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Keyla Walker

Period 6

April 5, 2019

Unit 3 Editorial

Should schools provide smaller classrooms for teachers ?

Does class size matter ? Yes it does, school classrooms should be small because every
student learns at a different pace and it will be hard for students to learn if they’re more than
twenty students in a classroom. Classrooms use to have about only twenty students in a
classroom now there is about thirty-five students in one classroom. Large classrooms can be
difficult for the teachers and students.
Having more students in a classroom can be difficult for the teachers and students
because teachers aren’t able to have one on one time with students and help each of them out
separately.​ Instructors are able to get to know a small group of students faster and tailor their
approach according to the learning styles of the group. Students have a better chance to get to
know classmates in smaller classes and benefit from their comments on assignments and
presentations. In addition, each student’s contribution is acknowledged, particularly in discussion
settings. Students are able to learn from one another based on the contributions they make during
class. It’s also hard for teachers because one adult has to deal with a lot of kids, and some kids
are very hard to handle. The class will get out of hand if the teacher can not control thirty or
more students. You wouldn’t want to be a teacher with more than 30 kids in a classroom, that
can get very stessful.
​ The most common arguments against smaller class sizes is financial. School districts
claim that they cannot afford to reduce the size of classes because it would be too expensive. To
reduce the size of the classes they would have to build more classes and hire more teachers.
However, it is also expensive when students leave public schools to attend private ones.
Research shows that class size is a significant factor in parents’ decisions to send their children
to private schools. Many people believe private schools test scores are way higher than public
schools because public schools are very small so that means the class is small.
According to the Seattle Times, “ ​The idea is popular with parents and politicians alike
— at least 40 states have carried out some kind of class-size reduction in the past 15 years — and
the Legislature in Washington has pledged to reduce average class sizes in kindergarten through
third grade to 17 students by the fall of 2017. Teachers give students more individualized
instruction in smaller classrooms — didn’t pan out when researchers observed what actually
happened in smaller classes.” ​Class size is one of the small number of variables in American
K-12 education that are both thought to influence student learning and are subject to legislative
action. Legislative mandates on maximum class size have been very popular at the state level.
In recent decades, at least 24 states have mandated or incentivized class-size reduction.
In conclusion , having smaller classrooms are beneficial for teachers and students. The larger the
classroom the harder it is for students to learn and focus. 14% of all schools are increasing
capacity, and 8% are over crowding their building size by 25%. What if it was your child in class
and he or she couldn’t focus because all of the students ? Wouldn’t you want a better education
for your child ? For a better education we need smaller classrooms and with smaller classrooms
kids can get a better education.

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