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Not eating rice means not eating


I am used to eating rice from breakfast to dinner. Yeah, we (fellow Asian here) all are. But just because
you are accustomed to something, doesn’t mean you’ll die if you don’t have it. When I do not eat rice, I
feel as if I never ate. That is probably a knee-jerk reaction the psychological dilemma that you’ve been
deprived of something you were expecting. Rinse and repeat until you’ve eliminated rice entirely from
your die. This feeling of “I can’t live without rice” is all in your head. It is just training your mind and body
by getting ‘accustomed’ to something different. I know, it’s hard habit to break. Like virtually all Asians,
it has been a lifelong habit.

rice is a staple food and has become a culture in Indonesia so for Indonesians eating rice is the same as
not eating. one of the ingredients in rice is carbohydrate. one health expert said that sugar-rich
carbohydrates can make our bodies become addicted. For this reason since we were young, we tend to
immediately like the sensation of sweetness compared to other foods. Carbohydrates that have a sweet
taste like rice turned out to be able to stimulate the body to release the hormone serotonin which can
make moods improve while reducing feelings of sadness and depression. This means that consuming
carbohydrate-rich foods such as rice will also make us happy. therefore I agree with the motion today
that if you do not eat rice is the same as not eating.


Health experts say that there is no feeling of fullness if you have not eaten rice even though we have
actually eaten other foods is a sign that we are already dependent on rice. A fact where foods that have
a high glycemic index such as rice can indeed cause addiction. Actually, not only rice, other foods such as
potatoes, white bread, to sugar concentrates can also cause the same addictive effect. It's just that,
because rice has become our daily staple food since childhood, then we will also feel the effects of this
rice addiction. Although it looks good for health, consuming too many foods that are rich in
carbohydrates is clearly not good for the body especially in terms of increasing the risk of obesity or
diabetes. Indeed, it will be very difficult to reduce this addiction to rice, however, if we are able to
maintain a balanced nutritional intake every day, then of course it will not matter if you consume rice
every day.although it is a staple food it must be balanced with other foods and of course with the right
portions and quantities so as not to cause negative effects on the body.

Actually, we are not required to eat rice every meal. It doesn't matter if we don't eat rice. However, all
that is permitted as long as maintaining the body's carbohydrate levels by consuming other foods that
contain carbohydrates. We can replace rice with other types of carbohydrates, such as potatoes, bread,
vermicelli, sweet potatoes, and various other staple foods. We should also continue to maintain nutrient
levels in the body while consuming nutritious food. Do not let the body get less carbohydrates in
nutritional intake every day. so I don't agree with the motion today that not eating rice is like not eating.

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