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Duque, Erica Jane G.

BSA 1-1

Prostitution is often referred to as sex work. Typically, they do sex in exchange
for money but in some cases, it can be jewelry, clothing, vehicle, and housing, anything
that has a market value. Hence, some associate prostitution as a profession. Often,
when people say the word ‘prostitution’, the common perception of people is that it is a
shameful way of making a living. But prostitution does not necessarily equate to selling
bodies because not all prostitutes do sex; sometimes they are just solely for the
purpose of entertainment. Only some people who don't completely understand
prostitution take it as an immoral job.
There is no one single reason for the widespread prevalence of prostitution in the
Philippines. But it is undeniable that the need of money to survive is a primary reason
for people becoming prostitutes. We live in a nation obsessed with morality. Even if
people continue to oppose prostitution, we can never completely remove it. Take a stroll
around the city of manila at night and you’ll see evidence of prostitution eve n in the
most public places – public places where there are people. As long as poverty exist and
with the increasing rate of unemployment, there will always be people around there who
are more than willing to sell their time just for them to get through the day and we can’t
blame them.
As a society we can choose whether to make it easier for people to escape
prostitution or whether to make life harder for those in it. Prostitution is not going away
anytime soon. There will always be lonely people looking for entertainment and people
who will willingly rent out their time. So instead of judging those who work on the
industry let’s respect them because they have to sacrifice what’s left of their dignity to
feed their family.

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