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English 10 Long Test

I. Identification. Identify what is described by the following. Choose your answer from the pool of words below.

Stabbing it with his sword boar brass snakes oral tradition myth Daedalus & Icarus
Daedalus Labyrinth Minotaur bullying cyber-bullying bullied or victim bully
social bullying

__________________1. It is an ancient story created to explain natural events. Gods, goddesses and heroes are
among the characters.
__________________2.It is a myth. It discusses adventures and mistakes of heroes or characters.
__________________3. He is a famous architect and inventor.
__________________4. It is a maze; a place constructed full of intricate passageways and blind alleys.
__________________5. It is a half-man, half-bull.
__________________6. It refers to any severe or repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal or
electronic expression.
__________________7.It is done through the use of technology or any electronic means.
__________________8. It refers to any deliberate repetitive and aggressive social behavior intended to hurt
other or to belittle another individual or group.
__________________9. It refers o any student who commits acts of bullying.
__________________10. It refers to any student who experiences the acts of bullying.
__________________11. It is the manner in which information is passed from one generation to the next in the
absence of writing or a recording medium.
The gorgons had teeth like the 12._____________, hands like of 13. ___________ and 14. ___________instead of hair. Perseus
defeated the sea monster that was about to devour Andromeda by 15. _____________________.


Identify the pronouns in each of the following sentences and indicate whether each is reflexive or intensive.
16.Did Sarah save any of the cookies for herself?
17.The West African savanna frog is able to conceal itself in ant colonies thanks to chemicals that coat its skin.
18.If the poet can't find a publisher, he will publish his poems himself.
19. I suggest that you yourselves figure out how to resolve this dispute.
20. Charles himself will be piloting this aircraft across the Atlantic.
21. When Tim saw the battleship itself, he knew that he had chosen the right profession.
22. Because she wanted to be like her sister, Renee forced herself to practice each day.
23. The accountants perjured themselves when testifying before Congress.
24. I consider myself fortunate to have escaped before the house collapsed.
25. Christine persuaded herself to plunge into the icy water with the other swimmers.

MODALS. .Direction: Choose from the pool of answers the writer's/speaker's intention as hinted by each underlined expression.

A. ability B. obligation C. probability d. willingness

______26. It's true, sorrows in life may bring despair.

______27. We must find courage even in small things that we do.
______28. We will endure even the greatest sufferings that will come our way.
______29. Ordinary trials can be turned into extraordinary moments.
______30.  Can you turn it down a bit please?
Write the lesson taught and you learned from the following stories. State your answer in complete sentences. (2pts. each)

Story Lesson Taught and Learned

Daedalus and Icarus



The Gorgon's Head

How Odin Lost His Eye

From the Analects

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