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Speaking project Level 4


 Use this script to organize the sections and topics of your video.
 Write what you are going to say in each section of the video.
 Consider time in each section.

Greeting;   Hello friends
Say hello using a common expression.

Introduce yourself (mention your name,

last name and subject) my name is jesus arias and i come to talk
about how technology has changed my
Say what you are going to talk about in
the video. (“In this video, I’m going to
talk about...”)
Option 1. Talk about rules and
recommendations in quarantine with
ALL modals (Modal verbs)

Option 2. Make a comparison of life

before and after quarantine (Used to I used to go to college every day, wearing my
and Simple past) vet uniform. Talk to my friends and we laugh a
lot, I could see my girlfriend and spend nice
time with her. but now everything is different
my interaction with my friends has been
limited by means of a cell phone or computer,
as with my girlfriend, I miss my daily routine
Farewell   I hope they are well and see you later
(Say goodbye using a common

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