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Types of Road Studs

The classification of road studs based on the basis of colors is as follows :

1. White Color
The white colored road studs indicate the traffic lane line and centre of

2. Red Color
As the color red indicates danger, the red-colored road studs are to be
used to indicate a line that should not be crossed and mainly to
delineate the left-hand edge of the running carriageway.

3. Yellow Color
The yellow color road studs are deployed to indicate a line that should
not be crossed with the aim to delineate the right-hand edge of the
running carriageway in case of the multi-lane divided carriageways.

4. Green Colour
Green road studs are to be employed to indicate crossable edge line like
the lay byes and to how the boundary of acceleration or deceleration
line on left-hand side of the carriageway in case of the multi-lane
divided carriageways.

Other Types
Based on the number of reflective sides, abrasion resistance and
flexural strength the road studs are divided as follows-
1. Type A – Two-way reflective markers, one color.
2. Type B – One-way reflective markers, one color.
3. Type D – Two-way reflective markers, two colors.

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