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2 Robert A. Donatelli

Functional Anatomy and Mechanics

One of the most common peripheral joints to be treated in a the sagittal plane (flexion), and the plane of the scapula (POS;
physical therapy clinic is the shoulder joint. The physical scaption).8,9 Movement of the long bones of the arm into ele-
therapist must have an in-depth understanding of the anat- vation is referred to as osteokinematics. The term arthrokine-
omy and mechanics of this joint to evaluate and design a matics describes the intricate movement of joint surfaces:
treatment program most effectively for the patient with rolling, spinning, and sliding.10
shoulder dysfunction. This chapter describes the pertinent
functional anatomy of the shoulder complex and relates this
Osteokinematic Movement
anatomy to functional movements, stability, muscle activity,
and clinical application.
Scaption-Abduction: Plane of the Scapula
The shoulder joint is better called the shoulder complex,
because a series of articulations are necessary to position the Abduction of the shoulder in the frontal or coronal plane has
humerus in space (Fig. 2-1). Most authors, when describing been extensively researched.4,8,11-17 Poppen and Walker15 and
the shoulder joint, discuss the acromioclavicular (AC) joint, Johnston8 suggested that the true plane of movement in the
the sternoclavicular joint (SC), the scapulothoracic articula- shoulder joint occurs in the POS. The term plane of the scapula
tion, and the glenohumeral joint.1-4 Dempster5 related all is defined as elevation of the shoulder in a range between 30
these areas by using a concept of links. The integrated and and 45 anterior to the frontal plane (Figs. 2-2 and 2-3).15
harmonious roles of all the links are necessary for full normal Kondo et al18 devised a method for taking radiographs to
mobility.5 define scaption during elevation. The medial tilting angle
The glenohumeral joint sacrifices stability for mobility. This was used to describe scaption. The medial tilting angle refers
joint is characterized by its large range of motion. The shoulder to the tilting of the scapula toward the sagittal plane. As
is capable of moving in more than 16,000 positions, which can the medial tilting angle increases, movement of the scapula
be differentiated by 1 in a normal person.6 The mobility of around the thoracic cage occurs. Kondo et al18 demonstrated
the shoulder relies on the congruent articulating surfaces and that the medial tilting angle was constant at 40 anterior to
the surrounding soft tissue envelope for static and dynamic sta- the frontal plane throughout a range of 150 of elevation.
bility. The position of the humerus and scapula must change Several authors believe that the POS is clinically significant
throughout each movement to maintain stability.6 because the length-tension relationship of the shoulder abduc-
tors and rotators is optimum in this plane of elevation.8,15
Research has demonstrated that the length of the muscle deter-
OSTEOKINEMATIC AND ARTHROKINEMATIC mines the amount of stretch applied to the individual sarco-
MOVEMENT meres, thus enabling them to exert maximum tension.19 The
length-tension curves obtained from normal muscles show that
Analysis of shoulder movement emphasizes the synchronized maximum tension develops when the muscle length is approx-
movement of four joints: the glenohumeral, scapulothoracic, imately 90% of its maximum length.19 Conversely, when the
SC, and AC joints.2,4,7,8 As the humerus moves into elevation, muscle is fully shortened, the tension developed is mini-
movement must occur at all four joints. Elevation of the arm mal.20,21 Therefore, the optimal lengthened position of the
can be observed in three planes: the frontal plane (abduction), muscle tendon facilitates optimal muscle contraction.22
10 Physical Therapy of the Shoulder

2 6

Figure 2-1 The components of the shoulder joint complex: 1,

glenohumeral joint; 2, subdeltoid joint; 3, acromioclavicular joint; 4,
scapulothoracic joint; 5, sternoclavicular joint; 6, first costosternal joint;
7, first costovertebral joint.

Several studies have compared the torque production of

different shoulder muscle groups when tested in scaption ver-
sus other body planes.23-27 Soderberg and Blaschak23 and
Hellwig and Perrin24 demonstrated no significant differences Figure 2-2 Elevation in the plane of the scapula.
in the peak torque of the glenohumeral rotators between scap-
tion and other body planes. These studies used 45 and 40 torque in the scaption plane 30 anterior to the frontal plane.
anterior to the frontal plane, respectively, for the scaption test The pectoralis major and the latissimus muscle groups are not
position. Greenfield et al25 reported greater torque in the attached to the scapula. Therefore, it would seem reasonable
external rotators when tested in scaption versus the coronal that when the torque output of the internal rotators is com-
plane. Furthermore, Tata et al26 reported higher ratios of pared, the change in position of the scapula should not influ-
abduction to adduction and external to internal torque when ence the optimal length-tension relationship. The internal
tested in the scapular plane at 30 and 35 anterior to the rotators exhibit no change in torque when they are tested in
frontal plane, respectively. Whitcomb et al27 found no signif- different planes of movement.
icant difference in torque produced by the shoulder abductors In addition to optimal muscle length-tension relationship in
in the coronal and scapular planes when a scaption position the POS, the capsular fibers of the glenohumeral joint are
35 anterior to the frontal plane was used. relaxed.8 Because the capsule is untwisted in the POS, mobiliza-
The studies cited indicate that the external rotators are the tion and stretching in this plane may be tolerated better than in
only muscle group that demonstrate a significant increase in other planes, where the capsule is starting in a twisted position.

Plane of the scapula


Figure 2-3 Abduction in the plane of the scapula.

Chapter 2 Functional Anatomy and Mechanics 11

Poppen and Walker14 demonstrated that an increase in joint the contact area between the head of the humerus and the gle-
congruity occurs in scaption that allows for greater joint sta- noid with abduction in the POS and found that the contact
bility. Therefore, for reasons of glenohumeral stability, mini- area on the head of the humerus shifted upward and forward,
mal scapular torsion, avoidance of impingement, and balance whereas the contact area on the glenoid remained relatively
of muscle action, scaption may be the plane in which shoulder constant, a finding indicating a rotation movement. Poppen
trauma is minimal and may thus be the most advantageous and Walker15 measured the instant centers of rotation for
plane for mobilization, stretching, testing, and strengthening the same movement. These investigators found in the first
of the glenohumeral rotators. 30 , and often between 30 and 60 , that the head of the
humerus moved superiorly in the glenoid by 3 mm, a finding
indicating rolling or gliding. At more than 60 , movement of
the humerus was minimal, a sign of almost pure rotation.15
The movement of flexion has been investigated less thor- Effective arthrokinematic movements are achieved by com-
oughly. Flexion is movement in the sagittal plane. Full flexion plex interaction between the various articular and soft tissue
from 162 to 180 is possible only with synchronous motion restraints in addition to the dynamic action of the rotator cuff
in the glenohumeral, AC, SC, and scapulothoracic joints.14 muscles. For example, the rotator cuff muscles center the
The movement is similar to that of abduction. humeral head in the congruent glenoid fossa during the mid-
range of motion when the capsuloligamentous structures are
lax.28 Dysfunction of this complex mechanism occurs with
Arthrokinematic Movement
tightening of the capsule anteriorly, a situation that results
The motion occurring at joint surfaces is arthrokinematic in anterior restriction and causes an associated posterior shift
motion, the three types of which are rolling, gliding, and rota- in contact of the humerus on the glenoid. The posterior
tion (Fig. 2-4). Rolling occurs when various points on a migration of the humeral head center and glenohumeral con-
moving surface contact various points on a stationary surface. tact are pronounced in shoulder joints with poor congru-
Gliding occurs when one point on a moving surface contacts ence.28 To re-establish harmonious movement within the
multiple points on a stationary surface. During rolling or shoulder complex, the therapist must rehabilitate the connec-
gliding, a significant change occurs in the contact area tive tissue by restoring its extensibility and the normal bal-
between the two joint surfaces. The third type of arthrokine- ance of muscles.
matic movement, rotation, occurs when one or more points on
a moving surface contact one point on a stationary surface.
Displacement between the two joint surfaces in rotation is ROTATIONS OF THE HUMERUS
All three arthrokinematic movements can occur at the gle- Rotations of the humerus are important for elevation. Con-
nohumeral joint, but not in equal proportions. These motions comitant external rotation of the humerus is necessary for
are necessary for the large humeral head to take advantage of abduction in the coronal plane.4,8,10,14,17 Some investigators
the small glenoid articulating surface.16 Saha16 investigated have postulated that this motion is necessary for the greater


Glenohumeral Jt. Rotation


Figure 2-4 Arthrokinematic motion occurring at the glenohumeral joint: rolling, rotation, and gliding.
12 Physical Therapy of the Shoulder

tuberosity to clear the acromion and the coracoacromial liga- rotation, measured in the adducted position, and active
ment.1,2,17 Saha16 reported sufficient room between the abduction in the POS.
greater tuberosity and the acromion to prevent bone impinge- When treating patients with limited active elevation, the
ment. External rotation also remains necessary for full coronal practitioner should avoid pushing the joint into painful eleva-
abduction even after surgical removal of the acromion and the tion activities. Restoring passive external rotation in the
coracoacromial ligament. Saha16 reasoned that external rota- adducted position is a safe and effective way of restoring
tion is necessary to prevent the humeral head from impinging extensibility to the capsule and enhancing active abduction
on the glenoid rim. in the POS.
Using cadaveric glenohumeral joints, Rajendran29 demon-
strated that automatic external rotation of the humerus is an
essential component of active and passive elevation of the STATIC STABILIZERS OF THE
arm through abduction. Even in the absence of extra-articular GLENOHUMERAL JOINT
influences, such as the coracoacromial arch and glenohumeral
muscles, external rotation of the humerus was spontaneous. The stability of the glenohumeral joint depends on the integ-
An et al30 used a magnetic tracking system to monitor the rity of soft tissue and bony structures such as the labrum,
three-dimensional orientation of the humerus with respect glenohumeral ligaments, capsular ligaments, and bony gle-
to the scapula. Appropriate coordinate transformations were noid.39 The glenohumeral joint contributes the greatest
then performed for the calculation of glenohumeral joint amount of motion to the shoulder because of its ball and
rotation. Maximum elevation in all planes anterior to the socket configuration. Saha40 confirmed the ball and socket
scapular plane required external axial rotation of the humerus. joint of the glenohumeral articulation in 70% of his subjects.
Browne et al,31 using three-dimensional magnetic field track- In the remaining 30%, the radius of curvature of the humeral
ing, demonstrated that elevation in any plane anterior to the head was greater than the radius of curvature of the glenoid.
scapula required external humeral rotation. Furthermore, Thus, the joint was not a true enarthrosis.16 Saha16 further
maximum elevation was associated with approximately 35 described the joint surfaces, especially on the head of the
of external humeral rotation. Conversely, internal rotation humerus, to be very irregular and to demonstrate a great
was necessary for increased elevation posterior to the POS. amount of individual variation.
Otis et al32 demonstrated that external rotation of the The head of the humerus is a hemispherical convex articu-
humerus allows the insertion of the subscapularis tendon to lar surface that faces superiorly, medially, and posteriorly. This
move laterally, with a resulting increase in the distance from articular surface is inclined 130 to 150 to the shaft of the
the axis of elevation in the scapular plane. An increase in the humerus and is retroverted 20 to 30 .3 The retroversion
moment arm enhances the ability of the superior fibers of the and the posterior tilt of the head of the humerus and the gle-
subscapularis to participate in scaption. Conversely, internal noid cultivate joint stability (Fig. 2-5). This retroversion of
rotation of the humerus increases the moment arm of the supe- the head of the humerus corresponds to the forward inclina-
rior fibers of the infraspinatus and increases the ability of the tion of the scapula, so that free pendulum movements of the
muscle to participate in scaption. Flatow et al33 reported that arm do not occur in a straight sagittal plane but at an angle
acromial undersurface and rotator cuff tendons are in closest of 30 across the body.41 Retroversion of the humeral head
proximity between 60 and 120 of elevation. corresponds to the natural arm swing evident in ambulation.
Conditions limiting external rotation or elevation may The head of the humerus is large in relation to the glenoid
increase rotator cuff compression. Rajendran and Kwek34 fossa. Therefore, only one third of the humeral head can contact
described how the course of the long head of the biceps the glenoid fossa at a given time.1,41 The glenoid fossa is a shal-
(LHB) would influence external rotation of the humerus, low structure deepened by the glenoid labrum. The labrum is
which, in turn, prevents tendon impingement between the wedge shaped when the glenohumeral joint is in a resting posi-
greater tuberosity and the glenoid labrum and allows gleno- tion and changes shape with various movements.42 The glenoid
humeral elevation to move to completion. Brems35 reported and the labrum combine to form a socket with a depth up to
that external rotation is possibly the most important func- 9 mm in the superior-inferior direction and 5 mm in the ante-
tional motion that the shoulder complex allows. Loss of exter- rior-posterior direction.43 The functional significance of the
nal rotation can result in significant functional disability. labrum is questionable. Most authors agree that the labrum is
Walker36 described external rotation of the humerus as neces- a weak supporting structure.42,44 The function of the labrum
sary for the greater tuberosity to clear the glenoid, thus has also been described as a “chock block” preventing humeral
providing more articular cartilage motion to produce eleva- head translation.45 Moseley and Overgaard42 considered the
tion of the arm. Abboud and Soslowsky37 reported that loss labrum a redundant fold of the capsule composed of dense
of rotational range of motion is deleterious because of its fibrous connective tissue but generally devoid of cartilage
effect on activities of daily living and sports and its likely except in a small zone near its osseous attachment.
relation to the development of osteoarthritis. The glenohumeral joint was described by Matsen et al46 as
External rotation is an important component for active a suction cup because of the seal of the labrum and glenoid to
abduction in POS elevation. In a pilot study, Donatelli38 the humeral head. This phenomenon is caused by the
demonstrated a direct correlation between passive external graduated flexibility of the glenoid surface, which permits
Chapter 2 Functional Anatomy and Mechanics 13

and function. The central location of the humeral head is

maintained by a balance of muscle forces and connective tissue
extensibility. Off-center joint force has more potential for sub-
luxation and dislocation.49
If the head of the humerus is not in a central position, it
will reduce the compressive forces of the rotator cuff muscles,
thereby decreasing dynamic stability by altering the length
tension of the rotator cuff muscles. A reduction in rotator cuff
strength promotes destabilizing forces and poor joint

Clinical Evaluation of Humeral Head Central

• Evaluation of scapula posture
• Assessment of glenohumeral capsular extensibility by tests
of external and internal rotation in various positions
• Assessment of strength of the rotator cuff muscles
• Assessment of strength of the scapula rotators
A centrally located humeral head on the glenoid enhances
A the dynamic stability of the glenohumeral joint. Joint forces
associated with the rotator cuff muscles are stabilizing to
the glenohumeral joint, whereas the forces produced by the
deltoid muscles deviate from the surface of the glenoid joint
during elevation of the arm. At 60 of glenohumeral abduc-
B tion the shearing force is the greatest. The line of pull of
the deltoid is oriented superiorly and parallel to the glenoid
surface; this can be described as a shearing force. This parallel
Figure 2-5 A, Humerus with marker through the head-neck and a
second marker through the epicondyles. B, Retroversion of the
and superior action of the deltoid muscle may therefore result
humerus as seen from above. in a more off-center joint reaction force at the glenoid surface.
This off-centered joint force could be the cause of several
mechanic dysfunctions of the shoulder, including impinge-
the glenoid to conform and seal to the humeral head. Com- ment and rotator cuff tears. Ideally, the best strategy for a
pression of the head into the socket expels the synovial glenohumeral elevation would be the combination of a strong
fluid to create suction that resists distraction. Negative intra- deltoid muscle and the rotator cuff muscles to stabilize the
articular joint pressure is produced by the limited joint vol- joint by directing the joint force toward the a stable compres-
ume.47 Matsen et al46 illustrated the importance of an intact sive force that is the center of the joint surface.
glenoid labrum in establishing concavity compression stabiliza-
tion. The compressive load is provided by dynamic muscle con-
Anatomy of the Glenohumeral Ligaments
traction. In addition, Matsen et al46 discussed the importance
of the central position of the humerus on the glenoid, to opti- The coracohumeral ligament is the strongest supporting liga-
mize the mechanical advantage of the rotator cuff muscles. ment of the glenohumeral joint. Fibers of the capsule and cor-
The glenoid fossa faces laterally. Freedman and Munro48 acohumeral ligament blend together and insert into the
found that the glenoid faced downward in 80.8% of the borders of the supraspinatus and subscapularis.50 Portions of
shoulders they studied radiographically. Saha40 found a 7.4 the coracohumeral ligament form a tunnel for the biceps ten-
retrotilt of the glenoid in 73.5% of normal subjects. The retro- don on the anterior side of the joint. The rotator cuff interval,
tilt is a stabilizing factor in the glenohumeral joint. Both the the region of the capsule between the anterior border of the
humeral and glenoid articular surfaces are lined with articular supraspinatus and the superior border of the subscapularis
cartilage. The cartilage is the thickest at the periphery on the muscle, is reinforced by the coracohumeral ligament.45 The
glenoid fossa and at the center of the humeral head.16 superior glenohumeral ligament and the coracohumeral liga-
ment limit external rotation and abduction of the humerus
and are important stabilizers in the inferior direction from
Central Position of the Humerus on the
0 to 50 of abduction.45,51
The superior glenohumeral ligament forms an anterior
Because the shoulder is not inherently stable, the orientation cover around the LHB tendon and is also part of the rotator
and location of the joint reaction force with respect to the gle- cuff interval.45 The coracohumeral ligament blends with the
noid surface are important considerations in joint stability superior glenohumeral ligament. The anatomy of the middle
14 Physical Therapy of the Shoulder

glenohumeral ligament is similar to that of the superior gle- glenohumeral ligament attaches to the glenoid labrum. Turkel
nohumeral ligament. The middle glenohumeral ligament et al54 determined the relative contribution to anterior stability
blends with portions of the subscapularis tendon medial to by testing external rotation in different positions. The subscapu-
its insertion on the lesser tuberosity. The middle glenohum- laris resisted passive external rotation in the adducted position
eral ligament has been shown to become taut at 45 of abduc- more than any other anterior structure (Fig. 2-6A). In patients
tion, and at 10 of extension and external rotation, and it with internal rotation contracture and pain after anterior repair
provides anterior stability between 45 and 60 of abduction. for recurrent dislocation of the shoulder, surgical release of the
The inferior glenohumeral ligament complex is a subscapularis increased the external rotation range of motion
hammock-like structure with attachments on the anterior and an average of 27 .55 Turkel et al54 demonstrated that, at 45 of
posterior sides of the glenoid. The anterior band of the inferior abduction, external rotation was resisted by the subscapularis,
glenohumeral ligament is attached to the anterior labrum. At middle glenohumeral ligament, and superior fibers of the infe-
the neutral position (0 of abduction and 30 of horizontal rior ligament (Fig. 2-6B). At 90 of abduction, the inferior gle-
extension), the anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral liga- nohumeral ligament (Fig. 2-6C) restricted external rotation.
ment becomes the primary stabilizer. The inferior glenohum- Itoi et al56 concluded that the LHB and short head of the
eral ligament complex was found to be the most important biceps (SHB) have similar functions as anterior stabilizers of
stabilizer against anterior-inferior shoulder dislocation.45,52 the glenohumeral joint with the arm in abduction and external
The capsule and ligaments reinforce the glenohumeral joint. rotation. Furthermore, the role of the LHB and SHB increased
The capsule attaches around the glenoid rim and forms a sleeve with shoulder instability. Warner et al57 studied the capsuloliga-
around the head of the humerus, by attaching on the anatomic mentous restraints to superior and inferior translation of the gle-
neck. A functional interplay or interdependence exists between nohumeral joint. The primary restraint to inferior translation of
the anterior and posterior and superior and inferior capsuloliga- the adducted shoulder was the superior glenohumeral ligament.
mentous system. This concept is referred to as the circle theory, a Abduction to 45 and 90 demonstrated the anterior and poste-
term implying that excessive translation in one direction may rior portions, respectively, of the glenohumeral ligament to be
damage the capsule on the same and opposite sides of the the main static stabilizers resisting inferior translation.
joint.37 The capsule is a lax structure. The head of the humerus Guanche et al58 studied the synergistic action of the cap-
can be distracted one-half inch when the shoulder is in a sule and the shoulder muscles. A reflex arch was identified
relaxed position.51 The anterior capsule is reinforced by the gle- from mechanoreceptors within the glenohumeral capsule to
nohumeral ligaments noted earlier. The support these liga- muscles crossing the joint. Stimulation of the anterior and
ments lend to the capsule is insignificant.53 inferior axillary articular nerves elicited electromyographic
Turkel et al54 described the inferior glenohumeral ligament (EMG) activity in the biceps, subscapularis, supraspinatus,
as the thickest and most consistent structure. The inferior and infraspinatus muscles. Stimulation of the posterior


Figure 2-6 External rotation of the humerus. A, In the adducted position. The most stabilizing structure to this movement is the subscapularis muscle.
B, At 45 of abduction. The most stabilizing structures for this movement are the middle and inferior ligaments and the subscapularis muscle. C, At 90 of
abduction. The most stabilizing structure for this movement is the inferior ligament.
Chapter 2 Functional Anatomy and Mechanics 15

axillary articular nerve elicited EMG activity in the acromio- depressors of the humeral head. Translation of the humeral
deltoid muscle. head is of clinical interest in most shoulder disorders. At the
Between the supporting ligaments and muscles lie synovial glenohumeral joint, the amount and direction of translation
bursae or recesses. Anteriorly, three distinct recesses are pres- define the type of instability. Wuelker et al62 demonstrated
ent.59 The superior recess is the subscapular bursa, which nor- that translation of the humeral head during elevation of the
mally communicates with the shoulder joint. The inferior glenohumeral joint between 20 and 90 averaged 9 mm
recess is referred to as the axillary pouch, and the middle superiorly and 4.4 mm anteriorly. Translation of the humeral
synovial recess lies posterior to the subscapularis tendon. head during active elevation may be diminished by the coor-
Arthrograms of frozen shoulders in relatively early stages, dinated activity of the rotator cuff muscles. This active con-
before glenohumeral abduction is completely restricted, show trol of translation forces provides dynamic stability to the
obliteration of the anterior glenoid bursa.60 glenohumeral joint. Perry63 described 17 muscle groups that
provide dynamic interactive stabilization of the composite
movement of the thoracoscapular humeral articulation.
DYNAMIC STABILIZERS OF THE The deltoid muscle makes up 41% of the scapulohumeral
GLENOHUMERAL JOINT muscle mass.4 This muscle, in addition to its proximal attach-
ment on the acromion process and the spine of the scapula,
The major muscles that act on the glenohumeral and scapu- also stems from the clavicle. The distal insertion is on the
lothoracic joints may be grouped into the scapulohumeral, shaft of the humerus at the deltoid tubercle. The mechanical
axiohumeral, and axioscapular muscles. The muscles of the advantage of the deltoid is enhanced by the distal insertion
scapulohumeral group, which include the rotator cuff mus- and the evolution of a larger acromion process.4 The deltoid
cles, originate on the scapula and insert on the humerus. is a multipennate and fatigue-resistant muscle. These charac-
The rotator cuff muscles insert on the tuberosities and along teristics may explain the rare involvement of this muscle in
the upper two thirds of the humeral anatomic neck.10 The pathologic shoulder conditions.64 The deltoid and the clavic-
contribution of the shoulder musculature to joint stability ular head of the pectoralis major muscles have been described
may be caused by the following mechanisms: muscle bulk act- as prime movers of the glenohumeral joint because of their
ing as a passive muscle tension, contraction of the rotator cuff large mechanical advantage.4 Michiels and Bodem65 demon-
muscles primarily causing compression of the articular sur- strated that deltoid muscle action is not restricted to the gen-
faces, joint motion that secondarily tightens the ligamentous eration of abduction in the shoulder joint.
constraints, barrier or restraint effects of the contracted mus- The deltoid provides dynamic stability with the arm in the
cle, and redirection of the joint force to the center of the gle- scapular plane and decreases stability with the arm in the cor-
noid surface by coordination of muscle forces.37 onal plane. The middle and posterior heads of the deltoid pro-
The infraspinatus and teres minor control external rotation vide more stability by generating more compressive forces and
of the humerus and reduce anterior-inferior capsuloligamen- lower shearing forces than the anterior head. Therefore, the
tous strain. The subscapularis muscle is the strongest stabi- middle and posterior heads of the deltoid should strengthen
lizer of the rotator cuff muscles. It has the largest amount of vigorously in anterior shoulder instability.66
muscle mass of the four rotator cuff muscles.4 Combined con- Itoi et al56 reported that the biceps muscle group becomes
traction of the subscapularis and the infraspinatus forms a more important than the rotator cuff muscles as stability from
force couple, providing stability throughout the midrange of the capsuloligamentous structure decreases. The anterior dis-
elevation, which is from 60 to 150 of abduction.52 placement of the humeral head under a 1.5-kg force was signif-
Researchers showed that during late cocking by baseball icantly decreased by both LHB and SHB loading in all capsular
pitchers, the glenohumeral joint reaches extreme external conditions when the arm was in 60 or 90 of external rotation
rotation. The subscapularis is the strongest activity stabilizer, and abduction. Abboud and Soslowsky37 demonstrated that the
followed by the infraspinatus and teres minor. The supraspi- LHB in the shoulder neutral position is anterior to the joint.
natus has the least stabilizing activity.37 In addition, the sub- Internal rotation of the humerus positions the tendon of the
scapularis of a professional baseball pitcher is more active in biceps further anterior to the joint, and external rotation posi-
the propulsive phase than any other internal rotator.37 tions the biceps tendon posterior to the joint. The forces gener-
Travell and Simons60 believed that a trigger point within ated by the LHB help to stabilize the glenohumeral joint and
the subscapularis may spur the other shoulder girdle muscula- assist in restricting the translations of the humeral head. The
ture into developing secondary and satellite trigger points. restrictions in translation of the humeral head result from inter-
These points would lead to major restrictions in glenohumeral nal and external rotation of the humerus that allow the forces
joint motion and cause adhesive capsulitis. generated by the tendon to change to compressive with a pos-
The rotator cuff muscles have been described as steering terior-directed force and compressive with an anterior-directed
mechanisms for the head of the humerus on the glenoid.16 force, respectively (Fig. 2-7).
The subscapularis, latissimus dorsi, teres major, and teres The deltoid and the rotator cuff muscles produce shearing
minor act as humeral depressors.16,61 The arthrokinematics and compressive forces in the glenohumeral joint. These forces
(rolling, spinning, and sliding) of the glenohumeral joint vary as the alignment of the muscles changes.67 The compres-
result from the action of the steering mechanisms and the sive forces produced by those muscles acting parallel to the
16 Physical Therapy of the Shoulder

deltoid force required to abduct the arm increased by 17%.

According to the study by Payne et al,67 the action of the deltoid
muscle increased the pressures under the acromion by 1240%.
IR One study described the lines of action of 18 major muscles
spanning the shoulder joint during abduction and flexion and
their potential contributions to glenohumeral joint stability.68
The superior pectoralis major and inferior latissimus dorsi were
the chief scapular plane destabilizers, with a demonstrated abil-
ity to provide superior and inferior shear to the glenohumeral
joint, respectively. Evaluation of the middle and anterior del-
A toid during flexion and abduction demonstrated a potential
contribution to superior shear, by opposing the combined
destabilizing inferior shear potential of the latissimus dorsi
and inferior subscapularis. The rotator cuff muscles were more
aligned to stabilize the glenohumeral joint in the transverse
plane than in the scapular plane. Overall, the anterior supraspi-
natus was most favorably oriented to apply glenohumeral joint
compression. The study identified the posterior deltoid and
subscapularis as potential stabilizers because they had posteri-
orly directed muscle lines of action, whereas the teres minor
and infraspinatus had anteriorly directed lines of action.
The foregoing study helps the clinician identify the
dynamic action of muscles surrounding the shoulder. A coor-
dinated activation of the destabilizers and stabilizer muscles
results in movement patterns that are not destructive to the
shoulder. However, muscle imbalances around the shoulder
may be the underlying cause of abnormal movement patterns
and the resultant pathologic process. Knowledge of the stabi-
lizing potential of shoulder musculature may assist clinicians
in identifying muscle-related instabilities and may aid in
Figure 2-7 Forces produced by the long head of the biceps tendon in the development of rehabilitation programs to improve joint
conjunction with internal rotation (IR) and external rotation (ER) of the stability and prevention programs.
humerus. A, Tendon position neutral and anterior to joint, ER posterior
to joint, IR anterior to joint. B, Forces are compressive and posterior
with IR. C, Forces are compressive and anterior with ER. (Modified STERNOCLAVICULAR JOINT
from Pagnani MJ, Xiang-Hua D, Warren RF, et al: Role of the long head
of the biceps brachii in glenohumeral stability: a biomechanical study in The SC joint is the only articulation that binds the shoulder
cadavers, J Shoulder Elbow Surg 5:225–262, 1996.) girdle to the axial skeleton (Fig. 2-8). This is a sellar joint,
with the sternal articulating surface greater than the clavicular
glenoid fossa stabilize the humeral head. Muscles acting more surface, thus providing stability to the joint.10 The joint is
perpendicular to the glenoid produce a translational shear. also stabilized by its articular disk, joint capsule, ligaments,
A larger superior shear produces impingement, whereas a and reinforcing muscles.5,69 The disk binds the joint together
larger compressive force centers the humeral head in the
glenoid and reduces impingement of the rotator cuff under
the acromion.67 The central position of the humeral head on
the glenoid helps to stabilize the glenohumeral joint.
Payne et al67 simulated rotator cuff, deltoid, and biceps mus-
cle forces on 10 human cadaver shoulders using transducers
within the acromial arch. The muscle forces that reduced acro-
mial pressure included the biceps, which decreased acromial
pressure by 10% in all the shoulders and 34% in 6 of the
shoulders. Rotator cuff muscle force, without simulating supra-
spinatus, was very effective in reducing the acromial pressure.
With simulation of the subscapularis, infraspinatus, and teres
minor, these investigators noted a 52% decrease in the ante-
rior-lateral acromion pressure in neutral shoulders with type Figure 2-8 The upper and lower attachments of the meniscus and the
III acromion. Without the rotator cuff force, the amount of upper and lower ligaments of the sternoclavicular joint.
Chapter 2 Functional Anatomy and Mechanics 17

and divides the joint into two cavities. The capsule surrounds with a convex girdle.1,63 The scapula is without bony or liga-
the joint and is thickest on the anterior and posterior aspects. mentous connections to the thorax, except for its attachments
The section of the capsule from the disk to the clavicle is more at the AC joint and coracoacromial ligament. The scapula is
lax and allows more mobility than among the disk, sternum, primarily stabilized by muscles. The importance of the scap-
and first rib.10 The interclavicular ligament anteriorly and ula rotators has been established as an essential ingredient of
inferiorly reinforces the capsule. The costoclavicular ligament glenohumeral mobility and stability (Fig. 2-10). The stable
connects the clavicle to the first rib.10 The SC joint gains base and therefore the mobility of the glenohumeral joint
increased stability from muscles, especially the sternocleido- largely depend on the relationship of the scapula and the
mastoid, sternohyoid, and sternothyroid.69 humerus. The scapula and humerus must accommodate to
ever-changing positions during shoulder movement to main-
tain stability.6 Figure 2-11 demonstrates the force couple of
ACROMIOCLAVICULAR JOINT the scapula rotators.
Scapulothoracic kinematics involve combined SC and AC
At the other end of the clavicle is the AC joint. This articula- joint motions.71,72 Three-dimensional motion occurs at both
tion is characterized by variability in size and shape of the cla- the SC and AC joints during arm elevation in healthy sub-
vicular facets and the presence of an intra-articular jects.71,72 The clavicle demonstrates a pattern of slight eleva-
meniscus.66 The AC joint capsule is more lax than the SC tion and increasing retraction as arm elevation progresses
joint, and thus a greater degree of movement occurs at the overhead.72
AC joint that contributes to the increased incidence of dislo- Teece et al71 described that the scapula is simultaneously
cations.69 The AC joint has three major supporting ligaments. upwardly rotating, internally rotating, and posteriorly tilting
The conoid and trapezoid ligaments are collectively called the relative to the clavicle at the AC joint (Fig. 2-12). In addi-
coracoclavicular ligament and the AC ligament. It is through the tion, scapulothoracic “translations” of elevation and depres-
conoid and trapezoid ligaments that scapula motion is trans- sion and abduction and adduction were observed by the
lated to the clavicle.5 Teece et al.71 These scapula movements actually derive from
Rotation of the clavicle is the major movement at the AC clavicular motions at the SC joint. Scapulothoracic elevation
joint. Steindler70 described AC joint rotation occurring is a result of SC elevation, and abduction and adduction result
around three axes. Longitudinal axial rotation, vertical axis from SC protraction and retraction.72,73
for protraction and retraction, and horizontal axis for elevation
and depression are all controlled and facilitated by the conoid,
trapezoid, and AC ligaments (Fig. 2-9). FUNCTIONAL BIOMECHANICS

As previously noted, shoulder elevation is defined as the move-

Scapulothoracic Joint
ment of the humerus away from the side. It can occur in a
The scapulothoracic joint is not an anatomic joint, but it is an seemingly infinite number of body planes.47
important physiologic joint that adds considerably to motion Shoulder elevation can be divided into three phases. The
of the shoulder girdle. The scapula is concave, articulating initial phase of elevation is 0 to 60 . The middle or “critical”
phase is 60 to 140 . The final phase of elevation is 140 to
180 . Specific to each phase of movement, precise muscle
B function and joint kinematics allow normal, pain-free motion.
Analysis of the precise components critical for each phase of
shoulder elevation determines the success of clinical manage-
C ment of shoulder dysfunction.

Initial Phase of Elevation: 0 to 60

All three arthrokinematic movements occur at the glenohum-
eral joint, but they do not occur in equal proportions. These
movements—roll, spin, and glide—are necessary for the large
humeral head to take advantage of the small glenoid articulat-
A ing surface.16 Saha74 and Sharkey and Marder75 investigated
the contact area between the head of the humerus and the gle-
Figure 2-9 Axes of motion of the clavicle. A, Longitudinal axis of
rotation. B, Vertical axis for protraction and retraction. C, Horizontal axis
noid with elevation in abduction and in scaption. The studies
for elevation and depression. The sternal end of the scapula is on the found that the contact area on the head of the humerus was
left. (From Schenkman M, Rugo de Cartaya V: Kinesiology of the centered at 30 and was superiorly shifted 1.5 mm by 120 .
shoulder complex, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 8:438, 1987, with Poppen and Walker14 also studied the instant centers of rota-
permission of the Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy Sections of tion for abduction. These investigators reported that in the
the American Physical Therapy Association). first 30 and often between 30 and 60 of abduction, the
18 Physical Therapy of the Shoulder





Figure 2-10 Force couple of muscles acting at scapula. A, Axis of scapular rotation from 0 to 30 . B, Axis of scapular rotation from 30 to 60 . FLT, force
of lower trapezius; FSA, force of serratus anterior; FUT, Force of upper trapezius. (Modified from Schenkman M, Rugo de Cartaya V: Kinesiology of the
shoulder complex, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 8:438, 1987, with permission of the Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy Sections of the American
Physical Therapy Association.)

humerus in the initial phase of elevation.3 Kadaba et al61

Upper reported EMG activity of the upper and lower portions of
trapezius Levator
scapulae the subscapularis muscle recorded by intramuscular wire elec-
trodes. During the initial phase of elevation, EMG activity of
the upper subscapularis was greater at the beginning of the
range, whereas the lower subscapularis increased as the eleva-
Rhomboideus tion reached 90 .54 A significant amount of force is generated
minor at the glenohumeral joint during abduction.4,15 In the early
Middle stages of abduction, the loading vector is beyond the upper
trapezius edge of the glenoid.76
Rhomboideus During the initial stage of elevation, the pull of the deltoid
major muscle produces an upward shear of the humeral head.3 This
shearing peaks at 60 of abduction and is counteracted by the
transverse compressive forces of the rotator cuff muscles.3,15
The primary function of the subscapularis muscle is to depress
Serratus the humeral head, thus counteracting the superior migrating
anterior force of the deltoid.61 At 60 (abduction), the downward
(short rotator) force is maximal at 9.6 times the limb weight
trapezius or 0.42 times the body weight.2,15 The subscapularis, infra-
spinatus, and latissimus dorsi muscle have small lever arms
that form 90 angles to the glenoid face, thereby producing
compressive forces to the joint.
Figure 2-11 Force couple of the scapula rotators.
Movement of the AC and SC joints permits movement of
the scapula. Shoulder abduction is accompanied by clavicular
elevation. SC elevation is most evident during the initial
head of the humerus moved superiorly in the glenoid by phase of arm elevation. A 4 SC movement occurs for each
3 mm, a finding that indicates the occurrence of rolling or 10 of shoulder abduction.4 The AC joint moves primarily
gliding of the head. The EMG activity of the supraspinatus before 30 and after 135 .4
muscle indicates an early rise in tension that produces a com- The instantaneous center of rotation (ICR) of the scapula
pressive force on the glenohumeral joint surface. during the initial phase of elevation is located at or near the
The deltoid muscle also demonstrates EMG activity in the root of the scapula spine in line with the SC joint.77 The
initial phase of elevation. The subscapularis, infraspinatus, initial phase of arm elevation was referred to by Poppen
and teres minor muscles are important stabilizers of the and Walker15 as the setting phase; scapula rotation occurs
Chapter 2 Functional Anatomy and Mechanics 19



Figure 2-12 It is important to understand the various motions of the scapula relative to the thorax: A, upward and downward rotation; B, protraction and
retraction; C, elevation and depression; D, tilting about a frontal axis; and E, tilting about a vertical axis. (Porterfield, James A. Mechanical Shoulder
Disorders: Perspectives in Functional Anatomy. W.B. Saunders Company, 102003.)

about the lower midportion. The relative contribution from

scapular rotation during the initial phase of elevation is
considerably less than from glenohumeral motion. Bagg S
and Forest77 estimated a 3.29:1 ratio of glenohumeral to R
scapulothoracic mobility during the initial phase of elevation. D
The upper trapezius and lower serratus anterior muscles pro-
vide the necessary rotatory force couple to produce upward I SⴙI
scapular rotation during the early phase of arm abduction.78

Middle or Critical Phase of Elevation:

60 to 100
The middle or critical phase of elevation is initiated by exces-
sive force at the glenohumeral joint. As previously noted, the
shearing of the deltoid muscle is maximal at 60 elevation
(Fig. 2-13). Wuelker et al62 simulated muscle forces under Figure 2-13 In the early stages of glenohumeral abduction, the deltoid
the coracoacromial vault. The forces at the glenohumeral joint reactive force (D) is located outside the glenoid fossa. The transverse
were recorded and applied to the shoulder muscles at a con- compressive forces of the supraspinatus (S) and infraspinatus (I)
stant ratio approximating physiologic conditions of shoulder muscles are counteracted by this force. The resultant reactive force (R)
elevation: deltoid, 43%; supraspinatus, 9%; subscapularis, is therefore more favorably placed within the glenoid fossa for joint
26%; and infraspinatus/teres minor, 22% (Fig. 2-14). Peak stability.
forces under the coracoacromial vault occurred between 51
and 82 of glenohumeral joint elevation. These force values The resultant acting forces, which help to stabilize the
may represent the pathomechanics of shoulder impingement. joint, are maximal at 90 of elevation,3 with shear and com-
Figure 2-15 demonstrates the compressive and depressive pressive forces equal.78 As the arm reaches the end of the crit-
forces generated by the muscles that provide a parallel force ical phase, the resultant and shearing forces of the deltoid are
to the glenohumeral joint to counteract the shearing of the almost zero.3,15
deltoid muscle group, which is perpendicular to the gleno- The balance of shearing and compressive force establishes
humeral joint. dynamic stability of the glenohumeral joint. In the early part
20 Physical Therapy of the Shoulder

110 of abduction and maintains a plateau level of activity.3

Supraspinatus EMG activity peaks at 100 of elevation and
rapidly diminishes thereafter.3 The subscapularis activity
decreases substantially after 130 of elevation, a finding sup-
porting the concept that anterior ligament stability is critical

beyond 130 of elevation.3
The head of the humerus demonstrates an excursion of 1 to
2 mm of a superior and inferior glide on the glenoid surface.14
FRR The movement of the humeral head in a superior and inferior
direction after 60 of elevation indicates that roll and glide

are occurring in opposite directions, resulting in a spin of


the bone. As previously noted, external rotation of the


humerus is critical for elevation (abduction) of the arm.

Bagg and Forrest77 examined 20 subjects and found three
distinctive patterns of scapulohumeral movement. Each pat-
tern had three phases with varying ratios of humeral to scap-
ular movement. The most common pattern had 3.29 of
humeral motion to every degree of scapular motion from
20.8 to 81.8 of scaption. The humeral component decreased
to 0.71 for scaption between 81.8 and 139.1 . Therefore,
Figure 2-14 Force couple of deltoid and rotator cuff muscles. Rotatory the greatest relative amount of scapular rotation occurs between
forces, acting on opposite sides of the axis of motion, combine to 80 and 140 of arm abduction.77 The ratio of glenohumeral to
produce upward rotation. Translatory forces cancel each other out. FRD, scapulothoracic motion has been calculated to be 0.71:1 during
rotatory force of deltoid; FRR, Rotatory force of rotator cuff; FTD, the middle phase of elevation.78 Doody et al,12 along with
translatory force of deltoid; FTR, translatory force of rotator Freedman and Munro,48 proposed that the significant role of
cuff. (Modified from Schenkman M, Rugo de Cartaya V: Kinesiology of the scapular rotators during the critical phase of elevation is
the shoulder complex, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 8:438, 1987, with
secondary to the relatively long moment arms of the upper tra-
permission of the Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy Sections of
pezius, lower trapezius, and lower serratus anterior muscles.
the American Physical Therapy Association.)
Therefore, during the middle phase of elevation, the scapular
rotators provide an important contribution to elevation of the
Acromion Supraspinatus humerus in the POS.
Movement of the AC and SC joints permits movement of
the scapula. The relative contribution of these two joints
changes throughout the range of motion, depending on where
the ICR lies.77 During the middle phase of abduction, the
ICR of the scapula begins to migrate toward the AC joint.
Subscapularis Clavicular elevation about the SC joint, coupled with scapular
Lat rotation about the AC joint, facilitates normal scapula mobil-
iss Infraspinatus
sd and Teres minor ity. Motion can occur at the AC joint, with less movement
ors occurring at the SC joint because of the clavicular rotation
around its long axis.4 The double-curved clavicle acts like a
crankshaft, to permit elevation and rotation at the AC end.
The rotation of the scapula about the AC joint is initiated
between 60 and 90 of elevation.78 Clavicular elevation is
completed between 120 and 150 of humeral abduction.77
Biceps Clavicular elevation at the AC joint permits maximum scapu-
lar rotation. At approximately 150 of elevation, the ICR of
Figure 2-15 Forces provided to the muscles that are parallel to the
the scapula is in line with the AC joint.77
glenohumeral joint. These muscles produce compressive and
depressive forces to help stabilize the glenohumeral joint. The deltoid
muscle is perpendicular to the glenohumeral joint. Final Phase of Elevation: 140 to 180
During the final phase of elevation, the ratio of glenohumeral
of the critical phase, dynamic stability must be initiated to scapulothoracic motion is 3.49:1, a finding indicating rel-
before further progression of pain-free movement can occur. atively more glenohumeral motion.77 The ICR of the scapula
As previously noted, the lower fibers of the subscapularis has relocated upward and laterally. The rotatory force arm of
muscle showed more activity at 90 of abduction.61 The del- the upper trapezius muscle has reduced in length, and the role
toid muscle reaches maximum EMG activity at approximately of this muscle is now supportive of the scapula.78 The new
Chapter 2 Functional Anatomy and Mechanics 21

location of the ICR of the scapula allows the middle trapezius SUMMARY
to become a prime mover for downward scapular rotation.78 Patients with shoulder dysfunction are routinely treated in the
The lower trapezius and the serratus anterior muscles continue physical therapy clinic. An understanding of the anatomy and
to increase in activity during the final phase of elevation, and biomechanics of this joint can help to provide the physical
they act as an upward rotator and oppose the forces of the therapist with a rationale for evaluation and treatment. Most
upper and middle trapezius.77 studies involving shoulder anatomy and biomechanics reveal
As the humerus elevates toward the end of the elevation a common pattern, along with a wide variation among sub-
range of motion, it must disengage itself from the scapula. jects. The physical therapist should keep this variation in
As previously noted, the ratio of glenohumeral to scapulothor- mind when treating an individual patient.
acic motion is 3.49:1. Good extensibility of the teres major and Treatment may be directed toward restoring mobility,
the subscapularis muscles is important, to allow the humerus to providing stability, or a combination of the two. The shoulder
disassociate itself from the scapula. Often, with passive humeral is an inherently mobile complex, with various joint surfaces
elevation, a bulge of the scapula is noted laterally. The bulge is adding to the freedom of movement. The shallow glenoid,
usually the inferior angle that is secondary to increased protrac- with its flexible labrum and large humeral head, provides
tion of the scapula. Lack of elongation of these muscles prevents mobility. At times, this vast mobility occurs at the expense
the normally dominant movement of the humerus at the end of of stability. The shoulder relies on various stabilizing mechan-
the elevation range. Tightness of the subscapularis muscle, teres isms, including shapes of joint surfaces, ligaments, and mus-
major muscle, or both, is often observed. cles to prevent excessive motion. Almost 20 muscles act on
Furthermore, observation of limited passive humeral eleva- this joint complex in some manner, and at different times
tion may exhibit elevation of the chest cavity. If muscles con- these muscles can be both prime movers and stabilizers. Har-
necting the humerus and rib cage are not flexible enough, monious actions of these muscles are necessary for the full
movement will occur at both ends. The latissimus and pector- function of this joint.
alis major muscles connect the humerus to the rib cage. Lack
of dissociation of the rib cage from the humerus results in
excessive rib cage mobility in passive terminal elevation.
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