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Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

Write about your greatest fears around money, and see what comes up. If
emotions surface, as they undoubtedly will, let them come. Really feel
your feelings. They’ll give you valuable information. After you’ve taken
the time to feel your emotions, write about the messages they’ve brought.

Devote one or two sessions of journaling to exploring your fears around

money. After you’re done, go back and review what you’ve written. Do
any more insights arise?

Our fears control us until we stand and face them and muster the courage to act
anyway. Recognize that any conclusions you drew as a child may no longer be
appropriate for your life. Claim your power to think differently. Affirm a new reality
for yourself.

“We are all powerless as children, and money looms so powerfully… we

don’t grow up to claim our financial power until we look money directly
in the eye, face our fears, and claim that power back.” – Suze Orman

2.3 Change Perspectives for Pursuing Prosperity

Release the pain with forgiveness

Thus far in this program, we have been establishing a foundation to understand where
you are now in your relationship with money. Undoubtedly, this has not been easy for
you. If you weren’t struggling with this issue, you wouldn’t be taking this program!

At this point, we’re ready to make peace with our past and present, and take the steps
to create a new and better future. A first and essential step to pave the way for a new
reality is to allow ourselves to feel the pain our financial struggles have brought to us.
Honestly acknowledging and experiencing our feelings helps release the pain and
shame we have been carrying inside.

Once we have honoured the pain, we can then forgive the experiences that generated
the pain. Forgive yourself for the mistakes you may have made around finances.
Forgive others as well. Let the memories, the pain and the limitations go. Forgive
what’s happened to date so you can create a brand new and positive financial future
for yourself.

Forgiveness is best achieved through an intention made more powerful through ritual
of some kind. If you are so inclined, you might ask for forgiveness through prayer or

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meditation. You might write in your journal, create a poem or drawing, sing a song or
dance the release of forgiveness. Look to your heart to find your way to forgive
yourself and the people and experiences of your past. If this is a challenge for you,
consider writing a release letter (explained below) to yourself and perhaps to others.

If you seek to forgive yourself and perhaps others, you can hand-write a
letter to release the souls and subconscious minds of those involved. You
do not have to dwell on the situation in depth in the letter. *** DO NOT
SEND THIS LETTER – the gift of forgiveness comes in the act of writing

A Sample Release Letter:


Dear Soul of …,

I request the release of (fear, anger, pain, frustration, etc.) regarding….

I give my subconscious mind and my soul permission to carry out the release of the
above misunderstandings and emotions whether they reside in my conscious mind or
my subconscious mind.

Thank you for the experiences. I have gained understanding from them and now I let
them go for positive transformation.

I forgive (name) and I release him/her to his/her highest good.

I forgive myself and I free myself to realize my highest good, freedom, fulfillment of
inner dreams, clarity, love, peace, joy and prosperity.

Thank you.

Sincerely with love,

Name and signature

Remember: do not send this letter. You might want to burn it to visually signify
transforming the pain of the past.

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Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

“We must let ourselves feel all the painful destruction we want to forgive
rather than swallow it in denial. If we do not face it, we cannot choose to
forgive it.” – Kenneth McNoll

Grasp the principle of magnetizing

“You are a living magnet and you attract into your life the people and the
circumstances that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts.”
– Brian Tracy

We are energetic beings in a universe that, in essence, is nothing but energy. All
energy is in a state of vibration. Under the natural law of attraction, like attracts like.
High vibrations attract high vibrations; low attracts low.

Thoughts and emotions are energy. The mind holds enormous creative power. Our
ability to manifest prosperity depends more on the quality of our thoughts and
emotions (as measured by their vibratory rate) than it does on our physical effort.

As Brian Tracy said so clearly, “You attract not what you want but what you are.”
What you are is the vibratory totality of all of your subconscious beliefs and patterns,
your conscious thoughts, emotions and actions, and your soul qualities.

So, what do you think and feel about money? About life? What are your beliefs
attracting to you? If you typically hold a negative mental attitude and belief system
towards money, if you continually focus on what you don’t have, then your thoughts
and beliefs are attracting what you don’t want. You are repelling prosperity from you.

We unconsciously send out our individual energy broadcasts all the time. By
understanding natural laws, we can work constructively with the forces of energy to
attract what we desire to us. We can begin to do this by learning to relax, focus,
visualize and use our imagination.

Money consciousness is an attitude of mind and of being. Thoughts, beliefs and

emotions are magnets, and emotions energize thoughts. Our intention directs both
thought and emotion. Focusing consistently on what you love will manifest it for you.
Fear, on the other hand, stops the flow of abundance. Fear expresses poverty
consciousness. And when we think and feel fear, we can attract what we fear to us.

When we are growing, happy, confident, thankful and peaceful, we are vibrating at
higher levels than when we are angry, self-centred, victimized or afraid. Our aim is to
raise the frequency of our vibration so we will manifest higher-level results.

You are the source of your abundance – so much more than your job, your spouse,
your knowledge and skills or the state of the economy. Change your beliefs, thoughts
and feelings about abundance and you will change the wealth of your life. Sounds

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simple, but the challenge is to achieve the change at the subconscious level. This takes
both awareness and effort.

“Plant the seed of desire in your mind and it forms a nucleus with power
to attract to itself everything needed for its fulfillment.” – Robert Collier

Tap into the power of passion

“Follow your bliss and doors will open where there were no doors
before.” – Joseph Campbell

Have you ever fallen in love? If you have, you’ll remember that at that magical time,
it felt like the whole world was on your side. Joyfully radiating this powerful new
experience of love, you experienced the world loving you back.

And the world truly was loving you back! Under the law of attraction, which operates
at all times, your experience of joy and love drew joy and love to you from all around.

The message for us relative to prosperity is that when we think and feel abundant
(consciously and unconsciously), our life reflects that abundance back to us. And so
we want to cultivate an approach to life based on seeing the glass as half-full. If
you’ve been struggling with your finances, you undoubtedly see your world as half
(or even more) empty. And so you continue to create this reality.

If you are cash-poor at the moment, how do you cultivate a belief in your own
abundance? One powerful way is to connect with your passion. What do you
absolutely love to do? Doing what we love brings happiness, excitement and
fulfillment. These are various forms of abundance. The more abundant we feel, the
richer our lives become. All of these qualities raise the vibration of who we are by
revealing more of our essence. This helps draw the right people and resources into our
lives at the right times for us.

A key to manifesting prosperity is to consistently focus your thoughts, feelings and

actions on what you want. In particular, call on the power of your heart to raise your
vibratory level. Thoughts are powerful and vital to the manifestation process, but it’s
our emotions that amplify our vibration.

Bring your heart into the picture. As much as possible, let it direct your actions. How
do you get guidance from your heart? Give yourself space, time, peace and quiet. Ask
your heart a question. Cultivate a willingness to be open and to listen for feedback.
Your heart’s desires may come in different forms at different times. The answer will
be what you want to do, not what you think you should do. If there’s no interest or
excitement for you around an activity, it’s not coming from the heart. Go for more.
And know that what you really want to do will serve you best!

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Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

Believe in your right and your power to be prosperous. Appreciate in advance the
opportunities that will present themselves to support you in your goals of getting what
you want and need. Find something to love in every situation and wealth will be

Answer these Smart Questions in your journal:

1. What experiences cause you to feel most alive?

2. How can you bring more of them into your life?

“There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is
definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning
desire to possess it.” – Napoleon Hill

Connect with the essence of your desires

“The process of getting there is the quality of being there.”

– Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer

Since you’re taking this course, we assume that you would like more money. But why
do you want more money? What do you want money to do for you?

When we’re asked this question, many of us respond with some thing we want for
ourselves – a new car or house or clothes or a vacation, perhaps. If we want to be
successful in manifesting our desires, we need to explore more deeply than that. We
need to get to the essence of what we are after. For example, if you want money to
buy a car, why do you want a car? It may be because you want the freedom,
convenience and security of having your own vehicle. It may be because you want the
peace of mind of knowing you can rely on your car to get you where you’re going.
And aren’t these qualities what you’re really after?

To manifest your desires, be very clear about the essence of what you want. The more
clear your focus, the more easily you will be able to realize it. It’s not essential that
you identify a physical form for your desire. In fact, it may be better if you don’t! The
universe may come up with a solution for your desires that you hadn’t even dreamed
of! So be sure to open your awareness to all possibilities.

Please take the time to do the following exercise.

© 2008 Higher Awareness Inc. Contact:
Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

Pair up with another person. For five minutes, have that person repeatedly
ask you the following two questions:

What do you want out of life?

Why do you want that?

Have the other person record your answers for you. Try to keep talking
for the full five minutes by allowing whatever is inside to come out,
without judgment of any kind.

In all likelihood, your answers at the end of the exercise will be qualities
rather than things. Which qualities are most important to you?

“A wise man will desire no more than what he may get justly, use soberly,
distribute cheerfully, and leave contentedly.” – Benjamin Franklin

What do you value and how much do you value money?

“We can tell our values by looking at our checkbook stubs.”

– Gloria Steinem

In Suze Orman’s book, The Courage to be Rich, she offers what she calls The First
Law of Money: People first, then money, then things. She proposes that we need to
value money more than things because it’s money that enables us to acquire those
things. And interestingly enough, if we value money over things, we’ll take proper
care of our finances. We’ll be able to have more things come to us because we’ll be
managing our money wisely.

This is a good time to reflect on the nature of money. Money physically represents our
time and energy, because that’s what we have to give to earn an income. So how
much do you value your time and energy (i.e. your life)? We only have a limited
amount of time and energy and life available to us. How do we want to use it? Only
when we’ve answered these questions for ourselves can we make responsible choices
about how much money we want to earn, how much debt we will incur, and what
lifestyle best serves us.

What do you most value in your life? Consciously get in touch with what you stand
for, what is important to you and why you like to do the things you do. (No judgment
here.) Now ponder how much your life presently reflects those values. If we want to

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Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

grow in our power to manifest, we must develop the courage to live (and spend!) in
accordance with our values.

Orman says, “Value what you have [and] have in your life only those things that you
value. Value doing what is right over what is easy. Value tomorrow along with
today.” We want all of our thoughts, words, emotions and actions to align with our
values. With a life of integrity, with conscious attention to our ideals, we will find
them manifesting more significantly in our lives, and our lives will be richer for them.

What spiritual values, qualities and virtues do you stand for? Scan the list
in Appendix 4 quickly, selecting those that resonate with you most
strongly. Pick the top 7, prioritize them and commit them to memory.
This will heighten your awareness of how these values manifest in your

We need, even hunger, to live our values. Make sure that at least four of them are in
every job, project and activity you are involved with. Pick one and meditate on it for a
few weeks. Journal on each value for one week. Understand intimately all aspects of
that value. After all, it lives in you. Spirit works through these qualities. As you
connect more intimately with each value, you are connecting with the qualities of

Developing any higher quality – be it love, inner peace, well-being, happiness,

courage, personal power, or self-respect – raises our vibration.

“You can have everything you desire, everything money can buy, and
have an ever-diminishing quality of experience. You can have everything
and be nothing. This is poverty. This is hell. So the only true wealth is
conscious life. If I am not, then of what value is my life either to myself or
to others?” – Jacob Needleman

May the POWER be with you!

“We are no longer puppets being manipulated by outside powerful forces;

we become the powerful force ourselves.” – Leo Buscaglia

Power often has negative connotations of greed, manipulation, control, and

aggression. As a result, many of us have an unconscious fear of power, and fears of
success and responsibility. Obviously, this works against our desires to be prosperous.
Let’s shed a new perspective on authentic personal power.

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Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

Personal power differs from force. True power is a selfless energy of the personality
working with the soul. Force, on the other hand, is the selfish energy of the
personality or ego.

• comes from the heart more than the head.
• comes from the altruistic Soul and divine will.
• is being accountable for all that occurs and not playing the victim.
• is flexibility and not perfection.
• is strong, yet gentle. It requires self-control and discipline.
• is detachment with no expectations of results.
• is humility, tolerance, honesty, self-knowledge and persistence.
• is seeing all as part of a whole meaningful relationship.
• is non-defensive, non resistive and nonjudgmental.
We hold our POWER:
• in giving, not taking.
• when we are humble, not when we’re aggressive.
• when we serve others.
• when we are happy with ourselves.
• when we are standing up for our values and conscience.
• when we are fully present in the moment.
• when we are supporting a cause larger than ourselves rather than pursuing our
own selfish interests.

Do you fear success or failure? Leading or following? Explore your
beliefs about power in your journal. Are your beliefs based on an accurate
understanding of authentic personal power?

“You are searching for the magic key that will unlock the door to the
source of power; and yet you have the key in your own hands, and may
make use of it the moment you learn to control your thoughts.”
– Napoleon Hill

“Nothing external to you has any power over you.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

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