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The Original Forgotten Ploy

Basic Effect
A Card is forgotten.
The secret lies in an impromptu double-backed card. Here's how I introduce the
effect to
the audience:
"The brain is curious when it comes to memory. I misplace my keys constantly,
simply because I can 't remember back to the moment when I set them down. I like to
think I have an exceptional memory, but I often don't remember where I put them to
begin with because I wasn 't paying attention. Is there anyone here who feels they
have an exceptional memory? I'd like to attempt this phenomenon with you. In a
moment, I'd like you to try, as hard as you can, to remember a simple thought: a
playing card. Are you comfortable enough to try this? "
The subject is seated in front of the audience. It is important that there be no
one behind
The deck begins with one card secretly face-down at the bottom of a the face-up
The cards are turned face-up and spread through so that a selection may be made. To
secretly get into this position, I perform a double-lift during the opening banter
the top two cards face-up as one. Following this, I turn just one of the two cards
and use it to turn the deck face-up, being sure to keep the second face-up card
The subject may either be standing or seated. I ask the subject to relax. It is, at
moment, I silently cue the subject to shut his eyes by doing so myself. If the
doesn't close his eyes, I simply ask him to. I continue and walk up to a member of
audience and spread the cards face-up between my hands.

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