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1. Which of the following components of our food are taken in small quantities?
(1) Carbohydrate and proteins
(2) Proteins and minerals
(3) Proteins and lipids
(4) Minerals and vitamins
2. Which of the following molecules can be used by us as a source of energy?
(1) Carbohydrates only
(2) Fats only
(3) Carbohydrates or fats
(4) Carbohydrates, fats and vitamins
3. Digestion is -
(1) Absorption of diffusible food
(2) Absorption of water
(3) Throwing out of non diffusible food substances
(4) Conversion of non-diffusible complex food sub stances into simple absorbable forms
4. Dental formula of adult person is -
2122 2114
(1) 2122 (2) 2114
2123 2123
(3) 2123 (4) 2124
5. Our teeth are -
(1) Acrodont and homodont
(2) Homodont and polyphyodont
(3) Thecodont, diphyodont and heterodont
(4) Acrodont, homodont and polyphyodont
6. Frenulum is -
(1) Adenoid present on pharyngeal wall
(2) tonsils located on lateral; wall of soft palate
(3) Fold attaching tongue to the floor of oral cavity
(4) V-shaped sulcus for terminalis on tongue
7. The hard chewing surface of teeth helping in mastication of food is called -
(1) Dentine (2) Frenulum
(3) Root (4) Enamel
8. The upper surface of the tongue has small projections, some of which bear taste buds. These
projections are called-
(1) Papillae (2) Taste pore
(3) Frenulus (4) Sulcus terminalis
9. The common passage for food and air is-
(1) Gullet (2) Glottis
(3) Larynx (4) Pharynx
10. The oesophagus and trachea (wind pipe) open into -
(1) Gullet (2) Glottis
(3) Larynx (4) Pharynx
11. A thin long tube extending posteriorly and passing through neck, thorax and a diaphragm and leading
to stomach is called -
(1) Pharynx (2) Trachea
(3) Oesophagus (4) Larynx
12. Our stomach is -
(1) U-shaped (2) J-shaped
(3) C-shaped (4) Rod-shaped
13. A muscular sphincter regulating opening of oesophagus into the stomach is called -
(1) Pyloric sphincter (2) Cardiac Sphincter
(3) Sphincter of oddi (4) Boyden sphincter
14. Cardiac sphincter is -
(1) Gastro-oesophageal sphincter
(2) Gastro-duodenal sphincter
(3) Pyloric sphincter
(4) None
15. The stomach is located in the upper _________ portion of the _______ cavity -
(1) Right, thoracic (2) Left, abdominal
(3) Right, abdominal (4) Left, thoracic
16. The narrow distal part of stomach leading to the intestine is called -
(1) Cardiac (2) Pyloric
(3) Fundus (4) None
17. The proximal part of stomach in which oesophagus opens is called -
(1) Cardiac (2) Pyloric
(3) Fundus (4) None
18. Which of the following is not the part of stomach?
(1) Caecum (2) Pyloric
(3) Fundus (4) Cardiac

19. Small intestine is distinguishable in 3 parts, a 'U' shaped ________, a long coiled middle portion __________
and a high coiled ___________
(1) ileum, jejunum, duodenum
(2) duodenum, Jejunum, ilium
(3) duodenum, jejunum, ileum
(4) caecum, duodenum, ileum
20. The opening of stomach into duodenum is guarded by -
(1) Cardiac sphincter (2) Sphincter of Boyden
(3) Sphincter of Oddi (4) Pyloric sphincter
21. Ileum is -
(1) First part of small intestine
(2) Middle part of small-intestine
(3) Last part of small intestine
(4) First part of large intestine
22. Which of the following parts of small intestine opens into large intestine ?
(1) Duodenum (2) Ileum
(3) Jejunum (4) Colon
23. All of the following is the part of large intestine except -
(1) Ileum (2) Caecum
(3) Colon (4) Rectum
24. Caecum is small blind sac which hosts some symbiotic micro-organisms. From it a small finger like
vestigeal organ arises. This organ is called -
(1) Parotid gland
(2) Vermis
(3) Vermiform appendix
(4) Lacteals
25. Caecum opens into -
(1) Rectum (2) Duodenum
(3) Colon (4) Jejunum
26. Which of the following organs has 3 parts (ascending, transverse and descending parts) -
(1) Colon (2) Caecum
(3) Small intestine (4) Large intestine
27. Which of the following sequence is correct ?
(1) Descending part of colon  Rectum  Anus
(2) Stomach  Jejunum  Duodenum
(3) Ileum  Colon  Caecum
(4) Colon  Anus  Rectum
28. Anatomical regions of human stomach are -
(1) A - Fundus; B - Pyloric; C - Cardiac
(2) A - Cardiac; B - Fundus; C - Pyloric
(3) A - Fundus; B - Cardiac; C - Pyloric
(4) A - Pyloric; B - Fundus; C - Cardiac
29. The wall of alimentary canal from oesophagus to rectum posses four layers. The sequence of these
layers is -
(1) Serosa  Mucosa  Submucosa  Muscularis
(2) Muscularis  Serosa  Mucosa  Submucosa
(3) Serosa  Muscularis  Mucosa  Submucosa
(4) Serosa  Muscularis  Submucosa  Mucosa
30. Amino acids, glucose, electrolytes like Na+ are absorbed by -
(1) Active transport
(2) Passive transport
(3) Facilitated transport
(4) Osmosis
31. Epiglottis is a cartilaginous flap which prevents the entry of food into -
(1) Glottis (2) Gullet
(3) Oesophagus (4) None of above
32. Duodenal glands / Brunner's glands are present in -
(1) Submucosa (2) Mucosa
(3) Muscularis (4) Serosa
33. Mucosa forms irregular folds (rugae) in the -
(1) Ileum (2) Stomach
(3) Jejunum (4) Colon
34. Mucosa forms many small finger like villi in the -
(1) Stomach (2) Colon
(3) Caecum (4) Small intestine
35. The many projections on the wall of small intestine function to -
(1) Secrete digestion enzymes
(2) Increase the surface area
(3) Hold products of digestion so they do not enter the large intestine
(4) Hold mucus, so ulcers do not form
36. Which layer of the gut is responsible for peristalsis ?
(1) Smooth muscles (2) Mucosa

(3) Sub mucosa (4) Serosa
37. Which of the following statements is false?
(1) Mucosal epithelium has goblet cells which secrete mucus for lubrication
(2) Mucosa forms gastric glands in the stomach and crypts in between the bases of villi in intestine
(3) Cells lining the villi has brush border or microvilli
(4) All the four basic layer in the wall of gut never show modification in different parts of the
alimentary canal
38. Lacteals, lymph capillaries are found in-
(1) Spleen (2) Intestinal villi
(3) Salivary gland (4) Mammary gland
39. Intestinal villi are supplied with -
(1) Only blood capillaries
(2) Only lacteals
(3) Lacteals and valves
(4) Blood capillaries and lacteals
40. The falciform ligament in man connects
(1) liver with diaphragm
(2) lungs with diaphragm
(3) stomach with diaphragm
(4) liver with stomach
41. Number of salivary glands present in human being is
(1) 5 pairs (2) 3 pairs
(3) 4 pairs (4) 2 pairs
42. Parotid glands are located below -
(1) Eye (2) Tongue
(3) Floor of mouth (4) In cheek near ear

43. Which of the following salivary gland is absent in human beings ?

(1) Zygomatic
(2) Parotids
(3) The sub-maxillary/sub-mandibular (lower jaw)
(4) The sub-linguals (below the tongue)

44. Saliva is secreted by -

(1) Liver
(2) Gastric gland
(3) Duodenal gland
(4) None
45. Which one is the largest gland ?
(1) Liver (2) Pancreas
(3) Salivary gland (4) Gastric gland
46. Liver secretes ?
(1) No digestive enzymes
(2) Many digestive enzymes
(3) Hormones
(4) Succus entericus
47. Liver of man is -
(1) Bilobed (2) 3-lobed
(3) 4-lobed (4) 5-lobed
48. Digestive juice lacking enzyme but adding digestion is -
(1) Chyle (2) Chyme
(3) Bile (4) Succus entericus
49. In adult human liver weighs-
(1) 2 kg (2) 2-3 kg
(3) 500 g (4) 1.2 to 1.5 kg
50. Livens situated in-
(1) Thoracic cavity
(2) Above the thoracic cavity
(3) In abdominal cavity below diaphragm
(4) In abdominal cavity above diaphragm
51. Which of the following is the structural and functional unit of liver?
(1) Hepatic cells (2) Hepatic cord
(3) Hepatic lobule (4) Hepatic lobe
52. Find out the correct match -
Column I Column II
A. Hepatic lobule I Base of Villi
B. Crypts of II Glisson's capsule
C. Sphincter of Oddi III Gall bladder
D. Cystic duct IV Hepato-pancreatic
(1) A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
(2) A-I, B-II, C-IV, D-III

(3) A-I, B-II, C- III, D-IV
(4) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
53. Hepatocytes secrete -
(1) Lipase
(2) Bile, no digestive enzymes
(3) Bile with digestive enzymes
(4) Amylopsin
54. Bile is produced by -
(1) Gall bladder (2) Liver
(3) Hepatic duct (4) Blood
55. Cystic duct arises from -
(1) Liver (2) Kidney
(3) Pancreas (4) Gall bladder
56. Function of gall bladder is -
(1) Storage of bile
(2) Secretion of bile
(3) Formation of digestive enzyme
(4) Formation of bile salts
57. Common bile duct is formed when
(1) Right and left hepatic ducts are fused
(2) Bile duct is fused with pancreatic duct
(3) Cystic duct is fused with right
(4) Cystic duct (duct of gall bladder) is fused with a common hepatic duct
58. In human beings which of the following opens into the duodenum -
(1) Hepatic duct and pancreatic duct separately
(2) Hepato-pancreatic duct
(3) 1st hepatic duct, then pancreatic duct
(4) 1st pancreatic duct then hepatic duct
59. Which of the following is incorrect about pancreas ?
(1) It is compound gland as it has both exocrine and endocrine part
(2) Exocrine part secretes alkaline pancreatic juice having enzymes
(3) Endocrine part secretes hormones like insulin and glucagon
(4) It is surrounded by glisson's capsule
60. What is removed from the undigested food when it is in the Large Intestine?
(1) Water (2) nutrients
(3) Energy (4) sugar
61. Process of digestion is accomplished by-
(1) Only mechanical process
(2) Only chemical process
(3) Neither mechanical nor chemical process
(4) Both mechanical and chemical processes
62. In human being digestion of starch starts from -
(1) Mouth (2) Stomach
(3) Duodenum (4) Oesophagus
63. Saliva has -
(1) No mucus
(2) Amylase / Ptyalin, lysozyme but no mucus
(3) Electrolytes, ptyalin, lysozyme and mucus
(4) Only salivary amylase
64. Essentially the world "digestion" means-
(1) Burning of food
(2) hydrolysis of food
(3) Breaking down of food
(4) Oxidation of food
65. Optimum pH of saliva action is -
(1) 6.8 (2) 8.6
(3) 7 (4) 9.5
66. About 30% starch is digested in -
(1) Mouth (2) Stomach
(3) Small intestine (4) Colon
67. Starch is converted to disaccharide (maltose) by the action of
(1) Sucrose (2) Diastase
(3) Maltose (4) Amylase
68. Which of the following statements about starch digestion is false ?
(1) It begins in mouth
(2) It occurs in stomach
(3) It requires the action of pancreatic amylase
(4) Its digestion is completed into small intestine
69. Lysozyme -
(1) Acts on lipid (2) Acts on lactose
(3) is antibacterial agent (4) is like lipase

70. Find out the correct matching between the cells of gastric gland and their respective secretory products
Column I Column II
A. Neck cells I HCl, Intrinsic
B. Peptic / Chief cells II Mucus
C. Parietal / Oxyntic III Pepsinogen

(1) A-II, B-III, C-I (2) A-III, B-II, C-I

(3) A-I, B-II, C-III (4) A-II, B-I, C-III

71. Stomach is the site of digestion mainly of -

(1) Protein (2) Lipid
(3) Starch (4) Nucelic acid

72. Digestion of protein starts from -

(1) Mouth (2) Stomach
(3) Small intestine (4) Duodenum
73. The stomach stores food for -
(1) 4-5 hours (2) 1 hour
(3) 6-7 hour (4) 30m
74. Pepsinogen is activated by -
(1) Trypsin (2) Chymotrypsin
(3) HCl (4) Na+
75. Pepsin is -
(1) Inactive proteolytic gastric enzyme
(2) Active proteolytic gastric enzyme
(3) Active enzyme of pancreatic juice
(4) Active lipolylytic enzyme
76. Gastric juice has -
(1) Only HCl
(2) Only pepsinogen
(3) Mucus, bicarbonates, pepsin and HCl
(4) Only pepsin
77. pH at which pepsin acts is -
(1) 1.8 (2) 5.8
(3) 6.8 (4) 7.8
78. Pepsin converts -
(1) Protein into amino acid
(2) Fat into fatty acid
(3) Peptones into amino acid
(4) Proteins into proteoses and peptones (peptides)
79. Mucus and bicarbonates in gastric juice-
(1) Lubricate the food
(2) protect mucosal epithelium from HCl
(3) Active pepsinogen
(4) Both (1) and (2)
80. The pulpy and partially digested food inside the stomach is called -
(1) Chyle (2) Chyme
(3) Bolus (4) None
81. Which of the following statement is false?
(1) Intrinsic factor is essential for absorption of Vit B12
(2) Gastric gland never secrets even a small amount of lipase
(3) Rennin, a proteolytic enzyme (for milk proteins) found in gastric juice of infants
(4) All
82. Three secretions meeting the food in small intestine are -
(1) Bile, gastric juice and saliva
(2) Bile, pancreatic juice and gastric juice
(3) Pancreatic juice, intestinal juice and gastric juice
(4) Bile, pancreatic juice and sucus intericus
83. Trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, procarboxypeptidase, amylase, lipase and nuclease enzymes are
found in -
(1) Pancreatic juice
(2) Succus intericus / intestinal juice
(3) Gastric juice
(4) Bile and gastric juice
84. Pancreatic inactive enzymes are -
(1) Trypsinogen
(2) Chymotrypsinogen
(3) Procarboxypeptidase
(4) All

85. When you eat an apple your body breaks down the tissue of the apple and absorbs the nutrients. What
is the correct path that an apple would take through your digestive system?
(1) Mouth, stomach, small intestine, colon
(2) Stomach, mouth, small intestine, colon
(3) Small intestine, colon, stomach, mouth
(4) Mouth, small intestine, stomach, colon
86. Which of the following lists the four stages of food processing in order?
(1) ingestion. digestion, absorption, elimination
(2) Digestion, ingestion, absorption, elimination
(3) Ingestion, absorption, elimination, digestion
(4) Ingestion, digestion, elimination, absorption
87. Which of the answer below would not work in the following sentence? In order for the body to absorb
and use _________, the must be broken down by hydrolysis into___________.
(1) Polysaccharides ... monosaccharides
(2) Amino acids ........... proteins
(3) Fats ............ glycerol and fatty acids
(4) Disaccharides ..... monosaccharides
88. Large variety of digestive enzymes function in -
(1) Large intestine (2) Oral cavity
(3) Stomach (4) Small intestine
89. Digestion of proteins begins in the _____ and digestion of polysaccharides begins in the___________.
(1) Mouth ................. stomach
(2) Stomach ................. small intestine
(3) Stomach ............. mouth
(4) Stomach ................. stomach
90. Bile produced from the liver is associated with which of the following?
(1) Emulsification of fats into tiny globules (micelles) in the small intestine by bile salts
(2) Digestive action of pancreatic amylase
(3) Emulsification of fats into tiny globules in the stomach
(4) Digestion of proteins into amino acids


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