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The FORREST GUMP film recounts the life of a southern boy, who is born in a dysfunctional home,

where there is only one mother, who becomes overprotective with the little one, given his mental
incapacity. It is too interesting a book, because it leaves a very nice message, and a lot of teaching.

2. Her relationship with Jeny, begins to transform from a friendship to admiration, until reaching
intimacy, in a state of total unconsciousness, which only allows Forrest to feel physically, but not
understand what is happening emotionally.

Regarding his personal development, Forrest develops skills to transform his environment into
what seem to be HAPPY LUCKS, which makes the viewer see, such as that people with disabilities
are not uncreative, if not on the contrary, with surprising creativity, which makes us change our

3. My favorite part was when he accomplished the things he wanted for his life, that despite his
disability, he did not give up. He had physical abilities for both running, attention and
concentration to play ping pong or supply weapons very quickly, making himself known for his
achievements. Although perhaps he couldn't distinguish his context as easily as most people, he
never gave up.

The best character for me was forrest, for everything that had to happen since I was a child.

in my opinion this book teaches me that

watch movies , because they can make us experience moments that are outside our everyday

I think that movies has the power to transport us to a different world.

Movies make us empathize. Movies allow us an opportunity to look at human beings with all of
their flaws and still accept them .
I watch movies because I like to connect with the story that the actors are narrating. I like it
because I feel that they cause so many emotions in me, which is too inexplicable a feeling. It
connects me in positive ways, and makes me reflect on aspects of life.











Watch movies inspire us, scare us, make us laugh, cry, dream, make question about thing in our
life’s. I feel that watch movies cause so many emotions in me, which is too inexplicable a feeling.
It connects me in positive ways, and makes me reflect on aspects of life.

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