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Universitatea ‘‘Dunărea de Jos din Galați,,

Facultatea de Litere
Specializarea: Traducere și Interpretariat


Aspects Concerning food terminology

Conf.univ.dr. Gabriela Dima

Bănică Luminița-


Aspects Concerning food terminology


Chapter 1.....................................................................................................4
1.1 Some remarks Concerning the Vocabulary of English Language......4
1.2 A background of English vocabulary...................................................9
1.3 The Structure of English Vocabulary .Food Term Sets.......................11
Chapter 2. Origins and nature of Some Mediterranean Food Terms in
Chapter 3. Translating Mediterranean Food Terms from English to
3.1 Corpus presentation and Analysis.....................................................23
3.1.1 Pasta..............................................................................................23
3.1.2 Cheese...........................................................................................27
3.1.3 Fresh Cheese..................................................................................28
3.1.4 Hard Cheese..................................................................................30
3.1.5 Blue Cheese...................................................................................33
3.1.6 Semi-Soft Cheese...........................................................................34
3.1.8 Fine Herbs......................................................................................35
3.1.9 Bitter Herbs....................................................................................40
3.1.10 Aromatic herbs.............................................................................44


Translation builds up a bridge for people from different cultures for

the reason the activity of translation itself is the communication of
cultures. Translation is no longer considered as merely an inter-lingual
activity at the level of language, it is more of an act of cross-cultural
I choosed this theme of my dissertation paper because I think is a
interesting theme and deserve to be debated and from a terminological
point of view and it is various domain ,having a huge lexicon field,
First of all I want so say that I choosed this theme because I believe
that food is not only part of biological process but also reflects
culture,values,identities,religion and works as a system of communication.
Language and food are closely linked, if for nothing else, for the fact
that the mouth is instrumental in both. For language, the oral cavity is the
means of expression, for food it is the means for reception and tasting. It is
like an intersection where language and food meet.
Secondly,choosing to translate Mediterranean terms,I think it is a
challenge because,terms are specific to one region and the translation
need to be done correctly also I belive that Mediterranean terms have
strong history.
Third I’ve like to say that always I wanted to speak about my passion
regarding food, is a dominat area, and is more than just a basic necessity,
it’s a pleasure that plays a significant role in understanding of happiness.
The relationship between communication and food is a complex and
intimate one. Culture is created, shaped, transmitted and learned through
communication, and food practices are largely created, shaped and
transmitted by culture.
My purpose is to demonstrate the origin of the Mediterranean terms, to
show their belonging to different periods and to translate them in different
ways with different techniques .

Chapter 1.

1.1 Some remarks Concerning the Vocabulary of English


English is one of the most important languages of the world and

today it is being spoken almost in every part of the world. It is the native
language of America, Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Ireland.
Currently, nearly two billion people around the world understand it.
It is also an official language of India, the Philippines, Singapore, and many
countries in Africa, including South Africa. English is the first choice of
foreign language in most other countries of the world, and it is that status
that has given it the position of a global lingua franca. It is estimated that
about a third of the world’s population, some two billion persons, now use
English. (
English belongs to the Indo-European family of languages and is
therefore related to most other languages spoken in Europe and western
Asia from Iceland to India. The parent tongue, called Proto-Indo-European,
was spoken about 5,000 years ago by nomads believed to have roamed
the southeast European plains. Germanic, one of the language groups
descended from this ancestral speech, is usually divided by scholars into
three regional groups: East (Burgundian, Vandal, and Gothic, all extinct),
North (Icelandic, Faroese, Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish), and West
(German, Dutch and Flemish], Frisian, and English).
When speakers imitate a word from a foreign language, they are said
to borrow it, and their imitation is called a borrowing or loanword. The
history of a loanword may be quite complex because words have often
passed through a series of languages before reaching English. For
example, chess was borrowed in the fourteenth century from Middle
French esches. The French word had been, in turn, borrowed from Medieval
Latin, which got it from Arabic, which had borrowed it from Persian shāh
‘king.’ The direct or immediate source of chess is Middle French, but its

ultimate source is Persian. Similarly, the etymon of chess, that is, the
word from which it has been derived, is immediately esches but ultimately
shāh.. Loanwords have, as it were, a life of their own that cuts across the
boundaries between languages. ( John Algeo,The Origins and Development
of the English Language,Cengage Learning,Inc 1964p:276)
Borrowings play a very important role in the formation of a language
because the number of words in English that are borrowed directly from
German is quite significant, It is more to the purpose to remember that
there are, nevertheless, a considerable number of German words that
were borrowed from French.
Examples of such words are brawn, dance, gay, guard, which would hardly
be at once suspected.
The influence of French upon English is too well known to require
comment. But the method of the derivation of French words from Latin or
German is often very difficult, and requires the greatest care.
Geert Booij notes that one criterion for distinguishing derivation and
inflection "is that derivation may feed inflection, but not vice versa’’.
Derivation applies to the stem-forms of words, without their inflectional
endings, and creates new, more complex stems to which inflectional rules
can be applied" (Bojji Geert,Models of Inflections,1998 p:11-12 ).
On the other hand inflection represent a process of word formation in
which items are added to the base form of a word to
express grammatical meanings. The word inflection comes from the Latin 
inflectere, meaning to bend.. (
grammar-term-1691168 )
Derivational changes that takes place without the addition of a bound
morpheme (such as the use of the noun impact as a verb) is called zero
derivation or conversion.
To give a more precise definition of what the zero derivation means, a
kind of word formation specifically, it is the creation of a word from an
existing word without any change in form.
Often a word of one lexical category (part of speech) is converted from a
word of another lexical category; for example, the noun green in golf is
derived ultimately from the adjective green.

Conversions from adjectives to nouns and vice versa are both very
common and unnotable in English.
In the formation of a language, borrowings are the key of enrichment
of the cultural contact between two language communities. Borrowing of
words can go in both directions between the two languages in contact, but
often there is an asymmetry, such that more words go from one side to
the other .

I have found a list of borrowings words that helped English vocabulary to

be more colourfull such as:
 From Italian: balcony, canto, duet, granite, opera, piano, umbrella,
volcano; from
 Fram Spanish: alligator, cargo, contraband, cork, hammock,
mosquito, sherry, stampede, tornado, vanilla;
 From Greek directly or indirectly : acme, acrobat, anthology,
barometer, catarrh, catastrophe, chronology, elastic, magic, tactics,
tantalize, and a host of others; Russian,: steppe, vodka, ruble,
troika, glasnost, perestroika;
 From Persian: jasmine, paradise, check, chess, lemon, lilac, turban,
borax, and possibly spinach.( Baugh Albert and Cable Thomas ,A
history of English Language,Routledge,1959)

To a lesser extent the English vocabulary contains borrowings from

many other languages. Instead of making new words chiefly by the
combination of existing elements, as German does, English has shown a
marked tendency to go outside its own linguistic resources and borrow
from other languages. In the course of centuries of this practice English
has built up an unusual capacity for assimilating outside elements.
On the another hand Latin has played an important role in the
formation of English beacause, the connection, is primarily lexical in
nature, being confined mainly to words derived from Latin roots. Most
words in the English language are based on words from ancient Greek and
Latin. The root of the word vocabulary, for example, is voc, a Latin root
meaning word or name.

Root words are also useful for creating new words, especially in
technology and medicine, where new innovations occur frequently.
Thinking of the Greek root word tele, which means far and inventions that
traverse long distances, such as the telegraph, telephone, and television.
The word technology itself is a combination of two other Greek root
words, techne, meaning skill or art, and logos, or study.
The increases to English from Greek and Latin entered English amid or
after the Renaissance. Not as it were were words borrowed in
extraordinary numbers specifically from the pages of Greek and Roman
creators, but endless unused words were moreover coined, by combining
components from the classical dialects. In truth, the hone of utilizing Greek
and Latin as the premise for unused logical terms is one that still proceeds
As we can see the modern European languages, especially those of
France, with its leadership in cooking and fashion, and Italy, with its
preeminence in the arts, have continued to supply us with a store of
words. From the Near East, Persian (Farsi), for instance, has given to
English such common terms as check, divan, pajamas, and tiger. Arabic
has supplied cotton, admiral, syrup, etc. In the Middle Ages, Arabian
science was considerably in advance of the European; a number of our
early scientific terms consequently came to use from the East. Many of
these, algebra,alcohol, and for example, can be recognized from the fact
that they begin with al-, the Arabic definite article. From the languages of
India, long ruled by the British, have come punch, bungalow, loot, thug,
and dungaree..
The Far East has produced fewer loan words, yet the Chinese has given
tea, typhoon, and catsup, while Japan has supplied tycoon and kimono.
From Malayan have come bamboo” and “bantam”. The islands of the
Pacific have given us “tattoo”, “taboo”, and “hula”.
The borrowings by English in the New World remind us of the different
cultures with which the colonists and pioneers came in contact. English
has absorbed words from American Indian languages, such as caucus,
raccoon, hickory, and skunk. Some words came from the French in
America; prairie and butter testify to the extensive early French
exploration. .
The Dutch colonists in New York added boss, cookie, stoop and scow.
Later, from the Spanish-speaking culture of the Southwest English
acquired words like “ranch”, “canyon”, “stampede”, and “mustang”. . In
the 19th century, immigrants from various countries added some of their
native stock words, such as pretzel, hamburger, and delicatessen from the
German. ( )
During the Stone and early Bronze Ages, the British Isles were
inhabited by a non-IndoEuropean race, about which next to nothing is
known. Around 1000 BC, however, the Celts began to arrive in Britain and
to conquer the prehistoric inhabitants, eventually completely wiping out
their language. Thus, for some centuries, the languages of the British Isles
were of the Celtic group, and a few of their descendants, Welsh and Irish,
for instance, are spoken today. In the first century the Romans began the
conquest of Britain, and for the next several hundred years were in control
of most of it. Romanization was proceeding on the island in much the
same fashion as on the Continent, when the Roman occupation was cut
short by the withdrawal of the legions, which were sent to buttress the
tottering Roman Empire against the onslaughts of the eastern barbarians.
The Celtic leaders sought the aid of certain Germanic peoples living on
the Continent to help them in their struggle. The Germans, however, found
the island so much to their liking that they decided to remain, and in fact
they conquered for themselves most of what is now England. These
Teutonic tribes were known as the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes; their
language is called Anglo-Saxon, and it became the basis of modern English
( )
The existence of English Language as a separate idiom began when
Germanic tribes has occupied all the lowlands of Great Britain and when
accordinaly tro the invasions from the continent were discontinued so that
the settler in their new hommes were cut off from that steady intercourse
with their continental relations which is an imperative condition of
linguistic unity.
The dialects spoken by the settlers in England belonged to the great
Germanic ( or Teutonic) branch of the most important of all linguistic
families , termed by many philologists the ‘ Indo -European ( or Indo

Germanic) . ( Jepperson ,Growth and Structure of the English
Language,1905,p: 18)
In what follows I will present some aspects concerning the evolution of the
English Language from Old English Period to Modern English Period,trying
to describe the events that took place and what repercussions they had
concerning the evolution of vocabulary of English Langauge,The sources
that I have consulted are :
(Jepperson ,Growth and Structure of the English Language,1905,p:162)
(Deutschmann Mats, A (very) Brief History of English,2014,p:10)

Old English Period (450 to 1150)

One the Anglo-Saxons were in Britain, contact with the earlier
inhabitants brought some Celtic words, mostly place names like Kent and
London into Old English. Then, too, some words from Latin and Greek, such
as altar, candle, and priest, were introduced during this period by Christian
missionaries sent from Rome. Beginning in the 8th century, England was
subjected to repeated invasions by Danish marauders, many of whom
settled in the areas of Britain which they had conquered. Despite the
valiant efforts of English leaders, like King Alfred the Great, the invaders
could not be dislodged, but continued to live side by side with the Anglo-
Saxons. The Danes were eventually assimilated, and their language has
likewise left its mark upon English.
(Deutschmann Mats, A (very) Brief History of English, M.: Mid Sweden
Middle English Period (1150 to 1500)
The greatest event in the shaping of the English language, however,
was the Norman Conquest. in 1066, William of Normandy defeated King
Harold at the Battle of Hastings and became rule of England. The Anglo-
Saxon nobles were replaced by a French-speaking aristocracy who
regarded themselves as primarily Frenchmen, and who looked upon
England as an occupied territory. Norman-French became the official
language of the country, the language of law courts, the schools, and the
army. The such a situation, the speech of the conquerors was bound to
exert an influence upon English. Yet English remained as the language of
the masses and kept it basically Teutonic structure. For a time, Norman-
French, spoken by the nobles, and English, spoken by the lower classes,
existed side by side in the conquered land, without affecting each other as
much as is often supposed. Around 1200, the Norman rulers of England
lost many of their holdings on the Continent, including Normandy, and
they henceforth began to regard themselves as Englishmen rather than as
By 1500, English has reasserted itself, but is was an English far different
from the language of the Angles and Saxons. In the preceding three
centuries many Frenchspeaking aristocrats, as they learned English, had
automatically introduced many French words into their speech when the
could not remember the new language, of when the English synonym had
been forgotten through disuse. Many who spoke English as a native
language had learned French, not at this time the Norman-French of their
early conquerors, but Parisian French, which had become the cultural and
commercial language of Europe. Since French was more polished than
their own language, which had declined somewhat in the centuries when it
was use mainly by the uneducated classes, they naturally borrowed French
words to make up deficiencies in their native tongue. Often both the
French word and its English equivalent were kept, sometimes with varying
shades of meaning, and this has tended to make English vocabulary rich
and varied. Thus we have both begin, which is native English, and
commence, which is of French origin, as well as the following examples:
sin and crime, wretched and miserable, shun and avoid . (Deutschmann
Mats, A (very) Brief History of English, M.: Mid Sweden University,2014,p:

Modern English Period (1500 to present)

By 1500, a new force had begun to exert itself on the English
language, this time the result of an intellectual movement rather than of a
military conquest. The movement was the Renaissance or Revival of
Learning, which was marked by the rapid advance of the sciences, a
renewal of interest in the Greek and Roman classics, the rise of
nationalism, and by such events as the Protestant Reformation, the
invention of the printing press, and the discovery of the New World. The
growth of national consciousness brought with it a desire on the part of
Englishmen and Frenchmen and Italians and others to write books in their
native tongues rather than in Latin, which had been the universal
language of learned men throughout the Middle Ages. Many English
writers, however, felt that their own language was still not sufficiently
developed to meet the demands of the new learning; therefore, to remedy
what they considered deficiencies in vocabulary, they borrowed wholesale
from Latin, which most of them knew almost as well as English. Further,
the revival of interest in the ancient classics brought with it a flood of new
ideas, especially from Greece; and when a new concept is imported from
another culture, there is a strong tendency to import the word that
denotes the concept as well.

In this chapter I try to develop and to explain the evolutiuon of English

vocabulary, borrwowings ,the hiscorical changes that took place and had
an ,major impact over the language, managing to change it and transform
it into a complex language with strong roots Deutschmann Mats, A (very)
Brief History of English, M.: Mid Sweden University,2014,,p: 16)

1.2 A background of English vocabulary

The Etymologist Walter W. Skeat succeded to express and to

highlight the relationship between English and other languages,
condescending all the information about the origin of English language in
his dictionary Etimological Dictionary of English Language.

As the etymolohyst has affirmed “It would be tedious to mention the

numerous other books which help to throw such light on the history of
words as is necessary for the right investigation of their etymology. The
great defect of most of them is that they do not carry back that history far
enough, and are very weak in the highly important Middle-English period.”
(Walter.W. Skeat,Etimological Dictionary of English Language,Oxforn University Press ,
1910 p:6 )

English has an extraordinarily large vocabulary, much larger than that of

many other languages, because of its extensive contacts with other
languages, because of the large numbers of people all over the world who
have come to use it, and because of the increasingly manifold purposes
for which it is used.( Algeo,The origin and development of the English
Language,2009,p: 206 )
Grammatical gender is not a matter of vocabulary only; it also has an
effect on grammar through what is called concord. Old English had an
elaborate system of inflection for nouns, adjectives, and verbs; and words
that went closely together had to agree in certain respects, as signaled by
their inflectional endings.
If a noun was singular or plural, adjectives modifying it had to be singular
or plural as well; and similarly, if a noun was masculine or feminine,
adjectives modifying it had to be in masculine or feminine forms also.
The major difference between the grammars of Old English and Modern
English is that language has become less inflective and more isolating.
Old English used more grammatical endings on words and so was less
dependent on word order and function words than Modern English.
The lexis or vocabulary of a language is its least systematic aspect.
Grammar is sometimes defined as everything in a language that can be
stated in general rules, and lexis as everything that is unpredictable. But
that is not quite true. Certain combinations of words, called collocations
are more or less predictable.
Collocation refers to a group of two or more words that usually go
together. A good way to think of collocation is to look at the word
collocation. Co - meaning together - location - meaning place. (

For example mild and gentle are words of very similar meaning, but they
go with different nouns: “mild weather” and “gentle breeze” are somewhat
more likely than the opposite combinations (“mild breeze” and “gentle
weather”). ( Algeo,The origin and development of the English
Language,2009,p: 3 )
The Scandinavian influence certainly began during the Old English
period, although it is not apparent until later. Yet, despite these foreign
influences, the word stock of Old English was far more thoroughly
Germanic than is our present-day vocabulary. Many Old English words of
Germanic origin were identical, or at least highly similar, in both form and
meaning to the corresponding Modern English wordsfor example, god,
gold, hand, helm, land, oft, under, winter, and word.
Old English had an elaborate system of inflection for nouns,
adjectives, and verbs; and words that went closely together had to agree
in certain respects, as signaled by their inflectional endings. If a noun was
singular or plural, adjectives modifying it had to be singular or plural as
well; and similarly, if a noun was masculine or feminine, adjectives
modifying it had to be in masculine or feminine forms also. The major
difference between the grammars of Old English and Modern English is
that our language has become less inflective and more isolating. Old
English used more grammatical endings on words and so was less
dependent on word order and function words than Modern English. These
matters are discussed generally in and are further illustrated below for Old
For example, sandwich is often pronounced, not as the spelling
suggests, but in ways that might be represented as sanwich, sanwidge,
samwidge, or even sammidge.
Such spellings look illiterate, but they represent perfectly normal, though
informal, pronunciations that result from the position of a sound within the
word. When nearby elements thus influence one another within the flow of
speech, the result is called syntagmatic change. Second, words and
sounds may be affected by others that are not immediately present but
with which they are associated.
What I tried to prove is that English vocabulary is complex with difficulties
in spelling and writing that the changes that happened succeded to
make it even more special and complex .

1.3 The Structure of English Vocabulary .Food Term Sets.

According to Leisi, contemporary English is a unique mixture of Germanic

and Romanceelements and this mixing has resulted in the international
character of the vocabular.It is certainly true that all languages are
mixtures to a greater or lesser extent. Comparing English to German and
French, however, comes to the conclusion that the present-day English

vocabulary is unique in this respect. (Lipka Leophard,An outline of Engish
Even if the vocabulary is unique,we have to recognised that Enlish is in
continuing change so the globalization has as a major effect in
interconnection between different fields of specialization such as politics,
culture,food ,as a result of this, English, as the world language, has
borrowed a large number of words from foreign languages like French,
German, Italian, Russian, Chinese Japanese, Greek, Spanish, Arabian, etc.
According to surveys, the percentage of modern English words derived
from each language is 29% from French, 29% from Latin, 26% from
German, and 6% from Greek, the rest accounting for 6% as a recent study
has shown.
( )

A great number of words of French origin have entered the English

language to the extent that many Latin words have come to the English
language. According to sources, 45% of all English words have a French

n,,toast,cream,sugar,salad,raisin,jelly,spice,clove, beef,caramel,casserole,
cassoulet,clafoutis, confit, cream, croissant, custard, filet
mignon,fillet,flognarde,fondant,fondue, gateau, gratin,marmalade,
mayonnaise,meringue,mille-feuille,mustard,mutton,navarin, pastry, petit
four, pork, ragout, roux, salad, sauce,sausage,stew, terrine,trifle,veal.

Italian Origin

Example: pizza , ,pasta ,tempo ,macaroni , macchiato , solo, espresso,

zucchini .

Greek and Latin Origin

Most of the loan words from Latin and Greek are special and science
terms. For example, abducens nerve, candida, animation, millennium,
decapitation, manicure, exvivo, realia from Latin, gyro, ultrasaurus,
television, bouzouki, olive from Greek, etc. One popular word needs
mentioning is Mega. It was used as a morpheme from the 80s of 20th

century meaning extra large and become productive, for example, mega
house, megasuperstar, megavitamin, megawatt, megavolt, megaton,
megastore, megatechnology.

Spanish Origin

Example : banana barbecue, bonanza,chocolate,cocoa,vanilla .

Arabic Origin English loan words have been borrowed directly from Arabic
or indirectly by passing from Arabic into other languages and later into

The Arab influence was to have a considerable impact on the history of

food in the Mediterranean. Unlike the Romans, who could be said to have
fixed agricultural production, the Arabs introduced new products and new
farming methods. This innovation underlies the spread of the agronomic
sciences in the region.

For example the mediterranen fruit lemon which may come from Arabic
līmūn (a collective term for citrus fruits), and Old French limon (which
means "lime" in modern French), although similar words occur in Persian
and Sanskrit, making the origin uncertain.

Also, regarding fruits that have arab origins is orange because as I found in
The American Heritage Dictionary the Arabs brought oranges to Spain and
Sicily between the 8th and 10th centuries and from there the fruit spread to
the rest of Europe. Italian adopted the Arabic word as arancio. French
altered the first vowel to o-, perhaps influenced by the place name Orange
and also by the Old French word or, "gold," in reference to the color. ( The
American Heritage Dictionary ,1969,p:942)

Another examples are : artichoke, ,zenith , doner, kebab ,hashish,

minaret , salaam, sirocco.

Chapter 2. Origins and nature of Some Mediterranean Food
Terms in English

When I think about Mediterranean food, first of all,I think about

pasta,which is not only Mediterranean but also international because it is
used nowdays in many countries and it absolutely delicious.

Pasta is one of the world’s most accessible foods. While pasta is

traditionally Italian, it actually has a very ancient history that makes it
almost impossible to know who came up with the dish first.

The history of pasta is difficult to trace for several reasons. The word itself
translates to “paste” in Italian. This is a reference to the dough, made from
a combination of flour and water or eggs – all simple components that
have been around for centuries. This makes it hard to differentiate pasta
from other ancient dishes made from the same ingredients. In addition,
since pasta has long been a food of the common people, it has not
received as much attention as more extravagant foods.

When we talk about pasta, we must first define the term. The word pasta
is generally used to describe traditional Italian noodles, which
differentiates it from other types of noodles around the world.

Pasta is made from unleavened dough consisting of ground durum wheat

and water or eggs. The use of durum wheat sets pasta apart from other
forms of noodles. Durum wheat’s high gluten content and low moisture
make it perfectly suited to pasta production. The durum wheat dough is
pressed into sheets, cut into a variety of shapes, and cooked before

While we think of pasta as a culturally Italian food, it is likely the

descendent of ancient Asian noodles. A common belief about pasta is that
it was brought to Italy from China by Marco Polo during the 13th century. In
his book, “The Travels of Marco Polo,” there is a passage that briefly
mentions his introduction to a plant that produced flour (possibly a
“breadfruit tree”). The Chinese used this plant to create a meal similar to

barley flour. The barley-like meal Polo mentioned was used to make
several pasta-like dishes, including one described as “lagana” (lasagna).

Since Polo’s original text no longer exists, the book relies heavily on
retellings by various authors and experts. This, combined with the fact that
pasta was already gaining popularity in other areas of Italy during the 13th
century, makes it very unlikely that Marco Polo was the first to introduce
pasta to Italy.

19th Century Maccaronaro Sellig


Picture 1.

Like so much of southern Italian life, the Arabic invasions of the 8th
century heavily influenced regional cuisine. Today, the presence of Arabic
people in the south of the peninsula during the Middle Ages is considered
the most likely reason behind the diffusion of pasta.

The modern word macaroni derives from the Sicilian term for kneading
dough with energy, as early pasta making was often a laborious, day-long
process. How these early dishes were served is not truly known, but many
Sicilian pasta recipes still include typically middle eastern ingredients,
such as raisins and cinnamon, which may be witness to original, medieval

Pasta’s popularity is mentioned by the 14th-century writer Boccaccio. In
his collection of earthy tales, The Decameron, he recounts a
mouthwatering fantasy concerning a mountain of Parmesan cheese down
which pasta chefs roll macaroni and ravioli.

In the 1390s Franco Sacchetti, another poet and writer of tales, also tells
how two friends meet up to eat macaroni. They both eat from the same
dish, as was the custom of the time, but one of them has more of an
appetite than the other: “Noddo started to pile the macaroni together, roll
it up and swallow it down. He had sent six mouthfuls down the hatch while
Giovanni’s first one was still on the fork. He did not dare put it in his mouth
as the food was steaming.” (

Throughout the Middle Ages, until the start of the 16th century, pasta
dishes were markedly different from those eaten today. Not only was pasta
cooked for longer—there was none of the modern-day preference for pasta
al dente—it was also mixed with ingredients that would seem surprising
now, often combining sweet, savory, and spicy flavors.

Pasta was considered a dish for the wealthy, taking pride of place in
aristocratic banquets during the Renaissance. For example, Bartolomeo
Scappi, a papal chef in the middle of the 16th century, created a third
course for a banquet consisting of boiled chicken accompanied with ravioli
filled with a paste made of boiled pork belly, cow udders, roast pork,
Parmesan cheese, fresh cheese, sugar, herbs, spices, and raisins.

This 14th-century Italian miniature shows two stages in pasta making.

The woman to the right is kneading the dough while her colleague is
hanging cut strips of vermicelli—little worms—to dry on a rack. Much later,
a thicker variation of vermicelli developed, today known as spaghetti.

Sursa: (

Picture 2

Saverio della Gatta’s early 19th-century take on a popular artistic genre,

portraying the “macaroni eaters” of Naples.


Picture 3.

What blends very well with any type of pasta is cheese. Cheese is one of
the most varied foods loved by a lot of people in the world. Its taste can be
of any combination of these flavors: salty, tangy, sweet, creamy, bland,
buttery, pungent, sharp, rich or delicate. It may be hard enough to chip off
in flakes or soft enough to have a consistency like a mayonnaise.

Cheese dates back to before recorded history, perhaps as far back as

6,000 B.C.E. We know that cheese was part of the Sumerian diet, 4000
years before the birth of Christ, made from both cows’ and goats’ milk and
stored in tall jars. Egyptian tomb murals circa 2000 B.C.E. show butter and
cheese being made, and other murals which show milk stored in skin bags
suspended from poles demonstrate a knowledge of dairy husbandry.

Picture 4.

An enormous variety of cheeses are made, in virtually every country on

earth. Cheese varieties have been developed with the milk from a broad
spectrum of animals—including the reindeer in Scandinavia, the boar in
Africa, the water buffalo in Italy, the yak in Tibet, and the mare in Russia.

Gorgonzola 879 C.E. Parmesan 1597 Stilton 1785

Roquefort 1070 Gouda 1697 Camembert 1791
Cheddar 1500 Gloucester 1697

The Bible has references to cheese, with perhaps the most famous
tale recounting David carrying cheese to his troops just prior to him
slaying Goliath. But, very recently, an even older cheese discovery was
made much farther north when a cache of 7500- year-old pottery cheese
strainers were found in modern-day Poland. These Neolithic people were
dairy farmers, not just hunters, so their relationship with animals is more
complex than was once supposed.

Legend said that nomadic tribes of Central Asia who carried milk in
animal skin bags “discovered” cheese. They carried milk in saddlebags
made from animal skins, and possibly made from the stomach, which
contains the coagulating enzyme known as rennin.   Or, fermentation of
the milk sugars would cause the milk to curdle. The galloping motion of
the horse, acting as churning, would effectively separate the milk into
curds.   The result, curds and whey, provided a refreshing whey drink as
well as curds, which would be drained through perforated earthenware
bowls or woven reed baskets, and lightly salted to provide a tasty and
nourishing high protein food.   However, any people with milking animals
would have “discovered” cheese and yogurt in a similar way.

During the Ancient Greek period, cheese continued to be eaten.  In Greek,

cheese is called fornos, which makes reference to the basket where the
cheese was deposited and separated from the whey. The name for cheese
in other languages were derived from this greek word, such as fromage in
French or formaggio in Italian. There is a Greek tradition that affirms that it
was the Gods who showed the mortals how to make cheese. Indeed, in
Greece there was an abundant consumption of cheese. 

Homer, in the eighth century BC, referred to this food in one of his texts of

the "Odyssey" when speaking about the giant Polyphemus milking his
sheep. Of the milk obtained, half he left to curdle and the other half he
drank. The Greeks added spices, nuts and fruits to the cheese for its
consumption. Some condiments that they used were raisins, flour,
almonds, virgin olive oil or honey.

Picture 5.

Herbs is also an ingredient that is used also from antiquity and also
today. The use of plants as herbs has been important to all cultures since
long before history was recorded. Hundreds of tribal cultures have used
wild and cultivated herbs for medicinal and food purposes for thousands of
years. Herbs are mentioned in Genesis, the first chapter of the Bible, and
throughout its text. As civilizations developed so did the knowledge for the
use of herbs.

The study of herbs is well-documented. Evidence of early herb gardens

dates to Europe in the Middle Ages. Egyptian schools of herbalists have
existed since 3000 B.C. Scholars were interested in herbs medicine,
cosmetics, cooking, history, and folklore. Most herbs are symbolic. For
example, borage (Borago officinalis) was given to those who needed
courage, while rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) was given to others for
remembrance. In the past, herbs were only available during the warm
months of the growing season, and at other times consumers had to
purchase dried herbs. Today, the business of producing fresh herbs for
consumption has become one of the fastest growing industries in
agriculture. The United States produces about 200 billion pounds of herbs
and spices per year.

Hippocrates (460-377 BCE) used many herbal remedies in his practice and
wrote the famous words “let your foods be your medicines, and your
medicines your food.” In his writings, he preserved the medical practices
of the Greeks and Romans. He incidentally wrote about the medicinal
properties of willow bark and how it could be used for fevers and pain.

During the 1800’s, scientists began synthesizing active compounds from
willow to make aspirin.

During the Middle Ages, the Benedictine monasteries were a place for
medicinal studies and where many herbs were grown, studied and
employed in medical treatments. It was in these monasteries that the
ancient Greco-Roman and Arabic writings on medicine were translated.


Picture 6.

“In most cases, [the use of herbs and spices] was aimed not so much at
making the food more tasty but rather masking the taste of food that was
no longer fresh, or even spoiled.  Spoilage was not a major problem with
cereal grains and legumes.  But it was more of a problem with the less
easy-to-conserve oil plant seeds and, of course, a major one with fish,
fowl, meat, and animal products such as milk.” — Kiple F. Kenneth The
Cambridge World History of Food,2000,p:150)

“Herbs, the very essences of the natural world, rich in mineral salts, do not
need complicated recipes. They respect food, complement it, and bring
out its flavor.” — Kiple F. Kenneth The Cambridge World History of

The first recipes were recorded in Mesopotamia, the land between

the Tigris and Euphrates River.  Cuneiform tablets reveal the
ingredients and cooking techniques of the ancient Mesopotamians,
which included the use of arugula, dill, coriander, cress, fennel,
marjoram, mint, mustard, rosemary, rue, and thyme.  There is also
reference to sahlu and zurumu, herbs that have not been identified. 
Similar clay tablets from ancient Mycanea (in Greece) recorded recipes

that called for coriander, fennel, and mint. (Freedman, Paul. Food: The
History of Taste.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007.p: 525)

Picture 6.

In this chapter I tried do develop and to emphasized the origins of three

mediterranean food terms : pasta,cheese and herbs and the ideea of their
originality which is well mark in the sources that I found related that these
three types of food are very old and they remain through time some
fenomens in our kitchen.

These three ingredients have an old history,even from Middle Ages and
remain current even today because of the taste and the flavour succeded
to make them entire masterpieces,the proves with I try to support what I
said are the pictures which shows the age of these ingredients.

No matter how much time will pass I think that some types of foods will
remain and no just in culinary form but also added in medicine and also
remain fixed in our vocabulary.

Chapter 3. Translating Mediterranean Food Terms from

English to Romanian
This chapter highlights a small part of what Mediterranen food means
beacause I tried to find some representative terms to prove that their
existence represent the Mediterranean quintessence so I choosed this
three terms: pasta,cheese and herbs and I considered that this three terms
could be more than Mediterranean,I think they are international.

To demonstrated their origin and last but not least their translation I asked
for help and I received from the books that I used : Sinclair,Dictionary of
Food,International Food and Cooking, Harold Mc Gee,On Food and
Cooking,The Science and Lore of the Kitchen, Hildebrand & Kenedy ,The
Geometry of Pasta, Harbutt,World Cheese Book, WALTER W. SKEAT,Concise
Etymological Dictionary of English Language , Kindersley ,Encyclopedia of
Herbs,Spices and Flavorings.
These books and dictionaries helped me to outline an idea about what
should I write about,so I started write about pasta knowing is a
Meditrranean dish, I start to search for pasta names which are not so well-
known,so I choose : Agnolloti,Bucatini,Canederli,Cannelloni,Capelli
Then I give the term some definitions in English so I could translate them,
also I tried to give them a method of translation and some synonyms.

Then I continued with the second type of Mediterranean food which I think
is also representative for my title, so I choose Cheese many types of
cheese : Fresh Cheese : mozzarella,cottage cheese,ricotta,chevre
continuing cu Hard cheese : Kashkaval,Parmesan and Blue Cheese: Bleu
de Quercy and Bleu de Causses ending with Semi-soft Cheese: Bou de
The last category I spoke about is representive of Herbs, considering the
base element in any mediterranean dish I choose to translate some
interesting terms such as: Fine Herbs: Chives,Dill,Angelica,Chevril, Bitter
Herbs: Tansy,Hyssop,Coriander,Bee Balm Aromatic Herbs: Bassil,Marjoram
and Oregano ,Rosemary.

This chapter outline some ideas, some definitions and translations about
some specific food terms,I also try to give something different to my work
by adding some unsusual terms to translate,I also think that this topic it
was great one so I hope you enjoy it.

The English word pastry Italian pasta, and French pâte and pâté all
go back to a suggestive group of ancient Greek words having to do with
small particles and fine texembroidered veil.
A later Latin derivative, pasta, was applied to flour that had been wetted
to a paste, then dried,it led to Italian pasta and to pâte meaning dough.
Pâté is a medieval French word that was given originally to a chopped
meat preparation enclosed in a dough, but eventually came to name the
meat preparation itself, with or without enclosure.
Pie was the near equivalent of the original pâté in medieval English, word
had less to do with doughs than with odds and ends: it came from magpie,
a bird with variegated coloring that collects miscellaneous objects for its
The postmedieval evolution of pasta took place largely in Italy. Pasta
makers formed guilds and made fresh types from soft wheat flour
throughout Italy, dried types from durum semolina in the south and in
Italian cooks developed the distinctive preparation style called
pastasciutta or “dry pasta,” pasta served as the main component of the
dish, moistened with sauce but not drowning in it or dispersed in a soup or
With its ideal climate for drying raw noodles, a tricky process that took one
to four weeks, Naples became the center of durum pasta manufacturing .
(Sinclair, 1989p:148)

3.1 Corpus presentation and Analysis
3.1.1 Pasta

Term: Agnolotti
Romanian Translation Equivalent: Agnolotti
Translation Methods: Borrowing
Synonyms: agnellotti, agnulot, angelotti, langaroli, langheroli, piat
Definition of the term Translation of the term
A Piedmontese stuffed pasta which Pastele umplute originare din zona
was born as a way of using left-over Piedmontese,s-au născut ca o
meats, agnolotti are made differenly modalitate de a folosi carnea tocată ,
depending on the meat available, local pastele agnolloti se fac în mod diferit
habits, and the preferences of the în funcție de carnea disponibilă, de
cook. To prepare the stuffing, various obiceiurile locale și de preferințele
kinds of roasted and boiled meats are bucătarului.
used separately or in combination, and Pentru prepararea umpluturii cu
a cured meat is always included. diferite tipuri de carne tocată și fiartă
Agnolotti can be served in a broth, folosite separat sau în combinație, iar
tossed with melted butter and fresh carne conservată este întotdeauna
sage, or lavished with a truffle sauce inclusă.
or gravy from roast.( Harold Mc Gee,On Pastele Agnolotti pot fi servite într-un
Food and Cooking,The Science and Lore of the bulion îmbibat într-un unt topit și
Kitchen,New York,pag100)
salvie proaspăta, sau lăsat cu un sos
In accordance with ancient custom,
de trufe sau sos de roșii.
different fillings were made for
În conformitate cu vechiul obicei, au
feasting days (i.e. normal ones) and
fost făcute diferite umpluturi pentru
fasting days .
zile de sărbătoare (adică zile normale)
A half-moon-shaped ravioli stuffed
și zile de post.
with minced lamb and onion sautéed
 Ravioli în formă de jumătate de lună,
in butter mixed with boiled rice or
umpluți cu miel și ceapă tocată în unt
spinach, cheese and seasoning.
amestecat cu orez fiert sau spanac,
Served after cooking in standard
brânză și condimente.
fashion, sometimes tossed in meat
Servit după gătit, conform trdiției,
pan juices. Also called pazlache.
uneori îmbibați în sucuri de carne.
(Harold Mc Gee,On Food and Denumit și pazlache.
Cooking,The Science and Lore of the
Kitchen,New York,pag105)

Term : Bucatini -Diameter: 3mm Length: 260mm Wall thickness: 1mm

Romanian Translation Equivalent: Bucatini
Translation Methods :Borrowing
Synonyms: boccolotti (from boccolo, ‘ringlet’ or ‘roll’), fidelini bucati,
perciatelli (from the French ‘percer’– to pierce); in Sicily agoni bucati,
spilloni bucati (‘hat-pin-with-a-hole’)
Definition of the term Translation of the term
Their name stems from buco (hole), or Numele lor provine din buco (gaură)
bucato (pierced), and the hole has a sau bucato (străpuns), iar gaura are o
specific function. A pasta with a large funcție specifică.
cross-section takes a long time to Pastele cu un diametru mai mare
cook. Above a certain diameter the necesită mult timp pentru a fi
form would take so long to cook from gătite.Peste un anumit diametru ,
dry that the outside would be formei i-ar lua atât de mult penrtu a fi
overcooked before the middle was al gătită încât exteriorul ar fi ars înainte
dente. (al dente Italy Cooked to be ca mijlocul să fie al dente.
firm to the bite. Used of pasta or  Aceste forme sunt, prin urmare,
vegetables. întotdeauna proaspete, astfel încât
These forms are therefore always interiorul, deja hidratat de apa cu care
made fresh, so that the inside, already pastele au fost fierte, sa poată fi gatit
hydrated by the water the pasta was mai repede.
made with, takes less time to cook. Pe de altă parte, Bucatini este un
Bucatini on the other hand are an sortiment de paste industrial extrudat
industrial, die-extruded pasta (the (echivalentul modern al Maccheroni
modern equivalent of maccheroni inferrati,iar procesele de fabricație și
inferrati , , and the manufacture and distribuție necesită uscarea produsului
distribution processes require that the înainte de ambalare.Soluția ingenioasă
product be dried before packaging.The este gaura fină care îi dă numele

ingenious solution is the fine hole that acestui tip de paste.
gives this pasta its name.
(Sinclair, Dictionary of Food,International Food
and Cooking Terms from A to Z,Second

Term : Canederli – Diameter 42

Romanian Translation Equivalent: Canederli
Translating Methods: Borrowing
Synonyms : Gnocchi di Pane, Canedeli, Knödel
Definition of the term Translation of the term
Canederli are bread dumplings only Canederli sunt găluște de pâine care
found in the north-east of Italy se găsesc numai în nord-estul Italiei
(Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli, and part of (Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli și o parte
Veneto), where they are served as a din orașul Veneto), unde sunt servite
first course or as a main entree. ca fel întâi sau ca intrări principale.
Variations of this dish are common in Variațiile acestui fel de mâncare sunt
all south-eastern Europe, where they comune în toată sud-estul Europei,
are also served as an accompaniment unde sunt servite și ca
to meat stews and roasts. The word acompaniament pentru tocăniţe și
‘canederli’, in fact, derives from the fripturile de carne. Cuvântul
German and Austrian ‘knödel’ "canederli", de fapt, derivă din
(dumplings). "knödel" germană și austriacă
Canederli can be considered part of (găluște).
‘cucina povera’ (cuisine of the poor), Canederli poate fi considerat parte din
as they are made of simple and "cucina povera" (bucătăria celor
inexpensive ingredients: stale bread săraci), deoarece sunt făcute din
moistened with milk and bound with ingrediente simple și necostisitoare:
eggs and a small amount of flour. pâinea veche umezită cu lapte și
However, the mixture is often enriched îmchegată cu ouă și o cantitate mică
with cheese and Speck (a kind of de făină. Cu toate acestea, amestecul
smoked prosciutto also typical of the este adesea îmbogățit cu brânză și
north-east regions). Speck (un fel de prosciutto afumat, de
asemenea, tipic regiunilor nord-est).

Term: Cannelloni -Length: 100mm Width: 30mm
Romanian Translation Equivalent: Cannelloni
Translating methods: Borrowing
Synonyms: cannaciotti, canneroncini, canneroni, manfriguli or manfrigoli
in Valtellina; cannerone or cannarone in Naples; cannarune in Puglia;
cannoli, crusetti in Sicily.
Definition of the term Translation of the
Large squares of thin pasta which are Pătrățele mari de paste subțiri, care
first poached, then rolled around a sunt mai întâi fierte apoi rostogolite în
stuffing to form tubes which are jurul unei umpluturi pentru a forma
placed in a dish, covered in a sauce, tuburi care ulterior sunt plasate într-un
possible gratinated with cheese and vas, acoperite într-un sos, eventual
baked in the oven.(Sinclair, Dictionary of gratinate cu brânză și coapte în
Food,International Food and Cooking Terms cuptor.
from A to Z,Second Edition,1998)
Cannelloni sunt foi de paste înfășurate
Cannelloni are sheets of pasta
în jurul unui cârnat alaturi de
wrapped around a sausage of filling
umplutură și coapte în cuptor.
and baked. .
Numele lor provine din canna (cane),
Their name derives from canna (cane),
astfel cannelloni înseamnă "stuf mare"
thus cannelloni means ‘large reeds’ –
- aceeași tulpină ca cannella
the same stem as cannella (cinnamon
(scorțișoară - "stuf mic").
– ‘little reed’).
Ideea de a umple aluatul de foi cu o
The idea of stuffing a soft pastry with
umplutură savuroasă nu este nouă în
a savoury filling isn’t new in Europe –
Europa – clătitele noastre din
crêpes have been around for ever, and
totdeauna, iar referințele la maceroni
references to macheroni ripieni date
ripieni datează din jurul anului 1770 –
back to around 1770 – but cannelloni
dar cannelloni au fost pentru prima
were first mentioned in print at the
dată menționați intr-un tipar la
beginning of the 20th century, likely
începutul secolului al XX-lea , probabil
the time they were invented .
timpul în care au fost inventați.
Their popularity took off and went
Popularitatea lor s-a dezvoltat și a
global after the Second World War, for
devenit globală după cel de-al Doilea
the dual reasons of their ease of
Război Mondial, din doua motive, a

advance preparation (they can be usurintei lor de pregatire (pot fi
made ready to go in the oven even the pregătite să meargă în cuptor chiar și
day before), and being the symbol of cu o zi înainte) și fiind simbolul fericirii
domestic bliss the housewife at her eterne- gospodina la cuptorul ei alb,
gleaming white enamel oven. strălucitor.
The pasta can be replaced with a Pastele pot fi înlocuite cu o
crêpe in all recipes, if that seems crepetă/clatita în toate rețetele, dacă
easier or better to you; in both forms, aceasta vi se pare mai ușoară sau mai
cannelloni are equally popular in Italy, bună ; în ambele forme, cannelloni
the UK, the USA and Spain, Catalonia sunt la fel de populare în Italia, Marea
in particular. Britanie, SUA , Spania si în special în
(Hildebrand & Kenedy ,The Geometry of Catalonia.
Pasta,Baxtree,Page 50)

Term: Capelli d’Angelo Length: 260mm Diameter: 1mm

Romanian Translation Equivalent: Parul ingerului
Translating Method: Word-for-word Translation
Synonyms: capelvenere, ramicia, or in Calabria capiddi d'angilu, vrimicid
Definition of the term Translation of the
Aceste subțiri,fine fire de paste
These thin, thin strands of pasta denumite si "părul îngerului" sau
(‘angel’s hair’ or ‘little worms’) can be "viermi mici"pot fi o provocare în
a challenge in the modern kitchen: bucătăria modernă: se gatesc foarte
they cook very fast, overcook easily, repede, se împletesc cu ușurință, iar
and their fine texture can become textura lor fină poate deveni terci dacă
porridgy if served in a thick sauce – este servită într-un sos gros , deoarece
they have no backbone to hold it up. nu au coloana vertebrală pentru a o
It was a different challenge that led susține. A fost o provocare diferită
them to be so highly esteemed during aceea de a le permite sa ajunga atat
the Renaissance. de apreciati in timpul Renasterii.
Specialist nuns would make them in
Călugărițele de specialitate le-ar fi
their convents, particularly to feed to făcut in mănăstirile lor, în special
new mothers, as the pasta was pentru a se hrăni proaspetele
believed to help their milk to ‘drop’. mamici , deoarece se credea că
Hildebrand & Kenedy ,The Geometry of pastele ajută laptele să "curgă".
Pasta,Baxtree,Page 50)

3.1.2 Cheese

Evidence of cheesemaking dates back to 2800 BCE, but the discovery

of cheese would have come about as a happy accident. Any milk left to
warm by a fire or stored in a sack made from the stomach of an animal
would have soured, causing the milk solids (the curds) and liquid (the
whey) to coagulate and separate—allowing humans to learn that their
most precious commodity, milk, could be preserved in the form of cheese
and, eventually, that rennet, an enzyme found in the stomach of the milk-
producing animal, was the coagulant. ( Harbutt, 2009,2015)
Cheese varieties have been developed with the milk from a broad
spectrum of animals—including the reindeer in Scandinavia, the boar in
Africa, the water buffalo in Italy, the yak in Tibet, and the mare in Russia.
( Collin’s Etymological Dictionary ,London and Glasnow,Collin’s Clear-Type

3.1.3 Fresh Cheese

Term: Mozzarella (Italy)

Romanian Translation Equivalent: Mozzarella

Translation Method: Borrowing

Synonym: mozzeta

Definition of the term Translation of the term

A cheese made from pasteurized or O brânză obținută din lapte

unpasteurized cows’ or water buffalos’ pasteurizat sau nepasteurizat de vaci
milk that has a mild and creamy flavor. sau de bivolițe de apă, care are o
The curd is knead and stretched while aromă ușoară și cremoasă.
hot until it reaches the desired
Branza dulce este fragedă și întinsă în
timp ce este fierbinte până când
It can be sold fresh or packed in a ajunge la consistența dorită.
salty brine. Mozzarella is usually used
Poate fi vândut în stare proaspătă sau
in pizza and lasagna, but it can also be
ambalat într-o soluție salină sarată.
eaten fresh with olive oil and
Mozzarella este de obicei folosită în
seasonings, or as filling to sandwich.
pizza și lasagna, dar poate fi mâncată
proaspăt cu ulei de măsline și
condimente, sau ca umplutură la

Term : Cottage cheese( UK and USA)

Romanian Translation Equivalent: Brânza de vacă

Translation Method: Adaptation

Synonyms: curd cheese. farm  cheese. farmer's cheese.

Definition of the term Translation of the term

A creamy, lumpy cheese that has a O brânză cremoasă, care are o usoara
mild, sweet flavor. It is made from aroma dulce. Este fabricat din lapte de
pasteurized or unpasteurized cow’s vacă pasteurizat sau nepasteurizat, cu
milk, with curds drained but not coaja drenată dar nu presată.
pressed. Cottage cheese is sold in
Brânza de vaca este vândută în cupe
cups and pots. It can be eaten by
și vase. Se poate mânca si simpla, cu
itself, with toast, fruits and can even
pâine prăjită, fructe și poate fi chiar
be used in salads.
utilizată în salate.

Term: Ricotta (Italy)

Romanian Translating Equivalent: Urdă

Translation Method: Free Translation

Synonyms: cottage cheese

Definition of the term Translation of the term

A creamy, fluffy and grainy cheese O brânză cremoasă, pufoasă și

that tastes mildly sweet. The casein in granulată, care are un gust dulce.
milk is filtered away from whey during Cazeina din lapte este filtrată din zer
production process. It can be made în timpul procesului de producție.
from the milk of sheep, cow, goat or Poate fi făcut din lapte de oaie, vacă,
buffalo. Ricotta is usually used as a capră sau bivol.
sauce thickener or dip, or as an
Ricotta este de obicei folosita ca un
ingredient in lasagna, cheesecake,
sos de ingrosare sau inmuiere , sau ca
pizza, calzone, cassata and ravioli.
ingredient în lasagna, cheesecake,
pizza, calzone, caseta și ravioli.

Term: Chevre (France)

Romanian Translation Equivalent: Brânză de capră

Translating methods: Adaptation

Synonyms: goat cheese

Definition of the term Translation of the term

Also known as Goat cheese, chevre De asemenea, cunoscut sub numele

has a tangy, tart-like earthy flavor with de branza de capra, Chevre este o
a distinctive aroma. It is made from brânză acră cu un soi de aromă
pasteurized or unpasteurized goat’s stricată. Acesta este facut din lapte de
milk. capră pasteurizat sau nepasteurizat.
Branza proaspata Chevre are o textură
Fresh chevre has a slightly chalky
ușor calcaroasă și o aromă de lămâie.
texture and a lemony flavor. It can
Ea poate avea multe forme si
come in many shapes and sizes such
dimensiuni precum : rotundă, lungă și
as round patties, loaves and
Aceasta poate fi consumată ca o

It can be eaten as a snack or dessert, gustare sau un desert, și sunt, uneori,
and are sometimes flavored with herbs aromată cu ierburi și condimente.
and spices


3.1.4 Hard cheese

Term : Kashkaval
Romanian Translation Equivalent : Caşcaval
Translating methods: Free Translation
Synonims: Yellow Cheese
Definition of the term Translation of the term
A hard, scalded ewes’ and cows’ milk O brânză tare de lapte de oaie și de
cheese made from spun curd in the vaci, brută, fabricată din branza dulce
Balkans with an aromatic salty flavour în Balcani, cu aromă si gust sarat și
and which has been ripened for 2 to 3 care a fost maturată timp de 2 până la
months. Similar to Cacio Cavallo. Also 3 luni.
called ,kachkaval. (Sinclair,Dictionary of
Similar Cacio Cavallo. De asemenea,
Food,International Food and Cooking Terms
numit, caşcaval.
from A to Z,Second Edttion,1998,p:150)

Term: Parmesan
Romanian Translation Equivalent: Parmezan
Translation Methods: Borrowing
Definition of the term Translation of the
A very hard Italian grating cheese with O brânză italiană foarte tare, cu o
a strong and distinctive flavour made aromă puternică și distinctă, obținută
from unpasteurized skimmed cows’ din lapte de vacă degresat
milk. The curds are heated and packed nepasteurizat. Coaja este încălzită și
into very large circular moulds and împachetată în matrițe circulare foarte
matured for well over 2 years, ending mari și maturată timp de peste 2 ani,
up with a pale straw colour and a terminând cu o culoare de paie palidă
black rind. When grated it is used on a și o crustă neagră. Când este rasă este
wide variety of Italian dishes. The folosit pe o mare varietate de feluri de
composition depends on age, at 18 mâncare italienești. Compoziția
months it is 27% water, 37% fat and depinde de perioadă , la 18 luni este
31% protein. 27% apă, 37% grăsime și 31%

Term : Parmigiano Reggiano (Italy )

Romanian Translation Equivalent: Parmigiano Reggiano
Translating Method: Borrowing
Definition of the term Translation of the
The finest and most authentic Unul dintre cele mai fine sortimente de
Parmesan cheese, made in squat parmesan,îndesate in diferite forme de
barrel shapes (up to 35 kg) which are butoaie pana la 35 kg si care sunt
salted in brine and turned and brushed sărate în saramura si curăţate regulat.
regularly. It is unique to its particular Este unic pentru regiunea sa specifică
region and although it may be made și, deși poate fi făcut în orice moment
at any time it has special names al anului are nume speciale în funcție
according to the date of manufacture, de data de fabricație, "maggengo"
‘maggengo’ April to November and aprilie-noiembrie și "invernengo"
‘invernengo’ December to March. decembrie-martie.
The non-winter period can also be Perioada non-iarnă poate fi de
split, ‘ditesta’ April to June, ‘agostano’ asemenea împărțită, "ditesta" aprilie-
or ‘di centro’ July and August and iunie, "agostano" sau "di centro" iulie
‘tardno’ September to November. One și august și "tardno" din septembrie
year old cheeses are called ‘vecchio’ până în noiembrie. Brandurile de un
and two year old ‘stravecchio’. Always an sunt denumite vechi și străvechi "
stamped with the name. It may be de doi ani. Întotdeauna ștampilate cu
eaten young as a dessert. numele. Poate fi mâncat proaspăt ca
un desert.

Term: Lancashire cheese (England )

Romanian Translation Equivalent : Branza de Lancashire
Translating methods: Free Translation
Definition of the term Translation of the
An excellent white melting cheese O excelenta branza topita alba,cu o
with a crumbly texture. When new it textura friabila.Când este proaspată
has a mild flavour but this develops as are o consistenţă usoară care ulterior
it matures especially if made with se mareşte în special dacă este facuta
unpasteurized milk.. din lapte nepasteurizat.

Term: Caprino semicotto (Italy)

Romanian Translation Equivalent: Brânză de capră semi-gătită
Translation methods: Adaptation
Definition of the term Translation of the term
A hard scalded-curd goats’ milk O branză curată, tare de lapte de
cheese from Sardinia made in a drum capră, originară din Sardinia, făcută
shape. The cheese is brined, drysalted într-o formă de tobă. Brânza este
and ripened for at least 3 months. sărată, uscată și maturată timp de cel
puțin 3 luni.

3.1.5 Blue Cheese

As I found in Dictionary of food , Sinclair’s Dictionary of food (1998) blue

cheese means that it was inoculated with various species of Penicilium
using needles,to encourage the growth of the blue-green fungus within the
.( Sinclair,Dictionary of Food,International Food and Cooking Terms from A to Z,Second

Term: Cabrales (Spain )

Romanian Translation Equivalent: Cabrales
Translation methods: Borrowing
Definition of the term Translation of the
A distinctive, strongflavoured, smooth, O brânză distinctă, puternic
semi-hard cheese made from cows’ aromatizată, netedă, formată din lapte
milk in Austria, sometimes blueveined de vacă originară din Austria, uneori
and sometimes wrapped in leaves. cu mucegai și uneori înfășurată în
Ripened for 5 to 6 months in limestone frunze. Maturată timp de 5 până la 6
caverns. Contains 30 to 35% water, luni în caverne de calcar. Conține 30
31% fat and 28 to 30% protein. Also până la 35% apă, 31% grăsime și 28
called Cabraliego, Picón, până la 30% proteine. De asemenea,
Sinclair, 1998: 121 numit Cabraliego, Picón.

Term: Bleu de Quercy( France)

Romanian Translation Equivalent: Mucegai albastru de Quercy
Translating method: Borrowing
Definition of the term Translation of the term
A soft blue cheese made in Aquitaine O brânză moale mucegăită făcută în
from cows’ milk. It has a strong flavour regiunea Aquitaine din lapte de vacă.
and a greyish-green natural rind. Are o aromă puternică și o crustă
Sinclair,1998:125 naturală cenușie.

Term: Bleu des Causses (France)

Romanian Translation Equivalent: Mucegai albastru de Causses
Translating method: Borrowing
Defintion of the term Definition of the
A soft blue-veined cheese made from O brânză moale cu mucegai făcută
the milk of cows pastured on Les din laptele de vaci, pășunat pe Les
Causses (high limestone pastures) in Causses (pășuni de calcar înalt) în
southern France. The paste is firm, rich sudul Franței. Pasta este fermă,
and evenly veined.. bogată și uniformă.

Term : Blue Cheshire (England)

Romanian Translation Equivalent: Mucegai albastru de Cheshire
Translating method: Borowing

Definition of the term Translation of the term
A blue-veined Cheshire cheese made O brânză Cheshire cu mucegai , făcută
in 8 kg cylinders and ripened for up to în cilindri de 8 kg și maturată timp de
6 months. It has a strongflavoured până la 6 luni. Are o pastă galbenă
warm yellow paste. caldă aromată

3.1.6 Semi-Soft Cheese

Term: Limburger
Romanian Translation Equivalent: Limburger
Traslation methods: Borrowing
Definition of the term Translation of the
A very strong-smelling, soft, surface- O brânză foarte puternică, mirositoare,
ripened cheese originally from fină, maturată pe suprafață, originară
Belgium, then adopted in Germany din Belgia, implementată apoi în
and now made worldwide. It is made Germania și realizată acum în întreaga
from pasteurized full cream cows’ milk lume. Ea este produsă din lapte de
started with Streptococcus lactis and vaci de lapte pasteurizat complet
S. thermophilus to develop acidity, amestecat cu Streptococcus lactis și S.
coagulated with rennet, the curd thermophilus pentru a dezvolta
formed into small bricks, dry-salted, aciditatea, coagulată cu cheag
ripened at high humidity for about 10 rezultând cașul format sub forma unor
days until the surface develops a red cărămizi mici, sărate ,uscate,
colour, then further ripened at lower maturate la umiditate ridicată timp de
temperatures until finished. aproximativ 10 zile până când
suprafața dezvoltă o culoarea roșie,
apoi se coace la temperaturi mai
scăzute până la terminare.

Term: Bou de Fagne (Belgium )

Romanian Translation Equivalent: Bou de Fagne
Translating method: Borrowing

Definition of the term Translation of the

A small soft brickshaped cheese made

O brânză de marime mică, brună,
from cows’ milk. The paste has a
facută din lapte de vacă. Textura are
pleasant taste and aroma with a few
un gust plăcut și o aromă plăcută,
holes. The rind is orange-yellow with a
continând câteva găuri. Coaja este
slight bloom.
galbenă-portocalie, cu un mucegai

Term : Burgos (Spain)

Romanian Translation Equivalent : Burgos
Translating method: Borrowing
Definition of the term
A soft mild scalded-curd cheese made O brânză moale ușoară, brută, formată
from ewes’ milk around the town of din lapte de oaie în jurul orașului cu
the same name. It has an even același nume. Are o pastă uniformă
textured paste without holes and is fără găuri și este turnată în discuri de
cast in 1 to 2 kg discs. Often 1 până la 2 kg. Adesea îndulcită și
sweetened and used as a dessert. folosiă ca desert. Conține 65% apă.
Contains 65% water.

3.1.7 Herbs
3.1.8 Fine Herbs

Term : Chives
Romanian Translation Equivalent: Arpagic
Translating method: Free Translation
Synonims: onion
Definition of the term Translation of the

From  Middle English  cyve, from Old Din Engleza Veche cyve si din
French cive,from Latin cepa (“onion”) Franceza Veche cive,din Latina cepa
Rich in vitamins A and C, chives are a (ceapa)
member of the onion family. Indeed, Bogat în vitaminele A și C, arpagicul
their flavor is reminiscent of onion, but este un membru al familiei cepei. Într-
more delicate because they contain adevăr, aroma lor aminteste de ceapă,
less sulfur. When finely snipped, their dar mai delicată, deoarece conține mai
bright green color makes them an puțin sulf. Atunci când sunt bine
attractive as well as flavorful addition finisate, culoarea lor verde
to dishes. They are one of the classic strălucitoare le face să fie o atracție
fines herbes along with parsley, precum si aroma adițională la feluri de
tarragon, and chervil, and they marry mâncare. Acestea sunt una dintre cele
well with egg dishes, like omelets, and mai frumoase plante aromatice,
with eggbased sauces. Long cooking împreună cu patrunjelul, tarhonul și
diminishes their flavor, so it is best to chervilul, și potrivesc bine cu feluri de
add them to dishes at the last minute. mâncare precum ouă,omeletele, și cu
Chive flowers can be sprinkled into sosuri pe bază de ouă. Coacerea lungă
salads for added eyeappeal and flavor. diminuează aroma, deci este mai bine
A handful of chopped chives is the să le adăugați la feluri de mâncare în
perfect finish for just about any salad, ultimul moment. Flori de arpagic pot fi
soup, or sauce, adding to the taste as presarate în salate pentru o aromă si
well as the presentation( Lambert prezentare . O mână de arpagic tocată
Elisabeth, Encyclopedia of este finisarea perfectă pentru aproape
Herbs,Spices and Flavorings, orice salată, supă sau sos, adăugând
Kindersley,inc,New York,1992,p:20) gustul și prezentarea

Term: Dill
Romanian Translation equivalent: Mărar
Translating method: Free Translation
Synonims: dillweed
Definition of the term Translation of the
For the ancient Romans, dill was a Pentru vechii romani, mărarul era un
symbol of vitality; for the Greeks, it simbol al vitalității; pentru greci, a fost
was a remedy for the hiccups. In the un remediu pentru sughiț. În Evul

Middle Ages, it was believed to he a Mediu, se credea că este o protecție
protection against witchcraft, împotriva vrăjitoriei, deși, de fapt,
although, in fact, dill was an ingredient mărarul era un ingredient în multe
in many magic potions. In the kitchen, poțiuni magice. În bucătărie, mărarul
dill is prized both for its seeds and its este apreciat atât pentru semințele
leaves, and each has its own sale, cât și pentru frunzele lor, fiecare
distinctive taste. având propriul său gust distinctiv.
Both forms are widely used in the Ambele forme sunt utilizate pe scară
cuisines of Scandinavia, Germany, and largă în bucătăriile din Scandinavia,
Central and Germania, și Central și Europa de Est.
Eastern Europe. In addition to culinary În plus față de utilizarea culinară,
use, dill seeds are also known for their semințele de mărar sunt cunoscute și
soothing digestive properties. pentru proprietățile digestive
(Lambert Elisabeth, Encyclopedia calmante.
of Herbs,Spices and Flavorings,
Kindersley,inc,New York,1992,p:21)

As a conclusion I can say that dill is an ancient herb with all kinds of
amazing qualities, not just in cooking but aso in medicine. Not only does it
make an amazing dip and secret ingredient in egg salad, but it also
contains healing properties known for centuries. The Egyptians used it for
everything: from calming colicky babies, calming the nerves, and soothing
upset stomachs

Term : Angelica
Romanian Translation Equivalent : Angelica
Translating method : Borrowing
Synonims: Garden Angelica,Wild Angelica,European Angelica
Definition of the term Translation of the
The herb angelica was named, according Această plantă angelica a fost
to folklore, after an angel appeared in numita potrivit folclorului după un
plague-ridden Europe and showed a monk înger care a apărut în Europa plină
the angelica plant as a cure.  de ciumă și a arătat unui calugăr
Although best known in the form of planta angelica ca find leac.
crystallized stems used as decoration on Deși cel mai bine cunoscut sub
cakes and desserts, all parts of this formă de tulpini cristalizate, folosit
strongly aromatic plant can be eaten. The ca decor pe prăjituri și deserturi,
fresh leaves can be added to tart fruit toate părțile acestei plante
dishes, such as stewed rhubarb or puternic aromatice pot fi
gooseberries, where they will help to consumate. Frunzele proaspete
reduce acidity and their sweetness will pot fi adăugate la feluri de
minimize the need for sugar. Young shoots mâncare rubarba rosie sau
can be blanched and added to salads, and coacăze, în care acestea vor ajuta
all parts of the plant, fresh or crystallized, la reducerea acidității, iar dulceața
can be used to imbue homemade jellies lor va reduce la minimum nevoia
and jams with a delicate flavor. de zahăr. Lăstarii tineri se pot albi
Angelica can be used in fruit syrups to și se pot adăuga la salate și toate
make a pleasant summertime drink, or părțile plantei, proaspete sau
enhance a salad of winter fruits. The dried cristalizate, pot fi folosite pentru a
leaves, when infused as a tisane, are said impregna jeleuri de casă și blocaje
to calm the nerves and remedy cu aromă delicată.
indigestion. The dried seeds can be added, Angelica poate fi utilizată în
along with the stems, to flavor spirits such siropurile de fructe pentru a face o
as gin, vodka, or vermouth. In some băutură plăcută în timpul verii sau
countries, the stems and roots are boiled pentru a spori o salată de fructe
and served as a vegetable. de iarnă. Frunzele uscate, cand
(Lambert:1992p23) sunt infuzate ca ceai, se spune că
calmează nervii și remediază
indigestia. Semințele uscate pot fi
adăugate, împreună cu tulpinile,
pentru a aroma băuturi spirtoase,
cum ar fi gin, vodcă sau vermut.
În unele țări, tulpinile și rădăcinile
sunt fierte și servite ca legume.

As a final result I can say that this plant Angelica is also used in medicine
and it is a truly cure for various diseases included cancer. Angelica has a
close relationship with spirits because of its smell and taste which gives

Term : Chervil
Romanian Translation Equivalent : Asmățui
Translating method: Free translation
Synonim: Parsley
Definition of the term Translation of the
Chervil is a hardy annual that grows Asmățuiul este un voinic anual , care
wild in clamp, shady spots. Chervil is crește în sălbăticie strânse în pete
one of the first herbs to appear in umbroase. Chervil este una dintre
spring, it is easy to grow, and prefers a primele plante care apare în
moist climate. One of the fines primăvară, este ușor de cultivat și
herbes , it is essential in French preferă un climat umed. Una dintre
cooking, often supplanting parsley, cele mai fine ierburi , este esențială în
which it does resemble although the bucătăria franceză, deseori înlocuind
leaves are more feathery, and the pătrunjelul cu care seamănă doar că
flavor is reminiscent of anise. frunzele sunt mai pufoase, iar aroma
Chervil is used much like parsley, but aminteste de anason.
it is very delicate; long cooking or high  Asmățuiul este folosit la fel ca
temperatures should be avoided. It is pătrunjelul, dar este foarte delicat; ar
at its best when sprinkled over a salad trebui să evitați gătitul îndelungat sau
just before serving. temperaturile înalte. Este cel mai bine
(Lambert: 1992,23) când este presărat peste o salată chiar
înainte de servire.

As a conclusion I found out that the chervil is the first herb that appears in
spring and it’s very used in French cuisine and it’s the brother of parsley
with small differences.

Term: Tarragon
Romanian Translation Equivalent: Tarhon
Translating methods: Partial Equivalence
Definition of the term Translation of the term
Tarragon, with its subtle and Tarhonul , cu aroma sa subtilă și

sophisticated flavor, is an essential sofisticată, este o plantă esențială în
herb in French cuisine. Native to bucătăria franceză. Nativ din Siberia,
Siberia, it became a common culinary a devenit o plantă comună culinară în
herb throughout Europe by the toată Europa până în secolul al XV-lea.
fifteenth century. The Latin name, Numele latin, însemnând "micul
meaning "little dragon." derives from dragon"care derivă din convingerea
the medieval belief that it was an medievală că era un antidot pentru
antidote for the bites of venomous mușcăturile animalelor veninoase.
animals. Wine vinegar perfumed with Oțetul de vin parfumat cu tarhon este
tarragon is a classic, while the reverse un clasic, în timp ce frunzele inverse
—tarragon leaves preserved in vinegar de tarhon conservate în oțet sunt o
—is a delicious and practical use for utilizare delicioasă și practică pentru
abundant plants. Fresh or preserved îndesirea plantelor . Frunzele
leaves can be mixed with cream proaspete sau conservate pot fi
cheese, or pureed with cream and amestecate cu brânză topită sau
used for canapes. There are two pudră cu cremă și folosite pentru
closely related forms of this valuable tartine . Există două forme strâns
culinary herb: French, or "true" legate de această plantă culinară
tarragon, and Russian tarragon. valoroasă: Franceză, sau tarhon
Because of its delicate anise-like adevărat , și tarhon rusesc. Datorită
flavor. aromelor delicioase de anason.
French tarragon is the preferable type, Tarhonul francez este tipul preferat,
although it is harder to cultivate deși este mai greu să de cultivat,
because it seldom sets viable seed. deoarece rar setează semințe viabile.
Russian tarragon grows easily from Tarhonul rus crește ușor de la
seed but has a slightly bitter, more sămânță, dar are o aromă ușor amară
pungent flavor. și mai iute

As a conclusion I can say that tarhon is one of the finest herb,it is called
little dragon because of his form with ramifiction.Is is used also as a
spice,it is sayed also that the French tarragon is the best
in culinary used.

Term: Borage
Romanian Translation Equivalent: Limba mielului
Translating method: Semantic Translation
Definition of the term Translation of
the term
Borage came originally from the Limba mielului a venit inițial din
Middle East and now grows wild in Orientul Mijlociu și acum crește
Mediterranean countries. It is a very sălbatic în țările mediteraneene. Este
large, pretty plant, with velvety gray- o plantă destul de mare, drăguță, cu
green leaves and beautiful, star- frunze verzi cravate verde și flori
shaped, vivid purple flowers: it is said violete frumoase, în formă de stea ,se
to lift the spirits, banish melancholy, spunea că alungă spiritele, pedepsea
and give courage. melancolia și dădea curaj.
It is a favorite of bees, because the  Este un favorit al albinelor, deoarece
flowers are filled with nectar. Although florile sunt umplute cu nectar. Deși
its use in the kitchen is limited, the utilizarea sa în bucătărie este limitată,
leaves give a refreshing cucumberlike frunzele oferă o aromă de castravete
flavor to drinks and salads. răcoritoare băuturilor și salatelor.
In China, the leaves are stuffed and În China, frunzele sunt umplute și
rolled like grape leaves, while the laminate ca frunze de struguri, în timp
Germans add the large leaves to stews ce germanii adaugă frunzele mari la
and court bouillons. It is a traditional tocană și bulionului de curte. Este o
part of the Pimm's No. 1. a gin-based parte tradițională a Pimmului nr. . o
drink that was created about 100 băutură pe bază de gin, care a fost
years ago by the proprietor of Pimm's creată acum 100 de ani de către
London restaurant. For a more proprietarul restaurantului Pimm din
elaborate garnish, crystallized flowers Londra. Pentru o garnitură mai
can be used. elaborată, pot fi folosite flori
(Pimm's is a brand of gin-based fruit cristalizate.
cup, but may also be considered a

(Lambert,1992: 26)

3.1.9 Bitter Herbs

Term: Tansy
Romanian Translation Equivalent: Vetrice
Translating method: Free Translation
Synonims : cow bitter,bitter buttons
Definition of the term Translation of
the term
Tansy is a hardy perennial herb native Vetrica este o plantă perenă durabilă
to Europe. With its yellow buttonlike originară din Europa. Cu ciupercile
clusters of flowers and fernlike leaves sale galbene de flori și frunze de
it makes a decorative garden plant. frunze fac o plantă decorativă de
The Greeks and Romans regarded it as grădină. Grecii și romanii au privit-o ca
a symbol of immortality, while in Tudor pe un simbol al nemuririi, în timp ce în
England the dried leaves were plaeed Tudor, Anglia frunzele uscate au fost
in beds and elosets to repel insects așezate în paturi și elosuri pentru a
and vermin. In the seventeenth respinge insectele și viermii. În secolul
century, tansy tea was regarded as a al șaptesprezecelea, ceaiul de vetrice
stimulating tonic. It was once widely a fost privit ca un tonic stimulant.
used for its internal cleansing and Odată a fost folosit pe scară largă
purifying properties, although this is pentru proprietățile sale interne de
now considered dangerous. Tansy is curățare și purificare, deși acest lucru
also one of the bitter herbs of the este acum considerat periculos.
Jewish Passover. Because of its bitter Vetricele este, de asemenea, una
flavor, culinary uses for tansy are dintre ierburile amare ale Paștelui
limited, although it has been a Evreiesc. Datorită gustului său amar,
traditional ingredient in many cakes utilizările culinare pentru tansy sunt
and puddings. A "tansy" can also refer limitate, deși a fost un ingredient
to a dessert made with tansy leaves, tradițional în multe prăjituri și budinci.
served at Easter, and young leaves Vetricele se poate referi, de
and shoots can be used in salads, asemenea, la un desert făcut cu
omelets, and stuffings. frunze de vetrica, servit la Paște, iar
(Lambert:1992,27) frunzele tinere și lăstarii pot fi folosite
în salate, omlete și umpluturi.

As a result I can say that tansy it is used as a flavoring

for puddings and omelets, also it can be very dangerous in inappropriate doses

because his taste is very bitter and can be even toxic,may cause
dermatitits,and because of his toxicity it used also as insecticide.

Term: Hyssop
Romanian Translation Equivalent : Isop
Translating method: Partial Translation
Definition of the term Translation of the term
This is an herb of great antiquity. Aceasta este o plantă apaținând
Frequently mentioned in the Bible antichiății. Frecvent menționată în
from Moses to John the Baptist. it was Biblie de la Moise la Ioan Botezătorul.
also venerated by the Arabs. a fost deasemenea venerată și de
The ancient Greeks boiled it with arabi.
honey and used it as a cough remedy. Vechii greci au fiert-o cu miere și au
Much used as a medicinal herb in the folosit-o ca remediu pentru tuse.
past, hyssop is also used to flavor Foarte folosită ca plantă medicinale în
liqueurs, such as the French trecut, isopul este folosit și pentru a
Chartreuse. aroma lichioruri, cum ar fi Chartreuse
The flavor is rather bitter, with a trace Aroma este mai degrabă amară, cu o
of mint, and some herbalists even find urmă de mentă, iar unii botanisti au
an overtone of rue. In the kitchen, it găsit chiar si sub străzi subterane. În
can be added to soups and stews, and bucătărie, se poate adăuga la supe și
a few fresh leaves will enliven a salad. tocană, iar câteva frunze proaspete
Hyssop is also used in tisanes, and vor însuflți o salată. Isopul este, de
when infused in a sugar syrup it can asemenea, utilizat în ceaiuri de plante
be added to fruit desserts. A fragrant și atunci când este infuzat într-un sirop
plant in the garden, it attracts both de zahăr, acesta poate fi adăugat la
bees and butterflies and has been said deserturile de fructe. O plantă
to discourage the cabbage butterfly parfumată în grădină, atrage atât
from damaging the vegetable patch. albine, cât și fluturi și se spune că
descurajează fluturele de varză
împotriva deteriorării grădinii de

The plant hyssop it is used also in cooking but not only hyssop is believed
to have soothing, expectorant, and cough suppressant properties.
Hyssop has been used for centuries in traditional medicine in order to
increase circulation and to treat multiple conditions such as coughing and
sore throat and can stimulate the gastrointestinal system.
Herb hyssop leaves are used as an aromatic condiment. The leaves have a
lightly bitter taste due to its tannins, and an intense minty aroma. Due to
its intensity, it is used moderately in cooking. The herb is also used to
flavor liqueur, and is part of the official formulation of Chartreuse.

Term : Coriander
Romanian Translation Equivalent: Coriandru
Translating method: Borrowing
Synonims: Chinese parsley, culantro, yuen sai
Definition of the term Translation of the
Native to Southern Europe as well as Este originar din Europa de Sud,
the Middle and Far East, this ancient Orientul Mijlociu și Orientul Îndepărtat,
annual herb, a member of the carrot această plantă anuală antică, un
family, is one of the most popular membru al familiei de morcovi, este
herbs in cuisines around the world. una dintre cele mai populare plante
Coriander is a pretty plant, with white, din bucătăriile din întreaga lume.
pink, or pale mauve flowers and Coriandrul este o plantă drăguță, cu
delicate light green leaves, a little like flori albe, roz sau de culoare galbenă
flat-leaf parsley. Bunches of the fresh și frunze delicate de verde deschis, un
herb are available in some fel de patrunjel din frunze plate.
supermarkets and gourmet stores, and Ciorchini de plante proaspete sunt
seeds are always on spice shelves. All disponibile în unele supermarketuri și
parts of the plant are used, and each magazine de mâncare , iar semințele
has its own distinct flavor. The leaves sunt întotdeauna pe rafturile de
have a faint overtone of anise, and the condimente. Toate părțile plantei sunt
seeds are vaguely reminiscent of folosite și fiecare are propria sa aromă
orange peel. The root is widely used in distinctă. Frunzele au un accent slab al
Thai curries and other Southeast Asian anasonului, iar semințele amintesc
dishes, and it tastes like an intensified vag de coaja de portocale. Rădăcina
version of the leaves. One of the bitter este utilizată pe scară largă în curry-ul
herbs eaten at Passover, coriander is thailandez și în alte feluri de mâncare
mentioned in the Bible, and seeds din Asia de Sud-Est, și are un gust ca o
were found in the tombs of the versiune intensificată a frunzelor. Una
pharaohs. dintre ierburile amare mâncate la
The leaves are favored in cuisines Paște, coriandrul este menționată în
throughout the Middle East, Spain, Biblie și se găsesc semințe în
Portugal, and Mexico. mormintele faraonilor.
 Frunzele sunt favorizate în bucătăriile
din Orientul Mijlociu, Spania,
Portugalia și Mexic.

The coriander is one of the well-known herb on the planet is has numerous
benefits,also used in cooking and medicine,it used from old times even
from the time of the pharaons .
The fresh leaves are an ingredient in many South Asian food ; in Chinese,
Thai, and Burmese dishes; in Mexican cooking, particularly
in salsa and guacamole and as a garnish.
Some people are allergic to coriander leaves or seeds, having symptoms
similar to those of other food allergies In one study, 32% of pin-prick tests
in children and 23% in adults were positive for coriander and other
members of the  Apiaceae  family, including caraway, fennel, and celery.
The allergic symptoms may be minor or life-threatening.

Term : Bee Balm

Definition of the term: Balsam de albine
Translating method: Free translation
Synonims: Wild bergamot, horse mint
Definition of the term Definition of the term
A member of the mint family, bee Aparținând familiei Lamiacea, balsam
balm is native to North America. It’s de albine este nativ din America de
genus name. Monarda, derives from Nord. Este numele genului. Monarda,
the Spanish physician, Nicholas provine de la medicul spaniol,

Monardes, who first discovered and Nicholas Monardes, care l-a descoperit
described it. The North American pentru prima dată și la descris. Indienii
Oswego Indians made an herb tea nord-americani Oswego au făcut un
from the leaves. At the time of the ceai din frunze. În timpul petrecerii
Boston Tea Party, settlers called it ceaiului din Boston, coloniștii au
Oswego tea and drank it instead of tea numit-o ceaiul Oswego și l-au băut în
imported from Britain. The young locul ceaiului importat din Marea
leaves can be used sparingly in salads Britanie. Frunzele tinere pot fi folosite
or stuffings. cu ușurință în salate sau în umpluturi.
The flowers make a colorful garnish, Florile fac o garnitură colorată, fie
either fresh or crystallized. proaspătă, fie cristalizată. Două alte
Two other plants are some times plante se uneori cu balsamul de
confused with bee balm: eau de albine: menta de colț și portocaliu de
cologne mint and bergamot orange. bergamot.
The latter is a small citrus plant with a Acesta din urmă este o mică plantă de
sweet perfume that is grown in citrice cu un parfum dulce cultivat în
southern Italy. sudul Italiei.

Bee balm is such a delightful plant, with its splash of flowers, strong scent,
spicy taste and of course its affinity for bees  It can find its into your
culinary yet be some of our most potent medicine against infections. 
As a spicy carminative herb, bee balm can promote stagnant digestion and
relieve discomforts such as bloating, cramping and excessive gas.

3.1.10 Aromatic herbs

Term : Basil
Romanian Translation Equivalent: Busuioc
Translating method: Free translation
Definition of the term Translation of the
Basil is one of the most important of Busuiocul este unul dintre cele mai
the culinary herbs. The Greek name importante plante culinare. Denumirea
for it means "king," which shows how greacă înseamnă "rege", care arată
highly it has been regarded cât de mult a fost privită de-a lungul
throughout the ages. veacurilor.
There are many types of basil, which  Există multe tipuri de busuioc, care
vary in size, color, and flavor, and all variază în funcție de dimensiune,
can be used for culinary purposes. culoare și aromă și toate pot fi folosite
Purple ruffle and dark opal are two of în scopuri culinare. Violet purpuriu și
the more unusual but useful varieties. opal întunecat sunt două dintre
Basil goes with almost everything, but soiurile mai neobișnuite, dar utile.
it has a special affinity with tomatoes. Busuiocul merge aproape cu totul, dar
Freshly torn basil leaves are delicious are o afinitate deosebită cu roșiile.
on a salad of sliced tomatoes, lightly  Frunzele proaspete de busuioc
seasoned with salt and freshly ground mărunțite sunt delicioase pe o salată
pepper and drizzled with a fruity extra- cu felii de roșii , ușor condimentate cu
virgin olive oil. accompanied by crusty sare și piper proaspăt măcinat și
bread. umplute cu un ulei de măsline fructat
Perhaps the greatest basil dish is extra-virgin însoțit de pâine crocantă.
pestoan Italian sauce of basil, garlic,  Poate că cel mai bun fel de mâncare
cheese, and pine nut—which turns cu busuioc este sosul italian de
spaghetti into a feast, although it can busuioc, usturoi, brânză și nuci de pin
also be used as a marinade. care transformă spaghetele într-o
Bottled pesto can be bought during sărbătoare, deși poate fi de asemenea
the months when it is too cold for basil folosită ca o marinadă.
to grow, which is certainly better than  Pestoul îmbuteliat poate fi cumpărat
having no basil at all. Italian cooks, în timpul lunilor în care este prea frig
however, preserve their prolific basil pentru a crește busuiocul proaspăt ,
crops by filling a jar with the leaves, ceea ce este cu siguranță mai bine
lightly salting them, topping up the jar decât lipsa busuiocului. Bucătarii
with olive oil. closing it tightly, and italieni, totuși, păstrează culturile
storing it in the refrigerator. proaspete de busuioc, prin umplerea
(Lambert: 1992: 40) unui borcan cu frunze mărunțite , usor
sărate , umplând borcanul cu ulei de
măsline. închizându-l bine și
păstrându-l în frigider.

Basil is most commonly used fresh in recipes. In general, it is added at the
last moment, as cooking quickly destroys the flavor. The fresh herb can be
kept for a short time in plastic bags in the refrigerator, or for a longer
period in the freezer, after being blanched quickly in boiling water. Basil is
one of the main ingredients in pesto, a green Italian oil-and-herb sauce.

Terms: Marjoram and Oregano

Romanian Translation Equivalent : Maghiran si Oregano
Translating method: Free Translation
Definition of the term Translation of the
These two perennial herbs are so Aceste două plante perene sunt atât
closely related that they do not need de strâns legate încât nu trebuie să fie
to be classified separately. The name clasificate separat. Numele oregano
oregano derives from the Greek for derivă din greacă pentru "bucuria
"joy of the mountains," which is where munților", unde se dezvoltă soiurile
the wild varieties of this herb thrive. sălbatice ale acestei plante. Ele sunt
They are similar in appearance, with asemănătoare în aspect, mici, moi,
small, soft, sometimes mottled green uneori cu frunze verzi pestrite și cu
leaves and small white or pink flowers flori mici albe sau roz care formează
that form clusters. clustere.
Marjoram has a more delicate flavor  Măghiranul are o aromă mai delicată
and is a gentler herb than oregano, și este o plantă mai fină decât
which is actually a wild variety of oregano, care este de fapt o varietate
marjoram and has a more potent sălbatică de măghiran și având o
flavor. aromă mai puternică.
These herbs are native to the  Aceste ierburi sunt originare din
Mediterranean region, appearing in regiunea mediteraneană, care apar în
many French and Italian dishes, multe feluri de mâncare franceză și
especially tomato-based sauces. italiană, în special sosurile de roșii.
The more robust flavor of oregano is Cea mai putrnica aromă a oreganului
the quintessential pizza flavoring, and este acea aroma chintesențială din
it is also a favorite herb in Greece. pizza și este, de asemenea, o planta
It is one of the ingredients of favorită în Grecia.
commercial chili powder. There are  Este unul dintre ingredientele pudrei
many more wild species, most of de chili comerciale. Există mai multe
which grow in Greece, where they are specii sălbatice, majoritatea crescând
all called by one name, rigani. în Grecia, unde toți sunt chemați cu un
These are more strongly flavored and singur nume, rigani.
coarser than either ordinary marjoram Acestea sunt mai puternic aromate și
or oregano. mai groase decât maghiranul obișnuit
sau oregano.

As a conclusion of this two plants,I can say that both are very used in
every kitchen and are the base of pleanty dishes especially
mediterranean dishes. Oregano is related to the herb marjoram,
sometimes being referred to as wild marjoram. It has an aromatic, warm,
and slightly bitter taste, which can vary in intensity. Good-quality oregano
may be strong enough almost to numb the tongue, but cultivars adapted
to colder climates may have a lesser flavor. 

Term : Rosemary
Romanian Translation Equivalent: Rozmarin
Translation method: Free translation
Definition of the term Translation of the term
The name of this lovely aromatic herb, Numele acestei plante aromatice
with its needlelike leaves and delicate minunate, cu frunzele cu ace și florile
light blue flowers, is derived from Latin delicate albastru deschis, deriva din
and means "dew of the sea." latină și înseamnă "roua mării".
This is appropriate because the plant Acest lucru este adevărat deoarece
is indigenous to the Mediterranean planta este sălbatică din zona
area, where it thrives in the calcium- mediteraneeană, unde se dezvoltă în
rich soil, the dry climate, and the salty solul bogat în calciu, în climatul uscat
sea spray. și în stropii cu apă sarată.
It has a strong flavor that is pungent Are o aromă puternică, înțepată, dar
but undeniably pleasant. In Italy, it is fără îndoială plăcută. În Italia, este
the preferred herb with veal, poultry, planta preferată în mâncarurile cu
or lamb dishes, especially those vițel,în mâncăruri cu carne de pasăre

simmered with wine, olive oil, and sau de miel, fierți cu vin, ulei de
garlic. măsline și usturoi.
This versatile herb tastes good with Această plantă versatilă are un gust
strongly flavored vegetables, jams and bun cu legume puternice aromate,
jellies, and even wine punches. It gemuri și jeleuri și chiar cu must . Ar
should always be paired with lamb; a trebui să fie întotdeauna asociat cu
sprig placed on a roasting leg lends carnea de miel; o crenguță așezată pe
the meat an incomparable flavor. o picior de prăjit dă carnei un gust
incomparabil .


I have started my paper with the evolution of English Language

Vocabulary which I presented in Chapter 1,I tried to develop the some
aspects regarding evolution of the English Language from Old English
Period to Modern English Period, I also tried to describe the events that
took place and what repercussions they had concerning the evolution of
vocabulary of English Langauge,The sources that I have consulted
are :Jepperson ,Growth and Structure of the English
Language,1905,p:162),(Deutschmann Mats, A (very) Brief History of
My second chapter outlines the ideea of Mediterranean food term,the
evolution, forming and spreading them in different countries of the world.
This terms are : pasta,cheese and herbs which I

represented from an etymological point of view. Because I found out that
their origin started even from Old Period and remains even today ,making
our live more beautiful.
I choosed this three terms because I considered interesting with a special
background behind and because they are very well-known.
My purpose in chapter 3 was to develop the ideea that food and
translation can be a source of inspiration,for example the term pasta
which I presented first, has so many terms to speak about and to translate
too. At the same time I tried to choose some terms which I consider
interestin gsuch as: Agnolloti,Canneloni,Capelli d’Angelo ..
There are very specific terms in each language for ingredients,
preparation methods and tasks which means the translator need to be
very informed regarding the denomination of foods.  Food is a very
specialized area in translation and needs to be handled carefully.  
Translation has many things in common with the vast area of food.
The simplest analogy could be the comparison of the act of translation
with the preparation of a dish. Translation begins with an alien text made
up of words that are strung together through syntax and grammar;
similarly, a foreign dish consists of a number of unusual ingredients,
combined in such a way as to create a dish that is acceptable within a
diverse culinary culture.
Also the culture and the country where a specific dish comes from can
influence the translation because the specific terms from a specific region
can be very hard to translate so research need to be done,to find
synonyms of that dish,to find the history of that dish and also the roots.
People influence also the food,because they give the name of a dish,so it
depends of nationality and country and tradition also how the term is
A techique that I used translating food terms is : borrowing meant to o
recreate the flavor of the source language, lots of terms entered in
Romanian Language through borrowing for example pasta terms, I found
that 4 terms from 5 are borrowed from Italian to Romanian.
In point of translation 34 food terms of which 11 term are translate by the
technique of free translation also 16 term entered in Romanian Language
through borrowing,1 terms from word-for-word translation and 3 terms
translated by the technique of adaptation,and by the technique of
semantic translation 4 terms.
So the results outline the idea that the majority of terms are adopted
by the Romanian language through borrowing and this is an amazing fact
because borrowing is the most used technique in every language meant to
develop the characteristics of adaptability and enrich language with new
This chapter highlights a small part of what Mediterranen food means
in point of terminology, I tried to find some representative terms to prove
the Mediterranean quintessence, and translated them through different


 Baugh Albert and Cable Thomas ,A history of English


 Bojji Geert,Models of Inflections, Max Niemeyer Verlag


 Deutschmann Mats, A (very) Brief History of English, M.: Mid Sweden


 Freedman, Paul. Food: The History of Taste,  Berkeley: University of

California Press, 2007

 Harbutt Juliet,World of Cheese,DK New Edition,2015

 Hildebrand & Kenedy ,The Geometry of Pasta,Baxtree,2010

 Harold Mc Gee,On Food and Cooking,The Science and Lore of the

Kitchen, John Wiley & Sons; 1st Collier Books Ed edition,1992

 Jepperson ,O.,Growth and Structure of the English Language, Cole


 John Algeo,The Origins and Development of the English

Language,Cengage Learning,Inc,1964

 Lambert Elisabeth, Encyclopedia of Herbs,Spices


 Lipka Leophard,An outline of Engish Lexicology,Tübingen: Gunter

Narr Verlag,1992

 Kiple F. Kenneth The Cambridge World History of Food, Cambridge

University Press,2000


 Sinclair Charles,Dictionary of Food,International Food and Cooking

Terms from A to Z,Second Edttion,1998

 Collin’s Etymological Dictionary ,London and Glasnow,Collin’s Clear-

Type Press,1962

 The American Heritage Dictionary , American Heritage Publishing

Co./ Houghton Mifflin,1969

 Walter.W. Skeat,Etimological Dictionary of English Language,Oxford

University Press ,1910

Web references

 (

 ( )
 (

 .
519a651eb.pdf )

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 (


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