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DOC I .q:~ 1 ~~~,Z§S ~~~'!

ooroved for release bv ~SA on 06 -12

6''=''-ICl~~l 11 vU Cll IU Cl - - 2012 pursuant to E .o. 1352a

( I-6.B SfSRBi

WDCSA 350.09 (29 Dee. 45).

s:J"3Jl~CT1 Joint Intelligence .t..ctivities

Your :r.c.-:iora...,Cta of the 2Jth pr-~o51r.._:- cle>&cr collaboration
bct:Hoan the :~vy rep~-t.-:icnt ~:! the ~~ l:cpa.rt.-..c::t i:rtelligenee
a.ctivi tics, wl th the view to.:.:...-d :;avin::; ~-.a"1p.J--.ror a."1.Ci n;:>~y a~C. ob- better re::~t.s is tw1da."1'!y ~:J:~"'!<l and ~ust be clone.

7'~c'!'6 r~~
q':cstion in -::-::,r :ui."lC t:'la t con.:,an.~~oro i."1 i l l levels
o~ t:~:e c:i::~at~.nt oarviceto :-:u:;t be t.'J c.;..:ploi t int.elli~~~r~cc
po'W."1t:ia1 r: tc t!~ iulle:it ai~d J;;~t t-c ;:~r.:li tte<l one! nssi.otec! in trar..s-
Dittir'-3 co::-bat intollio~noe by the no::t !'2picl i:teans. Thie particular
r.ntter Zl"O'•-:S 1ncrc.?.Z!J:t;ly i!:;>ortant \rl.tb the develop-:oont or armored
forces, air forces, Qliciod c.issiles, as -;;csll as r.nval !orces.

There is also the import.ant. rield or !"orei,?1 see--ct intelligence

T:hic;i ;"Q'J. did not f.flGntion in ~t!I" memorandum and which wo develo;>ecl
trotl p:a.cticall.y nothin..:; bo!o~ t~:c n.r to a syotem or vital sibllil'1-
ca..'1co ~ tho ;sar. ;.t ~~ been proposed that this activitJ-• be
placed 1n tha llati Intelligence !."olt."lori ty, i f or when one is
estcibllsbod 1 !or U°le purpose ~ cli:rl:.ating duplication and centr-..J.-
iz.i.nt; d:rection of this activity toward the purposes li:-ich have the
;:reatest ~ir;ni!icc...~ce fro.-:n the vic~1.nt of national. security a!ld p~licy.
::::: t:llr.J: tld.s is a correct vie'io7 o: the ::.attar beca~ the slender I'ISsourccs
~ ha.VE:: L.'1 t:..ia field m-..u.t be c:.mscrve<: anc.i t!':e c=::plicated nature or the
uork to '!.>e purro~ must rece~ve t.~e clo~est c~r.trol 0£ coorC.ination,
covc.:ri.."'l,; dovlces, security of &;u..-ces a."1<1 verificatio~ o~ reports. I see
no rcnso."'l w! will preclude t!lc aszi~nt or aecrot pcrsonr~l to tho
!°'.ichcr cc!lclons of our c;:,nba.t fo:-ces i!' t~:c Ui.."&d arises.

T!-.e:-o is ~n::.~~cr fo.c~ver 1h!.c~ !-..;.s boc:1 bot!-mrin:-: !:iC tor S".>rr.c ti.919
nn. .: t,;~t ~3 tac c:;t=;,lia~. mt of' a. s~:-ctfJ:;; "t;:-:0ro t!ic.i.--e is a dL""Cct and
free cxc!1.anse or all in!'or:::atio:1 wht ch ~y be o! v.tlue to both depa.rt.-
::-ie:nt.D. The f.r-ltiGi1 :;uch an Intollicenco F~:Ch.a...'1.,-"e O!'i'ico as part or
t!ic ~:ar Ca~inot ar.<l I unc!ers'!..a."1<l it ro:-vc<l Yo:· well. T!:ds c~nc-J is
r.c-cd..~, i-"l addition to the ~Taint Allied Co:e-,d.tteo, because of t::O character
or a~ of the infor:.iat1on ir.volved..

I feel thu.t t!"lc c:act pa! tern oi' the :;-;ili-w.r:,• intelllt."Gnco oreaniza-
tion a..'ltl !'unctions of the vs.ri o·.!!i cervices is bounc! to bo acr.:cwh::l.t dependent
o~ t!:j,O or;;:in1zntion l'thich 1G cvcnt:l:ll.l.;r cirectod for tho lU":led forces, -
l:;KJtrJe:lr a oi.~~l.e ciep:i!"k-ent, ~~ c!or1:::...~·ntD or t!u-ee <lepart;c.r;nts and th.'lt

. -
. -"')
DOCID: 3978307

( T6P SES:i:T

the ro1U and missions· or the ee?"Tices mx1 a til':ll determination of

detail.II taUat nait. the act.ton of Con&reH and the Pree1don't9 I do
think, bownert we can at once get, !orard with an examination ot
the essential factors relating to the efficient use of 1ntelHgonce
regardlesn of orc;mrl.zat1on1 and dni8e methoda and tacilitiea 1n
Catmection t!lennri th.

To t!'..ia em I ld.ll <ii...~ct. ?Jajor G&"leral H. A. Craig ot the

r.eµartrnent General st.arr, 'Who 1a heaci.lnci: t.'lo ~ttee 1n the r;ar
r.epart..':lent stud;'4-~ our intel:iizence ;>'lS, to GE?t i."l t.r.>uch, in- with 11.!'lr.cvcr yo-.:. dosi~te,. aith l1 viClf to irtartinc e.n
exa=:l!:o. tio!'! of t!'l'"- problo~:15 ~~tioned in yo·.:.r ::.c;::.)ra.."X!um ano for
ta:d.n; s:;.ch c!ofinltive acti~"1. o.s ma.7 b~ ;io:isible at this tine.


Chi.or ot sto.rt

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