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Microorooessor (<·I' I f)



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l\ticroprocessor Microcontroller
n ~1icruprc)f~.,:s""'r i~ the ht:irl of C'umpl11cr ~hrro Contro ller t~ tht Lc:tn ~> f an
sy; t m1. c-1nh.:-ihk lt ~r, t~TTI .

2) 1t is onl)' ., stnnd alune processor~ so ~1ec,o Con1rullcr has ~ pf\1tecs~or .1long "ith
mcmot;, and I < I ron1poncnts ncCld to be intc-ma1 memory and I U oomf)Clncnts.
l:Onnected e!\.lcm:.dh'.
3) ~k1not)' :lm! l,O h:is 10 b-c connC"ctc1.L " tc-mol}' a.nd J,u ~re alrc:id)' p r c~t'll l. :md dte
~'.\~..:ru;1lly. so lh.e ci.n:ujc bct.:omc$ 'l arbi:. i.nccn\.:!J c i.r i;uj1 ts ~mall.
4) You can't use- it tn compact sysucms You &:.rut use it an compact sysnc-m~.
5) Co!sl ~o r fhe c nt1rc ~y:, tc:n a'j l11~h Cost of lh ~ cnrrrc S}'::;1cm •~ tow
6) Due to cx tcrn~u th(; tot.11
com()1.1lli...,U~. As cxtcm~I ~omponcnt!\!i ,,re- lov. . lurnl pu\\c1
po\,cr consumption is high. TI1crcforc. al is consumpiion is kss. So it can be us~d with
not id-cal for th~ dci..•1c<."S running t.:>n stored. dc\i c-cs runn ing on slun:d powc-r like
po\~ er like hattc-r1c-s. hattc-rie-s.
7) ~lost of tl,c rnitro~ro;cssors do cot hJ\ c ~10s1 of U1c microcontroU~rs offer P')\1..c1-
pio w :T :,;;avi ng fc:Jturts. 50\"inu mod-e.
81 II is mainly L1s.ed in pcrsnn~d cornpu1en.. Jr i" us.c...~ nuinly inn wa!ihing machine. ~1P3
pl.,~crs. mod cmbe,Mct1 s)s~ct11" .

9) l\h~ruprccc»or bas ~
~matlt7 rmm~ t of ~1 icm,eonlroUl'.rr b~s muru r~_gi5tcr. Hence the
rcgi!,tcrs.. so ta10,c op-chnions n c n1cn1ory- progrmns arc os ier to write.

10) M icrupn.lCi:~sors an:- based on Von ~1 icm ('OC1trul lcrs nrc has't~ tm If an nrd
~~umann model architecture

1J) JI i~ 3l pJNX~,, inr: unit (CPU) i0n o It is :i h>·rrodu..:t of the <icvctopmcJ1 t of
!-irtr fe 5 i licnn•i>J'-CJ m1eC'r.ltc,i cf1i~.
"t.. ~ ~ ljf
Ir \\rU[~ 1 CPU a[o:i wit h

olhi1..~ pctipbcr.:ifs_
I:!) It h:as no RA~~ ROl\1 . lnput-Out:pul un its. It has a C PU a long with RA!\1 . ROf\1 . and
tim'9rs. and ~her 1leriphtTJls 0 11 Lhe chip. otb.:r 1,e;riphcrals <.·n1bcdd0d on 3 single chip.

!3) It u~c~ ~n c,ti.rn~l hll ;. ro iri1crf.1ct to ~tt1 ~t""':1 n cni i.:m:1 l co:-tt11111inebuc;.
R Af\1~ RO~ t. 3nd otLcr p~riphcr:1!i;;_

14) 1 he ndvantagc of the mic-roprocc,sor i, Onec a controlk·r as de-signed the structure is

that it has a flc::·obk struccurt". fixt-d . So. lh't' structure of Lhc mkn.100ntrollt'r
is not Ocx iblc.
15) Tit~ prvi1..11.n fo, the Ll11cro p1ve~~Ol CJJ1 \Vhi l~ i1l th~,.~,.,; uf l:tc 1niC-J lh,..l'tHrull~! or-1..~
be cha nged for different ~pplic:--ti r,n". at i" (k"i.en ..:d~ the pr0rr.1n1 i~ comn1on fr1r a111t
16) --n)c cornmon pcripht'ral int~rfacc for &he the mic-rocontrollcr pcrip! in1crfaC'C' is
m1croproc--<.-ssor is USB. UA R1 . and high- 12C.S l'l. andUARL
'"1 w_•t!'tl F tlv-:n1 r- r
s run up lt..l
~fic rop roc c-ss or-b ase d sys ten1 s c-an run at "11crocontroller based system
IA1Hz or n1on: de~ 1td ing on
-cJ aus e uf lhi: rec hno log } ~O{
3 \ t'l') high srx- bec e of
uhe d , The 111 i~ro pnx ~s:s<.1rs al'c: nin .u an:hitccture. \\ hik 111 1hc cas
in\ ck spe ed is not
k SJ)C (lds rnn gc of I GI Jz ti) 4 m1cnx-xm1r0Ucr. high do
higher doc
n:<1u1red I JI\ t H~ to 300 ~11iz-
~ « l,)ll for ~ pp!k~1io 11- 'J" 'ei fi ,, :.y,1 cm
l R) ff• 11 ~cd for en~ t:i I pufP'- "" :i rr Ii ,~1 io::i- 11·~ •
d1:i 1 allow you to handle Io~d" of d:11

19 • llj rmnpl.:-x and cxp cns h c. "i1h

a larg~ nber
1t·s sim ple and inc-xpcn~h t' "il h lc-ss rnu
number of in"-lnti..:lious lo process. of ins1n1c-tion ... (lJ pnx·e~-...
Application Of Microprocessor Application or ~licrocontroller
1) Ca lcu lator.s l) t\1obi1c phot1l!S
2) .\ c~ountan ...g sv-..tcn1~
2) \ utunllibi~\:~
3) Gan1cs n1achinc 3) CD/DVD p layers
4) ( on1ptc:, in<lusln~l controllers -4 J \\ .tshing ,nachinc~
5) Tn,fijc light 5) Ctuncr,.ls
6 J (. l '11\( , oJ <l.aht r,) Sl.'"'l'.u 1 tl) al anus
7) ~lil itary applicat ions 7) Keyboard controllers
81 l)~fcn-.,~ ") ~teen.., s, \ 1ilTO\\ a, e en u,
9) Con1pul.;.Uion sys1c•ns 9) \Vat chcs

10) Con1 putcrs I Ul ~lp3 players

I 1) TV
Microprocessor I Function ••

.ffiCIIOK.O, MICROP~IUOA .....(,ioD\ or a ~1kf1)p~!l()r

t •z l_ _..._ , c -... 1

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The microprocessor is the central unit of a

computer system that performs arithmetic
and logic operations, which generally
include adding, subtracting, transferring
numbers from one area to another, and
comparing two numbers. It's often known
simply as a processor, a central processing
unit, or as a logic chip. 10-0ct-2019
A microcontroller is embedded
inside of a system to control a
singular function in a device. It
does this by interpreting data it
receives from its 1/0 peripherals
using its central processor.
What is the function of the A
microcontroller in the robot?

As CPU is the brain of computer, for Robots

microcontroller works as its brain. It
collects information from input devices
(eg. sensors) and then executes programs
and then according to this execution it
controls the output devices such as
motors and LEDs. 23-Dec-2011

' > m ...

Microcontrollers for Robots - C#


More results

What are the 3 main functions of a A


The functions of microprocessor are given

below: (a) To fetch, decode and execute
instructions. (b) To transfer data from one
block to another block or from one block to
1/0 lines. (c) To give proper response to
different externally produced interrupts
according to their priority.

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