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• Aim:

Tu Jt"krminc the Thcrin;J Conducti,ity of Coppc,r uSitiJ: Sernk's \pparatus .

• Appnmtn• Used ;
I Sc:,a1k'·· 1"hcrmul Cwi<luc:1mn· .,pp.,mtu•,
.! .j T iwrmumucrs ,
l Sk1Jn Buikr •
4 J\k.nsunllj? Cylinclc:r,
c,,nstllllt wall'.r lc-vd Tank,
Pinch Cork . - •

Sto p watch,
Rubber Tubc and ...
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• Fonnula Used :
( .ncfficn: 111 u l thcnnt.l c, ,nd1.1cu,1n· -
,n x S x (84 - 83) x d
k = A(82 - 8 1) X I
m = :\Lt"s o f \\A l e r tlowin1,t o ut 111 /sec .
\ = r-,cc ofc,, o f rod ( rrr 2 , r is its r:iclius) .
J = Length of the rocl between thccmomctcrs .
S = Spcci t7c I k.11 of \\ olcr .
83 •nJ 8~ = lnoual •nJ f11ml tm,pcr:i.turc uf w:Hcr .
61 an,I 81 - .s1ciJ1 tcmper:uurcs ~hlJ\rn by 1hcrm11me1crs T I nml T1 .

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JJffcn:ncc·~cn the t\\." O ends.
• T n m L l!'IW\: the thcrnul conductivity of a ccrt:lin m ..ucrial U"C' need tu mo.sure the h c..11 in put.. It~ lt:.ngth.
it .. d iamctr..'t a nd the tcm pcr.u:urr J.1ffc~ncc.
• T lw, \:~-p<.:runcnl might look ILL,c this one Cfk.l of 1hc bar will be hc:;i.tcd by mans o f .1 steam ch.atnbt:r ctr
p,1\\"l:.r sup pl)· and yo u m cJ..Surc- the .l.lTiount of cncr~y gmng m per second. \\ c m c;i ..ur..: thi.::. lcn~th .-and
the J 1u1111..:t1.:r ,,i rhc n x.1. .md the temperature difference bct\.\~cn 1hc t·wn c nJs of Lhc rt k.l.
• •1n1.n.. 1, h uwcn .:r one JifficuhJ with thlS Lvcn1u;i1ly the hc~I will<.:~1tl out 1h ro uJ,?h o ut chi.:
bar ,ind the cnarc b.1r w1U 2.u.11n the ,.,me tcmpcr.uurc 1t1 arcumvcn1 th111, prnblc:m we- kct.l'I 1hc ,,tlu.r
cntl nl 1hc conlclL

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n'! J]
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• :
I ~I.Ike; 1h-.: JCt •ur ~l \ l'thf1Wn ,n I au.

.? I 111 •h~ ,1e:1m i:encrolLJr ""h \\':lier u1, 10 •buut .?/3rd hdghL Keep n un ., I I<• 1,1J1c ,.,<I , witch
·t ) ' • t.hc 1101 pl.1re then sr.c:im '-' bcan,:t funned 1n rhc ~rerun J!CllCl"lUl r~ Pass ~ srcaJr cu1'l'cn1 c•t

, 1, am [rum the boiler 1hrough the rubber rube 1n10 the stc:im chamber 10 hot th< end • \ ', Puce a

ir.iy below the nurlc.1 r) o f r.hc- ~rem chnmbcr to collccr the condensed w:1tc:1:.

l. .\llnw the water m flow throuj!h the copper c01J by ,djusung the hcJght nf constnnt k·,·cl t;tttk nr b,
the Ul'tC oi 3 pinch cnck adJUSt the: mtc o f flow o f w::itcr through copper co il 5', th::tt w n.rc.r comes

out ns a trickle through the outlet end

4. insert nll the U4 in their rcspccuvc as s hO\"\·n in Fig.

5. A ttrun m e stc:idy st:uc i.e. rcadu:rito f rcmpc:cuurc of a[I chc four thcrmo mc«:rs should be constant
anJ t.h c.rc shouW not be an\" fun.her incrc; in tcmpcrarurc..

rru1t~dbyo,w I ~mcmOt'fl

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S14111 fr"" Tri•I

t ~ •

6. \frcr ..,4:a,h when 1hc r~:&Jml!~ ~ •f J.11 the t~mr rhcrmumcrcn rc:m;un c,►n,unt fc•r nearh 115
minuu:·,. nntc the 1hcm i.Mmctcr.

- '-'nw p lace._ clmn and dry m c::13urlng crlinder below the uutln o f the coppc,r crol ,n,I cnlkct the

wntcr fJou·n for n known time. Cakubte the- nnss o f wntcr fl.O\\~ pe r second.

8. Rcpc.~ t me abo\'C procedure J 10 -I times.

'l. ) 1C"1su:n: lhe distance b e twttn the two 6xcd point whe re the thcrm o mci:c,· Tl rod TI mscn cd.

lfl..Mcasw-c the dhunctcr o f the rod and calculate the yaJue of K using formula as 111.-cn abm-.:.

\'i.:m1cr ( ..onstllnt .: U,0 1cm

2.. LJnuudcr nf rod = 2...l'Jcm
\ R.1<l1u· = 1.2115cm
-1. i\f\.,luf the c:Tot!II :lt.<C: lkm = 4.86""' lcm"'.2
5 l'.>1•10nc, b.r\\'tcn thcrmnmc,cr TI nncl T2. d = I0.9Clcn,
,, Ste .,d I l>l~IC Temper•• urc, 0 I = 82°C, 02 = (u°C
0 ~1mn of \X'an:,r = 0,9? gm cm~3
11. Spec Be heat of \X'airr = I C.:il/g°C

S.No. Eu ("C) 16-1 ("C) 18-1-al ("C) Volume of Mass of Time (sec) IK
Water Water
.r.r1 I I.II !tu l(l(l_ l 2

:?. 51.<1 13.5 1111 21(1.44

\I .-2..u II.II 24!115

'The '11icrnul c, ,nducrt:J\in i-:_of C.oppcr ubt.un«I cxpcnmmulh=ll.'J'lR C.11 1!."1-/ f /,cc
2. ·rhc <LmdArd ,,due o f Therm"! con<lucunn· i..; ot copper= 11.?'J Cnl/gm. C sec

\X.llu ,hotdJ .tl\\,l\'°!\ nnw fmm CtJ11''Hl. tnt \\':lier k.vd 1:i.u,k .
.?. A numbcruf nb$t:l'\ :l l kl1'~ of 1hc r,uc of flow of wnrcr shoultl be m;u.k 01'\\I d~,r mc,111 \llll.k:

should be o«<I l,,r cnlcul:mons

.\ The , 1e1J\ ,utc r<"hion should be nttruncJ cnrrcctl)',
4 \Xntcr shuuld Ix collcc1cd onh- when s 1c,d,· smc nttaincJ.
5 \X'accr should be colkc1cd 3 m 4 times and mc:in ,·.Jue o f w;ttcr collcc1cJ per second be uscJ ,n

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