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Writing is synonymous with any other creative gift I have been charged with.

The garments I make flows with hints of luminous unpredictable seductive grace.

The jewels I craft are filled with intricately soulful repetitions of celebratory uniqueness

I will to write with abundance the way I move

And if you have seen move its very likely you’ve been moved.

Tar Baby

According to Wikipedia “Tar is a dark brown or black viscous liquid of hydrocarbons and free
carbon, obtained from a wide variety of organic materials through destructive distillation. Tar can be
produced from coal, wood, petroleum, or peat. Production and trade in pine-derived tar was a major

contributor in the economies of Northern Europe and Colonial America. Its main use was in

preserving wooden sailing vessels against rot. The largest user was the Royal Navy of the United
Kingdom. Demand for tar declined with the advent of iron and steel ships.

My mother had many prayers. Some came from bible scriptures. Some came from
the depths of her bones. Her prayers had hands and legs that filled our bodies
well out of her physical reach. We did not leave the house for school without
being anointed with oil and covered in prayer. Even the times her children began
leaving home to inaugurate their independence the phone held the prayers that
interceded for us. I am not sure if she would agree with my religious practices
now but I do know she always respected my spiritual rites.

Everything is energy. Everything is spirit.

Two prayers/scriptures that have always stayed with me even after my

dismantling my allegiance to Christianity:

No weapon formed against shall prosper.

I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.
I have edited those biblical doctrines and ushered in a new arsenal of felicitous
prayers/scriptures :

No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Not even the ones I have from time
to time carelessly formed against myself.

I can do all things through the Most High and the ancestors who strengthen me
so I can strengthen me.

These benedictions fortify me and transmogrify the spaces I travel through and
dwell in.

As my gifts burgeon, I assert new earnest and proactive ways of being.

I am magic.
Therefore all that exits me is magical.
And all that enters is impregnated by the magic that is me.

Avra Kehdabra: I will create as I speak.

I am building healthy relationships.

I am invested in the expansion of my heart and the discipline of my mind.
I am practicing the rituals of love through my words and actions.
I am committed to my growth as I allow space to learn from everyone and
everything I encounter.
I am fueled by a higher purpose and I am in service to my higher self.
I honor my lower self and my desire for balance in all things.
In the darkness I engage humility so that the light may carry me through.
I am prepared for the unexpected because I release my expectations. .
Nothing is permanent therefore I stand in the clarity and presence of now.
I am cultivating a relationship with joy, truth and intentionality.
I have survived my worse days and choose to live in the best ways.
I am growing in the directions that allow myself and others to blossom.
I am whole and accept my challenges with a discerning smile.
I enter this day with the power and prayers I was born with knowing that the way
will be cleared as I flow on the path of my destiny.

~Jamie Philbert
Excerpt from the utterings of a motherless child.

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