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(Theme: How should schools help students find suitable)


Practical skills
To develop critical thinking skills
Ability to solve and analyse problems
Specific job skills

Attract potential employers
To be in full-time employment
The happier and more motivated employees are, the more productive they are likely to be.
It is an employers’ interests to ensure that
Make employees feel values
Graduates applying to some of the UK’s leading employers stand a better chance of being
offered a job if …

Useful throughout people’s working lives
To gain work experience
A wide enough rage of experience
Had some work experience
VAST experience
WIDE experience
Unpaid internships

Right teaching methods
Courses which provide them with qualifications
To make an informed choice
To focus student’s mind on what working life would be like
To choose their career wisely

P 42-43-44

To build a much more professional footprint

Apply for vacancies on big job board
Star hunting for less visible vacancies
The competition will a fraction of what you are up against for
Applying blind is unlikely to reap rewards
Broaden your search to smaller outfits
Thighter recruitment budgets
Small companies are thriving
Undermining the national minimum wage law
Law is not being enforced
Graduates are desperate for experience
Most internships now pay nothing
The calibre of the company
Is no guarantee for a paid job
Keep applying for roles elsewhere
To feel low just after graduation
It is more energising to think in those terms
Break the task ahead into smaller steps
Measure progress
Find two referees
In the long run
The most treasured aspect of your university
Should make a priority to stay in touch with those…
Excellent reputation

Go on holiday with fellow workers

People seek stability from their workmates
Bring support in a changing world
A collaborative work environment paves the way for
Making job-sharing and expansion of roles more of an option
Fun workplaces where friendships flourish attract workers who can handle changing job

Industrial placements
Vacation work
Vacancies are likely to be snapped up by graduates
To finish university without a graduate job
The intense competition
To be interested in your previous work experience
A glamorous internship with
To have a major impact on your future job prospects

Another list
p 38
Establishing good relationships between staff at all levels
Have access to those above them
Can discuss their work or personal matters
Accepting that employees need time to pursue leisure activities
Taking a lot of overtime

Finding it increasingly important to develop…
Universally recognised
Make major savings in production and promotion costs
Is internationally acceptable
Launched an international competition amongst their employees
An enormous number of submissions

Findings suggesting that…
Difficult relationships with our fellow residents are generally the result of a breakdown in
Many people who do get on well with
Live in our immediate neighbourhood
Finding it increasingly difficult to settle disputes amicably
Had verbal arguing
Ended in physical violence
Feuding neighbours are also turning to the authorities

Put a false memory into our heads
To store out knowledge of the world
Knowledge base
The information is erratic

Experience the exhilaration
Thermal clothing
To handle your team and your sled

P 54

There were days when child-rearing seemed like an endless treadmill of feeding and
A memory to be a blur
I was sure we’d had it
To keep my fingers crossed
I’m really scared of heights but if you twist my arm, I suppose I’ll go climbing with you.
To stab someone in the back
To turn a blind eye to it
To pull someone’s leg (He told me I won the lottery but I knew he was just pulling my leg.


Occasional flashbacks
A gentle jog
Looking forward to a good night’s sleep
Crash of breaking glass
To keep a hand on a steering wheel (literary)
To head for a clump of trees
Sluggish stream
With all the rain we’d had, it burst its banks.
Healthy Food/Lifestyle

Consuming plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables

Avoiding stress and tiredness
Organically grown food
Developing a strong immune system
Exercising regularly
Doing yoga and meditation
Taking medication
To stress the value of eating whole grains, vegetables, nuts and fruit.
Elevating food to a special status
Environment bombarded by toxins
High nutrient density
Powerful allies in our fight to hold onto our health
Can skew the results
A food has a miracle benefit live up to scrutiny
….and it is often touted as..
Scientifically-defined term
Daily diet
…is a seductive notion
They can balance out other
Nutritionists and scientists
High antioxidant content
Good digestive health
Mineral content
The best chance of obtaining the full spectrum of nutrients
Our overall sense of wellbeing
Health is dependent on…
Physical health
Should aim to eat more..

Nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fats, enzymes)

Repair tissues and cells ** (you can’t repair cells, you can only REPLACE cells)
Maintain healthy organs
Provide energy
Strong immune system
Fight off illness
Feel great

Nutrient deficiency

Too much fat/salt/sugar

Overweight or obese
Bad health
Lack of energy so limited physical exercise
Weak immune system* (people with a weak immune system are said to be
Illness and disease
Feel bad psychologically

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