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tidy messy birthday ticket computer

David and Ann Fox are married. David is a teacher and Ann is a writer. They
are very happy. There is only one problem. David is tidy and Ann is messy.
Today is David’s birthday and Ann wants to surprise him. She buys two tickets
for the cinema. She goes into her computer room to put the tickets on her
desk. She looks at the room. It is very messy. She starts to tidy the room. She
works and works. At last the room is tidy.
At 7 o’clock, David comes home from work. What a surprise! David is very
happy to see the tidy computer room. Ann tells David about the tickets to the
cinema. But where are the tickets? Ann looks on the desk, under the chair and
in her bag. She looks everywhere, but she can’t find the tickets. She looks and
looks. Finally, she finds the tickets. But look at the room. It is messy again!

A. Completa las frases con las palabras que aparecen a continuación.

tickets cinema desk happy tidy

1. Ann’s computer room is a mess. It isn’t ____________ .
2. David and Ann have got tickets for the ____________ .
3. David is very ____________ to see the tidy computer room.
4. The tickets are not on Ann’s ____________ .
5. Ann doesn’t find the ____________ .

B. Rodea la palabra que no esté relacionada con las demás.

1. policeman ✵ computer ✵ writer ✵ teacher
2. on ✵ under ✵ tidy ✵ in
3. desk ✵ chair ✵ table ✵ bank
4. cinema ✵ tickets ✵ restaurant ✵ supermarket
5. dining room ✵ kitchen ✵ bedroom ✵ desk

C. Busca en el texto dos palabras de cada grupo y escríbelas.

1. Places: home
____________ ____________
2. Jobs: ____________ ____________
3. Things in the house: ____________ ____________

Diversificación – Reading Comprehension Photocopiable © B Burlington Books

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