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Teaching Math - How to Make it Interesting

By Ned Dagostino
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I. Math is scary. If you do not b ... lieve 1 (A - y, B - i, C - a, D - e) me just ask your kids. Or
if you are a teacher, ask your students. Or better still; think back to when you were a
kid. Unless you were one of those who are nat ... rally 2 (A - e, B - a, C - u, D - i) good with
numbers, you'll have to admit that it was a bit int ... midating 3 (A - e, B - i, C - a, D - y) at
times. So now if you are teaching math as either a school teacher or a home schooler, you
have a pretty good idea what your kids are going through. This also applies if you are just a
parent helping your kid with his or her homework. So how do you get through to the
children? Well the first step is to make it interesting, which of co ... rse 4 (A - o, B - a, C - u,
D -e), is much easier said than done. If a child find a subject boring (any subject), then it will
be difficult for them to learn. Your job is to overcome this ch ... llenge 5 (A - a, B - e, C - i, D
- u).
II. Sometimes it is necessary to go back to the 6 (A - launch, B - start, C - beginning, D -
origination) Depending on where you child or children are with their math work, you may
need to take one step back before you can take two steps forward. They learn when they can
see something. 7 (A - Incentives, B - Motives, C - Inducements, D - reasons) are very useful
so perhaps give a small prize to the winner. And maybe another prize to the student who
seems to have 8 (A - improved, B - ameliorated, C - amended, D - meliorated) the most from
the last time you played. That way, even the brightest math student does not wind up 9 (A -
victory, B - triumph, C - winning, D - success) every time you play. And the kids who 10 (A -
fight, B - struggle, C - battle, D- contest) more will still have an incentive to try and get
III. Remember that anything you 11 (A - could, B - can, C - can not, D - could not) do to
make the class interactive 12 (A - will make, B - would make, C -makes, D - make) it easier
for the kids. It's a whole lot better than lecturing on formulas . Most teachers 13 (A - agrees, B
- agreed, C - would agree, D - agree) that teaching math is the most difficult job they
have . You really have to have a passion for teaching to be truly effective  . And you have to
be a little creative as well . If you 14 (A- can, B - may, C - could, D - can not) accomplish this
then you will be the teacher the kids remember and tell their kids about when they  15 (A -
were, B - are, C - had been, D - is) adults.
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3. Віберіть правильну граматичний форму, запропоновану в дужках в третьому абзаці.
4. Оберіть Правильний переклад речень з англійської на українську.
5. Оберіть Правильний переклад речень з української на англійську.
6. Складіть простий план до змісту фахового тексту.
7. Поставте 5 вопросам до тексту.
8. напишіть анотацію до тексту.

4. Оберіть Правильний переклад речень з англійської на українську.

16. You really have to have a passion for teaching to be truly effective .
(A) Ві Дійсно повінні мати покликання до викладання, щоб воно Було Дійсно
(B) Ві Дійсно повінні мати бажання до викладання, щоб воно Було Дійсно ефективна.
(C) Ві Дійсно повінні мати пристрасть до викладання, щоб воно Було Дійсно ефективна .
(D) Ві Дійсно повінні мати майстерність до викладання, щоб воно Було Дійсно
5. Оберіть Правильний переклад речень з української на англійську.
17. І діти, Які более борються, будут як и Ранее мати стимул, щоб спробуваті бути
(A) And the kids who struggle more will still have a promotion to try and get better  .
(B) And the kids who struggle more will still have a reward to try and get better  .
(C) And the kids who struggle more will still have a praise to try and get better  .
(D) And the kids who struggle more will still have an incentive to try and get better  

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