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Sooyoung’s Simulatoin Lesson 1

3. Check Vocabulary​ ​Again 

1. Student A goes first! 
2. Your partner, student A will choose the color and tell you.  
3. Find​ the word ​that matches the color of what your partner picked.  
4. You should​ explain​ ​the word​ by giving definitions or synonyms to your partner.  
Don’t tell the word before student A guesses! 
When it is your turn, follow the below.  
5. You, Student ​B, pick one color ​from this worksheet. 
6. Tell your ​color ​to your partner, student A.  
7. Student ​A will​ ​explain​ the word by giving definitions or synonyms to you. 
8. You should​ ​guess​ the word and ​make​ ​one​ sentence ​using the vocabulary​. 
9. Take turns​. 

< Your Colors >  < Your ​Secret​ Words > 
Pick and tell one color  Find a word with the color 
to your partner.  that your partner chose. 
Purple  Apple 
Blue  Supermarket 

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