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Inglés Mg.

Nancy León

“Año de la universalización de la salud




Ingles I





Inglés I Mg. Nancy León Pereyra

1. (when / you / go to school?)

When do you go to school?

2. (what / you / do?)

What do you do?

3. (where / John / come from?)

Were does John come from?
4. (how long / it / take from London to Paris?)
How long does it take from London to Paris ?

5. (how often / she / go to the cinema?)

How often does she go to cinema?

6. (how many children / you / have?)

How many children do you have?

7. (when / you / get up?)

When do you get up?

8. (how often / you / study English?)

How often do you study English?

9. (what time / the film / start?)

what time does the film start?

10. (where / you / play tennis?)

Where do you play tennis?
11. (what sports / Lucy / like?)
what sports does lucy like?

12. (how / they / get to work?

Inglés I Mg. Nancy León Pereyra
How do they get to work?

13. (how often / I / come here?)

How often do I come here?

14. (where / she / live?)

Where does she live?

15. (why / you / eat so much chocolate?)

Why do you eat so much chocolate?

16. (what / this machine / do?)

What does this machine do?
17. (who / she / meet on Saturdays?)
Who does she meet on Saturdays?

18. (how many brothers / she / have?)

How many brothers does she have?

19. (how much / this / cost?)

How much does this cost?

20. (where / you / eat lunch?)

Where do you eat lunch?
1. where do you study? I study in uladech university.

2. Where does your mother live? She lives in sullana.

3. When do you have English class? I have class of English on Saturdays.

4. What time do you get up? I get up at eigth o'clock

5. Who is your best friend? My best friend is Juvitza

6. How do you go to the university? I go to the university in mototaxi.

7. When is your birthday? My bithday is on July 03.

8. What do you do on Sundays? The sundays i clean my house.

9. How many books do you read a year? I read five books year .

What sport do you practice? I practice soccer.

Inglés I Mg. Nancy León Pereyra

El Agua
El agua es un elemento necesario para la vida, sin el agua los animales, las plantas
y nosotros mismos no podríamos vivir.
El agua está presente en muchos de nuestros quehaceres cotidianos como al
bañarnos, al beberla, al cocinar, la lavar los cacharros de la cocina, al regar nuestros
cultivos, etc…la podemos encontrar en arroyos, ríos, lagos, es decir en la superficie
de la tierra, pero también la podemos encontrar debajo de la tierra es lo que
llamamos aguas subterráneas. El agua llega allí al filtrarse en la tierra el agua de la
lluvia, estas aguas se van almacenando y pueden salir a la superficie en forma de

Water is a necessary element for life, without water animals, plants and ourselves
could not live. Water is present in many of our daily chores such as bathing,
drinking it, cooking, washing kitchen pots, our crops, etc. We can find it in streams,
rivers, lakes, that is, in the surface of the earth, but we can also find below the earth
is what we call groundwater. The water arrives there when the rainwater seeps into
the ground, these waters are stored and can rise to the surface in the form of a

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