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Lesson Plan


- The lesson plan would be for a class of 25 kindergarten students.


- The subject that we will be learning or studying about is science. To be more specific,

the nature part of science and plant growth.


- The objective of the lesson is to teach the children of plant life. We will see what the

plant needs to live and to grow and what nature does for it. We will also see what happens when

the plant is provided with no water or sun. They will have two plants; one will have water and

sun and the other will not. The kids will then plot the report on their plants weekly.


- Flower pots

- Sunflower seeds

- Soil

- Watering cans

- Area open near a window

- Area with no light

- Record sheets (Paper where the kids will log in their reports on their plants)
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-1. First I will be giving the kids a little lecture on how nature works. I would then ask the

kids what they think a plant needs to grow and survive. After we have heard several answers then

we will read a book about plants.

-2. Once the lecturing and reading part is all done, now it’s time for the hands-on project.

I will pass all the kids two flower pots that already have soil in them and names on it. I will also

give them two sunflower seeds and a small watering can. We will do step by step instructions.

The first step would be planting a seed into one pot and making sure its deep into the soil. Once

everyone is done, I will pack the top layer of the soil. They will repeat with the other pot and

seed. Once we all have done that, the kids can put their names on their water can and then go to

the sink to fill it up with some water. I will instruct them to only put a small amount of water in

their pot. Now they will only do this to only one of the pots, the other pot is to be left alone.

Once everyone plants their seed and has water their soil, now they can move their pot to the table

near the window. The other pot will go to a dark area. Now every week they will log in their


-3. Everyone will be handed out a record sheet. Each week the kids will examine their

two pots. They will show how they are looking. Examples would be, if the soil is light or dark, if

it’s wet or dry, if they are starting to see a little sprout, what scent it has, etc. We will do this for

several weeks.

-4. Once weeks have passed and the plants have had time to grow, now it’s time for the

closing part. The children will record their last week of the plant growth, and after I will tell

them to get their pots. We will all sit down and discuss what we have learned. I will ask the class
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to answer the question again of what they now know what plants need to survive. Now the kids

can take their pots back home and use the other pot to plant anything they desire.


- Now the kids will be aware of how important sun and water is. This might encourage

them to get out more and play! This will also teach them the importance of drinking water and

staying hydrated. They will also have experience of planting. They created life, and this is the

power humans have, but it’s also a job to keep our life healthy and strong!

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