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Erwin, Merrill, Madsen 1

Morgan Erwin, Christa Merrill, Conner Madsen

Mrs. Day

English 1010

20 September 2019

Fizzy Fruity Flakes

Cereal, the breakfast of champions. Any hurried morning can be solved with a simple fix

of this sugary breakfast. As founders of such a new flavor of cereal, we aspire to transform every

child's morning. The newly created title Fizzy Fruity Flakes, taste of real fruit, with the sensation

of Pop Rocks. We created this cereal because we know what kids like, since we are kids. Kids

will love the fruity taste of this cereal that bubbles in your mouth. It even turns your milk into

many different colors, as if having a science experiment in your bowl. Aside from being a fun,

exciting cereal, it is also very nutritious! Made with only whole grains and no high fructose corn

syrup, Fizzy Flakes is the perfect way to start your day with a pop!

Our audience that we intended this cereal for is teens and younger. This can be shown by

the cute, joyful looking snake on the front of the box. The snake is a mascot of sorts for the

cereal, whose goal is to make the cereal look fun and inviting. There are also games on the back

of the box which will help direct the cereal toward kids. Kids are easily distracted and get bored

quickly, so having games on the box that they can play and have fun with will keep them

entertained and coming back to Fizzy fruity Flakes. And the fact that the cereal is chip shaped

and spooky colors. As well as the most exciting part, which would be that the cereal fizzes like

pop rocks when the milk is poured over it! Our cereal is very unique and unlike anything else out

there, which is a selling point in and of itself. Kids are fascinated by the abnormal, and the
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minute they eat the Fizzy Fruity Flakes they will be obsessed. And not only do the flakes pop in

your mouth, the flavor will too! With a strong fruity flavor you will want to snack on Fizzy

Flakes all day long.

The cereals name, Fizzy Fruity Flakes, is an alliteration. This makes the name and the

cereal very fun and easy to remember. The cereal flakes themselves are brightly colored, which

makes them more attractive to kids, and will keep them coming back. The box is simple yet

unique, with the snake and title the focal points of the box. This simple design spotlights the

cereal itself, which is the true star of the show. The unique parts of the box, such as the way the

snake is the cereal bowl, or the different font styles and directions of the lettering, help to show

how different and unique the cereal itself actually is.

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