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CHAPTER 1: NATURE, OBJECTIVE, AND KINDS OF • The essence of an agency, even with an agency “coupled with

interest,” is the agent’s ability to represent his principal and bring

AGENCY CONTRACTS about juridical relations between the latter and third persons.
Contract of Agency - one whereby a person binds himself to render
“ON GOING” NATURE: Although Art. 1868 defines agency in terms of
some service or to do something in representation or on behalf of another,
being a contract, it should also be considered as creating between the
with the consent or authority of the latter.
principal and an agent an on-going legal relationship which imposes
personal obligations on both parties.
General rule: No one may contract in the name of another without being
authorized by the latter, or unless he has by law a right to represent him. • This is in consonance with the personal nature of every contract
(Art. 1317) of agency.

General rule: A contract entered into in the name of another by one (a) ELEMENTS OF THE CONTRACT OF AGENCY (Rallos v.
who has no authority or legal representation, or (b) who has acted beyond Felix Go Chan)
powers shall be unenforceable. 1. Consent, express of implied, of the parties to establish the
1. Exception: unless the contract is ratified, expressly or impliedly, relationship
before it is revoked by the other contracting party. (Art. 1317) 2. Object, which is the execution of a juridical act in relation
to third parties
DOCTRINE OF REPRESENTATION: when an agency relationship is 3. Agent acts as a representative and not for himself
established, and the agent acts in the name of the principal, the agent is, 4. Agent acts within the scope of his authority
insofar as the world is concerned, essentially the principal acting in the
particular contract or transaction at hand. Note: the Rallos enumeration lacks cause or consideration of
every contract of agency.
• The acts of the agent on behalf of the principal within the scope
In addition, the last two elements in the Rallos enumeration
of the authority have the same legal effect and consequences as
should not be understood as essential elements for the perfection
though the principal has been the one so acting in the given
and validity of the contract of agency.
• They are matters that go into the performance stage, not
• For an agency to arise, it is not necessary that the principal
the perfect, of a contract of agency.
personally encounter the third person with whom he interacts. It
is legally incorrect to argue that there could not have been an • The non-existence of these two elements does not affect
agency relationship simply because the principal never confirmed the validity of the existing agency, but rather the
personally to the third parties the establishment of the agency. enforceability of the contracts entered into by the agent on
(Doles v. Angeles) behalf of the principal.
• Elements 2, 3, and 4 can be summarized into the object of
PURPOSE OF AGENCY: the ability, by legal fiction, to extend the every contract of agency: “the undertaking of the agent to
personality of the principal through the facility of the agent; but that the enter into a juridical act with third parties on behalf of the
same can only be effected with the consent of the principal, which must principal and within the scope of his authority.”
not, in any way, be compelled by law or by any court.
FIRST ELEMENT: CONSENT relationship in the principal’s name with a third party, the resulting
Art. 1317 provides that no person may be represented by another without contract is voidable.
his will; and that no person can be compelled against his will to represent
another. AGENT NO LEGAL CAPACITY: If the principal has legal capacity, and
CO-OWNERS NOT AGENTS PER SE: a co-owner does not it is the agent who has no legal capacity, the underlying agency
automatically (i.e., without consent) become an agent of the other co- relationship is voidable, but the resulting contract would be valid, not
owners, and that any exercise of an option to buy a piece of land voidable, for the agent’s capacity is irrelevant in a contract entered into
transacted with one co-owner does not bind the other co-owners of the for and in behalf of the principal (who has full legal capacity).
land. (Dizon v. CA)
NOTE THOUGH: Under Art. 1919(3), if during the term of the agency,
PRINCIPAL CONSENT AGENT CONSENT the principal or agent suffers from civil interdiction, insanity, or
On the part of the principal, On the part of the agent, there insolvency, the agency is ipso jure extinguished.
there must be an actual must be an intention to accept • It is therefore only logical to conclude that if the loss of legal
intention to appoint or an the appointment and act on it, capacity of the agent extinguishes the agency, then necessarily
intention naturally inferable and in the absence of such any of those causes that have the effect of removing legal
from his words or actions. intent, there is generally no capacity on either both of the principal and agent at the time of
agency. perfection would not bring about a contract of agency.
• Thus, there is an incongruity when it comes to principles
Exception to rule on consent: agency by estoppel; but note that
involving legal incapacity viz. contracts of agency.
even then, it is by the acts of the purported principal and/or the
purported agent, by which they are brought into the relationship
BRINGING THEM IN HARMONY: it bears remembering that a
insofar as third persons acting in good faith are concerned.
contract of agency is merely a preparatory contract. The public policy
is that third parties who act in good faith with an agent have a right to
expect that their contracts would be valid and binding on the principal.
Therefore, even when by legal cause an agency relationship has
For the validity of a contract of agency, it is required that the principal
terminated, say via insanity of the principal, if the agent and third party
must have capacity to contract. The principal may either be a natural or
enter into contract in good faith, then the various provisions on the Law
juridical person.
on Agency would affirm the validity of the contract.
AGENCY The object of every contract of agency is service, or the legal undertaking
of the agent to enter into juridical acts with third persons on behalf of the
Principal Voidable Voidable principal.
Agent Voidable Valid

PRINCPAL NO LEGAL CAPACITY: If the principal is the one who has

no legal capacity to contract, and his agent enters into a contractual
The cause or consideration in agency is the compensation or commission THE RENDERING OF SERVICE
that the principal agreed or committed to pay the agent for the latter’s The extent and manner by which the agent would be entitled to receive
services. compensation or commission is based on the terms of the contract, or the
meeting of the minds between the principal and the agent.
PRESUMPTION OF CONSIDERATION: Art. 1875 provides that every
agency is presumed to be for a compensation, unless there is proof to the WHEN BASIS IS SERVICE WHEN BASIS IS RESULT
contrary. When the rendering of service If the nature of the service to be
• Example: X asks Y to enter into a contract of sale on his behalf. alone, and not the results, is compensated is understood to be
Y says “sure thing!” Is there a contract of agency, even without a the primordial basis for which based on the results to be
meeting of the minds as to consideration? the compensation is given, achieved (i.e., that a particular
• Answer: Yes. The presumption is that their mind have met as to then the proof that services contract with a third party is
compensation by virtue of Art. 1875. In the absence of have been rendered should entered into in behalf of the
specification, their minds have met as to make it onerous. This is entitle the agent to the principal), then mere rendering
in line with the principle that nobody enters into commerce compensation agreed upon. of service without achieving
without expectation of advantage or returns. (i.e., presumption results would not entitle the
that both parties knew that the services of the agent were for agent to the compensation
compensation) agreed upon.
• The value of Art. 1875 brings into the Law on Agency is the • Example: broker
presumption that every contract of agency is for valuable
consideration—that the agent serves for the benefit of the ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF AGENCY
principal expecting to be compensated for his efforts. It is the 1. Nominate and principal
party who avers that the agency is gratuitous who has the burden 2. Consensual
of proving such arrangement. 3. Unilateral and primarily onerous
4. Personal, representative, derivative
ONEROUS OR GRATUITOUS: although agency contracts are 5. Fiduciary and revocable
primarily onerous, they may also be gratuitous. 6. Preparatory and progressive


commercial contract, agency exhbits one of the three characteristics A contract of agency is a principal contract because it can stand on its
common to all commercial contracts, which is that of being customary own without need of another contract to validated it.
and equitable.
• It is therefore not critical that the amount and nature of the VALUE OF BEING NOMINATE AND PRINCIPAL: it has been set
compensation be previously agreed upon since the courts are apart by law and provided with its own set of rules and legal
empowered to apply customs to determine what compensation consequences, that any other arrangement that essentially falls within its
the agent is entitled to. terms shall be considered an agency arrangement and shall be governed

by the Law on Agency, notwithstanding any intention of the parties to the the form of commissions. However, an agency may be supported by pure
contrary. A contract is what the law says it is, and not what the liberality and thus would be gratuitous.
parties call it. • The burden of proof would be to show that the agency was
constituted gratuitously because an agency is presumed to be for
Manila Memorial Park v. Linsangan: Manila Memorial Park compensation, unless the contrary is shown.
attempted to prove that Baluyot was not its agent by pointing out
that under its Agency Manager Agreement, an agency manager UNILATERAL
such as Baluyot is considered an independent contractor and not When the agency is clearly When the agency is for valuable
an agent. But in the same contract, Baluyot was authorized to gratuitous, the contract of consideration, I would still be
solicit and remit to MMP offers to purchase interment spaces agency is undoubtedly a characterized as a unilateral
belonging to and sold by the latter. The Court held that Baluyot unilateral contract because it contract because it is only the
was an agent, notwithstanding the claim that he was labeled as an creates an obligation on the fulfillment of the primary
independent contractor, given that she was authorized to solicit for part of the agent. obligations of the agent to
and in behalf of MMP. render some service upon which
the subordinate obligation of
CONSENSUAL the principal to pay the
The contract of agency is perfected by mere consent. compensation agreed upon
• It does not need to be performed for the contract to arise. arises.

Art. 1869: an agency may be express or implied from: PERSONAL, REPRESENTATIVE, AND DERIVATIVE
(a) The acts of the principal, Agency is a species of the broad grouping of what we call “service
(b) His silence or lack of action, or contracts,” such as employment, management contracts, contract for a
(c) His failure to repudiate the agency, despite knowing that another piece-of-work, and a brokerage agreement. But it is the characteristic of
person is acting on his behalf without authority. representation that sets agency apart from other service contracts. Its
main purpose is to allow the agent to enter into contracts with third
Art. 1870: acceptance by the agent may also be express or implied from: parties on behalf of, and which would be binding on, the principal.
(a) His acts which carry out the agency, or
(b) His silence or inaction, according to the circumstances WHAT THESE CHARACTERISTICS ENTAIL: the authority of the
agent to act emanates from the powers granted to him by his principal; his
General rule: agency may be oral. act is the act of the principal if done within the scope of the authority.
• Exception: unless the law requires a specific form (i.e., the
power to sell land of another or an interest therein) CONTROL: one factor which distinguishes agency from other legal
concepts is control: one person (agent) agrees to act under the control or
UNILATERAL AND PRIMARILY ONEROUS direction of another (principal).
Ordinarily, an agency is onerous in nature (i.e., for valuable
consideration), where the agent expect compensation for his services in

REPRESENTATIVE, AND DERIVATIVE A contract of agency creates a legal relationship of representation by the
1. The contract entered into with third persons pertains to the agent on behalf of the principal, where the powers of the agent are
principal, not the agent essentially derived from the principal. Consequently, it is fiduciary in
a. Liabilities incurred pertain to the principal, not the character.
b. The agent has neither rights nor obligations from the LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF FIDUCIARY NATURE
resulting contract 1. One of the legal consequences of the fiduciary nature of the
c. The agent has no legal standing to sue upon the contract of agency is that it is revocable in character: neither the
resulting contract principal nor the agent can be legally made to remain in the
d. The agent who acts as such is not personally liable to relationship when they choose to have it terminated.
the party with whom he contracts, UNLESS:
i. He expressly binds himself, or REVOCATION RESCISSION
ii. He exceeds the limits of his authority without Based on the will of the parties Based on substantial breach of
giving such party sufficient notice of his powers (because it is a personal contract
e. When an agent purchases the property in bad faith, the contract of representation
principal is deemed to be a purchaser in good faith. based on trust and confidence)
2. General rule: all acts that the principal can do in person, he may
do through an agent 2. As regards the property forming the subject matter of the agency,
a. Exception: those which under public policy are strictly the agent is estopped from asserting or acquiring a title
personal to the person of the principal. adverse to that of a principal.
3. A suit against the agent in his personal capacity cannot, without 3. In a conflict-of-interest situation, the agent cannot choose a
compelling reasons, be considered a suit against the principal. course that favors himself to the detriment of the principal;
4. CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE: notice to the agent should always he must choose to the best advantage of the principal.
be considered as notice binding on the principal, even when in 4. The agent cannot purchase for himself the property of the
fact the principal never became aware thereof. principal which has been given to her management for sale or
5. CONSTRUCTIVE KNOWLEDGE: knowledge of the agent is disposition, UNLESS
equivalent to the knowledge of the principal, except where: a. There is an express consent on the part of the principal
a. Agent’s interests are adverse to those of the principal b. If the agent purchases after the agency is terminated
b. Agent’s duty it not to disclose the information, as where
he is informed by way of confidential information, and QUESTION: Can you stipulate a durability clause (i.e., that the agency
c. The person claiming the benefit of the rule colludes with will last for 5 years), making it irrevocable for the duration?
the agent to defraud the principal • Said stipulation will not make the contract of agency irrevocable.
A contract of agency is unilateral, where the agent is bound to
render the service to a principal. The agent cannot be compelled

to remain in the contract. However, the principal can seek 2. Whether or not it covers litigation matters
revocation and damages. a) Attorney-at-law
• Specific performance is not an available remedy because agency b) Attorney-in-fact
is a personal obligation. One cannot be compelled to perform an 3. Whether it covers acts of administration or acts of
obligation to do or not to do. ownership
• As a general rule, nothing can prevent the agent from a) General power of attorney
withdrawing from the contract of agency. b) Special power of attorney

Orient Air Services v. CA: lower court ordered the principal BASED ON THE BUSINESS OR TRANSACTIONS COVERED
airline company to reinstate defendant as its general sales agent
for passenger transportation in the Philippines. The Court held GENERAL AGENCY SPECIAL AGENCY
that courts have no authority to compel the principal to reinstate Encompasses all of the Covers only one or more
a contract of agency it has terminated with its agent. An business of the principal specific transactions
agency can only be effected with the consent of the principal Addressed to the general Addressed to a particular person
which must not, in any way, be compelled by law or by any public, and not just a particular or group of persons with whom
court. person or group of persons the agent is to transact
with whom the agent is to
A contract of agency does not exist for its own purpose. It is a NOTE: these classifications are more academic than practical. The
preparatory contract entered into for other purposes that deal with the real distinction in order to distinguish the power of an agent is
public in a particular matter: for the agent to enter into juridical acts with between a general power-of-attorney vs. a special power-of-
the public in the name of the principal. attorney.
• An agency contract is merely a tool or medium resorted to
achieve a greater objective of being able to enter into juridical WHETHER OR NOT IT COVERS LITIGATION MATTERS
relations on behalf of the principal. The relation of attorney and client is in many respects one of agency, and
• Therefore, considerations that seek to protect the interests of third that the general rules of agency apply to such relation.
parties dealing in good faith with an agent must, in case of
conflict, prevail over principles pertaining to the relationship ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ATTORNEY-AT-FACT
between the principal and agent. (i.e., rule on extinguishment due Means the appointment of an Describes all agents appointed
to incapacity viz. the resulting contract with third parties in good agent to represent the principal by a principal to act on juridical
faith) on legal matters (but not every relations that have nothing to do
attorney-client relationship is with legal matters and do not
KINDS OF AGENCY an agency (i.e., when there is constitute a practice of law on
1. Based on the business or transactions covered no representation involved = the part of the agent
a) General agency mere drafting of legal
b) Special agency documents)
Fiduciary - based on the need Fiduciary - based on the doctrine Essentially contractual Relationship between capital
to rely upon the competence of representation and labor is not merely
and integrity of the lawyer contractual; it is impressed with
public interest
NOTE: even in the case of an attorney-at-law representing a client
in a case, there are certain powers which are not inherent in the Purpose is to enter into No element of representation in
position of an attorney-at-law to legally bind the contract such as juridical relationship on behalf contract of employment (no
the power to compromise, to arbitrate, etc. These are matters of the principal with third power to enter into juridical
governed by rule on special powers of attorney parties relations on behalf of the
General rule: when the agency is constituted, it only covers the powers
to execute acts of administration in relation to the business, venture, or AGENCY PIECE-OF-WORK
transaction referred to in the commission.
Purpose is to enter into Contractor has no power to
• Exception: unless specific powers are granted expressly juridical relationship on behalf represent principal in entering
of the principal with third into juridical acts with third
Covers only “acts of Covers “acts of dominion or Element of control is present No element of control since
administration”; power to strict ownership”; power to contractor cannot be dictated
pursue the ordinary or regular pursue extraordinary conditions upon by the client on the means
course of business of the or those pursued not in the to accomplish the objective of
principal ordinary course of business the contract (even if description
More on this later in subsequent sections of product is agreed upon)


1. From employment contract AGENCY MANAGEMENT
2. From a contract for a piece-of-work CONTRACT
3. From a management contract Basis is representation Basis is employment
4. From a contract of sale Agent has power to bring Management contract
5. From a contract of brokerage about juridical relations contemplates only material
between the principal and third (non-juridical) acts

AGENCY VS. CONTRACT OF SALE Quiroga v. Parsons: Quiroga wanted to revoke the contract on the
Art. 1466: in construing a contract containing provisions characteristic of ground that the contract was one of agency to sell. The Court
both the contract of sale and of the contract of agency to sell, the essential found the arrangement to be one of sale, not agency to sell,
clauses of the whole instrument shall be considered. because the contract provided that “payment was to be made at the
• Essential clauses - refers to stipulations in the contract which end of 60 days in cash.” By virtue of the contract, the defendant,
places obligations on the part of the purported “agent” having to on receiving the beds to be sold, was necessarily obliged to pay
do with what should be a seller’s obligation to transfer ownership the price within the term fixed, without any other consideration
and deliver possession of the subject matter, or the buyer’s and regardless as to whether he had or had not sold the beds.
obligation on the payment of the price. In a true agency, the agent who received a thing to sell it does not
• pay its price but delivers to the principal the price he obtains from
SALE AGENCY TO SELL the sale of the thing to a third person, and he does not succeed in
Not unilaterally revocable Revocable (even with selling it, returns it. An agent does not assume personal
irrevocability clause) responsibility for the payment of the price of the object.
Buyer pays for the price of the Agent is not obliged to pay the
object price; merely obliged to As a consequence, the “revocation” sought to be made by the
deliver the price he received principal on the purported agency arrangement was denied by the
from the buyer Court, the relationship being one of sale. In a sale, what is
Buyer becomes owner after Agent does not become the involved is the power to rescind, which is available only when the
delivery owner after delivery purported principal is able to show substantial breach on the part
Seller warrants Agent who effects the sale of the purported agent.
generally assumes no personal
liability as long as he acts Gonzalo Puyat & Sons v. Arco Amusement: The Court found that
within his authority and in the the letters between Puyat and Arco clearly stipulated for fixed and
name of the principal determinate prices on the equipment ordered. Whatever
Seller can claim personal profit Agent cannot claim personal unforeseen events might have taken place unfavorable to Puyat
profit; any profit received (“agent”) such as change in prices, mistake in the quotation, loss
should pertain to the principal of the goods, Arco Amusement might still legally hold Puyat to
WHY THE DISTINCTION MATTERS: the prices fixed. This is in a nature of a sale. In agency, the agent
Statute of Frauds applies Statute of Frauds does not is exempted from all liability provided he acts in accordance with
apply (except when the sale the instructions of the principal. Although Puyat was to receive
of a piece of land or any 10% commission, the same did not necessarily make him an
interest therein is through an agent, and it was only an additional price which Arco bound itself
agent, the authority must be to pay.
in writing; otherwise, sale is
void) Being an contract of sale, any profits realized by the purported
agent from discounts received from the American supplier pertain

to it with no obligation to account for it, much less to turn it Agent has the right of Broker has no right of
over, to the principal. representation: he can give representation: he cannot give
consent on behalf of principal consent to the contract on behalf
Ker v. Lingad: In a contract for consignment, it was stipulated that of the principal
“all goods on consignment shall remain the property of the Assumes fiduciary obligations; Does not assume fiduciary
Company until sold by the Distributor to the purchaser, but all liability is based on breach of obligations; if his negligence
sales made by the Distributor shall be made in his name.” It was the duty of diligence causes damage to a client, his
further stipulated that the contract “does not constitute the liability is based on tort or
Distributor the agent of the Company for any purpose quasi-delict
whatsoever.” Here, the Court held that in spite of the disclaimer in Prohibited from taking secret May profit from the transactions
the agreement, the contract was that of agency. The decisive test profits and is bound to account and is not bound to account to
was the retention by the Company of ownership of the goods to principal all sums received principal sums received
delivered to the possession of the Distributor, for resale to Legally incapacitated from Not legally incapacitated to
customers, the price and terms remaining subject to the control purchasing the property of the purchase property of the
of the firm consigning such goods. principal principal
Agent has to be the one to Principal enters into the contract
Sale: The transfer of title or agreement to transfer it for a price enter into contract on behalf of himself; broker may still
paid or promised is the essence of sale. If such transfer puts the the principal to have a right to demand broker’s fee on the basis
transferee in the position of an owner and makes him liable to the demand commission of doctrine of procuring and
transferor as a debtor for the agreed price, and not merely as an efficient cause.
agent who must account for the proceeds of a resale, the No personal liability when he No personal liability because he
transaction is a sale. acts in the name of the is a complete stranger to the
principal and within the scope resulting contract of sale (lack
Agency: The essence of an agency to sell is the delivery to an of his authority; protected by of privity); he mere
agent, not as his property, but as the property of the principal, who the Law on Agency intermediates between buyer and
remains the owner and has the right to control the sale, fix the seller for whom he has not
price and terms, demand and receive the proceeds less the agent’s executed any juridical act


AGENCY BROKERAGE Maintains relations with the Has no relation with the thing he
End is a contract (purchase, End is a contract of sale property or subject matter of buys or sells: does not acquire
sale, etc.) the transaction either possession or custody of
Agency is at perfection stage Brokerage deals with the things sold.
policitacion stage

Broker - a person or entitle engaged as a middleman to bring parties • The doctrine of efficient or procuring cause cannot overcome
together in matters pertaining to trade, commerce, or navigation. express stipulations in the agreement providing when exactly the
• If a person has not been given the power to enter into the contract broker is entitle to have earned his commission.
or commerce on behalf of the parties, then he is a broker in the
sense that his job mainly is to bring the parties together to DOCTRINE OF EFFICIENT OR PROCURING CAUSE
bargain. The broker must be the efficient or procuring cause of the sale. The
• The broker also assumes no fiduciary obligations to either or both means employed by him and his efforts must result in the sale. He must
parties. find the purchaser and the sale must proceed from his efforts acting as
• But when a broker is appointed with powers to enter into juridical broker.
acts on behalf of the principal, he is truly an agent. • General rule: there is only one form of “service” for which the
• A broker may at the same time be an agent, in which case he broker is entitled to his agreed compensation (unless otherwise
really becomes a commission agent if the subject matter stipulated): that his services procured the buyer and which
involves goods, when he acts as duly authorized to enter into eventually resulted into a perfected and consummated contract of
juridical acts in the name of the client. sale. A BROKER IS NOT ENTITLED TO COMMISSION IF
REVOCABLE: the principal has the right to terminate the broker’s • Exception: where the services and efforts expended by the
authority at will, except only that he may not do it in bad faith and as a broker were of such sufficient amount that they would have
mere device to escape the payment of broker’s commissions. brought about the sale, but that the principal terminated his
services in bad faith with every intention to proceed with the
WHERE DISTINCTION MATTERS: the distinction between agent and sale to the person procured by the broker, the latter is still entitled
broker has been most critical in the issue of entitlement to the to his commission under the doctrine of efficient or procuring
commission or compensation promised by the principal. cause.

BROKER’S ENGAGEMENT IN GENERAL: in order to earn his Procuring cause - means proximate cause or a cause originating a series
commission, it is not sufficient to find a prospective buyer, but to find of event which, without break in their continuity, result in
one who will actually buy the property on the terms and conditions accomplishment of the prime objective of the employment of the broker,
imposed by the owner. that is, producing a purchaser ready, willing, and able to buy the subject
matter on the owner’s terms.
COMMISSION DETERMINED BY: (1) express stipulation - since a • When there is a close, proximate, and causal connection between
brokerage relationship is essentially a contract, principles of contract law the broker’s efforts and the principal’s sale of his property, the
also govern the broker-principal relationship. The right of the broker to broker is entitled to a commission.
the commission promised by the client-principal is primarily governed by
the terms and conditions agreed upon them at the time of the perfection of Manotok Brothers v. CA: an owner of a parcel of land rented by
the contract, (2) in the absence of clear provisions, the right of the broker the City of Manila authorized a broker “to negotiate with the City
to receive commission is covered by the doctrine of efficient or the sale of the property for not less than P425,000” The registered
procuring cause. owner agreed to pay the broker a 5% commission in the event the

sale is finally consummated and paid. The arrangement was BROKER OF A SALE VS. BROKER HIMSELF PURCHASING
extended several times because of what was perceived to be The distinction is similar to the difference between contract of sale
successful negotiations by the broker with the city officers. A 180- (broker himself purchasing) and contract of agency to sell (broker of a
day extension was given. The City of Manila eventually sale). These includes differences in transfer of ownership, personal
formalized the purchase and paid the price but only after the 180- liability, etc. See the relevant section on contract of agency to sell vs.
day extension had expired. contract of sale for a full discussion.

The Court held that, at first sight, it would seem that the broker CHAPTER 2: FORMALITIES OF AN AGENCY
was not successful in consummating the sale during the period.
However, it ruled that the broker fell within the coverage of the DIVIDED INTO TWO PARTS:
exception enunciated in Prats v. CA, and applied the doctrine of 1. How an agency may be constituted (perfection)
efficient or procuring cause to allow the broker to receive the 2. Formal requirements on grant of powers to the agent (extent of
commission he had earned by the nature of his services. powers granted to the agent)

Note: in this case, the Court applied the doctrine of efficient or PART ONE: HOW AGENCY MAY BE CONSTITUTED
procuring cause despite the clear wordings in the contract on The contract of agency is a consensual contract, perfected by mere
the manner of entitlement of the broker to his 5% commission meeting of the minds as to the object (service: to enter into juridical acts
Another note: Even under the cases of Prats and Manotok, the on behalf of the principal) and to the consideration (primarily a valuable
ultimate objective of actual sale being effected must be present for consideration, although it may be the pure liberality of the agent).
the agent or broker to earn his commission. • Agency may be express or implied… it may be oral, unless the
law requires a specific form. (Art. 1869)
QUESTIONABLE RULINGS ON COMMISSION • It is valid and enforceable in whatever form it may have been
In Hahn v. CA and Tan v. Gullas, the Court ruled that “an agent receives entered into.
commission upon the successful conclusion of a sale, while a broker • See section on consensuality.
earns his commission merely by bringing the buyer and the seller
together, even if no sale is made.” There was no legal basis for this PERFECTION FROM SIDE PERFECTION FROM SIDE
doctrine, however. OF PRINCIPAL OF AGENT
1. Acts formally adopt it 1. Express
In Philippine Health-Care Providers v. Estrada, similar to Manotok
2. Silence or inaction 2. Implied
Brothers v. CA, the Court ruled that even terms and conditions agreed
3. Failure to repudiate a) Acts which carry out the
upon in the brokerage contract that undermine the doctrine of efficient or
the agency knowing agency
procuring cause will be brushed aside to allow, under equity principles,
someone is acting in b) Silence or inaction
a broker to collect the commissions he has in fact earned.
his name

PERFECTION FROM SIDE OF PRINCIPAL Under Articles 1871 and 1872, the power of attorney must constitute a
The ideal form by which the principal is deemed to have entered into a written instrument because in both cases, the principal either delivers or
contract of agency is when he issues a written power of attorney to the transmits his power of attorney to the agent.
person designated as agent. Nonetheless, there is no requirement that for
agency to arise it must be in writing. Under Art. 1869, it may be oral or PERFECTION AS IT AFFECTS THIRD PERSONS
may be deduced from the acts of the principal.
PERFECTION FROM SIDE OF AGENT When the principal states by When the principal informs
Note that it may be wrong to presume that the agent has impliedly public advertisement that he has another person that he has given
accepted the appointment, and bound himself to fiduciary duties of given a power of attorney to a a power of attorney to a third
diligence and fidelity, by performing acts that carry out the agency in particular individual (the agent), person (the agent), the latter
certain situations. Example: when he did not accept the agency expressly, the latter becomes a duly thereby becomes a duly
and he pursues a transaction in his own name and on his own behalf, authorized agent with respect to authorized agent with respect to
despite the fact that this transaction was the very object of the agency any person. (Art. 1873) the persons who received the
contract proposed by the principal. special information. (Art.
When the constitution of the agency is made with both principal and So even if there is no meeting of
agent bring physically present at the time of perfection, the acceptance the minds between the principal
of the agency may be implied if the principal delivers his power of and the agent, an agency
attorney to the agent and the latter receives it without objection. (Art. contract is deemed to have been
1871) perfected with respect to the
third party who has been
When the constitution of the agency is made without the prospective informed by the principal.
principal and the prospective agent being physically present at the time of Both scenarios presume that, ultimately, the agent would have
perfect, there can be no implied acceptance from the silence or accepted the designation of the principal, for it must come to pass
inaction of the agent, except: that he enters into contracts with such third parties in the name of
a) When the principal transmits his power of attorney (i.e., it is in the principal.
writing or some other form) to the agent who receives it without The rules of constitution of agency must be consistent with the rules
objection, or for revocation.
b) When the principal entrusts to the agent by letter or telegram a Revocation of the agency will Revocation of the agency will
power of attorney with respect to the business in which he is not prejudice third persons who not prejudice the third person if
habitually engaged as an agent, and the latter did not reply to the acted in good faith; notice of they were not given notice
letter or telegram. (Art. 1872) revocation in a newspaper of thereof.
general circulation is sufficient
notice to bind third persons.

PARTIES a) Third parties must never take the word or representation of the
Although an agency contract is consensual in nature and generally purported agent at face value. They are mandated to apprise
requires no formalities or writing to be perfected, valid, and binding, an themselves of the extent of powers of the purported agent.
agency agreement is never presumed and persons dealing with an agent b) Third parties can take the word, declaration, and representation of
must ascertain: the purported principal with respect to the appointment and
a) The fact of agency, and extent of powers of the purported agent. (as evidence in Art. 1873
b) The nature and extend of the agent’s authority on public advertisement and special notice, where the designated
agent may even be unaware of his designation as agent)
DUTY OF THIRD PARTY TO ASCERTAIN: A third person must act
with ordinary prudence and reasonable diligence to ascertain whether the AGENCY BY ESTOPPEL
agent is acting and dealing with him within the scope of his powers. If he General rule: a contract of agency is perfected by the meeting of the
knows or has good reason to believe that the agent is exceeding his minds (consensual)
authority, he cannot claim protection. Exceptions:
• If the character assumed by the agent is of such a suspicious or a) Art 1873, where a person specially informs another or states by
unreasonable nature, or if the authority which he seeks is unusual public advertisement that he has given a power of attorney to a
or improbable as would put an ordinarily prudent man on his third person, the latter becomes a duly authorized agent, even if
guard, the party dealing with him should refuse to deal with the previously there has been no meeting of minds between them.
agent or should ascertain from the principal the true conditions of b) Art. 1911, where even when the agent has exceeded his authority,
the affair. the principal shall be held solidarily liable with the agent if he
• The mere declaration of one that he an agent of another is never allowed the agent to act as though he had full powers. (doctrine
to be accepted at face value, except in those cases where an of apparent authority)
agency arises by express provision of law.
• A person dealing with an agent is put upon inquiry and must APPARENT AUTHORITY: one who clothes another with apparent
discover upon his own peril the authority of the agent. authority as his agent, and holds him out to the public as such person to
act as his agent, cannot be permitted to deny the authority of such person
CO-OWNERSHIP: A co-owner does not automatically become the agent to act as his agent, to the prejudice of innocent third parties dealing with
of the other co-owners. such person in good faith.
• If by interaction between a purported principal and a purported
LACK OF WRITTEN POWER OF ATTORNEY: in the absence of a agent in the presence of a third person, the latter was given the
written power of attorney, the burden of proof to show that an agent acted impression of the existence of a principal-agency relation, and
within the scope of his authority would be with the third party. the purported principal did nothing to correct the third person’s
impression, an agency by estoppel is deemed to have been
constituted. (Naguiat v. CA)

EXIST (Litonjua v. Eternit Corp.) Every person dealing with an agent is duty bound to determine the extent
1. The principal manifested a representation of the agent’s of such agent’s authority. In other words, a third party is bound to
authority or knowingly allow the agent to assume such exercise due diligence in determining the extent of authority of the agent
authority to bind his principal. A third party who does not exercise due diligence is
2. The third person, in good faith, relied upon such deemed not in good faith and cannot enforce the contract against the
representation principal who has given no such authority to the agent.
3. Relying upon such representation, such third person has
changed his position to his detriment MINIMUM REQUIREMENT OF DUE DILIGENCE: a third party must
demand a written authority coming from the principal; otherwise, it
PROOF OF RELIANCE: an agency of estoppel requires proof of reliance would be grossly and inexcusably negligent for such third party to enter
upon the representations and that, in turn, needs proof that the into a contract with such agent without a written authorization from his
representation predated the action taken in reliance thereto. alleged principal. (Bordador v. Luz)
• An exception to this rule is that every agent is deemed to be
PART TWO: FORMALITIES ON GRANT OF POWERS TO THE granted with authority to bind the principal for acts of
AGENT administration. What is contemplated in these issues are acts of
This section deals with the rules that govern the extent of power granted ownership.
to the agent once the agency relationship is established. The discussions • That a power of attorney be more in writing therefore is more
are therefore based on the premise that even when an agent has been duly critical to the constitution of a special power of attorney, than to a
appointed by the principal, such agent must still act within the scope of general power of attorney.
his authority in order to make the resulting juridical acts entered into
valid and binding on the principal. GENERAL POWER OF SPECIAL POWER OF
GENERAL PRINCIPLES ON CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO BY Third parties would be less Lacking the written evidence of
AGENTS wary that the contract or what particular power of
The formal requirements pertaining to contracts of agency, and issues transaction they entered into is ownership has been granted to
relating to the powers of agents to enter into contracts in the name of the not within the powers of the the agent, the third party may
principal, go into issues of enforceability, not nullity. (i.e. it is only agent, especially when it is one only reasonably presume that
“void” as to the principal) which is in the ordinary course the agent is granted powers of
of business administration. Otherwise, he
Power of attorney - an instrument in writing by which one person, as takes the risk that the agent
principal, appoint another as his agent and confers upon him the authority acted in excess of authority.
to perform specified acts or kinds of acts on behalf of the principal.
EVIDENTIARY PURPOSE: agency may be written or oral. However,
when a special power of attorney (i.e., the conferment of powers on the
agent to execute acts of strict ownership on behalf of the principal) is

done orally, the agency relationship may be valid between the principal As long as the agency relationship exists, then in the absence of the
and the agent, but third parties that deal with the latter must require grant of special power of attorney to the agent, he is deemed to have
written evidence of his power to execute acts of strict ownership. been extended only a general power of attorney, and his powers cover
Otherwise, they are bound to enter into the contract at their own risk. only acts of administration.
• While a special power of attorney need not be in writing, it
carries evidentiary weight in court. In its absence, the SPA ACTS OF ADMINISTRATION: acts in the ordinary course of business
must be duly established by evidence other than the self-serving • What constitutes an act, transaction, or contract within the
assertion of the agent that such authority was verbally given to ordinary course of business is determined by the nature of the
him. business itself that has been placed under the administration of
the agent
OF POWERS: today, the rule is that whether what is granted is an ACT OF
authority to merely administer (general power of attorney) or to do an act ADMINISTRATION
of strict ownership (special power of attorney) is not determined from When the act, transaction, or When the act, transaction, or
the title of the instrument, but on the nature of the power given under contract in question is a matter contract is of a nature,
the operative provisions of such instrument. that from the nature of the considering the business being
• Even when a SPA is granted, it is still a general rule that a power business is expected to occur managed, that is not expected to
of attorney must be strictly construed. The instrument will be and for which action is happen or decided upon in the
held to grant only those powers that are specified, and the agent expected without much day-to-day affairs, then it is
may neither go beyond nor deviate from the power of attorney. changing the course of the extraordinary.
(Olaguer v. Purugganan) business
o In other words, if a special power (i.e. to sell) is granted,
there is no presumption that other special powers (i.e. to Yu Chuck v. Kong Li Po: an officer who has control and
sue) are granted as well, absent a clear grant from the management of the corporation’s business is deemed to have
principal. power to employ such agents and employees as are usual and
• Powers of attorney are generally construed strictly and courts will necessary in the conduct of business, except only where such
not infer or presume broad powers from deeds which did not authority is expressly vested in the Board of Directors. Therefore,
sufficiently include property or subject under which the agent is the manager of the business enterprise does not need a special
to deal. (Woodchild Holdings v. Roxas Electric) power of attorney to validly employ personnel.


Art. 1877 provides that an agency couched in general terms comprises 1. Contract says “SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY…
only acts of administration, even if the principal: to grant X the power to exercise acts of dominion on my
a) Should state that he withholds no power from the agent behalf.” Is this a special power of attorney? NO. Art.
b) States that the agent may execute acts he considers appropriate 1877 says that an agency couched in general terms
c) Authorizes general and unlimited management

comprises only acts of administration. The power, to be a charity, or those made to employees in the
SPA, must be named. business managed by the agent
2. Contract says “SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY: I, To loan or borrow money, unless the latter
A. Buenaventura, grant X. Santos the power to enter into be urgent and indispensable for the
Loan or borrow money
any contract on my behalf…” X Santos sells A preservation of the things which are under
Buenaventura’s car. Valid? UNENFORCEABLE. administration
Although the contract is labeled special power of To bind the principal to render some
attorney, it is actually just a general power of attorney Service without compensation
service without compensation
couched in general terms. X can only exercise acts of To bind the principal in a contract of
administration. In this case, X acted in excess of his Partnership
authority when he sold A’s car. To create or convey real rights over
Real rights over immovables
immovable property
SPECIAL POWERS OF ATTORNEY Inheritance To accept or repudiate an inheritance
To ratify or recognize obligations
contracted before the agency
NECESSARY (Art. 1878) Others Any other act of strict dominion
To make such payments as are not usually
considered as acts of administration Art. 1878 enumerates 14 instances which are described as acts of strict
To effect novations which put an end to dominion and which cannot be deemed to be within the scope of
Novation obligations already in existence at the authority of the agent unless it is expressly granted or it is a necessary
time the agency was constituted ingredient of the powers granted.
• Compromise To compromise, to submit questions to • The 15th case enumerated actually covers the general rule: a duly
• Submit questions for arbitrations, to renounce the right to appointed agent has no power to exercise on behalf of the
arbitration appeal from a judgment, to waive principal any act of strict dominion unless it is under a special
• Waiver of right to objections to the venue of an action or to power of attorney.
appeal abandon a prescription already acquired • Each of the powers enumerated is an act of strict dominion, and
• Waiver of objections cannot be an implied power. Moreover, a named special power
to venue cannot give the presumption that it includes, under any form of
• Abandon prescription construction or interpretation, another special power of attorney.
Gratuitous waiver of To waive any obligation gratuitously
To enter into any contract by which the it is not the name or title given in the deed; an agent has special power of
ownership of an immovable is transmitted attorney only when the act or contract enumerated under Art. 1878 has
Ownership of immovables been literally named in the grant of commission by the principal.
or acquired either gratuitously or for a
valuable consideration
Gifts To make gifts, except customary ones for
• The terms of the power—such as to “sell”, “mortgage”—must be claims was not included among the acts enumerated in the SPA,
written or expressed for the commission to constitute a special then a SPA was required before such area manager could settle
power of attorney. insurance claims of the insured.
• A document captioned “General Power of Attorney” does not
preclude the grant of special power of attorney. A general power Consequently, the amounts paid by the area manager to settle
of attorney may include a special power, if such special power is such claims were not allowed to be reimbursed from the
specifically mentioned or referred to in the general power. principal insurance company.
But the power or authority of the agent is deemed to cover only “acts of (2) TO EFFECT NOVATIONS WHICH PUT AN END TO
administration” unless there be specific granting of acts of ownership. OBLIGATIONS ALREADY EXISTING AT THE TIME THE
The clearest manner to prove that there is specific grant of powers of AGENCY WAS CONSTITUTED
strict ownership is a writing instrument; otherwise, the presumption is If the obligation was created only during the agency relationship, the
that the agent can only pursue acts of administration. (See relevant power to create such obligation granted to the agent includes with it the
section on whether or not powers of attorney must be in writing.) implied power to novate it.

(1) TO MAKE PAYMENTS AS ARE NOT USUALLY What happens if the agent is clearly empowered under a special power of
CONSIDERED AS ACTS OF ADMINISTRATION attorney to incur an obligation on behalf of the principal and in the
Payments made in the ordinary course of business constitute acts of process of doing so, the agent novates a pre-existing obligation?
administration, since they go into mere acts of management and they are • Where there terms of power granted to the agent was to the end
expected to occur on a day-to-day basis. that the principal-seller may be able to collect the balance of the
• All other forms of payment for and in behalf of the principal selling price of what the printing establishment sold, such agent
which are not within the ordinary course of business would has no power to enter into new sales arrangements with the
constitute acts of strict dominion, which are not deemed within buyer nor to novate the terms of the original sale.
the power of an agent unless granted under a special power of
Dominion Insurance v. CA: A deed was issued by an insurance COMPROMISE AND JUDGMENTS: A judgment based on a
company to its area manager, denominated as a “Special Power compromise entered into by an attorney without specific authority from
of Attorney.” Its wordings, however, showed that the insurance the client is void, and such judgment may be impugned and its execution
company only sought to establish an agency that comprises all restrained in any proceeding by the party against whom it is sought to be
the business of the principal with the designated locality, but enforced.
couched in general terms.
The Court held that the payment of insurance claims was an act judgment stands in the same footing as a compromised and may not be
of strict dominion and cannot be deemed with the powers of entered into by counsel except with the knowledge and consent of the
administration of the area manager, and that since settlement of client, or upon his special empowerment.

excludes the power to submit to arbitration. (Art. 1880) The power to That Art. 1878(5) covers only immovable property does not mean that
submit to arbitration does not carry with it the power to compromise. every agent has the implied power to transmit or acquire ownership over
movable property on behalf of the principal.
• The principle intended to be conveyed is that there can never be
Cosmic Lumber v. CA: the attorney-in-fact has been authorized in an implied power on the part of the agent to transmit or acquire
writing to institute any actions in court to eject all persons found ownership over immovable property, whether by onerous or
in a specified parcel of land and “for this purpose, to appear at the gratuitous title. Such power must be expressly granted.
pre-trial and enter into any stipulation of facts and/or compromise • When it comes to movables, the power to dispose may be an act
agreement but only insofar as this was protective of the rights and of administration, such as the sale of merchandise in the ordinary
interests of the principal in the property.” course of business.

The Court held that this did not constitute authority to enter into a General rule: special power of attorney is necessary for contracts
compromise agreement that provides for the sale of the entered into for the transmission or acquisition, whether gratuitous or
property to which the defendant in the case thus filed. The onerous, of ownership of immovables. In other words, the sales of
judgment based on the compromise agreement was declared void. transmission or acquisition of immovable need only be express, rather
than in writing, to be valid. Otherwise, the contract is unenforceable.
In the absence of a special power of attorney, an agent cannot condone • Exception: a contract of agency for the sale of land or any
or remit the obligation owing to the principal, and if he does, the act is interest therein must be (a) expressly granted under a special
unenforceable. power of attorney, and (b) in writing. Otherwise, the resulting
• This does not mean that every agent would have the power to contract is void, not merely unenforceable. (Art. 1874)
waive the principal’s obligation for valuable consideration
outside of an express authority to do so. SPECIAL POWER TO SPECIAL POWER TO
• What it means is that when the power to condone is within the SELL LAND OR PURCHASE LAND OR
scope of authority of the agent, he may do so as an implied or INTEREST THEREIN INTEREST THEREIN
incidental power; whereas the power to waive an obligation owed SPA has to be in writing for SPA does not render the
to the principal gratuitously can only arise as an express power, the sale of immovable to be purchase void when the agency
not as an implied or incidental power of an agent. valid. is not in writing. (covered by
• “To waive any obligation onerously” is equivalent to payment or Art. 1878)
performance of the obligation, which act is advantageous to the In all other immovables, other than land or any interest therein,
principal. Being an act of administration, it is still within the the fact that the SPA to sell or to purchase is not in writing would
scope of the agent’s authority even when done without express not render the contract of sale or contract of purchase void, but
stipulation. merely unenforceable.

PUBLIC INSTRUMENT: a power of attorney to convey real property ratification.
need not be in a public instrument.
Pahud v. CA (latest word of SC on the matter): the issue was the
POWER TO MORTGAGE: A special power to sell excludes the power status of a sale by one co-heir of a land owned pro indiviso where
to mortgage; and a special power to mortgage does not include the power the authority given by the other co-heirs was merely verbal in
to sell. (Art. 1879) character.
• The sale proscribed under Art. 1879 refers to a voluntary sale
effected through the agent; it does not cover the public sale that The Court ruled that the transaction is valid and unenforceable.
happens as part of the foreclosure on the mortgage duly It noted that Art. 1874 plainly provides that when the sale of a
instituted. piece of land or any interest therein is through an agent, the
authority of the latter shall be in writing; otherwise the sale is
(5-A) SALE OF A PIECE OF LAND THROUGH AN AGENT void. However, the Court declared that such a sale is void
Art. 1874: When a sale of a piece of land or any interest therein is precisely to protect the interest of an unsuspecting owner from
through an agent, the authority of the latter shall be in writing; otherwise being prejudiced by the unwarranted act of another.
the sale is void.
In other words, the language of Art. 1874 declaring the sale
PURCHASE OF LAND OR ANY INTEREST: Art. 1874 does not cover “void,” means that it is void as to the principal to protect his
an agency to purchase a piece of land or an interest therein; and that if the interests from being prejudiced. The net effect of the ruling
special power of the agent who acts for the buyer is not in writing, the considers the sale as being unenforceable, subject to ratification
resulting sale would still be valid. on the part of the principal.

The oral contract of agency to The contract of sale of land It is the specification of the “power to sell” that is necessary, rather than
sell a parcel of land is not itself effected through an agent, a specification of the particular piece of land that controls compliance
void, because every contract of without written authority, is with the requirement of the law.
agency is consensual in valid and unenforceable. It is • The power of attorney need not contain a specific description of
character, even those SPA’s void only as to the principal. the land to be sold, such that giving the agent the power to sell
covered by Art. 1878. (Pahud v. CA) “any or all tracts, lots, or parcels of land belonging to the
principal” (Strong v. Gutierrez Repide) or “the interest I possess
WHAT IS THE STATUS OF A PIECE OF LAND MADE PURSUANT within the municipality of Tarlac” (Liñan v. Puno) were deemed

Escueta v. Lim: The Court held that the lack of a written authority (5-B) AGENT CANNOT VALIDLY PURCHASE PROPERTY OF
only rendered the resulting contract of sale over parcels of land THE PRINCIPAL
unenforceable, not void per se, which can be subject to

Under Art. 1491(2), an agent cannot purchase the property of his SCOPE: Art. 1878(7) covers only the borrowing of money under
principal, unless so expressly authorized. Otherwise, the contract of sale mutuum, and does not cover the purchasing of goods on credit on behalf
is void. Therefore, even when the agent has been granted a SPA to sell a of the principal, especially when the same is in the ordinary course of
piece of land or any interest therein, such power does not include by business. (De Villa v. Fabricante)
implication the power to sell to himself, unless there was such prior PNB v. Tan Ong: a power of attorney vested an agent with
authorization by the principal. authority “for me and in my name to sign, seal, and execute, and
as my act and deed, delivery any lease, any other deed for
(6) TO MAKE GIFTS conveying any real or personal property.” The Court held that this
General rule: for an agent to have the power to make gifts or donations did not carry with it nor imply that the agent has the power to
on behalf o f the principal, it would require the same to be in the form of execute a promissory note or a mortgage to secure its payment.
a special power of attorney
• Exceptions: The authority which the principal has conferred upon the agent is
a) Customary ones for charity, or not to be extended by implication beyond the natural and ordinary
b) Those made to employees in the business managed by the significance of the terms in which that authority has been given;
agent and that an agent has only such authority as the principal has
chosen to confer upon him.
UNENFORCEABLE OR VOID: When a gift or donation is made by an
agent on behalf of the principal without a special power of attorney, it is PNB v. Sta. Maria: the special power to borrow money for the
unenforceable. A gift or donation is void depending on whether or not it principal is not implied from the special power of attorney to
complies with the formalities required under the Law on Donation, for mortgage real estate.
every act of donation constitutes a solemn contract.
(7) TO LOAN OR BORROW MONEY The lease of real property for more than one year is an act of strict
General rule: the power of an agent to either loan or borrow money is an ownership, since such a lease creates a right in rem. The act of entering
act of strict ownership, and requires the same to be in the form of a into a contract of lease for one year or less would be considered an act of
special power of attorney. administration, and may be in the form of a general power of attorney.
• Exception: when the act is urgent and indispensable for the
preservation of the things which are under administration. SCOPE: Art. 1878(8) does not cover lease of personal property. But
this only means that, while a lease of real property for more than one year
WITHOUT PRINCIPAL’S CONSENT (Art. 1890) is an act of ownership which would always require a SPA, when it comes
Agent empowered to borrow Agent empowered to lend to personal property, a leader for more than one year may or may not be
money can be the lender at the money at interest cannot be the an act of administration depending on the circumstances involved or the
current interest rate borrower without consent of the nature of the business given to the agent for administration and
principal management.

(9) TO BIND THE PRINCIPAL TO RENDER SOME SERVICE RATIFICATION: involves the acceptance of either a voidable or
WITHOUT COMPENSATION unenforceable contract. When it comes to unenforceable contracts, they
Note, that any contract of service—whether for compensation or not—to are ratified by the failure to object to the presentation of oral evidence to
be entered into on behalf of a principal should property be considered an prove the same, or by the acceptance of benefits under them.
act of strict ownership, for it impinges on obliging the principal to render
a personal obligation, which if he refuses makes him liable for damages. The act of ratifying or cleansing a defective contract (i.e., voidable,
unenforceable) that could validly be enforced against the principal is an
(10) TO BIND THE PRINCIPAL IN A CONTRACT OF act of strict ownership, and cannot be effected by the agent without SPA.
Every agreement by the agent on behalf of the principal which has the RECOGNITION: refers to acknowledgment of a natural obligation.
effect of obliging the principal to contribute money or industry to a Recognition is an act of strict ownership which can only be performed by
common fund with the intention of deriving profits therefrom would be an agent on behalf of the principal who possesses a SPA.
unenforceable without a SPA having been previously given to the agent,
for it in effect makes the principal a partner in a partnership. (15) ANY OTHER ACT OF STRICT DOMINION
Those that may be constituted as acts of strict ownership, but not so
(11) TO OBLIGATE THE PRINCIPAL AS GUARANTOR OR specifically named in the first 14 paragraphs, would always need a SPA
SURETY to be executed in behalf of the principal by the agent.
Guaranty shall not be presumed; it must be expressed and cannot be • But because they are not specifically enumerated, it is possible
extended beyond its specified limits. By analogy, a power of attorney to that such acts which are normally perceived as acts of strict
execute a contract of guaranty should not be inferred from vague or ownership may, depending on the circumstances, be shown to
general words, especially when such words have their origin and be mere acts of administration, and may be:
explanation in particular powers of a wholly different nature. o Governed by a general power of attorney, or
o Implied or incidental from express powers or from the
STATUTE OF FRAUDS: a contract of guaranty is unenforceable if not nature of the business covered by the agency agreement
in writing. Thus, when an agent authorized via SPA to enter into a
contract of guaranty on behalf of a principal, the resulting contract must EXAMPLE: the sale or encumbrances of movables may constitute either
be in writing. acts of administration or acts of strict ownership, depending on the
prevailing circumstances.
COVERAGE: “real rights over immovable property” would cover such The grant of express powers or special power of attorney must
contracts as mortgages, usufruct, easements, etc. necessarily include all powers implied or incidental to such express
powers, even if they amount to an act of ownership or strict dominion.
• An agent empowered to pay the debts of the principal and CHAPTER 3: POWERS & AUTHORITY, DUTIES &
employ legal counsel to defend the principal’s interest has the
implied power to pay on behalf of the principal the attorney’s
fees charged by the lawyer. (Municipality of Iloilo v.
• An agent empowered to sell hemp in a foreign country AGENCY
necessarily has the power to make a contract of sale on behalf of When an agent accepts the appointment of the principal, a contract of
the principal. (Robinson Fleming v. Cruz) agency arises, and at that point the agent is legally bound to carry out the
terms of the agency. Otherwise, he shall be liable for damages suffered
SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY EXCLUDES GENERAL by the principal for his non-performance. (Art. 1884)
POWER OF ATTORNEY OVER THE SAME MATTER • Art. 1884 expresses the contract principles of consensuality,
COVERED mutuality, and obligatory force
Does the grant of a specific power of attorney (whether general power of • The burden is on the person who seeks to make an agent liable to
attorney or special power of attorney) exclude from the agent the power show that the losses and damage caused were occasioned by the
to execute all other acts of administration? fault or negligence of the agent. Mere allegation without
• The answers seems to be in the affirmative under the principle substantiation is not enough to make the agent personally liable.
that if the principal specifies the powers he granted to the agent,
then he means to exclude all other powers of administration other AGENCY AS PERSONAL OBLIGATION: despite the obligatory nature
than those that are incidental to those specifically granted. of every contract of agency, specific performance is not an available
• When an agent has been granted an express power of attorney, remedy for a personal obligation to do.
then the agent cannot execute any other act, whether it be an act
of administration, or an act of ownership outside the language of DEATH OF PRINCIPAL: although a contract of agency is terminated
the power of attorney. (Pineda v. CA) ipso jure upon the death of the principal, Art. 1884 expressly provides
that the agent must finish the business already begun upon the death of
principal should delay entail any danger.
• The obligatory force of the agent’s duty to act with diligence
exceeds the formal termination of the agency relationship, which
automatically comes about by the death of the principal.
• Emphasizes that agency is a preparatory contract, constituted not
for its own sake by primarily to be the basis by which the agent
may enter into juridical acts on behalf of the principal with
respect to third parties.

OBLIGATION OF AGENT WHO DECLINES AGENCY represents the will or consent of the principal, and not the agent’s
General rule: When a person declines the offer to make him an agent, no own will.
contract of agency arises and thereby no obligation is assumed by such
person to the offeror based on the absence of privity. THREE CONSEQUENCES FOR REFUSAL TO FOLLOW
• Exception: In case a person declines an agency, he is bound to INSTRUCTIONS:
observe the diligence of a good father of a family in the custody 1. Agent becomes personally liable for damages arising
and preservation of the goods forwarded to him by the owner from a breach of his duty of obedience to the principal.
until the latter should appoint an agent. (Art. 1885) 2. The principal is not personally bound by the terms of
o This is a rare instance where a duty of diligence is owed such contract or transactions (since the agent has not
by a person to another outside of an existing contractual given the principal’s consent to the contract or
bond. transaction entered into with a third party).
• The duty of care over goods given in his custody can only cover a 3. Agent may become personally liable for the contract
reasonable period because Art. 1885 provides that “the owner or transaction with the third party.
shall as soon as practicable either appoint an agent or take charge
of the goods.” QUESTION: In a SPA, X and Y agreed that Y will carry out instructions
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. It was further stipulated that “no further duties shall be
GENERAL RULE ON AGENT’S POWER AND AUTHORITY required from the agent.” Later on, X says Y must now carry out
instructions 6, 7, and 8. Y refuses. Did Y breach his duty of obedience?
DUTIES OF AN AGENT • YES. Duty is to be differentiated from obligation. An obligation
1. Duty of obedience arising from a contract is made compulsory via consent of
2. Duty of diligence parties. The duty of obedience, on the other hand, is “open-
3. Duty of loyalty ended,” and fiduciary in character. The duty transcends the four
corners of a written contract.
The twin duties of obedience and diligence can be summarized • The stipulation that “no further duties shall be required from the
in the Agency Law doctrine that “the agent must act within the agent” is void. Any stipulation that limits what the principal can
scope of his authority.” require—provided that new stipulations are not contrary to law,
morals, public order, or public policy—is contrary to the very
DUTY OF OBEDIENCE principles of agency.
An agent must act in accordance with the instructions of the principal.
(Art. 1887) EXCEEDING AUTHORITY: If the agent contract in the name of the
principal, exceeding the scope of his authority, and the principal does not
CONTROL: One factor which most distinguishes agency from other ratify the contract, it shall be unenforceable if the party with whom the
legal concepts is control; one persons (the agent) agrees to act under the agent contracted is aware of the limits of the powers granted by the
control or direction of another (the principal). principal. The agent is also liable if he undertook to secure the principal’s
• Since the agent acts in representation of the principal, he must ratification. (Art. 1898)
enter into juridical relations on behalf of the principal where he

DUTY OF DILIGENCE • Use of the word “manifestly” indicates that the agent cannot be a
In default of guiding instructions, the agent shall do all that a good father guarantor that the principal would suffer no loss or damage in the
of a family would do, as required by the nature of the business. (Art. pursuit of the agency.
1887) • The obligation of the agent is to avoid losses which are clearly
avoidable from the exercise of due diligence of a good father of a
WHEN NO INSTRUCTIONS: It is not expected that the principal can family.
cover all contingencies with specific instructions, or that every act of the
principal must be based on detailed instructions of the principal. MEASURE OF LIABILITY:
• The principal’s actions limit an agent’s power; and in the absence • When an agent violates his duty of diligence, he becomes
of limiting instructions, it is expected that the agent uses his best personally liable to the principal for the damages caused to the
judgment to stay within the scope of the principal’s authority principal by reason of fraud or negligence.
granted to him. • When the agent acts in accordance with the principal’s
instructions, however, the agent cannot be deemed to have acted
WHERE THERE ARE INSTRUCTIONS: this is not to say that when the in fraud or negligently, even when damage was caused to the
principal has given detailed instructions to the agent, that the agent is no principal.
longer bound to exercise due diligence. o If a duly authorized agent acts in accordance with the
• The agent may do such acts as may be conducive to the orders of the principal, the principal cannot set up the
accomplishment of the purpose of the agency. (Art. 1881) ignorance of the agent as to circumstances whereof he
• The limits of the agent’s authority shall not be considered himself was, or ought to have been aware. (Art. 1899)
exceeded should it have been performed in a manner more
advantageous to the principal than that specified by him. (Art. British Airways v. CA: The Court overturned the ruling of the CA
1882) that a principal airline company (British Airways), which is made
• In other words, an agent not only has express powers, but also: to pay damages to one of its passengers, has no cause of actions to
(a) implied powers emanating from the express powers granted recover the amount paid from its negligent agent, PAL.
to him, and (b) incidental powers necessary in order to achieve
the purpose for which the agency was constituted. An agent is also responsible for any negligence in the performance
of its functions and is liable for the damages which the principal
FRAUD AND NEGLIGENCE AS BREACH: in essence, the duty of may suffer by reason of its negligent act.
diligence requires that the agent act on behalf of the principal while
exercising the due diligence of a good father of a family. He is in breach Since the passenger was seeking damages for breach of contract of
of this fiduciary duty when he acts in fraud or in negligence, even when carriage, its cause of action was only against the principal airline
he pursues the business of the principal. (British Airways), and not PAL, since the latter was not a party to
the contract. However, this is not to say that PAL is relieved from
GUIDELINE OF WHAT IS WITHIN HIS POWER: the agency shall not any liability due to any of its negligent acts. The third-party
carry out the agency if its execution should manifestly result in loss or complaint filed by British Airways against PAL was correct for
damage to the principal. (Art. 1888) the purpose of determining who was primarily at fault.

The agent shall be liable for damages if, there being a conflict between MATTER THAT FALLS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THE
his interest and those of the principal, he should prefer his own. (Art. AGENCY (VALID)
1889) If an agent acts in his own name, the principal has no right of action
against the person with whom the agent has contracted; neither have such
RESULTING CONTRACT NOT VOID: when an agent violates his duty persons against the principal. (Art. 1883)
of loyalty, as in cases of conflict-of-interest where he prefers his own • Principle of relativity in contracts: principal has no legal standing
interest over that of the principal’s, Art. 1889 does not declare the to sue the third party. Neither do the third parties as against the
contract or transaction void, but merely makes the agent liable for principal.
damages suffered by the principal. • General rule: It is the agent who is directly bound in favor of the
person with him he has contracted, as if the transaction were his
MEASURE OF DAMAGES DUE TO PRINCIPAL WHEN AGENT own. Exception: Except when the contract involves things
VIOLATES HIS DUTY OF LOYALTY: belonging to the principal.
Art. 1891 provides that the agent is bound to render an account of his
transactions and to deliver to the principal whatever he may have PREFERRING OWN INTERESTS IS BREACH: If the matters entered
received by virtue of the agency, even though it may not be owing to the into by the agent in his own name pertain to the business of the principal,
principal. the agent has breached his fiduciary duty of loyalty, by having preferred
• CLAW-BACK DOCTRINE: The principal has the right to his own interests to that of the principal’s.
demand that the agent should turn over to him whatever contract, • Whether the agent has used his own funds or property, or
property, or business has been acquired by the agent in breach of those of the principal’s, he would still be in breach of his
his duty of loyalty. fiduciary duty. The agent is thus bound to render an account of
• ESTOPPEL: the relations of an agent to his principal are his transactions and to delivery to the principal whatever he may
fiduciary and in regard to the property forming the subject matter have received by virtue of the agency, even though it may not be
of the agency, he is estopped from acquiring or asserting adverse owing to the principal.
title against the principal. • In either case, the principal has the right to demand that the agent
o Therefore, an action in personam will lie against an agent should turnover to him whatever contract, property, or business
to compel him to return or retransfer to his principal the has been acquired by the agent in breach of his duty of loyalty.
real property committed to the agent’s custody and also
to execute the necessary documents of conveyance to B. PARTICULAR RULES ON CONFLICT-OF-INTERESTS
effect such transfer. SITUATIONS
• FORFEITURE OF COMMISSION: a guilty agent is made to (1) Purchase of principal’s property
forfeit his commission as penalty for violation of his duty of • An agent is prohibited from buying property entrusted to him for
loyalty. administration or management, unless the principal consents
• ESTAFA: an agent who refuses or fails to return to the principal thereto. Such a sale would be void.
the funds or property received may be held liable for estafa. (2) When an agent is empowered to borrow or lend money

• If empowered to borrow money, he may be the lender at current Because the rule is to prevent the possibility of any wrong, not to
interest, remedy or repair an actual damage.
• If empowered to lend money, he cannot borrow without
principal’s consent. Where a principal has paid an agent a commission while ignorant
of the fact that the latter has been unfaithful, the principal may
If the agent lends money to the principal and charges interest higher than recover back the commission paid, since an agent who has been
the current rate, the difference would have to be returned to the principal. unfaithful is not entitled to any compensation.

If the agent borrows for himself the money which the principal has If the agent does not conduct himself with entire fidelity towards
authorized him to lend out without the latter’s consent, the agent would his principal, but is guilty of taking a secret profit or commission
not only be liable for the current interest that the principal would have in regard the matter in which he is employed, he loses his right to
earned if the money was lent to a third party, but also damages that the compensation on the ground that he has taken a position wholly
principal may have suffered. inconsistent with that of agent for his employer.

OVER TO THE PRINCIPAL WHATEVER RECEIVED BY agent from the obligation to render an account shall be void. (Art. 1891)
VIRTUE OF THE AGENCY • Stressed the highest loyalty that is required of an agent
Every agent is bound to render an account of his transactions and to
deliver to the principal whatever he may have received by virtue of the SPECIFIC OBLIGATION RULES ON FUNDS
agency, even though it may not be owing to the principal. (Art. 1891) 1. OBLIGATION TO ADVANCE FUNDS: there is no
• Exceptions: common law duty on the part of the agent to advance funds
1. Agent/broker acted merely as a middleman whose task is to bring on behalf of the principal because of the principle that an
the buyer and seller together agent does not become personally liable for the transactions
2. Agent informs the principal of the gift or profit he received and pursued on behalf of the principal.
the principal did not object thereto o Exception: express stipulation, unless the principal is
Domingo v. Domingo: an agent who takes a secret profit in the
nature of a bonus, gratuity, or personal benefit from the vendee 2. LIABILITY OF AGENT FOR INTEREST: the agent owes
without revealing the same to the principal, the vendor, is guilty of interest to the principal on the following items:
a breach of his loyalty to the principal and forfeits his right to a) Sums the agent applied to his own use from the time he
collect the commission from his principal, even if: used them, and
(1) The principal does not suffer any injury by reason of such b) Sums owing the principal which remain outstanding at
breach of fidelity, or the time of extinguishment of the agency, with interest to
(2) The principal obtained better results, run from the time of such extinguishment
(3) The agency is a gratuitious one, or
(4) Usage or customs allow it

General rule: the agent may appoint a substitute AGENT AS TO THIRD PARTIES
• Exception: if the principal has prohibited him from doing so Art. 1900: so far as third persons are concerned, an act is deemed to have
been performed within the scope of the agent’s authority, if such act is
RESPONSIBILITY OF FIRST AGENT: the agent will be responsible for within the terms of the power of attorney, as written, even if the agent has
the acts of the substitute: in fact exceeded the limits of his authority according to an understanding
a) When he was not given the power to appoint one between the principal and the agent.
b) When he was given such power, but without designating the • As to third parties acting in good faith, the written instructions
person, and the person appointed was notoriously incompetent or of the principal are the binding powers of the agent, and cannot
insolvent be overcome by non-written instructions of the principals not
In either care, the principal may bring an action against the substitute made known to them
with respect to the obligations which the latter have contracted under the • The powers and duties of an agent are limited to those which are
substitution. specified and defined in his written power of attorney, which
limitation is a notice to, and is binding upon, the person
• The sub-agent is really an agent of the principal as well, and HIGHEST EXPRESSION OF POWERS: Written power of attorney
privity exists between the principal and the sub-agent constitutes the highest form of expression of the extent and limitation of
• Any act done by the agent or the substitute in behalf of the the powers of the agent, and third parties should contract on the basis of
principal is deemed the act of the principal such written instrument.
• General rule: the agent does not bear personal responsibility for • Art. 1902 therefore provides that a third person with whom the
the fraud or negligence of the sub-agent, for the agent merely agent contracts on behalf of the principal may require the
acted with the instructions when he appointed the sub-agent presentation of the power of attorney, or the instructions as
o Exception: when the agent has been given the power, but regards the agency.
without the principal designating the person, and the • Private or secret orders and instructions of the principal do not
person appointed was notoriously incompetent or prejudice third persons who have relied upon the power of
insolvent attorney shown to them.

WHEN THE SUB-AGENT APPOINTED AGAINST THE RISK ON THIRD PARTY: outside of the written power of attorney, third
PRINCIPAL’S PROHIBITION: persons who deal with an agent are not supposed to presume that the
• All acts of the substituted appointed against the prohibition of the agent is fully authorized.
principal shall be “void” (unenforceable insofar as the principal • Rule: every person dealing with an assumed agent is put upon
is considered subject to ratification) inquiry and must discover upon his peril, if he would hold the
• Agent is personally liable for the acts of the substitute, as though principal liable, not only the fact of the agency, but the nature
the contracts of the substitute were his own and extent of the authority of the agent.

1. EFFECTS ON THE AGENT OF CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO When a previous agent binds himself personally liable on the resulting
WITHIN THE SCOPE OF HIS AUTHORITY contract, the new agent is not bound by the assumption undertaken by the
General rule: agent is not personally liable to third parties. original agent, absent an express stipulation (Benguet v. BCI)
• Exceptions:
a) When the agent expressly makes himself personally liable EXCEPTION: WHEN AGENT IS GUILTY OF FRAUD OR
b) When the agent is guilty of fraud of negligence NEGLIGENCE
When an agent, though acting within the scope of his authority, acts with
GENERAL RULE: AGENT IS NOT PERSONALLY LIABLE TO fraud or negligence, it affects two levels of legal relationships (i.e. two
THIRD PARTIES sets of liabilities):
The agent who acts as such is not personally liable to the party with a) That between the principal and the agent
whom he contracts. (Art. 1897) This is supplemented by Art. 1910 which b) That with third parties, when they have entered into a
provides that “the principal must comply with all the obligations which contract with the agent in the name of the principal
the agent may have contracted within the scope of his authority.”
• Basis: relativity of contracts - a mere representative of another Example of fraud:
neither acquires rights nor incurs liabilities arising from a • Agent is precluded from doing any positive act which could
contract between his principal and another party prevent performance on the part of his principal; otherwise, the
• Action on the contract must be brought against the principal (real agent becomes liable also on the contract.
party in interest), not the agent. • An agent becomes personally liable when by his wrong or
o As agent, he only renders some service or does omission, he deprives the third person with whom he contracts of
something in representation of his principal. The any remedy against his principal (NAPOCOR v. NAMERCO)
rendering of such service does not make him party to the
• Conversely, an agent has no authority to bring suit in situation, it is presumed that the fraudulent and negligent acts of the agent
contracts entered into in the name of the principal, even if were in fact in pursuit of the business or affairs of the principal. The
they rendered some service on behalf of the principal. principal is not exempted from liability just because the agent becomes
o A contract may only be violated by the parties thereto as personally liable for the contract tainted with fraud or negligence. On the
against each other. contrary, the principal and agent are deemed joint tortfeasors and are
solidarily liable insofar as third parties are concerned.
PERSONALLY LIABLE REMEDY OF PRINCIPAL: sue the agent for damages sustained due to
The fact that the agent bound himself does not relieve the principal from agent’s fraudulent or negligent acts.
liability. Unless otherwise indicated in the contract, the liability of the
agent with the principal is merely joint, not solidary.

2. EFFECTS OF ACTS DONE BY AGENT WITHOUT • Exception: agent would
General rule: the principal is NOT liable, and the agent may be liable. third party if he
• Exceptions: undertook to secure the
a) When the principal ratifies the contract or transactions principal’s ratification
b) As to third parties who relied upon the terms of the power of
attorney as written, even if in fact the agent has exceeded the EXCEPTIONS: WHEN THE PRINCIPAL MAY BE BOUND
limits of his authority according to an understanding between Art. 1901 provides that a third person cannot set up the fact that the agent
the principal and his agent has exceeded his powers, if the principal has ratified, or signified his
willingness to ratify the agent’s act.
GENERAL RULE: THE PRINCIPAL IS LIABLE, AND AGENT MAY • When the agent exceeds his authority, the matter can be raised
BE LIABLE only by the principal, and when not so raised, recovery can be
The general rule is set under Art. 1317 which provides that “No one may made by the third party only against the principal.
contract in the name of another without being authorized by the latter, or • Art. 1897 does not hold that in case of excess of authority, both
unless he has by law a right to represent him. A contract entered into in the agent and the principal are liable to the other contracting
the name of another by one who has no authority, or who has acted party.
beyond his powers, shall be unenforceable, unless it is ratified…”
The liability of an agent who exceeds the scope of his authority General rule: the principal has no right of action against the persons
depends upon whether the third party knew of the limits of the with whom the agent has contracted; and neither such persons have a
powers granted. right or cause of action against the principal. (Art. 1883) The agent is the
THIRD PARTY KNOWS THIRD PARTY DOES one directly bound, as if the transaction were his own.
LIMITS NOT KNOW LIMITS • Exception: when the property involved in the contract belongs to
The contract entered into in the The contract shall be the principal; in which case, the principal is bound even when the
name of the principal shall be unenforceable. contract was entered into in the name of the agent.
void as to the principal and the
third party, and even between an WHEN DOES AN AGENT ACT IN HIS OWN NAME: an agent acts in
agent and the third person. his own name when he enters into a contract with a third party without
(NOT LEGALLY BINDING) any indication that he is doing so for and on behalf of the principal.
The agent does not become
personally liable on the contract REMEDY OF PRINCIPAL: cannot sue on the contract between the agent
since the third party has no one and the third party, but can recover damages from the agent (Art. 1883),
to blame but himself, knowing unless the contract involves his property in which case he acquires
fully well the limits to the standing to sue on the contract.
agent’s authority.

WHEN TWO OR MORE AGENTS APPOINTED BY THE SAME written statement of the damage and deterioration suffered by
PRINCIPAL the same.
a) Joint, when nothing is stipulated, and TO DIFFERENT PRINCIPAL
b) Solidary, only when so stipulated Commission agent must distinguish them by countermarks,
When solidarity has been agreed upon, each of the agents is responsible and designate the merchandise respectively belonging to each
for the non-fulfillment of the agency, and for the fault or negligence of principal.
his fellow agents, except in the case when the fellow agents acted beyond c) CANNOT SELL ON CREDIT WITHOUT PRINCIPAL’S
the scope of their authority. (Art. 1895) AUTHORIZATION
If the commission agent sells on credit, the principal may
RULE ON CONSENT: when a person appoints two agents demand from him payment in cash, but the agent shall be
independently, the consent of one will not be required to validate the acts entitled to any interest or benefit which may result from such
of the other, unless that appears positively to have been the principal’s sale.
WHEN THIRD PARTY LIABLE TO THE AGENT HIMSELF If he fails to do so, the sale shall be deemed to have been
A third party would directly be liable to the agent himself when: made for cash insofar as the principal is concerned.
a) The agent contracts in his own name, on a matter that is e) SHALL BEAR THE RISK OF COLLECTION UNDER
within the scope of the agency DEL CREDERE COMMISSION
b) The agent possesses beneficial interest in the subject matter This is the exception to the general rule that a commission
of the agency (such as a factor selling under a del credere agent cannot sell on credit. However, the del credere agent
commission) shall bear the risk of collection, and shall pay the principal
c) A third party commits a tort against the agent the proceeds of the sale on same terms agreed with
Commission agent - one whose business it is to receive and sell goods A commission agent who does not collect the credits of his
for commission, and who is entrusted by the principal with the possession principal at the time when they became due and demandable
of the goods to be sold, and usually selling in his own name. shall be liable for damages, unless he process that he
• An ordinary agent need not have possession of the goods of his exercised due diligence for that purpose.
principal, while the commission agent must be in possession. g) RESPONSIBILITY TO RETURN GOODS UNSOLD
In consignment of goods for sale, as form of agency, the
SPECIFIC OBLIGATIONS OF COMMISSION AGENT agent will be excused from returning goods unsold when they
a) TAKE CUSTODY OF THE GOODS are lost through force majeure.
A commission agent is responsible for the goods received by
him in the terms and conditions, and as described in the
consignment, unless upon receiving them he should make a

CHAPTER 4: OBLIGATIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL principal allowed the agent to act as though the agent had full
OBLIGATORY FORCE: The contract of agency entered into by the
principal and the agent is the law between them and both are bound to In other words, the acts of an agent beyond the scope of his
comply with its terms and conditions in good faith. authority do not bind the principal, unless the principal ratifies
them, expressly or impliedly. Ratification in agency is the
FIDUCIARY AND PREPARATORY: since the contract of agency is adoption or confirmation by one person of an act performed on his
one of representation and bounded by fiduciary duties on the part of the behalf by another without authority.
agent, then the principal has the power to evolve the relationship
beyond the written terms of the instrument, and the agent under his Despite the allegation of the insurance company that “it was only
fiduciary duty of obedience, must comply with such new instructions of a life insurance company and was not engaged in the business of
the principal. collecting investing money,” it was nonetheless made liable to
• Highlights the characteristic of agency as a preparatory persons who invested money with its confirmed agent, when it
contract was shown that company officers had confirmed the power of the
agent, and the company’s official receipts were issued for the
The principal must comply with all the obligations which the agent may PRINCIPAL NOT BOUND BY THE CONTRACTS MADE
have contracted within the scope of his authority. (Art. 1910) WITHOUT OR IN EXCESS OF AUTHORITY
General rule: the principal is not bound by contracts made without or in
CONSEQUENCES OF DOCTRINE OF REPRESENTATION: excess of the agent’s authority. Said contracts are not void, but
• Effects of dishonesty of the agent must be borne by the principal, unenforceable.
not by an innocent third party who has dealt with the agent in • Exceptions:
good faith. (Lim Chai Seng v. Trinidad) a) RATIFICATION: when the principal ratifies such contract,
• Knowledge of agent is generally chargeable as knowledge of expressly or impliedly.
principal (Air France v. CA) b) AGENCY BY ESTOPPEL (principal and agent are solidarily
• The liability of the principal for acts done by the agent within the liable): when the principal has allowed the purported agent as
scope of his authority do not exclude those done negligently though he acted with full powers
Filipinas Life Assurance Co v. Pedroso: IN GOOD FAITH: when the principal has revoked the
agency, but the third party has acted in good faith without
General rule: the principal is responsible for the acts of its agent
done within the scope of its authority, and should bear the damage notice of such revocation.
caused to third persons. When the agent exceeds his authority, the
agent becomes personally liable for the damage. BUT EVEN
principal is still solidarily liable together with the agent if the
AGENCY BY ESTOPPEL/APPARENT AUTHORITY VIZ. WITH FORMULA: the obligation of the principal to pay the agent shall
CORPORATIONS: It is well settled in jurisprudence that where similar be in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed upon when the
acts have been approved by the directors as a matter of general practice, agency was constituted.
custom, and policy, the general manager may bind the company without
formal authorization of the board of directors. WITHOUT FORMULA: if no particular formula has been agreed upon
• Authority to act for and bind the corporation may be presumed as to the agent’s compensation, then the following rules shall apply:
from acts of recognition in other instances where the power was a) The principal shall pay the agent’s commission only on the
in fact exercised. legal basis that the agent has complied with his obligations
• When, in the usual course of business, an officer has been with the principal
allowed in his official capacity to manage the affairs, his b) The principal shall be liable to the agent for the reasonable
authority to represent the corporation may be implied from the value of the agent’s services
manner in which he has been permitted by the directors to
manage its business. De Castro v. CA: the terms of the contract of agency constitute
the law between the principal and the agent. The mere fact that
One who clothes another with apparent authority as his agent and holds other agents intervened in the consummation of the sale and
him out to the public as such cannot be permitted to deny the authority of were paid their respective commissions could not vary the terms
such person to act as his agent, to the prejudice of innocent third parties of the contract of agency providing for a 5% commission.
dealing with that person in good faith.
General rule: the principal is liable to injured third parties for the torts General rule: the principal must advance to the agent, should the latter
committed by the agent when the act was in the course of and within the so request, the sums necessary for the execution of the agency. (Art.
scope of the agent’s authority. 1912)
• But, the agent is also responsible not only for fraud, but also for • Exception: agent is only bound to advance sums necessary when
negligence. (Art 1909) he consents or it is stipulated in the agreement. (Art. 1886) In
such a case, the principal must reimburse the agent therefor, even
OBLIGATIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL TO THE AGENT if the business or undertaking was not successful, provided that
1. Commission the agent is free from fault. (Art. 1912)
2. Expenses
3. Damages sustained by agent NOTE: Advance of sums does not destroy the essence of agency which is
representation. It merely makes the contract of agency onerous.
Agency is presumed to be for a compensation, unless there if proof to the
contrary. (Art. 1875)

General rule: principal is liable to reimburse agent for expenses • If the undertaking is one in which several are interested, but only
• Exceptions: some create the agency, only the latter are solidarily liable
a) Agent acted in contravention of the principal’s instructions, without prejudice to the effects of negotiorum gestio with respect
unless the latter availed of the benefits derived from the to the others
contract • The parties, however, may negate solidary liability by express
b) Expenses were due to the fault of the agent stipulation
c) Agent incurred them with knowledge that an the unfavorable
result would ensure, if the principal was not aware thereof. RIGHTS OF PERSONS WHEN FACED WITH CONFLICTING
d) Express stipulation CONTRACTS
When two persons contract with regard to the same thing, one of them
3. TO PAY AGENT FOR DAMAGES SUSTAINED with the agent and the other with the principal, and the two contracts are
The principal must indemnify the agent for all the damages which the incompatible, that of prior date shall be preferred, without prejudice to
execution of the agency may have caused the latter, without fault or the provisions of Art. 1544 on double sales. (Art. 1916)
negligence on the agent’s part. (Art. 1913)
• Counterbalance to Art. 1884 which provides that the agent is If the agent acted in good faith, the principal shall be liable in damages to
liable for damages sustained by the principal for the agent’s the third person whose contract must be rejected. If the agent acted in bad
refusal to perform his obligations under the agency. faith, he alone shall be responsible. (Art. 1917)


The agent has a right to retain the object of agency in pledge for advances
and damages until payment thereof. (Art. 1914)
• This is an exception to the duty of the agent to delivery to the
principal everything he received even if not due to the principal.
(Art. 1891)


If two or more persons have appointed an agent for a common transaction
or undertaking, they shall be solidarily liable to the agent for all the
consequences of the agency. (Art. 1915)
• This rule applies even when the appointment of the agent was
made by the principals separately, provided they are for the same
o Reason: the solidarity arises from the common interest of
the principals, not from the act of constituting the

CHAPTER 5: EXTINGUISHMENT OF AGENCY BREACH OF CONTRACT: An agreement as to the term of the agency
would not make the principal lose his power to revoke. When the
HOW AND WHEN AGENCY EXTINGUISHED principal revokes the agency before the expiration of the term or before
Agency is extinguished: the accomplishment of the purpose, the agency is terminated, but he
1. Revocation by the principal would be liable for the damages caused by the revocation, including
2. Withdrawal of the agent the compensation due when the revocation was done in bad faith. (i.e.,
3. Death, civil interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of the the revocation was done to avoid the payment of the commission earned
principal or agent by the agent)
4. Dissolution of the firm or corporation which entrusted or
accepted the agency General rule: an agency is revocable at the will of the principal
5. Accomplishment of the object or purpose of the agency (ipso • Exception: agency coupled with interest
facto extinguished)
6. Expiration of the period for which the agency was constituted EXPRESS REVOCATION
(ipso fact extinguished) RETURN OF DOCUMENT: the principal may compel the agent to
7. Mutual withdrawal from the relationship by the principal and return the document evidencing agency upon revocation of the agency.
agent This would ensure that the document (i.e. SPA) would not fall into the
8. Happening of a supervening event that makes illegal or hands of third parties who then would be acting in good faith in entering
impossible the objective or purpose for which the agency was into a contract in the name of the principal, believing there is still existing
constituted (i.e. destruction of subject matter) an agency.

PRINCIPAL’S REVOCATION OF THE AGENCY NOTICE: if the agent fails or refuses to return the power of attorney, it is
The principal may revoke the agency at will and compel the agent to the principal’s duty to give proper notice to those who may be affected by
return the document evidencing the agency. Such revocation may be the revocation. Otherwise, the third party cannot be prejudiced.
express or implied. (Art. 1920)
• This is in keeping with the truism that an agency is a highly SPECIFIC GENERAL
personal relationship and one built upon trust and confidence. If the agency has been If the agent had general powers
• Unlike the remedy of rescission which requires substantial entrusted for the purpose of (not directed towards specific
breach of contract, revocation is literally at the will of the contracting with specified persons), notice of the
principal. persons, its revocation shall revocation in a newspaper of
not prejudice the latter if they general circulation is sufficient
TWO OR MORE PRINCIPALS: when two or more principal have were not given notice thereof. to warn third persons.
granted a power of attorney for a common transaction, any one of them
may revoke the same without the consent of the others. (Art. 1925) EXCLUSIVE AGENCY: the grant to a person of an “exclusive agency”
• Consistent with solidary liability of two or more principals in Art. position does not mean that the agency is irrevocable within the period
1915 provided in the contract of agency, but that merely means that the
principal would not appoint another agent to handle the business covered.

IMPLIED REVOCATION BAD FAITH: if the purpose of the principal in dealing directly with the
1. Appointment of new agent for same business purchaser is to avoid payment of his agent’s commission, the implied
2. Principal directly manages the business revocation is deemed made in bad faith and cannot be sanctioned without
3. SPA revokes a GPA according to the agent the commission that is due him.

1. APPOINTMENT OF NEW AGENT FOR SAME BUSINESS THE REAL ISSUE: the issue of implied revocation arising when the
The appointment of a new agent for the same business or transaction principal directly manages the business covered by the power of attorney
revokes the previous agency from the day on which notice thereof was really goes into the issue of entitlement of the agent to the commission
given to the former agent. agree upon.
• The effect of revocation is without prejudice to the rights of third • The agent must earn through his service or efforts the
parties who were not aware of or notified of such situation. commission agreed. If it is the principal himself, through his own
efforts, who is able to effect the transaction contemplated by the
Garcia v. De Monzano: whether the father first gave a power of agency arrangement, then the agent would not be entitled to
attorney to his son, and then subsequently to his mother, for the receive any commission
same business, the Court held that without evidence showing that
the son was informed of the issuance of the power of attorney to 3. SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY REVOKES GENERAL
the mother, the transaction effected by the son pursuant to the POWER OF ATTORNEY
power of attorney is valid and binding. A general power of attorney is revoked by a special power of attorney
granted to another agent, as regards the special matter involved in the
NOTICE: Unless the agent is aware or given notice that the principal has
directly managed the business which is covered by his power of attorney, REVOCATION BASED ON BREACH OF TRUST
then insofar as the agent is concerned there is as yet no revocation of his The time during which the agent may hold his position is indefinite or
powers. undetermined when no period has been fixed in his commission and so
long as the confidence reposed in him by the principal exists
The direct management of the business by the principal and directly • But, as soon as the confidence disappears, the principal has a
dealing with third parties shall be deemed to produce the effect of right to revoke the power he conferred upon the agent
revocation when such acts would be given with the terms of the power of
attorney previously given to the agent IRREVOCABLE AGENCIES
• Continued involvement of the principal in the management of the General rule: a contract of agency is revocable at will (even if termed as
business or the property which is the object of the agency does “irrevocable” by the parties)
not automatically mean there is an intent to revoke. • Exception: “agency coupled with interest”
• As a matter of fact, agency arrangements are not meant to curtail a) Bilateral contract depends upon the agency for its fulfillment
the principal’s power to execute acts of ownership and b) It is a means of fulfilling an obligation already contracted,

c) A partner is appointed managing partner in the contract of
partnership, and the removal from management is Sevilla v. CA: It appears that Lina Sevilla is a bona fide travel
unjustifiable. agent herself, and as such, she had acquired an interest in the
• Exception to exception: breach of trust business entrusted to her. Moreover, she had assumed a personal
obligation for the operation thereof, holding herself solidarily
AGENCY COUPLED WITH INTEREST: one that is established for the liable for the payment of rentals. She continued the business,
mutual benefit of the principal and of the agent, or for the interest of the using her own name, after Tourist World had stopped further
principal and of third persons, and cannot be revoked by the principal so operations. Her interest, obviously, is not limited to the
long as the interest of the agent or of third persons subsists. commissions she earned as a result of her business transactions,
• The agent’s interest must be in the subject matter of the power but one that extends to the very subject matter of the power of
conferred and not merely an interest in the exercise of the power management delegated to her. It is an agency created for the
because it entitles him to compensation. mutual interest of the agent and the principal, and therefore cannot
• When an agent’s interest is confined to earning his agreed be revoked by the principal at will. Therefore, the revocation by
compensation, the agency is not one coupled with an interest, Tourist World entitled Lina Sevilla to damages.
since an agent’s interest in obtaining his compensation as such
agent is an ordinary incident of the agency relationship. Valenzuela v. CA: where the appointment of the agent is not
• NOTE: it is not stipulation of irrevocability that makes an agency merely for the benefit of the principal, but allows the agent to
coupled with interest. It is an agency coupled with interest by the build business interests that would yield him gains in terms of
very nature of the agreement and the factual circumstances commission on a long-term basis, such as in the case of an
surrounding it. What the stipulation does is that, while principal insurance agent, the same is an agency coupled with interest and
may still revoke the contract, it would constitute a breach of cannot just be revoked.
contract for which the principle may be held liable for damages.
Republic v. Evangelista: an exception to the revocability of a
Perez v. PNB: an example of an agency coupled with interest is contract of agency is when a bilateral contract depends upon the
when a power of attorney is constituted in a contract of real estate agency.
mortgage pursuant to the requirement of Act No. 3135, which
would empower the mortgagee upon default of the mortgagor to Reason for irrevocability: the agency becomes part of another
effect the sale of the mortgaged property through extrajudicial obligation or agreement. It is not solely the rights of the principal
foreclosure. but also that of the agent and third persons which are affected.
The argument that foreclosure by PNB is barred upon the death of
the debtor, because the agency is extinguished by the death of the This ruling emphasizes the character of agency as a preparatory
principal, neglects to take into account that the power of contract, such that features like “fiduciary and essentially
foreclosure is not an ordinary agency that contemplates revocable” cannot overcome more important considerations such
exclusively the representation of the principal by the agent but is as preserving the contractual expectations of third parties who
primarily an authority conferred upon the mortgagee for the deal in good faith with the principal through the agent.
latter’s own protection. In case of agency coupled with interest, the revocable nature of

the agency relationship must give way to making effective, antagonistic attitude towards him.
binding, and enforceable any “bilateral contract which depends
upon” the existence of the agency for its enforcement and DEATH, INCAPACITY, INSOLVENCY OF THE PRINCIPAL
realization. General rule: agency is extinguished by the death of the principal
(because the agent has nobody to represent) without need for the heirs of
BREACH OF TRUST: An agency coupled with interest can still be the principal to notify the agent of the fact of death (because it was
revoked for a just cause, as when the agent betrays the interest of the instantaneously terminated ipso jure or by operation of law)
principal. The irrevocability of such an agency cannot be used to shield • Exception: when agency is coupled with interest (the agency is
the perpetration of bad faith, breach of confidence, or breach of trust by constituted in the common interest of the principal and agent, or
the agent for that would amount to holding that a power coupled with an in the interest of a third person who has accepted the stipulation
interest authorizes the agent to commit frauds against the principal. in his favor) the agency shall remain in full force and effect even
after the death of the principal.
General rule: The agent may withdraw from the agency by giving due EFFECT OF ACTS DONE BY AGENT WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OF
notice to the principal. THE PRINCIPAL’S DEATH
• Exception: the agent, even if he should withdraw from the Anything done by the agent, without knowledge of the death of the
agency for a valid reason, must continue to act until the principal principal or of any other cause which extinguishes the agency, is valid
has had reasonable opportunity to take the necessary steps to and fully effective with respect to third persons who may have
meet the situation. contracted with him in good faith.
• If third party is in good faith, the resulting contract is valid
General rule: if the principal should suffer any damages by reason of the • If third party is in bad faith, the resulting contract is void not
withdrawal, the agent must indemnify him therefore merely unenforceable, for lack of the essential element of
• Exception: when the withdrawal is based upon the impossibility consent.
of continuing the performance of the agency without grave
IMPLIED WITHDRAWAL a) The agent acted without knowledge of the death of the principal
Valera v. Velasco: the fact that an agent instituted an action b) The third person who contracted with the agent himself acted in
against his principal for the recovery of the balance in his favor good faith
resulting from the liquidation of the accounts between them
arising from the agency, and rendered a final account of his RECKONING POINT OF KNOWLEDGE: lack of knowledge of the
operations, was equivalent to an express renunciation of the death of the principal must exist at the time of contract with both the
agency, and terminated the juridical relation between them. agent and the third parties.
Although the agent has not expressly told his principal that he
renounced the agency, yet neither dignity nor decorum permits the
latter to continue representing a person who has adopted such

NON-TRANSMISSIBILITY: a contract of agency established a purely
personal relationship between the principal and the agent, such that the
agency is extinguished by the death of the agent, and his rights and
obligations arising from the contract of agency are not transmissible to
his heirs.

NOTICE REQUIRED: unlike in the case where the principal dies, if the
agent dies, his heirs must notify the principal thereof, and in the
meantime adopt such measures as the circumstances may demand in the
interest of the latter.


General rule: death of one or more, but not all of them, would not
extinguish the agency, with respect to those who remain living. This rule
applies in case of civil interdiction, insanity, and insolvency.
• Exception: when it is clear at the constitution of the agency that
the common agents were intended to be considered as having
capacity as a group and not individually, the death, civil
interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of one would terminate the


The fiduciary nature of the contract of agency requires that even when the
agency relation is terminated, the agent is bound to keep confidential
such matters and information which he learned in the course of the
agency, when the nature of such matter or information is confidential.

An agent cannot legally terminate an agency in order to take advantage of

the principal’s condition or to profit by information resulting from his
agency, for such would be in breach of his duty of loyalty.


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