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“Important events in my life”

Name: Daniela Catalan Lopez

Campus: Linares

Career: Food quality control and process

Level: II

Module: English

Teacher: Alvaro Lopez

Working day: Evening

Date: November 4, 2019


In this work I will announce important events in my life that helped me

to become a great person, starting the day I was born…
“Important events in my life”

1) I was born the august 8, 1997

2) I started kindergarten in 2002

3) I got my first pet “vieja” in 2004

4) I started practicing cheerleading

5) My niece was born in 2014

6) I moved from home (Santiago de Chile to Linares)

7) I changed to school

8) I met my current partner

9) I finished my high school

10) My grandfather passed away

11) I got my second pet “molly”

12) I moved with my partner

13) I started studying at the cft san Agustin, Linares.

At the end of this work, I can remember very important events of my
life, whit people who helped me grow, be better and I realized that
there are many things and people that are worthwhile but we really do
not value them at the moment that they are with us.

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