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Text -17 School and schools

by O.Henry
I’d like to tell you about my analysis of the story School and school. It is a very
interesting story written by O.Henry. He is a popular american short story writer,
master of surprise endings. He wrote about the life of ordinary people in New
York city. A twist of plot which turns on an ironic ways.
The theme of the story is relationships between men and women.
The problem of the text is a love triangle in a relationship.
The main idea of the story is that money and prestige are not decisive factors for
the love of one for another.
The story “Schools and schools” is about a naive rich class girl who unlike the
custom of those days, cannot really fit into fashion of upper-class lifestyle. Nevada
could not get a school education due to her irresponsible father. She is sent to her
rich uncle Jerome. She tries hard to hide the fact that she cannot read or write in
front of Jerome, Barbara and Gilbert. She always
ask to read the letters other people to her. The climax is the moment then Nevada
runs to Gilbert’s studio in the middle of the night, in a terrible snow storm. Her
unconditional love towards Gilbert wins his heart and he decided to marry her.
The main characters are Barbara, Nevada, Gilbert and Jerome. Nevada is a naive
girl. She couldn’t read and write, but she is a sensible and honest
woman with her natural charm and childish innocence. Barbara is Nevada’s rival in
everything - in education, accomplishment and wealth\rich, and
most of all, being a potentional bride to Gilbert. Gilbert is an artist and had a
studio. He is adopted son of Jerome. Jerome is rich uncles Nevada.
To create a full picture of the story, the author uses different stylistic
Such epithets “not a very big girl, but strong and good-looking” alows to
describe the characters. Also O.Henry use the simile such as “Western
Witch”. It shows the Barbara's relation to Nevada, because e called Nevada so.
The author want to says about two difference schools. The first school is a way of
life of simple, innocent and soul values. The second school is where the civilized
and educated, learning multiple languages to be competitive
In my opinion, the theme of the story is relationships between men and women.
The problem of the text is a love triangle in a relationship. The main idea of the
story is that money and prestige are not decisive factors for the love of one for
I think, This story is teached us to be not only education, have accomplishment and
be rich but also not forget about human. There is a universality in his stories
teaching the readers the importance of genuine relationships and unconditional
love between men and woman.

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