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Castellanos 1

Andres Castellanos
Mrs. Storer
English 3 Honors: American Literature
January 21, 2020
Socratic Circle Reflection on Emerson and Thoreau
Reflection on Performance
Group Performance
For this Socratic Circle, I had the chance to chance to lead and choose the questions that
would be discussed throughout the activity. The group only touched base on two of the five
topics: Thoreau’s Walden and Emerson’s Self-Reliance. With the former, we discussed about
what Thoreau would consider necessary to be “simplified”; while with the latter, we discussed
his perspective on nonconformity, the value of the trait, the persuasion techniques he used to
convince the reader of his point of view and if they were effective with his audience. While we
were discussing the aspects in today’s world in which Thoreau would agree on being simplified,
the group had only touched base on material goods until Alexander DeGuzman steered the
conversation into a whole new point of view by saying how the author would agree on how
today’s society is to split up and greatly separated by tiny differences, such as race, religion, etc.
Therefore, if we attempt to unite rather than separate, we could live, as Thoreau put it, in a
healthier and stress-free way. Moreover, Itzel also managed to broaden the group’s
understanding of Emerson’s self-reliance by saying how our life is unique and extremely
valuable, therefore it would be a metaphorical suicide (as Emerson puts it) if we waste it trying
to imitate what we are not. Overall, the group managed to deepen the understanding of both
readings through their own points of view.
Individual Performance:
Regarding my personal performance, I would say I had a sense of confidence from the
beginning of the discussion. Said confidence allowed me to feel more open in giving my
perspective on the questions; moreover, it also aided me in expressing these viewpoints in a
clearer and more articulate way. In addition, as the circle leader, this sense of confidence helped
ease the mood for others to feel freer in expressing their opinions and arguments. For instance, as
the discussion began, the group went into an awkward long pause after the question was read
(Thoreau’s Walden: Simplify Question). However, after I started the discussion by stating how
there are too many genders nowadays; I would say that the group felt confident enough as well to
also share their answers without fear of a negative reaction. Moreover, after Itzel argued how
Emerson’s “imitation is suicide” was such a strong thesis; I contributed through the use of
examples. Nonetheless, there is still much area left for improvement within my personal
performance. For instance, I need to refrain myself from constantly participating in order to
avoid hogging the conversation. Moreover, as group leader, I should help invite others into the
conversations to avoid them feeling left out.
Reflection on Content
Thoreau’s Walden and Emerson’s Self-Reliance teach the reader of how it is imperative for
human beings to coexist and unite yet still being unique and distinctive.
Main Points
Thoreau’s text describes how, in order to live a simpler and better life, one should simplify all
that is around them. However, the simplify method goes beyond the individual; it also applies for
today’s society to simplify and unite rather than be separated by the tiny differences such as race,
Castellanos 2

choice of religion, sexual orientation, social classes, etc. Therefore, by disregarding these
differences and uniting, humanity can finally achieve its goal in coexisting and living for each
other. Furthermore, Emerson persuades the reader to become fully independent and unique in
today’s world because by trying to become someone you are not; you are killing your self-
identity. Therefore, if one strives to make his or her life as they want it to be without fear of
public opinion, one can truly be satisfied. Although both of these points may contradict each
other, they correlate in a special way: through both texts, the reader learns how, by living as a
united society, disregarding the variations yet bringing one’s unique passions and talents, one
can truly live a satisfying life.
Through both texts, I am reminded of instances where, if I had chosen to apply their
teachings and methods, the outcome would have been better. For instance, I often do not like to
work in groups because I have minor trust issues when it comes to teamwork. However, a few
years back, I was assigned with a group to create a comic strip. Although the arts were not one of
my talents, I jumped to the conclusion that my team would do next to nothing and decided to do
it by myself. After a few days, the group contacted me asking if they had to do anything because
it would be due the next week and I replied by saying that they did not have to do anything.
However, one group member persuaded me into letting her help with the art because she felt she
could do a good job and was excited to try it, yet I did not want to risk it and told her it was not
necessary. She felt excluded and asked the teacher if she could work by herself, to which the
teacher said yes. As the due date arrived, we presented each of our projects: our team’s
information was above average yet the artwork was somewhat mediocre and did not meet the
teacher’s expectations; on the other hand, my ex-teammate’s artwork exceeded the expectations
from the teacher and was even named the best comic in the class.
Looking back at that instance, I see how if I had chosen to work together, trust in my
team, and let them demonstrate their unique talents, the effort would have been greater and the
results would have gone beyond the expectations.

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