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1. Do you travel abroad?

2. If yes, how often? For what reason? Purpose of travel.
3. Do you usually have spare capacity in your luggage
4. Would you be willing to carry another person’s items if you have spare capacity?
5. What incentive would motivate you to carry it?

1. Do you have close relatives living abroad?

2. Do you send them any items? How frequently? What items?
3. How do you send them? How much does it cost? How long does it take to reach them?
4. What are your main issues with the current means of transportation?
5. Would you like if I could connect you with a guy who is willing to take your items abroad?
6. What would be your major concern in that case?

1. Do you ever think of buying things from abroad? What items?

Yes, Especially Electronic
2. Do you ask your colleague/friend to buy something for you from abroad? What items?
Yes. Electronic gadgets
3. If you didn’t have to wait for your colleague to go abroad, and you could get things from
abroad at cheap price, would you be interested? How frequently would you order?
Yes, once in 2-3 months.

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