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A biological pyramid is a graphical representation in the general

shape of a pyramid to show the feeding relationship of organisms, and

also the flow of energy or even biomass through different trophic levels
in an ecosystem. This diagrammatic or quantitative method can also be
used to summarise the path of energy flow and nutrient cycling in a
community and represented by trophic levels.

The pyramid of numbers is a representation of the numbers of

organisms in each trophic level in an ecosystem. The width of each
block is proportional to the number of organisms in each trophic level.
Using a simple food chain like this; grass → caterpillars → blackbirds,
A pyramid of numbers can be constructed.

Black Birds (3⁰)
Caterpillars (2⁰)
200 Grass (1⁰)

However, the pyramid can also look slightly out of shape depending on
the position of the population of the producer. Grass is in abundance
however a large tree can support many organisms on its own. Therefore,
if the caterpillars are on a tree instead of the ground, then the pyramid of
numbers would look a bit unstable as a pyramid.
20 Black Birds (3⁰)

100 Caterpillars (2⁰)

1 Tree (1⁰)

The pyramid can also appear inverted when dealing with a parasitic food
chain. The pyramid will become an inverted pyramid.

Tree → Birds → Lice

300 Lice (3⁰)

100 Black Birds (2⁰)

1 Tree (1⁰)
These pyramids do not give the rate of production of energy or the rate
of transfer of energy. It is limited to the number or a type of organism in
the trophic level. They normally account of the organisms that are
visible, and depending on the values creating an appropriate scale for the
pyramid can pose a challenge.

The pyramid of biomass is a graphical representation to show the

relative amounts of biomass at each trophic level. This pyramid takes in
to account the different sizes of the organisms in the ecosystem. Dry
Mass is often used since plants have varying quantities of water
depending on environmental conditions. A good example would be the
food chain of Tree → Caterpillars → Black Birds.

10 Black Birds (3⁰)

50 Caterpillars (2⁰)
100 Tree (1⁰)

This pyramid does not indicate the amount of energy in each trophic
level. The organisms are also killed in the process of obtaining the
values to create this pyramid.
The pyramid of energy is a graphical model of a proper pyramid to
show how the energy flow through a food chain. It also depicts the
amount of energy at each trophic level. It always has a strict pyramid
shape. Using the same example as before:

Tree → Caterpillars → Black Birds

1 Black Birds (3⁰)

10 Caterpillars (2⁰)

100 Tree (1⁰)

However, values to create this pyramid can be difficult to obtain as well

as time consuming and estimating.

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