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Summary Report on Cultstone data

Our website looks great on phones and desktops, but we do not have a version of it specifically for
tablets. Maybe we should build a “full fluid” responsive website that would look great on all screen
sizes; phones, desktops and tablets. Although the percentage of visitors using tablets (i.e., 0.3%) is
small, it is growing. It is not urgent, but eventually, we should have a tablet-friendly website.

The main source of traffic to our website is through Direct (70%) and organic search (25%). We do
not have a view or filter to measure the main source of traffic, which may be via mobile or desktop.
The data we have shows that Apple iPhone tops the list, but a further categorisation of that traffic in
terms of Audience sources (Direct, Organic…) will allow us to measure the mobile marketing

As of Acquisition report, what I can gather is that we have to be more active in social media, so we
can generate more traffic and subscribers. Our target audience is using social media networks. If we
spend more time engaging with people on these social networks, we should be able to pull in more
visitors. Those visitors may become subscribers. Facebook sends us the most traffic. About 68% of
the social visitors are come from Facebook, followed by Instagram. What lacks here, is the
conversion rate of the social visitors in terms of newsletter subscribers.

For Cultstone, 55% of the traffic comes from India (hurray!). However, again we do not have any
conversion rates in terms of subscribers, to know the effectiveness of the location. Here is an
important recommendation: we must have a target market view. According to your past email, India
is going to be our target market for coming 2 years. Therefore, if our target market is India why are
we analysing other countries. The problem with such traffic is that it skews all of your website usage
metrics like average time on page etc. In order to calculate true conversion rate, true bounce rate
and other metrics, we need to track, only the traffic from India.

We have seen above what’s driving our traffic, which is Direct and Organic Search. I am astonished
that our channels lack E-Mail marketing. Impact? We are not giving Emails enough credit. Are we
sending emails to our subscribers? We should have a view for channels with their order in the
conversion process and which channel most assist.

Sometimes the visitor lands to the website with a specific intent. They usually express their intent
through typing into your site search engine. It may show the things people are looking for that they
cannot find on first glance. This might be stretching it a bit but 100% of your internal site search
terms should probably be on your SEO keyword list and likely a part of your Paid Search campaigns.
If people are coming to your site and looking for stuff (and you have it) then there is no better signal
to grow your keyword list.

54% of the landing page is the homepage, but with a significant number of bounce rate at 64%. It
also has an exit percentage of 61. This is bad. What is wrong with them? Visit them. Missing calls to
action broken links, not enough content, content unrelated to the ads, something else? Low hanging
fruit. Fix it.

What’s missing from the report is the Website navigation data. It shows which items in our website
navigation are people engaging with. If things work well, be very careful changing the order or labels
of these items. And think twice before adding or removing things!

The number of page views of Tradition Archives is doing good, followed by Fashion Archives. Both
have a lower bounce rates.

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