and flip-flops, not gravedigger costumes. It's just that in the beach
outfit it would be difficult to hide a weapon.
The first store we visited was the Robert Cavalli boutique.
When we crossed the threshold, the saleswoman almost rushed to us
running, warmly welcoming my companion and then me.
An elegant older man came out of the back room and greeted Massim
two kisses on the cheeks, saying something to him in Italian then
he turned towards me.

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" Bella, " he said, holding my hands.

It was one of the few words in Italian that I understood.
I smiled brightly at him in thanks for
- My name is Antonio and I will help you choose the right one
wardrobes - he began in fluent English. - Size 36, I think? -
He studied me.
- Sometimes 34, it depends what bra size. As you can see, nature
she has not generously endowed me, I said, pointing with laughter
your breasts.
- Oh my love! Antonio exclaimed. - Roberto Cavalli loves it
such shapes. Let's go and let Don Massimo rest and wait for
Black sat on the couch made of silver material reminiscent of
atlas. By the time his buttocks touched the pillows, a bottle was waiting next to him
cold pérignon house, and one of the saleswomen, grateful, filled
glass. Massimo gave me a lustful look, then covered himself
newspaper. Antonio brought dozens of dresses to the fitting room, which after
turn on me, smacking contentedly. In front of eyes
only tags with amounts of subsequent creations flew to me. Behind the pile
who prepared it for me, you could easily buy an apartment
in Warsaw, I thought. After over an hour I chose a few creations,
which were packed in beautiful decorative boxes.
The situation was similar in the following stores: hot,
euphoric welcome and endless shopping ... Prada, Louis Vuitton,
Chanel, Louboutin and finally Victoria's Secret.
Each time, Black would sit down and flip through the newspapers, talk through
phone or was checking something on the iPad. He wasn't interested in me at all.
On the one hand, I enjoyed it, on the other - it annoyed. No
I understood: he could not tear himself away from me this morning, and now that he has
the opportunity to watch me in each of these wonderful creations, absolutely not
he wants to do it.
It definitely missed my idea of how alive
with Pretty Woman - me serving him various hot incarnations and he in the role
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my horny fan.
Victoria's Secret greeted us with pink, this color was literally
everywhere: on the walls, couches, on saleswomen, I had the impression
that I fell into the machine with cotton candy and will vomit in a moment. Black
he looked at me, pulling the phone from his ear.
- This is the last store, we don't have more time. Take this into account when
his choices and needs - he casually cast, then turned away
sat down on the couch and started talking again.
I winced and stood looking at him with disapproval.
It was not that this is the end of this crazy race, because of this
I had enough, but about the way he treated me.
" Signora, " the saleswoman said to me with a friendly gesture
invited to the fitting room.
When I got into boxing, I saw a large pile of prepared people
bathing suits and underwear sets.
- You don't have to try on everything. Please only insert one
set, so that I can be sure that the size I chose for you is
appropriate, ”she said and disappeared, sliding a heavy pink one behind her
What are my pants for? I haven't had that much in my whole life. First
on my chair lay a mountain of colorful fabrics, mainly lace.
I leaned out from behind the curtain and asked:
- Who chose it all?
At my sight, she jumped to her feet and came closer.
- Don Massimo ordered to prepare exactly these models from ours
"I understand," I said and hid behind the curtain.
Turning through the pile, I noticed a pattern: lace, thin
lace, thick lace, lace ... and maybe some cotton. wonderfully
and very comfortable, I grunted ironically. I chose the red set
from lace combined with silk and I began to slowly take off the dress,
to have these fits out. The delicate bra fits perfectly on
my small breasts. I discovered with interest that although she wasn't
this is a push-up version, my bust looked really tempting in it.

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I bent down and dragged the lace half strings over my legs. When
I straightened up and looked in the mirror, saw standing behind me
Massimo. He was leaning against the fitting room wall, his hands in his pockets
and he looked me up and down. I turned to him
glaring at him.
"What are you ..." I managed to choke before he grabbed my neck
and pressed his back to the mirror.
He clung to me with his whole body and gently ran his thumb over mine
lips. I was paralyzed, his tense body blocking everyone
my move. He stopped playing with my mouth and stretched his arm back
on neck. The embrace wasn't strong, he didn't have to be, he just had to show me
"Don't move," he said, piercing me through the icy cold,
wild eyes. He looked down and groaned softly. - You look nice -
hissed through his teeth. "But you can't wear it, not yet."
The word "you can't" in his mouth was like encouragement, like a provocation to
do the exact opposite. I ripped my buttocks from the cold mirror
and I slowly began to take the first step. Massimo did not object
he moved away in the rhythm in which I walked, keeping me on all the time
the distance of the hand clamped on my neck. When I was sure I was
so far from the mirror that he can see me completely, I looked at him. As
I assumed his gaze was fixed on my reflection. He watched his
prey and I saw his pants getting too tight. Loud
he was breathing, his chest rising faster.
"Massimo," I said softly.
He looked away from my buttocks and looked into my eyes.
- Come out or I guarantee you see it for the first and last time -
I growled, trying to make a scowl.
Black smiled, treating my words as a challenge. His hand
it tightened around my neck. His eyes burned with anger
desire, he took a step forward, then another and stuck again
body to a cold mirror. Then he released my neck in a calm tone
He said:
- I chose it all and I will decide when I will see it - after which

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He left.
I stood there for a moment, angry and happy at the same time.
Slowly, I began to understand the rules of this game and learned about sensitive points
When I put on my dress, anger still raged in me. garnering
prepared the top of the underwear and I stepped out with her
from the fitting room. The saleswoman jumped up, but I passed her indifferently. On
on the couch I saw sitting Massim. I came over and threw him
all that was in my hands.
- You chose it, please !!! Everything is yours! I screamed
and I ran out of the store.
The security guards who waited outside the boutique didn't even flinch when
I passed them, they only looked at Black and they stayed in the same place,
in which they stood. I was running through the crowded streets, wondering what
I do what I will do and what will happen. I saw the stairs between two
buildings, I turned and ran over them, I turned into the first again
encountered street and after a while I saw another staircase. I was climbing
higher and higher until I was two blocks away,
from which I escaped. I leaned against the wall, panting with exertion. My shoes
they may have been beautiful, but they were definitely not made for running.
I looked at the sky, at the castle that overlooked Taormina. Fuck no
I can endure a year like this, I thought.
"It used to be a fortress," I heard. - You want to run right there or
will you save the boys this effort? They don't have the same condition as me.
I turned my head away. Massimo stood on the stairs, you can see that he was running because
his hair was tousled by the wind, but he was not panting - unlike
me. He leaned against the wall and nonchalantly put his hands in his pants pockets.
- We have to come back. If you want to work out, there is a gym at home
and swimming pool. And if you fancy a marathon up the stairs, it will be in the villa
too many of them.
I knew I had no choice but to go back with him, but at least
for a moment I felt I was doing what I wanted. He reached out to me
I ignored her and started down the stairs where two men stood
in black suits. I passed them with a face of disapproval

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and I went to the SUV parked next to it. I got inside

and slammed the door.
It was a while before Massimo joined me. He sat in the seat
next to the phone with his ear and until parking in the driveway
led the conversation. I have no idea what the subject was, because in Italian
I still understood only a few words. His tone was calm and matter-of-fact
he listened a lot, did not speak much, and I could not say anything from his body language
We stopped outside the house, grabbed the door handle, but the door was there
closed. Black finished the conversation, put the phone inside
jacket pocket and looked at me.
- Dinner will be in an hour. Domenico will come for you.
The car door opened and I saw a young Italian man
he reached out to help me out. Ostentatiously her
I passed, smiling brightly at him. I ran to the building
without looking at the place that was for me since last night
worst nightmare. Domenico followed me.
"To the right," he said quietly as I turned into the wrong door.
I looked at him, thanking for the tip, and after a while I arrived
to your room.
The young Italian stood in the doorway, as if waiting for permission to enter.
- In a moment they will bring all the items purchased today. Do I need to
anything else - He asked.
- Yes, I'd have a drink before dinner. Unless I'm not allowed?
The Italian smiled and nodded knowingly, then
disappeared into the darkness of the corridor.
I went into the bathroom, threw off my dress and closed the door.
I stood in the shower and turned on the cold water. I could barely breathe
the air was really freezing, but after a while it became pleasant.
I had to cool down. When the frosty stream cooled the emotions, I changed
slightly its temperature. I washed my hair, applied the conditioner and sat down
against the wall. The water was pleasantly warm, it flew through the windows and acted on
soothing me. I had a moment to think about the situation that had happened
this morning, and then what happened in the store. I was confused.

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Massimo was so complicated, every time unpredictable. Slowly

it occurred to me that if I did not accept the situation and did not start living
normally, I will get tired.
It dawned on me then. There was really nothing to fight against
what to run. In Warsaw, nothing was waiting for me, I did not lose
nothing, because everything I had disappeared. Now I could only take
participation in an adventure that fate gave me. It's time to come to terms with the situation,
Laura, I said to myself, then got up from the floor.
I rinsed my hair and wrapped it in a towel, put on my bathrobe
and I left the bathroom.
Dozens of boxes filled the bedroom, and I was overwhelmed by the sight of them
cheerfulness. One day I would cut myself for such purchases and now also
I was going to enjoy them. I had a plan.
I found bags with the Victoria's Secret logo and dug through
dozens of sets and I found the one with the red lace. Made of glued
boxes I pulled out a black transparent short dress, and from the next
matching Louboutin high heels. Yes, this set was the one
which Massimo can't survive. I headed to the vanity in the bathroom, on the way
taking the bottle of champagne that was on the table by the fireplace. I poured
a glass and I emptied it in one breath - I needed courage.
I poured another, sat down in front of the mirror and pulled out my cosmetics.
When I finished, my eyes were well outlined, my complexion was perfect
covered with foundation, and lips glistened with flesh-colored Chanel lipstick.
I dried my hair, curled it slightly and pinned it into a tall bun.
Domenic's voice came from the room.
- Laura, dinner is waiting.
Putting on my underwear, I shouted through the open door:
- Give me two minutes and I'll be ready.
I put on the dress, slipped the high heels on my legs
and I poured generously on the contents of the bottle of my beloved perfume. I stood
in front of the mirror and I nodded with satisfaction. I looked divine
the dress was perfect and the red lace she saw through it
perfectly matched the red soles of the shoes. I looked
elegant and provocative. I finished my third glass of sparkling liquid.

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I was ready and slightly inserted.

When I left the bathroom, Domenico opened wide when I saw him
"You look ..." He paused, searching for the right word.
"Yes, I know, thank you," I replied and smiled flirtatiously.
"These heels are divine," he said almost in a whisper and gave me his arm.
I took them and allowed myself to be led through the corridor.
We went out to the terrace where I had breakfast today. bower
with a canvas roof, hundreds of candles lit up. Massimo stood back to back
building, looking into the distance. I let go of the young Italian's shoulder.
- I'll go on alone.
Domenico disappeared, and I strode toward Black.
He turned at the sound of the pins hitting the stone floor.
He was dressed in gray linen pants and a light sweater of the same color
with sleeves rolled up. He approached the table and set the glass down
he held in his hand. He watched my every step as I approached
him, eyeing me. When I stopped in front of him, he leaned back
on the table and parted his legs slightly. I stood between them, not draining
sight from his eyes. It was all on fire, even if I was blind
I would feel his desire through my skin.
- Are you pouring me? I asked quietly, biting my lower lip.
Massimo straightened up so as to show me that even in high heels
I'm still definitely shorter than him.
"Are you aware," he whispered, "that if you are me."
provoke, I can't control myself?
I rested my hand on his hard chest and gave it a gentle push
him, giving him a clear sign to sit down. He did not resist and did what
I wanted to. He looked curious and burning - at my face, at the dress,
on shoes, and above all on the red lace, which definitely
dominated in today's outfit.
I stood very close to him so that he couldn't feel the smell
my perfume. I tucked his right hand in his hair and gently
I pulled his head down. He gave in to me without letting me down
sight. I brought my lips closer to his lips and once again quietly asked:

Page 60
- Are you gonna give me a hand?
After a moment of silence, I let go of his hair and went to the cooler
and poured myself a glass. Black was still sitting on the table and taxing
me with his eyes, and his lips formed a smile.
I sat down at the table playing with a glass leg.
- Eat I asked, giving him a bored look.
He stood up, came to me and put his hands on my shoulders. He bent down
he took a deep breath and whispered:
- You look wonderful. He brushed the end of my ear with his tongue. - No
I remember that a woman would ever affect me like that. - His
the teeth gently ran over the skin on my neck.
A shiver went through my body, the beginning of which was born between
- I want to put you belly on the table, pull you up this short one
dress well and without removing panties.
I took a deep breath, feeling the excitement growing within me. He
he continued.
"I could smell your smell when you stood at the doorstep." I would like
lick him off you. Saying this, he began to clench his hands rhythmically and firmly
on my arms. - There is one place on your body for sure
you can't feel it now. I would like to be there the most.
He broke off his sensual argument and began kissing gently again
and bite my neck. I didn't object, just turned my head on
sideways for better access. His hands slid slowly down the neckline to
after a while squeeze both my breasts firmly. I groaned.
"You see yourself that you want me, Laura."
I felt his hands and lips move away.
- Remember, this is my game, so I set the rules. - He kissed
me on the cheek and sat in the chair next to me.
He triumphed, we both knew it, which did not change the fact that his
once again the pants are definitely too small.
I pretended unmoved by the whole situation, but it only amused mine
companion. He sat playing with a glass of champagne, with a sly one
a smile on your face.

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Domenico appeared in the doorway to disappear immediately, and a moment later

two young men served us a starter. Carpaccio
the octopus was delicious and delicate, and the next dishes served on the table
getting better. We ate in silence, glancing at each other from time to time. After
I moved the chair away from the table and took a glass
pink wine and with a certain voice I started:
- Cosa nostra.
Massimo gave me a warning look.
"As far as I know, it doesn't exist." Truth?
He sneered and asked in a low voice:
- And what else do you know, baby?
Disoriented, I started to turn the glass in my fingers.
- Well, I think everyone has seen the Godfather . I wonder how much
there is truth in you about this.
- About us? He asked surprised. - There is nothing there about me,
I have no idea.
He was making fun of me. I felt it, so I asked directly:
- What do you do?
- I'm doing business.
- Massimo - I didn't give up - I ask seriously.
You expect an annual declaration of obedience from me and you don't think so
I should know what I'm writing for ?!
His expression turned serious. Icy eyes glared at me.
"You have the right to expect clarifications, and I'll give them to you as much as I can."
you need it. He took a sip of his wine. - I stayed after my parents' death
chosen head of the family, that's why people turn to me don. I have
several companies, clubs, restaurants, hotels - it's like a corporation with its president
I am. The whole is part of a larger activity. If you wish
for a full inventory, you will get it, however, I think detailed knowledge
would be superfluous and dangerous. He stared at me angrily
and serious eyesight. - I don't know what knowledge you need more.
Want to know if I have my consigliere? Yes I do, I think
you will meet him soon. When asked if I have a gun or am I
dangerous and if I solve my problems myself, you got the answer

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in the night. I don't know what else you want to know, ask.
There were a million thoughts in my head, but nothing more
I needed to know. The situation has been clear for some time, yes
I really knew everything from last night.
- When will you give me the phone and the computer back?
Black quietly turned on his chair and threw his leg to his knee.
- When you want, baby. We just need to determine what you say to people
with whom you want to contact.
I caught my breath to say something, but he raised his hand, no
letting me get started.
- Before you interrupt me, I'll tell you how it is. You will call your parents
and if you think it is necessary, you will fly to Poland.
At these words my eyes lit up and my face was painted
- You tell them that you received a very lucrative job offer
in one of the hotels in Sicily and you intend to use it. Contract
will include a one-year trial period. Thanks to this you won't have to
lie to your loved ones when you want to have contact with them. From an apartment
Martin were taken from your belongings before he returned to
Warsaw. They should be on the island tomorrow. The subject of this man
I consider closed. I don't want you to have anything to do with him.
I looked at him questioningly.
"If I didn't make myself clear, maybe I can tell you: I forbid you to contact you."
with this man, 'he said firmly. - Something else?
I was silent for a moment. He thought everything through, the situation was
well planned and logical.
- Well, if I need to visit my family? -
I continued. - What then?
Massimo frowned.
- Well ... then I'll get to know your beautiful country.
I laughed, sipping my wine before. I can already see my head
mafia family appears in Warsaw.
- Do I have the right to disagree with you? I asked inquisitively.
- Unfortunately, this is not a proposal, but a description of the situation that will be

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it had happened. - He leaned towards me. - Laura, you're so smart

haven't you realized that I always get what I want?
I winced, remembering today's events.
- As far as I know, don Massimo, not always. - I dropped it
look at the lace underwear that stuck out from under my dress,
and I bit my lip.
I slowly got up from the chair. Black watched my every move.
I took off the wonderful red-soled heels and headed for
garden. The grass was moist and the air tasted of salt. I knew that
he won't resist the temptation and follow me. After a while it happened. Slime
in the dark, seeing only the lights of boats swaying in the distance
sea. I stopped when I reached the square couch
with a canopy on which I took a nap during the day.
- You feel good here, right? Asked Massimo, standing next to him.
Actually, he was right, I didn't feel strange or new here, I had
the impression of being here forever. Besides which girl doesn't
would like to be in a beautiful villa, with service and all comforts.
- I slowly accept the situation, I'm getting used to it because I know that
I have no choice - I replied, taking a sip from the glass.
Black took it out of my hand and threw it on the grass. He took me in his arms
and put it gently on white pillows. My breath sped up because
I knew I could expect absolutely everything. He flipped
one leg above me and we lay again like this morning.
The difference was that I was afraid then, and at the moment the only thing
I felt curiosity and excitement. Maybe it was drunk wine
alcohol, or maybe I just accepted the situation and everything happened
Black, hands on both sides of my head, leaned forward
over me.
"I would like ..." he whispered, nudging my lips, "make you."
she taught me how to be gentle with myself.
I froze. A man so dangerous, powerful and powerful asked me
for permission, tenderness and love.
My hands went to his face and stopped on his cheeks.

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I held her for a moment to look at his black and calm

eyes. I pulled him to me gently. When our lips
met, Massimo attacked me with all his strength, strongly and greedily
opening them wider and wider. Our tongues twitched in one rhythm. His
my body fell over me and my arms were entangled around my shoulders.
It was definitely felt that we both want each other, tongues and lips
they fucked each other hard and passionately, showing our almost
identical sexual temperament.
After a while, when the adrenaline flowed away and I calmed down slightly,
I realized what I was doing.
"Wait, stop it," I said, pushing him away.
Black wasn't going to stop. He grabbed my wrists firmly
which I waved and pressed them against a white mattress. He raised mine
hands and grabbed with both hands. The other followed my thigh
up, climbing until she came across lace panties.
He grabbed them, taking his mouth from mine. Pale light distant
the lighthouse lit my terrified face. I didn't fight him, I didn't
I had a chance. I lay quietly, tears streaming down my cheeks. seeing
he let go of my hands, got up and sat down, resting his feet on wet
- Little ... - he whispered heavily - when you use only your whole life
violence and you have to fight for everything, it's difficult to react differently,
when someone takes away the pleasure you desire.
He got up and ran a hand through his hair, while I didn't even
I started, still lying still on my back. I was furious,
and at the same time I was sorry for Massima. I had the impression that it is not
one of those men who torture women and take them by force. Him
the procedure seemed normal. Strong touch, because I would
she named, it was as obvious to him as a handshake. Probably
he also never cared about anyone, he didn't have to try and care
about nobody's feelings. Now he wanted to enforce reciprocity from a woman
and the only way he could do it was to force it.
The sound of vibrating in his pants ripped us out of the terrifying silence
cell. Black pulled out his phone, looked at the display and answered.
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When he was talking, I wiped my eyes and got up from the couch. peacefull
I walked towards the house. I was tired, a little drunk
and completely confused. It took me a while, but I finally arrived
into the room and exhausted I fell on the bed. I don't even know when
I fell asleep.

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I woke up when it was light. I felt a heavy hand on my waist.

Curled up beside him, Massimo was asleep, embracing me around my waist.
His face was covered with hair, his lips slightly parted. Slowly
and he breathed in steadily, and his tanned body, dressed identically
the previous morning, it looked amazingly effective against the backdrop
white bedding. Oh God, how delicious he is, I thought, licking my lips
and puffing on the scent of his skin.
Everything is wonderful, but what is he doing here? I thought. I was afraid
move so as not to wake him up, and I had to go to the bathroom. I started to slide out
from under his hand, gently lifting it. Black gasped
air and rolled on his back; he was still sleeping. I got up from bed
and headed for the bathroom door. When I stood in front of the mirror, until
I winced at the sight of me. Unwashed makeup took the shape of a mask
Zorro, my narrow dress twisted in all directions,
and the intricate bun looked like a bird's nest.
"Sweet," I hissed through my teeth and began to wipe it with a cotton swab
black spots around the eyes. When I finished, I undressed and started off
to a large shower cubicle. I turned on the water and poured it on my hand
soap. At that moment the door opened and Black stood in it. Without
no, even the slightest embarrassment, he looked at me.
- Good morning, baby, can I join? He asked, wiping
sleepy eyes and smiling cheerfully. At first I wanted to
approach him, hit him not once and throw him out of the bathroom.
But from experience gained over the past few days, I knew it was nothing
he will, and his reaction will be violent and not very pleasant for me.
So I replied without emotion, spreading the soap over the body:
- Sure, come on.
Massimo stopped wiping his eyes, narrowed them and stood dead. surely
he wasn't sure what he heard, and he certainly wasn't at it
I couldn't change the fact that he came in and saw me naked, but

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I could at least look at him without clothes.

Massimo slowly walked to the shower cubicle, which he rather
I should call the bath room, grabbed the back of the shirt and one
he pulled her over his head. I stood leaning against the wall, slowly
applying another portion of the white gel on the body. I kept my eyes down
from Massima, he likewise taxed me with his eyes. That's how I looked
that after a while I realized that I only soap my breasts
and I do it far too long.
"Before I take off my pants, I must warn you that I'm healthy."
guy, it's morning and you're naked, so ... - Here he broke off and nonchalantly
he shrugged, arching his lips in a sly smile.
At these words my heart leaped into my throat. I thanked God that
I stand in the shower because this information made me do it in a second
wet. When was the last time I had sex? I thought. Martin
he treated it rather as sporadic coercion, so he hadn't
I knew the pleasure of someone other than myself. And to
of all this, I think ovulation was approaching and the hormones were winning
marching on my libido. What a torture I muttered under my breath
and turning to the shower, turned the taps so that the water
it got cold.
With excitement that in a moment I will see him in all its glory
I squeezed my toes and the muscles on my body involuntarily
strained. I closed my eyes for my own good and safety
and slipped under cold water, pretending to rinse my skin with soap.
Unfortunately, this time the temperature did not help, and the water seemed to me
only lukewarm.
Massimo entered the cabin and turned on the shower next to him.
In total, there were four rain showers in the separated space behind the glass
and a huge panel for water massage that looked like a radiator
bathroom with holes.
"We're leaving today," Black began calmly. - There won't be a few of us
days, maybe a dozen, I don't know that yet. We will have to visit
some official events, so take this into consideration when packing. Domenico
will prepare everything, you just have to indicate what you are taking.

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I heard what he said but didn't listen. I tried at all costs

not open my eyes, but curiosity was stronger. I turned my head
and saw Massimo leaning against the wall with both hands, allowing
for water to run down his body. The view was staggering - its naked,
slender legs turned into beautifully sculpted buttocks and muscles
belly testified to the enormity of the work he did, taking care of the form. In that
the moment my gaze stopped wandering, stopping at one point.
The image I was afraid of appeared the most. Its beautiful
an even and incredibly thick cock protruded like a candle stuck in a cake,
which I got at the hotel on my birthday. He was perfect, perfect
not too long, but thick almost like my wrist, just perfect.
I stood in streams of ice-cold water and swallowed hard.
Massimo's eyes were still closed and his face was exposed
falling drops. Gently turned his head sideways to let the water
it evenly spread over his hair.
He flexed his straightened arms and leaned against the wall with his elbows, so that
his head was already out of the stream.
- Do you want something from me or just watching? He asked constantly
eyes closed.
My heart was pounding and I couldn't take my eyes off him. In my mind
I cursed the moment when I let him go under the damn thing
shower - although my opposition would probably not change much. The body stopped
against me, every cell wanted to touch him. I licked my lips
at the thought of holding him in my mouth.
Before my eyes was a picture when I stand behind it, all dripping with water,
and I strongly catch his manhood. I slowly clench my fingers on her and he moans
encouraged by my touch. I turn it over and lean it against the wall. I'm approaching
to him without letting go of his hard cock. I lick slowly
his nipples and slowly move my hand from root to tip. I feel like
it gets harder and his hips come out to meet mine
movements ...
- Your gaze, Laura, indicates that you do not think about the creations that
you have to take.
I shook my head as if I had just woken up and wanted to chase away

Page 69

dream. Black stood in the same position, elbows leaning against the wall, but with that
the difference was that he was now looking at me with amused eyes. I panicked.
I was not able to resolutely resolute, because the only thing about now
I was thinking to blow him. My panic called him as injured
predator animal.
Massimo started towards me and I tried my best
look into his eyes. The road to me took him about three steps, eh
I definitely enjoyed it, because thanks to it the building soon after
my interest disappeared from my sight. Unfortunately, my relief
it didn't last long because when he faced me
his phallus still protruding gently across my stomach. I was backing off
and he followed me. After my every two steps he did one thing
it was enough for him to be close again. Although the cabin was gigantic,
I knew that at some point we would run out of space. When
I leaned against the wall, Black almost stuck to me with his body.
- What were you thinking about him? He asked, leaning over
me. - You want to touch him, because for now he is touching you ...
I couldn't say a word, I opened my mouth, but
the sounds did not want to flow from them. I stood defenseless, stunned
and overwhelmed with lust, and he rubbed against me, pressing harder and harder
on my stomach. His pressure turned into rhythmic, pulsating movements.
Massimo groaned and leaned his forehead against the wall behind me.
"I'll do it with or without your help," he panted over my head.
I couldn't resist anymore and I grabbed my hands hard
Black buttocks. When I stuck nails in them, he pulled out of his throat
low moan I swung around firmly and leaned against the wall.
His hands hung limply along his body, his eyes fixed on me
burned with lust. I knew that if I didn't stop now, in a moment
I will not be able to control the situation and something will happen
should happen.
I turned and hurried through the cabin and bathroom. I caught
a robe hung next to the door and hurried across the threshold
I threw him on myself. I was running through the corridor, though not
I heard footsteps behind me. I only stopped when I passed

Page 70

garden, stairs and I found myself at the marina. Panting heavily, I ran into
motorboat deck and I sank onto one of the couches.
Trying to catch my breath, I analyzed the situation, but the images in mine
my head didn't let me think logically. In front of your eyes like stuck
the film went through a wonderful, protruding Massima penis. I could almost feel him
taste in the mouth and touch his delicate skin in the palm of his hand.
I don't know how much time I spent staring at the water, but eventually
I felt that I could get up and return to the residence.
When I carefully opened the door to my bedroom, inside
I met Domenic spreading large LV suitcases.
- Where is don Massimo? I almost whispered my head
between the door and the door frame.
The young Italian looked up at me and smiled.
- I think in the library. Do you want to go to him? Now
he talks to his consigliere, but I have the command that every time
when you feel the need, take her to don Massim.
I went inside and closed the door.
"Oh, I definitely don't want to," I replied, waving my hands. -
Did he tell you to pack me?
Domenico continued to unfold his suitcases.
- In an hour you have to leave, so you will rather be useful
help, unless you don't want her?
"Stop talking to me, lady, it annoys me, besides."
We're probably the same age, so we don't have to fool around.
Domenico smiled and nodded, signaling that he was agreeing to
my suggestion.
- Why don't you tell me where we're going? - I asked.
"To Naples, Rome and Venice," he replied. - Later at Azure
I opened my eyes wide in surprise. All my life no
I visited as much as Massimo planned to show me over the next couple
- Do you know the purpose of each of our visits? - I asked. - I wish I could
know what to take.

Page 71
Domenico stopped folding his bags and went to the wardrobe.
- Basically yes, but I shouldn't inform you about it. Don
Massimo will explain everything to you, I can only help you pack the right one
costumes, don't be afraid. He winked at me knowingly. - Fashion is
my pony
"If so, I will trust you one hundred percent." Since I have less than an hour on
preparation, I'd like to start now.
Domenico nodded and disappeared into a great sky
I went into the bathroom, which still had a smell of desire. Until
my stomach tightened. I can't stand it, I thought. I came back to
bedroom, I went through it, went into the wardrobe and turned to
- Have my things from home in Warsaw arrived yet?
The man opened one of the large wardrobes and pointed to the boxes.
"Yes, but don Massimo said not to touch them."
Perfect, I thought.
- Can you leave me alone for a moment?
Before I could turn to look at him, I stood alone
inside the room.
I rushed to dig the boxes in search of one only
things that interested me - my pink friend with three
mounts. When after a good quarter and tens rewinding
I finally had it in my hands and breathed a sigh of relief. I hid
put it in my bathrobe pocket and headed for the bathroom.
Domenico was standing on the balcony, waiting for a signal from me.
Running across the room, I nodded at him and he returned
a place that I left quickly.
I took the pink out of my pocket and washed it thoroughly. Until
I groaned at the sight of him - he was my best friend at the moment.
I looked around the bathroom, looking for a convenient place. I liked each other
masturbate, lying comfortably, I could not hurry to do it either
in an equilibristic position. The bedroom would be the best, but presence
my assistant distracted me. In the corner of the bathroom, next door

Page 72

dressing table, stood a modern white leather chaise lounge. It will not be
the most comfortable place, but it's hard, I thought. I was so
desperate that in a moment I would lie on the floor.
The chaise lounge was surprisingly soft and perfectly fitted to mine
growth. I untied the dressing gown, which fell on both sides
my body. I lay naked and thirsty for orgasm. I licked two fingers
and slipped them inside to reduce friction. I was surprised to find that
I was so wet that it seemed definitely unnecessary.
I turned on the vibrator and slowly slipped its middle end into
my pulsing interior. As much as the thickest part of it sank
deeper and deeper inside me, the other end in the shape of a bunny slipped in
into my back door. A shiver went through my body and I knew
that I won't need much time to satisfy myself. Third part
my rubber friend vibrated the most, leaning against my swollen one
clitoris. I closed my eyes. I only had one view in my head
this one I wanted to watch now - Massimo standing in the shower,
holding his beautiful cock in his hands.
The first orgasm came after a few seconds, and the next ones came
waves at least half a minute apart. After a few moments I was like that
finished, that I barely took the pink out of my body and slid my legs together.
Thirty minutes later I stood in front of the mirror, packing cosmetics into
one of the leather bags. I looked at my reflection; nothing at all
I reminded me of a woman I was a week ago. My skin
she was tanned, looked healthy and fresh. My hair was tied in smooth
bun, slightly painted eyes and clearly outlined with dark lipstick
mouth. During the trip Domenico chose for me a white set from
Chanel. Long, wide, light, trousers in off-white
made of translucent silk, they almost blended into the overalls
with a delicate, flowing blouse with thick straps. They complemented the whole
Prada pins with a small tip.
"Your bags are already packed," Domenico said, handing me
- I'd like to see Massim now.
- He hasn't finished the meeting yet, but ...

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"Well, it'll be over in a moment," I said to him as I left the bedroom.

The library was one of those rooms whose location
I remembered. I started down the corridor, the sound of my heels
spread over the stone floor. When I arrived at the door
I took a deep breath and grabbed the door handle. I went inside and after
a shiver ran down my back. I haven't been in this room since the first
talking to Black just after waking up from a coma for several days.
Massimo was sitting on the couch. He was wearing a bright linen suit
and unbuttoned shirt. Next to him was a gray-haired, handsome man
a man who was definitely older than his interlocutor.
Typical Italian, I thought, longer hair combed back,
manicured beard. Both of them jumped up from their places.
The first look Black gave me was cold, as if punishing
me for interrupting his meeting. But when his eyes sweeped all over
my figure, as if softened, if you can call it that. He said
something to the man without taking his eyes off me, and he moved into mine
page. He came over and leaned over to kiss my cheek.
"And I had to do without you," he whispered before he folded
"I did it myself, too," I added quietly when his lips
were moving away.
These words stopped him for a moment. He pierced me
eyes full of passion and anger. He took my hand and led me
me to your interlocutor.
- Laura, meet Maria, my right hand.
I approached the man to give him a hand, but he grabbed me
gently by the shoulders and kissed both cheeks. I haven't been yet
accustomed to this gesture, in my country he greets us with such a kiss
only relatives.
"Consigliere," I said with a smile.
- Mario will be fine. The older man smiled gently.
- Nice to finally see you alive.
These words buried me in the ground - like this: alive? really
did he expect me not to live to see him? I think my face is

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it betrayed terror because Mario quickly explained what he meant.

- Your portraits are all over the house. They've been hanging here for years, but nobody
he expected you to exist. Well, you're surprised yourself
this history?
I shrugged helplessly.
- I will not hide that the whole situation is surreal for me
and it overwhelms me a bit. But we all know that I can't
resist don Massim, so I humbly try to accept
each of over three hundred and fifty days left to me.
Massimo laughed.
"With humbleness ..." he repeated and turned to Italian in Italian
a companion who was just as amused as he was.
- I'm glad that my person amuses you. So that you can try
my absence, I'll wait in the car - I draw through my teeth,
giving both men an ironic smile.
When I turned my back on them and headed for the door,
amused Mario said:
- Indeed, it is strange that Massimo is not Italian.
I ignored the text and closed the door behind me.
I stopped for a moment before leaving the driveway. In front of eyes
I still had a picture of a dead man lying on the stone
plates. I swallowed and without looking sideways, I moved
towards a SUV parked a few meters away from me. Driver
he opened the door for me and gave me a hand so that I could get in comfortably.
My iPhone was lying on the seat and a computer next to it. At this view
until I squeaked with joy. I pressed the button on the panel that closed
the glass between the interior of the car and the front seats. delightedly
I turned on the phone and discovered with horror dozens of calls from mine
we have and, surprisingly, even one from Martin's phone. It's weird and sad
find out after over a year how much someone could have had my ass,
I thought.
I chose my mother's number. A terrified voice said in the receiver:
- Honey, damn it, I'm worried and dying here
fear, "my mother said, almost sobbing.

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- Mommy, you called me just yesterday. Relax, nothing happens

It is happening.
Unfortunately, her motherly instinct told her something completely different,
so she didn't give up.
- Is everything okay Laura? Have you returned from Sicily? How was it?
I took a deep breath and knew that it wouldn't be that easy
deceive. Was it ok Well ... I looked at myself and then
I looked around.
- It's very good, Mom. Yes, I came back, but I need something for you
tell. I closed my eyes and prayed that she would take the hook. -
During the vacation I got a job offer in one of the best
Island hotels - My voice betrayed exaggerated excitement. -
They offered me a one-year contract, which I decided to accept, that's why
I am currently preparing to leave. - I paused and waited for her reaction, but
silence reigned in the receiver.
"You don't even know the word in Italian," she thundered.
- Oh, please, and what does it matter, the whole world speaks English.
The situation was getting tense and I knew that if for a while
we'll talk, mother will smell something. To prevent this, I quit
"I'll come to you in a few days and tell you everything, and now I have."
a lot of things to do before leaving.
- Well, what about Martin? She asked inquisitively. - That workaholic
will not leave the company.
I sighed heavily.
- He betrayed me when we were in Italy. I left him and thanks
I know that this trip is a great chance from fate - I added
the most calm and dispassionate tone I've ever been able to
get out of yourself.
"I told you from the beginning that this is not a guy for you, child."
Sure. It's good you don't know the current one, I thought.
- Mummy, I have to leave because I'm entering the office. Say something
and remember that I love you.
- And I take care of you my love.
Page 76

When I pressed the red receiver, I sighed with relief. surely

succeeded. Now I just have to tell Black about his visit to Poland,
which could not be avoided. At this point the car door is out
they opened and Massimo slipped in with an elegant movement.
He looked at my hand where I was holding the phone.
- Have you talked to your mother? He asked in an almost caring voice when
the car started.
- Yes, but that didn't change the fact that he is still worried -
I replied without taking my eyes off the glass. - Unfortunately, talk
with her on the phone she gave nothing and I will have to show up within a few days
in Poland. Especially since she thinks I'm already there. - finishing
I turned my head towards Black to check his reaction.
He sat sideways and looked at me.
- I expected this. That's why at the end of our journey
I planned Warsaw. It won't happen as quickly as you would like
but I think more frequent phone calls will calm down your mom and give you
us some time.
These words made me very happy.
- Thank you, I appreciate it.
Massimo stared at me, then resting his head on the headrest
seat, he sighed.
- I'm not as bad as you think. I don't want to imprison you either
blackmail, but tell yourself, would you stay with me without being forced? -
His eyes looked at me questioningly.
I turned my head to the glass. Would I stay? I repeated
in my mind. Of course not.
Black waited for a moment, and without getting it pulled out
iPhone and started reading something on the internet.
This silence was unbearable, I needed it exceptionally today
talk to him. Maybe because of longing for the country, or maybe morning
shower affected me like that. Without turning my head from the glass, I asked:
- Where are we going now?
- To the airport to Catania. If there are no traffic jams, we should arrive
there in less than an hour.

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At the sound of the word airport until I shiver. My body is up

tensed and breathing quickened. Flying was one of the most
activities I hate.
I started restlessly fidgeting in the chair, and a pleasant coolness
air conditioning suddenly seemed to me to be an arctic cold. Nervously
I rubbed my arms with my hands to warm them up, but the goose bumps didn't
disappeared. Massimo looked at me with an icy stare that suddenly
turned into fire:
- Why the hell don't you wear a bra ?! He screamed.
I frowned and looked at him questioningly.
- You can see your nipples.
I looked down and found that, in fact, maybe they were a bit transparent
by delicate silk material. I dropped the slightly wide shoulder strap
shirts and exposed the shoulder. The light lace shimmered on the tanned body
a beige bra.
- It's not my fault that all the underwear I have is made of lace -
I started dispassionately. - I don't have a single stiffened one
bra, so forgive that my appearance draws your attention, but not me
I chose everything. I looked into his eyes, waiting for his reaction.
Black watched the protruding lace for a moment, then
he reached out and slid the broad shoulder arm down even lower. Loose fit
blouses made it flow down my shoulder, revealing the bust. My
his companion sat and absorbed the sight, and I didn't intend to
disturb. After the morning meeting with pink I had at least
a false impression of satisfaction and control over one's head. Black
he rolled up one leg and sat sideways. He reached out quickly
and put his thumb between the lace shoulder strap and my skin. His touch
made me shiver once more, but he did not have it anymore
nothing to do with flying.
- Are you cold? He asked, moving his thumb lower and lower
and putting more fingers under the material.
"I hate to fly," I said, not letting me know what was growing
excitement. If God wanted a man to break away from the earth, he would give
his wings - I said almost in a whisper with half-closed eyes,

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which luckily could not be seen under the dark glasses.

Massim's hand was still moving toward my chest; slowly
he put the lace between his fingers, moving lower and lower. When
he arrived, lust on his face, and his eyes burned
animal lust. I have already seen this sight and then every time after
I was running away for a moment. But now I had nowhere to run.
Black tightened his grip on my chest and moved closer
getting closer to me. My hips unwittingly started to move slightly,
and the head fell on the headrest of the chair as he kneaded the nipple by turning it
in your fingers. He grabbed my neck with his free hand, as if he knew how much time
I spent my hair done and how much I hate it. He leaned
his head and grabbed my swollen wart. He was biting her
gently through the lace.
"This is mine," he whispered, tearing his lips away for a moment.
That hoarse tone and what he said made me leave my mouth
a low moan escaped.
Massimo pulled my blouse off both shoulders until it fell to a height
waist. He pulled back his bra and put his lips to his bare nipple. Everything in
I was throbbing, the morning games did nothing, because I was still at him
damn horny. I imagined him ripping my pants off and, no
leaving them completely, he fucks me from behind, rubbing at the same time
for lace panties. Awakened with my own thoughts, I stuck his fingers in him
my hair and pressed him to me.
- Harder! I whispered, taking off my dark glasses with my free hand. -
Bite me harder.
This command was like pressing a red button in his head.
He almost broke the lace top from me and greedily dug in with his teeth
in my breasts, sucking and biting them alternately. I felt a wave flood over me
desire that I can't resist in a moment. I raised his head by the hair
and let his lips find mine. I gently pulled him away from
yourself to look him in the eye. He was all hot, its huge
the pupils filled the entire iris, which seemed completely black.
He was panting at my mouth, trying to catch my lips with his teeth.
- Don ... don't start something you can't finish -

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I said, licking him gently. - In a moment I will be so wet that it will continue
traveling without changing your attire will be impossible.
At these words, Black dug his hands into the edge of the chair so hard that the skin under
pressure until it cracked. He pierced me with wild eyes and me
I saw him beating his thoughts.
"The second part of the statement was superfluous," he said, sitting down
your armchair. - Think about what's happening now between your legs,
drives me crazy.
I glanced at his pants and swallowed hard. This is wonderful
erection was no longer just an image for me. I knew exactly
what his impressive fat cock looked like now
in panties. Massimo watched mine with obvious satisfaction
reaction to what I see. I shook my head so that my thoughts would jump on
the right track, and I started dressing quickly.
He was still watching as I adjusted my very crumpled outfit.
I smoothed my hair and put on my glasses. When I finished, he pulled out of
clipboard black paper bag.
"I have something for you," he said and handed it to me.
Golden elegant letters on the bag formed the inscription Patek Philippe.
I knew what the company was, so I could expect what I got.
I was also aware of how much the watch of this brand costs.
- Massimo, I ... - I looked at him inquiringly. - I can not accept it
such a gift.
Black laughed and put shaded aviators on his nose.
- Baby, it's one of the cheaper gifts you'll get from me.
Also, don't forget that you don't have a choice for several hundred days.
I knew that this discussion would be of no avail and that resistance could come
end badly, especially since I had no escape route. I pulled out black
box and I opened it. The watch was wonderful, rose gold,
set with fine diamonds. Ideal.
- You haven't had contact with the world in recent days. I know a lot of you
I took it, but now you will slowly recover everything - he said,
fastening it in my arms.

Page 80


We arrived at the airport without major problems. The driver opened

To the black door while I was stuffing things in my purse that came through
coincidence fell on my seat. Massimo walked around the car
and opened the door on my side, giving me a hand. He behaved
gallant, and in a linen suit he looked captivating.
When both my feet were on the ground, he discreetly grabbed me
buttock and pushed toward the entrance. I looked at him in surprise
the gesture that I associated with teenagers. He just smiled
lightly and putting a hand on my back, he led me towards the terminal.
I have never checked in so quickly, because it took so long
what passage through the building. After leaving the airport, he picked us up
another car and drove it under the steps of a small plane. When before
I stood there, I felt sick. The plane seemed
microscopic, like a tube with wings. I had trouble flying
charter planes, which at the same time something that stood before me,
they were like Dawid at Goliath.
"Climb the stairs," I heard behind me.
- Nothing Massimo, I can't do it! I snapped. - No
you told me we were flying such a shell. I will not go there -
I was hysterical and tried to retreat to the car.
"Laura, don't make scenes, because I will force you there in a moment," he hissed, but
I couldn't take a step forward.
Without a moment's reflection, Black took me in his arms and despite mine
pleading scream and waving his hands pressed through the miniature
entry inside. He shouted something in Italian to the pilot on top
the stairs that were trying to greet us, and the aircraft door closed.
I was terrified and my heart was pounding so that I could not hear my own
thoughts. In the end my struggle brought effect and Massimo bet
As soon as my feet touched the floor and he moved away from me,
I gave him a strong cheek.

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- What the fuck are you thinking! Let me out, I want to leave! -
I screamed in horror, then lunged toward the door.
Once again he grabbed me and threw me on a light leather sofa that
it filled almost all one side of the machine. He clung to me with his
body so that I had no chance to move.
- Damn it, Massimo! My mouth was still wild
screams and curses.
To gag me, he put his tongue in my throat, but this time
I didn't feel like having fun and as soon as he dived into me, he strongly
I bit. Black jumped back and swung as if to hit me.
I closed my eyes and cringed, waiting for a blow. When i eat again
I opened it, noticed that he vigorously unbuttoned his belt.
Oh God, what does he want to do? I thought. I started backing away along
sofas, pushing heels nervously off the floor. He continued until
finally, with one quick movement, he pulled the leather strap out of the belt loops.
He calmly took off his jacket and hung it on the back of the chair he found
next door. He was enraged, his eyes burning with anger and his jaw
they tightened rhythmically.
"Massimo, no, please ... I ..." I was uttering broken words.
"Stand up," he said dryly, and when I didn't react, he shouted:
Wake up, damn it!
I jumped up in terror.
He came up to me, grabbed his chin with his fingers, and lifted her to look
in my eyes.
- You will now choose a punishment, Laura. I warned you not to do that anymore
He did. Stretch out your hands.
Still looking at his face, I carried out the order. He caught mine
my wrists and efficiently restrained my hands with a strap. When he finished
he sat me in a chair and fastened me with a seat belt. After a while
I realized that the plane was taxiing. Black sat opposite and watched
at me, still seething with anger.
"So you don't have to make an effort, I'll tell you what you can choose from."
He began slowly, his voice steady. - Every time you hit
me in the face, you show me absolute disrespect, you insult me,

Page 82
Lauro. That's why I want you to see how I feel. Your punishment will be
carnal and I guarantee you that, like me, you will not have it
want. You can choose between sucking me and letting me do it
good language.
The plane took off when I heard these words. When I felt it out
we rise, I fainted.
When I woke up, I was lying on the couch and my hands were still there
tied. Black was sitting in the armchair with his leg thrown to his knee,
staring at me and playing with a foot of a champagne glass.
- So? He asked dispassionately. - What you choose?
I opened my eyes wide and sat down, staring at him.
- You're kidding, right? I asked loudly, swallowing.
- Do I look like I'm joking? Do you when you bang again
in my face, do you treat it as a joke? - He leaned towards me. - Laura,
the journey time is ahead of us and during this hour your punishment will take place.
I am more fair to you than you are to me because I let you
choose. He narrowed his eyes and licked his lips. - But in a moment my patience
will end and I will do the same as you, which is what I want.
"I'll blow you," I said without emotion. - You'll solve it for me
hands do you just want to blow my mouth I said harshly.
I couldn't show my fear, I knew it was him
pushes to action. He was like a hunting predator; when he sensed blood -
He attacked.
"I expected this answer," he said, standing up and unbuttoning
fly. - I'm not going to solve you for fear of what you will do and how
I would have to come up with another severe punishment.
As he approached me, I closed my eyes. Let it happen now
and let's get it over with, I thought. Instead of his phallus I felt like
lifts my body. I opened my eyes. The corridor narrowed in this part
of the plane so that he had to turn me sideways to fit.
We entered the dark cabin with the bed in it.
Black slowly lowered me onto the soft sheets. He left me
and went to a small room next door. He came back from him, holding
black robe belt in hand. I watched his movements and in some way

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at that moment I realized that despite the horror that I feel, what
I have to do will not be a punishment for me.
Black grabbed the belt that restrained my hands and unbuckled it. later
he threw me on my stomach and swapped hard leather ties for soft ones
a bathrobe belt. He finished and I found myself back. I was not
able to move the hands on which I lay.
He reached into the bedside table hung next to the bed and pulled it out
blindfold. I used one in Warsaw when the sun was not giving
I sleep in the morning.
He leaned down and put the blindfold on my eyes so that all I could see was
its black velvet surface.
- Baby, you don't even know how many things I'd like to do with you now -
he whispered.
I lay completely confused, I didn't know where or what
does. I licked my lips nervously, preparing to receive him
Suddenly I felt him unbutton my pants.
- What are you doing? I asked, trying to remove the blindfold from my eyes,
rubbing it on the sheets. "I think you need what you want to do."
only my lips?
Massimo laughed ironically and without ceasing to undress me,
"Satisfying me won't be any punishment for you, I know you have."
I feel like it from at least this morning. But if I do it
we will be receipted to you without your participation and control, ”he finished
and with one movement he ripped off my pants.
I lay there, folding my legs as much as possible, even though I knew that
I can't resist if he wants to do something.
- Massimo, please don't do this.
- I asked you not to do ... - He paused, and I felt like
the mattress I'm lying on bends under its weight.
I didn't know where he was or what he was doing, I could only listen.
I felt his breath on his cheek and a gentle bite on his earlobe.
"Don't be afraid, baby," he said, slipping his hand between my legs to get them

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spread. - I'll be gentle, I promise.

I clenched my legs more and more, quietly moaning in terror.
"Shhh ..." he whispered. "I'll spread your legs in a moment and slide it in you."
one finger to start with. Relax.
I knew he would do it the way he wanted, no matter if it was
reply. So I loosened my embrace.
- Very good, now spread my legs wide for me.
I did as he wished.
"You must be polite and do what I ask because I don't want to do you."
wrong, baby.
He gently kissed my lips as his hand wandered slowly
Down. He took my face with his other hand and deepened the kiss. I gave
this and a moment later our tongues danced gently every second
speeding up the rhythm. I wanted him, my lips got more and more
- Relax, baby, not so fast, remember that this is a punishment -
he whispered when his hand reached my lacy surface
panties. - I love the combination of your body and the delicate one
material. Lie still.
His fingers crept slowly into the most intimate place on
my body. Slowly, with his lips to my ear, he examined first
the inside of my thighs, he gently caressed them with two fingers, as if
he teased me. He rubbed my swollen lips until he slipped it in
inside. When I felt his wonderful touch, my back arched
arched, and a moan of pleasure came out of his mouth.
- Don't move and be quiet. You must not make any sound.
I nodded knowingly. His finger was sliding
deeper and deeper, until he sank into me. I clenched my teeth not to
utter a voice, and he began a subtle and sensual rush in me.
His middle finger slid in and out, his thumb gently caressed
swollen clitoris. I felt his weight give way to me
and moves down. Until I stopped breathing. His fingers don't
they stopped caressing me when he arrived. suddenly

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he pulled them out of me and I winced at the dissatisfaction. After a while

I felt his breath on the thong lace I was still wearing.
"I've been dreaming of it since the day I saw you." I wish you would
she was talking to me when I started. I want to know if you're okay, tell me how
"I am to please you," he hissed, removing the underwear below
I reflexively clenched my thighs, feeling shame and embarrassment.
- Spread my legs wide for me! I want to see her.
At this point, I understood why he gave me a blindfold - he wanted
despite everything, give me comfort at the first meeting. Thanks
it seemed to me that Black sees less than in reality. This
a bit like children who close their eyes when they are afraid because they think if
they can't see it, they can't see it either.
I slowly carried out his instructions and heard him draw in loudly
air to the lungs. He spread my legs wider and deeper
looking into the most intimate place on every woman's body.
"Lean me," I said, unable to bear it anymore. - Please, don
At these words, he began rhythmically rubbing my clitoris with my thumb.
- You're impatient, unless you like being punished.
He leaned down and dipped his tongue in my pussy. I dreamed to catch him behind
my hair, but my hands tied behind my back, prevented me from doing so.
He pressed my tongue hard against me, dynamically moving it.
He spread my pussy from side to side with one hand to get to
most sensitive point.
"I want you to get here soon, and I will torment you with more later."
orgasms - until you beg for me to stop and I don't
I will stop because I want to punish you, Laura.
At that moment, he tore my blindfold off.
- I want you to look at me, I want to see your face when
you will come again.
He got up and put a pillow under my head.
"You must have a good view," he added.
Black between my legs was sexy and scary at the same time. Never

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I didn't like it when the man looked at me during orgasm because

it seemed too intimate, but this time I had no choice.
He rubbed his lips against my clit and stuck two fingers at me. I closed
eyes on the edge of pleasure.
"Harder," I whispered.
His skillful wrist made quick movements and his tongue
penetrated the most sensitive part of me.
- Fuck have it! I exclaimed in my native language when
I came for the first time. The orgasm was long and powerful, and all mine
his body, taut as a string, was trapped in what he was doing. When i felt
that orgasm goes away, he pressed on my exhausted and hypersensitive
clitoris, bringing me to the threshold of pain. I creaked clenched
with my teeth and I writhed on his fingers.
- Excuse me! I exclaimed after another wave of painful pleasure.
Black slowly reduced the pressure, calmed my body, kissed
and he caressed the sore places with his tongue. My hips fell heavily on the mattress
when he finished. When I lay still, he put his hand under one and me
he loosened the bonds so that I could reach out. I opened my eyes
and I looked at him. He got up quickly from the bed. He reached for
drawer in the nightstand and took out a box of wet wipes.
He gently wiped the places he had just treated with such
"I accept the apology," he said and disappeared behind the wall leading to
main cabin.
I lay there for a while, analyzing the situation, but it was difficult
to me what just happened. I knew one thing: I was like that
soothed and sore, like I had a fuck with him all night.
When I returned, Massimo was sitting in the armchair, biting his upper lip.
He looked at me.
- My lips smell like your pussy. And now I don't know if it's a punishment for
for you or for me.
I sat in the armchair opposite him, seemingly unimpressed by what
I heard.
- What are our plans today? I asked, taking the glass from his hand
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- You're getting insolent in a charmingly charming way. - He smiled
and poured himself a second. "I see that the size of the plane doesn't bother you anymore."
I swallowed another sip of champagne. Throughout this situation
I forgot my fear.
- A trip inside it definitely changed mine
perspective. And so? What awaits us today?
- You will know in the right time. I will work a little and you will play
into a mafiosa woman, ”he said with boyish amusement.
At the airport security was already waiting for us and parked at the exit
black SUVs. One of the men opened the door for me and closed it when
I sat in the armchair. Every time I saw this set
cars, I had the impression that it must be magic - so move the whole party
from place to place. How are these people and their cars
are they following Massim in such a short time? From my
chaotic considerations, probably due to recent ones
orgasms, the tormentor's voice snapped out to me
my ear.
"I'd like to come inside you," he whispered, his hot breath "
paradoxically - he chilled me. - Deep and brutal, I would like to feel like
your wet pussy tightens around me.
The words that I heard activated every part of mine strongly
wild imagination. I could almost feel what he was talking to me about.
I closed my eyes and tried to calm my heartbeat; it was slowly becoming
increasingly less regular. Suddenly Black's warm breath disappeared and I heard
as he says something to a man sitting behind the wheel. Words were for
me incomprehensible, but after a few seconds the car rolled on
the roadside stopped and the driver got off and left us alone.
"Sit in the front passenger seat," he said, boring me
cold black look. He said the words, sitting without
traffic, which puzzled me a bit.
- For what? I asked, confused.
There was irritation on Massim's face, and his jaw began
rhythmically tighten.

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- Laura, I will say for the last time: change over or in a moment me
I'm exaggerating you.
Once again, his tone made me aggressive and overwhelmed
resist him only out of curiosity to see what happens
later. I already knew that he was punished and bound me very well
some kind of compulsion, but I wasn't sure exactly this one
coercion is something that doesn't suit me.
- You're giving me instructions like a dog, and I'm not going to be ...
I caught my breath to say a litany about his behavior
in relation to me, but before I could say another word,
I was pulled out of the car by him and exaggerated to the front
passenger seat. Brutally, he flexed my arms behind the back of the chair.
"No dog, no bitch," he said, tying my arms around me
Before I knew what he had just done, I sat with the bound
behind the seat with his hands, and Black took the driver's seat. I touched
with my fingers and I was curious to find out that it is a strap
the bathrobe I was tied up on the plane.
- Do you like to tie women? I asked when he was putting something on the panel
- In your case, it's not a matter of preference, but of coercion.
He pressed the start and a soft, feminine navigation voice began to mark him
"My hands and back hurt," I informed him after a few minutes
driving in an unnaturally bent position.
- And I have a completely different pain for a completely different reason. Want
to bid?
I could see he was angry or frustrated - I couldn't do it yet
guess but I had no idea how I contributed with my behavior
to this. And unfortunately, even if I didn't do it, it reflected
just at me.
- You bloody, stubborn egoist - I mumbled in Polish, knowing that
he won't understand me. - As soon as you untie me, I will pay you such a leaf,
that you will collect your gangster teeth from the floor.

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Massimo slowed down and stopped at the traffic lights, then turned to mine
cold look side.
"Now say it in English," he said through his teeth.
I smiled contemptuously and began to speak in Polish
stream of swear words and profanity directed at him.
He sat staring at me with growing fury, until after a while
the light turned green, he moved.
- I will relieve your pain, or at least distract you from it -
he said, unbuttoning my trousers with one hand.
After a moment, his left hand rested calmly on the steering wheel, and his right
it slipped under my lace panties. I wound up and threw at
sitting, cursing him and asking him not to, but it was already behind
- Massimo, I'm sorry! I shouted, trying to make it difficult for him
wanted to do. Nothing hurts, and what I said in Polish ...
"It doesn't interest me anymore, and if you don't stop, I'll have to."
gag. I would like to hear navigation, so from now on you have
be quiet
His hand slowly slipped into my panties, and I felt it overwhelm
I was panicked and totally submissive.
"You promised you wouldn't do anything against me," I whispered,
leaning on the headrest of the chair.
Massim's fingers gently teased my clitoris, spreading over
moisture that appeared as soon as he touched me.
"I don't do anything against you, I want your hands to stop hurting."
His pressure was getting stronger and the circular movements once again
they sent me into the abyss of his power over me. I closed my eyes
and I enjoyed what he did. I knew that he was acting instinctively,
because he had to divide attention into two activities: driving
car and punishing me.
I writhed in my chair, rhythmically rubbing my hips against the seat when
the car suddenly stopped. I felt his hand leave the place
in which there should be about two minutes and my bonds
they relax.

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"We're here," he said, switching off the engine.

I looked at him from barely open eyelids, voice in mine
he screamed and raged his head and called him the worst. How can
leave the woman on the verge of pleasure, and hence - in a moment on
threshold of despair. I didn't have to ask this question out loud, because that's good
I knew what the motive of Massim was. He wanted me to ask
he decided to prove to me how much I wanted him, even though I tried
rebel against everything he did.
"It's great," I said, lazily massaging my wrists.
My hands ached so badly that I almost went crazy. - I hope,
that what hurts you has ceased - I said provocatively and touched
apologetically shoulders.
It was like pressing a red button. Black grabbed me
and straddled him so that I leaned my back against the steering wheel.
He grabbed my neck tightly and pressed my pussy against his hard
penis. I moaned, feeling him rub against my sensitive, awake
- It hurts ... me - drawled every word - that I have not come yet
in your mouth.
His hips rolled in lazy circles, pushing themselves from time to time
mountains. This movement and pressure of his penis made me breathless.
"And you won't get long," I whispered in his mouth, on
the end by licking his lip. I'm starting to like the game you told me to play
I said with amusement.
He froze, his eyes exploring me,
looking for answers to unasked questions. I don't know how long
we sat staring at each other, because we were free from this silent fight
knocking on the glass. Massimo left her and I saw her on the other side
Domenic's not very surprised face. God, does it seem to me or this one
Dude has seen everything yet? I thought.
He said a few sentences in Italian without paying any attention to
the position we were in, and Czarny definitely denied what
he heard. I had no idea what they were talking about, but the tone of the discussion gave
to conclude that Black does not want what Domenico was talking about.

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When they finished, Massimo opened the door and without letting go, he got out
from the car, then headed toward the entrance to the hotel at which
We parked. I wrapped my legs around his waist and felt him
the other guests' surprised looks as he passed them without a word
"I'm not paralyzed," I said, raising my eyebrows and slightly
"I hope so, but there are a few good reasons why I don't want to."
let you go, at least two.
We went past the reception and got into the elevator where he leaned me
against the wall. Our lips almost touched each other.
- The first is that my standing cock will tear my pants in a moment,
and the other is that yours are saturated with moisture, and the only thing that could cover
this view is my hands and your hips.
I bit my lip at his words, especially since what he was saying
it made sense.
The bell in the elevator announced that we had reached the floor on which it was located
We get off. After a few steps he put the card he had received on from the door
Domenica, and entered the monumental apartment, putting me on
the middle.
"I'd like to wash myself," I said, looking for luggage.
- Everything you need is in the bathroom, I need something now
settle it, he announced, putting the phone to his ear and disappearing into a huge one
living room.
I took a shower and lubricated myself with vanilla lotion
I found in the cabinet. I left the bathroom and going through the next ones
room, I came across a bottle of my favorite drink. I poured
a glass, then the second and the next, I watched TV, drank
champagne and wondered where my torturer disappeared. After some
bored I started walking around the apartment, discovering
that it occupies a large part of the hotel floor. When I came to last
door, crossing their threshold, I fell into the darkness, to which eyes through
they had to get used to it for a while.
"Sit down," I heard a familiar accent.

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Without hesitation, I obeyed, being aware of the opposition

will do nothing. After a few seconds I saw a naked Massim who
wiped his hair with a towel. Until I swallowed loudly, dazed
view and stimulated with drunk alcohol. He stood beside the huge one
a bed that rested on four monumental beams. On
dozens of purple, gold and black cushions lay all over the mattress
the room was dark, classic and extremely sensual. I grabbed
firmly the sides of the chair, when he began to approach me, unable to tear
sight from his penis hanging at the height of my face. Simply
I stared at him with my mouth slightly open. He only stopped
then when his legs rested on my bent knees. He cast white
a towel on his shoulders and grabbed its ends. When his cold animal eyesight
met my eyes, I began to pray; I was eagerly asking God
for strength to oppose what I see and feel.
Massimo knew how it worked on me. I think I had it
painted on the face, and also unwittingly sucking the lower lip
it didn't help at all to mask my feelings.
He slowly grasped the member with his right hand and began to move it from root to foot
to its end. I prayed more fervently. His body was flexing
the steel abdominal muscles clenched, and the penis I tried not to
look, swell and grow.
- Will you help me? He asked without taking his eyes off me and didn't
stop playing with each other. I won't do anything against you, remember.
God, he didn't have to do anything, he didn't even have to physically touch me,
to make me red and focus my thoughts only on myself,
your big dream and your dream of having it in your mouth. Last sober
the corners of my mind told me that if he got what he wanted,
the game will cease to be interesting and I will not feel so good
succumbing to him. Because the fact that this guy would have me was more than certain
the only unknown was when it would happen. My perverse mind
as part of the fight against lust, he sent me the thought of being divine
a man masturbating in front of me wants to kill my family.
Immediately all the excitement drained away, and they were replaced by anger and hatred.
"I think you're dreaming," I said, snorting contemptuously. - I do not have

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going to help you with anything, besides, you have people from everything, so
you can also ask them. I looked up at him. - I can
I tried to get up from the armchair, but he grabbed my neck
and nailed to the back again. He leaned in and with a crafty one
with a smile he asked:
"Are you sure what you are saying, Laura?"
"Let me go, damn it," I hissed through clenched teeth.
He did what I asked for and walked away from me towards the bed. I got up
and I grabbed the door handle, wanting to leave this room as soon as possible
my thoughts will start to revolve around undesirable situations again. Door
however they were closed. Black picked up the phone on the nightstand
he called someone and said a few words, then hung up.
- Come here! He commanded.
- Let me out, I want to leave! I yanked at the door handle, screaming.
He threw the towel on the bed and stood with his hands down along his body,
icy eyes are black on me.
- Come here, Laura, I said last time.
I was leaning against the door and I wasn't going to make any move,
and certainly not do what he asked for. He came out of his throat
a deep roar as he started towards me. I closed my eyes in fear, no
having no idea what would happen. I felt my body rise in a moment
falls on the bed. Black was mumbling something in Italian all the time. When
I felt myself falling between the pillows, opened my eyelids
and saw Massima towering over me. He caught my right hand
and chained her with a long chain and one buckle
of four poles. He grabbed the left one, but I managed to snatch it and hit it.
He bit his teeth, then a furious scream escaped his throat.
I knew I crossed the border. Far too much
he tightened his left wrist again and pulled him to
second handle, immobilizing the entire upper part of my body.
"I'll do what I want with you," he said, smiling brazenly.
I kicked and threw myself on the bed until he sat on my feet
back to me, and pulled out a short tube. I had no idea what that was

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I just wanted him to leave me. He buttoned two around my ankles

soft collars that were at the ends of the bar, after which he reached
to the next beam. He took the chain from behind it and attached it to the handle at
right ankle, he repeated the same with the left, and later got out of bed. Steel,
staring at my body chained to four columns. He was clearly
happy and excited by this view. I was, however
confused and bewildered. When I wanted to jerk my legs, the tube, to
which they were chained, expanded and blocked. Massimo bit into it
lower lip.
- I was hoping you would. It's a telescopic rod, maybe up
spread more widely, but it won't fold if you don't know where to press.
Panic overwhelmed me, I was immobilized,
and my legs are wide apart, like an invitation for him. Including
there was a knock at the door and I stiffened
Black came up to me, pulled out the quilt on which he moved
I lay and covered tightly.
"Don't be afraid," he said with a slight smile as he walked to the door.
He opened it and led the young woman inside. I have not seen her
too clearly, but she had long dark hair and sky high
heels that highlighted her slim legs. Massimo said to her
two sentences and the girl froze still. After a while I realized
that he is naked all the time, and this woman is not completely surprised.
He came up to me and pushed the pillow under his head so that he could easily
and straining my stomach muscles I could watch the whole room.
- I'd like to show you something. Something that will pass you by, "he whispered,
biting my ear.
He returned to the other end of the room and sat in the chair opposite
beds so that we were literally a few meters away. Without taking a break from me
sight, said something in Italian to the girl standing like a pole, on
what she threw off her dress and stood in front of him in her underwear.
My heart galloped when she knelt down and started sucking my torturer.
His hands wandered over her head and deeply woven into the dark
hair. I couldn't believe what I saw. His black eyes were staring

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they were inside me and my mouth parted more and more nervously.
It was obvious that the girl knew what she was doing. Every now and then he would throw
one word in Italian, as if giving her instructions while she was moaning
with pleased. I watched this scene and tried to understand what
I feel. His piercing gaze made me excited to
borders overlooking Massim in ecstasy, but the fact that I'm not in between
his legs completely took away my joy from the view. I was there
jealous of this bossy asshole? I was pushing my thoughts away
that I would like to be in her place, but I couldn't tear myself away
eyes from him. At one point, Massimo firmly grabbed the girl
behind his head and brutally pushed his cock so that she began to choke.
She didn't do him a favor, he fucked her mouth deeply and madly
pace. I writhed on the bed, chains attached to my limbs
brushed against wooden beams. I was gasping for more air and mine
the cage rose and fell far too fast. Spectacle,
of which he was the main actor, excited me, excited me and pissed me off
at the same time. Only now did I understand the meaning of the words
he said before she approached him. Yes, I certainly was
jealous. With close effort, I closed my eyes and turned my head away
"Open your eyes now and look at me," Massimo hissed
a whisper.
"I'm not going to force me," I said hoarsely
a voice that barely came out of me.
"If you don't look at me right now, I'll lie down next to you."
you and she will finish, rubbing against your body. Decide, Laura.
This threat was encouraging enough to obey me
carried out his order. When my eyes met his, he watched
with satisfaction, and put his lips slightly apart in an indistinct smile.
He got up from the seat and moved so that now the girl who
she was kneeling in front of him, leaning back against the bed, and he stood only one and a half
subway away from me. My hips wheeled, brushing against satin
bedding, and dry lips softened the tongue running over them every now and then.
I wanted him. If it wasn't for the fact that I was embarrassed, I would have thrown it away

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her out of the room and finished her work. Massimo knew that well. After a while
his eyes grew dark and empty, and after a freshly washed chest
drops of sweat flowed. I knew he was coming soon because she was kneeling in front of him
the woman quickened.
- Laura, yes! A muffled moan escaped his lips when they were all
the muscles tightened and he began to peak, flooding her throat.
I was extremely excited and overwhelmed with desire to the extent that
I thought I was coming with him. A wave flooded my body
hot. He didn't take his eyes from me for a moment.
I breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that the show was over.
Black said one sentence in Italian and the girl finished, got up,
she took the dress and then left. He also disappeared into the bathroom door.
I heard the sound of pouring water in the shower and after a few minutes
he stood in front of me again, wiping his hair with a towel.
- I'm gonna relieve you, baby. I will slow you down and let you stay long
came unless you would rather feel me inside.
I opened my eyes wide and my heart beat like a round of applause
Beyoncé concert. I wanted to object, but I couldn't get it out
of one word.
Massimo ripped the quilt off me, and then slowly
he opened the half-dressing robe I was wearing.
"I like this hotel for two reasons," he began as he hurried away
hand legs settled on the bed. - First of all, it's mine, and secondly, it has
this apartment. I was looking for the right equipment for him for a long time
equipment. - His voice was calm and sexy. - See, Laura,
at this point you are immobilized so effectively that you are not
able to escape or resist me. - He licked the inside of mine
thighs. - At the same time, I have access to absolutely every part of yours
lovely body.
He grabbed my ankles, spreading my legs further apart.
The telescopic tube popped several times, then locked into place
from my legs a very extensive letter V.
"Please," I whispered, because that was all I could think of.
- Are you asking me to start or quit?

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This simple question seemed so difficult at the moment that when

I wanted to answer, only a small moan came out of my throat
Black moved up and hung over my face, hammering in
my eyes. He poked my nose, mouth and cheeks with his lower lip.
- In a moment I will fuck you so that they will hear your scream in Sicily.
"Please, no," I said with all my strength and closed my eyelids, under
which tears came out of fear. There was silence and I was afraid to open it
eyes, terrified of what I might see. I heard a snap
and I felt that my right hand is free, then more clicks
and both hands fell limply on the pillows. Then another two
I clicked the locks and I was already completely free from bondage.
- Dress up, we have to be in one of my clubs in an hour -
he said, leaving the bedroom naked.
I lay there for a while, analyzing what had just happened. Then
a wave of rage flooded me, I jumped to my feet and ran after
him. He was already dressed in suit pants and sipping a glass of champagne.
- Will you kindly explain it to me ?! I screamed when slowly
he turned at my nervous gallop toward him.
- What, baby? He asked, nonchalantly leaning on a table, on
which was a bottle. - Are you interested in a girl? This is a bitch. I have few
escort agencies, you didn't want to help me relax. Bed
and you obviously liked the toys installed in it, so don't
requires comment. Like what Weronica did, judging by
your reaction. He raised his eyebrows slightly. - So what else should I tell you?
He folded his arms together. I will not enter you if you don't want to
I promised you that. It's hard for me to master myself completely, but enough to
Don't rape you, I can control myself. He turned and walked across the room.
- Although we are both well aware that this would be the best
sex in our lives and after all you would ask for more.
I stood there embedded and could not deny. Although very much
I didn't want to admit it, he was right. I ran out of a few minutes to get him
subject. But Massimo wanted me to give myself to him because of my affection,
not an animal need. He wanted to own me, not just me
Page 98

put a cock in me. God, his cunning and manipulative skills

they drove me crazy. After the words he said leaving
I wanted him even more and now I had to stay in check,
not to sit on one of the large couches. I screamed in helplessness
and clenching my fists, I went into the cold shower, which turned out to be a shot
bull's-eye. When I left the bathroom, I met Domenic in the room
putting a bottle of champagne on the table.
"I'm surprised you don't have enough of it yet," he said, pouring it
- And who said I don't have? You never ask me what
I'd drink it, just keep on telling me with those pink carbohydrates -
I said, drinking a sip, laughing. - What club is it to
are we going?
- Nostro. I think Massima's favorite club. Personally supervises in it
all changes are an exclusive place where politicians have fun,
businessmen and ... - He paused, arousing my curiosity.
- And who? Their whores? Such as Weronica? I turned to him.
Domenico looked at me as if he was checking how much I know
and how much do I bluff. I stood with a fixed face, pretending to bury
in clothes in search of creation. I pressed the glass from time to time
to mouth
- Maybe not exactly like Weronica, but that's how they play there
people who can't play anywhere else.
- After today, blow it Massimowi before my eyes, spend
that he knew him well, so they probably did a lot in this club.
- When I finished saying the sentence I only intended
to think, I froze and for a moment did not know what to do. I shrugged
so my arms and I headed for the bathroom, firing myself suddenly
ease of expression. I didn't close the door and after a while, when I started
apply foundation on the face, a young Italian stood in the door, leaning back
for a door frame. He did not hide his amusement with my honesty.
- You know, it's not my business who sucks or whom
- Maybe you can tell me that the recruitment process doesn't do you either

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Domenico first opened his eyes wide and then exploded
- Laura, forgive me, but are you jealous?
At these words a shiver went down my back. Pretending
indifferent I was doing so poorly?
- I'm impatient, waiting for my year to end, and I'll be back
to home. What should I wear? I asked, turning away from
mirrors and trying to change the subject.
Domenico smirked and headed for the room.
- You can't be jealous of a bitch because what she does is her job. Already
I prepared you a dress.
When he left, I sank into the sink, hiding my head in my hands.
If I can see so much that I don't hold the pressure, what will happen next?
Focus! I said to myself, slapping my cheeks.
- If you want to discipline yourself in this way, I will gladly hit you
I looked up and saw Massim sitting in an armchair behind me.
- Want to get me in the face? I asked, sketching my eye with a pencil.
- If it turns you on ...
I tried to focus on what I was supposed to do, but his
the piercing eyes made it difficult for me, even the simplest task.
- Do you want something or leave me alone?
- Veronica is a bitch, she comes, sucks me and I fuck her if
I feel like it. He likes violence and money, he pleases the most
picky customers, including me. All the working girls
at my place...
- Do I have to listen to this? I turned to him, crossing my arms
on breasts. - Tell you about how Martin fucked me? Or
maybe you would like to see it
His eyes turned completely black, and the wily smile gave way
places of stone face. He rose from his seat and took a firm step
He came to me. He grabbed my arms and put me on the counter next to me

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- Everything you see here belongs to me. - He grabbed my head

and turned his face towards the mirror. "Everything ... what ... you see," he drawled
through clenched teeth. - And I'll kill anyone who reaches out for something that is
my. He turned and left the bathroom.
Everything is his, the hotel is his, whores are his and the game is his.
An evil plan dawned on my mind, through which I decided
punish Black's unspeakable hypocrisy. I entered the bedroom
and I looked at the gold sequined dress on the bed, without
back. Unfortunately, despite the fact that it was beautiful, it was unsuitable
realizing my intention. I went to the closet where it hung carefully
hung all my creations.
- Do you like whores? I'll show you a bitch ... - I mumbled in Polish.
I chose the dress and shoes, and then went to improve the makeup on
more suitable. Thirty minutes later, when Domenico knocked
to the door, I zipped up my boots.
"Fuck," he said, closing the door nervously. - He will kill you
and then me later if you leave.
I laughed mockingly and stood in front of the mirror. Nude dress on
the thin straps looked more like a petticoat than a creation.
It exposed the entire back and side of the breast, basically it didn't cover much, but
that's how it was supposed to be. Because the dress was quite heavily built-up
on my chest I hung a huge cross with black crystals
on my back to make him pay more attention to my nakedness. Long
mid-thigh boots perfectly emphasized the fact that the dress barely
she covered my ass. It was hot outside, but thankfully Emilio Puc,
whose shoes I had on my feet, he predicted that there were loving women
high footwear all year round, and designed this model to be
airy, laced along the entire length and without fingers. obscene
and exorbitantly expensive. I tied my hair in a very tight ponytail
top of the head. A sexy, simple and lifting hairstyle perfectly
composed with smoky eyes and bright, shiny lipstick.
- Domenico, who bought me all these things? If he paid for it,
I think he was aware that I would put it on someday. You look nice so
do you understand that you are coming with us?

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The young Italian was standing, holding his head with both hands and his chest
she was hurrying up and down.
- I'm coming with you because Massimo still has to do something. You know I'll be
was in trouble when he sees you in this outfit?
"Then you will tell him that you tried to stop me and I was."
stronger. Come.
I grabbed a black clutch and a tiny white fox bolero, after
which, passing him with a joyful smile, I crossed the threshold. muttering
something following me, but unfortunately I still didn't have the ability to speak
in his language.
When we left the elevator to the lobby, all reception staff froze
motionless. Domenico nodded at them, and I, still proud of myself,
I walked by, grinning. We got into the parked in front of the entrance
limousines and we went to the party.
"I will die today," he said, pouring amber liquid into himself
glasses. - You're mean, why are you doing this to me? - He drank the whole thing.
- Oh, Domenico, don't overdo it. Besides, not you, but him.
Anyway, I think I look very elegant and sexy.
The young Italian reached out another glass and poured himself, sitting down
in armchair. He looked extremely fashionable today in light gray pants,
shoes in a similar color and a white shirt with rolled up sleeves. On
a beautiful golden rolex and a few bracelets of wood glistened on his wrist,
gold and platinum.
- Sexy for sure, but elegant? I honestly doubt that Massimo
appreciated this kind of elegance.

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Nostro perfectly reflected what Massimo was. Two great

security guards guarded the entrance, which was followed by purple
carpet. After going down the stairs, the eyes appeared elegant and dark
place. Boxes separated from each other large curtains of heavy, dark
material. The ebony walls and candlelight made it sensuous here,
erotic and very appealing. They stood almost bare on two platforms
women with masks on their faces that writhed to the beat of Massive music
Only the women served the long black bar covered with quilted leather
dressed in a very tight body and high heels. On both wrists
they wore leather bands imitating ties. Yes, it certainly was possible
feel Massima here.
We passed the bar and the crowd lazily rubbing against each other to the rhythm of the song.
The great bodyguard paving the way for us among people pushed another one away
a curtain and before my eyes appeared a room with a ceiling at the height of the first
floors of the building. Monumental sculptures made of black wood depicted
like bodies joined together, but their size fell over me rather than
what the author had in mind. In the corner of the room, raised, slightly sheltered
the translucent fabric was the box to which us
led. It was definitely bigger than the others and I could
just guess what was happening here since the pipe was installed in the middle
to dance.
Domenico sat down, and before his buttocks could touch satin
sofa padding, alcohol, snacks and were brought into the room
a tray covered with a silver lid. In the first impulse I reached
just to her, but Domenico grabbed my wrist, shaking my head.
He handed me champagne.
"We won't be alone today," he began cautiously, as if afraid of what
going to say. - A few people will join us with whom we must
do some things.
I nodded and repeated after him:

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- Some people, some things. So you will play mafia. -

I reached out and gave him a glass to fill it again.
- We'll do business, get used to it.
Suddenly his eyes became as big as saucers. He looked at the space behind
"Well, it'll start soon," he said, brushing his hair with his hand.
I turned and saw several men enter the box,
and among them Massimo. When he saw me, he froze, appraising
me from top to bottom with a cold, angry look. I swallowed
saliva loudly and I thought that my idea of dressing up as a bitch just happened
today was not the most hit. His companions passed him and walked toward
Domenica, while Massimo still stood still and his anger
it became almost tangible.
- What the hell are you wearing? He growled, grabbing my elbow.
"A few of your thousands of euros," I grunted, pulling my hand free.
This text boiled it like water in a kettle, I almost saw it
steam is coming from his ears. Then one of the men shouted to him and he
he answered without taking his eyes from me.
I sat at the table and reached for another glass of champagne. Since
I have to do for the pole, at least I will be a broken pole.
Alcohol came in exceptionally well today. I watched bored
other rooms and I listened to the sound of words
spoken by Black. When he spoke Italian, he was really
sensual. Then Domenico pulled me out of my thoughts, who lifted me up
silver tray dome. I looked at its contents and it squeezed me
in the hole - cocaine. The drug is divided into several dozen shapely
lines covered the entire cake stand in my family home
rather, it would be intended for serving roast turkey. This
the view I sighed heavily and got up from the table. I went out of boxing, but
I didn't even turn my head to look around when next to me
he has grown up a huge bodyguard. I looked at Massim, who stuck in
my eyes. I bent down, pretending to scratch my leg to get ahead
departure to show him the length, or rather the shortness of my dress.
I straightened up and stared at the animal

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a few millimeters from my face.
- Don't provoke me, baby.
- why? Are you afraid that I'm doing too well? I asked, licking my lips
lower lip. Alcohol always has a liberating effect on me, but with
Massima, when I was drunk, a demon literally entered me.
- Alberto will accompany you.
"You're changing the subject," I said, grabbing the skirts of his jacket
and puffing on the smell of his toilet water. - I have it so short
a dress that you would have entered into me without undressing me. - I got it
by the hand and led him down my waist, then slipped it in
under the dress. - White lace the way you like it. Alberto! I shouted
and headed toward the dance floor.
I turned and looked at Massim, who was leaning against the column
with his hands in his pockets and a broad smile on his face; it turned him on.
I crossed the room and found myself in a place where there was a rumble
music set the rhythm. People danced, drank, and in private boxes
they probably fucked each other. I wasn't interested, I wanted to
turn off. I nodded at the bartender and stood there before I opened my mouth
a glass of pink champagne in front of me. I was thirsty so I poured it
in myself all at once and I grabbed another glass that
magically appeared on the bar. Yes, I spent an hour, maybe
more - when I thought I was already well inserted, I moved
back to the drug addicts I left in the box.
How huge was my surprise when passing through black
translucent curtain, I saw that the gentlemen are no longer alone. Women
bustling around them rubbed like cats on their legs, arms and crotch.
They were beautiful and they were definitely whores. Massimo was sitting in the middle
but by his knee I didn't notice any cheerful woman. Whether
it was an accident or intentional action, I was glad that he was alone, because
the alcohol I drink could drive me into aggression. He could and should, but
unfortunately my sick, drunken mind first saw a dancing pipe.
Amazingly, the stick was free.
When I moved to Warsaw, I immediately signed up for
pole dance classes. At first I thought that this dance was about

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only in the wind in a sexy way. However, my instructor

she quickly led me out of my error, proving it to be the perfect way
for a perfectly carved body. A bit like gymnastics or fitness, that's it
only on a vertical stick. I went to the table and looked straight into the eyes
Massim, I slowly removed the cross hanging on my back.
I kissed him and laid him on the table. Around me
resonated Running Up That Hill Placebo, which was like an invitation.
I knew I couldn't do everything I wanted
due to the length of the dress and the presence of his guests. But I knew that
the moment I touch the pipe, he'll be damned anyway. When i caught
metal in hand and I turned to examine his reaction, he stood and everyone
the men around ignored the women adoring them and watched with him.
I got you! I thought and started my gymnastic performances. After
For several seconds I realized that despite a few years break in
I remember everything during the exercises, and the movements still don't bother me.
Dance was something completely natural to me that I knew
and trained since childhood. And whether it was pole dance, social or
Latin American always gave me the same relief.
I got carried away; alcohol, music, the atmosphere of the place where you are
I found and the whole situation changed me a lot. After definitely
for too long I looked in the direction where Black stood recently.
Now this place was empty, but my eyes were staring at me
all men, including Domenik on the sofa.
I turned again and froze. Wild, cold, animal look
it drowned me; he was several centimeters away from me. I wrapped my leg
around him and tangled my fingers in his hair, leaning him against the stick.
- Interesting music selection for a club.
- Because as you noticed, it's a club, not a disco.
I turned and rested my buttocks on his crotch, gently with them
moving. Massimo grabbed my neck and pressed my head against it
your arm.
- You will be mine, I guarantee it and then I will take you as I want
and when I want.
I laughed flirtatiously and slipped off the platform. I headed

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towards the table, and then one of the sitting men got up and caught it
my wrist, pulling me towards me. I lost my balance
and I fell straight on the couch. The guy raised my dress and grabbed me naked
buttock, hitting him several times and shouting something in Italian.
I wanted to get up to punch him in the head with a bottle, but I wasn't
able to move. At some point I felt someone dragging
my shoulders by soft fabric, and when I raised my head I saw
Domenica. I turned and saw Massimo holding his throat
a man who was feeling me a moment ago. In his hand he had
the gun he was aiming at my admirer. I broke free from Italy
who tried to drag me out of the box, and ran to Czarny.
"He didn't know who I was," I said, stroking his hair.
Massimo yelled something and Domenico caught me again, but this time
hard enough not to break free from him. Don Massimo turned his head to
a man standing next to the couch and after a while all the women disappeared
from the room. When we were alone, he drew a man
held by the neck to his knees and pointed the gun at his head. This
the sight caused my heart to gallop. In front of eyes
I saw a scene from the driveway that was still a nightmare to me
describe. I turned to face Domenic and nestled my head in his
"He can't kill him here," I said confidently in place
public will not do that.
"Yes, maybe," answered the young Italian calmly, cuddling me to
each other. - And he will do it.
The blood drained from my face and the hatred appeared in my ears
sound. My legs became cotton and I slowly began to slide down after
Domenica torso. He held me and shouted something, and then I felt like
picks me up and carries me somewhere. Later the music stopped and I fell on
soft pillows.
"You like eye-catching exits," he said, pressing the tablet under me
language. - Come on, Laura, take it easy.
My heart was going back to normal when the room door
with a bang they opened and Massimo came through with a gun

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stuffed behind the belt.

He knelt on the floor in front of me and stared at it in horror
- You killed him? I asked, almost in a whisper, praying that
She denied.
- No.
I breathed a sigh of relief and rolled over to my back.
"I only shot him with the hands that he dared to touch you with."
He said, rising from his knees and handing the weapon to my guardian.
- I want to go back to the hotel, can I? I asked, trying to get up, but
the confusion of heart medicines and alcohol made the room begin
swirl, and I staggered and sank onto the pillows.
Black took me in his arms and hugged me tightly. Domenico
he opened the door through which we went to the back room and then to the kitchen,
until we were at the back of the club. A limousine was waiting there, to
which Massimo got on without letting me out. He settled on
chair and covered me with his jacket. I fell asleep cuddled in its wide
I woke up in a hotel when, cursing under his breath, he tried to pull me down
"There's a zip at the back," I whispered with half-closed eyes. -
You don't think anyone would be able to tie them behind everyone
He looked up and looked at me angrily, taking my shoes off
- What made you look like tonight ...
- Finish it! - I growled irritated and aroused in a second,
what was supposed to come out of his mouth. - Like a whore. What did you want to say?
Black clenched his fists, his jaw tightening and loosening.
- You like whores, and the best example is
Weronica, isn't it?
His eyes went completely empty when I finished talking and I did
with slyly complex lips I froze, waiting for an answer. No
he spoke and his knuckles turned white from clenched hands. In some

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he rose vigorously and sat astride me

my hips. He grabbed his wrists and pressed them to the mattress,
raised above my head. My chest began to ripple in a frenzy
rhythm as his face approached me, and after a while he broke into it
tongue in my mouth. I moaned, curling under him, but I didn't
going to fight him, I didn't want to. His tongue was sticking to mine
throat, getting deeper and deeper.
"When I saw you dancing today ..." he whispered chaotically
breaking away from me. - fuck! He pressed his face to my neck. - After
what are you doing this laura Do you want to prove something to me? You want to check where
is the border I put it, not you. And if you want me to take what
I wish I could do it without your permission.
- I was playing, wasn't that what I was supposed to do today? Also, get off me
I want to drink.
He raised his head, looking at me in surprise.
- What do you want?
"Drink," I said, crawling out from under him as he slowed down
a hug and he sank sideways onto the bed. - You piss me off, Massimo -
I mumbled and went to the table, pouring amber liquid
from a decanter.
- Laura, you don't drink strong alcohol, but after the medication you took,
and the amount of champagne drunk in the club, it's not a good idea.
- I do not drink? I asked, bringing the glass to my lips. - Look at that.
I tilted it and poured all the contents into my throat. God, what a
disgusting, I thought, shuddering. This shocking reaction
my body didn't stop me from pouring myself
next serving. Walking towards the terrace, I turned and looked at
Black, who watched my performance with his head resting on his hand.
- You'll regret it, baby! He shouted when I disappeared behind
door leading outside.
The evening was wonderful, the heat eased, and the air felt
surprisingly fresh, even though we were in the center of Rome.
I sat on the big sofa and poured another great sip in myself. After
a dozen or so minutes, when I emptied my glass, I felt drowsy
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and I felt dizzy. In fact, I didn't drink strong alcohol

and now I knew why. The helicopter in my head didn't make it easy for me
walking, and double vision made it harder to hit the door.
So I closed one eye, focusing on preserving the leftovers
class, go back to bed. As smart as possible
I stood, grabbing the door frame and realizing that Massimo might be on
look at me I was not wrong - he was lying in bed with a computer on his lap.
He was naked, except for the white CK boxers. God, my love
it's beautiful, I thought when he looked up at me from the monitor.
My drunken brain once again prompted me a devilish plan of slow
exposing himself to him and leaving him alone. I moved
forward, grabbing the straps of the dress; I slid them off my shoulders and cloth
he fell on the floor. I wanted to gracefully raise my knee and disappear in the bathroom,
but at that moment my legs refused to cooperate. Right ankle
she got tangled in her dress and her left foot stepped on her. I fell on
the carpet with a groan, and after a while I burst into nervous laughter.
Black rose above me just like the first night I saw him
in the club. This time, however, he did not lift me by the elbows but instead took me on
hands and laid on the bed, examining if nothing happened to me. When is my hysteria?
she stopped, looked at me with concern.
- Are you OK?
"Take me," I whispered, taking off the last piece of clothing.
When the white lace thongs were around the ankles, I lifted up
my leg and I took them in my hands. - Come inside me, Massimo. - I quit
hands behind my head and I spread my legs wide apart.
Black sat staring at me, wandering in his face
smile. He leaned over me and kissed my lips lightly, then covered him
naked body quilt.
- I told you, it's not a good idea to drink. Good night.
His ambivalent attitude to my proposal made me angry.
I swung to face him again, but either I was
extremely slow, or he was so fast that he grabbed my wrist and fastened it
him with the band I was wearing before leaving, when Weronica gave
performance. He jumped on the bed and after a while I was lying stretched between

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poles, struggling like a fish pulled out of the water.

- Unpin me! I screamed.
"Good night," he said, leaving the room and turning off the light.
I was woken by the August sun coming into the room. My head
she was heavy and sore, but that wasn't the biggest problem - completely
I didn't feel my hands. What the fuck is going on? I thought, looking fastened at
my wrists bands. I jerked them, and the sound of metal friction
for wood literally ripped my brain. I moaned quietly and looked around
around the room. I was alone. I tried hard to remember
events last night, but all I could remember was my performance on
tube. Jesus Christ, I sighed at what must have been happening
when we came back, when I wake up in such circumstances. undoubtedly
Massimo got what he wanted, and I will die tormented by hangover and feeling
guilt. After a few minutes of self-pity, it was time for a logical one
thinking. I started poking my fingertips at the castle, but the constructor
he planned this trap so that there would be no free release
- Fuck fuck fuck! I shouted resignedly and then
there was a soft knock on the door.
"Please," I said uncertainly, concerned about who would stand
on the doorstep.
When I saw Domenic, I was happy as never before and he froze
and looked at me amused for a moment. I lowered my head to
peek if any of my breasts just at him
looks, but I was tightly covered with a duvet.
- Will you be so happy or will you help me, damn it? I grunted
A young Italian came up to me and freed my hands.
"I can see that the evening was good," he said, raising his eyebrows
with amusement.
- Give me a break. I covered my face with a duvet to die.
When my hands went under her, I was terrified to find that
I'm completely naked.
"No," I whispered softly.

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- Massimo has left, he has a lot of work, so you will be doomed to me.
I'm waiting in the living room, we'll have breakfast.
After thirty minutes, a shower and a packet of paracetamol, I sat down
at the table, taking a sip of tea and milk.
- Did you have fun yesterday? He asked, putting down the newspaper.
"As far as I know, it's medium, and later, judging by me."
you found it probably better, but thank God I don't remember that anymore.
Domenico laughed so much that he choked on
- Up to what point do you remember?
- Pole dancing, then a black hole.
He nodded knowingly.
- I remember this dance and you are very stretched. - On his
an even wider smile appeared.
"Kill me," I said, hitting my head against the table. - Or say
what happened next
Domenico raised his eyebrows and drank his espresso.
- Don Massimo took you to the room and ...
"He flew," I finished for him.
- I truly doubt I was with you. I met him for a while
after we came and later saw him coming out of here when
went to bed in the second bedroom. I've known him for some time and he didn't look
for ... - he searched for the right word for a moment - ...
satisfied, and I think he would be like that with you after a night.
- Oh God, Domenico, why are you tormenting me? You know what
happened, can't you just tell me?
- I can, but it will be definitely less fun. - My expression
I think his face convinced him that I don't feel like joking today. - No.
Okay, you got drunk and you did some homework so he pinned you to bed and went away
I breathed a sigh of relief at what he was saying and at the same time started it
wondering what happened.
- Stop worrying and eat now, we have a busy schedule.
We were in Rome for only three days and for all three even for

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I haven't seen Massim for a while. After a nasty night at the club he disappeared without
news, and the young Italian was silent like a grave.
I spent all day with Domenik, who showed me around
Eternal City. He ate with me, shopped, went to the spa.
I wondered if this would be our every trip.
When we were having lunch at a delightful restaurant on the second day
overlooking the Spanish Steps, I asked him:
- Will he ever let me work? I can't do anything
and just wait for him.
The young Italian was silent for a long time, then said:
- I can't comment on don Massim, what he wants, he does
or thoughts. Don't ask me, Laura, for such things. You must remember,
Who is he. The fewer questions, the better for you.
"Hell, I think I have a right to know what he is doing, why not
is ringing and is he alive - I growled at him, throwing cutlery on the plate.
"Alive," he answered curtly, not responding to my questioners
I winced and went back to the meal. On the one hand, it suited me
the life I have been living for some time, but on the other I was not the type
"Your man's woman." Especially since Massimo was not.
On the third morning, Domenico, as always, had breakfast with me.
When his phone rang, he apologized to me and got up from the table. Interviewed
for a long moment, then he came back to me.
- Laura, you'll leave Rome today.
I looked at him in surprise.
- We just arrived.
The young Italian smiled apologetically at me and headed for
my wardrobe. I finished my tea with milk and followed him.
I tied my hair in a high ponytail and mashed eyelashes; and
the darker tan on my face allowed me to get smaller
amount of makeup. It was thirty degrees outside every day.
Not knowing where I was going, I put on short denim shorts
in navy blue and a tiny white top barely covering mine
modest breasts. I treated today's outfit as a manifesto, no

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putting on underwear. I will not be elegant, I thought and slid my legs

in beloved sneakers on wedges from Isabel Marant. When I put on
nose glasses and I took my purse, Domenico came around the corner. He stopped like that
cut in and appraised me for a moment.
- Are you sure you want to go out like this? He asked embarrassed. - Don
Massimo won't be happy when he sees you.
I turned nonchalantly and sliding my glasses over the tip of my nose
I gave him a dismissive look.
- Do you know where I have it after these three days? - I turned around
and went towards the elevator.
My ridiculously expensive watch showed eleven o'clock when Domenico
he put me in the car.
- You're not coming with me? I asked, pushing my lower lip like a small one
- I can't, but Klaudio will take care of you while traveling. -
He closed the door and the car started to move. I felt alone and sad. Is that
is it possible that I missed Black?
My driver Klaudio, who also protected me at the same time, no
he was too talkative.
I picked up the phone and called my mother. She was calmer
but moderately satisfied after I told her that it was
I won't reach them in the week.
When I finished quite a long conversation, the car was just sliding down
from the highway and after a while entered the town of Fiumino. Klaudio very much
it was able to move efficiently around a narrow, picturesque SUV
streets. At one point the car braked and showed me
a huge port filled with exclusive yachts.
An older man dressed in white opened the door for me. research
I looked at the driver who nodded knowingly at me,
letting me get off.
- Welcome to Porto di Fiumicino, Mrs. Lauro. I am Fabio
and take you to the boat. I invite you. He nodded, pointing me
When we stopped after a few steps to board,

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I raised my head up and fell into the ground. He appeared to my eyes

Titanium. Most of the boats in the port were snow-white, but this one had
cold, dark multi-color and tinted windows.
- The yacht is ninety meters. It has twelve cabins for
guests, jacuzzi, cinema room, spa, exercise room and of course huge
swimming pool and helipad.
"Modest," I said with my mouth slightly open.
When I got on the first of six decks, he showed it to my eyes
an impressive living room, only partially roofed. It was decorated
elegant and very sterile. Almost all the furniture was white, accessories
steel, and the whole was complemented by a glass floor. Next was the dining room, stairs
and in the bow section of the jacuzzi. White roses stood in vases on the tables, but
my attention was drawn to one table with no flowers on the top.
Instead, there was a huge vase with ice and submerged bottles of mint
Before I finished watching this level, Fabio appeared beside me
with a full glass in hand. Do they all think I am
I'm an alcoholic, and the only way to spend time I know
and I practice drinking?
- What would you like to do before we leave? Sightseeing boat sunbathing
or maybe lunch?
- I'd like to be alone if I can. - I put my purse down
and headed toward the bow.
Fabio nodded and disappeared. I stood and looked at the sea. I drank
one glass, then another and another, until the bottle became empty. hangover
digesting my body eased down because I was drunk again.
Titan left the port. When the land disappeared on the horizon, I thought
about how much I'd like to never come to Sicily. Not meet
Massima and not be his salvation. I could still live peacefully
in your normal world instead of sitting in a golden cage.
- What the hell are you wearing! - I heard a familiar accent. -
You look like...
I turned around and almost ran into Massim, who grew up above all
me like the evening I saw him for the first time. I have already been

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properly inserted, so I just turned around and fell on the couch.
"I look as I want, and you have nothing to do with it," I stammered. - You left
me without a word and you treat me like a puppet that you play when you have it
fancy. Today, the puppet wants to play solo. - I jumped up
clumsily off the couch, I grabbed another bottle of champagne and started off
staggering toward the stern. Platform shoes did not make it easy for me
walking and I was aware of how pathetic I looked, that's why
with frustration I pulled them off my feet.
Black followed me, shouting something, but his voice did not pierce
because of the noise of alcohol in my head. I didn't know the ship, but to escape
I ran down the stairs and ... it was the last thing I remember.

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"Breathe," I heard a voice like from a box. - Laura, breathe, you hear
me? - The voice became clearer.
I felt my stomach go up in my throat, I started to vomit,
choking on something salty.
- Thank you God! Baby, can you hear me? Massimo asked, stroking
my Ihair.
barely opened my eyes and saw Black above me
dripping with water. He was dressed, all he lacked was shoes. I watched
but I couldn't get a word out. My mind was roaring and the sun was rising
smoking dazzlingly. Fabio handed the towel that Black wrapped around me
what he took He carried it through decks until he entered the bedroom
and put it on the bed. I was still stunned and had no idea what
It happened. Massimo was wiping my hair with a full look
worry mixed with anger.
- What happened? I asked quietly in a hoarse voice.
- You fell off the bridge. Thank God we didn't swim faster and you
you fell aside. Which doesn't change the fact that you almost drowned. - Massimo
he knelt before the bed. - Fuck Laura, I want to kill you
and at the same time I am so grateful to you that you are alive.
I touched his cheek with my hand.
- You saved me?
- Good that I was so close. I don't even want to think what you might think
become happen. Why are you so disobedient and stubborn? He sighed.
Alcohol still rumbled in my head and there was a taste in my mouth
sea water.
"I would like to wash myself," I said and tried to get up.
Black stopped me, gently grabbing my arm.
"I won't let you do the same now, not five minutes ago."
you were breathing, Laura. If you really want to, I'll give you a bath.
I looked at him tiredly, I had no strength
oppose. Besides, he saw me naked, and not only he saw me, but

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also touched, so no part of my body was for him

mystery. I nodded my agreement. He disappeared for a moment, and when
he came back, the sound of water coming from the bathroom.
Black took off his wet shirt, pants and boxer shorts.
Under normal circumstances this view would lead me to
boiling, but not now. He discovered the towel I was wrapped in,
and gently pulled the t-shirt off me without paying any attention to
what he sees He unbuttoned my shorts and was surprised to discover that I didn't have on
wearing underwear.
- You're not wearing pants ?!
- Valuable notice. - I smiled. - I didn't think we would be
- That's even more so! - His look went cold, so
I decided not to pull on the subject.
He took me in my arms and moved me to the bathroom
a few meters from the bed. The huge bathtub standing against the wall was already there
partly filled with water. He entered her, sat down and leaned back
by the edge, turned me around and placed me between his legs so that my head
she was resting on his chest. First, he washed me completely, without missing one
places, and then started to wash my head. I was surprised with what
he was gentle with me. At the end he took me out of the bathtub
swung it in a towel and carried it to bed. He pressed the button on the remote control and huge
blinds completely covered the windows, giving a pleasant darkness. I do not even know,
when I fell asleep.
I woke up scared, gasping for air. I panicked,
not having a clue where I am. After a while, when I came to my senses,
I remembered the events of the last day. I got up from bed
and I turned on the light, before my eyes was the view
an impressive apartment. White oval sofas in the living room wonderfully
blended in with the almost black floor. The interior was minimalistic
and very manly. Even the flowers standing on the bright columns do not
they seemed delicate.
Where's Massimo? I thought. Did he disappear again? I threw
naked bathrobe and headed for the door. The corridors were wide

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and slightly lit, I had no idea where I was going because instead of a trip
after the ship I chose drunkenness. I shuddered at the thought of alcohol
in disgust. Going up the stairs, I came across a deck that did not
it reminded me best. Although I knew the situation from the story,
I felt fear. It was completely empty and almost completely dark;
the glass floor was lit only by built-in spotlights.
I headed toward the half-open living room until I reached the prow.
- Well-rested? - I heard a voice from the dark.
I looked around. He sat in the hot tub with both hands on the edge
Black, holding a glass in his hand.
- I see you feel better. Why don't you join me?
He tilted his head sideways, as if loosening his neck. He took the glass in his mouth
and took a sip of the amber liquid without taking the ice from me
The Titan stood, and the land's lights flickered in the distance. Calm
the sea swayed slightly, gently hitting the boat.
- Where is all the service? - I asked.
- Where it should be, which means definitely not here. - He smiled
and put down his glass. "Are you expecting another invitation, Laura?"
His tone was serious and his eyes glistened with reflected light
on-board lights. Standing in front of him, I realized that through
last days i missed him.
I grabbed the robe's belt, pulled it and let it slip
with me. Massimo watched curiously, rhythmically clenching
jaws. I slowly moved toward him and slipped into the water;
I sat down opposite.
I looked at him as he took another sip; was terrible
alluring when he became restrained.
I leaned in and moved him so that I sat on his
knees clinging firmly to his body. Without permission
I put his hands in his hair, groaned, and tilted his head back, closing it
eyes. I absorbed this view for a moment, then I caught his teeth
lower lip. I felt it harden under me. This impulse
involuntarily triggered the gentle movement of my hips. I sucked and bitten

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slowly his lips, until at some point I stuck my tongue into his mouth.
Black lowered his hands and firmly grabbed my buttocks, pressing to
each other.
"I missed you," I whispered, pulling my mouth away from him.
At the sound of these words, he pushed me away and pierced me with research
"Is this how you show longing, baby?" Because if you are going this way
express gratitude for saving your life, you chose the worst way
of possible. I won't do it with you until you are sure you want to.
This statement hurt me. I pushed him away and how
burned I jumped out of the water. I grabbed my bathrobe and shame
I pulled on myself. I wanted to cry and dreamed of how
the fastest way to be far from him.
I ran down the stairs, which I came for a few minutes
before and turned into a tangle of corridors. All the doors looked out
almost identical, so when it seemed right to me,
I grabbed the door handle. I entered the room and sliding my hand over
wall, I was looking for a light switch. When I finally found him,
I realized that I wasn't in the place where I wanted to go.
The door behind me closed and I heard the sound of a turning latch.
The light went out almost completely, and I froze, afraid to turn around, though
subconsciously, I knew I was safe.
"I love it when you grab my hair," Black said, standing
follow me. He grabbed the belt of my bathrobe and turned me over, energetic
by movement, dropping a piece of material I was wearing.
When I clung to it, I felt naked, wet and warm.
He grabbed my lips, kissing me hard and deep. His hands
they moved all over my body until they ended up on my buttocks. He lifted
me without interrupting kisses, and moved me to bed. He laid and through
he looked at me for a moment. I stared at him finally
I raised my hands behind my head and moved them to the pillows, wanting this one
way to show him my vulnerability and trust.
- You know that this time, if we start, I won't be able to stop? -
he asked seriously. - If we cross a certain border, I'll fuck it
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whether you want it or not.

It sounded like a promise in his mouth that just ignited me.
"So fuck you," I said, sitting in front of him on the edge of the bed.
He muttered something in Italian through clenched teeth and stood a few
centimeters from me. Residual light remaining in the room allowed
see me buzzing erection. I caught him by the buttocks
and pulled close enough to grab my manhood with my hand. He was
wonderful, fat and hard. I ran my fingers over it tastefully
licking your lips.
"Hold my head," I said, looking him in the eye. -
And give me the punishment of my choice.
Massimo let out a breath and grabbed my hair tightly.
"You are asking me to treat you like a whore or that."
I obediently tilted my head back and opened my mouth wide.
"Yes, don Massimo," I whispered.
At these words, the embrace on my hair grew stronger. He moved closer
and with a calm, smooth movement he put his swollen in my mouth
dick. I moaned when I felt it slip into my throat. His
my hips began to wave rhythmically, not letting me catch my breath.
- If you stop enjoying it at some point, tell me that,
just so that I know you won't tease me, he choked, no
I backed away a little and took it out of my mouth, continuing to move my hand.
"The same goes for you," I said confidently, lightly
raising my eyebrows, and I started to suck him again.
Black laughed mockingly and groaned as I hurried up
show him I'm not kidding. I sucked at him faster and harder than I did
that was what his hands controlling my head wanted. He was panting and clenching his hands
hair. I felt it grow in my mouth, it was like an encouragement to show
him who deals now. He was sweet, his skin smooth and his body
it smelled of sex. I enjoyed it, I wanted to be saturated with what
I've longed for that. The other part of me wanted to prove something to him,
show that at this moment I hold power over him;

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I accelerated again. I knew he couldn't take it long

and I felt he knew that too. He tried to inhibit my movements, however
"Slow down," he hissed, and I completely ignored his command.
After a moment of frantic pace he pulled him out, pushing me away.
I licked lustfully when he stood and looked at me, panting.
He grabbed my shoulders and threw me on the bed, then turned me over on my stomach,
clinging to my body.
"Do you want to prove something to me?" He asked, licking two fingers. -
Relax, baby, he hissed and slipped them inside. From mine
a loud moan came out of his throat. Two fingers were enough to fill me.
- I think you're ready. These words made her back
I felt a shiver. Waiting, uncertainty, fear and desire
they mingled with each other.
Massimo slowly began to enter me, I felt every inch
his fat member.
His arms wrapped around me with a force that caused pain. When he entered
whole, he froze, then slid it out and rubbed it again, yet
harder. I moaned, and excitement and pleasure mixed with pain.
His hips accelerated, his breathing chasing their pace. Wonderful friction
which I felt was spreading waves of pleasure all over my body. Suddenly he slowed down and I
I breathed a sigh of relief.
He put my hand under my stomach and lifted my hips, folding my knee
slightly clenched legs.
"Show me that beautiful ass," he said, stroking my back door.
I was scared, he probably didn't want to try it the first time,
for which I was definitely not ready yet.
"Don ..." I whispered uncertainly, looking at him.
He grabbed my hair and pressed his face into the pillows.
"Easy, baby," he whispered, leaning over me. - Additionally
we will also come, but not today.
Slowly and rhythmically, he pressed against me, bending my spine so that
the buttocks unintentionally tensed more.
"Oh yeah," he panted contentedly, gripping my hips tighter.

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I loved to fuck so much and the control he had over mine

body in this position, frightened me and excited me at the same time. He leaned
lightly and shifted one hand to my clitoris. Even wider
I spread my legs so that he could play with me.
"Open your mouth," he commanded, poking his fingers in my mouth.
When they were wet enough, he returned to teasing my pussy.
He did it perfectly and knew exactly where his were to be
hands to drive me crazy. I gripped the pillow hard
in his hands, unable to withstand the crazy rush of his hips. She groaned
and writhed under him, mumbling in Polish.
"Not yet, Laura," he said and turned me over. - Wants
see when you will peak.
He put both hands under me and hugged me tightly, his penis slipped
and he went out harder and faster until I felt it start
shrink inside. I threw my head back and let it orgasm
took over my body.
"Harder," I moaned.
He pressed on me with double force, I felt that he was not far behind me, but
I couldn't hold back pleasure any longer. I screamed
she stiffened in the trap of orgasm, and Massim's hips did not stop
stick to me. Another push and another push, I heard it ring
in my ears; that was too much. With a terrible scream I came across
for the second time, and my sweaty body dropped to the mattress.
Black slowed down, he was almost lazy in the movement he made.
He grabbed my hands and lifted my wrists. He leaned on his lap
and watched my wavy breasts; he was pleased, he triumphed.
"Finish my stomach, I want to see it," I said
Massimo smiled and tightened his grip on mine
"No," he replied and gave his body a mad rush.
After a while, I felt a warm wave pour into me. I froze.
He knew that I wasn't using contraception. It came a long time
and intensely, fighting with my body that I wanted at all costs

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save from its sweet content. When he finished, he fell on me

sweaty and hot.
I tried to gather my thoughts, counted the days of the cycle in my head, okay
knowing that he chose the worst possible. I wanted to break free from under
him, but his weight prevented me from moving.
- Massimo, what the hell are you going to do? I asked furiously. -
You know that I don't use pills.
He laughed and leaned on his elbows. He was looking at me when I was throwing myself
mad under him.
- Tablets may and may not, they are difficult to trust. You have a contraceptive implant
He touched the inside of my left hand with his fingers high
bicep. There was a small tube under the skin. He let go of my hands and I with horror
I discovered he wasn't lying.
"I told you to implant it on the first day you slept, no."
I wanted to risk it. It will operate for three years, but of course after a year
you can remove it, ”he said with a smile.
I saw him smile for the first time, which didn't change the fact
that I was furious. Satisfied, but furious.
- Will you get off me? I asked, looking at him dispassionately.
- Unfortunately, it will be impossible for some time, baby, it's hard
it will move you at a distance, ”he said, biting my lip. - When
I saw your face for the first time, I didn't want you, I was
terrified of the vision that met me. But with time, when the portraits were already
everywhere, I began to see every detail of your soul. You're so
like me, Laura, "he said and kissed my lips gently.
I lay looking at him and felt anger leave me.
I loved it when he was honest with me, I felt how much it cost him
and I appreciated it.
His hips began to wave gently, and I felt like coming back
hardens in me. He kissed my face and continued.
- I looked at you the first night until it was bright. I felt yours
smell, warmth of your body, you were alive, existed and lay next to you. All
the day I was not able to leave you, irrationally afraid of that

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I'll be back and you won't be there.

His tone became sad and apologetic, as if he wanted me to
she knew that the fact that he was holding me hard did not bring him glory. But
the truth was that had it not been for fear, I would have fled at the first opportunity.
His hips slowly accelerated, his arms tightened around me,
I felt his body getting hot and wet.
I didn't want to listen to what he was saying anymore because it reminded me of that
everything that is happening is not exactly what I wanted. I started
think about how ruthless he can be, how brutal and cruel he can be.
I have never experienced this, but I saw and knew what it was for
Thoughts swirling in my head made me feel like I was coming back
anger builds up in me. His wavy body irritated and annoyed me
and caused the fury to accumulate.
Massimo took his face away from my cheek and looked into my eyes.
The sight he saw made him freeze.
- Laura, what's going on? He asked, scrutinizing me.
"You don't want to know and get off me, damn it!"
I struggled to get up, but he didn't move. His eyes were
icy; I knew I was dealing with the Don now and the fight
it makes no sense to him.
"I want to ride you," I said with clenched teeth, grabbing him
Black was still examining my face; at some point
he grabbed me hard and without turning out of me, he rolled over on my back.
He lay down and raised his hands, just like me a few minutes ago.
"All yours," he whispered, closing his eyes. - I don't know what's wrong with you
enraged, but since you need control over me to make it happen
get rid of anger, please, ”he said, opening one eye. - The weapon is
in the left drawer, unlocked if you need it.
I slowly got up from his cage, getting harder and harder
hard cock. I was amused at what he said and at the same time
angry and confused. I grabbed his cheeks with my right hand and gripped them firmly
squeezed. He didn't open his eyes, only began to clench his jaw rhythmically.

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I slowly lifted my buttocks and slumped down on him, introducing him ever more
deeper within yourself. I wanted him to know how I felt, I wanted to punish him for
all and inflict suffering on him, and there was only one way to do it.
I got up from him, and when he felt what I was doing, he opened his eyes.
I gave him a warning look and went for the robe belt,
who was at the door. His left hand dripped down my legs
seed. I ran my finger collecting some sticky liquid
and on the way back I licked him without taking my eyes off Black.
At this sight his cock began to pulsate rhythmically.
"You're cute," I said, licking my lips. - Do you want to try?
"I'm not a fan of my own taste, so I don't think so," he replied
in disgust.
"Sit down," I asked, straddling him.
Massimo calmly rose and folded his arms back as if
he knew what I wanted to do.
- Are you sure? He asked more seriously than
the situation required it.
I completely ignored this question and tied his hands like that
that when I finished, he hissed in pain.
I pushed him onto the bed to make him lie down, and reached into the left drawer
by the bed, pulling out a gun. Black didn't even flinch, he looked at me
eyes that seemed to say, "I know you won't dare."
And in fact, I didn't have that much courage in the current situation
I didn't mean it at all. I dug a drawer, but it wasn't there
what I was looking for. I reached for another - bingo. I pulled out of her
"We're going to play now, don Massimo," I said, putting it on
her eyes. - Before I start, remember that if you don't like something,
you have to say it clearly so that I understand, though little chance
that I will listen.
He knew I was mocking him, so he just smiled and settled
head comfortably on the pillow.
"You kidnapped me, imprisoned me, you threaten my family," I started, catching
him by the cheeks again. "You took everything I have from me, though."

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you fucking turn me on, i hate you, Massimo. I wish you would
he felt what it was like to be forced to do anything.
I tore my hand off his cheek and gave him an open blow
hand. His head tilted slightly to one side and he swallowed hard.
"Again," he said through his teeth.
What I did and his reaction startled me surprisingly. Next
I grabbed his head once.
"I will decide," he hissed.
I moved up and found my wet crack above him
"Start sucking," I said, brushing her against his lips.
I knew that he would not be delighted with the taste of himself,
and that's why I decided to do it. When he didn't respond,
I clung to his lips with my wet pussy, so that he felt involuntarily
a taste that rejected him. After a moment I felt his tongue caress mine
interior. He raised his chin and moved the caresses to the clitoris. I groaned
and leaned my forehead against the quilted wall behind the bed. He did it too well and now
after a while I was on the verge of orgasm. I rose on my knees
and I looked down - he was licking the last of my taste from his lips, quietly
muttering. He clearly enjoyed this part of the punishment. I slid my buttocks around
his chest, stomach and felt him fall into my wet saliva
pussy. His cock was hard, fat and perfectly suited to me.
I moaned, grabbed him by the back and sat him down. I felt like it
helps knowing that I can't do it alone. Catching the bed headboard,
I moved us to the quilted part of the wall and pinned him to it
back. I loved this position, it gave me absolute control over it
partner, and at the same time allowed very deep penetration.
I grabbed his hair and slowly began to rub the clitoris on his stomach.
The penis was rising slightly in me, and I was pushing at him faster and faster
and with greater strength. I fucked him with one hand by the hair and the other by the hand
neck. Massimo was breathing loudly and I felt that he was about to explode.
I hit him in the face again.
- Come on! I said and punched him again.
It excited me so much that I felt like I was starting

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peak, but I didn't want to finish. When after a while Black filled
he gave me a whole moan, and his hands wrapped around my body,
pushing me harder against him. He ripped off the blindfold and greedily
stuck to my lips. He moved his hands to my buttocks and steadily with them
She moved.
"I don't want to go," I said, catching my breath.
"I know," he whispered, moving me faster and harder. -
Hit me! He hissed. Now, when he wasn't wearing a band and he was looking at me
I was afraid to do it.
- Hit the fuck! He screamed and I punched him again.
When my hand collided with his face, I felt him flooding me
wave of powerful orgasm. I couldn't move my hips, all mine
the body trembled, every muscle was tense and hard. Massimo strongly
and he vigorously moved me ravaged at him until everything inside me
he relaxed and I fell on his shoulders. While we sat there gently
stroked my back.
- When did you release your hands? I asked, without breaking it
face from his shoulder.
"When you finished tying," he said, amused. - You're not in it
the best, Laura, but in a way I'm a binding specialist
and solving.
- So why did you use your hands last?
"I knew something pissed you off, something inside me or something."
I said so I decided that I would let you unload. I was
sure you won't hurt me because you missed me, 'he said
and got up out of bed with me. Kissing my lips, cheeks and hair
he carried me to the bathroom. He put it in the shower and turned on the water. -
We should lie down, ”he said, lubricating me with soap. - Waiting tomorrow
us a long day. I must admit that I'd rather fuck you all night, but
you haven't been using your sweet pussy for a long time and she's had enough
for the first time after a break, so I will give it to her, ”he said gently
washing me between my legs. - You are very aggressive. It turns you on
little. His hands stopped and his eyes pierced me.
"I can't help the harsh sex," I said, catching him

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testicles. - For me, a bed is a kind of game, you can be whoever you want to be,
and do what you want, of course within reason - I continued,
turning them in the palm of your hand. - It's fun, not a matter of life and death.
"We'll be fine together, Laura, you'll see," he replied, kissing
my forehead.
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When I opened my eyes, the room fell through the closed blinds
soft light, and I lay all alone in a huge,
soaked in sex bed smell. The thought of last night did
I'm hot. I didn't know if it was a good decision or if I should
it was, but it happened, and my considerations no longer mattered.
The fact was that I missed Massim in recent days, and what
he did, saving my life, clearly showed how important I was to him.
Finally someone treated me like I wanted, like a princess, like something
most valuable and most important. I lay there wondering why
I went crazy yesterday and came to the conclusion that the only thing that irritates me
in our situation, it is a threat to my family. I tried to translate
his conduct in that, if he had not kept me in check, on
I would definitely run away without giving us a chance to get to know each other better. Next
I was exhausted once. I shook my head, chasing away thoughts that were too heavy
for this time of day.
The bedroom door opened and a smiling Massimo stood in it.
He was dressed in white knee-length shorts and a white T-shirt,
he had bare feet and wet hair. I moaned at the sight of him and stretched
sliding the quilt with your feet. He came looking at me from foot to foot
the top of the head.
"Sleeping is probably your favorite pastime, eh?" He said kissing
my forehead.
I threw my arms behind my head and stretched even more
ostentatiously flexing his whole body.
"I love sleeping," I yelled with a smile.
Black grabbed my hip, twisted my stomach and slapped me
in bare buttocks. Holding my neck with one hand and sticking to my head
in the pillow, he approached my ear and whispered:
- You provoke me, baby. - He was absolutely right this time.
The hand that rested on the buttock shifted and opened mine
thighs. His two long fingers gently slid into me.

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- What did you think you were so wet? - He asked.

I leaned on my knees and tightened my buttocks and his fingers
they slowly began to move inside me. He stood up and watched what he was doing.
- That if it wasn't for the implant, I would just ovulate, so
I would be wet all the time - I replied with a smile, swaying my hips.
Black's expression changed - he was clearly pleased with something.
"I'd like to now," he said, reaching out his fingers
and blow you from behind leaning against the window.
He pressed a button on the panel next to the bed and a wave of light flooded the room.
- Yes, so that you can admire the views, but unfortunately you are very
swollen after that night, and besides, a boy is waiting for us with whom
we're going to dive, so I don't have as much time as I would like. - Licked it
the fingers he took out of me. - Fabio brought him too early. Come.
He caught me and threw me on his shoulder. Crossing the room, he caught it
a bathrobe and covered my naked body resting on his shoulder. He started
through the corridor, and I hung on it, dying of laughter. We passed
another identical door and more surprised service people. I do not know,
his face because my head hung on his back, but I suspect
that he was serious like never before. After a long moment we arrived at mine
room. He set me on the floor, throwing my bathrobe on the bed.
- I guess I'll send the service away so you can walk naked all the time -
he said, patting my buttock.
In the room on the table was a tray of food, and next to the tea pot,
cocoa, milk and mint can grow.
"Interesting breakfast," I said, pouring myself cocoa. - I think
Champagne is something that should be on my menu every morning.
- I know for sure that you like champagne. And that you like one
of the other things, I sense.
I looked at him questioningly and he leaned against the glass in the cabin and lightly
he winced.
- When my people packed your things at home in Warsaw,
there were two glasses in the sink: one leftover cocoa, the other one
almost drunk tea with milk. I don't think a man drinks one
or second, but who knows. - He threw up his arms. - It's important that one of these
Page 131

drinks you like. Also, in Rome, when you woke up, you also drank them, so
it wasn't hard to guess, "he said, approaching the cooler
with champagne.
- I think you will drink from the morning? I asked, sipping from my own
Massimo took a bucket with a bottle and moved it from the big table to
the floor.
"No, I'm making room," he announced, pushing the service aside
with tea and milk. - I thought I could do it, but when you parade
in front of me naked, it's hard for me to focus, so in a moment I will put you on
on the table and gently, although I will positively hold it.
I stood there embedded, watching her move everything that was on
countertop. I must have had a really silly face because when he put me down
on him, he did not hide his amusement. He spread my legs wide and knelt between
them and immersed his tongue in me. It only lasted a moment and clearly not
was to serve my pleasure, but to reduce friction. Later he did
as he announced, gently and firmly.
I went out on board wearing only sunglasses
and the wonderful Victoria's Secret white bikini. At the stern lay equipment for
diving, and the boy who unfolded it didn't look like it at all
Italian. He had light golden hair and features that probably meant it
he came from the East. The thin face was lit by big blue eyes
and a beaming smile. Massimo stood on the other side of the deck
and talked to Fabie, gesticulating heavily. I preferred not to approach
them, so I headed towards the diver. I stumbled down the stairs
and almost fell into the water.
"Damn it, I'll kill myself someday," I mumbled in Polish.
At these words, the young man's face beamed, he stretched to
hand me and said in beautiful Polish:
- I'm Marek, but everyone here calls me Marko. He doesn't even know
lady, how nice to hear a few words in Polish.
I stood there, grinning at him at some point
I burst out laughing.
- Trust me, you have no idea how happy I am to hear you love

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language. My brain is sore from thinking in English. I am Laura

and I am begging you, call me by my name.
- How do you like your holidays in Italy? He asked, returning
for equipment.
I thought about the answer for a moment.
"Not a vacation, actually," I said, looking at the water. - I have
a one-year contract in Sicily and I had to live here - I said
sitting on the stairs. - Is it a coincidence that I met a Pole here or?
they intentionally sought you out for me? I asked, taking off my glasses.
- Unfortunately, coincidence, although for both of us probably very happy.
Paulo was supposed to dive with you today, but unfortunately he broke his leg yesterday
and I had to replace him. - At that moment Marek straightened up,
and a smile disappeared from his face.
I looked back and saw Massim at the top of the stairs
slowly came down. They came to each other and said hello
in Italian for a moment, then Black turned to me.
- I regret it, but I missed a meeting, so I can't go with you -
he said, clenching his jaw in anger.
- Meeting? - I looked around. - We're in the middle
the sea!
"The helicopter will be here in a moment, we'll see you when you're done."
I turned to Marek and spoke in Polish:
- And we were left alone, I do not know whether to enjoy or cry.
Massimo stood looking at us, rage in his eyes.
- Marko is Polish, wonderful, right? It will be a great day -
I turned to Black and kissed his cheek.
When I pulled away from him, he grabbed my hand and whispered
I would only hear it:
- I would not like you to speak Polish with me, because nothing then
I do not understand. His hand tightened on my shoulder.
I tore his arm out and tossed angrily:
- And I wish you didn't speak Italian, can you do it?
I gave him a reproving look of anger
and I started towards the motorboat, where Marek was loading things.

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I went to him and patted him on the back, asking in Polish if

not to help him and if we have everything we need and then
I waved to Black and headed for the boat.
I don't know if Massimo had the ability to teleport, but I didn't make it
even take a step, and he already held me in his arms, kissing hard. He was
leaning and slightly lifting me by the buttocks, on which he tightened
hands. His mouth greedily greeted me as if he was saying goodbye to me
always. The sound of an incoming helicopter snapped him out of the kiss.
He held my face in his hands and smiled broadly then
he winked at me and whispered:
- I'll kill him if he touches you.
He kissed my forehead and started up the stairs.
I stood and watched her go away, it made me sick at the thought of what
just heard. Unfortunately, I knew he was able to do it and I couldn't
I was going to take responsibility for someone else's life.
- I think he's very in love, huh? Marcus asked, reaching out to
my hand.
"Rather possessive and loves control," I answered, getting into
We moved ahead, turned my head and looked at Massim,
that the landing helicopter was blowing through. He was pretty pissed, no
I had to see his face, the position he was in was enough for me
widely spaced long legs and arms folded on a huge cage
they did not herald anything good.
- Do you teach people to dive every day? I asked when we were sailing.
Marcus laughed and slowed down so that we wouldn't have to shout
- No not anymore. I was very lucky and I hit a niche in the market.
Now I am the owner of an underwater empire - he laughed merrily. -
Can you imagine a Pole in Italy has the largest company with equipment
for diving and all related services.
- What are you doing here with me then? I asked, amused.
- I told you, destiny and broken leg. You could see that
be! He shouted and turned up the revolutions, and the speedboat rushed to

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The sun was getting orange when Marko was packing
"It was fantastic," I said, chewing on a bite of a watermelon.
- It's good that you dived, thanks to that we could have more time
spend on swimming and less on learning.
- Where are we?
- Near Croatia. Marcus pointed at the barely visible land.
- It is very late, I have to be in Venice today.
When we arrived, it began to get dark. On board the Titan
I saw Fabia, who helped me get out of the motorboat. I said goodbye
with Marek and I headed for the stairs.
- Hairdresser and makeup artist are waiting in the salon by the jacuzzi. Do give something
to eat - I heard a voice from behind.
- Hairdresser? What for? I asked surprised.
- You're going to a banquet. In Venice just now
The International Film Festival, and don Massimo has a package
majority of one of the labels. Unfortunately, she is late
lady to prepare only an hour and a half.
Delicious, I thought. I dabble in salt water all day to
dazzle everyone at the party with dry skin in the evening. I shook my head
wondering if it will ever be that I will meet sooner
own plans, let alone decide on them. I went upstairs.
Poli and Luigi were an example of 100% gays. Wonder,
wonderful and fantastic, the best friends of a woman and more feminine since
half of us. In an hour they dealt with the nest on my head and the scales on
face. When they finished, I went to my cabin to prepare something for
Clothes. I went into the bedroom and one hung on a hanger next to the bathroom
from Robert Cavalli's dresses, which I chose in Taormina. And on her
a note with the words "in this". I already knew the answer to what
I will perform tonight. She was wonderful and very brave. made
of black translucent mesh-like material with inserts,
which looked like zippers or lacing. Long sleeves were slim
hands from which everyone's attention will be diverted anyway

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back. The dress had only a narrow connection just above

shoulder blades and began again at the edge of the buttocks.
"I can't put on my pants," I said with a contorted expression
in front of the mirror.
Roberto Cavalli foresaw this and the dress in sensitive places
it didn't shine completely, but it didn't change the fact that I liked it
even wear the most modest thongs.
I took my purse, poured perfume on it, slipped it on my feet
elegant sandals and I headed for the door. Before leaving for the last time
I stopped at the mirror. I looked amazing. Wonderful,
smoky makeup in shades of black and gold suited perfectly
my tanned skin. And the bun pinned on top of my head made me slim
and he added classes - it was worth plugging in a kilo of artificial hair,
I thought, stroking the intricate construction.
I went out and looked around. On the table, by default,
I saw a bottle of champagne and a full glass. So Black somewhere here
is. I came over and poured myself a second one. I walked on the deck, peering
to other places, but I didn't find anyone. With interest for that
I discovered that Titan reached the mainland, thanks to which before my eyes
there was a wonderful view of the lights shimmering in the distance.
"It's Lido, also called the beach of Venice," I heard a friend
I turned my head away from where the words came from. A few steps away
Domenico stood me and sipped champagne.
- I knew this dress would be perfect. You look in her
captivating, Laura. He came over and kissed me on both cheeks.
"I missed you, Domenico," I said, hugging tightly
to him.
- Well, beloved, because in a moment Poli and his girlfriend Luigi will be there
they had to start over - he said with a laugh and led me on
leather armchair.
- Where's don Massimo? I asked, taking a sip.
Domenico gave me an apologetic look. Only
now I noticed that he was wearing a tuxedo, which meant it was once again

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Black set me up.

"He had to ..." I raised my hand and Domenico broke off
in the middle of a sentence.
"Let's drink and have fun," I added, tilting the glass
to the bottom.
The motorboat, on which we changed, slowly glided through the calm
waters of the Adriatic Sea after which it flowed into the channel and I
I was wondering if I only want this year or maybe more, maybe
I can't even stand it? Now that he got what he wanted, maybe now me
release? Only do I want to come back? Why do I miss him ...? From the creek
Domenico woke me up.
- We're swimming, are you ready? He asked, giving me his hand.
I stood up and saw all these lights, people and glamor
I felt fear.
- No, I'm definitely not and I don't want to be ready. Domenico, after
what am i doing I asked, terrified when the boat reached the pier.
- For me - I heard a familiar accent and I felt hot. -
Sorry for the confusion, I thought I could not make it, but we agreed
without any major problems and I'm here.
I looked up, my dazzling kidnapper stood on the pier.
Dressed in a double-breasted black tuxedo, he looked drawn.
Impression, I couldn't get up. The white shirt emphasized his color
skin, and a small bow tie gave him class and seriousness.
- Come. - He reached out my hand and after a while I stood by
I smoothed the dress and looked up to meet him
look. He stood, holding my left hand firmly, it seemed the same
dazed like me.
"Laura, you ..." He broke off and frowned. - You look like this today
it's amazing that I don't know if I want anyone to see you like that except me.
I smiled at those words, feigning false modesty.
- Don Massimo! - A voice snapped us out of mutual delight
Domenica. - We have to go, and they have already seen us. Please, your masks.
Who saw us and why do we have to go? I thought, picking up my hand

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wonderful lace mask resembling glasses.
Massimo turned towards me, tied her in front of me
and purred, wiping his nose against her side. - Lace and you ... I love -
he whispered, kissing me gently.
Before he could take his lips from my lips, the flashlight lit up the night.
Panic swept over me.
He slowly pulled away and turned towards the photographers, firmly
embracing me around the waist. He didn't smile, just calmly waited until
end. The paparazzi crowd shouted something in Italian and I tried
look as dignified as possible when standing on
soft legs.
Black waved at them as if he signaled that enough, and we moved
on the carpet toward the entrance. We went through the hall and got to the hall
ballroom supported on monumental columns. On round tables
permanent candles and white flowers. Most of the guests were wearing masks, which I really like
it responded because I felt at least some remnants of anonymity.
We sat at a table, which was clearly missing
us. After a while, waiters appeared, serving starters, and later
next dishes.

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The banquet was unbelievably boring; I organized hundreds of them, so

my only entertainment was to point out in the mind of service errors.
Massimo talked to the men sitting at our table,
every now and then discreetly stroking my thigh.
"I have to go to the next room," he said to me.
under Domenic's you should
care. - Henot participate
kissed in thisand
my forehead conversation,
headed for so
theI will
door,leave you
followed by the rest of the men sitting at our table.
My assistant appeared in a flash and took the Black chair.
"The woman in the red dress looks like a fur ball," he said
and we both burst out laughing at the sight of an old lady in a dress that
it looked like a bauble. If it weren't for those fashion curiosities, sure
I would die of boredom here - he added.
I knew how he felt, so I was delighted with his company.
Several dozen more minutes passed quickly during the talks
and drinking champagne. Well placed, we decided to dance.
It was crowded and elegant on the dance floor. There will be no madness
I thought, looking towards the string quartet. After another
I had enough of the lulled dance. In contrast to Domenica
I could dance perfectly because my beloved mother sent me to
lessons throughout primary school and high school.
When we were leaving the dance floor, I heard a familiar language.
- Laura? I don't think I can free myself from you today.
I turned and saw Mark dressed in shimmering gray
- What are you doing here? I asked surprised.
- My company works with most hotels in the area, besides that
charity ball, and I'm one of the sponsors - saying that,
he shrugged with a smile.
Domenico grunted significantly.
"Oh, I'm sorry," I said, smoothly switching to

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English. - This is Domenico, my assistant and friend.

The gentlemen exchanged courtesies in Italian and we were about to leave,
when the musicians joined the quartet and Argentine reverberated in the hall
tango. I squeaked with joy. They both looked at me in surprise.
"I love tango," I said, looking eloquently in the direction
- Laura, I've been treading you over the last fifteen minutes
expensive heels, and you still have not enough?
I frowned at him.
- I trained ballroom dancing for eight years, so if you are not afraid,
I will be honored, ”Marcus said, reaching out to me.
- One piece - I threw in the direction of the young Italian and we went on
Marko gripped me tightly and almost all of them after a while
couples have disappeared, giving us space for dance performances. Great
he led, he was sure of his movements, he felt the music perfectly
and he knew the steps perfectly. I think each of the people watching us was
convinced that we have been dancing together for years. In the middle of the song the dance floor completely
he was deserted and we were spinning together, showing off acquired in childhood
skills. When the music stopped, there was a loud applause in the hall.
We both elegantly bowed to the audience and turned to where
we left Domenic. But instead of him I saw Black,
who was surrounded by several men. When we approached them,
they nodded their heads in appreciation - all except Massim. On his
his face was furious, and his eyes burned with fire. Had this sight
he could kill, I would be left with a pile of ash, not to mention mine
I came over and kissed his cheek, and Marek took my hand off
his arm and gave it to Black.
"Don Massimo," he said and nodded.
They stood looking at each other and the atmosphere thickened so hard
breathe. Without letting go of my hand, Black turned to his own
accompanied by and spoke a few words in Italian. Everyone started laughing.
- Did you know who he was? I asked because I knew that

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even if he hears he won't understand a word.

- Of course. I have lived in Italy for several years. - Marek
he winked knowingly.
"And you still danced with me?"
"Well, he won't kill me, at least not here," he laughed. -
Besides, he can't do it for various reasons, so I have
hope it wasn't our last dance.
He kissed my free hand and disappeared between the tables. Massimo
he followed him, then turned to me.
- You dance beautifully. It explains how you get in other situations
such great hip work.
- I was bored and Domenico is a weak dancer -
I replied, shrugging apologetically. In the room
there was a rhythmic paso doble.
"I'll show you how to dance," he said, taking the top off
tuxedo and handing it over to Domenic.
He grabbed my hand and entered the dance floor with a sure movement. remainder
the dancers didn't have time to come back after my last show, so whenever
they saw me coming with another partner, they gave us a place.
Massimo nodded to the orchestra to start again.
I was drunk enough and confident of my skills that I pushed me away
from him and pulled up a piece of dress, exposing my leg. God what
impressed me not to put my pants on? I thought. The musicians broke out
the first bars, and the position from which he began Black showed that he did not
he did it for the first time. The dance was wild and passionate, it fit perfectly
to Massim and his imperious nature. This time it wasn't just dancing, it was
was my punishment and reward at the same time, a preview of what would happen when
we will leave the banquet and the promise of a surprise there. I was
charmed, I wanted the music not to end, and our tangle
bodies lasted forever.
The final, of course, had to be spectacular and unusual, I prayed
so that my leg does not go too high, revealing too much.
The music stopped, and I was stuck in his arms, hard
breathing. After a long moment there was cheers and applause. Black

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he elegantly lifted me up and turned me several times before they both

we bowed to the public. Calm and confident step, tight
holding my hand, he came off the dance floor, putting me on the way
the jacket Domenico handed him.
Without saying goodbye to the other guests, we almost ran out of the room.
He dragged me through the hotel corridors without a word, clenching his hand tightly
on my wrist.
"A beautiful show," I heard a woman's voice.
Massimo stood as if embedded in the ground. He turned quietly
pulling me with me.
In the middle of the hall stood a dazzling blonde dressed in short gold
dress. Her legs ended at the height of my first rib,
she had beautiful fake breasts and an angel's face. She approached us slowly
and kissed Black.
"So you found her," she said without taking her eyes off me.
Her accent indicated that she was English and her appearance was
a model taken straight from the Victoria's Secret show.
"Laura," I said confidently, reaching out to her.
She grabbed her and was silent for a moment, her face painted
ironic smile.
"Anna, Massima's first and true love," she said, still
holding me in an embrace.
Black with anger sweated his hand, which he clenched harder and harder
my wrist.
"We're in a hurry, forgive me," he said through his teeth and pulled me toward
When we turned around, the blonde still stood still, throwing it away
some words in Italian. Massimo gnashed his teeth. He released
my hand and stepped back toward her. With a dispassionate expression on his face
he said a few sentences calmly to her and then left. Back
he took my hand and we went on. We got into the elevator and entered
to the top floor. Hurried, he pulled the card out of his pocket and opened the door.
He closed it with a bang and without turning on the light, he threw himself at me. kissing
hard and greedily, with every moment more eagerly penetrating my lips. After
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downstairs situation, I didn't feel like what he was doing

so I stood there not reacting. After a while, when he felt something was wrong,
he stopped his mad rush of excitement and turned on the light.
I stood straight, folding my arms. Massimo sighed
and he brushed the black hair with his hands.
"Christ, Laura," he said, sitting down in the large armchair that stood behind
him. She is ... the past.
I was silent for a moment, and he watched my reaction.
"I realize I'm not the first woman in your life."
It's rather reliable and natural - I started in a calm tone. - And not
I'm going to penetrate your past or judge you. But I'm interested
me, what she said that you decided to come back to her and above
everyone, why is she so angry?
Black was silent, staring at me with angry eyes.
"Anna is a fairly recent matter," he said.
- How fresh? - I didn't give up.
- I left her the day you landed in Sicily.
Well, that would explain a lot, I thought.
"I didn't fool her, your portraits have been hanging around the house for years, but nobody."
besides me, he didn't really believe I'd ever find you. And now
least she. That day, when I saw you, I ordered her to leave. -
He looked at me, waiting for a reaction. "Do you want to know more?"
I stood there staring at him and wondered how I felt.
Jealousy is a weakness, and I've learned to eliminate myself over the years
imperfections of my character, besides, I did not feel
threatened because I didn't care about Massim. But are you sure?
"Laura, say something," he hissed through his teeth.
"I'm tired," I said, sinking into the other chair. Pose
this is not my business. I'm here because I have to, but every next day
brings me closer to my birthday and freedom.
I knew that what I was saying was not true, but I did not
inclination or strength for this conversation.
Black stared at me for a long moment, his jaw tightening rhythmically.
I knew my words hurt and enraged him, but they didn't care

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me this.
He got up from the chair and started toward the door, grabbing the door handle. He turned around,
he looked and said dispassionately:
"She said she would kill you to take something most important from me, yes."
as I took her.
- Listen! I screamed in anger. - And you want it now
just leave after what you told me? - I started towards him. - You
damn selfish ... - I paused when I saw him hanging on the door handle
do not disturb pendant and closes the door. I stood there helplessly
arms outstretched, staring at him.
"Dancing with you today," he began, approaching me, "was the most."
the electrifying foreplay I had. It doesn't change the fact
that I felt like killing this Pole when I saw him becoming familiar
with you even though he knows who I am.
"Apparently you can't do that," I said aggressively.
"Unfortunately, you are right, which is a pity," he said, approaching me.
He put his arms around me and hugged me tightly. Never do that
he did, so surprised I didn't know what to do with my hands. I leaned my face
on his chest and I felt his heart beating. He sighed loudly
falling to his knees. He stuck with a forehead based on joining mine
breasts, so I slowly put my hand in his hair and began to stroke him after
head. He was vulnerable, exhausted and totally dependent on me.
"I love you," he whispered. - I can't fight it. I loved you
long before you appeared, I dreamed about you, saw and felt
how are you Everything turned out to be true - he said, catching me
hands on hips.
Alcohol buzzed in my head and terror mixed with calmness.
I took Black's face in my hands and raised his chin so that
look into his eyes. He raised them and gave me a look of love and trust
and humbleness.
"Massimo, dear," I whispered, stroking his face. - Why
you had to fuck it all up like that?
I sighed and dropped beside him on the rug, and my eyes rose
tears. I thought about it as if we were meeting other people

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circumstances, if I wasn't imprisoned by him, if not for these

all threats and blackmail, and above all if it wasn't for who he was.
"Make love to me," he said, laying me on the soft floor.
At these words my heart stopped. I looked completely confused
at him with narrowed eyes.
"It could be a small problem," I said, settling in between
his arms.
Black hung above me, propped on his elbows, his body slightly
stuck to mine, covering them perfectly, and eyes questioningly
they stared at mine.
- Because you see - I started slightly embarrassed - I never got it
I loved. I've always fucked, I like it. No guy taught me
how to make love so there can be a problem and you will be disappointed -
I finished and turned my head confused, embarrassed by my own confession.
"Hey, baby," he said, turning my face to himself. - You are
so delicate, I haven't seen it before. Don't be afraid, it will be for
you for the first time as well as for me. Don't get up, I say
"Just say please," I suggested, turning to
stomach. - Just ask, you don't always have to order.
Massimo stood for a moment and watched with half-closed eyes
my face. There was no ice in his eyes that gave way
desire and passion.
"Please stay where you are," he choked with a laugh.
"No problem," I said, turning on the carpet.
I watched what she was doing, curious. Passing by, he took off
jacket and hung it over the back, unfastened the diamond cufflinks from
cuffs and rolled up sleeves. Oh, I thought, giggling in my head,
is preparing for a more serious task. When he disappeared behind the door
I just have to look around the apartment. Thick light
the rug I lay on was perfectly matched with the rest of the huge hall.
Apart from him, there were only two soft armchairs and a small black one
bench. There was probably a living room next door, but the only thing
I saw, lying on the floor, huge windows with heavy curtains, behind

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with them a wide terrace and barely noticeable sea waving in the distance.
I was disturbed by the joyful expectation of a subject
my hair.
Damn it, I have a kilo of artificial hair in my head,
I hissed and nervously pulled out hundreds of retaining clips
bun. I struggled with them a good moment, begging my thoughts for Black
he didn't see it. When I was able to free them from them, in a panic
I started looking for a place where I could hide this dead nest.
Carpet! - I got a glare and pressed the whole thing under heavy material.
I ran my fingers through my hair and wavy strands fell down on my face.
I raised myself and looked at the mirror that occupied a large part of the wall
next to the armchairs. I noticed with admiration that I looked quite tasty, and on
back I lay on the carpet.
"Close your eyes," I heard a voice from another room. -
I lay down on my back and obediently did what he asked. No
I knew all too well how to shape myself when I felt that he was standing over
- Laura, in this position you look like a dead man in a casket -
he laughed honestly.
In fact, my hands folded on my chest may have suggested
dead man.
"I will not discuss the topic of death with you," I said, looking at
him with one eye with an amused look.
Black picked me up and took me in his arms. Every time he did it with such
lightness, as if I weighed nothing. He moved me through the corridor and suddenly into
I felt warm, pleasant air smelling of the sea.
He set me on the floor and grabbed my face with both hands,
he started kissing me gently.
I slowly reached out to touch him. He didn't object. unbuttoning
one by one the buttons of his shirt, and his lips roamed my bare neck
"I love your smell," he whispered, biting my chin.
- Can I open my eyes now? - I asked. - I want to see you.

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"You can," he said and slowly began to unzip the slider that
he kept the dress in place.
I raised my eyelids and a delightful picture appeared to my eyes.
From the last floor we were on, there was a view of the law
the whole island. Flickering lights lit up the night, giving the glow to the waves
crashing on the shore of the beach. The terrace was gigantic: it was on
it has a private bar, jacuzzi, several sunbeds and a four-poster couch for
delusions reminiscent of that in Massima's garden. The difference was
in that it could be completely covered by material walls, and on
the mattress was carelessly thrown sheets and several pillows. I think it's already
I know where we'll spend the night, I thought.
The dress slipped and a metal zip clang on the floor. Hands
Black gently slid over my naked body and tongue lazily
he was creeping into slightly parted lips.
"You are without panties again, Laura," he mumbled, not breaking his breath
lips from mine. - And this time you didn't do it for me, because I didn't
you might have known I could make it.
There was no anger in his tone, only curiosity and amusement.
- When I was putting on the dress, I thought you chose it and not
I had no idea that I should go to the banquet with Domenik - I said
taking off his shirt and kneeling in front of him.
I unbuckled the belt calmly and slowly, glancing up every now and then
to the reaction of this delightful man. His hands hung down limply
along the body and in no way resembled a man who was a few more
weeks ago he filled me with fear. In one firm move
grabbing his belt, I pulled down his pants and right in front of mine
an impressive erection appeared on the face.
- You either were in a hurry, or the meeting wasn't like that
the meeting I'm thinking about, 'I said, looking at him questioningly.
- Where do you have boxers?
Massimo shrugged and put his fingers in mine with a smile
miraculously saved hair.
Slowly, I reached into his buttocks and gently moved to
myself, so that only millimeters separated me from my penis. I caught

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base and subtly started kissing the head. Black moaned and his fingers
slow circles rolled in my hair. I caressed him gently
tongue and lips until it got hard and swollen. I opened my mouth
and I absorbed the entire length so gently that I could feel every centimeter.
I stepped back and moved back, played, kissed
I bit until I felt a sticky fluid run down my throat. Massimo watched
for what I am doing and panting loudly.
He leaned down, put my hands under my armpits and lifted me up. He kissed on the lips
and walked toward the steaming round tub built into the terrace. He came
to her and seated me on him. Staring at me, his lips went on
down my face, then my neck, until he closed it on his nipple. He sucked and gently
he was biting his breasts, his hands tightening on my buttocks.
At one point one finger went to the place that
I definitely didn't associate with love. I stiffened.
- Relax, baby. You trust me? He asked, breaking away from the swollen one
I nodded approvingly, and his finger began to rub rhythmically
a place between my buttocks. He lifted me up and almost
he devoted himself with a devotion. I moaned and threw my head back.
Hot water intensified everything I felt. His movements were firm,
and at the same time gentle, he was passionate, greedy and tender.
"Don't be afraid of me," he said and slipped his fingertip into mine
A loud cry of pleasure emanated from my throat and he stopped it
your language. He was poking me harder; to the rhythm of his work
my hips hit the edge of the tub and my body grew unknown
so far a wave of pleasure. Everything around seemed muffled, I felt
just what he did. He slipped his free hand under the water and rubbed mine
clitoris, which was like pressing a red button. His finger
penetrating the back entrance, he slid deeper and began to firmly and firmly
"Another one," I whispered, barely holding back my orgasm. -
Put another finger in me.
This command made Black barely in line. His

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my tongue deeply penetrated my throat and my teeth bit into my mouth with power that
caused wonderful pain.
"Laura," he groaned and made his request. - You're so tight.
I didn't wonder if I was allowed and should I do it when
I just came. With crying I reached the peak of pleasure, and all
the body, despite being in the water, sweated and cooled down in a few seconds.
Massimo waited until I finished, picked me up and carried me to the bed.
I was half conscious when he clung to my wet body
and once again he entered me. He put his face in his hair and his hips tight
and intensively attacked me. I felt it was close. I wound up
and moaned, digging my nails into his back. I kissed him greedily
neck, biting my arms and listening to my breathing faster and faster
heralding an explosion. He pressed both hands under my back and hugged me so
I couldn't breathe. He took my neck with his hand
and looked into my eyes.
"I love you, Laura," he said and I felt him flooding me
a warm, swollen wave of his semen. He came long and hard, neither on
for a moment without taking my eyes off my face. This view was like that
sensual and sexy that after a while I felt my muscles
they stiffen and I joined him. He fell on me, panting heavily, and his
my body took oxygen away.
"You're heavy," I said, trying to move aside. -
And you have a wonderful prick.
At these words, Massimo burst out laughing and turned to the side,
freeing me.
- I'll take it as a compliment, baby.
"I need to wash myself," I said, trying to get up.
Black moved me to the comforter.
- I do not agree. He reached out and reached for a box of tissues
standing on the next table.
Like on the plane, when it tasted my pussy for the first time,
he wiped me gently and then covered me with a duvet.
We talked until it got light. He told me about how
this is growing up in a mafia family and what his uncles looked like. About that,

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how beautiful Etna is during the explosion and what she likes to eat. When it was rising
sun, we ordered breakfast and without leaving the comforter, we looked,
how the next day wakes up.
- Laura, who is today? He asked, sitting down opposite.
I frowned and looked at him for a moment, wondering
what he asks.
"I don't understand," I said, wrapping myself in the duvet. - It seems to me,
that Wednesday.
- Which day? He asked again, and it dawned on me and I understood
what his question is about.
I tried to count quietly, but not after recent events
it mattered to me.
"I have no idea, I stopped counting," I replied, taking a sip
tea from a cup.
Black got up and stood, leaning his hands on the terrace railing.
I lay on my side and looked at him. His buttocks were beautiful
carved, shaped and small. Slender legs made the back and shoulders
they seemed even wider than they really were.
- Do you want me to let you out? - He looked at me in suspense. -
I risk a lot now, but I can't enjoy being next to you,
knowing that I make you miserable. So if you want to leave today
you can find yourself in Warsaw.
I looked at him in disbelief, and she glowed in my eyes
joy. When a broad smile appeared on my face, Massimo
turned to ice and piercing me with a dispassionate look,
He said:
- Domenico will take you to the airport, the nearest plane is
at eleven-thirty.
I sat happy and terrified, looking at the sea. I can
come back, I repeated silently. I heard the door of the apartment
are closing. Wrapped in a quilt, I ran to the room. Massima is nowhere
it wasn't, I looked into the corridor, but I didn't find anyone there. I went
back inside and slid down the wall. Before your eyes like a movie
what happened to me last night was how he made love to me

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all conversations, pranks. Tears came to my eyes - I felt

as if i lost something.
My heart ached and hardly beat. Is it possible to be in it
I fell in love?
I started toward the terrace, picked up the dress from the ground, but it was
in such a condition that it was not fit again. I ran
to the bedroom and dialed the reception number on the phone. When on handset
a voice said, I asked to be connected to the Domenic number. Amazingly
the man on the other side knew who I wanted to talk to. Hands
I was shaking and I couldn't catch my breath. When the young Italian answered
with a wild sob, I only desperately said, "Come here," and I fell on
- Laura, can you hear me?
I slowly opened my eyes and saw Domenic sitting next to him
me. There were medicine vials on the table, and the older on the other side of the bed
the man was on the phone.
- What happened, where is Massimo? I said, terrified, trying to get up.
Domenico stopped me and calmly explained:
- The doctor who took care of you, I couldn't find your medicine.
The older gentleman said a few sentences in Italian and then smiled
and disappeared.
- Where is Massimo? And what time is it?
"It is almost twelve and don Massimo is gone," he replied
apologetic tone.
I felt dizzy, sick and everything hurt.
"Take me to him right now, I need clothes!" -
I shouted, wrapping the duvet tightly around me.
Domenico looked at me for a moment, then got up and started walking
towards the wardrobe.
"I told you to put some of your things here before you came."
The boat is waiting downstairs, so when you're ready, we can sail.
I jumped up and ran towards the wardrobe. It was special to me
no matter what I wear. I grabbed Victoria's Secret white tracksuit,
which Domenico gave me, and a moment later I stood in the bathroom, nervously him

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inserting. I looked in the mirror at the slightly stale makeup. I was there
no matter how I look, but not to the extent. I wiped off make-up
and I returned to the room where a young Italian was waiting for me at the door.
The motorboat was definitely too slow despite its development
maximum speed.
After several dozen minutes I saw a gray fuselage in the distance
"Finally," I said, starting from my seat.
I didn't wait for us to moor, just jumped on board.
I ran through all levels, opening another door, but nowhere
he wasn't there.
Resigned and tearful, I fell on the couch in the open living room.
Waves of crying flooded my eyes, and the bump growing in my throat would not let me
"An hour ago, the helicopter took him to the airport," he said
Domenico, sitting down next to you. - He has a lot of work to do now
- Does he know I'm here? - I asked.
- I don't think his cell phone was in the room, so I couldn't
call him. In addition, there are places where he can not have with him
Tearful, I threw myself into his arms.
"What should I do now, Domenico?"
The young Italian hugged me and patted my head.
"I have no idea, Laura, I've never been in this situation before, so."
it's hard for me to say. Now I have to wait for him to speak.
"I want to go back," I said, getting up from the couch.
- To Poland?
- No, to Sicily, I'll wait for him to come back, can I? - I looked at him
questioningly, as if waiting for permission.
- Of course. I don't know anything that will change.
"Then let's pack up and get back to the island."
I slept through the entire journey, stuffed with means
tranquilizers. When I finally got into the SUV at the airport

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in Catania, I felt like I was coming home. The highway ran along
the slopes of Mount Etna, and I could see only joyful Massim, who
wrapped in a quilt he told me childhood stories.
When we drove up to the driveway, I was surprised to discover that he looked
completely different. The maroon cube was replaced with graphite,
other shrubs and flowers grew, I hardly knew the entrance to the property.
I looked surprised, making sure we were in the right place.
- Don Massimo ordered everything to change here during your trip
Domenico said as he got out of the car.
I crossed the corridor and got to my bedroom. I slipped
I went to bed and fell asleep.
The following days were identical. I spent some in bed, sometimes
I went out and sat on the beach. Domenico tried to force me
food, but to no avail, I couldn't swallow anything. I was wandering around
home, looking for the slightest trace of Black's presence.
I emailed my mother, but I couldn't talk to her -
I knew I wasn't cheating on her and she would immediately realize that something was wrong.
I watched Polish television, which Massimo ordered to mount in mine
bedroom. Sometimes I tried to listen to Italian, but despite being quite big
I still couldn't understand a word of it.
As if that was not enough, at the forefront of all Italian
gossip newspapers and portals appeared a picture from the banquet at which
Black kisses me on the bridge. Almost every headline read: "Kim
is the mysterious chosen girl of the Sicilian tycoon? " And also a comprehensive description
my dance skills.
Days passed and I felt it was time to return to Poland. I called
Domenica and I asked to pack only those things
they came to the island with me. I didn't want to take anything from here
reminded me of him.
On the internet I found a cozy studio away from the center
Warsaw and I rented it. I had no idea what to do next and I didn't care
I just wanted it to stop hurting.
The next morning I was woken by the sound of a set watch
in phone. I drank the cocoa on the bedside table and turned it on
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TV. It's today, I thought. After a while, he entered the room

Domenico, giving me a sad smile.
- You have a plane in four hours. - He sat down on the bed. - I will
he missed you, he said, grabbing my hand. I caught her and felt her
tears come to my eyes.
- I also know.
"I'll check if it's ready," he said, rising from his seat.
I lay and stared at the TV, jumping on the channels. I turned on
information and headed for the bathroom.
"The head of the Sicilian mafia family was shot in Naples. Young
Italy was considered one of the most dangerous ... "- these
words fell out of the bathroom as if they were burned. Snippets scrolled on the screen
images from the scene of the event, which showed two body bags
and black SUV in the background. I felt a burning sensation in my breastbone, which I didn't
it allowed me to breathe, and a prick, as if someone had stuck a knife in my heart.
I tried to scream, but none came out of my throat
sound. I fell unconscious on the carpet.

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I opened my eyes, the room was bright and the sun was shining so strong that it
I saw almost nothing. I raised my hand to cover my eyelids,
and jerked the tube from the IV standing next to it. What's up? I thought.
When my eyes got used to the surroundings, I looked around.
The apparatus around me suggested that I was in the hospital.
I tried to remember what had happened and it dawned on me.
Massimo, he ... At this thought the heart accelerated again, and all of them
the devices next to the bed began to squeak. After a while in the room
a doctor and a nurse appeared, followed by Domenico.
I saw a young Italian and a wave of tears flooded me, and no sobbing
he let me say a single word. When I was choking so much
waving his hands, the door opened again and Black stood in the doorway.
He passed everyone and fell to his knees in front of me, grabbed my hand and hugged me
to his cheek, staring at me, terrified and tired
"I'm sorry," he whispered. - Honey, I ... - I moved my hand
and covered his mouth.
Not now and not here, I thought, and my face ran even harder
tears, although at the moment they were tears of happiness.
"Mrs. Laura," the older man in white began calmly
coat, looking into the card hanging on the bed. - We had to make you
unblocking the artery, because the condition you were in was
threatened life. To this end, we have introduced a tube into your body, hence
femoral groin dressing. He went through the hole to his heart
guide that allowed us to clear the artery. It's great
short. I realize that despite my great command of English
your knowledge of medical nomenclature does not allow me to do more
detailed explanations that are definitely unnecessary at the moment. Yes
or anyway - succeeded.
I heard what he was saying, but I couldn't take my eyes off of it
Massimo. He was here - safe and sound!

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- Laura, can you hear me ?! - I felt someone lifting me up

eyelid. - Don't do this to me because he will kill me.
I opened my eyes slowly. I lay on the carpet and Domenico nervously
he was shaking next to me.
"Thank God," he sighed as I looked at him.
- What happened? I asked confused.
- You lost consciousness again, good that these pills were
in the drawer. Are you feeling better?
- Where is Massimo? I want to see him right now! -
I screamed, trying to get up. - You said that every time
I wish it, you would take me to him, so I want you now
He did.
The young Italian looked thoughtfully as if in his head he was looking for the answer
I asked a question.
"I can't," he whispered. "I don't know what happened yet, but I do know that."
something went wrong. Laura, remember that they don't always serve in the media
truth. However, you must fly out of the island today and return to Poland. these
there were don Massim's guidelines for your safety. Car
already waiting. In Warsaw, you have an apartment and an account with one of the banks at
Virgin Islands, you can use the money on it at will
I looked at him in horror and didn't believe what I heard. He
he continued.
- All documents, cards and keys are in your luggage
pop. The driver will pick you up and take you to the new one
accommodation. You have a car in the garage, all your belongings from Sicily will stay
transported according to your request.
- Is he alive? I interrupted him. - Tell me, Domenico, because
The young Italian froze again, thinking about the answer.
- It's definitely moving. Mario, his consigliere, goes together
with him, so there is a good chance that he will.
- How is it moving? I asked, frowning. - Do they?
both can be ... - I broke off, afraid to say the word "dead."

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- Don Massimo has an implanted transmitter inside the left side

hands, a small chip like yours, ”he said and touched my implant. -
So we know where he is.
I thought about what I heard, nervously stroking the little girl
- What the hell is this? I asked furiously. - Implant
contraceptive or transmitter?
Domenico did not answer, as if he realized that I had no idea what I was doing
implanted. He sighed heavily and rose from the carpet, pulling me
- You can fly by plane, it will be safer. Get together
we have to go now, ”he said, bringing suitcases to the wardrobe. - Laura,
remember, the less you know, the better for you. - He turned and disappeared behind
I sat there for a moment, wondering what
I heard, but despite the rage I felt, I was grateful
Massim took care of everything. At the thought of never again
I will see that he won't touch me, tears welling up in my eyes. Black thoughts after
the moment was replaced by hope and the false belief that he was burning in me
but he lives, and I will come back one day. I packed my things and after
I was already in the car an hour. Domenico stayed in the villa,
claiming that he can't go with me. I was alone again.
The flight was relatively short, despite a change in Milan. I do not know,
whether it is the fault of the medication that the young Italian gave me or the apathy in which it was
I fell, but my flying panic was completely over. After
leaving the terminal I saw a man holding a card with mine
"I am Laura Biel," I said out of habit
- Good morning, I'm Sebastian - he introduced himself and I winced
hearing Polish.
Only a dozen or so days ago I would give a lot for such a conversation, but
now she reminded me where I was and what happened. My nightmare that
turned into a fairy tale, came to an end, and I returned to the starting point.

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A black S-Class Mercedes Sebastian was parked outside the entrance

he came over and opened the door in the back for me. We moved.
It was already September and the chill of autumn was definitely in the air.
I opened my window and drew a deep breath. Never again
I felt as bad as now. Even my hair hurt in despair and sadness
on his head, and every reason was good to flood the tears. I did not want
see people, talk to them, eat, and I didn't want to live the most.
We passed the airport and the car headed towards the center
cities. God, not Downtown, I thought. When we turned
towards Mokotów, I was happy. The car entered a guarded housing estate
and parked under one of the short apartment buildings. Driver
he got out and opened the door for me, handing over hand luggage. Awhile
I sat, flipping through its contents, until I found an envelope with an inscription
"House". There were keys and an address.
"I'll carry your luggage, and another car should do the rest."
be here soon, '' Sebastian said, giving me his hand.
I got out and headed for the door, and when I got to them
I approached, another car parked at the curb. The driver got off
and began unpacking things.
I entered the lobby and approached the young man at the reception.
- Good morning, I'm Laura Biel.
- Hello. I'm glad you have arrived. Your apartment is ready,
located on the fourth floor, door on the left. Can you help me?
with luggage?
- No, thank you, I think the drivers will manage.
- See you soon! Shouted the boy behind the counter and sent me
After a while I stood in the elevator to the top floor of the building.
I put the key in the door lock with the number I found
in an envelope, and after they opened, a beautiful salon appeared to my eyes
with windows reaching the next floor. Everything was so dark
and sterile, so much in the style of Massima.
The drivers brought in their luggage and disappeared, leaving me alone. Interior
it was elegant and cozy. A black corner occupied most of the living room

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of soft alcantara, under which was a white carpet with long

bristles. Next to it was a glass bench, and a huge flat hung on the wall
TV. Behind him was the entrance to the bedroom with a two-sided fireplace,
which surrounded copper plates. When I came deeper into my eyes
a huge modern bed with LED backlight appeared, thanks
who had the impression that the furniture was levitating. It was also there
passage to the wardrobe and bathroom with a large bathtub.
I returned to the living room and turned on the TV on the news channel.
I opened my hand luggage and sat on the carpet. I am browsing through
more envelopes, learning their contents. Cards, documents, information;
in the last one I found the car key with three
letters: BMW. Surprised I discovered that I am the owner of the apartment,
in which I sat, as well as the car. After reading the next
of papers, it turned out that the account with seven-digit content also
it was mine. Why do I need all this when he is gone? Have wanted in this
a way to make amends for these few weeks? In retrospect, it's me
I should have paid him for all the wonderful moments.
When I finished unpacking my bags, it was evening and I didn't
I wanted to sit here alone. I took the phone and the documents from the car
and the keys, then got into the elevator going down to the garage.
I found a place assigned to the apartment number and mine
a large white SUV appeared to the eyes. I inserted the key and the lights
the car caught fire when a button was pressed. Safer and more
ostentatiously couldn't have been done, I thought, climbing to
light leather center. I pushed the start and headed across the garage
in search of departure.
I knew Warsaw well and liked to ride around it. I drove
next streets, aiming at the next one. After an hour of driving
I stopped by the house of my best friend, with whom I didn't
I've talked for weeks. I couldn't come anywhere else.
I punched the code in the intercom, crossed the cage, and then stopped
in front of the door and pressed the bell.
We were friends since the age of five, she was like a sister to me.
Younger and sometimes older, depending on the occasion. She had black hair

Page 159
and a sensually rounded body. Men loved her, I don't know if he would
vulgarity, or too promiscuous, or maybe a pretty face. Because Olga
Undoubtedly, she was a beautiful girl with a very exotic beauty. Her
half the Armenian roots gave the face interesting, sharp features, and what
most unfair - olive skin tone.
Olga never worked, making the most of the fact how
she was very active on men. She was a supporter of breaking stereotypes,
and especially that a woman with many partners is a slut. Her
the deal with the guys was simple: she gave them what they wanted and they gave it
her money. She was not a prostitute, rather a bored one
stupid men women. Many of them were crazy about her
in love, but she did not know the word love and did not want to know. Permanently
she met with an influential single, a cosmetics owner
an empire that did not have the time or inclination to be associated with anyone.
She accompanied him to official parties, ate dinner with him
and massaging her temples when he was tired. He assured her all
the comforts and luxuries she has come up with. From the side you could
call it a union, but none of them allowed themselves to do so
- Laura, fuck you have it! Olga exclaimed, throwing herself around my neck. -
I think I'll kill you, I thought they kidnapped you. Come on, what are you standing in! -
She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.
"I'm sorry, I ... I had to ..." I knocked and tears flooded my eyes.
Ola stood looking in horror. She put her arm around me
and led to the living room.
- Something I feel that you need to drink - she said and after a while we sat
already on the carpet with a bottle of wine.
"Martin was at my place," she began, looking suspiciously. - He asked
about you and said what happened. That you disappeared leaving a letter, apparently
you came back before him and moved out. Damn it, Lari, what's up?
happened? I wanted to call but I knew you would do it yourself
you'll want to talk.
I looked at her, sipping wine, and realized that I wasn't
I can tell her the truth.

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"I just had enough of his ignorance and I fell in love."

a. I looked up and looked at her. - I know how it sounds, that's why
I don't want to talk about it, now I have to rearrange everything.
I knew she knew I wasn't telling the truth but she was my friend
who always understood when I didn't want to talk.
"Oh, that's great," she said irritably. - How was it?
Good? Do you have anywhere to live? Do you need something? She spat out
next questions.
- I rented something from a friend, a large apartment, but he had to quickly
to leave and needed to leave them to someone trusted.
- And extra, that's the most important thing. What about the job? - She didn't give up
- I have a few suggestions, but for now I want to focus on myself -
I mumbled, playing with the glass. - I need it all
sort it out, and then it will be okay. Can i stay the night I do not want to
drive after alcohol.
She burst out laughing and snuggled into me.
- Sure, and where did you get the car from?
"I was looked after with the apartment," I said.
pouring us another glass. We sat so late
and we talked about what was happening this month. I told her
about the charms of Sicily, about food, alcohol and shoes. After draining to
half the next bottle she asked:
- All right, and he? Tell me something or I'll go crazy pretending not
I'm curious.
Snippets of all moments with Massim flew through my head.
As the first time I saw him naked when he came under me under
shower. Shopping with him and moments on the yacht, as we danced and last night,
after which he disappeared.
- He is - I started putting down the glass - unique,
majestic, haughty, affectionate, handsome, very caring. Imagine
a typical male who can't stand opposition and always knows what he wants.
Add a guardian and a protector to whom you always feel like
little girl. And finally combine it with the fulfillment of the innermost

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sexual fantasies. And if that wasn't enough, he's ninety meter,

zero percent body fat and looks sculpted by itself
God. A tiny ass, giant shoulders, a wide frame ... eh ... That's it
this is Massimo, ”I said, shrugging.
"I don't give a fuck," Olga cursed. - My legs buckled. Ok and what
with him?
I thought about what to say to her for a moment, but nothing wise
it occurred to me.
- Well, we need time to think about it, because that's not all
is so simple, unfortunately. He is from a wealthy Sicilian family
with traditions. And they don't take foreign women - I said, wincing.
"But it took you," she said, taking a sip. - When you talk about him,
you shine like a light bulb.
I didn't want to talk about Black any more, because they were wonderful
the memory ached at the thought that no more would appear.
- Let's go to sleep, I have to go to my parents tomorrow.
- Good, but only if we leave somewhere on Saturday.
I winced at these words.
- Come on, it's gonna be fun. We will spend the day in the spa, and in the evening we will hit
into the city. Party, party ...! She screamed, jumping up and down.
Seeing her cheerfulness and excitement, I felt guilty about that
I left her for so long.
- Today is only Monday, but okay, be it - weekend
it's ours.

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The road to parents was extremely short, despite one hundred and fifty
kilometers that I had to cover. There wasn't even a chance
think about what I will tell them. I decided not to upset anymore
my mother and continue prepared earlier by Black
I pulled into the driveway and got out of the car.
- You disappear for a month and come back with such a wagon? I think you pay well on this
Sicily - I heard my father's amused voice. - Hello, baby -
he said and hugged me tightly.
"Hi, daddy is a business car," I said, cuddling up with him.
- I missed you so much.
When I felt his warmth and heard a caring voice from my eyes
tears flowed. I felt like a little girl somewhere
I was inside, always running away to my parents with problems.
"I don't know what happened, you will tell me how you want," he said.
wiping my eyes.
Dad never penetrated, he waited for me to come alone and confess what was wrong with me
on heart.
- God, how thin you are!
I pulled away from my dad and turned toward the porch, from behind
my delightful mother emerged from the door. As always, she was
impeccably dressed and in full makeup. I wasn't at all to her
similar. She had long blond hair and blue-gray eyes. Despite
of middle age she looked thirty years old, and her body would not be ashamed
more than twenty years old.
- Mom! I turned around and fell into her arms with a sob.
She was like a nuclear shelter to me, I knew she was always me
will defend against the whole world. Despite being overprotective, she was mine
best friend and no one knew me like her.
- And you see, I told you that this trip is not a good idea -
she began stroking my head. - And now you have despair again. You can

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tell me why are you crying?

I couldn't because I didn't really know.
"I just missed you and knew I would finally be here."
she could throw out all her emotions.
- If you bleep so much, your eyes will swell and tomorrow you will lament that
you look bad. Did you take heart medicine? That there would be no tragedy -
she asked, wiping my hair from my face.
"I took it, it's in my purse," I said, wiping my nose.
"Tomasz," she said to her dad. - Bring handkerchiefs and make tea.
Dad smiled and disappeared inside the house, and we sat down
soft armchairs in the garden.
- So? She asked, lighting a cigarette. - Tell me what's going on
and why did I have to wait so long for your arrival?
I sighed, knowing that the conversation would not be easy, but me
I won't pass by.
- Mom, I told you and wrote that I had some flying relationship
with work in Sicily. I had to go back to Italy for a while and it happened
there longer than I expected. For now I stay in Poland, at least until
end of September, because the branches of this hotel chain are also here and I can
prepare for work in Poland. In addition, I have in Warsaw
Italian teacher, so don't worry, I won't run away tomorrow. How
you see, the company cares for me. I pointed at the one in the driveway
BMW. - They also rented a flat and gave me a business credit card.
She looked at me suspiciously, but when I didn't show her
lies, she relaxed.
"Well, you calmed me down a bit," she said, shoving the cigarette butt
in an ashtray. - Now tell me how it was.
Dad brought tea, and I spared them geographical
details, I was talking about Sicily. Part of the story was from guides,
which I read because I didn't actually see the island. Thanks
a fairy tale about hotels from my new network that are located in Venice,
I could tell them about Lido and the festival. We sat so late
and we talked until I felt tired.
When I was in bed, my mother brought me a blanket and sat down next to me.
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- Remember that whatever happens, you always have us. - She kissed
me on the forehead and left, closing the door.
Over the next days, my mother set out to fatten me.
There was no end to cooking and drinking wine. When Friday finally came,
I thank God that I'm leaving because I have one more day and my stomach
to explode. It's good that my parents lived next to the forest, so every day
I went running to burn what she managed to push me into.
I put on my headphones and rushed ahead, sometimes it took an hour,
sometimes longer. The impression that someone was watching me did not leave me.
I stood and looked around, but I never noticed anyone. I was thinking
about Massima, about whether he is alive or thinking about me.
In the afternoon I got in the car and returned to Warsaw.
I called Olga, checking in.
- It is great that you are here because we must probably go shopping.
I feel the lack of new shoes - she said. - Give me the address, I will
at your place in an hour.
- No, I'll come for you, and I still have to do something.
When I pulled up to her apartment, I saw her close the door
entrance and after a while stops as ingrown to the ground. Constant,
pointing at the car with her finger and tapping her head, then started off
in my direction and getting in, incredulously:
- Who gave you such a car?
"I told you he was bundled with the apartment," I said,
- I'm curious what your new flat looks like.
- Oh, fuck, like a flat. And a car like a car. -
It annoyed me, or maybe it annoyed me more that I couldn't
tell her the truth. She knew I was lying and I knew I was leaving
idiot ignoring her intellect. - What's the difference? Do you remember how
did we live in this studio apartment in Bródno?
Olga laughed and fastened her seat belt.
- Yes, with this woman below us, what did she say we were having orgies ?!
- You know, it wasn't entirely a lie. - I looked at her
significantly, withdrawing the car from the parking lot.

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- You fuck yourself, I just screamed louder a few times.

- Yes, I remember when I accidentally returned earlier
and I thought someone was murdering you.
"Oh, that little shit who was shifting me back then was really hard, and for."
that his daddy had a dental clinic.
- And he funded you with free reviews.
- He funded me so fucking that I bit the walls.
Thank God I was able to change the subject from car-
our housing and for the rest of the way our discussions oscillated exclusively
around Olga's lush erotic life.
Shopping has always been what made me feel better. We've been running since
boutique to the boutique, buying more pairs of unnecessary shoes. Eventually,
after a few hours of frantic marathon, we both had enough.
We entered the multi-level garage and started the search
cars. It took us a while, but we found them and began to put them on
shopping in the trunk.
- A new car? - I heard a familiar voice.
I turned and frowned at the sight of the best
Martin's friend.
- Hi, Michał, how are you? I asked, kissing his cheek.
"You'd better tell me what was going on in your head to leave us like this."
Fuck, Martin almost died of anxiety.
"I already know how he died smoking this Sicilian," I said.
turning around and putting the last bag in the car. - He was like that
worried that he had to make a living out of it all.
Michał stood there and looked at me in amazement. I went to
- What did you think I don't know? He fucked her on my birthday, creep! -
I said furiously and started toward the car.
"He was drunk," he said, shrugging, and I was impetuous
I closed the door.
"Well, he'll know in a moment that you are back," Olga said, buttoning up
crimson. - Delicious, I love such affairs.
- And I'm less, especially when they concern me. We will go to mine

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an apartment and you'll stay with me today because I don't want to be alone, okay?
Olga nodded her agreement and we moved on.
- I fuck you. - Not picking up words as always, mine
a friend quit the living room as soon as we entered the house. - And yours
a friend rented it to you, right? Of course, adding the car
and maybe a maid? I know him?
- Oh, stop it, it's more a favor. And you don't know him because he is someone
who I worked with some time ago. The guest bedroom is upstairs, but
I prefer you to sleep with me.
Ola was running around the house, shouting more every now and then
curse. I watched her reaction with amusement and wondered
what she would say when she saw Titan or the villa on the slopes of Taormina.
I took a bottle of Portuguese wine, two glasses from the fridge and started off
follow her upstairs.
"Come, I'll show you something," I said, climbing the stairs.
When I opened the door, it froze. We came out beautiful
an over 100-meter terrace on the roof. There was a table with six
armchairs, barbecue, sunbeds and four-person jacuzzi. I put
a bottle on the table and I poured the wine into the glasses.
- Do you have any questions? Raising my eyebrows, I gave her a glass.
- What did you do to him? Admit it. I know it's not yours
style, only mine, but I somehow never got a cottage with a garden on
the roof. She laughed and sank into one of the white armchairs. We've covered ourselves
blankets and we looked at the city center flickering in the distance. Despite this,
that I was surrounded by people whom I love, there was no minute for me not to
she was thinking about Massim. I even called Domenic several times, but no
he answered all my questions, just wanted to know if he was fine
I feel. Even so, I liked to hear his voice because I associated him with Black.

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When we woke up the next day and led to

relative order, I felt surprisingly well. Standing in front of the mirror
I tried to explain to myself that I had to live again, again
sort things out and forget about the weeks spent in
Italy. We ate breakfast, buried the wardrobe, as well
shopping yesterday in search of creation for the evening and after 3pm
we went to the spa.
"You know what, Olo, I want to go crazy," I said when
we were leaving the house. - Do we have a hairdresser ordered today?
She looked at me, wincing.
- Do you think I can do my own hair? Of course
we have, ”she said with a laugh as I closed the door.
Our stay in the spa was a certain ritual that we underwent
once in a while. Peeling, then massage, facials, nails,
hairdresser and finally makeup. When it was time for the penultimate
action, I sat in the armchair, and Magda, my stylist, stroked the band
"What am I supposed to do with this, Laura?"
- Blond. Olga jumped in the seat next to her. - And cut it on
bob with short back and longer front.
- What?! - Olo snapped so that all the women on the chairs turned around
head. - You are crazy ?! Laura, I think it's pretty busted.
Magda laughed, stroking the loose strands.
"They're not damaged, so nothing will happen to them." Are you sure?
I nodded yes, and Ola sank into her chair, spinning in disbelief
In the meantime, to accelerate the slight delay caused
my frills, makeup artists came and started working.
- Ready - said Magda after over two hours,
looking at my reflection with satisfaction.
The effect was phenomenal, the color of the ripe grain matched perfectly

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my tanned skin and black eyes. I looked young, fresh

and tasty. Olo stood behind me, staring with one eyebrow raised.
- Okay, I was wrong, you look horny. Now come, because
it's party time. - She took my hand and we headed toward
We parked in the garage and took the elevator upstairs. I put
the key to the lock and I turned it.
- Strange, it seemed to me that I closed at once - I said
pumping lips. After drinking a bottle of wine and changing into something less
comfortable than a tracksuit, but more spectacular, we faced
mirror. We were ready.
For today's output I chose a very sensual black set.
Pencil skirt with high waisted, into which I pressed on myself
perfectly fitted short top with long sleeves. Between up and down
a gap of about four centimeters was created, subtly
revealing the abdominal muscles. Black pumps with a short tip and studded
studs of the same color perfectly matched
with the whole. On the other hand, Olga focused on her strengths, i.e. abundant breasts
and gorgeous hips, putting on a nude bandage dress. Whole
complemented with heels and a purse in the same shade, and all that
she broke with gold accessories.
"This night is ours," she said. - Just watch me because I would like to
come home with you.
I laughed and pushed her out the door.
The unquestionable plus of Olga's life was that
she knew at least a manager in each club, and most of them
managers or owners.
We got into the taxi and went to one of ours
favorite places in the center. Ritual na Mazowiecka 12, we were drinking here,
we ate and I would say we picked up guys, but unfortunately this one
the honor was only for my friend.
When we got out of the car, there was a queue outside the club
one hundred people. Olga ostentatiously passed the crowd and approached the rope twice
kissing the selector.

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This one took off the rope blocking the passage and after a while we were already inside,
greeted by the wife of the owner - Monika, who fastened us the VIP-
men's headbands.
- As always you look flourishing - Olo asked to her and Monia
she waved her hand, drifting her off.
- You always say that. The charming brunette laughed and shook her head
head. "It won't save you from drinking with me anyway." - She let us go
eyelet and nodded to follow her.
We went up the stairs and sat down at the table, and Monia after
ordering waitress disappeared.
- I bet today! I said over the music
and taking the card I got from Domenic from my purse.
I thought it was time to use it. I only wanted to do it once
and thanks to her buy only one thing.
I nodded at the waitress and placed my order. After a while she was carrying
through the club you can grow in ice cream. Seeing this, Ola euphorically
jumped up from the seat.
- Rich! She shouted, picking up the glass. - What do we drink for?
I knew what I wanted to drink for and why I wanted to feel this particular one
"For us," I said, taking a sip.
But I didn't drink for me or Ola. It was for Massim and for three hundred
sixty-five days that didn't happen. I felt sad
and at the same time peace, because it seemed to me that I was partly reconciled
already with the situation. After drinking half the bottle, we went to the dance floor.
We waved to the music, fooling around. My wonderful shoes don't
but they were created for dancing, so after three pieces I had to
rest. Returning to the table, I felt someone grab my hand.
- Hi! - I turned and saw Martin.
I tore his hand free and stood staring at him
full of hate.
- Where have you been so much time? - He asked. - We can talk?
In my head there were photos that fell from the envelope shown
by Massima. I wanted to rip him to shreds then, but now

Page 170
when the emotions subsided, he was completely indifferent to me.
"I have nothing to tell you," I said and turned around.
pointing towards the sofa.
He did not give up and after a while he was with me again.
- Laura, please. Give me a moment.
I sat and looked at him dispassionately sipping champagne
whose taste gave me strength.
"You won't tell me anything I don't know or haven't seen."
- I talked to Michał, let me explain, please, I'll give it later
you calm down.
Despite the earlier anger and disgust that I gave him after
seeing the pictures, I thought it deserved the opportunity to tell me
your version.
- Good, but not here. Wait.
I went to Ola and explained her situation. She wasn't surprised or angry because
she has already found a replacement for me in the form of charming
- go! She shouted. - I'm not coming back today, so don't wait.
I went to Martin and nodded, giving him a signal to leave.
When we left the club, he directed me towards the parking lot and opened it
door to your car.
"You don't come to the party from what I see?" - I asked,
getting into the white jaguar xkr.
"I came here for you," he said and closed the door behind me.
We drove through the neighborhoods and I knew exactly where
will be the final of this trip.
"Laura, you look amazing in this hair," he said
calmly, looking at me.
I ignored him because his opinion completely failed me
I was interested and I was still staring at the landscape behind the glass.
Martin pressed the button of the garage remote and the gate rose.
He parked and went upstairs. When I stood in his corridor
the apartment, until I felt weak. Even the interior, though never
unvisited by Czarny, I associated him with him.

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- Do you want something to drink? He asked, walking over to the fridge.

I sat on the couch and felt uncomfortable. I was weird
the impression that I am now acting against Massim's will, breaking him
no contact with Martin. If he could see me now, if he knew
would kill him.
- I think water will be the best - he decided, putting above all
me a glass. "I will tell you everything and you will do what you want."
I sat down and waved my hand to start.
- When you got up from the sunbed and ran away, I realized you were right,
and I ran after you. But one of the employees stopped me at the reception
hotel claiming that our room has some major failure and must
to enter it. When we finished checking together with people from the website
this signal, it turned out to be a system error and nothing happens. ran out
to the street and I was looking for you until it got dark. I was sure I would find you
I thought you didn't go far, so I didn't go back for the phone right away.
And when I finally arrived at the hotel to call, he was in the room
already a letter in which you wrote all this and you were right. I knew that
I fucked up. He hung his head and began to nibble. - I ordered it furious
drinks in the room and I called for Michał. I don't know if through nerves
or because I was on a hangover, but I felt drunk when I finished
first. He looked up and looked deep into my eyes. - And do you?
you want to believe it or not, I don't remember anything later. When
we woke up in the morning and Karolina told me what I did, she wanted to
to puke. Martin inhaled and lowered his head again. - And how
I thought it couldn't be worse, the reception informed us that
we have to leave the hotel because our credit cards are not covered.
So we left the island. There was some fate over these holidays,
as if everything was going wrong from the beginning.
When he finished speaking, I covered my face with my hands and sighed loudly.
I knew what he was saying, even though it sounded ridiculous, at
some intervention from Massim was very likely.
Now I didn't know who I was more angry at at Black
and charting it all, or Martin, that he got caught up in it.
- But what does this change? I said after a moment. - Don't you remember or that

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you slept with her. In addition, the truth is that our expectations are
completely different. You want to have a cake and eat it, and I always have
I will expect more attention than you can give me.
Martin slid off the couch, kneeling beside me.
"Laura," he began, grabbing my hands, "you're right in everything, yes."
It was. But these weeks I've understood how much I love you and don't want to
lose you I will do everything to prove you that I can be different.
I looked at him dazed and felt drunk recently
champagne is up my throat.
"I feel sick," I said, getting up from the couch and staggering
towards the bathroom.
I vomited until my stomach was completely empty; I had
enough of this day and this conversation. I left the bathroom and tried to put it on
shoes lying in the hallway.
"I'm going home," I said, pushing my feet into the high heels.
"You're not going anywhere, I won't let you go like this," he said.
pulling my purse out of my hand.
- Martin, please! - I was impatient. - I want to go to my place.
- OK, but let me give you a ride. - Not accepting a refusal,
he took my car keys.
We left the garage and he turned to me with a question
painted on the face. I forgot he didn't know my new one
"To the left," I said, waving my hand. - Later right and straight.
Finally, after ten minutes of my navigation, we were at home.
"Thank you," I said, grabbing the door handle, but the door didn't even
They twitched.
"I will accompany you, I want to make sure you arrived safely."
We went upstairs and I wanted to be alone at all costs.
"It's here," I said, putting the key in the door of my apartment.
- Thank you for your concern, but I can handle it now.
Martin did not give up; when I opened it he tried to slip in
follow me into the apartment.
- What the fuck are you doing? You don't understand that I don't need it anymore

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your company I growled, standing in the doorway. - You said what

you had to say and now I want to be alone. Hi.
I tried to close the door, but Martin's mighty hands did not allow
give me that.
- I missed you, let me come in. - He didn't give up.
Finally I released the door, stepped back inside and turned on the light.
- Martin, damn it, I'll call you for protection! -
I yelled.
My ex-guy stood on the threshold, not crossing him, and angry
he was looking at something behind me. I turned and almost stopped
heart. Massimo rose unhurriedly from the couch and headed toward
front door.
"I don't understand what you're saying, but I don't think Laura wants you to come in."
Said Black, standing a few inches from Martin. - Do I have you?
to tell me so that you understand? Maybe English will be easier?
Martin tensed his whole body and kept his eyes on Black,
he said in a calm low tone:
- See you later, Laura. We are in touch. He turned and got in
to the elevator.
When he disappeared from sight, Black closed the door and stood front
to me. I wasn't sure it was all happening.
Horror and anger were mixed with joy and relief. He was here, safe and sound.
We stood there for a long time staring at each other,
and the tension between us was unbearable.
- Where the fuck was you ?! I screamed, aiming at him before
bristly cheek. - Do you realize, selfishly, what I am
I survived? Do you think there is constant loss of consciousness
a great way to spend time? How could you leave me like this? Jesus! -
Resigned, I slumped down the wall.
"You look compelling, baby," he said, trying to take me on
hands. - That hair...
- Don't touch me, damn it! You will never touch me again if
you can't explain what happened.
At the sound of a raised tone, Black straightened up and stood a moment,

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towering over me. He looked even more beautiful than I remembered. dressed
in dark pants and a long-sleeved T-shirt in the same color,
he displayed a perfectly sculpted figure. Even now, furious at
him, I couldn't help noticing how appealing he was.
I knew that it was lurking at me like a wild animal and that it would happen soon
I was not wrong. Massimo leaned over and grabbing my arms,
he got to his feet, skilfully slid under my stomach
and threw me over my shoulder so that I hung my head down along his
I knew that my resistance or screams would do nothing, that's why
I hung limply, waiting for what he would do. He went through the door to
bedroom and threw me on the bed, clinging to my body with mine, yes
to block my movement.
- You met him despite my ban. You know if it will be
I need to kill this man so that he can't see you?
I was silent, I didn't want to open my mouth because I knew that
a stream of words will flow out of them. It was late, I was tired and hungry and all
the situation far outgrown me.
- Laura, I'm talking to you.
"I hear but I don't want to talk to you," I said softly.
- It's even better, because the last thing I want now is difficult
conversations - he said and broke his tongue into my mouth.
I wanted to push him away, but when I felt his taste and smell before
all those days without him passed through my eyes. I remembered well
my suffering and sadness.
"Sixteen," I whispered without breaking the kiss.
Massimo stopped his mad momentum and looked at me questioningly.
"Sixteen," I repeated. "You owe me so many days, don."
He smiled and pulled off the black T-shirt he had
on yourself. Dim light from the living room lit his torso. My eyes
a view of fresh wounds appeared, some with dressings.
"God, Massimo," I whispered, sliding out from under him. - What up?
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I touched his body gently, as if in a magical way
she wanted to eliminate painful places.
"I promise I will tell you everything, but not today, okay?" I want you to
she was sleepy, full, and above all sober. Laura, you are
terribly thin, ”he said, stroking my black cloth body. -
I get the feeling that you're uncomfortable with it, "he said,
twisting me on my stomach.
He slowly unzipped the skirt slider and slid it off my hips until she found it
on the floor. He did the same with the top and after a while I lay in front of him
only in lacy underwear.
He was watching me, unbuttoning his belt. I watched him do it
and I remembered the drastic scene from the plane.
"I don't know this set," he noted, pulling his pants off together
with boxers. - And I don't like it, you should take it off.
I watched him slowly unbutton his bra. I had it for the first time
the opportunity to see his manhood when it wasn't tough. Its fat, heavy
the prick slowly rose as I got rid of the underwear, but even
when he did not stand, he was wonderful, and all I thought was to feel him
in itself.
Lying naked on the bed, I threw my arms behind my head, showing again
"Come to me," I said, spreading my legs wider.
Massimo grabbed my foot and lifted me to his lips, kissed all toes
and slowly fell on the mattress. He climbed the tongue on the inside
side of my thighs, until it came to where they joined. He looked up
and he looked at me, seething with lust. That look told me that
it won't be a romantic night.
"You are mine," he groaned and sank his tongue into me.
He licked greedily, reaching the most sensitive points. Wilam
under him and I felt that it wouldn't take me long to reach orgasm.
"I don't want to," I said, grabbing his head. - Come to me,
Come inside me, I must feel you.
Massimo performed what I asked him without hesitation; came in

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me brutally and strongly, giving our bodies a reminiscent of gallop

the sound of my heart right now. He fucked me passionately, clenched me tightly
arms around me and kissed so deeply that I couldn't catch my breath.
Suddenly a wave of pleasure spread over my body, I dug my nails into it
my back and I moved them to my buttocks. The pain I caused him was for
him like a decisive thrust and the warmth of sperm spilled inside
me. We started and ended almost simultaneously. On the cheeks
an uncontrolled wave of tears flowed in me, I felt relief. However, this is happening
really, I thought, and I buried my face in it.
- Hey, baby, what's going on? He asked, sliding off me.
I didn't want to talk to him, not now, I turned into his
page and hugged it as if I wanted to hide in it. He stroked
I was getting tears from my cheek through my hair and lips until I fell asleep.
I woke up when invading through the open window into the living room
rays of the sun. I reached exploring with half-closed eyes
hand to the other side of the bed. He was there. I looked away and jumped up
screaming. All the sheets were bloody and he didn't move.
"Massimo," I tugged at him, screaming.
I turned him on my back and he opened his eyes in confusion. With relief
I fell on the mattress. He looked around and ran his hand over the cage
pectoral wiping blood.
"It's nothing, honey, the stitches are gone," he said, rising
and smiling at me. - I didn't even feel it at night. But maybe
we have to wash because we look like we're together
they slaughtered, "he said with amusement, combing his clean hair
"I don't enjoy it," I said and went to the bathroom.
I didn't have to wait long for him to appear next to me. This time it's me
I was washing him, gently removing the blood-soaked dressings. When
I finished, took the first aid kit and resealed it.
"Waiting for a doctor's appointment," I said unbearably
He looked at me with a warm look in which submission was lurking.
- It will be as you like, only you have to eat breakfast first. yours

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the fast ended yesterday, ”he said, getting out of the tub and kissing me
in the forehead.
I went to the fridge and discovered an absolute lack of food. On the shelf
only wine, water and juice lay. Black came in behind me and hugged me
face to mine, looked into the almost empty interior.
- I see we have a stripped down menu.
- Somehow I haven't had an appetite lately. But there is a store downstairs, feel
like a normal person and go shopping, I'll make a list for you and prepare it later
Breakfast, I said, closing the door.
At these words he stepped back and leaned on a small table in the kitchen.
- Shopping? He asked, frowning.
- Yes, don Massimo, shopping. Butter, rolls, bacon, eggs equals
Black with undisguised amusement left the kitchen, throwing
on the threshold:
- Make a list.
After a short instruction on how to get to the store that was located
in the same building about five meters from the cage exit
outside, I watched her get into the elevator.
I predicted that it would take him more time than it should, but less
than I needed to bring myself to order. So I rushed
to the bathroom, I corrected my hair, I did a light makeup in the style of "no
I painted myself, I look like this every morning ”and after jumping into a pink tracksuit
I lay down on the couch.
Massimo surprisingly quickly returned upstairs without using the videophone.
- Since when are you in Poland? I asked as he entered.
He hesitated and stared for a moment.
- Breakfast first, then conversation, Laura. I'm not going anywhere
I choose, and certainly not without you.
He set down shopping on the kitchen counter and came back to me.
- You will make breakfast, baby, because I have no idea about cooking, and I do
I will use your computer during this time.
I got up and headed for the kitchen.
- You're lucky to love cooking and I'm pretty good at it -

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I said and got to work.

After thirty minutes we sat on a soft carpet in the living room,
eating all-American style.
"Okay, Massimo, I've lasted a long time." Speak! -
I snapped, putting down my cutlery.
Black leaned his back on the edge of the couch and inhaled heavily.
- Ask! He gave me a cold stare.
- How long have you been in Poland? - I started.
- From yesterday morning.
"Were you in this apartment when I wasn't here?"
- Yes, when you left Olga around 3pm.
- How do you know the intercom code and how many pairs of keys are there?
- I set it myself, it's my year of birth, and we only have the keys
and you.
One thousand nine hundred and eighty-six, which is only thirty
two years, I thought, and I went back to the conversation, which now made me more
she was interested than his age.
- Have your people been here since I am in Poland?
Massimo folded his arms in amusement.
- Sure, didn't you think I would leave you alone?
Subconsciously, I knew the answer before he gave it to me.
I knew that the constant sense of being observed did not come out of nowhere.
- Yesterday? Did you also send people after me?
- No, yesterday I was almost everywhere where you, Laura, together
with your ex-man's apartment, if that's what you mean. And I promise you
that when you got into his car outside the club, it was close,
draw my weapon. His eyes were serious and cold. -
Let's explain something, baby. Or you won't keep any with him
contacts, or just get rid of him.
I knew that negotiations with him made no sense, but dozens of hours
manipulation training was not in vain, so I knew how
- I am surprised that you see him as a rival - I began dispassionately. -
I didn't think you were afraid of competition, especially after just what

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I saw in the pictures, he is not a competition. Jealousy is a weakness

and it only feels when a man feels that his rival is hers
worthy. So he is at least as good as he is or even better. -
I turned to him and kissed him gently. - I did not think,
that you have weaknesses.
Black sat in silence, playing with a cup of tea.
- You know what, Laura, you're right. I can accept rational arguments.
What do you suggest in this situation?
- What do I suggest? I said after him. - Nothing, I think this stage
my life is closed, if Martin feels otherwise, it's his business.
He can still be tired, it doesn't concern me anymore. Besides, you have to
know that I, like you, do not forgive betrayal. And just about that
Speech, what did you throw in his drink on my birthday?
Massimo put down his cup and looked at me in horror.
- What, you thought I wouldn't find out? That's why you forbade me to talk
with him, let me not know the truth? I draw through clenched teeth.
"It's the fact that counts," he said, and not everyone flies with this substance
fuck a miss. It wasn't a rape tablet, small or MDMA, it was
only alcohol enhancer. He was going to get drunk faster than
usually that's all. I will not deny that I did not participate in this
so that he doesn't follow you immediately when you run out of the hotel. Of course that
I slowed him down on purpose. Just think about how much that would change and whether to
you would like to see this situation look different.
He got up from the carpet and sat on the couch.
- Sometimes I get the impression that you forget who I am and what I am.
You can change me when I'm with you, but I won't change for the whole
the world. And if I want something, I have it. I'd kidnap you one day or another
it was only a matter of time and such or other methods.
After what I heard, I was angry. I knew he would have done anyway
what he wants, but the fact that nothing depended on me drove me crazy.
"You really want to discuss a past that we both don't have anymore."
the impact? He asked, leaning toward me and squinting slightly.
"You're right," I sighed, resigned. - And Naples? - I said
clenching his eyelids at the words I heard then. -

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They said on television that you were killed.

Massimo stretched out, leaning on the pillows on the couch.
He studied me as if he wanted to know how much truth I could bear.
Finally he began to tell.
- When I left the hotel room, I left you and left
to the reception. I wanted to give you time to make a decision. Passing through
hall, I saw Anna getting into her half-car
brother. I knew that since don Emilio was here, something must have happened.
I interrupted him.
- How is that: don?
- Emilio is the head of a Neapolitan family that has ruled for generations
over the western part of Italy. After what she said when she met us,
and knowing her character, I felt he was up to something. I had to leave you
because I knew he didn't suspect I would. And if she was going down
chasing me, I had to spoil her plan a bit. I came back for
ship and flew to Sicily. To maintain maximum appearances,
I was joined by one of the women serving Titan who most
she reminded you. Dressed in your clothes, she went home with me,
after which we flew to Naples. A meeting with Emil is scheduled
it was many weeks earlier, we have many common interests.
"Wait," I interjected. - Were you with another don's sister? Is that how it can be?
Massimo laughed and took a sip of his tea.
- And why not? Besides, it seemed perfect to me then
idea. Possible merger of two huge families
would guarantee peace for a long time and a monopoly in much of Italy.
You see, Laura, you misunderstand the mafia. We are a company, a corporation
and as in any business, we also have mergers and acquisitions. With the only difference
that a little more violent than in an ordinary enterprise. I stayed
well prepared for the business I was supposed to take over.
I was taught diplomatic solutions and only as a last resort
I resort to violence. That's why my family is one
of the strongest and richest among the Italian mafias around the world.
- In the world? I asked confused.
- Yes, I do business in Russia, Great Britain and the United States

Page 181
United States, it would be easier to say where I don't lead them.
- The joy and pride in how much his family achieved was almost there
- Well, and back to what happened in Naples ... -
I urged him.
- Anna knew about my meeting with her brother, still in spring
she urged me to him. I couldn't refuse just because I couldn't
we were a couple, it would be insulting for Emilia, and I couldn't afford it
let. I came to the appointed place, he accompanied me as always
Mario, my consigliere, and a few people who stayed in the cars.
The conversations did not go on as I would like, and I felt it was
something he doesn't tell me about. When we decided that the agreement is
impossible, we left the building. Emilio followed me and threw me out
with himself a stream of threats, he shouted as I treated his sister that
I insulted her and ordered her unborn child removed. It rained later
a word we all hate, because everyone who has a little bit
of reason, knows that this does not lead to anything good: vendetta, i.e.
blood revenge.
- What?! I cried, wincing as if his story was asking me
ache. - Is it only in the movies ?!
- Unfortunately, this is not the case at all. If you kill a member
family or betray him, then the whole organization hunts for you.
I knew that translations and further conversation did not make sense. If not
the place where we were and time would probably take place right away, but he
he wasn't stupid either, and he wanted to sort it out as soon as possible. When
we were driving from the meeting to the airport, two ranges paved the way for us
rovers, from which Emilia people got off, as well as himself. She discharged
a shootout in which he died, I think, from my bullet. They showed up
rifles, and I and Maria had to hide in safety
place and wait. Cars that remained at the scene,
were registered to one of my companies. Therefore, Pismaki, owning
only laconic information from the police killed me, not Emilia.
I was breathing loudly, staring at him, and had the expression that
I'm watching a drastic gangster movie. I did not know if I and my sick

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our heart suits this world, but I was certain of one thing -
I was madly in love with the man who was sitting in front of me.
"For clarity, Laura," there was no pregnancy in this matter
I am very attentive.
When he said these words, I froze. I completely forgot
about what Domenico told me the day I left Sicily.
- Do you have a transmitter implanted under your skin? I asked calmly,
as I could.
Massimo shifted in his seat, and his face changed expression as if
he knew where I was going.
"I have," he said shortly, biting his lips.
- Can you show him to me?
Massimo took off the sweatshirt he was wearing and walked over to me.
He stretched out his left hand and grabbed my right hand, leading me to the small one
tube under the skin. I took her as if she had burned me, then touched her
the same place on my body.
"Laura, before you get hysterical," he began, putting on his sweatshirt. -
That night I ...
I didn't let him finish.
"I will kill you, Massimo, seriously," I hissed through my teeth. - How could you
lie to me about that? I looked at him, waiting for him to say
something wise and thoughts crossed my mind what would happen if ...
- Excuse me. At the time, I thought the easiest way
stopping you will be a child.
I knew he was honest, but it was usually women who caught the rich
guys this way, not the other way around.
I stood up, grabbing my purse, and headed for the door, and Black
he jumped up after me, but I waved his hand to sit down and left. I pulled
trying to calm myself down, I got into the car
and I headed to the mall near my house. I found
in it a pharmacy, I bought a test and came back. When I came in, Black was sitting
in the exact same position I left him. I put
all on the bench and I said firmly:
- You interfered in my life, kidnapped me, you asked for a year,

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blackmailing the death of my loved ones, but that wasn't enough for you.
You had to try to fuck it all up to the end, deciding
on our own whether we are to become parents. So, don Massimo,
Now I will tell you how it will be - I said in a raised tone. - If
in a moment it will turn out that I am pregnant, you will leave here and I will never be
At these words, Black got up and inhaled loudly.
"I'm not done yet," I said, moving away from him
towards the window. - You will see the child, but not me, but him
he will never take over and live in Sicily, is that clear?
I will give birth to them and bring them up, even though I do not like them because I am
used to being a family of at least three people. But no
let my whims destroy the life of a being that doesn't push itself
into this world. Understand?
- And if you are not? - Black approached and stood opposite.
"Then you will have a long penance," I said, turning around.
On the way to the bathroom I took the test from a glass top and on a soft one
I closed the toilet door behind me. I did what he commanded
recipe, and I put a plastic indicator on the sink. I sat on
the floor leaning against the wall, despite the time it takes for the result to show,
long gone. My heart was pounding so that I could almost see it through my skin,
and the blood was throbbing at the temples. I was scared and I wanted to puke.
- Laura. Massimo knocked on the door. - Everything's okay?
"Wait a minute," I shouted, standing up and looking toward
sinks. Jesus ... I whispered.

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When I left, Black was sitting on the bed with a face he never had
I saw. His face was filled with concern, fear, anxiety and above all
everyone's tension. He jumped up at the sight of me. I stood
in front of him and I reached out with my test. He was negative. I threw him at
floor and went towards the kitchen. I took a bottle of wine from the fridge
I poured myself a glass and emptied it all. I shuddered.
I turned my head and looked at Massim leaning against the wall.
- Never do this again. If we decide to become parents,
it will be so, but by mutual agreement or by accident and stupidity of us
both. Understand?
He came over and firmly buried his face in my hair.
"I'm sorry, baby," he whispered. - Seriously, I'm sorry
we would have a beautiful child.
He pulled away with a laugh, as if he knew I was about to hit him.
Catching my hands with which I waved, he still teased me.
"If it was a boy with a character after you, in his thirties."
years would become capo di tutti capi, and it didn't even succeed me. - I stopped
in front of him and lowered my hands.
"You're bleeding again," I said, unbuttoning his sweatshirt
she had already softened. - We're going to the doctor, and this stupid conversation
I think it's over, our son won't be in the mafia.
He clung to me with his naked body, completely ignoring
that dirty me. He looked into my eyes with a smile and kissed me gently.
"So," he said, breaking the kisses, "we'll have."
- Oh, stop it, these are situational agonies. Get dressed, we're going to
Once again, he treated his wounds and went to the wardrobe. threw off
clothes soiled in red. I squeezed into a bright torn
jeans, white T-shirt and beloved sneakers Isabel Marant. When
I finished dressing, Black entered the room and opened one

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from four huge wardrobes. I discovered with interest that she was all there
stuffed with his stuff.
- When did you unpack?
- There was a lot of time during the day and night, except I don't think so
you think i did it myself.
I've never seen him wear like this, look like a normal young,
well dressed guy. He put on dark blue washed jeans and a black sweatshirt,
and sports loafers. He looked insane. He reached into his suitcase
which stood inside the closet and pulled out a small box.
"You forgot something," he said, closing his watch with my hand,
which I got from him some time ago when we were going to the airport.
- Is it also a transmitter? I said with a laugh.
- No, Laura, it's a watch, one transmitter is enough and let's not go back
Additionally. He finished and gave me a warning look.
- Let's go, because your stigmas will open again -
I commanded, taking the keys from BMW.
"You saw, so you won't drive," he said, putting them down on the counter.
- Well, but you can, unless you can't drive a car?
Massimo stood with a wily smile and watched me lift
- I used to race in rallies some time ago, so trust me, I know
transmission service. But we won't go by your car because we won't
I like driving buses.
- Then I'll call a taxi.
I took the phone out of my purse and punched in a number, and Black slowly
he took it out of my hand and pressed the red receiver. He came to the cabinet
which stood next to the door, and opened the lowest drawer. He pulled out of her
two envelopes.
- You didn't look here, did you? He asked ironically, opening the first. -
We also have other means of transport in the garage, which I like more
correspond. Come.
We went down to level minus one, Massimo pressed the button on
the remote control he was holding. Lights flickered at one place
car. We went through a piece and my eyes showed black ferrari
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italia. I stopped and looked at the flat in disbelief,

an amazing sports car.
- Which one still belongs to you? I asked, watching her get in
- Which one you choose, baby, get in.
The car inside was a bit like a spaceship: colorful buttons
and knobs, the steering wheel flattened at the bottom. No sense, I thought. How
can you ride without reading the user manual?
- You couldn't ostentatiously?
Black pressed the start button and the car roared.
It did, but the zonda pagani was too noticeable. In addition, the state
Polish roads are not satisfactory enough for its suspension to endure.
He raised his eyebrows in amusement and stepped on the gas.
We left the garage. Already after the first meters I understood that
he knew perfectly well what he was doing as he sat behind the wheel. We passed next ones
intersections, and I navigated us on the way to a private hospital in
Wilanow. I chose this place because several were working there
friends of doctors. I met them at one of the medical conferences,
which I organized and we liked each other. They generally liked each other
have fun, eat well and drink expensive drinks, and they appreciated my discretion.
I called one of them who was a surgeon and announced that
i need a favor.
Young women sat at the hospital reception, I went to one
of them, I introduced myself and asked to be sent to the unit to
Dr. Ome. They almost ignored me, staring
into a handsome Italian who accompanied me. I saw for the first time
women reacted to him like that. No swarthy complexion and black eyes in his country
they were nothing special, but here they were considered imported goods, very much
salable. So I repeated my request, and the embarrassed young woman gave it
us floor and office number.
"The doctor is already waiting for you," she muttered, trying to
When we rode the elevator, Massimo touched my ear with his mouth.
- I like it when you speak Polish - he whispered. - He just pisses me off

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I don't understand anything. But that's good because our son will speak in three
I did not manage to retort because the elevator door opened and we left
into the corridor.
Dr. Ome was not a handsome middle-aged man, what
Black was clearly pleased.
- Laura, welcome. He reached out to greet me. - How are
you have?
I greeted him and introduced him to Massim, warning us that we would be there
speak english.
- This is my...
- Fiance. - Black finished for me. - Massimo Torricelli,
thank you for accepting us.
- Paweł Ome, please and let's talk to each other by name. What do you do?
brings me back?
Torricelli, I kept repeating my thoughts, because after a few weeks I didn't
I had no idea what his name was.
Black undressed to his waist and Paweł was speechless.
"I was on the hunt," he said, seeing his reaction. - A little too much
chianti and these are the effects, 'he said amused.
- I understand you perfectly, once after the party we decided to catch
- literally - a moving train.
When telling this story, Dr. Ome gave anesthesia and sewn it up
wounds, wrote a prescription with ointment, an antibiotic and ordered "not to rub."
We left the clinic and got into the car.
- Lunch? He asked, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. - No
I can get used to this color. I like you very much
fits, but you're so ... - He thought for a moment. - Not mine.
"I like it for now, and it's just hair, after a while."
change. Let's go, I know a great Italian eatery.
Massimo smiled and patted the address in the navigation.
- Italian food is eaten in Italy. And here I think Polish, from what
I know. Fasten your seat belt.
We passed through the streets and I was glad that the car

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he had almost completely black windows because people were standing at his sight
in place and tried to look inside.
This car was exactly like Massimo: complicated, dangerous,
hard to master and extremely sensual.
We stayed in the center, next to one of the best restaurants
in the city.
When we got inside, the manager greeted us. Black
he discreetly said something to him and the man after pointing us to the table
disappeared. After a moment, an elegant older man with a head appeared in the room
shaved bald. He was wearing a graphite suit with purple
lined, you can see that the tailor-made, unbuttoned dark shirt
and stunning shoes.
- Massimo, my friend! He exclaimed and hugged Black tightly,
who barely managed to get up.
Without rubbing, without rubbing, I repeated silently.
- How good to finally see you in my country.
The men exchanged courtesies, remembering after a long time
moment about my existence.
- Karla, meet me, this is Laura, my fiancee.
The man kissed my hand and added:
- Karol, nice to meet you, but you can call me Karlo.
I was a little surprised that Massimo knows the owner of the restaurant
in the center of Warsaw even though he has never been here.
- Sure, my question will not surprise you, but where do you come from
you know?
Karol looked questioningly at Massim, who answered, looking at
me with icy eyes.
- From work. We do business together. Karl's people brought you
from the airport and protected here on site in my absence.
- Have you already ordered something to eat? If not, let me choose
for you - said the host, sitting with us at the table.
After subsequent dishes and bottles of wine I felt full and growing
more unnecessary because their conversations have gone down the line
professional. From what they said, I concluded that Karol was halfway through

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Polish and half Russian. He invested in gastronomy and had

a powerful logistics company dealing in international transport.
They heard the sound of Karol's phone from an extremely boring conversation.
The restaurateur apologized and left us for a moment. Massimo focused on me
eyesight and reached out his hand, grabbing my hand.
- I know you are bored, but unfortunately this will be part of your life.
You will have to attend some meetings, and some
you won't be able to. I need to discuss a few things with Karl. - He lowered his voice
and leaned slightly towards me. - And then we'll come home to let me
he could fuck you on every floor in any part of your body -
he said seriously, squinting slightly.
These words made me feel hot. I loved rough sex
and his threat was a promise worth waiting for.
I reached out his hand and took a sip from the glass, leaning back
for a chair.
- I will consider.
- Laura, I don't ask you for permission, I inform you what I intend to do
Seeing his eyes, I knew he wasn't kidding, but it was one of those
games that I loved to make. He sat calmly
and calm down, and inside it was boiling. I knew the more he was
the bad, the better sex will be.
"I don't think I feel like it today," I said and shrugged dismissively
Black's eyes burned with anger almost so intensely that I felt
how it burns me. He didn't speak, just smirked, as if
he was silently asking me if I was sure.
The thickening atmosphere was thinned by the voice of Karol, who approached
- Massimo, do you remember Monika?
- Of course, as if I could forget your lovely wife.
Black approached the woman and kissed her twice, then pointed
with my hand towards me.
- Monika, meet Laura, my fiancee.

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She reached out to me and shook her firmly.

- Hi, it's nice to finally see a woman by Massim's side, not constantly
Maria. I realize it's his adviser or whatever they prefer
consigliere, but I can't tell him that he has beautiful shoes.
Despite the large age difference that separates us, after these words I knew
that we'll get along. Monika was a tall brunette with delicate features.
It was difficult to say how old she was, because it could not be hidden that she had genes
an alien or an excellent doctor.
- I'm glad, I'm Laura. You took the text about shoes from my lips, it's the last one
Givenchy collection, I think? I said pointing at her boots.
Monika smiled knowingly.
- I see something connects us. I don't know how interested you are
talk, but I suggest you go to the bar with me. I provide power
attractions in the form of interest.
She laughed, showing a series of white, beautiful teeth, and pointed
place at the other end of the room.
"I've been waiting for an hour for help, thanks," I said, getting up.
Massimo did not understand a word of what we said because
Polish, thank God, was still foreign to him. He looked at me when
I pushed back the chair.
- Are you going somewhere?
- Yes, talk to Monika about something more important than earning
money, for example about shoes, "I said, showing him
playfully language.
- Have fun soon, because we are finishing soon. As you remember, we have
some things to do later.
I stood, staring at him in surprise. Make it happen? Suddenly his eyes
they became completely black, as if the pupils had flooded the iris. Oh, these matters,
I thought.
- As I said, don Massimo, I will think about it.
When I wanted to leave the table, he grabbed my wrist
and vigorously got up from his seat, pulled me and leaning against me
against the wall, he kissed him deeply and deeply. He acted as if he were not next to him
there were people, or at least their presence in no way

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the way.
"Think faster, baby," he said, pulling away from me
lips, then your whole body.
I stood leaning against the wall for a moment and taxed him
look. When people were with us, he became completely different
a man, as if putting on a mask for them and getting rid of it with me.
Black sat down on the chair and went back to talking with Karol, and I moved
behind Monika towards the bar.
The restaurant, despite serving only Polish food, was not
unleavened hut with folk elements. Located inside the old one
the building occupied almost the entire ground floor. High ceilings and wide
columns supporting the ceiling gave the room specific
pre-war climate. In the center was a black piano on which
an elderly, very elegant man played constantly. Everything but
the instrument was white: table covers, walls, and bar forming a consistent
- Long Island, - said Monika, sitting on a bar stool. -
Do you want the same
- Oh no, Long Island is evil, especially since last night was hard.
A glass of prosecco, please.
For a long while our main topic was her insane
boots and my sneakers. She told me about this year's fashion week
in New York, about the support he gives to young Polish people
designers, and how hard it is to dress in this country. But you can see
it was not a reason to pull me away from Czarny.
"So you really exist," she said, suddenly changing the subject
and looking at me incredulously.
For a moment I wondered what she meant, until I remembered
my portraits on Black's estate.
"I can't even believe it, but it seems so." With this
the difference is that I've had fair hair for several days.
- When did he find you? And where above all? Tell me something because
Karol and I are both dying of curiosity, maybe he is a little less
but it bursts me apart.

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It was a while before I told our whole story briefly,
bypassing unnecessary details. I didn't know how many of them I could
allow in relation to the woman I met a moment ago. Although
I had the impression that I had known her for years, I decided to be careful
when speaking thoughts.
"A difficult task awaits you, Laura." Being a woman of such a man is
a huge challenge, ”she warned me, turning her hands
glass. "I know what yours and my man do, that's why."
remember - the less you know, the better you sleep.
"I noticed that the questions are not indicated," I whispered grimaced.
- Don't ask, he'll want to, he'll tell you himself, and if he doesn't, I mean,
that the matter is not about you. And what is very important: never question
his decision on security matters. She turned around and stuck
look at me. "Remember that all he does is to make you
protect. I didn't listen once, "she said, raising her sleeves
white shirt. - And that was the result, I was kidnapped.
I looked at her wrists, on which there were two, barely
already visible scars.
- There was wire. Karol found me in less than a day and never again
I wanted to argue with him about security issues or
overprotection. Massimo will be even worse because he was looking for you a lot
years and firmly believes in the meaning of his vision. He will treat you like
the most valuable treasure he thinks everyone wants to own. Because
be patient, I think he deserves it.
I sat and tried to digest what she had just said. outside
the bubbles, which was the life with Massim, got to me ever stronger
stimuli that make me aware that this is not a dream, and certainly not a fairy tale.
Black's voice snapped me out of the rush of thoughts.
- Dear ladies, it is time for us, we have urgent matters to do.
Monika, it was very nice meeting you again and I hope
you will visit us soon with Karl in Sicily.
We said goodbye and headed towards the exit. Before I left
Monika grabbed my hand and whispered:
- Remember what I told you.

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Her serious tone terrified me. Why would someone kidnap me? Well
yes, why would anyone kidnap her?
"Baby, get in," Massimo said, opening the door for me
I shook my head, chasing away stupid thoughts, and did what he asked.
- Will you drive? You were drinking!
Black rolled in the seat and stroked my cheek with his thumb.
- You were drinking, I sipped one glass all afternoon. Fasten
belt, I'm in a hurry to get home, ”he said, pulling off the buckle.
Black ferrari was rushing through Warsaw, and I wondered what he was doing
plans. Various scenarios ran through my head, which only
heightened curiosity and excitement. We entered the garage, no
exchanging a word on the way. I felt exactly like when
he was shopping with me in Taormina. The only difference is that it's great now
I knew that he was not ignoring me, but was focused.
When we got out of the car, a security man approached us.
- Mrs. Laura, parcels were delivered for you. They are standing at the reception
building at level zero.
I looked surprised at the Black who was looking at me
researching with slightly narrowed eyes.
"It's not from me," he said, raising his hands in defense. -
All your Sicilian items have been delivered here with you.
We took the elevator to the lobby and a sea of whites appeared to our eyes
"Laura Biel," I said, approaching the receptionist. -
Apparently there is a package for me.
- That's right, all the flowers you see are for you. Whether
help transport them upstairs?
I looked around the corridor with my mouth open. Tulips were
hundreds. I went to one of the bouquets and picked up a card
stuck between flowers.
"Does he know what flowers you like?" Was the inscription on a small piece of paper.
I went to the next and opened the box: "Does he know how much sweetener you have?
tea? ". I caught the next one: "Does he know your passions?" With horror

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I opened more notes, broke them and stuffed them into my jeans pocket.
Black stood and, hands folded across his chest, watched what
I do it until I pulled out all the boxes.
- Do you know what? - I turned to the receptionist. - Please send it back
or throw it away, unless you have a girlfriend, she will definitely be
will be pleased - I said and hit the elevator button. Massimo
he stood next to me and got into her without a word. I went to the door
and I ripped the envelope away from them. I went inside and sat on the couch
turning white paper in his fingers. At that moment I looked up
and I looked at Massim standing in the doorway. His eyes were burning
hatred, and the jaws tightened rhythmically. Terrified by this view
I started towards him.
"He insults me," he hissed through clenched teeth as I stood
- Come on, it's just flowers.
- Only flowers, yes, what's in the envelope?
"I don't know, and honestly, I don't give a shit!" -
I screamed annoyed and threw the paper at the fireplace. I picked up
pilot and started the flame, which deprived us in a few seconds
- You better, don Massimo? I stared at him, but he didn't respond. -
Fuck, Massimo, have you never fought for a woman? He has the right to
to try if he feels it and I have the right to make a decision. - Slightly
I lowered the raised tone and took his angry face in my hands. -
I've already made my choice, I'm here next to you. So even if in a moment
the orchestra will play me a serenade outside the window and he will sing it, nothing will happen
change. For me he is dead, just like the man who died of yours
hands in the driveway.
Massimo stood staring at me. I knew what
I say I don't get to him. He jerked his head sideways and broke free from mine
hand, then went furiously toward the bedroom. I heard him pull out
something from the wardrobe and coming back. He passed by me, reloading the weapon.
"I'll kill him," he hissed and pulled the phone out of his pocket.
Terrified by his resolve, I stood staring at him. No

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I had an idea what to do to stop him.

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With a peaceful movement, I pulled the phone from his hand and put it away
cabinet next to the door. I turned the key in the lock and ostentatiously
I put it in my panties without taking my eyes off Black's face.
Enraged, he grabbed my neck and pressed me against the wall. His eyes
they burned with lust and hatred. Despite the strength he used against
me, I wasn't afraid of him because I knew he wouldn't hurt me,
or at least I hoped so. I stood calmly with the abandoned
with my hands and I was biting my lower lip, still looking provocatively
in eyes.
- Give me the key, Laura.
"Take it if you want," I said, unbuttoning my button
in pants.
Massimo brutally put his hand in my panties, without taking the other one away
neck. Fury was replaced by lust when I groaned, feeling his fingers on
"I think it's deeper," I informed, closing my eyes.
He couldn't ignore this invitation.
- Small, if you want to play it this way, you must have
knowing I won't be gentle, he warned, stroking my clitoris.
- All anger will focus on you and I'm afraid you may not like it
the way I will treat you, so let me leave.
I opened my eyes and looked at him.
- Fuck me, don Massimo ... please.
Massimo increased his grip on his neck and stuck to me, piercing
cold look.
"I'll treat you like a rag, do you understand that, Laura?" And even if
during the time you change your mind, I won't go back.
I was excited by what he said, I was concerned about fear and the knowledge that from
how good I am depends on human life. Internal compulsion that
I felt, ignited me and made me want him more and more. And the thought
about how brutal and ruthless he can be for me, she took away from me
Page 197

"Then do it," I said, pressing his lips to mine.
Black pulled away from me, stretched through the living room and threw me on
couch. He did it as easily as if I were a rag doll. He hit
a button on the remote control and large blinds covered all windows. He came to
door and turned off the light, and throughout the apartment, although it was early
evening, there was darkness. I didn't know where he was because my eyes
they got used to the darkness very slowly. Suddenly I felt her catch
me by the neck and puts his thumb in his mouth, stretching it.
"Suck," he said, replacing him with his swollen prick. -
You want to punish your boyfriend, please.
He grabbed my head and began to rub heavily with his manhood
my lips, not allowing me to catch my breath. He did it more and more
harder and faster until I started to choke. He pulled it out slowly, giving me
gasp and put it in again; he did it more slowly but put it on
much deeper.
"Open your mouth wider, I want to put it all in," he said, leaning back
my head against the sofa headboard and kneeling on it in front of me.
I caught him by the buttocks and pulled him close. I felt like
his penis rests against my throat, sliding down him.
I moaned delighted at the taste in my mouth. I couldn't stay longer
refrain from touch. I pushed him gently and caught him
his heavy testicles. I played with them, taking the penis deep into my mouth.
Massimo leaned with both hands on the headrest behind me and breathed loudly.
I knew he wasn't satisfied last night and if I tried,
getting him to orgasm won't take long. I sucked him more and more
harder and faster. Black grabbed my hair and stuck my head
into the pillow, pulling it away from you.
"You don't think I will let go so easily?" Lie down and don't move.
I didn't listen to him and raised my head from the pillow, trying again
hug him. Angry Massimo grabbed my neck and pressed me
in the corner. After a while, he turned me over and holding me this time
by the neck, he took off my pants along with my panties.
"Want to see how long you can last, Laura?" We'll see how

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you really like pain.

These words scared me, I began to break free, but he was from me
definitely stronger. He embraced my body around my waist and lifted it so that
I leaned on my knees, belly on the pillows. When
I put out my buttocks, felt his hand hit them hard.
A moan escaped my throat, but Black didn't stop. holding
with one hand, my hair pressed my face firmly against the pillow, stopping it
screams, and hit again. Gently and slowly slipped it in my pussy
the middle finger purring with satisfaction.
"I see you like what I do," he said, licking him. -
I love your smell, Laura, good that you didn't have a shower -
he said, pressing him again.
At these words I tried to jump up from the couch, but he overwhelmed me
the elbow of my hand, which tightened on my hair. I was embarrassed
and embarrassed, I didn't feel like it would go on.
- Massimo, let me go right now, can you hear me? - When he didn't respond,
I shouted again. - Fuck, don Massimo!
It only made matters worse. To his rhythmically moving in
my middle finger was joined by my thumb, which slowly slipped into my back
- Your asshole is so tight, I can't wait for her -
he whispered, turning my head to the side.
When his fingers started madly rushing inside me, I flew away. No
I wanted to struggle with him, especially since I was
wonderfully. Black felt that I stopped resisting and let go of my hair.
He shifted the pillow on which I lay so that he was now
right behind me. I felt his cage leaning against my back,
and a sticking prick pokes my thighs. Without bothering to move his hand, he bit
and kissed my neck.
"I'll come in in a moment, Laura, relax."
I couldn't wait to see it, that's why I obediently spread it out
wide legs. I was so excited that if he didn't do it himself,
I'd make fun of him.
Massimo grabbed my hair again, as if he expected that

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I will try to escape in a moment.

"I don't think you understood me, baby," he said and slowly slid in
in my ass.
I stiffened and stopped breathing, and he rubbed a little harder.
- Relax, honey, I don't want to hurt you.
In spite of all the brutality that this situation dripped, his voice can be heard
it was caring and he tried to be as gentle as possible.
I trusted him and knew that he wanted to give me pleasure and not pain. Back
I started to breathe and his fingers went to my clitoris,
gently massaging her.
- Very good, baby, now give me a hard drink -
he whispered, and I felt it was all inside.
He slowly pulled him out of me and put him in without interrupting his fingers,
whose pressure drove me crazy. After a while he accelerated
and put his free fingers into my pussy. He was present in all places
on my body. I writhed under him and shouted loudly. When i felt
that I was on the edge, I hissed to him:
- Harder!
Black carried out my order, fucking me with such force that orgasms
came in one by one. I gnashed my teeth, unable to control the wave
pleasure, and the sound of his hips hitting my buttocks
he was like applause. I felt it explode at some point
and his movements slow down. Black's whole body began to tremble, and he gave up
a powerful moan like the roar of an angry animal. He fell on
my back and it didn't move for a moment. I felt his heart gallop
and he tries to calm his mad breath.
He slipped out of me and sank to the floor, panting loudly. On soft
I went to the bathroom to take a shower.
When I returned, Massim was nowhere to be found. Terrified, I moved
towards the door and I grabbed the door handle - they were closed. I turned on the light
and I saw the key lying on the floor next to my panties, and don
Massimo wrapped in a towel goes down the stairs.
"I didn't want to disturb you, so I used the bathroom upstairs."
He said, unwinding the towel from his hips and tossing it on the stairs.

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This view made my knees soft again. His

slender long legs passed into beautiful, trained buttocks. Slowly
he was coming towards me without taking his eyes off me. wounded
the cage has lost nothing of its attractiveness, and even gained a new one. He was
perfect and well aware of what he looks like. He walked
and kissed my forehead.
- Is everything okay, baby?
I nodded and grabbed his hand, leading me into the bedroom.
"I want more," I said, laying down on the bed.
Massimo laughed and covered me with a duvet.
- You are insatiable. I like this. But the truth is that
we forgot to get to the station for erasers. - He threw up his arms. -
So either I will have that sweet asshole again or nothing, because I don't
I pause during, and apparently it's not time for the child.
I looked at him amused, settling in front of him.
- So what are we going to do? - I asked.
- And what do people in Poland do on Sunday evenings?
"They go to sleep because they get up for work in the morning," I said
with smile.
Massimo hugged me and reached for the TV remote.
- So today we will be like them and we will lie down, tough tomorrow
I got up and looked at him anxiously.
- How heavy is that?
- I have a few things to do with Karl and I want you to
she accompanied me. We must go to Szczecin. We would go, but
I know how much you don't like it, so we'll meet him there. Well,
unless you want to stay, but be aware that security will not leave you
At these words I remembered what Monika had told me.
- Will Karol's people protect me?
- No, my, I bought a flat opposite, so they are as close as possible
gave without disturbing you. There are cameras in every room, thanks
who in my absence know what's going on here and they can have you

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on the eye.
- Listen? Don Massimo, are you not exaggerating?
Black, amused, rolled on the bed towards me and lying on
side, wrapped my leg around me.
- Don Massimo, maybe don Torricelli right away, if you want to be like that
official? And how is your little hole? He asked, stroking me
between the buttocks. - Laura, let us be clear: I still have
I want to kill him and I will do it if he mocks me again.
I thought, staring at him.
- Is it so easy to kill a man?
"It's never easy, but if there is a reason, it stops."
it is definitely easier.
"Let me talk to him then."
Black took a deep breath and turned on his back.
- Massimo, I love you, so ... - I broke off when I realized what
I just said.
He rose and sat down opposite, staring at me.
I sat down to be on par with him, closed my eyes and lowered my head.
I was not ready for this confession, although it was true.
He lifted my chin up with his finger in a serious, calm tone
He said:
- Repeat.
For several seconds I was catching my breath and words got stuck
in throat.
"I love you, Massimo," I said in one breath. -
I realized that the moment you left me on Lido,
and later, when I thought you were dead, I was absolutely sure of it.
I pushed this feeling away because you were my torturer and imprisoned me
resorting to blackmail, but when you let me go, I still
I wanted to be with you.
When I finished saying that, tears leaked from my eyes. I was relieved
I wanted him to know that.
Black stood up without a word and disappeared into the wardrobe. Beautiful
I thought, he'll pack up and leave. I sat on the edge of the bed

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and covered myself with a towel that was on the floor. When he returned, he had on
wearing sweatpants and clenching his fists.
"It wasn't supposed to be this way," he said, kneeling before me. -
Laura, I want you to marry me. - And he opened the black box
which he held in his hand.
The biggest stone I saw in my life appeared to my eyes.
Dazed, I stared at him, trying to catch my breath. I felt like
the pressure in my body increases and my heart speeds up, I felt sick.
Black noticed what was happening and reached into the bedside cabinet for the tablet he had
stuck it under my tongue.
"I won't let you die until you agree," he whispered
with a smile, putting a ring on my finger.
I felt tension leave my body and it was with me every minute
better. Massimo did not give up. Kneeling in front of me, he waited for
"But I ..." I started, having no idea what to say. - It's for
fast. We don't know each other and basically we started it somehow ... I mumbled.
- I love you, baby, I will always protect you and I will never allow it,
that someone would take you from me. I will do everything to keep you calm and have it,
what you want If I won't be with you, Laura, I won't be with anyone.
I believed everything he said, I felt each word was there
true, and this romantic honesty costs him a lot. Not really
I had nothing to lose. I have done my whole life like others do
they expected, or as it was most correctly. I didn't risk it because
I was afraid of what change would bring and whether or not anyone
fail. In addition, there is a long way from engagement to marriage.
"Yes," I whispered, kneeling beside me. - I'll marry you, Massimo.
Black bowed his head and let it out in relief.
- God, what do I do best - I almost whispered,
leaning on the bed. - We complicate our lives so much, do you know that?
He was silent and his bowed head didn't move.
- Listen to me now, Massimo, I want to finish what I started.
Martin and his life don't matter at all, but I don't want you to
he made a mistake because of me. You have me, I am only

Page 203
yours and only I can make him understand that. The relationship is based on
honesty and trust, so if you trust me, you'll let me with him
He talks.
Black raised his eyes and looked at me dispassionately.
"Even at this moment, the damn bastard is here." And only because of that
I will allow this meeting to get rid of it once and for all, if not
it works, we'll do it my way later.
I knew he was serious, and I have one chance to
save the ex-boyfriend's life or take it away from him.
"Thank you, dear," I said, kissing him tenderly. - And now
come to me, because as my fiance you have more responsibilities.
We didn't make love that night, but we didn't need it.
Mutual closeness and love were enough.

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I didn't like getting up early, but I knew I had no choice because

Black won't let me stay. I dragged myself out of bed and went to the bathroom
and after less than twenty minutes I was ready. Massimo was sitting
in the living room with a computer in his lap and a telephone in his hand, he was serious
and focused. He was wearing the clothes I was used to again: black
shirt and dark
I watched him fabric trousers,
from behind theitwall,
looked elegant
playing and
with chic. ring on
a huge
my finger. He will be my husband, I thought, and I will spend the rest of my life with him.
I could be sure of one thing - it won't be boring and ordinary life,
rather a gangster movie combined with porn. After a moment of observation
I went to the wardrobe, chose items that matched Black's outfit
and I started packing a small suitcase. When I entered the living room,
Massimo looked up calmly and looked at me. graphite
high-waisted pants optically lengthened my figure. Similarly
high heels hidden under loose ones were also working
legs that covered them completely. I have chosen them
cashmere sweater in a slightly lighter shade of gray. I was
elegant and perfectly suited the fiancee.
"Mrs. Torricelli, you look very alluring," he said.
putting the computer away and approaching me. - I hope these
the pants are easy to take off and not me, because if not, you'll get a little bit
less stylish.
I watched him amused.
- First of all, don Massimo, your amazing Ferrari is not suitable
to frolic, because even with normal driving it is uncomfortable. Secondly,
I would be a bit distracted by the presence of our protection, so forget it.
- And who said we're going ferrari?
Massimo raised his eyebrows and took another key from the drawer.
"Please," he said, opening the door for me and pointing to me
hand direction.
Four men accompanied us on our way to the garage, so

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the elevator got quite crowded. When I thought what we looked like
I was amused by five guys, the vast majority of whom weigh
more than a hundred kilograms, and a small blonde. Black was talking
with them in Italian, it looked as if he was giving them guidelines.
When the door opened at minus one, all protection
packed into two bmw parked at the entrance and we
we went deep into the garage. Don Massimo pressed the button on the remote control and I
I was wondering which car would flash to me this time. Porsche
panamera, of course black with black windows, I breathed a sigh of relief, because
the prospect of ferrari sex was terrifying even for a person like that
athletic like me. Massimo went to the passenger door and opened it
for me. When I got in, he leaned me against the dark glass
and panted directly into my mouth:
- Every hundred kilometers, I'll fuck you in the back seat, I hope
the car suits you.
He excited me when he was imperious, I liked him often
he doesn't ask for my opinion, he just informs me, but I liked to tease him.
Slipping into the seat, I said:
"It's almost six hundred kilometers there, do you think you can do it?"
He chuckled and closed the door before me, warning me:
"Don't provoke me, because I'll do it every fifty."
We passed the road to Szczecin during a conversation, goofing around
and casual sex in the forest parking lots. We acted like
two teenagers who took the car from their parents bought it
biggest pack of condoms and decided to experience the adventure. Behind
Every time we came down to the parking lot, our security was discreet
disappeared, giving us a bit of privacy and freedom.
We spent several days there, which I spent on visits
at the spa, and Massim at work. Despite the multitude of meetings, every meal
we ate together, and fell asleep next to him every night so that in the morning
wake up in his arms.
When we returned to Warsaw on Wednesday, my mother called.
- Hi, honey, how are you?
"Oh, wonderful, Mom, I have a lot of work, but generally

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all right.
- That's great, I hope you remember your cousin's wedding,
which is saturday
"Oh fuck," I growled straight into the phone.
- Laura Biel, how do you express yourself! She admonished me in a lifetime
The word "fuck" was one of the few Polish words he knew
Massimo, so when he heard them, he knew I wasn't particularly
- As I conclude from this lapidary statement, you forgot, so
I remind you that the wedding is at four o'clock, but try to be earlier.
- Mommy, it was a joy. Of course I remember
confirm two people.
There was an eloquent silence in the receiver, and I subconsciously felt
what I will hear in a moment.
- How are these two? Who are you taking
Talk to me, fairy, I thought and bit my tongue.
- Mom, I met someone in Sicily, he works with me and I would like him
take, because it is so fortunate that he is in Warsaw on training by
several days. Is this information enough for you or should I send his record?
"See you on Saturday," she said offended
I sat staring at the trees flying past the window. As I have
tell Black about meeting my parents? I looked at
him and I was wondering what his reaction would be. He felt me looking, he felt
also that something is wrong, that's why he parked at the first exit from the highway
car and turning on the chair, turned toward me.
"I'm listening," he said calmly, frowning.
Two black BMWs stood behind us, and one of the people got out and started off
towards our car. Massimo opened the window and waved a hand
and said two sentences in Italian. The man turned back and stood next to the car
and lit a cigarette.
- On Saturday we have to go to my parents. Because of all this

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I completely forgot that my cousin was getting married - I explained

wincing and covering his face with his hands.
Black sat and looked at me with amusement.
- And now? That's all? I thought something happened. I think I have to
start learning Polish, because only cursing is wrong
I take the situation.
- It will be a disaster. You don't know my mother, she will torment you
questions. And in addition I will have to participate in it, doing for
translator, because the only foreign language she knows is Russian.
"Laura," he said calmly, taking my hands from my face. -
I told you that my parents decided on my education, except Italian
I know Russian, German and French, so I won't
so bad.
I looked at him in disbelief and felt stupid because
I only knew one foreign language.
- It doesn't calm me down at all.
Black laughed and started walking.
When we arrived it was already dark. Massimo parked in the garage
and pulled my suitcase out of the trunk.
"Go upstairs, I need to talk to Paul," he said and started off
towards cars parked on the other side
I took the suitcase and went towards the elevator, pressed the button and after
I realized that it was not working. I opened the door and started off
stairs upstairs. When I reached level zero, they showed my eyes
hundreds of white roses. Oh God, that's not it, I thought.
- Mrs. Laura! The receptionist shouted at the sight of me. - I'm glad that
I can see you, because once again flowers have come to you.
I looked around in panic.
"The elevator doesn't work, he'll have to go through here," I stammered.
"I'm sorry, but I don't really understand," said the receptionist.
There were too many flowers to hide, and too little time to
try to get them out of the building. I ripped the card out of a bouquet, next to it
which I stood "I will not give up."
- Fuck have it! I screamed, crumpling the paper.
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At that moment the door opened and Massimo entered the hall.
He looked at the sea of flowers in front of him and clenched his fists. Before
I managed to say a word, saw it disappear, and heard
the door slamming shut. Stunned, I stood staring at the wall
and the scenarios of what would happen now flashed through my head.
I was overwhelmed with dullness by the sound of a Porsche, which squealed
into the street near the cage. I rushed towards the stairs and rushed along
them, in a minute I was at the door. Shaking hands
I tried to put the key in the lock. When I succeeded, I grabbed with
glass bench keys from bmw and I rushed to the garage. leaving
from it, I punched Martin in and prayed for him to answer.
- I see that you liked the package more this time -
a low voice said in the receiver.
- Where are you?! I shouted.
- Listen?
- Where the hell are you now ?!
- Why are you screaming? I'm at home. What do you want to come by?
God, that's not it, I thought and pressed the accelerator harder.
- Martin, leave the house right now, do you understand? Let's meet at
McDonald's next to you, I'll be there in five minutes.
"I think you really liked the flowers, but why don't you come."
to me? I ordered sushi, drop by, we'll eat together.
Annoyed and terrified, I ran across the streets, breaking
absolutely all traffic rules.
- Martin, fuck you, you can leave the house and meet me there,
where did i say
Suddenly in the background I heard the intercom bell, and my heart almost stopped.
"Someone's calling, it's probably food, I'll be there in five minutes." Pa.
I shouted at him, but he no longer listened to me and hung up. Next
once I dialed his number, he didn't answer, I called again and again,
and again. I was afraid, I have never been so afraid in my life.
I knew it was all my fault.
When I got there, I left my car on the street
and I ran to the apartment, punched in the code and rushed upstairs.

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I grabbed the door handle and the door opened. Opposite I saw people
Black, I went through the threshold with my left hand and slid down the wall.
Massimo, who was sitting on the couch near Martin, jumped up
from the spot, and Martin followed him. The security guard held him down
and threw him back into the seat.
- Where do you have medicine? - I heard Black's voice receding
he took my arms. - Laura!
"I do," said Martin.
When I opened my eyes, I was lying on the bed in the bedroom, and Massimo
sat next to you.
"You give me more reasons to kill him than he does," he hissed
with fury. "If it wasn't for your medication here ..." He paused and clenched
"Let me talk to him," I said, sitting down. -
You promised me that and I trusted you.
Black was silent for a moment, then he said something in Italian while standing
in the living room, the men disappeared behind the door.
- Good, but I will stay here. Your conversation will be in Polish, so
I won't understand anything anyway, and I'll be sure he won't touch you.
I got up and slowly, slightly numb, went to the living room,
where angry Martin was sitting on the graphite corner. At my sight
his eyes softened. I sat down next to Massimo, taking the armchair under
- How are you? He asked with concern.
- So seriously or how should I? I'm furious to the limit and now
I will kill you both. Martin, what are you doing, why do you need it?
- Like what? I'm fighting, wasn't that what you wanted? You didn't expect attention
and efforts? Besides, you should probably answer me a pair
questions, for example, who are the people with weapons and what does this Italian do in mine
I hung my head in surrender.
- I told you clearly that it's over. You cheated on me, I didn't
I forgive betrayal, and the man who sits in the chair is my future

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I knew these words would hurt him, but that was the only way to
he detached himself from me and survived. Martin stared at me with a wry face
they would pass, anger burning in his eyes.
- So that was it, you wanted to get married and you didn't
I said, so you found yourself an Italian gangster and you intend to
become his wife? You went on vacation with the bassoon, look for a loser -
Martin's lifted and mocking tone enraged Massim, who was slowly from behind
the belt of his pants drew his weapon and put it on his lap. At this view, mine
the rage on both of them reached its zenith. I was fed up with this whole situation
and how I felt. Changing the language to English so that both
they understood, I screamed, looking at Martin:
- I fell in love, do you understand ?! I don't want to be with you, you betrayed me
and humiliated you. On my birthday you acted like a boor and nothing else
change, so I never want to hear about you again. And now I have
enough of both of you and if you want you can kill each other! - I turned around
towards Massim. - But that won't change anything. I decide about my life,
not one of you. So both, please, answer me! I screamed
and I ran out of the apartment.
Massimo shouted something to the people standing in the corridor, and they followed
me. I was much faster than them and I knew the estate better.
I got to the car and started screeching the tires, leaving them behind
me. I knew that under normal circumstances they would probably shoot,
but this time they couldn't.
My phone kept ringing, and the word 'hidden.' Flickered on the display
number". I knew it was Massimo, but I didn't feel like it right now
to talk to him, so I turned off the camera. I drove up to Olga's house
and prayed that she would be inside. I pressed the bell, after a while the door
they opened and I saw a battered friend in front of me.
"Oh, you're alive," she said, coming back inside. - Come on, head up now
it explodes, I got horrible yesterday.
I closed the door and followed her into the living room. She sat on the couch
and she wrapped a blanket.
- From Saturday I danced with this blond from Ritual, I think I'm a boy

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he fell in love because he doesn't let me live.

I sat next to me and didn't speak, it was only now that I was getting to
that I left them with two weapons and ordered me to kill myself.
- Laura, you are as pale as Dominica's calves, who went with us to
primary school, what's up
I shook my head and looked at her. I had to tell her
the truth, because all these secrets crushed me more and more.
- I lied to you.
Olga turned back to my face.
- I do not live with a friend, and in Italy I did not meet the usual
It took me a good two hours to tell the whole story, and when
I finished, took a ring from my pocket and put it on my finger.
"Here's the proof," I sighed, leaning against the headrest. - Well now
you already know everything.
Olo was sitting opposite me on the carpet and was staring widely
open mouth to my hand.
- I fuck you. As if you would tell me a sensational movie about a strong one
erotic staining. What do you think happened to Martin? - Her eyes
gleaming with excitement.
- God, Ola, I don't even want to think about it, and you ask me about it
After a moment of reflection, she reached for the phone, punched in the number and turned it on
loudspeeker sysetm.
- We'll check soon.
The next seconds went on forever, I knew it well
calling him.
After the fifth signal, he finally picked up.
- What do you want, nymphomaniac? Martin asked in a low voice.
- Oh, I'm glad to hear you too, I'm looking for Laura. You don't know where
- Well, you're not the only person looking for her. I do not know and do not want to
know because I'm not interested anymore. Hi. - He hung up and we
we both burst into hysterical laughter.

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"Alive," I said, unable to stop giggling nervously. -

Thank God.
"Even the Sicilian costra failed him," Ola added, standing up
from the floor. Since everyone is alive and I already know what's going on, maybe
Will you stay with me for the night and let your fiance worry a little?
I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, nodding. In amusement
we were knocked on the door.
- At this time?! Ola was surprised, walking towards them. - Probably this one
blondas, I am going to let him down
When she opened, there was a grave silence. Ola took two steps back
and Massimo entered the apartment. He looked at me coldly and stopped
in the corridor, as if waiting for something.
"Well, we're getting a good brothel out of it," she said in Polish
Ola, knowing that she will not understand a word. - You'll sit like that and he has
so stand, should I leave because I don't know anymore?
- What are you doing here? - I asked. - And how did you find me?
- The car has a theft location, and I know
where your best friend lives. I did not introduce myself -
he said, looking at Olo. - Massimo Torricelli.
"I know who you are," she said, shaking her hand. - Thanks to her
I had no doubt about the descriptions to whom I opened. You'll be like that on
stare at each other or do you want to talk?
Massim's eyes softened and I wanted to laugh. The situation was
as ridiculous as everything that has happened in my life for several years
weeks. I got up from the couch and took the car keys,
I went to my friend and kissed her forehead.
- I'm going, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
- Go and blow him for me, he's so hot that it's wet -
Olga replied, patting my ass. - Or maybe he has a friend?
She added as we both crossed the threshold.
- Trust me, you don't want it. - I waved goodbye to her.
We went outside without saying a word, I pressed the key
and got in the car and Black sat down in the passenger seat.
- Where's the Porsche?

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- Paulo put them home.

I pushed the start and moved forward. On the way to the apartment
we also didn't say any sentences, as if everyone was waiting for that
the second one will start.
When we entered the apartment, Massimo sat on the couch
and nervously brushed his hair with his hand.
- Does your friend know who I am? Did you tell her everything?
- Yes, because I've had enough of hanging around in yours
lies, Massimo. I can't live like that, maybe when we were together
Italy, it was simpler because everyone knows who you are, but here
there is a different world, other people - close to me. And every time I have them
lie, I feel so bad.
He sat staring at me almost deadly.
"We're coming back to Sicily after the weekend," he said, getting up.
- Whoever returns, comes back, I'm not going anywhere. Besides, I guess
you should apologize to me.
Black came over to me, shaking with anger, his eyes once again
they became completely black and the jaws clenched rhythmically.
"I didn't kill him, so you can't blame me." I drove
there to make him aware of who he is dealing with and clearly indicate
the border between you and him.
- I know he's alive, and I know he'll leave me alone. He told Ola that I was
I don't care anymore.
Massimo pressed his hands into his pockets with undisguised amusement
and rocked on his heels.
- Well, it would be weird if after what from you and later from me
he heard, he wanted to keep trying for your return.
I frowned and looked at him questioningly.
"I didn't kill him, appreciate it," he said, kissing my forehead
and disappeared into the bedroom.
I stood there a moment longer, wondering what she looked like
conversation. Unable to think of anything, I followed him. Black was
in the dressing room, so I passed him, went to the bathroom and took a shower,
dreaming to lie down. When I came back he was wrapped in bed

Page 214
with a towel and watched TV. He looked absolutely normal, not like
someone who threatened someone with a gun a few hours ago. Again
I was fascinated by its extremes.
For me he was an ideal man, a real male, guardian
and defender, but for the rest of the world he became unpredictable
and dangerous mafioso. It was strange and exciting, but did it
long run to bear? From yesterday evening when he knelt down
ahead of me, I wondered if spending the rest of my life with him was good
"Laura, we need to talk," he said without taking his eyes off
TV. - Today, the fact that you didn't answer the call from me is
you have still turned off the phone. I wish it was the first and last time.
It's about your safety. If you don't feel like talking to
me, answer and tell me, but do not cause situations in which I have to
use ultimate means such as tracking you.
I stood in the bathroom door and felt like arguing
however, I remembered Monika's words and regretfully admitted that
he is right. I went to bed and threw off my towel. I stood naked
and he still didn't pay attention to me. Angry at his ignorance
I lay down and wrapped myself in a quilt, hugged my head to the pillow
and I fell asleep immediately.
I was awakened by a gentle stroking of the entrance to my pussy and I felt
like two fingers slip inside. Suspended between waking and sleeping
I was confused, I didn't know if this was really happening or this
just my imagination.
- Massimo?
- Yes? - I heard his sensual whisper just behind my ear.
- What are you doing?
"I must go in because I will go crazy," he said, pushing his hips together
so close that his hard cock rested on my buttocks.
- I do not want.
"I know," he confirmed and assaulted him brutally.
His penis entered my saliva hole wet from his saliva. I groaned,
tilting his head back and leaning on his shoulder. We lay on the side

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and his powerful arms embraced me whole. Black's hips were

motionless, and my hands slowly wandered on my breasts. Almost
he devotedly touched my naked body, hugging it from time to time
nipples. His intense touch woke me up completely, and what he did
ignited my passion.
"I want to feel you, Laura," he confessed as my hips began
sway gently. - Do not move.
I was pissed, he woke me up, lit me up, and now he told me to lie like a log.
I took it out of my body and twisted it, rolling my leg over him;
I mounted him.
"You'll feel it deeper and faster now," I said, grabbing him
Black didn't defend himself; he grabbed my hips with both hands and gently
he moved them. Even lying under me, he had to keep up appearances
domination. I clenched my hands tighter and leaned toward him.
"I will blow you this time," I said and started calmly
rock your bottom.
When my clitoris brushed his stomach, I wanted more
and faster. My movements became more and more insistent
and absolute. Black stuck his fingers in my buttocks, causing me pain,
and moaned loudly. I couldn't stand it anymore, I aimed it spiritually
my cheek with my free hand and I began to intensely for a long time. When
orgasm took over my body, all muscles got stiff,
and I froze. Massimo grabbed me even harder and started
move me rhythmically, and after a while I felt his finger slip
in my ass, and I came again with a loud shout while he
he was pushing me harder and deeper.
"Once again, baby," he whispered.
I tore my arm away from his chest
and I hit him in the face. I've never climbed so long and with such
the number of multiple orgasms. Black threw me on my back, no
pulling the cock out and knelt in front of me. I was exhausted
but I wanted to do more.
"I'm not going to finish," he said, pausing and putting down

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next to. - Also, the rubber bands stayed in the car, and I don't interrupt.
I looked at Massim in amazement, but I couldn't
to see the expression on his face. I treated his orgasm as personal
challenge and fulfillment, giving more satisfaction than my own.
"If you don't want to finish, I'll finish for you," I decided
and I started to take him deeply in the throat, while tightening tightly on
him hand. Black breathed heavily and deeply, writhing beneath me and his
the body said he was ready to finish.
I grabbed his hand and put it on my head so that it would give the rhythm,
which suits him. Massimo's fingers tightened in my hair
and pressing my head against his hips, forced me to embrace him all over.
He began to peak, and a wave of his semen flooded my throat. I was not
able to swallow, so the content was flowing out of my mouth.
He didn't do anything about it, lost in the pleasure they gave him
my lips. At one point, his handshake relaxed. She slipped down after
my head until it fell on the sheet. I looked up and vulgarly
I licked his stomach.
"You're cute," I said, lying down next to him.
I pressed the button on the remote control, which was on the bedside table, and the led under
the bed shone, creating a glow that allowed me to see
his face. He lay with his head on his side and stuck passionately in anger
"And you cruelly perverted, Laura," he panted, unable to calm down
- Does your vision not include sexual aspects? -
I asked, licking my lips provocatively from the remains of his sperm.
- I often thought about how you are in bed, but every time
I fucked you, not you.
I approached him and gently kissed his beard
heavy testicles.
- Unfortunately, I already have it that sometimes I need a bit of power. But
don't worry, this is a rather rare phenomenon, I usually prefer to be
slave than executioner. And I'm not perverted, just perverse, that's it

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- Maybe if it's not too often, I can handle it somehow. And trust me, baby -
he said, tangling his fingers in my hair. - You are perverted
perverse, promiscuous and, thank God, mine.
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The next two days were rather ordinary, I was seeing Olga,
and Massimo was meeting with Karol. We ate breakfast together
and we watched television before falling asleep.
On Saturday from six I couldn't sleep because I thought I had to take it
Black to my parents, she didn't leave me alone. Just a few weeks ago
I was afraid that they would die at his hand, and now he was to meet them.
When he finally woke up, I could start preparing by pretending that
everything is fine. I went to the wardrobe to dig the wardrobe
in search of the right creation. I completely forgot that
the best dresses were in Sicily. Resigned, I fell soft
the rug, staring at the hangers, and covered my face with my hands.
- Everything's okay? Black asked, leaning his cup of coffee in his hand
for the door frame.
- The standard dilemma for half the women on the globe: I'm not up
what to wear - I replied, wincing.
Massimo slowly took a sip, staring at me as if subconsciously
he felt that the outfit was not a problem.
"I have something for you," he said, approaching his part
wardrobe. - It came on Friday, it's Domenic, so I hope
you'll like it.
He reached inside the wardrobe and pulled out a cloth hanger
carrying case bearing the Chanel logo. Delighted, I jumped up
from the place and I approached him, slowly undoing the slider. I moaned
when I saw a short silk dress in nude color.
She had long sleeves and a very deep, spectacularly crinkled neckline. Was
perfect, simple and modest, yet sexy.
"Thank you," I said, turning to him and kissing
on the cheek. - How can I repay you for her? I asked slowly
sliding to the floor and stopping his mouth exactly in his area
strut. - I would love to show you my satisfaction.
Massimo leaned against the wardrobe and grabbed my hair with his hands. I slid him off
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pants up to my ankles and I opened my mouth so that he would decide when

and if he wants me to do it. Black looked at me
overwhelmed with lust, but he didn't even flinch. impatient
I wanted to grab him with my mouth, but then my hands clenched my hair
preventing me from moving.
"Unbutton the hoodie and take it off," he said, not releasing his grip. -
Now open your mouth wide.
It slid into my throat slowly so that I could feel everyone exactly
a centimeter that entered me. I moaned with satisfaction and started
suck hard. I loved to suck him, I loved his taste and how
his body behaved under the influence of my touch.
"Enough," he said after a few seconds, pulling it out
and putting on pants. - You can't always have what you want, baby,
you will also be late to the hairdresser.
I sat crooked and horny, watching her leave
from the wardrobe. I knew he didn't deprive himself of pleasure just like that,
and his behavior is intentional. I looked at my watch and found that
in fact I'm in a short time. I jumped up and rushed to
kitchen, sipped my tea and grabbed a sweet roll. When her first
a bite passed through my throat, I felt sick.
At the last moment I reached the bathroom, almost trampling Black. After
for a moment there was a knock on the toilet door. I got up from my knees
I rinsed my mouth and left.
- All right? He asked, watching me like a small child.
I bowed my head and leaned my forehead against his torso.
"It's nerves, thinking about your meeting with my parents is terrifying."
me. I don't know why I said we would come - I said
by looking up at him. - I'm tense, nervous
and I'd love to stay at home.
Black stood amused and watched my resignation.
"If I fuck you so you can't sit, you'll feel."
calmer and easier to endure this day? He asked quite seriously
facial expression, squinting slightly.
I thought for a moment, wondering if I was still sick

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or maybe I feel good already. After a very short moment of reflection, I came across
to the conclusion that my mood is excellent and sex can
will actually improve my mood and, above all, relieve tension.
Black looked at his watch and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the living room.
He pulled my pants off with one move when we stopped before
glass table.
"Lean," he said, slowly inserting the eraser. - Now release it
an asshole for me, I'll do it hard and fast.
He did as he promised, and after a while relaxed, and above all
all calmer, I was going to the hairdresser.
After over an hour I came back home, but Massim was nowhere.
I took out my phone and dialed his number, he did not answer. No
he mentioned no meeting to me, so I was a little worried, but
I thought he was an adult and went to paint. After two hours
and thirty phones, I was really pissed off. I went to
apartments opposite to learn something from his people, but
Unfortunately, nobody opened me. I looked at my watch and cursed under
our nose because we should have left. Dressed up short
dress and exquisitely high heels, I sat on the sofa,
wondering what to do now. I didn't want to go, but my mother
she wouldn't give me a break if I let her know now that she didn't
will. I took my purse, BMW keys and drove to the garage.
Coming, I was wondering how I would explain my partner's absence,
and I came to the conclusion that the fairy tale about the disease would be the best. When from
I was about twenty miles apart, I saw in the mirror
a car approaching me very quickly, which soon passed
me and blocked my way. I stopped. Black ferrari with grace
Massimo emerged and started towards me. He was dressed in elegant
a gray suit that perfectly fitted his trained figure.
He opened the door and shook my hand to make it easier for me to get out.
"Business," he said, shrugging. - Come.
I sat with my hands on the steering wheel and looked ahead.
I hated this feeling of powerlessness that I felt regularly
because of his mysterious interests. I knew I couldn't

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ask, and even if I do, he will not answer, and I will only
I'm more angry.
After a while, behind my car parked a black SUV, and Massimo
already annoyed, he said:
- Laura, if you don't get out in a moment, I'll get you out of the car,
crushing your dress and destroying your hair.
With a sulky expression, I gave him my hand and got into the black Ferrari.
A dozen or so seconds later Massimo was sitting next to him, his hand on it
my thigh as if nothing happened.
"You look beautiful," he said, gently stroking me. - Ale
you are missing something.
He leaned forward and pulled a box from the glove box with the inscription on it
Tiffany & Co. My eyes lit up, but I decided not to cheat
joy and pretend indifferent.
"You won't bribe me with any necklace," I said when he opened it
a box, showing a collar sparkling with small stones.
He pulled it out and buttoned it around my neck, kissing her cheek gently.
"It's perfect now," he said, moving. - And this any necklace is
platinum with diamonds, so I'm sorry if it doesn't meet yours
I liked his sly smile when he thought he was
proves his superiority to me. He turned me on and pissed me off
It was.
- Where's your ring, Laura? He asked, ahead of another
car. "You know you'll have to tell them that anyway."
are you getting married
- But I can't today, right ?! I shouted, exasperated. - Beyond
with this, Massimo, what should I tell them? Maybe for example this: you know
I met a guy because he kidnapped me and announced that he had a vision with me. later
imprisoned me, blackmailed you with your death, but I finally fell in love
in him and now I want to marry him. Do you think that's what they want to hear?
Black looked straight ahead and rhythmically clenched his jaws without saying a word
not a word.
- Maybe this time I'll plan the event. I'll tell you how it will be.

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In a few weeks I will tell my mother that I fell in love. Later, after a few
months that we got engaged, and thanks to that everything will seem to her
natural and definitely less suspicious.
Massimo was still looking ahead, and I could almost feel him
- Will you marry me next weekend, Laura. Not in a few months
or years, but in seven days.
I was looking at him with wide eyes and my heart was pounding
that I only heard his knock. I didn't suspect him of such a rush, mine
the plan was that this would happen at the beginning of summer at the earliest, certainly not
next week. Dozens of thoughts flew through my head, including them
basic question: why did I agree?
Black stopped at the entrance gate to his parents' house.
"Listen, baby, now I will tell you how it will be," he said, turning away
to me. - The next Saturday you will be my wife and in a couple
months you will marry me again so that your parents can be assured
internal calm. He brought his lips closer and put a delicate one on my forehead
kiss. - I love you, and marrying you is the second to last thing I want
do in life.
He parked in the driveway outside the house.
- Penultimate? I asked surprised when he stopped.
"The last one is the son," he said, opening the door.
I sat there, catching my breath, still couldn't believe it,
what I am doing and how much my life has changed in less than two
months. Get a grip, I said to myself, getting out.
I adjusted my dress and took a deep breath. Front door
the house opened and Dad stood in the doorway.
"Let's get it over with," I said, slightly staggering. -
Hope you remember the fixed version?
Massimo laughed and confidently reached out for him
They exchanged a few sentences in German, I think about nothing important, after
what my father said to me:
- Honey, you look beautiful, this fair hair suits you very well.

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And I don't know if it's the merit of this man next to you or the change of hairstyle,
but you flourish.
"Probably both," I said, kissing him and hugging him
We went to the terrace and sat on soft armchairs arranged
around the big table. Massimo, according to my request, behaved
the right distance. At some point, the expression on his face changed.
He was staring at something behind me. With interest
I turned my head - my mother in a dazzling creamy dressing
Earth approached us, giving Black a radiant
smile. I got up and kissed her.
- Massimo, meet, this is my mother, Klara Biel.
Black stood, slightly dumbfounded, but quickly gathered his thoughts and changed his language
to Russian, he greeted her, kissing her hand. Mom has subtly grateful to
him for a moment, until her eyes focused on me.
- Honey, will you come to the kitchen with me and help me? - she said
with a disarming smile that only heralded trouble.
She turned and disappeared into the house, leaving the men absorbed
conversation; I followed her. When I got inside, she was standing at the table
with arms folded on his chest.
- Laura, what's going on? She asked. - You change jobs, places
of residence, you changed your appearance very radically and now you bring it to
Italian home. Tell me because I feel I don't know something.
Her sensor, as always, worked flawlessly, I knew that to deceive her not
it would be easy, but I didn't think he would realize it so quickly.
- Mom, it's just hair, I needed a change. Subject of departure already
we fought and Massimo is a colleague from work, I like me a lot
teaches. I don't know what to tell you about him because I know him myself
only for a few weeks.
I knew that the less I said, the better for me because I am not
able to remember more lies.
She stood staring at me, slightly narrowed eyes.
"I don't know why you lie to me, but if you want, good."
Remember, Laura, that I see a lot and have some familiarity with the world.

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I am well aware of how much the car that stands on costs

driveway. And I don't think a hotel employee can afford it.
I used all the curses I knew in my mind. Because of him
today we disappeared, we changed the car, and the initial plan assumed
arrival by car they have already seen.
"And I know what diamonds look like," she continued,
sliding my fingers over my necklace. - And what are the dresses at last
Chanel collection. Remember, honey, I showed you what it is
She finished and sat down on the chair, waiting for clarification. I stood before
her and I couldn't think of anything wise. Resigned, I fell
for the next seat.
- And what, I was supposed to start with being grossly rich
hotel owner? He comes from a wealthy family and invests a lot,
we are meeting and I would like it to be something serious. And for gifts
from him and their price I have no influence.
She looked at me inquisitively and her eyes softened with every second.
- He speaks Russian beautifully, one can see that he is well educated
raised man. And it also has a taste for women and jewelry -
she announced rising from her chair. - Well, let's go to them before
Tomasz will bore him to death.
I stared, unable to believe the sudden change of front.
I knew that my parents always wanted me to marry richly, but to her
the reaction broke me into thousands of little pieces. After a long moment
I picked them up and fully bemused, shaking my head slightly
in disbelief, I followed her.
There was fierce discussion outside, unfortunately I had no idea
about it because I didn't understand German at all, but I knew that
I have to pull Black away for a moment to introduce him to the new version
story. Unfortunately, my dad didn't speak English, but very much
he understood a lot.
- Massimo, I will show you a room where you will sleep - I came,
patting him friendly. "Besides, Dad, we have to leave now, so."
gather, ”I added, turning the other way.

Page 225
"Damn, it's late," Dad said, rising from his chair.
We went up the stairs and turned into my brother's old room.
"You'll sleep here, but I didn't want to talk about it," I whispered
conspiracyally, giving him a new version of events.
When I finished, he stood amused with his hands in his pockets and looked around
around the room.
"I feel like a teenager," he said with a laugh. - Where is yours?
room, baby? Well, you do not count on the fact that I will really stay here?
- My room is on the other side of the corridor and you will stay.
My parents think this relationship is platonic so far, so no
let's get them out of error.
"Show me your room, baby," he said, trying to keep it
I grabbed his hand and led him through the door next to mine
bedroom. It was definitely smaller than the one he had for me
Sicily, but it was wonderful and I didn't need much here.
The bed, TV, small dressing table and hundreds of photos reminded me of a carefree
school times.
- When you lived with your parents, did you have a boyfriend? He asked, watching
photographs and smiling.
- Of course, why are you asking?
- Did you give him a cane in this room?
Surprised, I opened my eyes wide and frowned
I looked questioningly.
- Listen?
- You don't have a lock in the door, so I wonder where and how
you did, knowing that parents could come in at any moment.
"I leaned him against the door and knelt in front of him," I said, laying down
his hand on his chest and pushing slightly towards the door frame.
Massimo stood exactly where my then ten years ago
boy, and unzipped his fly. I knelt before him
and pressed his buttocks firmly against the door.
"Don't move, don Massimo, and keep quiet, this house is."
incredibly acoustic - I ordered and put it in my mouth.

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I sucked him quickly and very brutally, wanting him to peak in how
the shortest time. After a few minutes I felt his semen flooding
my throat. I swallowed politely and stood up, wiping with my fingers
mouth. Massimo barely stood with his eyes closed, leaning back
for a door frame.
"I like it when you act like a whore," he whispered, buttoning up
- Something like that, really? I asked with an ironic smile.
We embraced ourselves, went downstairs and headed to the church. Lublin was
definitely smaller than Warsaw, there were also fewer cars here
similar class to the one we were currently traveling. When
we drove up to the church, all guests' eyes turned toward
black ferrari.
"Horny," I mumbled delighted at the sensation
we called.
Massimo elegantly got out of the car, adjusted his jacket
and walked towards my door, opening it after a while. Supported by his
I got out of the car, hiding behind dark glasses. expectant
the crowd fell silent, and I took Black tightly under my arm. It's just yours
family, I kept repeating like a mantra and artificially grinning at
My brother's voice snapped me out of my stupor.
- Young, I see that we have stories about your fairy tale work
they confirm, "he said, coming up to me and grabbing me
in arms. - You look horny and you drive in Italian.
I embraced him as much as I could; we were seeing each other
sporadically because of the distance that separated us. He was mine
friend, beloved guy and unsurpassed ideal. He was
the smartest man I knew, invincible mathematical
mind, and handsome. When we lived at home
family, he counted all my friends in turn - to their deep
joy. A complete, smart, handsome and elegant man
and ruthless. We were completely different in terms of characters
and appearance. I - a small brunette with almost black eyes, he - tall

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blond with emerald look. When he was young, he looked like

angel with her then almost platinum curls.
- Jakub, brother, how nice to see you. I completely forgot here
you. Let me introduce you, I said, passing smoothly
into English. - My ... Massimo Torricelli, we work together.
They both exchanged glances, shaking hands, but it looked
more like measuring yourself before a fight than greeting.
- Ferrari Italia, four and a half liter engine, five hundred and seventy-eight
horses. Monster, "said Kuba, nodding his head appreciatively.
"The keys were just above," Massimo said, inserting it
His nonchalance was disarming, but it didn't work on my brother
he studied him as if he wanted to penetrate his mind.
The mass was boring and definitely too long, and all my family
she looked at the handsome Italian by my side. The only thing about
I prayed during it that the wedding would start, and then
the attention of guests will focus on the young couple and vodka.
During the oath, I remembered what Black had said
when we drove to the house: in a week we will stand like they now.
Only do I feel like it? Do I want to marry a man whom?
I almost don't know who scares me and pisses me off to the limit? Besides, whether
I want to bond with someone who I won't have anything to say with?
With someone who bets on me each time and won't let me do much
things that I love, thinking that it protects me, and I need it.
Unfortunately, the sad truth was that I was very in love with him
and rational thinking didn't work out at all. I could not imagine
to lose Massim again, so leaving him was out of the question.
- Are you okay? He whispered when the ceremony was over.
- You are very pale.
In fact, I haven't felt well for several days, I was tired
and completely without appetite, but don't be surprised - with the intensity
stress, I should thank God I'm alive.
- I'm a bit weak, but it's probably nerves. It will be over soon.
After leaving the church it went downhill, everyone started to fold

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wishes and celebration of the holiday of my cousin Maria.

The wedding took place in the picturesque manor house about thirty
kilometers from the city. The complex consisted of several buildings, a hotel,
the stable and the hall in which the party was prepared. We arrived last because
I strongly urged us not to pay attention to each other again,
and Black listened exceptionally to me. Almost unnoticed
we passed through the room and arrived at a round table at which
we were seated. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that Kuba was also sitting there.
My brother used to come to such solo events and hunt.
He loved when women adored him, gave in to him, and as a result went with him
to bed. He was a 100% collector. In my case, the subject
sex was more complicated and it happened that I suffered from
men. My brother's only suffering was sporadic refusal
corrupting statistics.
When we sat down at the table, it turned out that one seat was empty.
I looked at the familiar faces that accompanied us, trying
to figure out who is missing. I couldn't guess. When brought
starters, I threw myself into food - I haven't been able to do anything since yesterday
swallow, so when I finally felt hungry - the appetite took over
- Enjoy your meal - I heard a familiar voice and looked up from above
I almost spit food on the table that I kept in my mouth. Empty
the chair opposite was pushed away by my ex-guy with whom for several years
we were dance partners. I fuck, can it be worse?
I thought, staring at him.
My brother watched with undisguised joy
me off the plate, smiling ironically. Fortunately, Massimo
he didn't notice, or so I thought. I was saved by the fact that
completely understands nothing.
Piotr took his seat and slowly began to eat, not draining from me
sight. And damn my appetite. I pushed away in disgust
uneaten pumpkin cream, grabbing Black's thigh under the table. He stroked
gently my hand and glanced inquisitively; he read in me as if in an open

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the book, so I knew that sooner or later I would have to

introduce him to a man from the past.
Piotr was the part of my life that I preferred to forget.
We met when I was sixteen, it started with dancing and like that
usually it ends up in a relationship. First he was my instructor,
later a partner, and finally an executioner. He was twenty-five years old
and all the women who looked at him loved him. Gallant,
handsome, athletic and confident, plus a dancer. Unfortunately,
he also had his demons, and the main one was cocaine. At first no
I saw nothing wrong with it until his addiction began to bounce on
me. When he was stoned, he wasn't interested in how I felt, what I thought or what
I want, he was important. However, I was only seventeen and I was
staring at him like an image. I didn't know what the relationship was
or how I should be treated in it. Of course I couldn't take it
five years in absolute pathology - when he was sober, he tried to lean
heaven for me, exuberantly apologizing for my behavior. It is thanks to him
or rather because of him I escaped to Warsaw. I knew differently
I won't release him. He pulled me out of not necessarily nice memories
his voice:
- Red, if I remember correctly? Asked Piotr, leaning forward
above the table with a bottle of wine.
His green eyes stuck hypnotically at me, and his huge lips
curved into a subtle smile. It could not be hidden that he did not lose anything
your magnetism. Strong jaw and completely bald head
they did not match the image of the dancer, but because of this he still seemed
more intriguing. You can see that he trained less than before, because his body
gained weight.
I took a sip from my glass and frowned.
- What the hell are you doing here? I hissed with silly teeth
smile, so that the other guests, and in particular one, no
they guessed what was going on.
- Maria invited me, or rather her husband. Since half year
I was preparing their first dance with them and we got to
taste. Also, I met them once at your parents' wedding anniversary,
Page 230

if you don't remember.

I was seething with anger, wondering how my cousin could do this to me
to do when I felt Black's hand slide over mine
- Can you speak English? He asked annoyed. - Teasing
me that i don't understand anything.
I winced slightly and closed my eyes, dreaming of dying.
"I feel weak, let's walk," I said, getting up and Massimo
he followed me.
We went to the garden next to the building and headed for the stable.
- Do you ride a horse? I asked, wanting to divert his attention from mine
- Who is this man, Laura? When he appeared, all the way
He stopped and stared at me, his hands in his pockets.
- My dance partner. You didn't answer me if you drive -
I continued without stopping.
- Only dance partner?
- Jesus, Massimo, what does it matter? No, not only and I do not want to
speak. I don't ask you about former girls.
- So you were together? Long?
I caught a deep breath and tried to control my irritation.
- Several years. I remind you that when you met me, I wasn't
virgin and no matter how you tried, you won't change it. You do not have
time machine, so just don't think about it and don't make me say it
Angry, I returned to the room. It was after the first dance and guests
they started crazy on the dance floor. When I came through the door, mine
cousin ran off the dance floor and grabbed the microphone.
- Our first dance was due to a fantastic instructor who
He is here with us today. Piotr, I invite you next door. And it just so fun
that his long-time dance partner and my cousin Laura are here.
When I heard that, I thought I would pass out. What the fuck

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- Give us this pleasure and show how we should dance.

There was applause in the hall, and Piotr grabbed my hand and pulled me
towards the dance floor. I am about to puke, I thought, following him.
"Enrique Iglesias, Bailamos, please," he shouted to the DJ. - Salsa,
darling ... - he whispered and raised his eyebrows, throwing his jacket gladly
for a random chair.
I stood next to him, thanking God that he had not chosen a tango. When
we were still together, our tango ended every time
in bed.
The first sounds of the guitar flowed from the speaker and I looked
towards the door, where Massimo stood leaning against the doorframe, burning from
anger. Next to him I saw my brother who was leaning
to him, explaining something to him. I had no idea if he was telling him
why are we standing now on the dance floor, or just talking, but sight
Massima was still filled with rage. I tore out Piotr's hand
and ran to Black, kissed him as much as I could, yes
that he would feel that I was just his and I returned with a smile, applauded
on the dance floor. DJ once again released Bailamos and I assumed the position. They were
the longest three minutes in my life and the biggest effort I've ever had
I have ever put in a dance. When I finally bowed down
there was a storm of applause and cheers in the hall. Maria ran to me
kissing and hugging us both, and my mother received them from guests
Congratulations. I slowly backed off towards Massim.
When I approached him, he was still standing with a stone face.
- Honey, I couldn't refuse, it's my family - I stuttered,
trying to calm him down. - Anyway, it's just a dance.
Black stood without saying a single word, then turned away
got out and left. I wanted to follow him, but behind me I heard my voice
- Laura, honey, I see that science has not been wasted and you are still there
including brilliant.
I turned around and she fell into my arms, kissing and looking at me
"I'm so proud of you," she said, almost crying.

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- Oh, mama, it's all thanks to you.

We stood there, receiving congratulations, until I remembered
about Massim.
"Has something happened, honey?" She asked seeing the mood change to
my face.
"Massimo is a little jealous," I whispered. - So he wasn't
especially delighted to be dancing with my ex.
"Remember, Laura, you can't let him make senseless."
bursts of domination. Also, he must understand that you do not belong to
How wrong she was. I belonged to him completely and infinitely, no
it was about his permission or not, but about how much I cared
on what he felt. I knew his authoritarian approach to me was
caused by the upbringing and the conditions in which he lived, not by desire
enslave me.
I went outside and searched the whole complex, but nowhere
It was. The black ferrari was still in the parking lot, so he didn't come home.
Through an open window in one of the buildings I heard a conversation after
English and I recognized my brother's voice. I went this way.
"Good evening," I said, looking at the woman at the reception. -
I am looking for a fiancé, handsome, tall Italian.
The girl smiled and looked at the computer monitor.
"Apartment on the third floor, number eleven," she said.
showing me the stairs.
I reached the door and knocked, and a moment later mine opened it
amused brother.
- Young, what are you doing here? Piotr got bored of dancing? He drawled
I ignored him and entered the room, passing through
corridor to the huge living room. By the big bench, on a leather sofa
Massimo was sitting, flipping the credit card between his fingers.
- Are you having fun, honey? He asked and leaned over the table.
In the center of the countertop I noticed a scattered white powder, which Black
arranged in short stripes. I stood and stared at this picture when

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my brother appeared with a bottle of chivasa.

"That's your cool guy," he said, nudging his arm and sat down
next to him. - He can play.
Don Massimo leaned over the table and plugging one nostril,
the other pulled in a loose line.
- Massimo, can we talk?
- If you want to ask me if you can join, answer
reads: no.
After this statement, my brother burst out laughing.
- My sister and coke would be a deadly combination.
I have never tried drugs in my life, not by choice but with
fear. I saw what they do with people and how unpredictable they become after them.
This sight evoked the worst memories and a feeling of fear, which he did not
I never wanted to experience.
- Cuba, can you leave us? I asked my brother.
Seeing my face, he got up unhurriedly and put it on
- I was about to go, because this blond at the third table does not give me
As he left, he turned to Black:
- I'll be back.
I stood and watched Massimo draw another line, taking a sip
amber fluid. After a while I came over and sat down next to him.
- Are you going to spend this evening like that? I asked, sitting down
in armchair.
"Your brother is a great guy," he said as if he hadn't heard
questions. - Very clever and has extensive knowledge of finance.
We need a creative accountant in the family.
The thought of Kuba belonging to the mafia made me think
not good.
"What are you raving about, Massimo, he will never belong to the family."
Black laughed ironically and took another sip.
- You won't decide about it, baby. - If he wants to,
I will make him a very happy and rich man.

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The downside of my brother, besides love for women, was uncontrollable

love of money.
- Will I ever have anything to say? Is my opinion
will be considered in any matter? Because if not, then me
I fuck this life! I screamed and got up from my seat. - I have
enough that I can't influence anything, and for a dozen or so
weeks I have no power over my life.
Angry, I left the room, slamming the door, down the stairs
and sat in a garden gazebo.
"Fuck," I hissed through my teeth.
- Trouble in paradise? Piotr asked, sitting next to me with a bottle of wine. -
Does your friend piss you off? He took a sip straight from the thread.
I looked at him for a moment and I wanted to get up from my place
when I decided I didn't really feel like running away from him.
I reached out, took his wine and began pouring it in moderately
in the throat.
- Relax, Lari, you don't want to fold here.
- I don't know what I want anymore. And still you here. What did you come for
- I knew you'd be here. How old is six?
- Eight.
- You didn't talk to me, didn't write to emails, didn't answer
phones. You didn't even let me apologize or explain.
I turned to him irritably and took the bottle from his hands again.
- What do you explain? You tried to kill yourself before my eyes.
He hung his head.
- I was a moron. After all, I went to therapy and since
I don't take that time. I tried to shape my life, but somehow
In time I came to the conclusion that you were probably the only woman with whom
I am able to live and I stopped trying. I don't know what I was thinking
coming here, I was probably counting on you being alone and maybe ...
I raised my hand to stop it.
- Piotr, you are the past, this city is the past and my life is
now it looks different and I don't want you in it.
He leaned over and sank back on the back of the couch.

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"I know, but that doesn't change the fact that it's nice to see you, especially that."
every year you become more and more beautiful.
We sat there and talked about what happened through all these things
years, about my beginnings in Warsaw and about his dance school. One
a bottle of wine, then another and another.

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The bright sun shining straight in my face woke me up and a huge headache.
"Oh God," I moaned, getting out of bed.
I looked around and decided that I was certainly not in my home
parents. I went to the living room and the view of the table in the apartment reminded me
me events last night. Massima leaning over white
powder and a conversation with Piotr, and then nothing at all. I picked up
phone and dialed Black's number, he didn't answer. What a consequence
I thought, though deep down I was glad I didn't have to with him
talk, being on a giant hangover.
I went to the bathroom and took a long shower after leaving it
I went to the window and saw a black SUV, and Paul in front of him
smoking a cigarette. I looked at the place where yesterday
the black ferrari was parked - it was gone. I got dressed and went downstairs.
- Where's don Massimo? I asked Paul extinguishing the cigarette butt.
He didn't answer me, just pointed to the armchair and closed it when I got in
door. We drove to my parents' house, Paul stopped in front of me
driveway, not entering the property. My driver got out
out of the car and opened the door.
"I'll wait here," he said, getting into the car.
With shoes in hand, I went up the hill. I pressed the bell
after a while my mother opened the door.
- There's nothing like going out in English and coming back in the morning -
she said, wincing slightly. - Come on, I made breakfast.
"I'll be right back," I said, going to my room to change.
When I sat down at the table, my mother handed me a plate of bacon
and eggs.
- Bon Appetit.
The smell of food made my throat go up
and rushed to the bathroom.
- Laura, are you okay? She asked, knocking on the door.
I left, wiping my face with my hand.

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- I overtook wine yesterday. Do you know where Massimo is?

Mom looked at me questioningly.
- I thought with you. How did you come here
There was no point in lying so I told the truth.
- The driver brought me, I told you he has business here too,
one of his employees was waiting for me. God, it hurts so much
head - I stammered, sinking into a chair at the table.
- Well, I see that after the dance the party moved to another place.
I sat looking at her and tried to remember what was going on
cannon, but to no avail. I collected my things and after drinking
tea with my parents I was preparing to leave.
- When you arrive? My mother asked, saying goodbye to me.
- I'm going to Sicily next week, so probably not soon,
but I will call.
"Take care, darling," she said, hugging me tightly.
I slept all the way to Warsaw, waking up and trying twice
call Black unsuccessfully.
- Laura, we're here. - Paul's voice pulled me out of my sleep.
I opened my eyes and found that we were at the VIP departure terminal
at Okęcie.
- Where is Massimo? I asked without getting out of the car.
"In Sicily, the plane is waiting," he said, giving me his hand.
At the sound of the word airplane, I began to look nervously at my tablets
purse, swallowed two and went to check in. After thirty
I was sitting on a private plane in minutes, bemused, waiting
to start. The hangover was not conducive to travel, but in combination with tablets on
calming effect had a sleeping effect.
After almost four hours we arrived in Sicily, where it's good
a car was waiting for me at the already known airport. When we arrived at
home, Domenico greeted me in the driveway.
- Hello, Laura! It's good that you are already here, he said, strongly to me
- Domenico, I missed you so much! Where's don Massimo?
- He's in the library, he has a meeting, he asked you to refresh.

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See you at dinner.

- I did not think that we would leave so suddenly, would my things leave Poland
they're here?
"They'll bring them tomorrow, but I think after I complete yours."
you will run out of wardrobe.
Walking down the hall, I stopped at the door of the room,
in which Black was. I heard a loud noise from inside
discussion and despite a great desire to enter there, I refrained from
I took a shower and prepared myself for dinner. Not completely
knowing what happened last night, I decided to dress up like that
any accident. I went into the wardrobe and chose my favorite set
lingerie with red lace. I reached into the closet and removed from the hanger
a loose black dress up to the ankles. I slipped my legs into the sandals on
stilts and headed towards the terrace. With pledged, illuminated
Massimo sat in a candle-filled table talking on the phone.
I came over, kissed his neck and sat in the armchair next to him. No
interrupting the conversation, he stared at me dark, icy
a look that did not herald anything good.
When he finished, he put the cell phone on the table and took a sip from the glass he was standing on
before him.
- How much do you remember about last night, Laura?
- I think the most important thing is you in front of a table full of coke -
I said ironically.
- And later?
I thought for a moment and began to be afraid. I did not have
the notion of what happened after the second bottle of wine drunk with Piotr.
"I went to talk and drank wine," I said, shrugging.
- You don't remember anything? He asked with half-closed eyes.
- I remember drinking too much. Fuck, Massimo, what do you mean?
Can you tell me what happened or not? I lost my movie, is it so scary?
I was pissed at you and went to the garden for what I saw
and I met Piotr there. He wanted to talk and we had some wine, that's all.
Besides, once again you left me without a word, I'm sick of that

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you still disappear.

Black pressed his back into his backrest, his chest tightening
He heaved.
- That's not all, baby. When your brother came back to me after some
time, he told me why you reacted to the sight of cocaine.
I wanted to find you and then I saw you. His jaw tightened.
- In the beginning you actually talked, but then your colleague a bit
hauled openly and definitely tried to use the state, to
which led you. He paused, his eyes completely black.
He rose from his chair and threw his glass against the stone pavement. Glass
broke up into hundreds of pieces.
- That son of a bitch wanted to fuck you, understand ?! He screamed
clenching his fists. "You were already so unconscious that you thought it was next door."
you are me. You gave it up, so I had to stop it.
I sat scared and tried to remember what had happened
but I only had a black hole in my head.
- Mom didn't tell me anything. What happened? Did you beat him
Massimo laughed ironically, came over and twisted me together
with an armchair, he rested his hands on both sides of it.
"I killed him, Laura," he hissed through clenched teeth. - And before
he confessed to what he had done to you in the past when he was stoned. If I
he knew that before, he would not have crossed the threshold of the room in which
you were. - He could see his emotions almost ripping his body. - How could you
say nothing to me and let me eat at one table
with this degenerate ?!
Stupid and terrified, I tried to catch my breath. I was praying
for him to lie.
"I think he planned from the beginning to fuck you tonight, but mine."
his presence somewhat thwarted his formation. That's why he waited for the right one
moment - he was carrying drugs that I think he gave you
in alcohol. To prove I'm not lying, we'll do a blood test for you.
He stepped back and leaned on the table with both hands.
"If I think what the fucker did to you when you were with him, I have."
I want to kill him again.

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I didn't know how I felt - fear mixed in with me

and powerlessness. A man died because of me, or maybe Black is just bluffing,
maybe once again wants to teach me a lesson and scare me? Slowly
I got up from the chair, Massimo came up to me but pulled it out
hand to dismiss him, and I staggered toward the house.
Banging on the walls, I got to my room and closed the door
locked. I didn't want him to come in here, I didn't want to see him.
I swallowed the tablet so that my speeding heart slowed down a bit, undressed
and put to bed. I couldn't believe what he did. When drugs
they worked, I fell asleep.
The next day, a knock on the door woke me up.
"Laura," I heard Domenic's voice. - Can you open it?
I went to the door and turned the key. The young Italian entered
peace and looked at me with compassion.
- Domenico, I would like to ask you something, but I don't want to don
Massimo knew that.
He stood and looked at me confused, wondering what was wrong with me
- It depends on what the request is about.
- I would like to go to the doctor, I don't feel well and I don't want to
worry Massima.
- But you have your doctor, he can come here.
- I want to go to another one, can you do it for me? - No
I gave up.
Domenico stood and studied me.
- Of course, what time do you want to go?
"Give me an hour," I said as I entered the bathroom.
I knew that Black would find out about everything, but I had to
check if he was really telling the truth and whether I was not two days ago
only under the influence of alcohol.
Before three o'clock we got in the car and headed for private
clinics in Catania. Dr. Di Vaio received me almost immediately. It wasn't
a cardiologist whom I have already seen, but a general practitioner because of such
I wanted to go. I explained what I wanted to check and asked him
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for testing. In anticipation of their results, Domenico took me

at late breakfast and at 3pm we went back to the clinic.
The doctor invited me to my office, put me in an armchair and peacefully
stared at the pages.
- Laura, you really have intoxicating substances in your blood,
more precisely ketamine. It is a psychoactive substance causing
amnesia. And it is this fact that worries me, we must outsource you
tests and consult a gynecologist.
- With a gynecologist? What for?
- You are pregnant and we need to make sure that the baby is okay.
I closed my eyes and tried to digest what I just heard.
- Listen?
The doctor looked at me in surprise.
- You didn't know? Blood tests show that you are
- But I did the test several days ago, and before I had a period,
so how is that possible?
The doctor smiled kindly and put his elbows on the desk.
- See, you can have a period of up to three months, being
Pregnant. The test result, however, depends on many factors, including
when fertilization occurred. We will order tests and ultrasound, the gynecologist will provide
lady for more details. We just need to get another blood sample.
I sat there, squeezing my eyelids harder and harder, and I felt it hurt
"Are you 100% sure of it?" I asked again.
- That you're pregnant? Absolutely yes.
I tried to swallow, but my mouth was dry.
- Doctor, you have a medical confidentiality, right?
Confirmed, nodding.
- In that case, I wish you absolutely not to inform anyone
about my test results.
- I understand, of course it will. The receptionist will lead you
to the treatment room and then make an appointment with the gynecologist.
I gave him my hand and left the office on soft legs. First

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I went to the nurse to donate blood again, and after a while to

waiting room where Domenico was sitting.
I passed him without a word and went to the car. When to me
joined in, staring at me questioningly. Last days events,
my anger, everything became unimportant, I was pregnant.
- Laura, and what? All good?
I gathered in myself all the strength that I had and with artificial
I replied with a smile:
- Yes, I have anemia and that's why I still feel tired. I have to take
iron and I will pass.
I was in a trance, like I knew what was going on, but nothing
I understood. I heard a rumble in my head and my skin was flooding
then to sprinkle with goose bumps soon after. I tried not to breathe
too loud, but the attempts to catch a calm breath failed.
The car started and I took the phone out of my pocket and chose
Ola's number.
"Hi, bitch," I heard a lovely greeting on the phone.
- Ola, are you very busy for the next week?
- I do not know...? If you do not count this blonde who is smoking like
rocket, I don't think so. My fagas went to conquer new markets
cosmetics, so I will definitely be bored. What do you have for me?
any suggestion?
Domenico watched me without a word, and I insisted
I tried to behave naturally.
- Will you come to Sicily for me?
There was disturbing silence in the receiver.
- What's going on, Lari? Why did you leave, okay?
"Olo, just tell me if you come," he hissed in annoyance. - I
I'll arrange everything, just agree, please.
- Honey, of course I will come, let me know when and where to be.
Did this Black demigod do you anything? If so, I'll kill motherfucker and shit
his mafia will do to me.
I leaned back in my seat amused.
- No, I'm fine, I just need you there. I will let you know

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pack up when I get everything done.

I put the phone back in my bag and looked at Domenic.
- I wish my friend would come to me tomorrow or
can you take care of transporting it from Poland?
- I understand that he will stay for the wedding?
Fuck, wedding, through the revelations of last night and today
I completely forgot about him.
- Did everyone know that, but not me?
Domenico shrugged apologetically and punched in the number
telephone keypad.
"I'll take care of everything," he said, putting the phone to his ear.
When the car parked in the driveway, I got out without waiting
until the driver opened the door for me and I went towards the house. I went through
tangled corridors and I entered the library. Massimo sat at
a big table with a few men. Everyone fell silent when I saw them.
Black said something to them and got up from the chair.
"We need to talk," I said, gritting my teeth.
- Little, not now, I have a meeting. Can we arrange it tonight?
I stood there looking at him and tried to calm my nerves.
I knew that in my state agitation was not advisable.
- I need a car, but without a driver, I want to take a ride
and think.
He stared at me, squinting.
- Domenico will bring you a car, but you can't go without protection
He whispered. - Laura, are you okay?
- Yes, I want to think away from this place.
I turned on my heel and closed the door behind me. I went to
a young Italian who stood in the doorway.
- I need a car. Massimo said you would give them to me, so
the keys, please.
Without a word, he turned and started for the stairs leading to
driveway. When we left, he stopped me at the door.
- Wait, I'll bring your car.
After a while, cherry macan Porsche parked in front of me.

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Domenico got out and, giving me the key, said:

- This is a turbo version with a very powerful engine, it drives almost two hundred
seventy per hour, but you'd better not develop such speeds
He warned with a laugh. - Why do you want to go alone, Laura? Maybe
Will you stay and talk? Don Massimo will be working late
We'll have some wine.
"I can't," I said, taking the keys from his hand.
I got into the creamy center of the impressive vehicle and froze:
buttons, hundreds of buttons, switches, knobs. As if you couldn't give it
steering wheel, pedals and gearbox. A young Italian came up and knocked
in the window.
- You have the book in the clipboard, but in a nutshell - here you have it
air conditioning control, the box is a machine, but I think so
you noticed - he listed all the functions of the car in turn, and me
I felt tears welling up in my eyes.
"Okay, I know everything now, bye," I interrupted him, firing
car and depressing the accelerator pedal.
When I left the property, a black SUV followed me. No
I felt like company, all the more controlling me. How
I just found myself on the highway, I pressed the gas harder and felt
the power Domenico talked about. I was running like crazy, dodging more
cars until the black car of my protection disappeared in the rearview mirror. On
I turned back on the first exit towards Giardini-Naxos. I knew that
they don't think I'm coming back to town.
I stood in the parking lot at the promenade and got off. I slipped on
nose dark glasses and I headed toward the beach. I sat on the sand
and a stream of tears flowed from my eyes. What did I do best?
I came here on vacation two months ago and became a woman of the head
mafia, and now I will give birth to a child. roared; it wasn't crying but wild
roar and despair. I sat motionless, and the next hours passed like minutes.
Hundreds of thoughts flashed through my head every second, including those that
to get rid of the problem I was carrying. What will I tell my mother
how should I tell Massim what will happen now? How could I be like that?
stupid, why did I go to bed with him and why the hell did I trust him?

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"Fuck you," I moaned, burying my head between my bent knees.

- I know that word.
I raised my head and saw Black sit down next to me
- Baby, you can't run away from protection, they don't do it for you,
just to protect you. - His eyes were full of concern and penetrated me
- Sorry, I had to be all alone. I did not take
Note that this car also has a transmitter because it has, right?
Massimo nodded in the affirmative.
"They'll be in big trouble, if they've lost you, you must be aware."
on this matter. If a little girl could lose them, how would they have you?
- Will you kill them? I asked, terrified.
Black laughed and ran a hand through his hair.
- No, Laura, this is not a reason to kill someone.
- I'm an adult and I can take care of myself.
He hugged me with his arm and pulled me to him.
"I don't doubt it, now tell me what's going on, why did you go to the doctor?"
Thank you so much, Domenico, I thought, delighted with him
I was in an embrace, hugging his neck. I was wondering if
tell him the truth, is it better for me to lie for now.
- Too much of it all, I've been to the clinic to see if you have it
you were right. There was ketamine in my blood, which is why I don't remember anything.
Massimo, did you really kill him? - I got up and took it off
Black rolled towards me and gently grabbed my head
with both hands.
- I hit him and then took him to the pond at the stable. I wanted him
just to scare you, but when I started, I couldn't stop, especially
that he confessed to everything. Yes, Laura, I killed him and they did the rest
Karl's people.
"Jesus," I whispered, and tears flowed from my eyes. - How could you? After

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Massimo got up and lifted me by the shoulders. His eyes were almost on
completely black and eyes cold.
- Because I wanted to. Don't think about how you once said it: no
you have a time machine, so you won't do anything about it.
- Leave me, I want to sit here without you again - I choked,
sitting on the beach.
I knew that he would not let it go, and I had to say something that would convince him
and give me a moment of peace. Paradoxically, not at all
I was worried about Piotr's death, but only about having a child
the man who stands before me.
- You killed a man because of me. You gave me a guilty conscience
which I can't stand. I want to get on the plane now
and never see you again. So you either respect my request or
this will be our last meeting.
He stood for a moment looking at me, then started toward the pedestrian street.
"Olga lands tomorrow at twelve," he said as he left, and in a moment
disappeared in a black SUV.
The sun began to set, and I remembered that almost nothing today
I have not eaten. Now I could not afford such a lifestyle. I got up
and I walked along the promenade towards colorful pubs. Walking down the sidewalk
I realized that I was next to the restaurant where it was the first time
I saw Massim. I felt hot at this sight and my body pierced
shudder. It was so recent and yet so much has happened since
changed everything.
I went inside and sat at a table overlooking the sea.
The waiter appeared extremely quickly, welcoming me fluidly
English, and disappeared, leaving the card. I pushed her
wondering what I can eat, whether there is something I can't and what
I should, considering my condition. In the end I decided on
the most secure dish, i.e. pizza.
I shook my legs and picked up the phone. I wanted to talk
with mum. In other circumstances, she would be the first person to whom I would
she called with good news, but not now. Because the news about pregnancy at all

Page 247
she wasn't joyful and I would have to expose all my own
lies, which would probably make her heart break.
After eating a pizza and drinking a glass of juice, I handed the waiter a card
credit, staring at the almost black sea.
"Miss Biel, I'm sorry," I heard behind me. - I did not recognize
lady in this hair color. - I turned to the man
and I looked questioningly.
The young waiter stood next to the table and gave me with shaking hands
"I don't understand, and how did you know what I looked like?"
- We have your photo as a VIP guest given to us by don people
Massimo. Once again, sorry, the payment has not been collected.
"Tomato juice, please," I said, turning away
The thought of returning to the residence and meeting with Czarny was full of pressure
me in my stomach.
The next hour passed imperceptibly, and I decided it already
time to go back and go to sleep. Olo will be with me tomorrow and everything will be
okay, I can cry as much as I want.
- I see you are very bored, let me keep you company
- Said the young brunet, sitting next to the armchair. - I heard how
did you talk to the waiter, where are you from
I looked at the stranger with a look of anger
and frustration.
- I don't feel like company.
- Nobody has if he wants to be alone, but sometimes it is worth puking on
a random person because their assessment will not matter to you and to you
He amused me and irritated me at the same time.
- I understand your bastard for forgiving friend, but I first,
I really want to be alone, and secondly, you may be in trouble here
you sat down, so I advise you to look for another object.
The man did not give up and moved the chair closer to me.
- Do you know what I think?

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I didn't give a shit, but I knew it wouldn't be silent.

"I think the guy you think doesn't deserve you."
I interrupted him by saying to him:
- I think I'm pregnant and I'm getting married on Saturday, so
Kindly stand up and see if you're at the bar.
- Pregnant? - I heard a voice from behind.
The guy got up as burned and almost ran away from the table, and his place
Massimo took his time.
My heart was pounding and he looked at me huge
black eyes. I caught my breath and turned to the sea to
avoid eye contact.
"What was I supposed to tell him?" That you'll kill him soon? simpler
and it's safer to lie. Besides, what are you doing here?
- I came for dinner.
- Is your home running out of food?
- You ran out at the table, anyway I am leaving tomorrow and wanted to
bid farewell.
I turned to him and frowned, frowning.
- How are you leaving?
- I have to work, baby, but don't worry, I'll manage to marry you -
he said, winking at me. - I wanted to take you with me, but
since your friend is coming, make yourself a bachelorette party.
The credit card you got with the apartment keys is
yours and start using it finally. You don't have a wedding dress yet.
His warm voice and care calmed me down and made sure that he was still there
it's not time for him to find out. I was completely lost - how he really was
was he? - and at the same time I loved his unpredictability.
- When will you come back? - It was evident in my voice
- How do I get along with the family that holds Palermo. Death of Emilia
will cause me some trouble, but don't bother with your pretty head -
he said, getting up and kissing my forehead. - If you already ate
and you are ready, let's go, I would like to say goodbye to you at home.
We got to the car and I handed him the Porsche keys.

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- Don't you like it? He asked, opening the door for me.
I got inside and waited for her to come in.
- That's not the point, it's beautiful, but it's terribly complicated, besides
I like when you drive.
I hesitated for a moment whether to fasten my seat belt, once read that women
pregnant should not do this.
- How did you know where I was?
Black laughed and started with a squeal, and I felt the power of the turbo engine.
- Remember, child, I always know what you are doing.
After a few minutes we parked in the renovated driveway. Black
got out of the car and opened the door for me.
"I'll go to my place," I muttered, rubbing my belly gently.
- Yes, but I changed your room, so let me lead you -
he announced, grabbing my hand.
"I liked that one," I said as he dragged me through the corridor.
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We stood in front of the door on the top floor, and Massimo grabbed behind
door handle and opened it. My eyes appeared occupying room
entire floor of the house.
The walls were lined with dark wood from floor to ceiling, on
in the center stood a large, bright C-shaped sofa, and above it, above
fireplace, hung TV. Next were only windows and stairs
leading to the mezzanine, where there was a giant bedroom
a black bed supported by four columns - it reminded it
King's bedroom. Next was the wardrobe and bathroom, followed by the terrace
with sea view.
"Your place is here today, Laura, with me," he said.
pushing me to the balustrade when I stood in a daze
looking at the horizon. - I told you to move your things, but today
You won't need anything at night.
I could feel his lips wandering around my neck and rubbing against mine
the back of the hips begin to wave. I turned to face him
and I took a deep breath.
- Massimo, not today.
Black leaned his hands on both sides of the rail, closing me
in an embrace. He looked questioningly, almost penetrating me with black eyes.
- What's going on, baby?
- I feel bad, I think I still feel the effects of Saturday's party.
I saw that my arguments are not particularly convincing, so
I changed my strategy.
- I want to hug you, wash myself, watch TV
and go to sleep. Besides, in a few days it's our wedding and let's keep it though
leftovers of good manners and let's hold it on until Saturday.
Massimo stood amused and stared at me, unable to believe
what he hears
- Leftover good manners? I'm from a mafia family
Do you remember? Okay, honey, it's gonna be what you want, and I can see that

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something's wrong, so today I will be content to wash your back.

Amused, he led me through the apartment.
- Oh no, wash myself, I'm going alone, we both know how our joint will end
An hour later, we were both lying in bed watching TV.
- Learning Italian won't pass you anyway. If you are to live here
you should know this language. We'll take care of it from Monday, he said,
including local news.
- Will you also learn Polish? Is it always, even
in my country, will I speak English?
- How do you know I'm not learning anymore? He asked, hugging me
and combing my hair with my fingers. - I'm glad Olga will be with you
for a few days, I think you will need some freedom. But not even
count on the security to stay at home and don't run away because I don't want to
irritate. He clenched his hand. - If you want to
dive or go to a party, tell Domenic, he'll do everything
will arrange, Laura, "he said seriously. - Remember that already
many people know who you are. I care a lot about your safety,
but without your cooperation, security will fail.
I wondered the meaning of these words and Black's distressed expression.
"Is something threatening me?"
- Baby, your life is in danger since I brought it back
take care of you so let me take care of it so that you will never be hurt
did not stand.
Instinctively, I clutched my stomach under the covers. I knew that
now I am responsible not only for myself but also for the small one
a man growing in me.
- I will do whatever you want.
Massimo got up a bit in surprise and looked at me
- Laura, I don't recognize you, why this sudden submission?
I knew he had the right to be informed about our child, I knew
also that this conversation will not pass me by but I did not want to do it now,
before his departure. I felt that this was not the right time.
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- I understood you were right. I'm a smart girl, remember.

I kissed him and squeezed back under his arm.
Around seven o'clock in the morning I was awakened by gentle poking, she was swollen
Massima's erection pressed my buttocks against his hips.
I turned my head slightly towards him and found it amused
still sleeping. I slowly put my hand between us and took his hand
member. I began to massage it from root to tip. Black moaned
quietly and rolled over on his back. I lay on my side, supporting myself
elbow, and watched his reaction to what I was doing. I clenched my hand
I pressed his masculinity faster and harder. In some
he opened his eyes and when he saw me he calmed down and went back
he closed them. He put his hand under the covers and gently began to rub mine
lace panties.
"Harder," he whispered.
I followed his instructions and felt the hand he touched me
moves and reaches my moist pussy. He inhaled
and he began to play, writhing in pleasure, and his member grew and was growing
"Ride me," he said, licking his lips and throwing the quilt over
the floor.
An unbelievable morning erection appeared in my eyes until it did
I'm hot.
"Nothing, honey," I replied, kissing his chin. - I want you
satisfy in this way.
- And I want to come inside you.
After these words, I felt him twist and cling to me
your body. He pulled back his lace panties and brutally entered me.
I shouted, digging my nails into his back. Strong and intense
he moved me until he remembered that he couldn't finish because we didn't have
condoms. He pulled it out and, panting loudly, moved over mine
head, hands resting against the wall behind the bed.
"Finish it," he panted and shoved his penis into my throat.
I pulled hard and fast, and my fingers gently caressed his testicles.
After a moment I felt his body tense and a wave of sticky semen

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it floods my throat. He shouted loudly, digging his hands into the bed headboard.
When he finished, he sank next to me and tried to catch up with his breath.
"You can wake me up like that every day," he said, amused.
I tried to swallow everything, but I felt the stomach contents
comes to my throat. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom,
slamming the door. I leaned over the toilet and began to vomit.
When I finished, I leaned against the wall and remembered I was
Pregnant. God, what a drama I thought, if every blowjob has
end in puke, I don't think I will for the next few months
Massimo stood in the bathroom door and folded his arms.
- This pizza hurt me yesterday, I felt something was not there at night
- Pizza hurt you?
- Yeah, and drugs change the taste and smell of sperm, so take it
this is the next time you fancy a whim
a scratch, 'I said, getting up and walking for a toothbrush.
Black stood leaning against the door frame and studied me.
I finished brushing my teeth and kissed his cheek as he passed by.
- It's awfully early, I think I will lie down.
I slipped under the covers and turned on the television and he was still standing
in the doorway, this time facing the bedroom. I flew by more
channels, feeling his eyes on him.
"Before my trip, I would like a doctor to examine you," he said,
going to the wardrobe.
At these words my heart stopped. I didn't know what doctor he wanted
call, but even a quack would not read the pregnancy from a pulse test.
At least, I hoped so.
Twenty minutes later he stood next to the bed. It looked the same as
the first day I saw him at the airport. Black suit
and the dark shirt matched his eye and tan perfectly.
In this outfit he was imperious, tenacious and extremely gangster.
Keeping the remains of peace and looking at the TV,
I said:

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"I don't think indigestion is a good reason to call."

doctor, but you will do as you like. I will make a diagnosis myself and write it down
treatment. Gastric drops, bitter tea and rusks, do I have you too?
something to prescribe for anxiety about me?
Massimo approached me, smiling slightly.
"Prevention is better than cure, right?" - I grabbed him by the belt
pants. - Wasn't sore in the morning enough medicine,
Mr. Torricelli? Or are you not satisfied enough?
Black laughed at my face.
- I am still insatiable with you, but now, unfortunately, I do not have time to
satisfy yourself to the end. Get ready for the wedding night, we'll have to
make up everything, baby.
He bent and put a long and passionate kiss on my lips, after
which he headed towards the stairs.
"Remember, you promised me that you would not run away and be protected."
I have an application on my phone that lets me know where you are. Same
I ordered to upload to yours, thanks to which you will be calmer. Domenico
I will show you everything. If you don't want to drive a Porsche, the drivers will guide you
drive, but don't take any of the sports cars, I'm afraid of myself
you can't handle them, honey. I have planned a few for you
surprises, so you don't get bored, look for them. They are in places
which are our first. See you on Saturday.
As he disappeared down the stairs, I felt my eyes flooding
my tears. I jumped out of bed and ran after him. I hopped on him
and I started kissing him madly, hung on him like a monkey.
- I love you, Massimo.
He groaned and leaned me against the wall, sticking his tongue down at his throat. -
I like you love me and now run to bed.
I stood with glassy eyes, watching him open the door.
"I'll be back," he whispered, closing them behind him.
I stayed there for a while, wondering if everyone would
together, when he will leave, I will pray that he would happily
He returned. I chased away bad thoughts and went towards the terrace. Over Sicily
he was getting up another beautiful day. The clouded sky gave way

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places of the sun that boldly broke through the clouds.

I sat in an armchair and looked at the slightly swaying sea. I felt,
a soft blanket gently slides over my back.
"I brought you tea with milk," Domenico said, sitting down
next to. - And some medicine for your anemia.
He set the medicine vials in front of me and started
- Folic acid, zinc, iron and all the rest needed in the first
I sat staring at him with wide eyes.
- You know I'm pregnant?
The young Italian nodded and smiled comfortably
in armchair.
- Don't worry, only I know. And I'm not going to share with anyone
with this knowledge, because I think that this is just your business.
- But you didn't tell Massim? I asked in horror.
- Of course not. Laura, there are things that even a family can't do
has the right to mix. You have to tell him about it, nobody else.
I breathed a sigh of relief and took a sip from my mug.
"I am praying for a girl," I said with a sad smile.
Domenico turned to me and laughed kindly.
"A girl can ultimately be head of the family," he said
ironically, raising his eyebrows.
I hit him on the shoulder.
- Don't even say that, it's not funny.
- Have you thought about the name yet?
I froze looking at him. I have known about pregnancy since yesterday and not at all
it occurred to me to think about it.
- For now, I have to go to the doctor to find out everything,
and later I will wonder about such details.
"I booked your visit tomorrow, 3pm, at the same time."
what clinic lately. Now get dressed and go to breakfast. My
initiation obliges me to care especially for yours

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As we passed through the bedroom, I noticed a huge box

which was lying on the bed.
- What is it? I asked, turning to Domenic.
"A gift from don Massim," he explained, smiling significantly
and disappearing on the stairs. - I'm waiting in the garden.
I unpacked the cardboard and two smaller eyes appeared
boxes with the Givenchy logo on top. I took them out and opened them. They were
killer boots that Karl's wife was wearing when we met.
I was madly in love with these shoes, but no one would normally spend
almost seven thousand zlotys on them. Until I jumped at their delight
view - both pairs were from the same model, they differed only in color.
I caught them in my hands, hugged them tightly, and went to the wardrobe.
I looked at dozens of beautiful things on hangers. In a few
I won't fit in for months, I thought. Drunkenness will pass me by
on New Year's Eve, parties with Olo and how the hell will I explain to my parents?
Resignedly, I sat in a huge armchair, still clutching boots and a stream
thoughts spilled over my head.
It dawned on me: I have to go to my mother's before I can see
and then I'll always get off work, it's only a few months. My brilliant
the plan, however, had one drawback - the baby would eventually be born
and it will be difficult for me to explain this phenomenon to my parents.
"Oh God, but the toilet," I said, getting up from my chair.
While my figure was almost impeccable, I decided
actively use the contents of the wardrobe. On the first day with Olga I chose
bright boots that Black gave me. I chose white shorts for them
and an airy gray shirt with a long, roll-up sleeve. Gently
I painted my eyes and carefully formed my brilliantly cut one
blonde bob. When I finished, it was already well past ten.
I repacked in a cream bag from Prada and slipped gold on my nose
Shades. As I went out, I stood in front of the mirror that was next to the door and up
I groaned. Today's outfit cost as much as my first car,
Of course, not counting the exorbitantly expensive watch, because I achieved with it
value of the flat. I felt attractive and very branded, just do it
was it still me?

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I didn't think Domenico would care about my condition. Almost on

strength, like my mother, stuck more food in my throat.
- Domenico, do you know that pregnancy is not a hunger disease? -
I hissed irritably as he added another portion of eggs to my plate. -
I don't want to eat anymore, they fainted me again. Let's go because I'm late.
The young Italian looked at me regretfully.
- Why don't you get an apple on the road?
- Jesus! Take it yourself and stop it, psychopath.
The road to Catania was amazingly short, or maybe I just had it
what to think about. To make Massimo calmer, I decided to
car with driver.
We parked at the arrivals terminal. I was glad to be there
with Olo alone, Domenico sensed that I needed it, and stayed on the property.
When I saw my friend leave, I didn't wait
opening the door, I just threw myself at her.
"Are these Givenchy boots that I can't afford?" She asked when
I fell into her arms and pressed her tightly against me. -
Holding me won't do anything to you and I'll take them away.
- Hi dear. I'm glad you're here.
"You know, you called me at such a pace and tone, just plain."
I knew I had no choice.
The driver took the luggage and opened the door for us.
"A more serious matter," Olga said, sliding into the seat. -
Do we have a driver Until I wonder what will happen next.
"Protection, service and control," I explained, shrugging my shoulders. -
Transmitters, probably wiretaps and gangsters at every step. welcome to
Sicily. I spread my arms wide and smiled sarcastically.
Olga winced a little and looked at me as if she were trying
x-ray my head.
- What's going on, Lari? I haven't heard you like yesterday in a long time.
"I wanted to put a putty on you, but I don't think it makes sense."
I am getting married on Saturday and I would like you to be my maid of honor.
She was sitting staring at me with her mouth wide open.
- You are crazy ?! She screamed. - I understand the explosion of love for

Page 258
mafiosa and the fact that you want to try it, especially since it gives you life like
from a fairy tale, he has a dick up to his knees and looks like a god, but a wedding? After two
months of acquaintance? I absolutely believe in the institution of divorce,
not you. You have always wanted a romantic home for the whole life, children.
What's going on with you? He told you, right? I fucking tear him apart
is forcing you to do everything. You left the country, turned you into a doll
like from "Vogue", and now a wedding! She gasped, barely catching her breath.
I turned to the glass, unable to hear her screams any more.
- I'm pregnant.
Olga fell silent and widened her eyes so that I was convinced that for
they will roll down on the rug for a while.
- What are you?
- I found out yesterday, that's why I wanted you to come.
Massimo doesn't know anything yet.
- Can we stop? I have to break up.
I asked the driver to stop as soon as possible
place. Olo jumped out of the car when burned when finally
he stopped and lit a cigarette with shaking hands. After burning one
without another word, she took another one and, enlisting, began:
- You live like a cage, golden ... but it's still a cage, and now it's still. Whether
Do you realize what you're getting into?
- What should I do now in your opinion? It happened, I will not remove the child. -
I sat in the armchair, looking at her, and the tone of my voice went up. -
You're yelling at me like you think I'm handicapped and I don't know
what I did. Yes, I was stupid, yes, I didn't care, yes, I fucked up, but
I don't have a time machine. Well, unless you have, come on, but if not, then
finally shut up and start supporting me. Fuck have!
Olga stood looking at me when I burst into tears.
"Come to me," she said, putting out her cigarette. I love you,
and the child ... - She paused here for a moment. - At least it'll be cute, after
such parents can not be otherwise.
We drove the rest of the way in silence, as if each of us had to
sort out what she heard in her head. I knew he was right. Her
the words were spoken my thoughts, but that didn't change the fact

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that my life is completely out of control.

When we arrived home, I turned to her.
- Let's try to have fun, I do not want to think about all this.
"I'm sorry," she choked out from behind her dark glasses. - But no
you prepared me for these news.
The car pulled into the driveway where Domenico was already waiting. olo
she looked sideways, shocked at what she saw.
- I don't give a fuck, like in Dynasty , you live here only with him or maybe
do you run a hotel?
She amused me with what she said, and I felt her mood return.
- I know, it's a bit scary, but you'll like it, come on -
I said when the young Italian opened the door on my side.
I introduced them to myself and watched them with interest
they liked each other. That this would happen was rather obvious, because
Olga, like me, loved fashion and gallant handsome men.
"He's probably gay," she said as we passed
corridor. "And it's good that he doesn't understand us," she choked out laughing.
- I disappoint you, but the word gay is the same in many languages, so
the probability that he understood is high, I whispered.
Walking past my old room, I remembered
morning words of Massim, who spoke about our first places
and surprise.
"Wait a moment," I said, grabbing the door handle.
I went inside and felt peace. Everything was so mine
familiar and unimpressed. Replaced bedding and no items in the wardrobe -
only it was different. A black envelope lay on the bed. I sat on
mattress and I opened it. Inside was a voucher for
luxury spa and annotation: "What you like." I hugged the paper to my heart
and I felt longing for Black - he could even me far away from me
surprise. I took out my phone and dialed Massim's number.
"We will be at the end of the corridor," said Domenico,
pulling Olo with him. After three beeps, I heard a familiar accent.
"I think of you," I whispered into the phone.
- Me too, baby. Something happened?

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- No, I just found the envelope and wanted to thank you.

- Only one? He asked surprised.
- And this is more of them?
- Try your best, Laura, it was probably more than the first time
one. Olga has already arrived?
- Yes, thank you, we are already at home.
- Have fun, dear, and don't worry, everything is going fine,
as it should be.
I pressed the red receiver and started looking for the rest
Many options flew through my head, but I didn't know why
to begin. The most logical was to follow the traces of our common past.
"Library," I whispered and started down the hall. On the armchair, on
which I sat the first night, there was another black envelope.
I opened it and found a credit card with the note: "Pay
everything". Oh God, I don't even want to think how much money is on it,
I thought. Then I went to the garden towards the couch on which it was me
I kissed Massim.
There was black paper on the mattress and an invitation to our wedding inside
and the short text I was waiting for: "I love you." I hugged the envelope
and I headed towards the house looking for a friend and a young Italian.
I found them standing on the terrace of the bedroom at the end of the corridor,
near my old room. It was obvious that they fell to
"Champagne for breakfast at 1pm," Olo said, rising
a glass of mint rose. - Your mafioso took care of us.
She pointed to a huge ice vase with several bottles in it
my favorite drink. Domenico shrugged apologetically
his arms and handed me a glass of tomato juice.
- I ordered non-alcoholic sparkling wine from France, but it will be
only tomorrow.
"No exaggeration," I said, sitting in the big white
chair. - I will go without alcohol for a few months.
Olo squeezed next to me and hugged her arm.

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- But why? Besides, since you are getting married in a few days, and Massimo
he knows nothing about the child, it is worth keeping a pretense. Sparkling water
with a champagne flavor certainly won't hurt you.
The thought of having to rearrange was horrifying
and to subordinate the whole life to the unborn being, and that was only yet
beginning. I knew that the most difficult one would be in a few months.
- Domenico, I would like to have lunch in town, you will book for us
The young Italian poured another lamp to my friend, after which
"In fact, why didn't you tell Black about the child?"
- Because until he knows, I have a choice. Ola, I didn't want to
a child, but I also know that I can't get rid of it. Otherwise
Massimo was leaving and I didn't want him to change his plans because of me,
I will tell him after the wedding.
- Do you think he'll be happy?
I was silent for a moment, looking at the sea.
- I know he'll go crazy with joy. Because actually this unplanned pregnancy
was planned by him. - I winced and shrugged my shoulders
and Olga was looking at me with wide eyes.
- What the fuck?
I told her the story of my implant and our first night
on the yacht. I explained why he lied to me. I mentioned that
I had fertile days at the time, and about a test that showed nothing.
- Well, it seems to me that it doesn't sound ridiculous,
I got pregnant when we made love for the first time.
Olo sat in silence for a moment, analyzing the whole story. later
she took a sip from her glass and said:
- I do not want to go into the irrational divination tone, but you know that
cases are rare. Maybe it is destiny? Maybe that's it
it was supposed to be, Lari. You always told me that everything in life is for something.
Have you thought about the name yet?
- It's all happening so fast that it's not over yet
I wondered.

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- But Polish or Italian?

I looked at her, looking for the answer to her question.
- I don't know, I would like to connect it somehow, but I think I'll wait with it
on Massima. Let's not talk about it anymore, come on, we'll eat something.
We spent the afternoon gossiping and memories of childhood.
We always knew that we would be mothers, but she was planning rather
conscious decision, not a slip-up. When we got home it was already
late, and Olga was clearly tired.
"Sleep with me today," I asked, looking at her through the eyes of the spaniel.
- Of course, honey.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her upstairs. When
we entered the penthouse apartment until it was bricked up.
- Oh fuck! She choked out with a natural grace. - Lari, how
Do you think how much money he has?
I shrugged my shoulders and went towards the stairs leading to
- I have no idea, but a disgusting lot. It overwhelms me a bit
but I won't hide that it's easy to get used to luxury. Never
but I didn't ask for anything, I didn't have to, I even get what
does not need.
We sat on the bed and I pointed to the open wardrobe door.
- Want to see the real exaggeration? Go there. For the content of mine
cabinets you can buy several apartments in Warsaw.
When she ran through the door, I followed her. The light flashed and hers
over fifty meters long wardrobe appeared to the eyes. On the wall
opposite the entrance were shelves with shoes, floor to ceiling, from
Louboutina for Prada. A movable ladder was attached to them, thanks
which I could easily take off what was at the top.
In the center of the room was an illuminated island with drawers
hiding watches, glasses and jewelry, and above it hung gigantic
crystal chandelier. The interior was black and the hangers separated from
myself with mirrors. My stuff took up the whole right side
and Massima left. A huge, soft one stood in the corner next to the bathroom entrance
quilted armchair on which Olga fell in shock.
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- I fuck you. I don't know what to say, but I certainly don't

- I don't, either, but sometimes I don't think I deserve all this.
Olo got up from the chair, came up to me and grabbed my shoulders.
- What are you raving about ?! She shouted, shaking me. - Lari, you are
with a millionaire, you love him and he you, you give him everything he does
he wants, and now you give him a child. You don't have to be as rich as he is to
give him what he wants and needs. And if he can and wants
bestowing on you, what problem do you see? You have the wrong approach! -
She pointed her finger at me. - For him, ten thousand is like a hundred for you
do not measure it with your financial measure, because the scale is different.
I thought it sounded quite logical.
"If you had as much money as he would, would you not like to give him the whole world?" -
she continued.
I nodded my head.
"You see it yourself, so be grateful for what you have and don't think."
about stupidity. Come to sleep, mommy, because I fall on my face.

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The next day, we decidedly had breakfast too late, lounging

getting in bed until noon.
"You have to do something for me," I said, turning to Olga.
- I have a visit to the gynecologist today, but it is yours at my request
surname, so basically you are the patient today.
Ola looked at me, raising one eyebrow.
- I don't know how much Massimo can control what I do.
The plan is to tell him you forgot your prescription
contraceptives, and we're going to the clinic. Thanks to this my will not surprise him
presence there if he checks where I am.
Olo was still eating the sweet roll she had with her coffee.
- You fucked up, you know that? And so he will find out, but cool - do as
you think.
- Thanks, and after the test we will go to Taormina for shopping. Wants
to dress my bridesmaid and find a wedding dress, I said
with smile. - Do you know what does it mean?
- Shopping! Olo shouted and started dancing next to the donut chair
in teeth.
- We got a credit card from Massim, which we have to clean.
I'm a bit afraid of its contents. Okay, I'm going to call him, I want to
get it over with. - I started toward my favorite couch.
Black took the story about Olga tablets amazingly easily.
just making sure it's nothing serious and it's all about
for contraception, and continued the conversation, changing the subject for our wedding.
He said that we do not have a wedding and that it will be very intimate
celebration. At last he strangely fell silent.
- Massimo, are you okay? I asked worriedly.
- Yes, I just want to be home.
"It's only three more days and you'll be in Taormina."
There was an eloquent silence on the receiver, and he gasped
from oneself:

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"It's not about the place, it's just that you're not here." Home is there
where are you, not where the building is, baby. Especially since we also have in Palermo
"We have" - hearing these words, I felt warm and good, I missed
him. I only realized this when I was talking to him
by phone.
- I have to go, Laura, you may not be able to contact me by Friday,
but don't worry and use the application on your phone if you feel it
I returned to the table, pressing the phone to myself.
"But you love him, it's surprising," said Olo, swinging on
chair. - You hear his voice on the phone and if you could, you would do to him
blowjob through the phone with that love.
- Stop fucking and come on, we'll find something to wear in mine
wardrobe. Immediately after visiting the doctor we're going to spend some money, so
let's look like Vogue dolls.
Rummaging in the closet took us far too much time and if
not Domenico, I would probably be late to see a doctor.
Ready to leave, we stood at the doorstep of the house. I put the same ones
boots like yesterday, except that they are black and light black dress
strapless. Olga instead chose the style of a rich whore,
putting on short, short Chanel high-waisted shorts that almost
completely uncovered her buttocks, and top in the same color. dug
to this exorbitantly high heels Giuseppe Zanotti with gold
inserts and bright glasses. We definitely didn't look pregnant
and her friend's livelihood.
Doctor Ventura was surprised that two women entered the office.
I quickly explained to him that I needed the support of my friend, because my fiance
he left. He agreed to stay in the room during the examination
and so it was behind the screen. When we finished, I got dressed
and I sat down next to Olga. The doctor picked up his prints and put on his glasses.
- You're definitely pregnant, it's the beginning of the sixth week - yes
shows ultrasound and tests. The fetus is developing properly, you have
satisfactory test results, but I'm worried about my sick heart. Shell we

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because of this, having difficulty giving birth. It will be necessary as soon as possible
cardiological consultation and change of drugs, and preferably not at all
irritate. No violent emotions and anxieties - he reserved
and turned to Olo. - Please take care of your friend. The next time will be
most important for the child's development, I will prescribe your supplements and if not
you have questions, see you in two weeks.
- Actually, I have one thing: why do I lose weight?
Dr. Ventura leaned back in his chair and removed his glasses.
- It often happens, women can get fat quickly, but also
lose weight very early in pregnancy. Please eat rationally, even if you don't
you are hungry. If you don't have an appetite all day,
then eat something forcefully, because the child needs food to
- And sex? Olga asked.
The doctor cleared his throat and looked at me questioningly.
- With my fiance, of course. Are there any contraindications?
Smiling friendly, he replied:
- There aren't any, please have sex at will.
"Thank you very much," I said. I squeezed his hand
and we said goodbye.
"Well, piona, we're pregnant," said Olga, gladly
we were going towards Taormina. - You have to drink it, I mean I'll drink it,
and you will look.
- You're stupid. I fell silent, calculating my mind
conscience. - God, how good it is that a child is healthy - so much lately
I was drinking and those drugs.
Olo winced and turned in her chair.
- What drugs, Lari? You never took anything.
I briefly told her the story of the wedding, saving details
regarding Piotr's death.
"What a break," she said. - I always told you he was an asshole -
may he die, fuck one.
And he died, I replied in my head, shaking my head to throw it away
it's a memory of her.

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Along the way we took shopping from the Domenic estate, nobody like it
he did not know the secrets of the best and most expensive boutiques in the city.
Taormina is a wonderful, unusually beautiful place, unfortunately
there is no place to park.
"Okay, we'll get off here and go," ours said
guide by opening the door.
Two security guards got out of the car that followed us
together they walked a sufficient distance from us.
- Domenico, will they always follow me? I asked, wincing
"Unfortunately, yes, but you'll eventually get used to it." We are starting from
bride or bridesmaids?
I knew it wouldn't be easy for me to find a dress, that's why
we decided to start with me. On the one hand, it was actually me
it doesn't matter if no one will see me anyway, and on the other
I wanted to look stunning to Massim. We counted more
branded stores, but none of them was even on what to hang.
Were it not for the fact that Olga was loaded with nomadic bags, sure
I'd be a little mad, but her joy would make up for the lack of a dress.
"Okay, there will be nothing here," said Domenico. - We go
to my friend's studio atelier, we'll have lunch there and I'm somehow
strangely calm that you will find what you are looking for with her.
We went through the narrow streets, following the next stairs
and alleys. We stood in front of a tiny eggplant-colored door.
The young Italian typed the code and we went upstairs.
I think he knew the owner well, since she gave him access to hers
studio, I thought.
It was one of the most magical places I've ever seen. All
the house was an open space, supported only on a few columns
decorated with lamps that resembled white and gray
pompons. Dozens of dresses hung lazily on hangers:
evening, wedding and cocktail parties. In the corner near the windows
a huge mirror hung out onto the bay. It stretched from floor to floor
ceiling, and given that the ceiling was very high, it took about

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four meters. Before him lay a red carpet, at the end of which
a monumental white sofa with a quilted seat. Suddenly
a tall, slender and extremely beautiful woman appeared in the studio. Long
her black, straight hair hung loosely along her thin face, she had
unnaturally big lips and eyes like a doll from Japanese manga. Just
ideal. Dressed in a narrow short dress, she exhibited sky-high
long legs and absolutely no breasts - just like me. It was evident that
she takes care of herself and exercises a lot, but her figure was still feminine and sexy.
Domenico approached her and she warmly and warmly greeted him.
They stood embraced for a few, maybe a dozen or so seconds, as if none of them wanted
first release the hug.
I slowly came closer and reached out.
- Hi, I'm Laura.
A beautiful Italian let go of Domenica and with a radiant smile
she kissed me on both cheeks.
"I know who you are, and you are definitely better off," she said.
- I'm Emi and I've had the opportunity to see your face in dozens
paintings in Massima's house.
With this text I wiped my face a bit: at Massima's home -
what was she doing in his house and why are they for you? I remembered Anna
Black was phenomenally beautiful. Did Emi also belong to
his collection? Domenico would not expose me to such stress, though
maybe...? - My head was bursting with the flood of thoughts.
"Exactly, Domenico," she turned towards the young Italian. - What
at your brother's? I haven't seen him for a long time and I feel that he needs something
several suits.
- Brother? I repeated after her, frowning and looking questioningly
He turned to me and calmly, without any emotion said:
- Me and Massimo had the same father, so we're half steps
brothers. If you want, I will tell you about it at home, and now let's do it
finally a wedding.
I stood there staring at them while Olga started toward
hangers. I no longer knew what interested me more: Emi's account

Page 269
with Massim, or the fact that Domenico is his brother.
"Laura," she said to me. - Have you thought of anything yet? Any pattern?
I shrugged, contorted my lips.
"Honey," Domenico said, patting her ass. - Surprise us.
I became completely barbarized because I was convinced that he was gay
in the meantime such a situation.
"Wait," I said, waving my arms, and all three of them
they looked at me. - Explain to me because I'm lost - who are you?
are you all for yourself?
They both burst out laughing and a beautiful Italian embraced Domenica.
- We are - she began amused - friends, our families
they have known each other for years. Father Massim and Domenica have been friends with mine since
primary school days. Even once I had a crush on Massima, but
he wasn't interested and my younger brother snatched me away. - She kissed
Domenica's cheek. - If you are interested in details, we sleep together. What
true a little less since your appearance, but somehow we give
advice, ”she said, winking at me. - You want to know something else
will we go with the theme of the dress? I'm not hanging out with Massim if that
you thought about the younger ones.
I was embarrassed, but on the other hand I was relieved of this
concise information and my mood definitely improved.
- I would like a lot of lace, and ideally all of it should be.
Lace and Italian, classic, light and sensual.
- You have very specific needs, and it just so happens lately
I made a dress for the show that you may like. Come. - She caught it
my hand and pulled the big curtain. - Domenico, order lunch
and pull the wine out of the fridge, it's always easier to think by the glass.
After ten minutes of struggling with the dress and pinning up a million
pins to match her, I went out and stood on the platform set to
middle of the red carpet between the sofa and the mirror.
"Fuck," Olga moaned. - Lari, you look ...
She paused, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"You're so pretty, honey," she whispered, standing behind me.

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I looked up and when I looked at my reflection all the way up to me

speechless. I was wearing a wedding dress for the first time in my life
and for the first time in my life I saw such a stunning creation.
It wasn't white, just slightly peach, completely backless,
covered with delicate lace. The waist is extremely fitted and from the hips
loosely released with a very long train, at least two meters long. On
front perfectly tailored to the shape of the letter v fit for small breasts
and allowed you not to put on a bra. It was under the bust
delicate crystal decoration that enlivened the whole, slightly shimmering.
She was perfect, and I knew he would impress Black.
"You must have a veil," Emi said. - And it's the one that covers the back,
because you know we're in Sicily, here priests are crazy - She tapped
on the forehead with the index finger. - I have something suitable for her. -
The designer disappeared among the hangers and after a while put on a delicate,
almost completely transparent lace that covered me all like
cocoon. The fabric was translucent enough to make me whole
you can see, and she hid her body enough not to disturb the priest's peace.
"It won't stick now," she said, nodding.
Olga was sitting on the couch, drinking a third glass of wine.
"I didn't think it would be the first time and it would go so easy, but."
you look awesome.
It's a fact I looked amazing and I knew Massimo would be
same opinion. The longer I looked at myself, the more it got through
to me that I am getting married, and I was slowly beginning to feel joy.
- Okay, take this off me because I'm going to cry in a moment - I said,
going down from the platform and dragging the veil with the train behind.
When we freed me from the dress, on a table near the sofa
seafood delicacies came in. We all sat on the whites
chairs and we started to eat.
"By tomorrow it will be ready and tailored," said Emi between
bites. "Domenico will bring her to you mansion, I hope for her."
I'll borrow it for me tonight.
I laughed and hugged Olo strongly, who was sitting in the chair
next to.

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- I already have a companion for lonely nights, so take it boldly. -

I looked at the young Italian. - I think it's even better how
you'll stay right away and see that Emi finishes on time.
- I'm still looking after someone. If my brother's not escaping girl, it's mine
at the machine, that's the fate. One is a don, the other is a nanny.
Emi poked his shoulder and gave him a provocative look.
- You may not watch if you don't want to.
Domenico leaned toward her and whispered something in her ear and she whispered
she licked her lips eloquently. I was jealous - not my assistant,
or rather brother-in-law, but because they are together now and can enjoy each other.
I don't know if we will ever be able to be with Massim
- What about me? Olga asked. - All over the mountain of clothes that
we bought, there is no dress that will match yours.
Emi put down her fork, eating a piece of octopus before, and went away
towards one of the hangers.
"I see your slut style is close to you," she said, returning
with a dress. - But it will not pass here, especially in this church which
he chose Massimo. Try on this one.
Olo grimaced and took the dress, and already behind the curtain, she said:
- Lari, see how I sacrifice myself for you.
However, when she left and stood in front of the mirror, she changed her mind.
The dress she was wearing was the same color as mine, but
it definitely differed in cut and length - pencil-like, elegant
creation on straps made of delicate, matte silk. Perfectly
she emphasized her prominent bottom, flat stomach and huge breasts.
- It's good that there is no wedding because I'm bound in my lap -
she said crushing to us. - Dance is rather only free in this petticoat,
but the creative looks great.
I breathed a sigh of relief, seeing how great my friend looks
and knowing that we are ready for this day.
When we finished eating, it was very late, and over Taormina
night has fallen.
"Laura," Domenico said to me as I said goodbye to Emi. -

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If something happens, call.

- But what is going to happen? Olo asked annoyed. - You're worse
and more oversensitive than her mother.
"I'll walk you to the car," he offered.
- You know, I'm not tired and I would like to go, what are you?
this, Ola?
- Actually why not, the evening is warm and I am here two days and nothing
I have not seen yet.
Domenico was not particularly delighted with our idea, but
he couldn't forbid us this, especially since she was with me all the time
- Give me a moment, I'll call the boys. When you get down
wait for them, if they are not there yet. Or you know
what, I will come with you.
- Domenico, you are sick! I screamed, pushing him out the door. -
I managed almost thirty years without gunmen this time
I also intend to. Do not make me angry!
He stood wincing, arms folded across his chest.
"Just wait for them," he hissed through his teeth as I closed
- See you tomorrow. Bye! Olga shouted and we went down the stairs.
We waited a moment for sad men and when they appeared in the distance,
we started walking down the street.
The evening was wonderful and warm, and on the streets of a small town
thousands of tourists and inhabitants crowded. Taormina was teeming with life
music and wonderful aromas of Italian food.
- Would you move? I asked Olga, grabbing her arm.
- Here? She squeaked in surprise. - Do I know that nothing holds me?
in Poland, but here, apart from you, nothing attracts me.
- Is that not enough?
- Like, but you remember how long it took me to move to
Warsaw? I don't like changes, and I'm afraid of these drastic ones.
Well, I remember how long I urged her to live with me.
I lived in Warsaw for eight years. I escaped from Lublin here from a sick person

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Piotr's love. When I moved to the capital, I didn't have anywhere

to live, and the job I was offered suited to mine
professional aspirations, but financial aspirations completely not. Mom still not
he may experience the fact that I chose that at the time, although he probably seems to be out now
its a good move. On the one hand, she was a manager
sale in a five-star hotel that offered me starving
at stake, but I had business cards and a flattered ego. On the other exclusive
beauty salon who wanted me to be their stylist and for me
this meant constant "serving" of rich, inflated women. Paradox
was that as a manager I earned three times less than
in that salon I was offered. Unfortunately, a career prospect
she won and I decided to hospitality. Later there were others
hotels and subsequent failed relationships; Hospitality is a twenty-something job
four hours a day, seven days a week. It can be awesome
the solution for a single, but for a person in a relationship is a drama. Choice between
sometimes with a loved one and work is incessant and very tired. So
either I was failing my job or my job. Finally, when I decided to be
myself and I made a sales director's stool, something cracked in me. And that
I had a lot of money set aside, I could afford to quit
damn it and looking for a job that will bring me more joy.
Martin cheered me on this decision, he thought I was still
used, and the truth is he needed a cook
and full-time cleaners.
"Laura, but you know ..." Olo's voice pulled me out of my memories. -
If you want, I can come here, and if a child is born, be here
while. Although I have no idea about children, I'm afraid of them and I think
that if they fall apart, you have to run, but I can handle it for you.
- Fuck, tell me better, how can I handle it? I said shaking it
head. - Normally, I'd call my mother to come
to the rescue, but how she sees it all - those people with guns,
this house, cars, it will either kill me or myself or them.
- What about Massim's mother? Won't help you?
- You know what, his parents are dead. They died in a boat accident
it was probably a coup, but it was not proven to be in the blast
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and the sinking of the yacht was attended by third parties. Apparently mother was
amazing, warm and loved Black very much. He speaks sporadically
about his parents, but whenever he tells about her, his eyes change. And dad
you know, head of the mafia family, authority rather than support
emotional. From his family, as it turned out today, I only know Domenica.
- I wonder why they hid the fact that they are brothers? She said pulling
me down another street.
"I don't think they were hiding it, they just didn't tell me about it and they told me."
it did not occur to ask. I think Massimo chose him
for my guardian because he trusts him most.
- And you remember, like Mariusz, the one who worked
in real estate, did he get you a guardian too? She laughed aloud. -
It was just a hit, the guy turned out to be a total psychopath.
I nodded and winced at the memory. I've been meeting
once with a guy who really wanted to show himself to me and that
win my heart alone. He lived far beyond his means, as happened later
it turned out, but at first he decided to play for an audience and when we were walking
with Olga to the club, he announced that he could not go, but he would send his own with us
"human". Mariusz gave him money to take care of us, and initially
in fact it was, he paid, watched and chased away admirers. But later
he had one too many drinks and a freak came out. He was going to
me and Olga, making scenes, shouting and insulting us that she knows
almost every bodyguard in the club, after a while he got in the face
and he went home crying.
- It was a number. And I prefer this party, what we went to it only in
two and everyone thought we were prostitutes.
- Yes! She screamed. - We dressed in white at the time and this guy had
birthday. It was stern! I hugged her hand tighter.
- You know it won't be like that anymore? I said regretfully. - Now
everything will change, I will have a husband, a child, the whole package, and that
in less than three months.
"You think you're exaggerating," said Olga. - See, you can
calmly hire a babysitter, with Massima frequent trips anyway
you'll have to think about her because you can't handle it

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itself. Also, who will you leave your child with, for example, you will go to
any official dinner? Start thinking about it.
- For what? I shrugged my shoulders. - I know that Black will do it anyway
choice and I won't have anything to say. It will come into play
the safety of his child. I shook my head in horror. - god
he is already completely out of his mind with anxiety.
Ola laughed out loud and I joined her.
"Or lock you in the basement, just to be sure."
We walked for an hour, remembering not so old times,
until it was very late. We decided to wait a moment and allow
our protection catch up with us; when it happened, I asked
to send us home.

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The next day I woke up alone in bed, Olga was nowhere to be found. For what
did she get up so early? I wondered, looking for a phone on the cabinet
to check the time.
- What the hell?! I cursed seeing the thirteenth on the display.
I didn't think you could sleep so much, but the doctor mentioned the symptoms
severe fatigue that is supposedly natural for the state in which you are
He was.
Strongly silted I went to the bathroom to embrace a bit, after which
I started looking for my friend. I went out to the garden and met
Domenica who was sipping coffee.
- Good morning, how are you? I have newspapers for you, he said,
moving the stack towards me.
- I don't know how I feel because I can't wake up. Where's Olga?
The young Italian took the phone out of his pocket, the phone rang and in a moment the boy
from the service handed me tea with milk.
- Olga is sunbathing at the beach. What do you want for breakfast?
I covered my mouth with my hand, thinking about food, all the contents in my stomach
she came up my throat. I winced and waved a hand at Domenic.
- I feel sick, I don't want anything yet, thanks. I'm going to the beach. -
I grabbed a bottle of water and went to the bridge.
I went down the stairs and I felt warm. Moored at
the speedboat reminded me of how I was running away in panic
shower in front of horny Massim and his sticking dick.
- Why are you staring at this boat as if you wanted to blow it? -
I heard a voice and saw Ola half-naked emerging from the water.
- You used to have her, admit - she didn't give up.
With a mysterious smile, I slightly raised my eyebrows, I turned to
her when she came closer.
"You have nice tits," I noticed. "I know why Domenico."
he sat so uptight.
"He was here and he brought me a bottle of wine, he wanted to look at me so badly."

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in eyes. Regret not seeing it. Have you had enough sleep? She asked, lying down
on the sunbed.
I lay down next to her, putting my face to the sun.
- I don't know, I could sleep all day. Sick.
"You have nothing to do anyway, so sleep or go get your costume, we'll catch it."
some sun before the wedding.
I didn't know if I could sunbathe, it didn't even occur to me
to ask the doctor.
- But I can't sunbathe during pregnancy?
- I have no idea, I'm far from being a mother. Ask uncle
In fact, it was the most logical move. I took out my phone
out of my pocket and knocked on my question. After a moment of browsing the pages
I turned sideways towards Olo.
- Well, I got a sunburn, listen: "Under the influence of the sun, our skin
produces vitamin D, which is very necessary for the child's development. Just
that future mother will walk in partial shade. Sunbathing is not
advisable, inter alia because it is difficult to completely secure yourself
against harmful ultraviolet radiation; woman's skin
is very sensitive during pregnancy and the sun may irritate and cause it
discoloration, and the body dehydrates, which is not beneficial
for baby".
Olga turned towards me and, dropping her glasses from her nose, said:
- You poured wine with liters, already pregnant, because you didn't know about her,
and tanning is to harm you? Absurd.
- Now I know and I'm not going to risk a great hormonal
chin stains. We have an invitation to the spa, so choose - or you're lying down
here and you age under the influence of UV radiation, or we go
embrace a bit.
I finished and she was already standing by my deck chair with a bag in my hand,
putting on a pareo.
- What? Shall we?
After an hour we were ready to leave and Domenico substituted mine
cherry porsche.

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He got out of it and winced slightly.

- Don't run away from them. - He pointed to the black SUV that just
drove up, parking behind my car. - Massimo scary later on
they are furious and they get whipped.
I patted his shoulder and opened the door.
"I've already discussed this issue with the Don, so be calm."
Did you program my way to the spa in navigation?
Domenico nodded and raised his hand in a gesture of farewell.
"Fucking spaceship," Olga said, looking around
inside the car. - Whoever gives a lot of buttons, that's it
car. Steering wheel, pedals, gearbox and seats. What is it for?
- Don't push me, God! In a moment it will shoot us like a catapult or
we will turn into a plane. I hit her hand when she wanted to touch
next button. - Don't touch it. I shook my head. - Same
I said when I got it, but apparently it's safe and not at all.
I shrugged in a gesture of resignation.
When we left the highway, I decided to show her what
I like my touch, and I pressed the accelerator. The engine roared
and the car pulled us forward, driving us into the seats.
- She's fucked up! Ola shouted amused and turned up the music.
- You'll see in a moment what panic the guys will fall behind us, once for them
I ran away.
I was driving a slalom, passing cars driving much slower than
I. At the moment I was very happy that men taught me how to ride.
My dad always attached great importance to safe and reliable driving,
that's why both my brother and I finished extreme driving courses.
It wasn't meant to make us pirates, but to teach us how to react
in emergency situations. At one point I heard behind me
police sirens and I saw two men in unmarked alpha
- Awesome great - I hissed, sliding down after them to the place that
They indicated.
A man in uniform walked to the window and said a few words after

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Italian. I spread my hands and tried to explain to him in English

I don't understand him at all. I wasn't lucky because neither he nor him
my friend didn't know another language. Communicating in sign language,
I concluded that I should show him the documents. I pulled out my ID
I gave it to the policeman.
"Fuck," I hissed, turning to Olga. - I didn't take the law
ride from a second purse.
She looked at me reproachfully and adjusted her breasts.
- Then I'll go and give them a cane, what do you say?
- Don't make me laugh, Olo, I'm serious.
Suddenly a black SUV stopped behind us and two got out
men protecting me. Ola, looking at this scene, said:
- We are just fucked now.
All four came to each other, shaking hands in greeting.
It looked a bit like meeting friends on the route, not a police one
control. They talked to each other for a moment, then the officer
he came to my window, handing over the car documents.
" Scusa, " he muttered, touching the visor of his hat with his finger.
Olga looked at me in surprise.
- Still apologized to us, surprising.
The police drove away and one of my bodyguards went to the window
and leaning down to see me, he calmly said:
- If you want to test the car, we will go to the track, but we have
permission from don Massim to take them on your next try
escape, so either you'll change to us or you'll go
I winced and nodded.
- Excuse me.
The rest of the road went without haste and without any excesses.
When we arrived at the spa, we were surprised by the luxury and the multitude offered
treatments. Due to the fact that the offer also includes those for pregnant women,
I could take advantage of the benefits offered by it without fear
amazingly beautiful place.
We spent almost five hours there. Every man hearing that

Page 280
he would probably tap on the head, but the woman knows how much time
takes care of yourself. Face, body, massage and later treatment
standard: pedicure, manicure and hairdresser. Due to Saturday
the ceremony I chose colors similar to the one that the dress had.
I had to be as ready as possible, that's why I trusted
craftsman hairdresser and I asked to dye the roots. Towards mine
of joy Marco, a 100% gay man, did well
with the task entrusted to him, which encouraged me to additionally lightly
cut hair. Fragrant, beautiful and relaxed we sat on the terrace,
and the waiter served us dinner.
- You eat very little, Lari, it's your first meal today. You know that yes
can not?
- Give me a break, I still want to puke, I wonder if you would be then
she ate with appetite. Besides, I'm already nervous Saturday.
- Do you have doubts? Remember, you don't have to do this, after all
a child does not mean a marriage, but an eternal relationship.
- I love him, I want to marry him and say as soon as possible
him that we will have a child, because I'm tired of not having it yet
he knows, ”I said, putting down my plate.
I barely moved after the starter, soup, main course and dessert.
We rolled into the car and with considerable difficulty to it
"I feel sick again, but this time with overeating," I said.
starting the engine.
In the rearview mirror I saw the lights of a dark SUV flash
and I started walking. I turned on the navigation and set it remembered
via Domenica address under the name "home". Due to the late hour traffic was
small and few cars on the highway. I pressed the button from
cruise control and I rested my head on my left arm resting on the elbow on the glass.
The automatic transmission had such a plus and minus that man did not
he knew what to do with his hands, or at least with one. Olga was picking
on the phone, completely ignoring me and overeating me
wanted to sleep.
Driving along the slope of Mount Etna, I saw a trickle of spilling lava

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amazing and terrifying view at the same time. staring

in the unusual picture I didn't notice at all that the SUV was following me
he approached us dangerously. When I looked away and looked
in the mirror, I felt a blow to the back of the car.
- What the fuck are they doing ?! I screamed.
Then again the car knocked on the Porsche, trying to push us
out of the way. I squeezed the gas into the floor and started off the highway. threw
Olga my purse and panted in anger:
- Find a phone there and call Domenica.
Panicked, Olo rummaged in her purse and with trembling hands
she found the cell phone for a long time. The dark SUV did not give up
he was running after us, but the engine in my car was stronger thanks God
gave a chance to escape.
- All you have to do is dial the number, the phone is connected to the set
Olga hit the green phone and I, hearing more beeps,
I prayed that he would finally answer.
- What are you doing there so much? - I heard the voice of the future
- Domenico, they are chasing us! I screamed when I heard him.
- Laura, what's going on, who's chasing you, where are you?
- Our security is crazy and they are trying to ram us what I have,
fucking do ?!
- It wasn't them, they called me five minutes ago that they are still waiting under
I felt a wave of terror flood my body, I couldn't
to panic but I had no idea what now.
"Don't hang up," he said.
In the background I heard him shouting something in Italian and after a while he came back to me.
- Security has started, I will see you in a moment. Do not be afraid,
they will catch up with you soon. How fast are you driving?
I looked at the display in horror.
"Two hundred and seven per hour," I stammered, overwhelmed by the numbers
I saw.

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- Listen, I don't know what car is chasing you, but since you thought it was
ours, probably range rover chasing you. There is no such performance as
your car, so if you feel strong enough to drive faster,
you can lose them.
I pressed the accelerator and felt the car accelerate and the lights
the car chasing me stay behind.
- In fifteen kilometers there will be a motorway exit to Messina, take the exit
him. My people are already coming towards you, and the security is about thirty
kilometers behind you. Remember that there will be goals after the exit, so start
brake, but if you don't lose them by then, under no circumstances
open windows and do not get out of the car. The car is bulletproof, so
nothing will happen to you.
- What? Will they shoot at me?
- I don't know if they will, but I'm telling you not to move because you
you are safe inside.
I listened to what he was saying and felt my ears ring and my heart ring
bangs like crazy. I kept my last strength. I looked in the mirror
and I saw that the car lights were slowly disappearing; I pressed the gas
even harder. It's hard to either die in an accident or kill me
I thought. A sign with information about the exit appeared on the route.
- Domenico, there is a reunion!
I heard him speak something in Italian, and after a while spoke after
- Great, they are already reaching the goals. Black bmw and four people
inside. You know Paul, when you see him, stop as close as possible
I started braking at the highway exit and prayed for it
They waited. When I drove another corner, I saw a black BMW
four men stop and run out of him. I pressed the brake
and after a while I stopped, almost driving into the back of Domenic's cars.
Paulo opened the door and pulled me shaking from the car,
he moved to the back seat and started towards the gate with a squeak. I tried
breathe regularly to calm the heart. In the set I heard a voice
Domenica, who spoke calmly with Italian driver.

Page 283

In this confusion I completely forgot about Olga. sat

motionless with eyes fixed on the windshield.
- Olo, what's up? I whispered, grabbing her arm.
She turned to me and her eyes were glass of tears.
She unbuckled her belt and went to the backseat, crying into mine
- What the fuck was that, Lari?
We sat cuddled in each other, weeping, and we were shaking as if
the car was thirty degrees minus. I felt how much
she was terrified, I saw her in this state of hysteria for the first time. Despite
of how I felt just a moment ago, I knew it now
I have to take care of her.
- It's okay, we're safe, they just wanted us
I didn't quite believe what I was saying, but I had to
calm down at all costs.
We entered the driveway where Domenico was already waiting. Once
the car stopped, opened the door behind the driver, where I was sitting.
I slipped out of my seat and fell into his arms.
- Are you OK? Are you okay? The doctor is on his way.
"I'm fine," I whispered without taking a step from him.
Ola got out of the car and squeezed under his other arm.
Domenico took us to a large living room on the ground floor. Twenty
minutes a doctor appeared who measured my blood pressure and gave me medicine for
heart, finding no injuries, then took care of Olga. Still not
she could handle what had happened, which is why he ordered her medicine
calming and sleeping pills. Domenico took her arm and walked her on
half conscious to her bedroom. When they disappeared, the doctor recommended me
Immediate visit to the gynecologist to see if everything is with the child
fine. I felt very well, if after such an adventure I could
I felt good, that's why I was calm about the test result. Hit no
it was strong, the belt rubbed my collarbone more than tensed on my stomach,
but I shared the opinion that it's worth making sure. After a while Domenico came back
and the doctor said goodbye and disappeared.

Page 284

- Laura, listen to me, you must tell me exactly what happened

It happened.
- We left the spa, the boy gave me the car keys ...
- What did the boy look like? He interrupted, interrupting me.
- I have no idea, he looked like Italian, I did not look at him. When
we got in, followed by a dark SUV. I thought it was protection.
Then, when we entered the highway, this horror began, and the rest
you know because I talked to you all the way.
When I finished, his phone rang and he left furiously
from the room.
Worried, I followed him. Domenico almost ran out the door
entrance and headed towards my protection that just
she parked in the driveway. When the men approached him, first
with a heavy blow he knocked down one and then the other, in addition him
kicking. The people from BMW who were standing next to them were held on the ground
the driver, and Domenico was mad at his partner with his fists.
- Domenico! I shouted, frightened of what I see.
He slowly rose to the ground, leaving almost on the pavement
unconscious man, and he came to me.
"My brother will kill them anyway," he said, wiping his hands on his pants
smeared with blood. - I'll walk you to the room, come on.
I sat on the big bed and Domenico went to wash. I felt,
that the drugs are starting to work, and I am slightly numb and sleepy.
- Laura, don't worry, this will not happen again. we find
who chased you.
"Promise me you won't kill them," I whispered, looking into his eyes.
He grimaced and leaned against the door frame.
"I can promise you that, but Massim's decision." Do not think
about it now, the main thing is that you're all right.
I heard a knock on the door, Domenico went down and came back
with a cup of hot cocoa.
"I'd normally give you alcohol," he said, putting the cup on
next to me. - But the situation is that you only have milk left.
I have to go, but I will wait until you change and put you to bed.
Page 285

I went to the wardrobe and put on Black's shirt, I came back

and I went under the quilt.
- Good night, Domenico, thank you for everything.
"I'm sorry," he said, disappearing on the stairs. - Remember that
you have a button by the bed. If you need anything, press it.
I turned to the side and turned on the television, turned off the remote control
all lights on and I put my head to the pillow. I watched
news channel for a while and I don't even know when I fell asleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night and the television was still quiet.
I turned for the remote control on the bedside table and froze. On
Massimo was sitting next to the bed, staring at me. Awhile
I lay looking at him, not sure if I was still sleeping or if it was happening
After a few seconds, Black got up and fell to his knees, cuddling up
my head in my stomach.
"Honey, I'm sorry," he whispered, hugging me tightly
I slipped out of his embrace and knelt down next to him, hugging him to
each other.
- You mustn't kill them, understand? I never asked you for anything, but
now i am begging you. I don't want another person to die because of me.
Massimo didn't even say a word, just stuck in me.
We sat in silence for a dozen or so minutes and I listened
into his calming breath.
"It's my fault," he said, stepping back and taking me in his arms.
He got up and put me on the bed, covering me with a duvet, and then sat down
next to. Only now did I really wake up and appreciate the view
in front of me. You can see that he came here in a hurry, because he didn't even make it
dress up with a tuxedo. I patted his jacket.
- Were you at the party?
Black lowered his head and pulled from the collar solved earlier
bow tie.
- I failed you. I promised that I would protect you, that you would never be hurt
condition. I went away for three days and you miraculously avoided death. Not yet

Page 286

I know who was behind the wheel or how it happened, but I promise you
I will find the one who wanted to do it - he growled and got up from the bed. - No
I know, Laura, is all this a good idea. I love you
most all over the globe, but I can't imagine you going through it
she lost my life. By showing you here, I proved to be the meanest
selfishness, and now that the situation is as unstable as you can see, I can't
be sure of nothing.
I looked at him in horror at what he was saying.
- I think you have to leave for a while. A lot of changes are being prepared
and until they happen you are not safe in Sicily.
- What are you talking about, Massimo? I said, leaping out of bed. -
Now you want to send me somewhere, two days before the wedding?
He turned to me and caught me tightly, staring into my eyes.
- Do you even want it? Laura, maybe I really should be
alone. I chose this life and I didn't give you that choice. I'm condemning you
to be with me, to be in constant danger.
He released me and started walking toward the stairs.
"I was stupid thinking it would be different, we would succeed." - He stopped
and turned around. - You deserve someone better, baby.
- I can't believe it! I shouted, running up to him. - Now you
such thoughts came to us? After almost three months, after marriage proposal and after
how did you make me a child ?!

Page 287


Everyone in life has a person who believes in him more than he should.
For me, such a person is my sister's choice - Anna Mackiewicz.
Thank you, darling, for pushing effectively and regularly
me to publish the book.
Thank you for faith.

Mom, Dad - thank you for what I am, I can talk about sex,
love and emotions.
I love you very much!

Thank you to the Red Sea Zone kitesurfing base for providing me a place
for writing and beautiful cover photos taken by Jan Szlagowski (18
years) in tandem with his dad Piotr Camel Szlagowski.
Gentlemen, you're awesome.

But the most I wanted to thank the man who left me

he broke my heart and inspired me to take action for now
book in hands.
KM - thank you.

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