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‘THOTH'S WISDOM Copyright © 2014 * All Rights Reserved by Author — P. Craig Browning All rights reserved. Reproduction or utilization of this work in any form, by any means now known or hereinafter invented, including, but not limited to, xerography, photocopying and recording, and in any information and storage system, is forbidden without written permission from the copyright holder. For more information, contact: ‘The Pro Shop P.O. Box 807 Colchester, VT 05446 USA Website: Table of Contents Foreward. Preface, Introduction. ‘OsseavaTions FROM LEE EARLE. Creat #3: A COLLECTION OF SUBTLETIES. ALLUSIONS. ‘My Biacest Crear. ABour Pre-Show Hor Leaps! ‘LEGAL CHE Cuppinc THE Fat UsiG BHLEIS.. [ABOUT THE CENTER TEAR. A Quick Recap. How to Do the Readings. THE First PERSON. Nex Viera PLEASE! ‘Tiie AFFIRMATION Is PaRAMOUNTL.. So Now We Have THE 41H PaTRON, SnouLD You Cuoose To Crose Our THe SHOW Tr You Cuoose 10 Move On. “MOVING ON TO PERSON #6... ‘Tie Minor ARCANA, ‘Tue CLosinc. On Automatic Writing & the Q&A... Aurostaric WRITING: BREAKING IT Dow Foreward “Alernate Endings. Reading this book seminded me that close to 30 years ago, I witnessed a Hollywood hilltop garden party where a bearded man in a brocade vest moved from table to table proffering oversized business cards. Each card feanured a different image from the Major ‘Arcana printed on the back. After all those interested had a card in hand, he then spent neatly half hour walking to each table as he gave every person a reading for all to hear, based on the Tasot image on his or her particular card. ‘The guests were riveted and the impression on me endures, Craig Browning and I have never met, but I have known him for years via his many and varied publications. Through his writings, I have been able to gain personal insights as to his interests, opinions, life challenges and experiences. By the time you have finished this book, you will have access to the tools and techniques necessary to create the convincing theatrical illusion that you are able to use Tarot casds to effectively acquire similar insights about several members of your audience. ‘The structure of Craig's approach offers a no-writing Q and Ato the working professional who is neither afraid nor offended by the use of a classic Oracle to produce seemingly mystical results. Make no mistake, this is not a rehash of stock lines and cold readings based on the Tarot. Craig delivers practical and powerful tools for data acquisition, guest analysis, method-based revelations, all arranged in a true theatrical structure, In this second decade of the Twenty-first Century, the appeal of the Q and A act seems as broad and as deep as it has ever been. Revelations, insights and deceptions based upon the questions and the lives of members of an audience have existed for hundreds if not thousands of years. In these very pages, the careful reader can find all that he needs to effectively and entertainingly exploit modem opportunities. Michael Weber York, England February 2014 Preface Long before I had ever heard of Tony Corinda, Al Koran or Max Maven, I was doing Readings. ‘There was no magician’s explanation for what I did in that 90% of it was innate. Pd been able to walk up to coral strangers and tell tiem their life’s story since Iwas very young, and had it not been for the suppression of these tuaits when I was young by my paranoid Baptist parents, Pd probably grown up fo become a very popular psychic in the shut- eye world. In fact, [ was like most psychics, shocked and confounded when I learned that magicians had a psychological system based on the work of Bertsam Forer known as “Cold Reading” and the use of “Barnum Statements”. Even more shocking was the fact that magicians in general saw all aspects of psychic work as fraudulent, something I couldn’t understand and still have difficulty wrapping my head around, given how many amazing things I've seen and experienced in the 40 some years I’ve actively worked as a psychic reader and “Taroist” Like most readess, 90% of my wock involves the Tarot, and while I started with the Rider-Waite deck, I've found myself married to the Tarot of the Old Path for most of the past two decades, simply because it speaks to me, giving me insight that goes well beyond the scripted meaning of the cards, As I understand things, this is what a good reader looks for when shopping around for decks that will work for their particular style. As an example, I use the Ancient Egyptian Tarot when working with clients who wish to coufiont certain fears or issues in 7 their life. This deck offers some very hard perspectives and contrasts when compared to the Tarot of the Old Path, which is loaded with additional symbolism on each and every card. ‘When it comes to healing or creating Magickle sachets for dlients, I will use the Herbal Tarot in order to find the proper herbs or oils (fragrances to blend and help them during their time of gestation, which is what most illnesses really are ~a time for us to digest life up to this point and let go of what is holding us back or those fears that keep us from moving forward. Quite simply, illness is a symptom that says “something is wrong within — something is spiritually out of alignment”. T know, I know —you're trying to figure out what all this New Age chatter is about, right? You didn’t cough up a chunk of change to buy something piffy and mystical, you want a bloody magic trick that makes you /ooé piffy and mystical Sonry, I'm fresh out of tricks. But I do have this really cool and nifty way of doing group Readings, and if you'll play along, you'll find that this variation to the Q&A isn’t just empowering when it comes to how things flow when working with it on stage, it delivers certain economic advantages that few other systems in the whole of magic are capable of doing. BUT, that’s only if you're willing to walk on the older paths cof mentalism versus some of the newer modes of thought. This is a system that’s perfect for the believer, but more importantly, a system that can help the more skeptical to realize that there is a bit more to it all than psychological formulas and linguistic gymnastics. So Where Does This System Come From? Itwas inspired by Docc Hilford’s popular “Night Club Act’, believe it or not. While I appreciate the thinking behind Doce’s material, however, I simply couldn’t get over the feeling that I was, creating instant stooges when employing his method, and worse, | ‘wasa’t in the position to deliver anything relatively close to an authentic reading for those visiting the show, That’s when I started thinking about things, seeking a solution — it’s awesome how meditation can bring about resolution 8 Iwas ata friend’s home one evening when the topic of Psychics came up (more specifically, the famed Ms. Cleo of 1990s fame) and my buddy pointed out that I was a professional reader. Needless to say, everyone wanted a reading and rather than doing 10-minute mini-readings for everyone, one at a time, I simply had everyone in the room cut the deck (owned by my buddy's girlfriend) ‘nwo or three times and remove a single card... and so this system was born. I sense that you are eager to dive in to the Thoth's Wisdom system, but before we get started, I'd like to express my thanks to xa for making this purchase. J hope you enjoy my approach, and the profits and reputation it will make for you. Craig Browning ‘Northampton, MA March 2014 ‘The Hard Working Gals of the Carnival Mitt Joint Operations, or “How Tarot, Palmistry and Crystal Gazing Became a Lucrative Curio” 10 Introduction bring a Re Tarot Cards. ind gentlemen, as many of you know my day job is that of ider, a Taroist in fact. That si ly means that 1 read ‘The mage displays a small packet of cards composed of the Major Arcana and demonstrates how to cut the cards and complete the cut. ruth is that they've been and used initially as part of a game known as Tarot that is still quite popular in much of Eserpe around since medieval tines Itwas, however, the Roma peopl sing the deck as a we composed of 78 cards th Lesser Arcana, as well as 4 suits that are similar to the modern- — Gypsies 1g people's fortum day playing ca In just a moment, I'm goin cards of the fore we do that however, Vd lke to I'll ask that you simply draw a singh packet and pass them on ‘ask this young lady to do me a favor and cut the paceet anywhere ‘you wish and complete the The mage moves about the room allowing three or four {guests to repeat this action, inviting the last participant to take a ut single card. The mage then moves about the room inviting others to select a single card, ultimately handing off the packet so it can be passed amongst the audience so others may take their own card T’m getting something over this way... 1 believe I'ne seeing a Jarge angel hovering over a man and a woman, and I think the ‘person holding this card bas Love om their naind. That would be “jon, correct?” With unwavering accuracy, the mage moves through the audience describing both the card and the person holding the card, revealing intimate facts about theit lives and how the card lends influence to such things. He literally addresses unspoken questions, describing each unknown pasteboard with incredible accuracy, and yet it can be proven that the cards are not marked in any way. This is the essence of what Thoth's Wisdom allows you to accomplish, It is combination of psychic sight and a pseudo-Q&A demonstration in which nothing is written down, and yet you gain ability to discern unspoken thoughts, and to connect with each ‘guest in a complete and unquestionable manner. You become a kind of John Edward-styled psychic, but without the dead people. Thoth’s Wisdom was inspired by two key sources: Doce Hilford’s popular “Night Clb Act” and Pascal DeClermont’s “Impressions”, which was featured in Syzygy Issue #71. In fact, I featured the skeletal version of this act in my Easy Reading book back in 2005 as “Doce H mith a Twist”, but it’s come a long way from that stage in the years since. Tris important that you understand that Thoth’s Wisdom is not a “trick” but rather a system, a system that relies on a collection of cheats, set-ups and just plain hutzpah to pull off. In other words, it’s not for the faint of heart. It is a very involved process, but once you have figured out your own approach to it, you will find thac itis exceptionally empowering. The catch is that you must be a good reader to begin with, and you have to know your Tatot, There's 12 nothing worse than some oaf that half-asses things that could otherwise be beautiful. Take your time to learn both the cards and each aspect related to this system, understanding that it’s not something you're going to be able to toss into your show and do next week. It is possible to use the scaled-back version of this routine as part of your stage act, provided you are comfortable with the ‘Tarot and you know the deck you typically use. I encourage performers to always use the Rider-Waite deck in their shows because it is the most familiar to the laity. The design of the Thoth’s Wisdom allows you to do anywhere from 10 minutes to over two hours, if you wish. The key routine we outline here will easily give the typical showman over a half-hour’s worth of very hard-hitiing material that can readily be stretched into a 45-60 minute demonstration, “But that’s too long for a Q&A routinet exclaims the peanut gallery. Then I would ask you to explain the success of today’s leading psychic headliners like John Edward, Theresa Caputo, and even James VanPraagh. Every one of them do hour and two-hour programs that are nothing but readings, and they don’t consider themselves “show people”. More importantly, they are being paid top dollar for those presentations. Anyone familiar with Jerome Finley is most likely familiar with his pivotal work on the Q&A act (Guerilla Q2~A) in which he teaches us, his seudents, how to accomplish that full-evening Q&A program without much in way of “cheating”... at least not cheating in the way most of us are used to. Thoth'r Wisdom coupled with Jerome's thinking arms you for bear! You can break an hour without sweating, But why would you? Again, it comes down to money. B How much, if people paid admission to see your current show, would they pay per head? $15.02 325.002 How would you like to see $60.00 to well over $100.00 a ticket? ‘THIS IS THE MATERIAL THAT WILL HELP GET YOU THERE! And no, you don’t have to sell your soul. ‘You simply need to make a commitment and follow through on it. On the following pages I will give you all of the nuts and bolts associated with Thoth’s Wisdom, including all of the extra “cheats”, most of which are rather standard fare but with some curious twists here and there. My obligation in this book is to equip you with sufficient detail to pull it all off, while your obligation is to do the foot work. So, are you ready to become your region’s most popular prognosticator? “4 Impressions By Pascal DeClermont Originally Featured in SYZYGY Volume 4, Number 17 “Tart Cards,” explains the Mentalist, as he casually mixes the Major Arcana, “have been used for centuries as a springboard for the “imagination The intricate artwork. lends itself to the same sort of interpretation as the famous Rorschach Ink Blots. Some claim: those images lend themselves to clairooyance or telepathy. ‘After gazing into the eyes of the four persons seated at the table, | he hands the packet to one of them and requests that it be given several complete cuts, and then tabled. “Take the top card for yourself” he directs, “and the remaining thre of por will in turn, remove the top card of the packet. Focus on the Tarot image you hold — see every detail in your mind's eye — and then place the card faced down on the table in front of you.” The performer makes four quick sketches on blank index cards, and places each drawing face down in front of one of the participants. Each person is asked to describe, without using the 15 name on the card, what she sees on her Tarot card. The drawing’s perfectly matching their descriptions! Divide the Major Arcana into whose cards share common imagery: @ HEAD - Chariot, hierophant, Emperor, Empress & High Priestess © SKY-Star, Justice, Moon, Sun, & Lovers @ WINGS - Devil, Temperance, Wheel of Fortune, Judgment, ‘The World ©? Tower, Hanged Man, Death, Hermit, & Fool ‘Two Cards ~ Strength and The Magician — are not used and remain with the rest of the deck. Build a rotating stack, beginning with a card from Group 1, one from Group 2, another from Group 3 and then a card from Group 4. Repeat until your packet of 20 cards is assembled. Every fourth card will represent the same group. A seties of straight cuts will not disturb the cyclic stack. When the cards are taken, it is only necessary to note the sequence in which the participants took theit cards. Each person will have a card from a different group. Following a moment's concentration, draw the dark lines from the illustration at the beginning of this section, vaguely declaring that you sense a figure of authority or wisdom, you see @ crown or perhaps a scepter. Show the partial sketch to all four participants and ask that the person who is working with such an image to concentrate more intensely in order to send more details of the drawing to you. 16 A little subtle observation tells you which person has the card from the “Head” group (she’s the one whose eyes are shut tight in concentration at this point) Ask another person (the one you saw take the 3° card) to concentrate on her Tarot image. “I'm certain thir detail is in your image” you say On a new index card, make the second sketch; it can be sketched to apply to any of the WINGS group. Slide the face-down drawing directly beneath the first sketch, om the table. Ask Participant #2 to concentrate on her Tarot card and make the third sketch, which is ambiguous enough to apply to any card of the SKY group. Again, slip the drawing beneath the first two. For participant #4, there is no single drawing to cover all the possibilities, therefore you will have to do a little pumping to discover the identity of the card. There are only five possibilities: Tower, Hanged-Man, Death, Hermit or Fool. Begin by saying, “I s2e a wooden pole” and pause slightly, as if in thought. If you detect no reaction, continue, “... or perhaps a ire...”,a positive reaction to “tree” indicates the Hanged Man. No reaction at all is a good indicator of the Tower, whereupon you triumphantly claim, “Well, it har the same upright shape as a fall tree or pole? and finish your drawing. Should you get an affirmative response to, “I see a wonden pol...” then you offer, “There wouldn'' be something attached to that staff, would thee?* If they say “No” then you'll draw The Hermit afier saying, “I didn’? thing so?” If the answer is “Yes”, then you can say, “And it’s cloth, with a pattern on it. I sense an animal is part of the image as well. The sun is still shining.” Your final gambit is, “There's a little number at the top center of ‘the image... close your eyes and count to that nurber in your mind.” A very short delay means The Fool (0), otherwise it’s the Death card (13). The finished sketch is slipped beneath the others, 7 Ask each person to look at their card and to describe the images there. It’s much better than simply comparing the drawings to the cards 18 The Cheats Understand that the use of these cheats is not required to pull off the act, but they will give you certain performance advantages that you will not have otherwise. Cheat #1: Si Stebbins Stack While I explain that a Tarot deck is to never be shuffled as, you would normal playing cards, I have two or three people simply cut and complete the cuts. This is pure psychological BS. in that it is creating the Allasin that we've mixed the cards before allowing anyone to choose a card randomly. The stack used looks something like this. San Empress World Tower Moon Emperor Judgment Hanged Man Jastice Hicrophant Temperance Hermit Lovers High Psiestss Wheel of Foruune Death Seat Fool Chariot | "Magician ‘Yes, the stack excludes one card, the Devil You will notice that the stack is sectioned with four specific identifiers: Sky, Head, Wings, and a ? mazk, ‘This is what conceals the stack should an untsained eye notice the card arrangement, The “Sky” cards are those that show lots of sky covering the background, along with clouds in some cases. “Heads” indicates those where a full or partial body is the main feature, while “Wings” is indicative of those cards where you see wings within the design. 19 ‘The “?” is where things get weird in that you are looking at cards that generally have a single straight line in them, such as how the tree holds the Hanged Man, the Hermit holds his staff, the Magician’s hand is pointing upward, etc. ‘This “mnemonic” is an aid for those performing Pascal's original routine, but can likewise help us as we describe what we are visualizing as part of our feedback to the patron. AS you probably already know, you can cut a Stebbins deck ‘umpteen million times and still be able to know the preceding card in the pack by glancing the bottom most card. Thus, if your packet is cut two or three times and you have three people take the uppermost cards at the cut, when you see the bottom card is the High Priestess, you know that the card that the first participant is holding the Wheel of Fortune, the Second person has Death and the third selection would be the Stat. All you need to do is remember which patron took which force and then act things out, weaving these known cards with other techniques we're about t0 discuss, Cheat #2: Shiners Using A Shiner ‘You are standing in such a way as to body block most everyone surrounding you. You have your fingertips at the patron’s temples, apparently massaging them as they hold the card a few inches from their face focusing on the image. ‘This is an old bit that I believe Annemann used with certain success, P've used it and variations for years. Both of the shiners Pl be describing can be used in this manner. When using a shiner be very careful to NOT select people wearing glasses in that many will assume you are looking into the lens of eye glasses in order to see the reflection of the card. While you'll stil find those claiming you did the same thing, looking at the eyes, their argument is far less believable. Tuse three key shiner units, even though I own several. Some were quite expensive, in fact, and yet I find them less reliable 20 than the ones I've made up myself and employed for years. The first of these is super simple if you have a Raven-type pull device in that it is exactly the technology I exploited for making it Each of the three units I use were made from a 1 inch. diameter dentist mirror, the sort that are used for seeing deep into the mouth. They magnify images and do not distort what you are looking at, such as most present-day shiners on the market do. Shiner #1 This is made be unscrewing the mirror from the main shaft of the dental tool, which will leave you with a section that is now quite a full inch in length and has about an 1/8" inch tip that is threaded. All you need to do is create a loop by bending this short shaft back and around. I used a 3/8” piece of rod and heated the shank a bit with a butane touch. Be carefull You can cause the ‘ittor to shatter if you get things too hot. You only want to make the metal easier to bend. Once you have the bend it should allow the mirror to rest at the base of your 3°4 and 4" fingers without fear of dropping or detection, 2 Shiner #2 -. \ This shiner is based on the Raven Pull, though you could also use a more traditional pull system if desired, If, however, you have a Raven ot similar pull device, Pd recommend you use the design for Shiner #3, and you'll see why when I go into the construction details. ‘The short shank mentioned in the previous description will be rolled into a loop, and I'd suggest using something like JB Weld to build a seal around the shank and the back of the mirror to prevent the monofilament line you will be using from slipping out of its holder. ‘The next step is the elastic, which should be kept reasonably short. I have one end pinned into the arm-pit section of my coat sleeve, with the other end of the elastic ending about half-way down my arm. There are loops on either end to accommodate the safety pin (used for pinning the device into my coat) or the second length of monofilament line, which creates a loop that’s attached to the mirror in much the same way as the loop used on a Raven device and the attachment to the magnet. This set-up gives you both easy access and an easy clean-up, with che mirror ending up (sight hand) just a bit closer to the base of the fingers and center, which will give you about a 40-60? level of angle control. 22, Shiner #3 This is my favorite design of che three, and the one I use the ‘most since I'm rarely in long sleeves, let alone a sport coat. There ate three components to this device: the mirror unit, a standard PK finger, and a long N42 bar magnet that goes into your pocket. If you wish to go the extra mile, set the magnet into a hidden pocket of its own resting inside the leg of your slacks. 1 have such a pocket sewn onto the lining of my dress. slacks, positioned just behind the outside seam, where the hand naturally drops to, so that I can ditch the unit with the mirror towards the magnet. The back of the mirror and the attached magnet are painted flat black for working in black jeans or slacks, T've also covered the magnet with a dot of felt so as to keep it from talking ‘when it attaches to the ring. In this version, I have taken a Dremel® Rotary Tool and cut off the short shank and mounted a rare-earth (3/8 x 1/16 inch N42 ~axially magnetized) magnet’. Back of Dental Mirror wio screwBack of Dental Mirror showing magnet shank only mounting tab remains Placement; the author using Beacon 527 Multi-Use Glue with great results 1Rare-Earth Magnets used in this design are available via {tem # D62SH). The current list price as of this writing is $.65 each, You will also find the D61\3-P, a set of units with a self-adhesive back. I've never used these, but I trust the source. 2B You will find that the magner will naturally lie to one side of the remaining shank area, slightly angled. This will become a huge advantage t0 you as you lear to use the device. My personal preference is to have the angle facing inward, toward the palm, although the alternative position has its advantages also. The bar-magnet hold-out mentioned above works best in the front pant pocket when you are seated, but in the position noted, when standing. The magnets that I actually use for this are sold in novelty package as “Buzz Magnets”. These are a set of oval magnetic-malachite that you can toss out separately, and when they rejoin with one another, they make a neat sounding buzz. But you can get away with a 1%" x ‘4 x “4 inch bar/block magnet when it comes to the pant seam placement. It should be set into either its own pocket, as noted, and rest at about a 15-25 angle (high end towards your front), or ina pocket that rests within the seam itself (Come brands of jeans have a wide enough seam on the inside of the pant leg to hold a magnet of this size. EXPERIMENT FIRST! While I do suggest an N42 strength, the truth of the matter is that you want something slightly weaker than the disc magnet used on the reflector. Basically, you should be able to use a very slight pinch or push with your thumb to create a release of the gimmick from the hold-out and instant attraction to the PK Ring. But remember, the mirtor faces inward when the gimmick is on your trouser hold-out, making the hook-up with the PK Ring vety direct, natural and “sure fire” 99.9999% of the time. I mentioned positioning of the mirror angle. This will also be affected by your PK Rirg, so you want to experiment with which way the ting is to be wor in order to have the greatest level of control both when it comes to stealing your peek and when getting into and out of the device. 24 Yes, I will make these devices upon request, the current retail being as follows: Basic Unit: $25.00 w/booklet Unit 2: Pull Design w/adjustable elastic system and booklet about other uses for the system ~ $55.00 Unit 3: Complete with Ring, Hold-Out, Shiner and booklet — $75.00 “Why so much? After all, you just tld us baw to make them!” Aha! You have found Reason #1 as to why I have priced them as I have, especially the two more involved pieces. I have to get the materials together and set aside the time to make each unit, and sadly my source for the right sort of dental mirrors isn’t consistent, meaning that I must keep a stock on hand at all times as well as find ways of employing an alternative design that is not as flexible. Add to this the simple fact that I don’t want to see everyone using them, They’te too good, and if you wish to enjoy the advantage of such a unique utility device, you will likewise seek to keep them a secret. Having to pay a premium price for them is just one way I offer an incentive for you to do the work. UNDERSTAND: Each one of these devices is made to order, and sometimes that can take a bit of time due to a number of issues. You must be patient! As best I'm able, each order will be processed in under 30-day’s time. Observations From Lee Earle “Were | using a Tarot deck, I'd mark the dang cards boldly and blatantly and forget the shiners. One more thing to go wrong or have discovered. Take the cheap deck (lassume you make no attempt to recover the cards after the show - they're an operating expense) and abuse the hell out of it: normal wear and tear magniied. Among all the slightly tom edges, dog-earred comers, etc. are the specific marks on the Major Arcana that you need for reference. Those same wear marks, folds, nicks. and spots will be on countless others in the deck but serve only to justify the bold marks on the ones you actually use. Run - chaste, yadda, yadda. It you *must* use a shiner, here's a handling that has worked for ‘me, much better than the temples bit, which can betray you because you aren't looking in their eyes but at your hand, off to the side. Hold the mirror in a ‘coin palm’ position in the lower three fingers and point your index finger while lightly curling the others. This completely shades the glim. ‘Then, ask your participant to focus on the card and ask if she ‘can see it with her third eye, as you point yours first, above your nose between your eyebrows. "Sometimes it's easier when you close your other two...", as you reach out to touch the spot for her 3rd eye with the (fiat of the fingernail) tip of your index finger, "... and use only this eye, Try It” Now HER EYES ARE CLOSED and she can't see where you are looking. Don't shift your gaze until she closes her eyes, Even the tiny shift is perceptible. After you have the peek, retum your gaze back to your fingertip so when she looks again, your eyes are where they should be.” Cheat #3: A Collection of Subtleties ‘Most of these tactics have been around for generations, but ‘ovo in particular I believe to be unique to me and this particular act. @ Handing Off the Pack [As previously aored, this simple action goes a long way to leading guests into seeing what you ate doing as being legit and on the up and up. Who would risk tipping 2 marked deck hy asking a total stranger (someone known by others at the event) to proceed in passing out cards for you? No one, of course. Consider also that some of the marked decks currently on the market are so subtle that even people who have bought the things and studied the method can’t sead them (there is a such a thing as being too subile and too clever). Handing off the pack also allows you to buy some time t0 not only shift your position back to the front of the room where you can offer a wee bit more patter about the demonstration, it also allows time for the distribution of at least 3-5 cards which, as you'll see below, gives you another layer of misdirection. © Don't Start with the First Four ‘This is imperative in thar it sets them aside as being special While some might argue that I'm running without being chased, T've found that by allowing time for others to diaw cards before I begin the process and then starting with a lady that I've yet had contact with (and who doesn’t wear glasses! See my notes on using the shiner). Because 'm using the shiner technique with this individual my revelation along with the casual contact, builds suspense because I have to work for it, @ Start the Reading First ‘This another golden chestant from yesteryear. By moving into the “Profile” side of the Reading as you approach your targets, you are seen to be picking up on energy— someone's focused thoughts. Watch some John Edward shows and see for yourself how this transition adds to the flow of things. “T'm feeling a pull over this way...” Focus on an individual holding a card, start with a loose description of that individual, and slowly make it more obvious. You're trying to get them to acknowledge you, without you pointing them out. In this example, we'll say that the patron is a S0ish year old female, obviously of a Mediterranean heritage(1). “I'm geting sone Old World characteristics in thi person, at best they are second generation American, but I think its closer 40 either having been quite young when moving to this country, ar ‘they are a frst generation baby... probably borm in the mid to late 19505? Tin not certain on that, but L fel a fondness for Mickey Mouse for some reason...” AAs you say this, you are slowly moving towards your target person with one hand stretched outward, as if you are dowsing the room to find her. If she doesn’t react by this point, start giving more specific character and physical references. Character references will get her friends and family members that are with her to recognize who you're talking about; this can sometimes add a great deal of humor, so look for it and use it to your advantage. “I'm picturing a lady that wears her hair (describe how the woman’s hair looks, along with the other things I'm about to list]... I belive she’ fond of emerald... i might be