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First and the foremost, We would like to offer our sincere gratitude to our thesis supervisor,
Mr. Asit Kumar Saha sir and Mrs. Sutapa Roy mam for immense interest and enthusiasm on
the project. Their technical vast knowledge on diverse fields left quite an impression on us.
They were always accessible for us.

Although the journey was beset with complexities but we always found their helping hand.
They have been a constant source of inspiration for us. We are also thankful to all faculties
and support staff of Department of Chemical Engineering, Haldia Institute of Technology for
their constant help and extending the departmental facilities for carrying out our project
work. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to our friends and colleagues. Last but not
the least, We wish to profoundly acknowledge our parents for their constant support.


 Dehumidify or dehumidification – literally means “pulling out or removing”

the moisture/humidity from the air. Dehumidification equipment will take the
ambient air and will "treat" it before it is exhausted into the enclosure. The
addition of heat to the air will merely reduce the relative humidity - it will not
remove water from the air. Therefore, a heater is not a dehumidifier.

The dictionary defines dehumidification as the process of removing atmospheric

moisture. The process in which the moisture or water vapour or the humidity is
removed from the air keeping its dry bulb (DB) temperature constant is called
as the dehumidification process. This process is represented by a straight
vertical line on the psychrometric chart starting from the initial value of relative
humidity, extending downwards and ending at the final value of the relative
humidity. Like the pure humidification process, in actual practice the pure
dehumidification process is not possible, since the dehumidification is always
accompanied by cooling or heating of the air. Dehumidification process along
with cooling or heating is used in number of air conditioning applications. Let
us see how these processes are obtained and how they are represented on the
psychrometric chart.




Content………………………………….…………………… iii



Dehumidification is the removal of water from the air. Dehumidification

equipment will take the ambient air and will "treat" it before it is exhausted into
the enclosure. The addition of heat to the air will merely reduce the relative
humidity - it will not remove water from the air. Therefore, a heater is not a
dehumidifier. Dehumidification can be split into three methods, they are:
 Air Conditioning – Dehumidification by increasing the total pressure or
compressing the air
 Desiccant Dehumidification (also known as Chemical Dehumidification)
– In this method a desiccant material or drying substance is introduced into the
airstream to remove moisture
 Mechanical Dehumidification (also known as Refrigerative
Dehumidification) – It is the method of removing humidity by cooling the air to
condense the water vapour.

This process is represented by a straight vertical line on the psychrometric chart

starting from the initial value of relative humidity, extending downwards and
ending at the final value of the relative humidity. Like the pure humidification
process, in actual practice the pure dehumidification process is not possible,
since the dehumidification is always accompanied by cooling or heating of the
air. Dehumidification process along with cooling or heating is used in number
of air conditioning applications. Let us see how these processes are obtained
and how they are represented on the psychrometric chart.

1.1 The gas mixture of air:-
In nature, air is always humid. Humid air is comprised of dry air and water
vapor. The dry air is a gas mixture made up of approx. 78 vol% nitrogen, 21
vol% oxygen and 1 vol% argon.

1.2 Humidity:-
The term “humidity” describes the proportion of water vapor in the gas mixture
of air. The water vapor content’s value may be stated in different ways. Only
the values that are relevant for calculating and designing dehumidification
systems are presented here.

1.3 Partial pressure of water vapour:-

All gases contained in the air exert a certain level of pressure within the mixture
(partial pressure). The partial pressure of the water vapour is therefore the water
vapour partial pressure pP.
As a result of the water vapour partial pressure, the water vapour is distributed
evenly in the air. A higher water vapour content — at the same temperature —
also means a higher water vapor partial pressure.

1.4 Relative humidity:-

Relative humidity φ represents the relationship of the water vapour partial pres-
sure Pp to the saturation pressure Ps at a given temperature. This enables the
degree to which the air is saturated with water vapour to be determined directly.
The water vapour volume required for saturation is temperature-dependent.
Thus, stating the moisture content as relative humidity is only significant if the
temperature is provided also.

1.5 Absolute humidity :-

The absolute humidity x, also referred to as moisture content, is defined as a
relationship of humidity mW to the mass of dry air mAIR.
Since the saturation pressure ps is temperature-dependent, the absolute humidity
x can be determined from the measurable dimensions of relative humidity φ,
temperature t and total pressure p of the air:
The absolute humidity x depends on pressure and temperature and represents a
direct measurement for the water vapour content in a given volume of air.

1.6 Dew point temperature:-
The dew point temperature is the temperature at which condensation is first
produced from a gas mixture (unsaturated, humid air) in the presence of isobaric
cooling. In the h-x diagram , the dew point lies at the intersection of line x =
const. with the saturation line.
Water vapour condenses on surfaces and expanses whose temperatures are
below the dew point temperature. To dehumidify unsaturated air, the
temperature of the cooler surface of a condensing dehumidifier must always be
below the dew point temperature.

1.7 Density:-
The density ϱ states the mass m of a substance which is contained in a certain
For applications at sea level and in a temperature range of 0–35°C, however, a
value of 1.2 kg/m3 can be used to calculate to sufficient accuracy.


Humid volume is defined as ,volume occupied by unit mass of dry gas and its
associated vapour . This is also sometimes called as specific volume and is
simply reciprocal of density. Humid volume increases as the temperature or
water vapour content increases.


The humid heat, cH, is the heat energy required to raise the temperature of unit
mass of dry air with the accompanying water vapour by one
degree. heat capacity of dry air in kJ/kg.K and second part is heat capacity of
water vapour in kJ/kg.K.


The total heat content of the air or enthalpy of air comprises of the sensible heat

and the latent heat. The sensible heat is the heat absorbed or lost during the
change in temperature of the air. The latent heat is the heat lost or absorbed
during change in phase of the water .

Dehumidification can be classified into some types. They are as follows:-

Types of Dehumidification:-

There are currently four industry accepted types of dehumidification.

They are:

1. Compression of the air:- This will reduce the absolute moisture content of the
air but will generally produce a saturated condition at the elevated pressure.
Expansion of this high pressure air will result in a lower dew point at the lower
pressure because of the increase in actual volume. This is similar to what one
experiences with an air compressor. The removal of the condensed water is
accomplished by use of water traps and after coolers. However, the amount of
air treated does not make this a viable alternative for dehumidification within
the industrial marketplace.

2. Liquid sorption:- The air is passed through sprays of liquid sorbent, such as
lithium chloride or glycol solution. The sorbent in its active state has a vapor
pressure below that of the air being dehumidified and thus absorbs moisture
from the air stream. The sorbent must be continually regenerated by using heat
to drive off the absorbed moisture.

3. Solid sorption (desiccant):- This method utilizes either granular beds or fixed
desiccant structures that are employed in automatic machines through which the
air is passed. This desiccant also needs to be reactivated by heat to release the
previously sorbed moisture to an outdoor stream.

4. Condensation-based (Refrigerant):- This type unit, pictured above, chills the

air below its dew point, causing moisture to form as condensation on the cold
surface of the cooling coil and thus removes water from the air.

In practicality, from the standpoint of the corrosion control and product
protection industries, only the condensation based (refrigerant) and the solid
sorption/desiccant types are applicable.

1. The desiccant based dehumidification :-

This system uses a chemical to directly absorb moisture from the air while it is a
vapour. Specifically, the moist air stream is passed over a desiccant, typically
lithium chloride or silica gel, that in its active state has a vapour pressure below
that of the air to be dehumidified. Moisture is absorbed from the air stream. The
desiccant is then heated which forces it to give up the absorbed moisture,
regenerating the desiccant for continuous use. The heat of regeneration causes
the temperature of the air entering the enclosure to be substantially higher than
the ambient air. Due to this heat of regeneration requirement, the power
requirements to operate this type of unit are generally quite high. Ultimately the
desiccant will have to be completely replaced to maintain its performance level.

2. The condensation based (refrigerant) dehumidification:-

This system has the incoming air cross over the evaporator coils to reduce the
absolute amount of moisture in the air via condensation. The air exits the
cooling coil section of the dehumidifier at a reduced temperature, dew point,
and absolute humidity. It then passes over both the condenser coils and a series
of reheat coils to (a) increase the temperature of the air and (b) reduce the
relative humidity of this air.

This system is advantageous when the ambient external air is comparatively

warm with a high moisture content and the dew point is greater than 0 degrees
C (32 degrees F). It has low power consumption requirements - approximately
half that of a desiccant unit with an equal air flow rating.

fig:- Refrigerant Dehumidification

3.Air Conditioning and Dehumidifying :-

In the summertime, the heat brings humidity to many homes around the US.
Humidity is a result of moisture in your home, which can come from a variety
of sources. During summer, however, the weather brings moisture with it and
combines with moisture you create in your home passively. Moisture can lead
to health problems, such as allergic reactions to mold and mildew. Mold and
other fungi are fond of wet areas, making your basement the ideal place to
grow. Your AC does some dehumidification, but that’s not its primary function.

Air conditioners work by pulling air out of your home via return ducts, cooling
the air, and then recirculating it throughout your home. But sometimes all your
home needs is dehumidification. Along much of the East Coast, including
Pennsylvania, Maryland, DC, Delaware, and New Jersey, a lot of our heat is
unbearable because of the humidity levels in the air. The sticky, thick 90º
weather is awful, but when the humidity finds its way inside our homes,
sometimes all you need is the movement of air. Ceiling fans are a common
choice in homes with temperatures around the upper 70ºs. A ceiling fan can
reduce the temperature you feel in the room by up to 10º in some cases. 

Fig:- Air Conditioning and dehumidifying

Air may be dehumidified - moisture or water removed - by

1. Cooling - condensation of vapour

2. Adsorption of water vapour
3. Absorption of water vapour

1. Cooling the air - vapour condensation:-

In a cooling system humidity is reduced by cooling the air below the dew point.
A part of the moisture in the air is condensed and drained out.

The cooling and dehumidification process in Mollier diagram:

 Cooling and Dehumidifying Air

2. Adsorption
In an adsorption system humidity is reduced with an adsorbent material like
silica gel or activated alumina.

Adsorption is a physical process in where moisture is condensed and held on the

surface of the material without any change of in the physical or chemical
structure of the material. The adsorbent material can be reactivated by heat.

 Temperature for reactivation: 160 - 170  oC

 Heat required for reactivation: 4800 - 4800 kJ/kg water removed
Silica gel - SiO2
Silica gel - SiO2 - is a hard, adsorbent, crystalline substance and very porous.
Voids are about 50 - 70% by volume and adsorbs water up to 40% of its own
mass. The bulk density of silica gel is 480 - 720 kg/m3. The specific heat is 1.13

Activated alumina
Activated alumina is about 90% aluminum oxide Al2O3 and very porous. Voids
are about 50 - 70% by volume and adsorbs water up to 60% of its own mass.
The bulk density is 800 - 870 kg/m3. The specific heat is 1.0 kJ/kgK.

3. Absorption
In an absorption system humidity is reduced with an absorbent material such as
a calcium chloride solution. Absorption involves a change in the physical or
chemical structure of the material.

In general - it is not easy to reactivate the material.

Benefits of a Dehumidifier:-
There are several benefits to getting a dehumidifier in your home, basement,
apartment, or office space.

1. Dehumidifiers reduce humidity levels, making your home less hospitable

to allergens such as dust mites, mold, and mildew.
2. They are not disruptive to your daily life, and run quietly and efficiently
in the background without most people even noticing.
3. Dehumidifiers help reduce odours that can accompany mold and mildew
in your home—getting rid of that “musty” or “rotting” smell.
4. These devices help to reduce the possibility that you will develop mold
on your clothing, furniture, and other linens (such as curtains or bed
5. Dehumidifiers reduce irritation to your skin and your respiratory system,
allowing you to breathe easier and feel comfortable in your home.
6. A less humid environment in your home means clothing will dry faster,
breads and cereals will remain fresh longer without getting stale, and you
won’t find signs of rust or corrosion on things like computer equipment,
electronics, and tools.
7. Running a dehumidifier helps reduce dust in your home, so you won’t
have to clean as often.
8. A dehumidifier also lowers energy costs because it helps your air
conditioner run more efficiently. When the air in your home is more
humid, the A/C must do the function of cooling the air and removing
moisture, which means it has to work harder. This also causes your A/C
to wear out sooner, which means you will need to replace and repair it
more often.

Drawbacks of Dehumidifier:-

1.Warm and Noisy-

A dehumidifier is not exactly a quiet device to include in a room. In fact, the
noise can be downright irritating. While this may not upset you if the unit is in
the basement, it can be distractive if placed elsewhere.

If you are planning to buy this equipment, make sure that you choose a product
that is designed for a lived-in space, one where comfort and quiet are priorities.
The unit can also blow warm air from the back, which can be annoying in the
summer. If you are dehumidifying a room in the summer, make sure the back is
positioned in the path of a doorway or window.

2.An Increase in Energy-

When you are using a dehumidifier, you have to face the fact, as well, that your
energy bill can increase. Some homeowners have complained that their energy
bill increased by as much as $50.00. You are most likely to incur this amount
during the summer unless, of course, you live in a warm climate throughout the
year. You can reduce the amount of energy used by buying an Energy Star unit
that is designed for energy efficiency.

3.Ongoing Maintenance-
When you own a dehumidifier, you regularly need to maintain the item. That is
because the devices collect water in their storage tanks that must be emptied and
cleaned on a routine basis. If you live in a humid environment, you may have to
assume this task at least once a day. To reduce the added maintenance, you
might thinking of adding a drain hose that empties any accumulated water into a
drain in the floor. Some units offer this feature, and it can save a lot of work.


Industrial dehumidifiers also find their applications across various industries

such as:

1. Food Industry
2. Lithium Batteries
3. Pharmaceutical Industry
4. Cold Stores
5. Defense Industry
6. Electronic and Semiconductors
7. Turbine Industry
8. Leatherindustry

3. Modeling of Dehumidifier
Mathematical model represents all the important features of the system for the purpose of deriving the
mathematical equations governing the system’s behavior. The mathematical modelling includes enough details
to be able to describe the system in terms of equations without making it too complex. The mathematical model
may be linear or nonlinear, depending on the behavior of the system’s components. Linear models permit quick
solutions and are simple to handle; however, nonlinear models sometimes reveal certain characteristics of the
system that cannot be predicted using linear models. We can use a very crude or elementary model to get a
quick insight into the overall behavior of the system. The model is refined by including more components and
details so that the behavior of the system can be observed more closely (Ritunesh et. al., 2009). Thus a great
deal of engineering judgment is needed to come up with a suitable mathematical model of vibrating system.
Schematic diagram of an air dehumidification system with liquid desiccant is given in figure 1. A honeycomb
celdek packing has been used in dehumidifier in present work. Strong desiccant solution flows in downward
direction through celdek packing and air flows in upward direction through the packing.

Fig. 1 A simlified schematic of air dehumidification with liquid solution

The desiccant solution is not able to stick on the inner side of packing due to reasons like turbulence, surface
irregularity and impurity which might influence the surface tension. To account for this in modeling wetness
factor fab has been employed as used by Jain et al. (2000). This is defined as the ratio of actual tube surface
area wetted by the falling desiccant to the gross surface area of the flute of packing.

To simulate the absorber which is a heat and mass exchanger, fundamental mass and energy equation have
been written for air and desiccant solution. The steady state mass and energy equations for a control volume
as shown in figure 2 are:

Mass Balance equation for air

Moisture present in the air leaving the control volume = Moisture present in the air entering the control
volume + moisture added to the air due to mass transfer from liquid to air

Mass Balance equation for desiccant

Mass of water in liquid desiccant leaving the control volume = Mass of water in liquid desiccant entering the
control volume - Mass of water removed from the liquid desiccant due to mass transfer to air

Energy Balance Equation for Air

Total enthalpy of the air leaving the control volume = Total enthalpy of the air entering the control volume +
increase in energy of the air due to mass transfer from liquid desiccant to air + increase in enthalpy of the air
due to heat transfer from liquid desiccant to air

Energy Balance Equation for desiccant
Total enthalpy of the liquid desiccant solution leaving the control volume = Total enthalpy of the liquid
desiccant solution entering the control volume -decrease in energy of the liquid desiccant solution due to mass
transfer from liquid desiccant to air - decrease in energy of the liquid desiccant solution due to heat transfer
from liquid desiccant to air + increase in energy due to heat transfer from water to liquid desiccant


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