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CASE STUDY: The Great American Ball Park

The Great American Ball Park case study that was presented in the class is a good
example of important role of Project Safety. The client Mr. Patrick was assigned for the
proposed baseball project and wants to have this project to be handle by an expertise in
project safety measure. In this manner he begun to study and research some existing project
done under different project safety personnel and two projects were identify and this were the
Miller Park and Paul Brown Stadium. Thru his extensive research and study he found out the
Miller Park has a history record of failure in Project safety and this was done by a project
contractor itself? Contrary to this is the Paul Brown Stadium which was managed by a third
party safety contractor with their system called MASTER or Mobilized Alliance for Safety,
Teamwork, Education and Result. It is designed to increase employee involvement, joint
safety oversight by labor and management at job sites, teamwork between labor and
management, and education of construction workers on construction sites. I was a successful
implementation that was done using the MASTER, that the recorded percentage from the
local government decreases using this method.

Nowadays especially here in the Philippines, Project Safety is more important than
any other factor in considering the project phase. But so far I didn't hear any such safety
contractor here in the Philippines to conduct such specialty services to the owner and
contractor. Safety trainings and seminars are conducted regularly in our country but it’s still
best for a third party to conduct a safety implementation to avoid corruption and "palakasan"
system. Moreover some instances in the safety issues they cover-up the situation no matter
how minor or major it was just to save the reputation, cost and time of the company and the


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