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Escape to the Promised Land, let's start from the beginning.

The Berlin Wall was built at the end of the Second World War, when Germany was divided into
four parts and occupied by several powers. Three of them were part of the western sector, and
the other was the eastern part.

This is the case of a couple of very brave young people managed to get out of this crisis alive and
escape to a better future.

Elvert Gómez was a young Austrian who worked as an architect in East Germany, during his
stay for a job Elvert met Jorge Nitales who became his best friend, Jorge was a young man
working as a waiter in a bar near the Berlin wall, they met because Elvert visited the bar almost
daily, in one of his usual talks Jorge told Elvert that his sister Rosa would be forced to marry a
general and there was nothing they could do to avoid it, Jorge had been looking for a way to
escape through the wall but his mother Maria was too old to help him and the residents were not
allowed to get so close to the exits, because of this he thought of Elvert, Because Elvert was not
a resident, he could enter and exit with few restrictions. Elvert agreed to help and together they
came up with the idea of escaping with Jorge's family.

Their plan was to get a car that was fast and strong enough to pass the checkpoint, and it had to
be low enough to avoid the barrier, after days of searching they found a nice sports car that got
the conditions. They reinforced the car with metal sheets and bricks, and then they put Jorge's
mother and sister in the car, the mother settled in the trunk and the sister lay down in the back so
that the bullets couldn't reach them.

Jorge and Elvert prepared to face death, Jorge got a machine gun with some friends and they
prepared for their escape. Elvert was driving slowly towards the checkpoint to prevent any
suspicion and as soon as he was close enough he accelerated of the car, the soldiers started
shooting and Jorge got up, Jorge started shooting at the soldiers, the soldiers had to stop the fire
when they managed to cross the border.

After they managed to get to West Germany, they started a new lifestyle by opening their own
bar where they worked for a long time and had a pleasant life until the East Germans found them
and sent 2 special agents to assassinate them, but are unable to shoot. their weapons outside their
territory since they would be arrested, that's why they decided to use poison in their drinks, but
luckily Elvert noticed and pretended to drink the poisoned cups, then they used that same poison
and told Rosa to serve them those drinks. Thanks to this, as soon as the poison took effect the
German agents died, Jorge and Elvert took their things and their family to escape far from the
country and start again.

Years later, while Elvert and Jorge were enjoying their life in another city, they heard the news
about the fall of the Berlin Wall caused by too many demonstrations, leading the GDR
government to tear it down on November 9, 1989.

So they decided to return to the house from where they started their adventure, to bring things
that belonged to Jorge's young life, in their quick escape they could only carry some fundamental
things such as: Their documents, family photos of very important events and money that they
had been saving for years. Because of this they decided to return to recover many objects that
were of sentimental value to Jorge, some of these objects were: His basketballs, his boy's clothes,
and the letters for his wife, decorations that he had years ago and his beloved collection of coins.

They started their journey while observing the destruction caused by the battles, on the way they
found Wilson rope who was one of the frequent clients of the bar where Jorge worked, Wilson
explained the routes that were being used to get to the old house Jorge's.

Along the way they were caught by John who was one of the guards at the checkpoint through
which they had escaped, John hated Jorge and Elvert because due to his escape they had
punished him by taking away his job and his home, now John lived in the street and as soon as
he saw them pass he decided that he would kill them, he looked for his old rifle and started
shooting at them, Elvert managed to evade the shots and Jorge used his weapon to shoot Jhon
from the car, Jorge managed to hit him in the shoulder, then they got out of the vehicle to help
Jhon because he was bleeding to death, together they took him to the hospital and quickly
escaped, then they said goodbye to continue their mission

Jorge, Elvert and Wilson arrived at Jorge's old house and noticed how worn out he looked from
abandonment, even so they decided to enter breaking the door because they did not have the
keys, when they got inside they found all of Jorge's things, then the They tied in the vehicle and
started their journey back to their home, William asked them to take him to where they lived to
start another life too, Jorge and Elvert accepted, so the 3 of them marched to the promised land.

But not only did they fulfill their dreams in turn, many families and friends traveled to see each
other again after 28 years of forced separation and this was how they managed to find a better

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