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Letter sound activities

sa First day of class – Introduction and Sticker Chart

All about me worksheet
Explaining about the difference between letter names and
Students think about the words beginning with “s” and “a” songs and write them

ti Students draw giant bubble letter of T and I. Think about the things beginning with t
and I letter sounds and draw the pictures inside.
Teacher calls out words and students decide to go left or right according to the letter
Students copy the words in book and practice blending.
Students learn the actions of the letter sounds. (s a t i)

pn Play pass the sound – each student says one word that starts with “p”. Then “n”.
Play Bingo using flashcards with “p” and “n” objects on them. Call out the objects on
the cards, students tick the objects called.
Students write the lyrics of Jolly Phonics songs in book and practice singing.

cke Practice c k e sounds. Recap all sounds by playing musical statues – when the music
stops everyone picks up a different letters and makes the correct sound.
Play “quickwrite” using whiteboard and pen – teacher says sounds/words and student

Place the objects in the middle of the circle and play eye spy.
Choose some words, clap each sound for the word and then blend them to make the

dgo Play “noisy letters” using the objects. Every child to have an object and when teacher
holds up the sound card that their object begins with they stand up and swap places
with someone else who is stood up.

ulf Chop up the words, students put the sounds together to form a word.
Students draw for a scene by adding the pictures of letter sounds. Talk about the

b ai j Make letter sounds mini book. Draw the pictures for each letter sound and label it.
Sings Phonics songs for all the previous letters.

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