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Day 5 Worksheet

Section One (Before Reading)

1. Record what you think this poem is about based on the title.

Section Two (During Reading)

1. Perform a close read of the poem. Underline, star, highlight, examples of literary
language, figurative language, and anything that stands out to you.
2. Remember literary terms…
 Paradox – an absurd, self-contradictory statement that when explained can be
proved as true
 Irony – conveys a meaning exactly opposite from the literal meaning
 Symbol – an object that represents or stands for something else
 Metaphor – refers to one thing by mentioning or comparing it to another

Section Three
1. How does the title relate to the poem?
2. What is the theme of the poem?
3. How do various parts of the poem support the themes?
4. Are there examples of paradox, irony, symbol?
5. What is the tone and mood of the poem, and how does the author create this?
6. Would New Critics consider this poem “good” literature? Why or Why not? Explain in 2-
3 paragraphs.


1. Summarize the poem:

a. I think this poem is about _____. I think this because ______
b. The mood of the poem is _____. I think this because ______.
2. Find 3 examples of figurative language
a. _____ is an example of ____.
b. _____ is an example of ____.
c. _____ is an example of ____.

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