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Jarelly Gonzalez Roster# 08

Field Assignment #1 March 20, 2018

1 A.) In the beginning of the school day students are welcome to come in the class and have
breakfast before class. Two students are in charge of going to the cafeteria and picking up their
basket with breakfast bags inside. They bring it to the classroom and that is where they have
breakfast. The teacher stays with them in the classroom until class starts. During recess, there are
some teachers watching after the students. They alternate during the week. When I was
observing my teacher, she was not on duty and would go back to her classroom during this time
to set up and be ready when her students come back into the classroom.
1B.) The expectations for the students in the hallway are to be quiet and go straight to the
location they have to go to. If they want to say hello to another teacher passing through, they
may move their index finger up and down instead of waving. While in the lunchroom, they
cannot get up from their seats and must leave all food in the cafeteria. When they come back
from specials, the teacher receives a paper on how respectful they were during specials.
1C.) There are some specialists that help students in their reading, math and writing. During
class, they pull the kids out and take them to the pod in order to help the students.

2A.) If an adult wishes to take a child home early, the teacher may not release the student on
their own. The adult must go to the front office and be on the student enrollment card in order to
take them out of school. The teacher may release a child once they are called through the
intercom or someone comes from the office to take the child out.
2B.) Fire drill procedures are conducted once a month in order for teachers and students to be
familiar with the procedure. At the sound of the alarm, students need to line up and leave all their
belongings behind. They go to the nearest exit and out of the school to a spot each classroom is
assigned to. The teacher then takes role call to ensure all students are out.
2C.) Shelter in place drills are conducted every quarter so that teachers and students are familiar
with the procedure. During a shelter in place drill the teacher must block all windows that will
show inside the classroom. They must turn off the light and gather all students to an area not
visible from the door.
2D.) Teachers do have a first aid kit available in their classroom. The universal precautions are
steps that all school staff need to take in order to reduce their risk of infection from bloodborne
pathogens and Infectious Organisms that cause illness.
2E.) One thing that I found interesting was that teachers need to maintain a grooming standard. I
knew there was a dress code, but I didn’t know men could not have a beard that was a certain

3A.) The school that I observed does not have many extracurricular activities. Some
extracurricular activities they did have was soccer and cheerleading. This is the first school year
they have cheerleading and there are 36 girls and 1 boy in the group. They meet twice a week
and the teacher I observed was the cheerleading coach.
3B.) The school that I observed in does not have a partnership with the community.
3C.) Parents can participate as partners in the school by signing up to be a volunteer. They can be
responsible for helping on different areas such as in the classroom or during recess.

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