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MIS 105
Submitted to : Md. Nabid Alam (NBA)
Submitted by : Anupam Saha
ID : 1330684030
Section : 04
The Future Of Shopping

Summary : Amy, who is 28 years old girl want to buy resort wear for a Caribbean vacation.
Five years ago, in 2011, she would have headed straight for the mall. Today she starts
shopping from her couch by launching a videoconference with her personal concierge at
Danella, the retailer where she bought two outfits the previous month. The concierge
recommends several items superimposing photos of them onto Amy’s avatar. Amy rejects a
couple of items immediately, toggles to another browser tab to research customer reviews and
prices, finds better deals on several items at another retailer, and orders them. She buys one
item from Danella online and then drives to the Danella store near her for the in-stock items she
wants to try on. All the story it says about the technology and the online business system. In the
scenario the technologies that Amy used were available. In the 1960s and 1970s saw the
spread of discount chains Walmart, Kmart, and the like and soon after, big-box, category killers
such as Circuit City and Home Depot, all of them undermining or transforming the old- style
mall. They had a belief that, Each wave of change doesn’t eliminate what came before it, but it
reshapes the landscape and redefines consumer expectations, often beyond recognition.
Retailers relying on earlier formats either adapt or die out as the new ones pull volume from
their stores and make the remaining volume less profitable. A bevy of internet-based retailers in
the 1990s are,, and pretty much which embraced
what they called online shopping or electronic commerce. The research firm Forrester estimates
that e-commerce is now approaching $200 billion in revenue in the United States alone and
accounts for 9% of total retail sales, up from 5% five years ago. Experts estimate that digital
information already influences about 50% of store sales, and that number is growing rapidly. As
it evolves, digital retailing is quickly morphing into something so different that it requires
a new name: omnichannel retailing. Day by day the online retailing business is
increasing in USA. A survey shows that customer satisfaction in USA for online
retailers like counts 11 points higher than the average for physical
discounts and department stores. Meanwhile traditional retailers are lagging badly.
Very recent, some old traditional retailers using few digital means as they recognized
that, it is reliable for their business. There are some advantages and disadvantages
between omnichannel and traditional retailers. Traditional retailers realized about
customers that, they think physical stores aren’t sufficient for them and it’s kind of
trouble for them to visit stores. So customers are choosing easiest way of shopping
where they can buy products sitting at home. For an omnichannel business
organization there will need a skillful entrepreneurship, workers and technology efforts.
In today’s business who use both traditional and omnichannel can get success easily.

Advantages of digital means of shopping

 Better prices : Online stores offer prices that are much lower than the physical
stores. Generally people use internet to find cheaper items and online business
owners understand this. So they reduce profit margin to get more customers.
 Convenience : Shopping online is convenient. You don’t need to dressed and
drive to your favorite shops. You can easily visit the official website, find out the
products you want to buy.
 Saves time : If you are a busy person, it is very hard to manage time for
shopping. You can order or buy products sitting at your workplace. You don’t
need to wait for the store to open. It is a 24/7 shop.
 Variety products : Online shops sell variety of products. Whatever you need
you can find from this shop.
 Fewer traps : In online shops the retailers don’t use any means like posters,
sales messages, product placements to attract customers as the physical
retailers do. So there is no pressure to buy another things.
 Privacy : Shopping online gives you privacy. No one will be able to know what
you are buying.
 information : Every online shop has their official website that gives you proper
information about products.
Emerging Concepts

The emerging concepts are :

1) Technology

2) Modern civilization

Technology : In real life as well as in the case we noticed that,day by day technology
is getting developed. Like other technology products mobilephones specially the
invention of smartphones has made a revolution in all the sectors of life, business is
one of them. Now a days all the business firms and organizations use technology to
buy and sell their products. All the business organizations like shops and firms have
their own websites. From the websites customers can easily gather knowledge about a
product from their workplaces. I think it’s the main fact for changing shopping
dimension. Now we can see the product, choose it and select for order easily at a very
short time what we cannot do in the physical stores. The people who are always busy
in their work, cannot come to a physical shop to buy their products. So we can say time
is the another factor for changing dimension of shopping

Modern civilization : Modern civilization is the another concept that contributing to

change the dimension of shopping. Now a days it is noticed that, modern people
basically who are from twenty first century, they do not want to go mall or market to buy
anything. On the other hand online retailing has become popular now a days because
of much development in business style and technology. To modern people privacy is
the main issue. Online shops can give personality and privacy in the same way which a
physical shop cannot do. Modern civilization mostly emphasizes on time they don’t like
to wait for buying anything from traditional shops as they sometimes remain close. On
the contrary online shops are always open. It can be the another reason for changing
the dimension of shopping.

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