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Design a plant suitable to live in the Rainforest. You may choose some of the
characteristics in the table below and also add ideas/features of your own.

Think carefully about HOW the features will allow it to survive the climatic
conditions and characteristics of the Rainforest.

Spiky Leaves Waxy Leaves Grows Tall Buttress Roots

Long trunk Thin bark Colourful flowers Poisonous surface
Drip Tip leaves Has fruit Used in medicine Layers of leaves
Green leaves Large leaves Strong leaves Long roots

Level 5 Level 6

 Draw your plant and  Draw your plant and colour it (make sure you
colour it (make sure you use appropriate colours)
use appropriate colours)  Label the main features of the plant
 Label the main features  Write a paragraph to describe the features
of the plant you’ve chosen, giving detailed reasons
 Write a paragraph to (supported by facts) for your choices.
describe your plant (use  Explain which layer your plant lives in and what
a range of adjectives) use it has to other plants, animals and humans
and explain why it needs
each feature. Use facts Extension: How might your plant have to change in the
and key terms to future? Global warming is changing the weather – it is
support your choice of getting hotter! What adaptations would your plant have

features for 5a. to make in theSa

Extension: future to cope with these changes? Draw
the altered plant and label these features.

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