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Food Research International 64 (2014) 363–370

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Wheat flour granulometry determines colour perception

Alyssa Hidalgo a, Lorenzo Fongaro a,1, Andrea Brandolini b,⁎
Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS), Università degli Studi di Milano, via Celoria 2, 20133 Milano, Italy
Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura - Unità di Ricerca per la Selezione dei Cereali e la Valorizzazione delle Varietà Vegetali (CRA-SCV),
Via Forlani 3, 26866 S. Angelo Lodigiano, LO, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Einkorn, durum wheat and Kamut® are rich of carotenoids, antioxidants with beneficial effects on human health.
Received 24 April 2014 In the present study the effect of flour granule size on carotenoid content and colour was assessed; furthermore,
Received in revised form 11 June 2014 the suitability of two colorimeters (Minolta Chroma meter CR-210 and Minolta Chroma meter II Reflectance), a
Accepted 17 June 2014
spectrophotometer (Jasco V-650 with integrating sphere) and image analysis to define colour and determine ca-
Available online 7 July 2014
rotenoid concentration in wheat flours of different granulometry was tested. Carotenoid content did not vary
across flours of diverse size, except in the finest einkorn fraction (b80 μm), which had lower concentration.
Carotenoids For all instruments colour coordinate L* decreased and b* increased with flour size growth, while a* varied
Durum wheat with the different devices. A Principal Components Analysis (PCA), performed considering carotenoid content
Flour size and all colorimetric indices, distinguished einkorn from durum and Kamut®, and divided samples of different
Einkorn granulometry; a similar result was achieved by a PCA performed on the absorbance spectra from the integrating
Image analysis sphere. The PCA on image texture data classified the samples following flour size. In conclusion, flour colour is
Kamut® determined not only by carotenoid content but also by flour particle size: therefore, direct colour measurement
seems not suitable to predict flour carotenoid content.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2006), a procedure that is very precise but also time-consuming and ex-
pensive. Easier, quicker and cheaper alternatives commonly adopted
Carotenoids are lipid-soluble pigments that play a relevant role in are the use of visible/near-infrared reflectance spectrophotometry on
many essential functions of plants and animals. In humans they are water-saturated butanol extracts (AACC International, 2012) or the
the precursors of vitamin A and exert a positive function on health, direct measurement of flour colour by reflectance spectrophotome-
because their antioxidant activity protects cells and tissues from free try (Oliver, Blakeney, & Allen, 1992). The direct flour analysis is
radicals and oxygen ion damages (Adom & Liu, 2002). Carotenoids are based on the CIE colorimetric space (McCaig, 2002; Posner, 2009);
scarce in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum), but are the colour is classified in three dimensions: L*, which measures
more abundant in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum brightness (0 = black and 100 = bright), a*, where positive a* indi-
Desf.) and Kamut® (T. turgidum L. ssp. turanicum Jakub.), ranging from cates redness and negative a* indicates greenness, and b*, where
1.5 to 4.8 mg/kg (Hidalgo, Brandolini, Pompei, & Piscozzi, 2006; positive b* indicates yellowness and negative b* indicates blueness
Panfili, Fratianni, & Irano, 2004), and in einkorn (Triticum monococcum (CIE Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, 2004). CIE flour col-
L. subsp. monococcum), where they vary between 5.3 and our is determined mainly by a combination of brightness and
13.6 mg/kg dm (Abdel-Aal et al., 2002; Brandolini, Hidalgo, & yellowness: brightness is influenced by bran content, while
Moscaritolo, 2008; Hidalgo et al., 2006). The yellow colour yellowness is affected by carotenoid content of the endosperm
imparted by carotenoids (mainly lutein and its fatty acid esters) (Hidalgo & Brandolini, 2008a; Oliver et al., 1992). Variation in L* af-
has become a very important quality trait for pasta and other food fects the measurement of b*, and can lead to errors in estimating ca-
products (Blanco et al., 2011). rotenoid content (Mares & Campbell, 2001).
In wheat flour, carotenoid evaluation is analytically performed by Wheat flour carotenoid content and colour are influenced by inher-
HPLC (Fratianni, Irano, Panfili, & Acquistucci, 2005; Leenhardt et al., ent genotypic characteristics (Brandolini et al., 2008), environmental
conditions (Hidalgo, Brandolini, & Ratti, 2009), stresses during grain
production (Fratianni, Giuzio, Di Criscio, Zina, & Panfili, 2013; Hidalgo
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 0371 211261. et al., 2009; Lachman, Hejtmánková, & Kotíková, 2013), milling
E-mail addresses: (A. Hidalgo), (L. Fongaro), (A. Brandolini).
(Posner, 2009) and storage conditions (Hidalgo & Brandolini, 2008b).
Present address: European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for In fact, milling procedures and extraction rates have a strong bearing
Transuranium Elements JRC.02 Hot Cells, Karlsruhe, Germany. on several components, such as ash, protein, pigments and damaged
0963-9969/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
364 A. Hidalgo et al. / Food Research International 64 (2014) 363–370

starch content (Posner, 2009) which, in turn, influence colour. Addition- and Chroma meter II Reflectance (Minolta Camera Co., LTD, Japan).
ally, flour particle size, related to differences in wheat species, grain The analysis led to the determination of the values of coordinates
hardness and moisture content of the kernels at milling (Posner, L* (luminosity), a* (red–green) and b* (yellow–blue). Additionally,
2009), is another possible source of variation (Symons & Dexter, 1991). the UV–VIS reflectance spectrum was recorded by a V-650
Several authors have tested different reflectance spectropho- spectrophotometre (Jasco, Japan) with integrating sphere (PIN
tometers and colorimeters for colour determination in wheat 757, Jasco, Japan). The flour samples were fitted into a container
flour (e.g. Black & Panozzo, 2004; Dowell et al., 2006; Mares & (diametre: 20 mm; height: 2 mm); the spectra were measured at
Campbell, 2001; McCaig, 2002; Oliver et al., 1992), concluding wavelengths between 220 and 800 nm, with a 400 nm min− 1 scan-
that the instruments with visible wavelength sensors had good po- sion speed, a 5 nm UV–VIS band broadness, and D2/WI lamp change
tential for predicting flour colour values with accuracy. at 340 nm. The spectra of each sample were recorded three times;
The aims of this research were a) to assess the influence of wheat the colour coordinates L*, a*, and b* were determined with the
flour granule size on yellow pigment content and colour and b) to spectrophotometre Spectra Manager software, using the parame-
evaluate the suitability of different instruments (two Minolta color- ters: light source C, standard observer 2°, data interval 5 nm and
imeters, Chroma meter CR-210 and Chroma meter II Reflectance, and colour matching JISZ871-1999.
one Jasco V-650 spectrophotometer with integrating sphere) and of To perform image analysis, for each accession the images of
image analysis to define colour and to measure the carotenoid three flour-filled Petri dishes were acquired with an Epson Perfec-
concentration in different wheat flours. tion 3170 Photo flatbed scanner (Seiko Epson Corporation, Nagano,
Japan), previously calibrated with IT8 Colour Targets system and
2. Materials and methods SylverFast software v.6.1 (LaserSoft Imaging Inc., Kiel, D). During
the acquisition process the samples were covered with a black
2.1. Materials box to prevent loss of light; the images, acquired at a resolution of
600 dpi (dots per inch) and a colour depth of 24 bits, were saved
The evaluation of protein, ash, pigment content and colour as a in uncompressed TIFF format. To create the final data set, two dif-
function of flour granulometry was performed on seven samples: two ferent ROIs were tested: 400 × 400 pixels and 250 × 250 pixels.
T. monococcum ssp. monococcum, the free-threshing line SAL98-8-3-2 The final results were similar, so a region of interest (ROI) of 250
(2011 harvest) and the hulled cultivar Monlis (three samples from × 250 pixels, representative of the whole sample surface, was ex-
plots fertilized with different nitrogen levels: 0, 40, and 80 kg/ha of N; tracted from each single Petri dish image using the Image-Pro
2012 harvest), one T. turgidum ssp. turanicum (Kamut®; 2012 harvest) Plus 7.0.1 software (Media Cybernetics, Inc., USA). This ROI was
and one T. turgidum ssp. durum (durum wheat) cv Saragolla (2011 chosen because of the inferior analysis time required by the algo-
and 2012 harvests). The accessions chosen are characterized by rithm to process all the image data sets at the same time. On the
medium-to-high carotenoid content (Hidalgo et al., 2006). All acces- whole data set the following evaluations were performed:
sions were cropped in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano (Italy), in the centre of
the Po plain agricultural belt, following standard cultural practices - Colour and homogeneity: the colour evaluation was performed in
(Castagna, Borghi, Di Fonzo, Heun, & Salamini, 1995). After harvesting, the RGB space colour, considering the red (R), green (G), blue
the kernels were stored at 5 °C. Just before milling, the seeds of einkorn (B) and intensity mean (I) parameters. The homogeneity of each
cv Monlis were de-hulled with an Otake FC4S thresher (Satake, Japan); surface was evaluated from the heterogeneity (HTG) parameter pro-
dehulling was not required for the other accessions, all free-threshing. vided by the software Image-Pro Plus. This parameter, ranging from
Refined flours were obtained using a Bona-GBR lab mill (Bona, 0 (homogeneous surface) to 1 (heterogeneous surface), is used to
Monza, Italy), that separates refined flour from bran and shorts. Flours characterize the surface of different types of substrates (Fongaro &
of different granulometry were graded with an automatic lab sifter Kvaal, 2013; Marti, Fongaro, Rossi, Lucisano, & Pagani, 2011). For
(Buhler Plain sifter, Buhler, Switzerland): about 800 g of flour was each parameter, the values are reported as mean of the three images
screened for 5 min through a set of different sifters with increasingly analysed.
smaller mesh sizes (method 66–20, AACC American Association of - Image texture: the image texture of each region of interest was
Cereal Chemists, 1995). The flour samples were split into five different evaluated by means of the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix
fractions: ≥ 200 μm, b 200 and ≥ 160 μm (160–200), b160 and (GLCM) algorithm (Haralick, 1979). Fourteen different features
≥120 μm (120–160), b 120 and ≥80 μm (80–120), b 80 μm and stored (angular second moment, contrast, sum of squares, correlation,
under vacuum at −20 °C until analysis. inverse different moment, entropy, sum average, sum variance,
sum entropy, difference variance, different entropy, two informa-
2.2. Experimental tion measures of correlation and maximum correlation coeffi-
cient) can be obtained by this method to describe the surface
The dry matter of the different samples was measured as described characteristic of the image analysed although generally, as re-
in method 44-15A (AACC American Association of Cereal Chemists, ported by Zheng, Sun, and Zheng (2006), in the food field six of
1995), ash content was assessed with AACC method 08-03 (AACC them (angular second moment, contrast, sum of squares, correla-
American Association of Cereal Chemists, 1995), and protein content tion, inverse different moment, entropy) are enough to find a
(N × 5.7) was determined following method 46-10 (AACC American As- good relation between image texture and food properties. In
sociation of Cereal Chemists, 1995). The extraction of total carotenoids this work the following five Haralic Descriptors were calculated:
was performed with saturated butanol, following AACC method 14- Angular Second Moment (ASM), showing the uniformity of an
60.01 (AACC International, 2012); the extracted pigments were mea- image; Contrast (CON), showing the amount of local variation
sured at 450 nm with a double-beam V650 spectrophotometre (Jasco, present in a image; Correlation (COR), showing the pixel linear
Japan). Total carotenoid content was then computed considering a cali- dependencies; Entropy (ENT), a measure of statistical random-
bration curve prepared with six different concentrations (from 0.25 to ness related to image disorder and the Inverse Different Moment
5.00 mg/L) of lutein standard stock solution (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, (IDM), illustrating the homogeneity of an image (Fongaro &
MO, USA). All measurements were performed twice; the results are pre- Kvaal, 2013; Zheng et al., 2006). The images were processed
sented as means, expressed as mg/kg on a dry matter basis (DM). with a revised plug in to run on image stacks, named
The flour colour was measured in triplicate using two Tristimu- GLCM_Texture (Cabrera, 2005), for the ImageJ v. 1.44c software
lus colorimeters, Chroma meter CR-210 (Minolta Italia SpA, Italy) (Schneider, Rasband, & Eliceiri, 2012). The GLCM algorithm was
A. Hidalgo et al. / Food Research International 64 (2014) 363–370 365

applied on the whole region of interest selected, considering dis- to 12.5 mg/kg DM). Interestingly, the flours from the three different ni-
tances δ of 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 10 pixels, and angles θ of 0°, 90°, 180° trogen fertilisation levels (0, 40 and 80 kg/ha N) did not differ in carot-
and 270°; 120 textural features for each samples were thus enoid content. For all einkorn samples, the flours with smaller
obtained. granulometry (b80 μm) presented a lesser concentration of carotenoids
than other sizes. This effect could be due to the extra-soft texture of ein-
2.3. Statistical analysis korn kernels that, upon milling, leads to the presence of significant
amounts of small size flour (b 80), mainly constituted by little starch
Mean, standard error (s.e.) and coefficient of variation (CV) were granules (Stoddard, 1999). This possibility is suggested also by the pro-
computed with the software Excel (Microsoft® Office Excel 2003). tein content of the b 80 μm fraction, which in all four einkorn samples
Pearson's correlations of the means were calculated using the SYSTAT was about 20% lower than that of the other granulometry flours.
for Windows (version 5) software. Standard Normal Variate (Barnes, Saragolla and Kamut®, instead, showed fairly steady carotenoid and
Dhanoa, & Lister, 1989), alone or coupled with first derivative, was test- protein contents across all different flour sizes.
ed as a pre-treatment but did not improve the results of the analysis and In all samples ash content presented a steady increase, parallel to
was not further implemented. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) flour grain size augment. The ash content gradient in the wheat kernel
was applied to explore data structure (Vandeginste et al., 1997). PCA increases from the centre to the outer layers (Posner, 2009). Aleurone
defines new variables, consisting of linear combinations of the original cells, in particular, are very rich in micro- and macro-elements
ones: the first axis is in the direction containing most variation; every (Posner, 2009), and can lead to higher ash content in coarser flour
subsequent new variable (principal component) is orthogonal to the fractions.
previous one, but again in the direction containing most of the remain- Fig. 2 depicts the colour coordinates (L*, a* and b*) of einkorn (four
ing variance. The PCAs on the different colour spectra and on the image samples: Monlis N0, Monlis N40, Monlis N80 and Sal98-8-2-3),
analysis data were performed with the software The Unscrambler X Kamut® and durum wheat (two samples: Saragolla 2011 and Saragolla
10.2 (CAMO software AS, Oslo, Norway). 2012). Only the data from the integrating sphere are presented; the re-
sults of the Minolta CR 210 and Minolta Chroma meter II colorimetres
3. Results and discussion (not shown) were almost identical, with the exception of the a* colour
coordinate, which had a variable behaviour. For all samples, the increase
Fig. 1 reports the carotenoid, protein and ash content of einkorn in flour granulometry led to a decrease in luminosity (L*); on the con-
(four samples: Monlis N0, Monlis N40, Monlis N80 and Sal98-8-2-3), trary, b* augmented, although in flour grains larger than 200 μm Monlis
Kamut® and durum wheat (two samples: Saragolla 2011 and Saragolla displayed a certain decrease. A similar behaviour was noticed by
2012). A relevant difference in carotenoid content between samples Hrušková, Švec, and Sekerová (2011) in pasta samples remilled with
was observed, and the highest concentration was found in Monlis (up two different mills. The a* parameter showed a different trend for

14 20
Total carotenoids (mg/kg DM)

Protein (g/100 g DM)

10 14
6 8

4 6
0 0
<80 80-120 120-160 160-200 ≥200 <80 80-120 120-160 160-200 ≥200
Granulometry ( µm) Granulometry ( µm)

Monlis N0 2012
Monlis N40 2012
Ash (g/100 g DM)

Monlis N80 2012
1.0 Kamut 2012

0.8 Saragolla 2012

0.6 Saragolla 2011

0.4 Sal98-8-2-3 2011

<80 80-120 120-160 160-200 ≥200
Granulometry (µ m)

Fig. 1. Total carotenoid, protein and ash contents in flours of different granulometry from four einkorn (Monlis N0, Monlis N40, Monlis N80 and Sal98-8-2-3), one Kamut® and two durum
wheat (Saragolla 2011 and Saragolla 2012) samples.
366 A. Hidalgo et al. / Food Research International 64 (2014) 363–370

100 1.0
94 -1.0


88 -3.0

86 -4.0
80 -6.0
<80 80-120 120-160 160-200 ≥200 <80 80-120 120-160 160-200 ≥200
Granulometry ( µm) Granulometry ( µm)


Monlis N0 2012
Monlis N40 2012

Monlis N80 2012

Kamut 2012

Saragolla 2012
Saragolla 2011

Sal98-8-2-3 2011

<80 80-120 120-160 160-200 ≥200
Granulometry ( µm)

Fig. 2. Colour coordinates L*, a*, b* assessed by integrating sphere (light source C) in flours of different granulometry from four einkorn (Monlis N0, Monlis N40, Monlis N80 and Sal98-8-2-
3), one Kamut® and two durum wheat (Saragolla 2011 and Saragolla 2012) samples.

1.0 1.0
Monlis N40 Sal98-8-2-3 2011
0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0

-0.2 -0.2
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)

1.0 1.0
Saragolla Kamut®
0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0

-0.2 -0.2
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)

D<80 80≤D<120 120≤D<160 160≤D<200 D≥200

Fig. 3. Absorbance spectra from integrating sphere in flours of different granulometry of einkorns Monlis N40 and SAL98-8-2-3, durum wheat Saragolla 2012 and Kamut®.
A. Hidalgo et al. / Food Research International 64 (2014) 363–370 367

Monlis, reaching a minimum at flour size 120–160 μm and then increas- measures are strongly dependent on the intensity of each pixel and
ing, compared to SAL 98-8-2-3, which did not vary substantially, and to the position in the image, while R, G, B and I are mean values of total
the other wheats, which displayed a small, gradual decrease. pixels in the image.
Fig. 3 reports the absorbance spectra, obtained with an integrating Table 2 reports correlation coefficients among carotenoid, ash and
sphere, of different-granulometry flour of einkorns Monlis N40 and protein content, L*, a* and b* coordinates of the integrating sphere, co-
SAL98-8-2-3, durum wheat Saragolla and Kamut®, all from the 2012 ordinates from image analysis (R, G, B, I, HTG) and texture indices
harvest. For each spectrum, the absorbance changes as a function of (ASM, CON, COR, ENT, IDM). Only the texture indices computed from
granulometry: higher absorbance corresponds to bigger flour granules. the matrix obtained with the GLCM algorithm with 1 pixel step and 0°
This effect was particularly clear in einkorn, where the absorbance spec- direction were considered: this choice is justified because these settings
tra at different flour sizes were more spaced than in the tetraploid allow to obtain results that describe spot variations in the surface
wheats. These results are in accordance with the statement of Oliver analysed (Fongaro & Kvaal, 2013). The results indicate that the caroten-
et al. (1992) that an increase in particle dimension augments the length oid content is mildly related to protein content, a* and HTG. However no
of the spectral path in the samples, thus resulting in higher absorbance significant correlations were detected between carotenoid content and
and lower reflectance. In fact, smaller granules give a more compact a* with the two Minolta colorimeters. Thus, carotenoid content in
structure (characterized by minimal empty spaces) than the one com- general is not correlated to the colour indices studied. Protein content
posed by bigger particles. is linked only to a*; ash content, instead, shows good positive correla-
Table 1 reports mean, standard error and coefficient of variation tions to b*, HTG and ASM, and negative correlations to most of the
(%) of several colour and texture parameters across all samples. The other parameters assessed.
colour coordinate values obtained with the different instruments The variable L* is positively correlated (r = 0.95) with the I index,
were generally in the same range (L* varied between 88.2 and which describes the mean intensity of the surface; therefore, both
88.9; a* varied between − 1.5 and − 3.8; b* varied between 15.9 parameters express the variation in brightness perception as a function
and 20.5). Nevertheless, a broader difference was observed for the of the granulometry of the samples. Additionally, L* is positively corre-
coordinate a*, followed by the coordinate b*, while the luminosity lated to R (r = 0.91), G (r = 0.97) and B (r = 0.93), and negatively
L* was almost identical. A wider variation of the a* coordinate com- correlated to HTG (r = − 0.69), a parameter that describes surface
pared to L* and b* was observed also by Oliver et al. (1992). The cor- homogeneity. In fact, L* is high in the samples with flour size b 80 μm,
relation coefficients among instruments were significant and high characterized by a smooth and homogeneous surface, with low HTG
for L* and b* (on average, r = 0.94 and r = 0.99, respectively), but values (linked to a low variation of local intensity); as the granulometry
medium for a* (r = 0.45). McCaig (2002) reports a strict correlation size increases, the surface becomes more and more heterogeneous,
(r = 0.99) among the CIE Lab coordinates measured with three leading to a decrease in luminosity. L* shows good correlations also
different Minolta colorimeter models. Nevertheless, the mean with the ASM, CON, ENT and IDM values, other descriptors of the surface
 2 texture. While a* does not present many significant correlations with
levels of ΔE ( ðΔL Þ þ ðΔa Þ2 þ ðΔb Þ ) between Minolta CR-210
the other parameters (and when present they are contrasting among
and Minolta Chroma meter II (4.1 ± 0.10), between Minolta CR- the different instruments), b* shows positive correlations to HTG and
210 and integrating sphere with C light source (4.9 ± 0.13), and be- ASM, as well as negative correlations with CON, ENT and IDM, R, G, I
tween Minolta Chroma meter II and integrating sphere with C light and especially B (r = −0.89). This last result is not unexpected, because
source (3.6 ± 0.12) suggest minimal colour difference among b* goes from negative (blue) to positive (yellow), while B refers to the
methods. BLUE chromatic channel and ranges from 0 to 255: thus, when b*
Concerning the colour index obtained by image analysis (Table 1), decreases B increases. Finally, the R, G, B and I parameters present
the variation of each colour channel was in the same range even if the negative correlations with HTG and ASM, and positive with CON, ENT,
B channel had the highest CV%. On the other hand, considering HTG and IDM.
and the texture indices (ASM, CON, COR, IDM), the higher variations The Principal Components Analysis, performed on the spectra cap-
with respect to the colour values were expected, because these tured from 800 to 220 nm with integrating sphere (not shown), led to
a good separation of the different samples, based on flour granulometry,
Table 1 along the PC1 (91% of total variation). An improved separation (Fig. 4)
Mean values, across samples, of carotenoid, protein and ash contents, chromatic was achieved considering only the spectra captured between 500 and
coordinates and texture indices obtained by different analytical methods. 400 nm (i.e. the maximum absorbance range of carotenoids), especially
Average ± s.e. CV (%) for the bigger granulometry classes. Zandomeneghi, Festa, and
Carotenoids (mg/kg DM) 8.7 ± 0.31 29.36
Carbonaro (2000), studying the front-surface absorbance spectra of
Protein (g/100 g DM) 13.7 ± 0.26 16.12 flour from five durum and four bread wheats in the 650–250 nm
Ash (g/100 g) 0.94 ± 0.035 31.51 wavelength range, found that the best region for carotenoid content
L* Minolta CR-210 88.9 ± 0.37 4.26 analysis was between 450 and 500 nm.
L* Minolta Chroma meter II 89.9 ± 0.31 3.58
Fig. 5 depicts the score plot of the PCA performed considering ca-
L* sphere (light source C) 88.2 ± 0.35 4.10
a* Minolta CR-210 −1.5 ± 0.05 37.53 rotenoid, protein and ash contents, colorimetric indices recorded
a* Minolta Chroma meter II −3.8 ± 0.09 25.01 with integrating sphere (L*, a*, b*) and image analysis (R, G, B, I),
a* sphere (light source C) −1.6 ± 0.06 40.67 and heterogeneity. The total variance explained was 82%. The sam-
b* Minolta CR-210 20.5 ± 0.52 25.93 ples were separated along the PC1 for their granulometry, as the par-
b* Minolta Chroma meter II 17.7 ± 0.50 28.72
b* sphere (light source C) 15.9 ± 0.44 28.14
ticle size increased going from positive to negative PC1 values. The
R 227.7 ± 0.83 3.72 separation along the PC2, instead, was a function of the species: the
G 219.1 ± 1.17 5.47 einkorn samples were in the positive part, while the durum and
B 178.3 ± 2.43 13.98 Kamut® samples were in the negative one. The separation along
I 208.4 ± 1.45 7.14
the PC1 is linked mainly to colour, while the separation along the
Heterogeneity 0.0209 ± 0.0023 113.61
ASM 0.005 ± 0.0006 132.61 PC2 is related to protein and carotenoid content. A PCA performed
CON 271.3 ± 7.04 26.58 including also the texture indices (ASM, CON, COR, ENT and IDM)
COR 0.001 ± 0.0000 42.29 gave a similar separation.
ENT 6.4 ± 0.11 18.19 The score plot of the PCA performed on the texture data matrix from
IDM 0.2 ± 0.01 64.62
the GLCM image elaboration is presented in Fig. 6. PC1 and PC2
368 A. Hidalgo et al. / Food Research International 64 (2014) 363–370

Table 2
Pearson's correlation coefficients (n = 35) among carotenoid, protein and ash contents, colour coordinates L*, a*, b* measured by a spectrophotometre with integrating sphere, chromatic
parametres (R, G, B, HTG) and texture indices (ASM, CON, COR, ENT, IDM) obtained by image analysis.

Carotenoids Ash Protein L* a* b* R G B I HTG ASM CON COR ENT

Ash −0.07
Protein 0.52⁎⁎ 0.01
L* −0.11 −0.85⁎⁎ 0.06
a* 0.36⁎ −0.01 0.47⁎⁎ 0.11
b* 0.13 0.73⁎⁎ −0.01 −0.83⁎⁎ −0.46⁎⁎
R −0.23 −0.72⁎⁎ 0.18 0.91⁎⁎ 0.03 −0.68⁎⁎
G −0.17 −0.81⁎⁎ 0.13 0.97⁎⁎ 0.14 −0.82⁎⁎ 0.97⁎⁎
B −0.19 −0.77⁎⁎ 0.18 0.93⁎⁎ 0.32 −0.89⁎⁎ 0.91⁎⁎ 0.97⁎⁎
I −0.20 −0.79⁎⁎ 0.17 0.95⁎⁎ 0.22 −0.85⁎⁎ 0.96⁎⁎ 0.99⁎⁎ 0.99⁎⁎
HTG 0.43⁎⁎ 0.77⁎⁎ 0.24 −0.69⁎⁎ 0.38⁎ 0.52⁎⁎ −0.64⁎⁎ −0.67⁎⁎ −0.61⁎⁎ −0.64⁎⁎
ASM 0.07 0.79⁎⁎ 0.15 −0.63⁎⁎ 0.21 0.49⁎⁎ −0.54⁎⁎ −0.60⁎⁎ −0.55⁎⁎ −0.57⁎⁎ 0.76⁎⁎
CON 0.03 −0.63⁎⁎ 0.10 0.65⁎⁎ 0.20 −0.67⁎⁎ 0.52⁎⁎ 0.62⁎⁎ 0.59⁎⁎ 0.59⁎⁎ −0.42⁎⁎ −0.48⁎⁎
COR −0.29 −0.28 0.16 0.24 0.18 −0.21 0.30 0.28 0.37⁎ 0.34⁎ −0.18 −0.15 0.07
ENT −0.04 −0.85⁎⁎ −0.05 0.76⁎⁎ 0.02 −0.72⁎⁎ 0.63⁎⁎ 0.73⁎⁎ 0.69⁎⁎ 0.70⁎⁎ −0.69⁎⁎ −0.86⁎⁎ 0.82⁎⁎ 0.23
IDM −0.16 −0.77⁎⁎ 0.05 0.92⁎⁎ 0.32 −0.94⁎⁎ 0.79⁎⁎ 0.90⁎⁎ 0.94⁎⁎ 0.92⁎⁎ −0.60⁎⁎ −0.56⁎⁎ 0.70⁎⁎ 0.29 0.73⁎⁎
⁎ p ≤ 0.05.
⁎⁎ p ≤ 0.01.

explained 63% and 23% of total variation, respectively. The discrimina- between instruments. A PCA carried out considering carotenoid, protein
tion of the samples was similar to those achieved by the other methods. and ash contents along with colorimetric indices allowed a good dis-
Fig. 6 shows the distribution of samples classified only by surface tex- crimination of the samples of different granulometry, as well as the sep-
ture characteristics; the results are independent from colour because aration of T. monococcum from T. turgidum; a similar result was achieved
the images were converted to grey level before analysis. The indices with a PCA performed on the integrating sphere spectra from 400 to
for surface texture description in fact refer to the relationship existing 500 nm. Another PCA, run on the matrix obtained from GLMC image
among the intensities of the pixels that compose the image in terms of analysis, classified the samples following flour particle size. Our results
frequency and position. Nevertheless, because ASM, ENT and IDM demonstrated that flour colour is determined not only by carotenoid
are correlated to the colorimetric indices (Table 2), there is a strict content but also by flour particle size. Thus, considering the parameters
dependence of colour from granulometry. As already discussed chosen in this work, the direct measurement of flour colour can hardly
above, changes in granulometry lead to variations in texture indices predict the concentration of yellow pigments.
and, as a consequence, in luminosity.
4. Conclusions
Alyssa Hidalgo planned the research, performed the total carotenoid
The total carotenoid content was stable across flours of different analysis and the flour colour measurements, participated in the analysis
granulometry, with the exception of the thinnest einkorn fraction of the results and in the preparation of the article. Lorenzo Fongaro
(b80 μm), which had lower concentration. When flour size augmented, carried out the image analysis, participated in the analysis of the results
L* decreased and b* increased while a* showed a varying behaviour and in the preparation of the article. Andrea Brandolini planned the

Fig. 5. Plot of the scores of the PCA carried out on protein, ash, total carotenoids, colour co-
Fig. 4. Plot of the scores of the PCA carried out on absorbance spectra ranging between 500 ordinates assessed by integrating sphere (L*, a*, b*) and image analysis (R, G, B, I) and het-
and 400 nm, detected by integrating sphere in flours of different granulometry from four erogeneity (HTG) in flours of different granulometry from four einkorn, Monlis N0
einkorn, Monlis N0 (Mon0), Monlis N40 (Mon40), Monlis N80 (Mon80) and Sal98-8-2-3 (Mon0), Monlis N40 (Mon40), Monlis N80 (Mon80) and Sal98-8-2-3 (SAL), one
(SAL), one Kamut® (Kam) and two durum wheat, Saragolla 2011 (Sara11) and Saragolla Kamut® (Kam) and two durum wheat, Saragolla 2011 (Sara11) and Saragolla 2012
2012 (Sara12) samples. (Sara12) samples.
A. Hidalgo et al. / Food Research International 64 (2014) 363–370 369

Fig. 6. Plot of the scores of the PCA carried out on the matrix obtained from GLMC image analysis of flours of different granulometry from four einkorn, Monlis N0 (Mon0), Monlis N40
(Mon40), Monlis N80 (Mon80) and Sal98-8-2-3 (SAL), one Kamut® (Kam) and two durum wheat, Saragolla 2011 (Sara11) and Saragolla 2012 (Sara12) samples.

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