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10,500 BC Who lived on Earth

Did you know that all the world’s most ancient monuments
...line up with the star systems: Orion, Leo and Draco?

The Egyptian pyramids are in the exact shape of the Orion constellation. (luminance reflected in the size of
each pyramid) The central (once hidden and secret) shafts of the great pyramid all point to Orion, Sirius,
Draco, Leo. You might think that the Sphinx is only 6000 some odd years old, but it’s not.

Scientists now know that it’s about 12,500 years old according to the physical wear of the rocks themselves
from thousands of years of heavy rain fall weathering. (Studies by John Anthony West and Prof. Robert
Shock, Boston University) For the last few thousands of years, Egypt has been DRY, so how did the rocks
become SO heavily weathered by RAIN WATER? (Not wind erosion) If you go back to 10,500 BC, you have
your answers.

If you follow the precession of the Earth (the slow wobble of the Earth over thousands of years around the
North Star) you will notice that the Sphinx points right to the constellation Leo on the SPRING EQUINOX of
every year back around 12,500 years ago (10,500 BC)

These ancient sites have been rebuilt MANY times, following the ancient blueprint of the original creators of
these monuments, so they are VERY ancient indeed. Today the Sphinx currently points to Taurus, the Bull,
every spring equinox.

So why is the Sphinx not a bull? Because it was most likely built in 10,500 BC, not 4-6000 years ago.

The ancient temples in Cambodia, have this exact same phenomena.

They are built around an exact representation of the Draco constellation itself. Star for star - an exact
representation of the heavens done with a precision that no Human on Earth today with all the technology
we have can duplicate. And the temples all point to this same constellation, Draco the dragon, on the
equinoxes of about 12,500 years ago, WHEN THEY WERE FIRST BUILT.

How many times have these ancient temples been rebuilt in order to maintain the "message for Humanity"
which we are still uncovering?

There is an underwater ancient monument in Japan which also links to this chain of 10,500 BC. And as we
shall soon see, so will the recent discovery of the ancient pyramids off the coast of Cuba.

Orion, Sirius, Leo and Draco (the Dragon) - The cornerstones (corner-stars) of the ancient world on Earth in
10,500 BC. No matter where you might look in the ancient world, you will come across this same strange

If you are still of the thinking that it was Roswell where the first contact was made - that’s what I call media-
think. It’s easier to believe that project-bluebook and other military science projects have only had ET
contact recently and are just covering that up in the last 50 or so years, which is clearly not the case. ET
contact goes WAY back into the ancient world.
That’s a mightily long time...

Welcome to the outermost edge of the "Matrix"

The age that you are living in RIGHT NOW is the time that the ancient Mayans, Aztecs, Shaman and many
other ancient cultures spoke of: 1987-2012 AD: the "Harmonic Convergence".

The end of "time" as we know it. This was taught to the Humans in that time by a "plumed Serpent"
(REPTILIAN ENTITY?) named, "Quetzalcoatl".

One form of Reptilian species has been evolving right along side the Human race since recorded history,
and they have been interbreeding with us on regular intervals ever since time began for the Human race.
 What would be their motivation for this behavior?
 Curiosity?
 Or perhaps a certain dependency on keeping Humans as captives for some yet
misunderstood purpose?
We shall see as we unravel this secret tale and expose it to the light of truth.

A segment of the Dead Sea Scrolls - from the Testament of Amram:

"I saw ’Watchers’ in my vision... Two beings were fighting over me, saying... and holding a
great contest over me. I asked them, ’Who are you, that you are thus empowered over me?’
They answered me, ’We have been empowered and rule over all mankind.’

They said to me, ’Which of us do you choose to rule you?’ I raised my eyes and looked. One of
them was terrifying in his appearance, like a serpent, his cloak many-colored yet very dark...
And I looked again, and... in his appearance, his visage like a viper..."

It’s all about DNA manipulation and spiritual vision

This encounter that Amram speaks of sounds like more of an interdimensional contact than a classic ET

Since 1987 the vibratory rate (Earth’s ’Schumann resonance frequency’ of 7.83 Hz) has been on the rise
after a very long period of stability, and it’s heading for a multidimensional PEAK around 2012. (14 Hz peak)

The Mayan calendar, with it’s most incredible accuracy, pin points 2012 as the end of a grand cycle of
energy for Humans and ALL life in this dimension. The veil lifts between our world and "their" world by
2012. Human DNA is RE-evolving back into it’s original form against the will of those in power.

Other ETs who live amongst us right now are also mixing their DNA into our own to resist this shift in
paradigm as they fear losing control of Humans in general (after living here as a Human for so long, at
times I understand their fears all too well).
This planet is mid-shift right now!

The vibratory rate of our sun has changed incredibly since 1991 - it’s magnetic poles have flipped over
causing massive solar upheaval. "Time is speeding up", and the battle for the Human soul is on! This shift
is completely natural and happens on a regular occurrence.

Babies who are born with AIDS can now HEAL themselves of this disease with their NEW super-immune
systems due to these extra DNA strands. It’s incredible what these new-born Humans can do! They are
more like ETs than Humans.

Nikola Tesla said,

"EVERYTHING in the universe RESONATES at it’s own frequency, yet they all relate on a
harmonic scale to each other... Understanding my work means understanding the key to the
universe, RESONANCE." (Paraphrase)

Universal existence is like a song, with rhythm and harmonics - and it’s going UPWARDS one octave right

The darkest aspect of the Universe (aka: Satanic influence) has entered our reality here on Earth and has
been "running the show" for some time now (since the last precession cycle?) from WITHIN each end every
individual who finds themselves focusing on CHAOTIC CONTROL and destruction of others through fear.
"Ordo Ab Chaos". (Illuminati/Masonic phrase)

Whether it be for the death of free will or the death of the body, this dark THOUGHT-FORM comes from the
same inner place called "fear". It has infested every aspect of our way of life - AND the life of OTHER-
WORLDLY beings as well. It is a virus in the ’program’, a ’Cancer’ if you will and DOES NOT represent the
RACE, CULTURE or PHYSICAL BODIES of those who have become infected! Humanity is a hybrid ET
race - compare their natural behaviors with that of natural animals of Earth.

Who’s behaving more like a CANCER? The animals? Or the Humans who live in FEAR killing their own
kind needlessly? The "NWO" is very real and has dark, sinister plots which go back as far as the ancient
world and BEYOND to the stars and other dimensions where it began. It’s key power is fear, sadly... How
can this be so?

I’ll answer that with the words of Janet Swerdlow...

"How can a small group of beings gain control over a large group of beings without the large
group even knowing that they are controlled? At first glance, this sounds like an outlandish and
preposterous idea that this even could be done, much less is done. But, take a look at this
small, tight-knit group.

They have every physical need met. They do not have the outside distractions of the average
human. They do not have to think or worry about food, shelter, income, and/or family stability.
The wealth stays in the hands of these self-selected few. Their wealth gives them the power to
create. Their wealth gives them the time to do it, as well as global access to all known

Now imagine this global collective of powerful beings having interdimensional affiliations with ET
consciousness... Getting chills down your spine yet? You SHOULD be! Add to the mix a fear based mindset
and presto!... big problems.

The Draco are here and we’re not going to be able to understand them with our additional fear of their
physical appearance or their secret control. Just picture yourself as a golden ancient warrior when you
encounter any form of "ET", stand in your truth of compassion and love, be fearless of the future, no matter
what it looks like.

You are looking directly in that moment at your own fate made manifest - best to make a new friend than a
new enemy.

Did you know that almost every single "elected" government official a Freemason or "Skull and Bones" member?!
 Don’t you find that just a little strange?
 Coincidence?
 Did you also know that MOST of the US presidents are related to TWO single ancient
"Royal" bloodlines?
Meaning that they might seem to have different last names, but EVERY SINGLE TIME it’s the person with
the MOST ROYAL GENES who gets elected! Think about it.

Elections are a scam - just look at G.W. Bush. If it were actually possible to vote out secret society
members it would be ’illegal’ to do so. This is NOT just a situation which operates in the USA, it’s happening
in EVERY country. They are lying to us and we just sit back and eat it up as we watch the TV pumping our
minds with a FAKE reality. Dare YOU to try to run for president and see what happens!

Grave robbing is not the least of Skull & Bones’ crimes. Many may find it interesting that initiates also drink
wine/blood from a human skull. George W. Bush claims to be a born-again Christian, while John Kerry
claims to be Roman Catholic, yet they will not answer any questions of their affiliation with this Order.

Bush’s conversion came years after his senior year at Yale (i.e. while he was living in Midland, Texas in the
mid 1980s). If his conversion is true, then why won’t he publicly sever his ties with Skull & Bones? Instead,
he gets nervous and annoyed when questioned about it.

The American people (and in fact the whole world is affected by this secret society THROUGH the right arm
of the USA) have a right to know why this college fraternity is so secret that both candidates for the U.S.
presidency refuse to speak of it.

Most importantly, does the oath to Skull & Bones supersede all previous and future oaths (as is common in
occult organizations) such as the presidential oath of office? I think it would matter to most Americans if
Bush or Kerry placed their hands on their Skull & Bones pin (over their heart) as they take the oath as
president. Which allegiance is stronger? Which comes first?

To become a highest degree Freemason (Illuminated 33 rd degree of the Scottish rite lodge), you have to
have FAMILY already in the lodge typically. A reference will only get you through the first three degrees (the
"Blue" degrees) and then you stop or get side tracked along another path. If you are not a "family member",
then you cannot achieve the highest degrees.

You have to have a certain strand of DNA in your body, the SAME strand (which connects all the way back
to the ancient world) which ensures your position of power over the rest of Humanity. Why? Only chosen
bloodlines get this privilege. Which ones, you ask? The ones which have the "Reptilian" DNA encoding.

"Dragon blood lines", also known as the "Anunnaki" in the Sumerian texts. This is their duty on the Earth, to
"manage Humanity" until the return of their gods from other star-systems or dimensions.

Their bloodlines go beyond Atlantis and ancient Egypt back in time to whole other worlds.

How to control anyone at anytime

This is how directed mind/media control is managed.

"The Hegelian Dialectic is a technique commonly used to bring about a desired result. It is a
three step process as follows...

 Thesis - A problem is intentionally created

 Antithesis - Opposition to the problem is created
 Synthesis - The desired result is brought in as a solution
"An example of this was in Germany when Adolph Hitler wanted to pass ’anti-terrorist’
legislation. Hitler wanted the power to detain people without question and hold them in custody
without a court hearing. The people of Germany wanted no such thing. So Hitler had the
Reichtag building burned to the ground. He then blamed terrorists for this terrible crime.

The media portrayed the event as a danger to society and people’s welfare. The people
demanded something be done so Hitler introduced his new anti-terrorist legislation with the
people’s consent. I hope this method sounds familiar to you because it is used in all aspects
and at all levels of society.

Pay attention to the anti-terrorist legislation being passed due to terrorist incidents which are
occurring today. The people who do not understand these things are simply being deceived
and yet know it not."

What’s happening to your rights and freedoms right now? The ’Patriot’ act! REMEMBER THIS before you
turn on CNN and watch the World Trade Center reactionists persuade your thoughts on this matter. Before
you decide what the real cause of the shuttle disaster is, remember everything you’ve learned here.

The 9/11 event is not what it seems - from what we can tell a select group used a remote control system
called "Global Hawk" to take over and steer the jets electronically on that terrible day, then they used
Tesla’s HAARP (in Alaska) to pulse Scalar waves at the buildings turning the steel to jello.


To create fear and to enslave more NWO idealism into our world once again. Steel CANNOT MELT at the
temperatures that jet fuel burns at, PERIOD! (A difference of more than 800 degrees!)

That’s a truth that should keep you awake at night -

Reptile wars

Different groups, cults, secret societies, legions, collectives, and even individuals are fighting over the right
to run this planet "their way". This is happening on ’’EVERY LEVEL’’ - Battle of the bloodlines...

If this were not true then we wouldn’t hear of this from both sides in their attempt to expose the other side
as "evil".

The Draco races which run one nation are against the Draco bloodlines of another nation, and so on, and
so on... There’s never a good reason for war. It’s obvious that the so-called "control of the Human slave
race" is not working all that well as we have learned so much from our "controllers" mistakes. I truly wish
things could be different.

Only when ALL species decide to come together and make peace will there be true peace on this planet!
There ’IS’ NO OTHER WAY! If Humans and Reptoids continue to ignore this fact, both races will possibly
die out during this shift in interdimensional frequency.

Now is the time to realize that we are all ONE relation and not aliens to each other’s genetic history. We are
all mixed blood to varying degrees. Not to mention that souls travel from one side to the other in this great
karmic cycle. To kill off the Draco is to kill of your own brothers and sisters as well, and vise versa.

Then there are the Ancient Ones (not the Anunnaki) who are supposed to return to Earth shortly, the full
blood Reptilians who are feared by the Anunnaki Draco races of Earth... It seems as if Humans are being
held hostage by the Draco - they are attempting to stop all OPEN CONTACT with the positive ETs who
have already arrived on Earth and are here to HELP Humanity. What a mess!

Don’t you just love all this unnecessary fighting?

The following quote comes from a Reptilian soul contact of mine who lives as a Human on Earth presently
as well - this message is SO CRUCIAL for you to understand in your quest for a balanced truth - there are
more than one race of Reptilians involved in this war on Earth - don’t be fooled by single-mindedness:
The Sumerian texts confirm that the "Elder gods" or "Anunnaki" were, in fact, not the first
"gods" on Earth - a race or races known as the "Ancient Ones" pre-dated the arrival of the
"Elder gods/Anunnaki". The Ancient Ones had come from the stars many eons earlier and had
established an extremely advanced culture.

The Anunnaki, although initially accepted, and very technologically advanced themselves,
subsequently caused immense problems after their arrival to Earth and a war broke out. It
seems this was no small battle, indeed, it changed the entire face of the Earth and irrevocably
altered the course of life thereon.

(Note: The planet, Tiamat (Tia-MAAT), was destroyed in this war, which we now call the
asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Mars began to lose it’s atmosphere, which affected
everything on it’s surface eventually, in this war between the Anunnaki and the Ancient Ones.)
The Sumerian texts go on to say that the "Elder gods/Anunnaki" produced/created mankind as
a slave/workforce for them to own and control as a prize for their winning this war. (That’s you
and me...)

Were these Anunnaki the legendary dragons as some have suggested, or do the legends of
these magical creatures and their nebulous world, refer to the ancient race that existed prior to
the arrival of the Anunnaki? Were they eradicated/modified by this invasion/rebellion?

There are many who view the Anunnaki genetic modifications on this planet as an upgrade to
the race of beings existing on Earth at the time, but considering the overweening arrogance
and warlike behavior of the Anunnaki themselves and of some of our world leaders (who claim
to be their descendants through their affiliations with various secret societies such as the
"Freemasonic lodge members"), it makes one wonder.

As a species, man has more genetic defects/diseases than any other.

Was the Anunnaki gene manipulation an upgrade... Or was it in fact a downgrade?

Strangely, it clearly states in the Sumerian texts that the genes of the commander of the army
of the Ancient Ones combined with ANUNNAKI genes were used to "create" man... Sounds
like evidence for the true story behind the "fall from paradise" in the Bible? It may be seen as
odd that the Anunnaki would combine their own genes with that of their ancient ’enemy’,
however it seems that they viewed this as some type of punishment or ’binding of the spirit’ of
the Ancient Ones.

According to Sumerian sacred texts, the "Elder gods" (the Anunnaki), battled with and
destroyed the Ancient Ones, and specifically Tiamat, their queen, the ancient of days, who is
described as a "great wicked serpent" or "mighty dragon". Also described are her many
strange allies - serpent men, dragons, sphinxes (lionmen), centaurs, dogmen and scorpion
men. The titanic battle raged for ten years or more, laying waste to the Earth and its

The Anunnaki eventually won the battle and they divided up parts of the Earth between them.
It is only after this that Humankind was "created" as a slave race. The Anunnaki were a race of
warlords, for they often fought amongst themselves and involved Humans in their endless
power struggles and petty jealousies.

(Note: Jealousy is a dead give-away as for the obvious differences between the different
Reptoid races)

It has been said that the "myths" of centaurs, satyrs, unicorns, dragons, elves etc were the
results of early genetic experiments of the Anunnaki, but the Sumerian texts state the
creatures/monsters were allies of Tiamat.

 Were the original dragons/elves/fairyfolk, in fact, the Ancient Ones spoken

of in the texts?
 Did the Anunnaki destroy a civilization, the mythical "land before time"
(before "common reported time"), and by tampering with genetic codes,
attempt genocide on a global scale and deliberately conceal any memory
of or reference to this civilization?
 Did they teach mankind wonders or did they just twist and pervert ancient
(Note: Some clues are contained in the Vatican secret archives.)

No doubt there were "runaway slaves" hidden in the caverns of the Earth and also other
survivors who had escaped the unwelcome attentions of the Anunnaki and their captive
breeding programs. The texts tell us that there were renegade Anunnaki as well, and it
speculated that Enki himself may have returned to the underworld. From these came the
myths of hollow Earth, shamballah, agartha... and legends of great treasures and mines
guarded by the gnomes.

Elves and Others, may have taken refuge in the mountains and forests and "desolate places",
giving rise to their own "myths". As the world came more and more under the influence of the
Anunnaki, many of these too, may have fled below the surface. It is well documented that
there are vast networks of tunnels and huge caverns beneath the Earth, some caused by
volcanic activity and some artificial in origin. (Note: Many military bases connect with these
deep inner world systems)

Many strange "cults" sprang from these stories, many of which persist to this very day, which in
itself has caused much mischief.

It appears these Elder gods/Anunnaki, were terrified of the Ancient Ones and dreaded their
foretold return, fearing that they would reclaim the Earth and take revenge on them.

(Note: But we have been treated so well by our leaders, whatever gave them anything to

For this reason they devised many "magical" and other occult diverse means to prevent this
from occurring.

(Note: Also military projects such as HAARP - A Global Tesla shield around the planet)

After all, this would mean that the "slave race" that the Anunnaki had "created", and who
contained the genetic codes of the "Ancient Ones" might awaken after global contact with the
Ancient Ones and seek their freedom. One can see why this would cause the Anunnaki
overlords to be terror stricken to lose their control over us and would necessitate stringent
control measures be imposed on Humanity. Thus was born religion and other hierarchical
structures of control, suppression and subjugation.

And what of Humans, the odd genetic consequence of all this meddling? Is this the reason
why Humanity seems to be suffering from collective post traumatic stress disorder? As it says
in the Sumerian texts:

"Man is born of sadness, for he is of the Blood of the Ancient Ones, but has the
Spirit of the Elder gods breathed into him. And his heart goes to the Ancient Ones,
but his mind is turned towards the Elder gods, and this is the war which shall be
always fought, unto the last generation of man; for the world is unnatural."

Does this not imply that the previously understood "natural order" was disrupted in some
fundamental way when the civilization of the Ancients was destroyed?

Is the famous "cradle of civilization", in reality a coffin of a bygone golden age lost in the mists
of time? We are told that civilization abruptly emerged 6,000 to 8,000 years ago in ancient

Could it be that at that time everything was altered by belligerent beings with dubious intent
and ruthless methods?

In the texts the Anunnaki demonstrate their fear and hatred of the Ancient Ones, by describing
them as "crawling chaos" and blaming them for all manner of hideous horror. But the texts also
reveal the Anunnaki themselves, as a fierce, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous
and conquering race, with a vested interest in keeping their "creations" ignorant about their
true origins. (Note: Oh yeah? Where’s the proof?)

That being the case, we can speculate that the ways of the Ancient Ones were diametrically
opposed to those of the Anunnaki. Were the Ancient Ones aware of and did they utilize chaos
theory and the fractal nature of consciousness in the creation of their forgotten world?

And Humanity, blissfully unaware of all this for the most part, still struggles on living the lies
and bearing the terrible karmic burden of these unspeakable deeds. In conclusion it is also
written in the very same Sumerian texts...

"Know that Tiamat seeks ever to rise to the stars, and when the Upper is united to
the Lower, then a new Age will come of Earth, and the Serpent shall be made
whole, and the Waters will be as One"

Source: "Draco S" (name withheld for reasons of privacy)

I can tell you from first hand experience that Reptilian researchers are battling it out right now in this arena.

This truly is ’’REPTILE WARS’’. It seems that many if not ALL Reptilian researchers are under some kind of
influence in their behavior and attitudes towards each other. (Is this evidence of a higher force toying with

This really makes me angry. Why?

Because nothing can be accomplished as long as there is this massive amount of infighting and personal
slander going on, which means all this research is in vain and quite probably somewhat controlled.
Unfortunately I have been dragged right into the center of this mess due to my openness about my identity
as a multidimensional being. I came here to make a difference for the POSITIVE! My motives are open for
all to see. I act on peace, not warmongering.
Warmongers don’t preach peace - they blame others for their problems as "the enemy to destroy"! General
frustrations with Humanity from those who are awake are NORMAL, but not to the point where suggestions
to kill off entire species are the suggested answer.

Its completely arrogant to suggest such a thing. Be aware that extreme amounts of trickery exist in this
field, and many Reptilian researchers will do their best to slander each other behind their backs.

Before the fall of Humanity

A whole other world was once here on Earth, long ago, which today would be completely unrecognizable.

It used to be more like "Star Wars" back in the days of Atlantis, but that time is long gone, yet may soon
 One method was to rule for control of sex, money and the physical pleasures and
entertainment - pure indulgence. (Sound familiar? CIA and the PORN industry preying
upon a sexually STARVED culture out of balance within itself.)

 The other was to rule by spiritual enlightenment and higher understanding primarily.

This was written down in Sumerian text as the battle between Enki and Enlil - two Reptilian brothers.

The final battle which tore a hole in space-time, permanently damaging human DNA, happened back in
Atlantis. (Read Edgar Casey for the details)

The "Sons of Belial" (physical pleasures) seem to have been running the show ever since, while the
survivors of "The law of One" have been attempting to regain control by calling upon their ET contacts for
help this whole time - and once again these laws of "non-interference" have gotten in the way of assistance
for Humanity, and here we are as a result.

Many diverse cultures survived this great catastrophe and global upheaval, but only just barely. Most of this
ancient world is now long forgot as we marvel over the "wonders of the world"...

In Africa and in other surviving cultures they have always had knowledge of the star Sirius "B", a star that
we couldn’t even SEE until the advent of very powerful TELESCOPES!

How did they know of this world, and why were they so influenced by this invisible star?

They also speak of the planet "Tiamat" that was DESTROYED which we now call "the asteroid belt"
(between Mars and Jupiter)

They also say that Mars once had life on it which was transplanted on Earth. (The blond hair, blue eyed
form in particular) Don’t believe that one? Science has said life on Mars ’was’ possible due to the evidence
of massive amounts of MAGNETITE (organic brain component) presently discovered on Mars as well as
the massive amounts of evidence for ancient oceans! Who lived there? Where did they go?

Evidence of a previous catastrophe would be the PLANET WIDE surface crack several times larger than
the Grand Canyon (Valles Marineris) and the volcano, Olympus Mons, larger than Mt. Everest by SEVERAL
TIMES over!

Science seems to be discovering that this was not from the planet’s formation, but an event which
happened later on, more recently.

Valles Marineris                                                                        Olympus Mons

(Not to mention the FACE and pyramids on Mars of the Cydonia region of Richard Hoagland fame)
Q: How could this happen?

A: One possibility is "Planet X", Nibiru or Nemisis, which is a dark star (Brown dwarf or "black
sun") which orbits between deep space (well past Pluto) and Mars, that returns here about
every 3,600 to 30,000 years or so, causing massive "flooding" (the effects of magnetism and
gravity on the ocean and eco systems) and global weather changes.

Little is known about Nibiru except for what’s written in, once again, the Sumerian texts... some
cultures have survived with this ancient knowledge intact. Imagine if you will a planet as dense
and large as Jupiter swinging around the Earth faster than anything known to us currently.

YES! 200 foot high waves would now seem very probable, and indeed the MANY ancient texts speak of
exactly this fact.

Noah and ’the great flood’ for instance. The SUN is also severely affected by this massive sun sized giant
and it’s massive magnetic field, which we have been witnessing since about 1991 as our sun has
completely changed.
When shall Nibiru return? No one has seen it yet, but it’s effect seem to be happening right now all around
us and are increasing every day. Whitley Streiber and Art Bell’s "The coming global superstorm" is a great
book on this subject. Too much to be true? How about a scientific study report on the subject for now?

It would seem that we, at the very least, LOST an INNER BATTLE to some very dark astral entities who
enslaved us on Earth, and we are the "survivors" of that ancient war. ("Atlantis" in power over Humans is a
common corporate theme in their secret symbology and logos)

These "aliens" have been hiding in the 4th dimension (lower astral) ever since, ("The pit" or Hell in the
Bible) manipulating us with fake religions and limited science so they can maximize their time playing with
our spiritual limitations and muck about with our DNA (through alien abductions) and the grid energies of
the planet even further and milk Human energy for all it’s worth - just like in the movie "They Live".

They steal our true history from us and hide it in their "Vatican archives". By now you’ve watched the movie
"Matrix", so you already have some idea what we are up against here. I also hope some of you remember
the TV mini series called "V". All good and varied examples of near probable futures we’ll have to face
sooner or later.

As our planet increases it’s vibrational frequency these (often Reptilian looking) entities are finding it almost
impossible to maintain their alternate Human form. This entire struggle is being watched VERY closely right
now by many diverse beings, worlds and entities beyond our current ability to "sense" them.

Other beings, sometimes referred to as the "ancient astronauts" are returning to Earth also, but not before
we PROVE ourselves worthy... that we can rid this world of certain evil, hateful behaviors from within
ourselves (such as passive-aggressive carelessness about our fellow people, Neo-Nazism against our own
people and fear based reactions to the truth, etc.) We must rid our planet of the dark shadow beings which
now inhabit every aspect of power in both government and secret societies.

This is how the secret controllers of this planet have gotten away with their dastardly deeds and high-level
secrets (black projects like Area 51, Dulce secret underground base, the Philadelphia experiments,
Montauk, HAARP, etc...) for SO long.

Many of these people in power aren’t even "Human" by our civilian terms, but are more "aliens" in nature.
They have deep interdimensional connections. We see only their PHYSICAL BODY rather than their true
form! Well, not for much longer, I can assure you.

More and more Humans are waking up to the fact that Reptilian entities are being witnessed by hundreds of
people, far and wide, in positions of power or influence in this world, and that these beings can shimmer
between forms at will.

It’s getting harder and harder with the Earth’s raising vibrational frequency for these "aliens" to maintain
Human form, and they are being seen more and more every day.

After all, they can’t control a people who discover that they have NOT truly been "free" for over 12,500
years or longer, but rather have been used by "psychic energy vampires" as "live-stock".

Not all Reptilians act this way, just a ROGUE GROUP of beings who are here amongst us, and not even all
of them agree with this plan for total control. In fact many Reptilians ARE doing something about this right
now. We are all individuals, Human or otherwise.


However "spiritual possession" is still a problem and can turn entire leagues of beings into zombified "hive
minded" oppressors - this is the toughest part. It’s this particular "Reptilian DNA" code that many secret
societies desire to keep in power in order to maintain contact with these interdimensional (4 th dimension)
entities, who ’donated’ their Reptilian DNA to Humanity eons ago.

Please note:
 "Group mind" is like a communal collective of consenting individuals, almost telepathic
in nature.

 "Hive mind" is more like ONE mind controlling the entire lot, often with a secret

Gifted psychics can see us ET incarnate souls easily.

There is no such thing as "death", there never was. Energy never dies, it just changes form. Look at all the
cases of near death (NDE/OBE) encounters from all over the world and you will see that this is so. Look
into the writings of Danion Brinkley or Edgar Cayce and you will see this truth.

Many "alien" souls have reincarnated as Human to assist in this shift in consciousness.

We have sought each other out after going within and listening to our inner light, which reminded us of our
destiny. We are a collective of individuals from all over and beyond who share a common love... LOVE and
FREE WILL. We come and go as we please from form to form, planet to planet, dimension to dimension.

I must say that of all the worlds I have rested upon, this one, this time is by far the most frustrating and

To be born here, blinded by birth is no comfortable start to this life, as I’m sure you well know. Going within,
DEEP inside your soul, you too have found answers to your path this life, and your OWN unique lessons
and choices.

Once again I say that this Human body is merely my vessel and is NOT "me". If I could go back and change
my mind about incarnating as Human believe me I would never have come here, it’s far worse than I had
thought, indeed I was ill prepared for the reality of being hated by one’s own people (Humans) for an entire
lifetime, perpetually - It hurts me greatly, and I hurt every single day of my life for speaking out about who I
truly am.

Once I chose to begin there was no turning back as I’d be failing MYSELF if I did. I can be so terribly lonely
for my home at times that I cry for hours to depart from this self-destructive and hate filled world.

I hate to feel this pain and suffer so much while living here and being so powerless to help others who are
so hate-filled towards myself and others like me - but I can only do my BEST to continue. I really hope you
feel this deep within your heart and understand what I say to you right now. I am a peaceful soul, of that
there is no doubt.

Let me give you an easy example of how these interdimensional beings operate: Imagine being a radio, (try
to anyway) LOCKED onto only ONE signal due to years of genetic (hardware) manipulation from long ago,
blind to the existence of other "stations or signals", yet they are just as REAL, just as physical! All you are
aware of is ONE reality (the visual one), and anything outside of that reality just "doesn’t exist", period.

It’s easy to STAY in power with abilities that simply "Do not exist" to us, that seem like "science-fiction" and
"conspiracy theory". You can’t see "radio waves", yet you are told they exist, and have accepted this as
your reality through years of working with these energies utilizing tools such as radio and TV receivers.

Very simple.

It’s very easy to DISMISS something that someone says is "real" when the listener (i.e.: You) does not even
KNOW about such things. You might think these stories "Out of this world" at first until you become
educated in otherworldly affairs and the SCIENCE which proves the existence of other dimensions.
(Cosmic string theory is OLD news to interdimensional beings)

These interdimensional controllers and their "great work" appears like magick to us because we don’t know
any better. ("Natives dazzled by a simple match-stick")

Take UFOs for instance: Are they truly from another star system? Or are they from somewhere much closer
- a parallel dimension? To the interdimensional beings it’s a simple science of control. ALL THAT is about to
change though.

Scientists have admitted that the appearance of "physical" density is just an illusion, and in fact we are all
living, evolving patterns of energy. Now at last science is catching up to what the remaining NATIVE
SHAMAN always knew!.

We are actually 90% empty space and use only 10% of our genetic code as well as our brains. What if the
rest of our DNA was "SWITCHED BACK ON"? We’d suddenly see/feel and LIVE with the rest of the beings
that also inhabit the SAME SPACE as us right now.

By the law of energy movement - the remaining 90% of "us" could carry the other 10% (our physical selves)
to other levels (or states) of being/resonance, including travel to other worlds.

Ever hear the description of a UFOs interior?

"...There was a complete lack of knobs or physical controls... Only a central core which could
hold some unknown type of energy was even visible..."

(Think about that one a minute) Hmmmmm... No knobs or controls? Who needs them if your MIND takes
you where you want to go, right?

"PROJECT BlueBeam"
For years this rogue black budget team has been perfecting the projection of HOLOGRAM technology in
the form of UFO sightings.

Some of these sightings are reported on UFO witness programs to "catalogue and monitor" the public’s
readiness for a STAGED "ALIEN INVASION". (Remember, some ships -UFOs- are SHOT DOWN by the
military using HAARP)

They use the MASSIVE amount of particulates in the atmosphere to bounce lasers off of which in turn draw
a UFO in the air itself. Mexico city has been the hotbed of sightings due to it’s high level of useable
particulates within this hologram technology.

Now the CHEM-TRAILS have reduced visibility to 1/5th the former level on a WORLD WIDE SCALE! (The
stage has been set now for GLOBAL use)

"Project BlueBeam" can make these objects appear SOLID and many are drawn during the day to enhance
the effectiveness of public reaction. If these object become a "threat", the planned reaction is to band the
planet’s people together under ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT to "fight off" the alien invaders.

Remember that this plan goes WAY back, long before RONALD REGAN’S big speech at a TELEVISED
"I often wonder... if our differences, WORLDWIDE, would vanish if we were faced with an
ALIEN threat from outside this world. And I ask you now... IS NOT AN ALIEN FORCE

Remember that one? Think about it. It’s part of a global agenda. Of COURSE these "officials" talk about all
this stuff, constantly! Clinton, Bush... you name it, they deal with it.

They engineered many black budget organizations to deal with these subjects. (NSA, CIA...)

"Global warming" affects our entire solar system?

More activity since 1940 than in previous 1150 years. Expected

solar cycles out of synch. More coronal mass ejections with far
greater intensity. Outermost reaches of magnetic field
demonstrates that our entire solar system is entering some kind of
active plasma particle cloud.

Unexpected polar ice discovered, along with a surprisingly strong

magnetic field.


2500% increase in auroral brightness, and substantive global

atmosphere changes in less than 30 years.


New Van Allen radiation belt, May 1998. Magnetic field displays
increased instability


Unexpected "Global warming", huge storms, disappearance of

polar icecaps


Over 200% increase in brightness of surrounding plasma clouds


Major decrease in equatorial jet stream velocities in only 20 years,

accompanied by surprising surge of X-rays from equator


Massive changes in brightness, increased cloud activity

40% increase in atmospheric brightness


300% increase in atmospheric pressure, even as Pluto recedes

farther from the Sun


Source: NASA and other space observatories world wide.

More Informat

All of these atmospheric and auroral changes are caused by magnetic changes from within each planet -
which is triggered by our own Sun’s recent changes.

"Global warming" is not limited to the Earth presently - and we know that our levels of pollution here on
Earth are obviously not affecting Pluto’s magnetic field or orbital path, so this whole blame game on Human
pollution as the cause just doesn’t add up.

Crop Circles - "Appono Astos"

Recently a Crop Circle Researcher decided to go so far as to carve out the words, "TALK TO US", in a
near-by field where many "agriglyphs" are formed on a regular basis near Stonehenge in England.

The "response" was staggering!

A crop circle appeared which was in the form of ANCIENT FREEMASONIC SECRET TEXT - and it read,

Translation of this 800 year old secret Masonic text is:


How’s THAT for strange?

Another appeared shortly after that one which read,

What do you think they are attempting to tell Humanity?

About the same time there were a series of Agriglyphs which were an exact match of the designs of Nikola
TESLA’s research patents. What do ’you’ think these messages mean?

Time to wake up, dear sleeper, and put the pieces together. ALL of the pieces!

A council for peace has been established for contact day: (COHRA - The Council On Human-Reptilian
Allegiance). Those of us who have collected together within this group know that not all Reptilians are evil,
rather BOTH good and evil exists in ALL BEINGS, Human and non-Human. We have worked on realistic
solutions to these global problems BEFORE this becomes another war.

We are prepared and awaiting contact day now with hopeful hearts so that COHRA can fulfill it’s destiny.
Knowledge is power, ignorance can be fatal bliss.

Silence is not the answer to change one’s reality. ACTION is the true path of the spiritual warrior. Action is
your sword of truth and love is your ship to carry you forward.

BE BRAVE - PASS THIS PAGE ON to those who you feel are able to deal with this information and who
can RESPECT others, and mostly THEMSELVES enough to not just read this, but who can bypass their
"ridicule" programming and understand what is really going on and to act like a mature adult, a mentally
balanced spiritually activated species.

It’s about spirit, hope, peace and inner strength to face the future under some amazing circumstances, but
MOST of all it’s about waking up to a new paradigm from within each and every one of us - a new world

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